HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170117 CCM RMROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 17, 2017 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, January 17, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Nelson, Weisensel and Freske attending. Staff present included the following; o City Administrator Martin o Community Development Director Lindquist o City Clerk Hadler o City Attorney Tietjen o Parks & Recreation Director Schultz o Chief of Police Scott o Finance Director May The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA City Administrator Martin stated there were no proposed changes to the agenda. Community Development Director Lindquist noted the resolutions and ordinances at the Council members seats are for items 9.a. and 9.b. Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Nelson. Motion to Adopt the Agenda as presented. Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Freske Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PUBLIC COMMENT John McMenomy, 1283 145th Street , HOME ADDRESS 7355 Keith Ave N. Stillwater,. discussed the proposed road at the edge of the McMenomy property on the Lennar development. Mr. McMenomy expressed concerns about Lennar not working with their family to come to a reasonable agreement on the road. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Droste asked for explanation on item 6.p. Community Development Director Lindquist explained that the approval of the next phase after this one would not be given until the road was put in. Staff has been in discussion with both Lennar and the McMenomy’s on the topic. Motion by Nelson. Second by Freske. 6.a. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 17, 2017 Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda with the removal of item 6.j. a. Minutes of the January 3, 2017 Work Session Proceedings b. Bills Listing c. Resolution and Consent to Civil Penalties - Carbone's, Curry, MGM d. Transfer Loan - Flexible Spending Account e. Amending the Fee Schedule f. Minnesota Structural Collapse Technical Rescue Task Force Organization (Minnesota Task Force One) Sponsoring Agency Agreement g. Resolution Adopting the Dakota County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan h. Cartegraph Software Upgrade i. Wetland Health Evaluation Program (WHEP) Joint Powers Agreement j. Joint Powers Agreement - CSAH 38 (McAndrews Road) Pilot Knob Road to TH 3 (S. Robert Trail), City Project 471 k. Pine Bend Paving Interim Use Permit l. Request by Shafer Contracting to Renew their Small Scale Mineral Extraction Permit for 2017 m. Rosemount Armory Community Center Parking Lot Joint Powers Agreement with National Guard n. Vesterra, LLC and Stonex, LLC to Renew Small Scale Mineral Extraction Permit for 2017 o. Small Scale Mineral Extraction Permit at the PedKuznia Properties for Bolander and Sons for 2017 p. Approval of Final Plat for Bella Vista 5th Addition and Subdivision Agreement q. Text Amendment to Change the Maximum Sign Area in PI-Public Institutional zoning districts Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Freske Nays: None. Motion carried. 6.j. Joint Powers Agreement - CSAH 38 (McAndrews Road) Pilot Knob Road to TH 3 (S. Robert Trail), City Project 471 Mayor Droste asked City Engineer Morast to explain what will be happening on the road. Mr. Morast provided an overview of the upcoming road improvements, which include an expansion of the right-of-way and potential improvements to storm water drainage. The design is still in development. There will be an open house on February 2nd, where the public can learn more and give input on the topic. Motion by Droste. Second by Weisensel. Motion to approve Authorizing the Execution of a Joint Powers Agreement between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount to reconstruct CSAH 38 (McAndrews Road) from Pilot Knob Road to TH 3 (S. Robert Trail). Ayes: Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Freske, DeBettignies, Nays: 0. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 17, 2017 PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 9.a. Request by Dakota Aggregates to Renew their Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit through 2017 Community Development Director Lindquist provided an overview of the mining permit. Council approved a number of other mining permits on the Consent Agenda. The Dakota Aggregates permit is the only Large Scale permit, and therefore subject to more in-depth review. The site has removed over 1.3 million tons of materials in the past year. The Planning Commission held a public hearing at which Council member Nelson spoke in opposition to the 24 hour permit. Staff has added a requirement for testing in the summer to validate the earlier sound study. The berm has also been completed. A one-week sound study showed that the sound was within the standards set by the MPCA. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the mine. Ms. Lindquist explained that the University does not pay taxes on the property; however, ancillary uses are assessed. The assessed value for 2017, payable in 2018, is approximately $9 million. Council member Nelson inquired about the sound study. Ms. Lindquist explained that staff has requested a study/monitor across County Road 42 on the residential side. Shawn Dahl, 9878 Liberty Lane, Lakeville, of Dakota Aggregates made himself available for comment or questions. Mayor Droste inquired where the last sound study was taken. Mr. Dahl explained that it was in the field to the south of County Road 42. Council member Nelson stated that he objected to the long hours of the mining activity and explained the sounds he has heard. He stated he has spoken to neighbors about dust problems. He also expressed concern over truck traffic, which he states is 370 trucks per day. Mr. Dahl stated Council member Nelson’s comments were duly noted. Mayor Droste clarified the truck traffic statistics regarding the site. Mayor Droste inquired of the applicant whether they have been watering the mounds during high-wind days. Mr. Dahl stated they have, and in addition there is a stipulation that city staff can call and make them shut down the facility on high-wind days. Mayor Droste discussed the mining operations on properties adjacent to the city in Empire Township that may also being contributing to the Council member Freske inquired about what other hours of operation might be and how that might impact their productivity. Mr. Dahl discussed the times the mine is operative, economic impacts, demand for product. Mr. Dahl stated they “need every hour we can get”, because the mine only operate 7 - 8 months out of the year. He stated that during a “24 hour” permit, they average 19 hours per day. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 17, 2017 Motion by Weisensel. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to renew the Dakota Aggregates Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit for 2017, subject to the terms and conditions in the attached 2017 Mineral Extraction Permit. Ayes: Droste, Weisensel, Freske, DeBettignies Abstain: Nelson Nays: 0. Motion carried. 9.b. Text Amendment to Rezone City Hall Community Development Director Lindquist gave an overview of the item at hand. The current zoning on the City Hall complex is DT-Downtown and not PI-Public/Institutional. Staff is suggesting rezoning as a PUD and allowing the sign standards as available in the PI- Public/Institutional district. The Planning Commission did not recommend approval, and felt that the PI-Public/Institutional sign standards were too large for the downtown location. Council members and staff discussed the zoning amendments and implications of the changes of zoning. Council member Weisensel stated that with everything going on now and in the future, he supports staff recommendations. Motion by Weisensel. Second by Freske. Motion to Approve an Ordinance Rezoning the City Hall Campus to Downtown Planned Unit Development (DT PUD) Master Development Plan and approve final site and building plan. Ayes: Weisensel, Freske, DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Nays: 0. Motion carried. 9.c. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Relating to Dynamic Signs Community Development Director Lindquist explained that staff is recommending the full-color dynamic signs, but the Planning Commission supports only monochromatic dynamic signs. Council member Weisensel inquired if the color of the “monochromatic” signs can change between messages. Ms. Lindquist stated that would not be allowed. Council member Nelson inquired about the intensity of the light of the signs. Ms. Lindquist stated that staff has worked on the brilliance of the Steeple Center sign. The intensity of signs can be programmed into the sign, and this will be addressed during the permitting and approval process. Council member Freske inquired about “recommending” certain levels without requiring it. Ms. Lindquist stated that if we only recommended it, they wouldn’t have to do it. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 17, 2017 Council members and staff discussed various topics regarding electrical signage in the downtown district. Council member Weisensel suggested amending the ordinance to allow full-color signs, but only 2 colors at once. Motion by Weisensel. Second by Nelson. Motion to approve a text amendment to allow full color dynamic signs in the Downtown, restricted to 2 colors at any given time. Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Freske Nays: 0. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Droste reviewed the calendar of events. The next City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 7th, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. There will be a work session on Monday, February 13th, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk