HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the July 14, 2999 Committee of the Whole Work Session ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS r�� � � � COIVIMITTEE OF THE WHOLE � July 14, 1999 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Committee of the Whole Work Session was held on July 14, 1999, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with the following Councilmembers present: Cisewski and Edwards. Staff inembers in attendance were City Admi.nistrator Burt,Police Chief Kalstabakken, Community Development Director Rogness,Public Works Director Osmundson, City Clerk Susan Walsh. Vision/Mission Statement: Council reviewed the latest version of the vision and missions statements. Several suggested revisions were offered and the statements will be redrafted. They will be brought back to the Council for further review. Y2K Contingency Plan Update: Police Chief Kalstabakken and Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed the contingency plans they prepared because of Year 2000 issues. Contingency plans were drafted in the event the city experiences power outages on or shortly after January 1, 2000. Council agreed with the proposed plans. Staff will prepare handouts for Leprechaun Days and continue to work on keeping citizens informed on necessary Y2K information. Individual Sewage Treatment Systems: Community Development Director Rogness provided a status report on the city's maintenance program for all Individual Sewage Treatment Systems (ISTS). Fifteen properties have not complied with the first"round"of the 2-year maintenance requirement for inspections. Rogness asked the council whether staff should begin legal action or notify the property owners again of noncompliance. After discussion,the council asked staff to notify all fifteen properties through a strongly worded letter that they are in violation which will result in misdemeanor penalties. This notification should either be hand-delivered or sent by certified mail. In addition, all future non- compliance letters should include similar language regarding penalties. Police Comprehensive Recruitment Plan: The Council discussed a draft recruitment plan. The plan was felt to be too general in nature. Direction was given by Council to return with a recruihnent plan that included information on the cunent use of staff, a strategic plan for the Department, costs associated with various recruitment and selection methods, and an explanation of a selection process to be used for police personnel. Use of Computers,E-mail System and Internet: Council reviewed the latest draft of a policy regarding computers, e-mail and Internet. It was noted the policy is similar to the Internet guidelines for State Employees. Direction was given to staff to revise certain sections of the policy and only refer to this policy as use of e-mail. This will be brought back to Council for further review at the August work session. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COIVIlVIITTEE OF THE WHOLE July 14, 1999 Appointment Process for Vacancies: Council agreed the appoinhnent process for filling Kevin Carroll's seat on the City Council would be through an application and interview process. Council concurred that in addition to the legal requirements for city elected officials,preference should be given to residents who have lived here at least three years and actively involved in a city or community commission for at least five years. Council directed staff to begin preparing press releases and report for the July 20, 1999 Council meeting. Budget 2000: City Administrator Burt address the following items in the proposed 2000 operating budget and requested Council direction on each of these items: • Citizen Survey: Council concurred funds should be budgeted for this item with the intention of receiving donations to pay for consultant fees. • Building Division Staff Needs: Council concurred with the immediate need to advertise for a full-time building inspector and part-time clerical person because of the increased activity in building inspections. Council also agreed that an additional full-time inspector position be included in the 2000 operating budget. Since the economy or the city's growth may slow down in two to three years, staff was directed to fill this position with the candidate's understanding the position may exist for only a certain number of years. Staff was also directed to evaluate extending business hours at city hall for inspections and other departments to meet customer needs. • Police Chief's Car Allowance: Council requested they be provided additional information on the city vehicle inventory and maintenance program. • Fire Marshal: Council requested information on potential liability issues with regaxds to this position. • CairnsIRIS: This item is included in the budget but will be discussed again by the Council. • Public Works Employees: Council concurred with contracting the custodial position and using the some of the funds from this position to hire another maintenance worker(non- custodial). Council also agreed to fill the existing maintenance worker position if there is a vacancy. • Parks &Recreation Staffing: Council concurred the arena manager position should be eliminated from the budget. Staff was also directed to evaluate the rental coordinator position for possible revisions to job responsibilities and to continue meeting with the National Guard with regards to the City maintaining their half of the building.