HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. 1998 Fee Resolution Annual Review and Updates CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 16, 1997 AGENDA: 1998 FEE RESOLUTION ANNUAL REVIEW AGENDA SECTION: AND UPDATES CONSENT PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. WALSH, A NO: ADMII�TISTRATNE ASSISTANT ��� � 6 � ATTACHMENTS: MEMORANDUMS, RESOLUTION APPROVED B • Attached for City Council consideration and adoption is a resolution adopting city fees and rates for 1998. Mernorandums are provided from department directars explaining their reasons for amending certain fees and rates. The resolution references Appendix I,which is general city fees, and Appendix II,which are Parks and Recreation/Community Center fees. Pawn Shop and Alarm User Permit fees were added under Police Department which had been previously approved by City Council. Also,page numbering, spelling corrections, and indexing were u dated. P RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING , RATES AND FEES FOR 1998. ' COUNCIL ACTION: �I , MEMORANDUM TO: Tom Burt FROM: Dan Rogness I DATE: December 3, 1997 RE: Planning& Zoning 1998 Fee Schedule Attached for your review is the proposed schedule of rates and fees for the Planning Department for 1998. We have increased the highlighted amounts by 5%,rounding up to the nearest 10. . Schedule of Rates & Fees ' Appendix I- 1998 PLANNING AND ZONING REVIEW FEES Administrative Appeals $ ;�6q.00 Interim Use Permit $ 320.OQ Minerai Extraction Permit Application Fee $ 2I0.00 Annual Fee $ 320.00 Surety Bond $ 3,000.00/acre Subdivision Fees Preliminary Plat $ �3t�:Ot} Final Plat $ �20.Of1 Lot Split/Administrative Plat $ 32�:Q(} Lot Combination $ 2�(�.00 Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Application Fee $ �3f�.Qt� Rezoning $ 320.a0 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment $ 3�€3 t?4 Planned Unit Development Concept Plan $ �20.Of� Final Development Plan $ �3�(?�} Administrative $ ��Q.O(� Minor Amendment $ l6(}.f1�3 Major Amendment $ �20.04 Variance Petition Application Fee $ �6a.04 Site Plan Review _._ _ _ Site: One acre or more $ 3�O.aU Site: Less than one acre $ 2'2�.OQ Appeals of Planning Commission Decisions to the City Council $ 160.00 Environmental Assessment Worksheets $ 53Q.00 Comprehensive Guide Plan $ I IO.QO+tax Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance $ 50.00+tax Zoning Map Black and White $ 1.00 + tax Color $ 5.00 +tax City Staff Billing For applications that include excessive staff time, services performed by City personnel ' will be billed at two and one-half(2.5)times the actual payroll hourly rate. Services ' provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates. Joint Applications A planned unit development that includes a subdivision may have the fee waived for a preliminary plat at the discretion of the Community Development Director. � MEMO TO: SUE WALSH, ASSISTANT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR/CITY CLERK �'' I, FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ' DATE: DECEMSER 11, 1997 ! RE: 1998 FEES � Attached are the changes in the Pubiic Works and the Engineering fees for the 1998 Fee II� Resolution. The following is a summarization of the changes. I� 1 . We are proposing no increase in the water and sewer usage rates which were set in 1994. I Per the 1994 Water and Sewer Rate Study, we do not foresee any increases or changes in these rates until probably the Year 2000, which means Rosemount will go five years without an increase in water and sewer rates. ', 2. The Storm Water Utility Fees are proposed to be increased $1.50 for single family homes �I, and a corresponding increase in the remaining categories. In April, 1996 the Storm Water Utility Fees were raised for the first time since their initiation in 1992. The 1996 and 1998 increases are due to the fact that Springsted, Inc., the City's Bonding Consultant, I recommended that we raise the Storm Water Utility Fee approximately 53.00 per quarter. When the City Council approved the S 1 .50 rate increase in April of 1996 there was discussion regarding the future 1998 increase. The increase will result in an additional I 56.00 charge per year for most residents. Attached is a table showing a comparison with I area cities single family stormwater utility rates. ' 3. The cost of ineters to singfe family homes shows a small 2% increase due to vendor II, increases. We sell the meters at cost, plus $50.00 to cover labor time for City installed I meters. ' 4. The Sewer Availabifity Charges are again increased in 1998. The Metropolitan Council ' EnvironmentaJ Services SAC fee went from $950 to $1,000. This is a charge which we ! collect with Building Permits wfiich is passed through the City and is paid to MCES. The City Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) and Water Availability Charge (WAC) are increased '� 5%, from S 1,245 to S 1,310 per SAC Unit, which was prescribed in the 1994 Rate Study. , The Storm Water Area Charges and Storm Water Connection Charges (STAC) are proposed ' to be increased 5%. This again is due to recommendations by the City's Bonding Consultant. The soon to be approved Stormwater Management Plan has a recommended Area Charge cost of 54,723 per acre for single family residential housing. In comparison, our proposed rate will be approximately 53,900. 5. We are proposing a 2 '/2 % increase in the City assessment rate for reconstruction projects for 1998. This would change the flat rate assessment for street reconstruction on single family homes that currently have concrete curb & gutter from $2,000 to 52,050 and those that do not currently have concrete curb & gutter, from 52,250 to $2,306. 6. We have added the Public Works Department Equipment and Staff Hourly Rates to the Fee Resolution. These are to be used when City Staff and equipment are charged back to developers and/or contractors mostly for emergency construction items. � _ __ __— _ STORM WATfR UTILITY FEE RATE COMPARISON �- CITY QUARTERLY RATE ANNUAL RATE Apple Valley 511 .94 547.76 Woodbury 59.00 536.00 Bloomington S8.93 $35.72 Burnsville 57.33 $29.32 Shakopee $6.60 526.40 Farmington 56.25 525.00 Savage��� $6.00 524.00 Prior Lake 55.63 522.50 Eagan 55.56 522.24 Chanhassen 55.00 $20.00 Lakeville�2� $4.75 S 19.00 Average of Above 57.00 $28.00 Rosemount Now 56.65 526.60 Rosemount Proposed 58.15 532.60 ', The rates above are as of 1-1-98 for a Single Family Residential Home. '� (1) Savage charges a higher rate of 14.80 per quarter in certain "special project areas." ' (2) Lakeville uses their quarterly Stormwater Fee for water quatity projects and maintenance, but ', does not use it for capital improvements. �!, COMMERClAL RATE EXAMPLE I'� Apple Rosemount Lak�2ville Eagan I� Valley � Using proposed 1998 rates: I', Parcel is zoned commercial ��� with 4 acres gross area and ', 75% or 3 acres impervious. Rates are quarterly $519.63 5151 .20 $79.80 $106.75 � � ��� I ------ - ___ __ __-_ Memorandum To: Sue Walsh, Assistant to the Admin' ator From: Paul Heimkes, Building Official Date: December 2, 1997 / Subj.: Proposed 1998 Fee Schedule Revisions for the Protective Inspection Division. Per your request, this memo should provide for some explanation and/or clarification on the proposed changes to the 1998 fee schedule for our division of the Community Development Department. In general, and as you can see, the entire schedule under which the Protective Inspections Division has fees has been reformatted to be more logical and user friendly. First, for clarification purposes, I separated the two departments within the division for better fee association and identification. The departments as shown are identified as the"Fire Prevention Bureau" and the "Building Inspection Department". The Fire Prevention Bureau fees include all Fire Department/Marshal related pernuts and fees and the Building Inspection Department fees include all related fees of that department. This was strictly a"clean-up" matter which did not in-itself result in any new fees or fee increases. There are some new fees however, and some new categories of fees which better describe their associated use. All new fees and categaries have been accented on the attached report for easy identification. This year I also included Uniform Building Code Table A33A and A33B, which are the Grading Permit fee schedules and tables that we have historically adopted by reference only. This again was to make our portion of the fee schedule more user friendly and complete. As far as actual fee increases go, most of the fees that were adjusted were those only associated with "commerciaUindustrial" type projects. Specifically, Plumbing, Heating, Sewer/Water and a minimum Roofing Permit fee. The other fees that were adjusted were only adjusted so that we were not loosing money while doing the job associated with the fee. An example would be that of ' the Pyrotechnics Permit fee. This fee was increased to cover the minimal time and effort of the Fire Marshal and other City Fire Department officials to inspect and assure that proper safety ', measures are adhered to during an event (which usually occurs after regular city hours of ' business). If further explanation or clarification is necessary, feel free to contact me. �! '' FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PROTECTIVE INSPECTION DIVISION 1995 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PERMITS AND FEES Recreation Fire Permit $ 15.00 �;:;::��r�:i�`>':�'' rriii� :>:::84:.��1 � _�.:,_;::: �:.;:.;>;:.::;:::.;;;;;; »>:>:«::.:<:::>:::«:::>::>:::>::>:;>;:>;;:<.:>::::>::::>::::>::>::<:>:.;,; <>:;ii'� �cl�'>"'''.:::: . ;:< ::::: ;:.: .:.: , �.::t... �uc;�r�pl�y a��'�'�r�worl�s � ;l�� #�� Fire Report (per copy) $ 15.00 + tax Fire Photo (per copy) , $ 1.00 +tax Fire Video Tape $ 100.00 +tax Officers Report(Complete Report) $ 15.00 +tax Portions -First Page $ 1.00+ Tax Each Additional Page $ .50 + Tax Temporary use of LP Gas $ 15.00 �`;<><::<::>;;:: �::::>::::::>:::>::;: :: :::::>>><>;,,.,..;;:;.:<::::>;:::: .,. ::.........;:.;:.;::..;:.; p�e�At����f�aunted �o��� �::::::::::::::::��:�i� _ Di�y::�ar�:�ns�e�ti�n Residential $ 42.00 ...................... �€�i��ri�rci�� �:::>::::>:�4::�E� ..................... 5torage and Use of Hazardous Materials ;�:>::::::;;$�#:;{�E� :... Over quantities listed in current Fire Code Edition- Section 4. Pernut Valid for Twelve Months -Maximum ;;;:><:;>�:>;:<:::>::::>:::<<:: ::::>;>:<:<::»<::;;;; <:>><>:::�:>::::>::::>::>:>::::: Fu�el:;;;;` <:>:;<<; ;:>>:<:>;< ;< ;:;::< ; ,: , . :::.::.::.::::. �'at��.;I�sfall�,t�g�;��Remor��1 ��A;:�(�:;�nfrnurn< �'1����� �0�'e�'�'a�e _ ............ �eri�or�T�iari:::��e ......... ...... . .................... .. ................ _ _.. _........ _. .._.... ... .. Tar�:::�s:::��ta�'1�����ec�< Fire Sprinkler Protection System Per Table 1 A of 1994 Uniform Building Code Plus $.0005 Surcharge. *Min. Fee $84.00+Sur. 65% Plan Check Fee. Alarm System Permit/Review Per Table 1 A of 1994 Uniform Building Code Plus $.0005 Surcharge. *Min. Fee $84.00+Sur. Special and Miscellaneous Inspections Per Table lA of 1994 Uniform Building Code Min Fee $84.00(2hrs.)+ Plus $42.00lhr over 2 hrs. I Reinspection Fee . $ 42.00 I��, Penalty For Failing To Obtain Permit 3 Times The Regular Permit I Prior To Starting Work Requiring A Permit Fee As Established Herein. �''ii Certificate of Occupancy Inspection/Renewal Fee $ 42.00 ,I BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DIVISION 1998 BUILDING PERMITS AND FEES Building Permits: As recommended by Table 1-A of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. , ,,, ;.;..:.....:...::.. : ;... __ ;:: .:.: :.::,::.;:::.;.: .:..:::.:::..:::.;:.;.;:;..;::.::...:...: .:::::.:-.:::.:.:::.:::.:;:..:.;:.;:.::.;::.: .;:.;:.;. Plan CheckFees: �a��€�rc��l�n�us�tr�a�����:fa�iia€� ��i���i.:' ..;:���::��r��ures';'-;;si��:;:':;�i�� �...............�.......... ....... .............................�.......... <::>::>:��<::::»:;<::<:>:::<:>::»::::>::>::::>:::>;<::::::>-> i�'e��'nt'`::��°�a>:.`;;:�:::`t�e:> ���� .> :.��m:>� �> :<:>::::»�::;:>:<{>::»»::»<:�:<�::;:�:::>::::;;�:.::<:.;:::;:»»:::�,>�::>;;;:>::<�::>:>�_>:<<:............__........._..._.. _..._......_._._.._........__.... ._. ,::. ::::::::::.::::::::::::::.: ::.:::.:::<:.:::<.>.;,:.,:..:::::::::.::::::.;::..::.:::::::::::..;:::::.:::.::. :>:::>::>::. :::ri:>::>::>::>:<:>::>:>::>::>::>.:;:::>:.::»::>:;..:::;::>::;::>::»::>::>:: >;:.;:.,:;.;.;..;.::.::_.;: .:;:;,.;. �:::.:::..::::.::.. ;;>;:.;;;;:::;;<>:.;.:::.:> ::<.o <:.<><:.;: ;:>.:: ....... . ...:::.:. : . ..;:: .::; .. : :. ... ��s�d����1::bu�t�r� �::::�::��:.:::<:er�e�t:::>����::<rrf`��e::��t��� :::.�t��::���::�C��:n�uv � .:: . :�� .........� ......�.. :.:. :::::::.::::::::.::::.�.�:::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::...::::: �i�' 1��:<�ai�i�':>::±���l�i'i�`s< _,� ,..::: � _..:... . .�.... '>'>;� '"�iislr�'��rs�re��i��1i�`<:::w> R:�si�I�nti�al<::>;><:::;:::<;>::::>::<:>:>,:> >>::<;:>:»;>;>::>:::::<:>:>::;:::>; ..i�i`ris�� r� ..::: .. . �c���c�ry;��.������(a�� �.: . �.. :_; .:...:..:....� , ;::,:::�: th�rt�::���:.�����f������r o�'€���u�lc���g.��t��� State Surcharge: As recommended by the Minnesota State Code - Section 16B.70. Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning& Refrigeration Fees: Residential (4 or less units): I New construction $ 84.50 i Alteration/repair $ 42.50 �I Multiple Housing (5 or more units): New construction $ 84.50/unit ' Alteration/repair $ 42.SO/unit ', CommerciaUIndustrial/Institutional: ............................................ .::;::>::.�:%::><.>�:::>,<.<.:z:�:..<::;..r.:*>:':.>..<:;;z.�..>..>�>.::;:��:::�::��;��:'::�:;.:;::::`.9a..'`::.:>::»�:,<>:;: . , �:::>��::1`4:::�7��c�.ZLkc��f�721.::��$;�;;����:>�'�c'�`�� ,.....::.:.. .....:::.........:. $84.00 minimum fee plus $.0005 surcharge I Sewer and Water Installation Permit Fees: III t�:::;>:.:«:«:>:<:>: ;>>««::>;>::<:;T<>::>;; :<:>:;<::.;:. <>:<;;»:>; ::<:<:<>::.<;:::::<.:><:: >�4:>��< �c�p�� ��rfir��e r�s�d������ �r l�s��-��� �.::, .:.... ._. I Municipal Service - multiple housing (5 or more units): I� , _ � 1 �°�`a tifv�luat�c�n p�u�`�{�(�fl� s���ha��� $84.00 minimum fee plus $.0005 surcharge Municipal Service - commerciaUindustriaUinstitutional: I 1 �°;�� c�f�alu�.��c�ri�tus��13�5 �€���.�rg� $84.00 minimum fee plus$.0005 surcharge , Private Sewer - all classifications: ' New construction or reconstruction $ 60.50 ' Dakota County Recording Fee 50.00 $ 110.50 TOTAL Fences: $ 30.50 Residing: Residential ' $ 30.50 CommerciaUInstitutionaVIndustrial: As recommended by Table lA of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. -plus $.0005 surcharge. *Minimum fee of$84.00 plus $.0005 surcharge. Reroofing: Residential - Tear off&Reroof $ 30.50 - Overlay No Permit Required CommerciaUInstitutionaUIndustriaL• As recommended by Table lA of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. �; > <:>:�::<:;<::>::%::>:::::<::<:::><:: >::.,;.<;,;> ><;»:::>:::>:<:::>;::'::':::".:;:::>:::»::«::«:>:>:::::>::::> Plus $.0005 surcharge. �n�mu�z f�e����� (3��lus�,�(���:.:�u��h���<: 5ingle Family Dwelling Basement Finish: $ 50.50 (Electrical permit separate) Signs: Permanent Installation $ 84.00 � plus electrical permit Temporary No charge Manufactured Homes: (Inclusive of all Inspections& Connections) $ 140.50 Swimming Pools: As recommended by Table lA of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. _.................._..._._....._.. ....__ -plus $.0005 Surcharge;;a�t;iid;Pl�:n::���1�F�e Moving Permit: $50.50 Demolition Permit: $50.50 Fireplaces: As recommended by Table lA of the 1994 Uniform BuildinD Code. -plus $.0005 surcharge. � Residential Satellite Dishes and Antennzs: $ 42.50 �Il�th�r�ten��s and S�.t�l�it��3�shes P�r;T'able'1�;, of tk�� 19���(.1'�fc��m�u��dzng��c��Plus��OOS S��-charge '� l��zn.ur���ee�8�f���'lu�� �0�5 ���-�k�arge� _ _ _ __ _ Grading Permits: I All fees are established per the �994 Uniform Building Code Appendix Chapter 33 �I - Permit fee per table A33B -Plan review fee per table A33A I�i - State surchar e fee $ 50 . : : :;.. . .:; _..,:;:�.. , :.........::...::.. ��, -;B�r�c�1����ir�d;„_�3D��DO Fer���r���e� t���e ���rt�u�.:�...�t�.: I I Septic System Maintenance/Operation Permits and Fees: �, Residential maintenance permit $No fee I� Commercial, Industrial, Public or ', Institutional Operational Permit $ 84.00 �I� Late renewal fee for maintenance or operational perm'its $ 42.00 'I Special Individual Sewage Treatment Systm (I.S.T.S) ' inspections or investigations $ 42.00 'i Electrical Permit Fees: II, l. Minimum fee for each separate inspection of an installation, replacement, alteration or repair �I�, limited to one inspection only. $ 25.00 �I� 2. Services, chan es or service, tem ora services additions, alterations or re airs on g P rY � P either primary or secondary services shall be computed separately: II 0 to 100 ampere capacity $ 18.00 '' 101 to and including 200 ampere capacity $ 20.00 ' For each additional 100 ampere capaeity or !, fraction thereof $ 8.00 ' 3. Circuit, installation of, additions, alterations or repairs of each circuit or sub-feeder shall be ' computed separately, including circuits fed from sub-feeders and including the equipment served, except as provided for in Items 4 through 9. ' ', 0 to and including 30 ampere capacity $ 5.00 ' (maximum number of 1-30 ampere circuits to be paid on is 30 to any one cabinet) '' 31 to and including 100 ampere eapacity $ 7.00 '', For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof $ 5.00 4. In addition to the above fees: ' A charge of$2.00 will be made for each street lighting standard. A charge of$3.00 will be made for each traffic signal standard. Circuits , originating within the standard will not be used when computing fees. 5. In addition to the above fees: All transformers and generators for light, heat and power will be computed separately at $5.00 per unit plus $. 25 per KVA up to and including 100 KVA. 101 KVA and over will be computed at $ .20 �er KVA All Transformers for sians and outline lighting shall be computed at $4.00 for the first 500 VA or fraction thereof per unit plus $.40 for each additional 100 VA or fraction thereof. 6. In addition to the above fees (unless included in the fee filed by the initial installer): Remote control, signal circuits and circuits of less than 50 volts shall be computed at $6.00 per each ten (10) openings or devices of each system plus $.50 for each additional opening. 7. For review of plans and specifications of proposed installations there shall be a minimum fee of$100.00 up to and including $30,000.00 of electrical estimate, plus 1/10 of one percent (1%) on any amount in excess of$30,000.00 to be paid by persons or firms requesting the review. 8. When re-inspection is necessary to determine whether unsafe conditions have been corrected and such conditions are not subject to an appeal pending before any court, a re-inspection fee of$25.00 may be assessed in writing by the inspector. 9. For inspections not covered herein, or for requested special inspections or services, the fee of $32.00 per man hour, including travel time, plus $.40 per mile traveled, plus the reasonable cost of equipment or material consumed. This section is also applicable to inspection of empty conduits and such jobs as determined by the City. 10. For inspection of transient projects including, but not limited to carnivals and circuses the inspection fees shall be computed as follows. Power supply units according to item 2 of the fee schedule. A like fee will be required on power supply units at each engagement during the season, except that a fee of $32.00 will be charged for additional time spent by the inspector if the power supply is not ready for inspection at the time and date specified on the Request for Inspection as required by law. Rides, devices or concessions shall be inspected at their first appearance of the season and the inspection fee shall be $25.00 per unit. 1 L Fees for services, feeders and circuits operating at over 250 volts shall be double those listed in items 2 and 3 above. • 12. A $.50 State surcharge is to be added to each permit. Special and Misceilaneous Inspections: As recommended by Table 1 A of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. With a minimum fee of$84.00 (Min. 2 Hrs) plus $42.00/hr over 2 hours. Administrative Handling Fee: A handling fee of$25.00 will be charged for address and lot changes and for permit and file editing. These changes must be done within thirty(30) days of permit issuance or all prior permit fees will be forfeited (non-refundable). Permits requiring special consideration will be assessed a $2�.00 handling fee. Documentation Fees: Building Department Reports $ 100.00/year+tax $ 10.00/month+tax Building Department Miscellaneous Documents $ 1.00/page+tax Blue Line Copies $ 5.00/copy+tax License Requirements: Solid Waste Hauling License $ 50.00 P��`r�in:'>�o�s::: ><:>::::$�:f�� ,__ . ,.<..�;::.:.::::;: �:.;:.;;:;;:.;;;;;;;:.;;;; Reinspections: $ 42.00 Penalty for failing to obtain a permit 3 times the regular permit prior to starting work requiring a permit: fee as established herein. Certificate of occupancy inspection and/or renewal fee: $ 42.OQ \ � � � RESIDENTIAL BUILDING VALUATIONS � � � Cost Per S uare Foot for�1998 � � � p S `o � SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS-TYPE V- WOOD FRAME: V I�'� First Floor..............................................................................................................$ 60.54 '� ', Second Floor..........................................................................................................$ 40.36 II SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS - BASEMENTS/FOUNDATIONS: I', ', Finished Basements................................................ ......................$ 16.43 I'', ........................... ' Unfinished Basements.....................................................................,.......................$ 12.21 '� '', Crawl Space............................................................................................................$ 6.11 �I ', Unexcavated Foundation Areas...............................................................................$ 3.06 �I GARAGES: I�I WoodFrame...........................................................................................................$ 18.49 MasonryConst........................................................................................................$ 20.81 GARDEN SHEDS......................................................... .......$12.00 II DECKS (WOOD FRAMED): ' WithGuardrail.......................................................................:.................................$ 9.50 ' WithoutGuardrail....................................................................................................$ 7.00 ' FOUR SEASON PORCHES.................................................................................$ 60.54 THREE SEASON PORCHES (WOOD FRAMED)............................................$ 4036 GAZEBOS (WOOD FRAMED)...........................................................................$ 40.36 �� '' ';', ,:,:.,.',>: :; ;'``;>::::: ....;'..'...`<;',,>>;.,;,;; .;',� �fl►���.�����.��P��E�S ; :>:.. ;::.::.;;:::::>>::;::;>::;>>::::. ;::;::;:::..>:::: :;:: <>;;:::::::,::>::>:::.. ::..:.....:::.: '�ith�' 11 H� .t.: .;: : ... :' ; , ..>.,.. ;:.;:: ::. .. �_. ... ... ��c� ..�:..��.., ..... ..::.::..::.....:.:::::.;,:::.:.;.�.: :.:;;:;: ,.. ... ..,....;. ....: ,. . . :::.::::::::::::::::::.�::....... �...........::.:::::::::::..............:.:4.;?..�:t..h....4....5..+....l......_+....... .............�.. ...: :.. . .. {:..`.'.� ....:.::5,.:+:.:?:5;'.�.':'.a.':}.�:.:�,?:•:a•:�.5:..+.s_�.f.u.}.�...�:i.::+:..i:i:.:;F:s.::+:.i!�.::......::�:� 7: .�.... .;....... . . �::::: .........::........:..::.....:..:.::::.:..:.............:............. . � � 1�11���1<`��.�:::::.:�'z;;`<�.�::�>s>:::;:�:�:.`":;s>::»:;z;�:>;�'»<�:»:::�3>r>:�:�:���:�:<:»»»»3:i;;,�����<>:�»:�>3:�`:��>'>'.>:�»»>::`>.�.>��><»:�»»»:�>::<:>:�::a;=�:�:<���:�>:»>:?><r«<�:�[�»::>:�3[<;`;:�:�:`;�zt:<ii�>��»i;.:�»>:�.�� � � � nC 1'���C��� . ,..,._,...:...,..._,.....,.,._,... ,;... . ,::. .. ................ .> ;:::>;>:>:::::>:: _ _. ;.;. �; >; __ �:�t��:�� T�ag��used;;::.::.:�:::;: _ ::���0��� �:�:�'"`;; >::>:»�`«.><. :> ' ``:":' :''': 431'�"�: �,�'���E�S;,: C3��L� <;.. et:: ,,.. ...........::.....,..,;.; :<.:..:..:.:..:.:..�.:::>:::::::a:::°�:�:>::::;;::::>:<.�:::v:::::<�>":`:::�::�::::.:':::::;:::: :�a��`: �ac��.c��t��n���.;�;��:1 y �..... . _ _ <:>... __ __ �:::::. >c�� � . _ _ � 34��3;4� � ��ti���.#,'�t�X����������5��.�;.i�r:MS��JRS..+t�.�'��������A4������a:�/�i: . I:�:�.U�:�:.:...:;.,..:::.'.;:;;:;`:y'::�>;:;;;::iy::`::`:;2;:;:�:�:;'`:::;'::::;:%.'%.;%.''�`::�:::�::�:''�'%'�'i::�:�:::;:;i:::::.:`':`::::;:::::�:i::::;�:;�';:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'�`�:�;::::`5:�:;::::`G::;�:�i:::::`:%:�:::�:;.y.':::%;:;';:;:�j:;;::�:;:�;:�i:;�:�i::::�:�:�i'�:�:�`i::i:'i;:'::i:'i:''::>.�:;%.:�'.��'�:�:;�':�:;'�:;;:!., . m��ng ,;, :.. ..... , ..._,>.. �.... ..: : >.,.>:..:,... �� 7�4��Q �S'�F�� :: . ,. .. _ _ _ �.�nt�f�4f3 �ew�r/�ate� :: : . , � ...- :::����Qt� MEMORANDUM DATE: November 25, 1997 TO: Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jim Topitzhofer,Parks and Recreation Director SUBJECT: 1998 Fee Recommendations I am recommending no significant changes in fees for Parks and Recreation for 1998. The Parks and Recreation Committee reviewed fees on November 17, 1997 and concurred the same. However,the Parks and Recreation Committee is not through deliberating over creating a non- resident fee for field use. I am working with the Committee and Rosemount Area Athletic Association to discuss a viable non-resident fee. Depending on the results of this action, a non- resident fee may or may not be recommended to City Council at a future date. There are a variety of reasons to recommend no change in Parks and Recreation fees for 1998. We have adjusted these fees annually over the last three years to reflect the market. With respect to community center rental fees, our customers have responded favorably to our fee structure. In fact,rental income has steadily grown and now exceeds 1997 budget projections by over $20,000.00. Therefore, we recommend no rental fee changes in 1998. With regards to ice fees, there are three new ice sheets planned to be constructed next year in our neighboring cities (Hastings, Lakeville, and Eagan). We are reluctant to change ice fees until we understand the full effect of these additional ice sheets. Lastly, we also recommend no changes in park dedication fees. A recent survey of park dedication fees of 46 Minnesota cities (see attached) indicates an average per dwelling fee of $940.00 for residential cash dedication. Rosemount's fee is $900:00 per dwelling. For future justification of park dedication fee changes,I will attempt to base such changes on anticipated ' park system costs and do so for the year 1999. ' �� _ _ _-___ __--- --- � � 737�W.147'"SL Suite 140 •Park Planning 8 Design 1997 Park Dedication Survey App�.�a��ey,MN55124 •LandSwpeArchitedure • (612)431-4401 •Land Use Planning and Deslgn ContaU: Greg Ingraham •PuWic Communicauoos Residential 'Single F 2x T.H. ; Multi F ! M.H. ��mmercial/lnd. ; Commercial � Industrial ; i ! City Population Dedication $lunit $lunit $/unit $/unit ; $lunit Dedication 3/acre $lacre ' Trail Fee !SaUsfied, Why not satisfted Albert Lea 78200 1 aG54 units or value 11%fand/value i n 1 A�exandna 8300 5%value/land none � � i � Apple Valley 42000 10%value/land 20001ac 5%land/value j 1000 1000 n I 3 ;too low/I al? Arden Hills 9600 6-10%value/land BJ% 7�0 8-10% a-�ea� 10°/n landlvalue ; i n I 4 :trail fee? Austin 22000 formula.008 aGunit none n � 4 itoo low/atlmiNl al? Becker 1500 10%value/land none i � � Blaine 42000 5-18%land or 5/unit 744 638 552 468 570 39'0 land/value 2232 1958 n i 2 i Bloomin ton 86912 t 0%land or S/person ; 3000 2700 2000 1800 j 10%land or S/bld sq ft i 283-425l1000 k;283I1000 sq ft� n 2 Brainerd 13500 10%valuelland ; 10%valuefarea I n i 3 , Brooklyn Paric 60000 S/unit 800 800 600 600 : S/acre 2900 I 1800 ' n � 4 !too low Buffalo 9000 $/unit ' 800 800 I 400+200/br 400+200/br� none ! ! I n ; 3 ladmin ' o � j : � o I � !C�1500/ac � Chanhassen 19000 10 k land or S/unit 1200 1200 � 1200 1000 1200 10/o lar,d or$/acre � 4500 i 4500 res 333-400lunit 2 Cottage Grove 28500 10%land+150/unit ! 1000 750 750 750 , �50 10°�(and or 4%value � n 1 i C stal 23600 S/unit 400 400 400 400 � 400 5/acre i 400 400 n j 3.5 �unfair ' j ; 'CI880/ac I Ea an 60000 ;10�e value/land � 1042 1030 i 777 772 7.5°k � 3200 � 3200 �res 750/unit I � Eden Prairie 50000 10%value/land 1400 1400 1400 1400 ! 1400 up to 10%landlvalue ; 4500 i 4500 I n i 2 Edina 48000 i8�ovalueltand ' I 8%value/land ! � i n , 2 Falcon Hei hts 5400 &10%valuelland 10%landlvalue � ! n 3 Farmington 9000 I12.5%value/land ; 5%valce/land I 500 500 n 3 itoo low Fndley 28000 $/unit ' 1500 750 750 ! 750 750 $/acre 1000 ! 1000 ! n I 4 i ' Golden Valley 21000 10%value/land ! ' 10%landlvalue I n 1 Hastin s 17000 10%land or S/unit i 850 j 300/br � none � ; n I 5 j too low/no CI$ Hutchinson 13000 ;7.5-12%land or S/unit 215 175 135 I 135 � n otiatad � negotiated none � � 3 ;too Iow Inver Grove Hts ' 26000 ;5-30°h land or S/unit i 850 850 ; 650 650 10%la.^.:i or S/tNd ft j 125-175/1000 sq ft; 75/1000 sq R j n 4 �too low/unfair Lakeville � 37000 ;10%valuelland � 900 � 900 I 9� 9� i 900 5%land�value � I � res 225/unit ; 2 �too low Little Canada 9500 �S�o value or 10%land � 625 625 I 312 312 5%valua or 10%land � � � n 4 ! Maple Grove 42000 ,10%land or S/unit � 1060 1080 1060 i 1060 i 10°/a land or$lunii I 3600 j 2775 n j 3 I Maplevrood 35000 i$30D/person i 1020 864 810 I 570 i 750 9%IancUvalue ! � ! n I 3 Mounds View 12500 5%/t0%valuelland I I 10°/a landlvalue I I ! n I 3 I New Bn hton 22000 ;10%value/land 750 650 i 500 350 ; 500 none I ! n ! 2 i Owatonna 20100 ,none/n otiated I I � ! none ; ' , n i Pipestone 4500 i5%valueJland � � I none I I n 3 iadmin PI mouth 60000 �10%valuelland ! 1450 � 1450 I 1450 1450 � 1450 10%landlvalue � 4500 ; 4500 ! n � 3 �unfairA al? • Pnor lake 13500 �10%value/land 1300/ac i+850/SAC',+8501SACi +g50/SAC ! +8501SAC I 10%landlvalue 1300/ac � +B50/SAC +BSO/SAC � n 3 itoo IowA al7 Ramsey 17000 J-12%land or Slunit ; 650-850 ! i 5%landhralue 1 res 100/unit i 1 ! Robbinsdale 14400 2 aG100 units i i none I n 4 Itoo Iow/admiM al? Rochester 70000 6-14%value/land ! I none � I n 1 4 Itoo low/l al?/no CIS Roseville 34500 ;10%of land or set fee � 500 � 400 � 400 350 i 4�0 land value I n I 2 jadmin S.St.Paul 20500 inone ! ! i � none � i � i Savage 7500Q ,10%valuelland i 1000 1000 850 850 I 7%Iandlvalue 4200 i 2800 I n � 3 I Shakopee 1a000 ;b/unit I 900 : 750 750 750 I S/acre 4500 4500 I n 3 I Spnng Lake Pk ' 7000 'S/unit 200 ! 200 � 200 ! 200 i none ! i ! n 3 �too low/unfair St.Cloud 58500 i 5-16%valuelland � 5% 5% 7% I 8%-16°h � 5°k none i I � n I 5 ,res.too low/unfaid no GI$ Vadnais Hts 12500 i9•20%or 5500-550lunit i 9% 9% 11-73Mo 15-20% I 9% 5�1000 bldg .ft. ! 365/1000 sq ft 24511000 n 3 $550 too low White Bear Lake 25000 ;$/unit 500 � 500 500 �375+75/br 1 10qo la�d/value � 2500 I 2500/ac ; n 3 IGI too low Woodbury 37000 !t0�o valuelland 1000 I 1000 1000 ! 1000 I 350 10%land/value 2000 ! 2000 I n 3 (too lowlunfair I I I I ' I i i %_%of undevelo land value � j Mobile iAcreS=Total developable acres � es=1 i I I ! iHome ISAC=Sewer Access Char e Unit i ;not=5 i . . . . . . . . . ..p� . � � . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES AND FEES FOR 1998 WHEREAS,the City Council has reviewed the 1997 fee schedule and recognizes the need to amend certain rates and fees for 1998. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approved the rates and fees for 1998 as outlined in Appendix I and Appendix II. ADOPTED this 16th day of December, 1997. Cathy Busho,Mayor ', ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion By: Seconded by: Voted In Favor: Voted Against: Members Absent: � / APPENDIX I SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEES FOR 1998 Planning and Zoning Review Fees . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 1-2 Public Works and Engineering Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 3-8 ParkDedication Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 9 ', Administration Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 10 Fire Prevention Permits and Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 11-12 Police Department Permits and Fees. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13 Building Permits and Fees . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 14-19 Residential Building Valuations. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20 1994 UBC Table lA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 21 Valuation Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 22 29 1994 UBC Grading Permit Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 30 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 PLANNING AND ZONING REVIEW FEES Administrative Appeals $ 160.00 Interim Use Permit $ 320.00 Mineral Extraction Permit Application Fee $ 210.00 Annual Fee $ 320.00 Surety Bond $ 3,000.00/acre Subdivision Fees Preliminary Plat $ 530.00 Final Plat $ 420.00 Lot Split/Administrative Plat $ 320.Q0 Lot Combination $ 210.00 Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Application Fee $ 530.00 Rezoning $ 320.00 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment $ 320.00 Planned Unit Development Concept Plan $ 320.00 Final Development Plan $ 530.00 Administrative $ 320.00 Minor Amendment $ 160.00 Major Amendment $ 420.00 ' Variance Petition Application Fee $ 160.00 ' Site Plan Review �i Site: One acre or mare $ 320.00 Site: Less than one acre $ 210.00 Appeals of Planning Commission Decisions to the City Council $ 160.00 Environmental Assessment Worksheets $ 530.00 Comprehensive Guide Plan $ 110.00+tax Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance $ 50.00+tax � Schedule of Rates & Fees ��, Appendix I - 1998 ',, Zoning Map ' Black and White $ 1.00+tax Color $ 5.00 +tax City Staff Billing For applications that include excessive staff time,services performed by City personnel will be billed at two and one-half(2.5)times the actual payroll hourly rate. Services provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates. Joint Applications A planned unit development that includes a subdivision may have the fee waived for a preliminary plat at the discretion of the Community Development Director. 2 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I -1998 PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING FEES 1. Engineering Fees: Administrative Fees: Far Chapter 429 or private improvements project charges shall be calculated at 5 percent of public improvement construction costs. Services provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates plus 5 percent administrative costs, unless assessed to benefitting property under a 429 project which then excludes the 5 percent. 2. Miscellaneous Public Works Fees: Street Excavation and Curb Cuts Curb Cuts, Driveway Access Permits, Transit Stop Kiosks $ 25.00 Street Excavation minimum bond deposit with City $ 2,000.00 Private Utility Permits $ 50.00 Sidewalk/Trail Snow Removal $ 60.00 per lot Plat Maps $ 10.00 (plus tax) Half-Section Maps (property lines only) $ 10.00 (plus tax) Topo Maps (1/2 Section Hard Copy) $ 150.00 (plus tax) Asbuilts/Record Drawings (per sheet) $ 10.00 (plus ta�c) Wetland Notification/Application Form $ 75.00 Wetland Inventory Map $ 10.00 (plus tax) Geographic Information Systems Fees Single family,town homes or multi-family $ SO.OQ per lot/Unit All other-Final Plat $ 100.00 per acre Simple Lot/Parcel split or boundary change $ 100.00 City Street &Utility Specifications $ 25.00 (plus ta�c) Assessment Searches $ 10.00 (plus tax) 3. Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water Usage Rates A. Water and Sanitary Sewer User Fees Usage-Based on Quarterly Meter Readings Water Use $ 0.95/1000 gallons Water Fixed Charge $ 7.90 each account Sanitary Sewer Use $ 1.35/1000 gallons Sanitary Sewer Fixed Charge $ 19.10 each account 3 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 B. Water Surcharge and Meter Maintenance Per Chart Below (Quarterly) ' Meter Size Surchar�e Meter Maintenance Single Family- 5/8" $ 6.00 0 Multi-Family - 5/8° $ 4.67 0 1" (*) $ 9.00 $ 5.00 1'/2" (*) $ 15.00 $ 9.00 2" (*) $ 21.00 $14.50 3" (*) $ 31.33 $31.33 4" (*) $ 46.67 $36.00 6" (*) $102.67 $80.00 * Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Sewer Only Users $ 37.00 per quarter per SAC unit Bulk Water $ 25.00 per load plus $ 2.00 per 1000 gallons plus tax Irrigation Meters Pay water usage charge only; exempt from Sanitary Sewer Usage, Fixed Charges & Surcharges C. QUARTERLY STORM WATER UTILITY FEES Storm Fee Land Use Land Use Description Unit Fee Category Single-family residential, R-1,2,RL, Multi-unit Residential $ 8.15 1 residential with individual water meters,R-3,4, Unit Platted/undeveloped, Minimum charge for all parcels 2 Rural residential, Agricultural,RR, AG Lot $ 8.60 3 Parks, Golf Courses, Cemeteries, PK Acre $ 1.75* 4 Undeveloped/unplatted,U Acre $0.10* 5 Multi-unit residential without individual water meters, Acre $ 30.30* Apartments, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Government Buildings, Mobil Home Parks,P 6 Commercial, Industrial and Parking Lots, C-1,2,3,4, Acre $ 37.80* IP, IG, PL, WNI *Categories 3, 4, 5, & 6 are subject to the minimum charge of$8.15. The largest of either the minimum or application of the above rates,will be used for the fee. 4 _ _ _ Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 D. Miscellaneous Utility Charges Meter Disconnection Charge $ 35.00 Meter Reconnection Charge $ 35.00 Utility Billing Search/Resident No Charge ', Utility Billing Search/Non-Resident $ 5.00/month plus tax New Customer List $ 5.00/month plus tax Total Customer List $ 25.00 (plus tax) Water Meter Accuracy Check Testing 5/8" - 2 "meters $ 30.00 Testing 3" meters $ 36.00 Testing 4" meters $ 70.00 Testing 6" meters $ 100.00 Water Meter Installation Charges With MN Without MN 5/8" (City installed) $ 286.00 $176.00 1" (City installed) $ 402.00 $292.00 1-%2" (Plumber installed) $ 555.00 2" (Plumber installed) $ 705.00 3" (Plumber installed) $ 1,124.00 4. Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Capital Charges A. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Availability Charge (Metro SAC) Per Sac Unit, as determined by the MCES, $ 1,000.00 collected by the City with the building pertnit beginning January l, 1997 B. City Sanitary Sewer Access Charge(City SAC) Per Sac Unit as determined by the MCES and collected with the building permit per the schedule as follows: Single Family(SF)Detached $ 1,310.00 Mobile Homes $ 1,310.00 SF Attached with Individual Laundry $ 1,310.00 Apartments, Condo, & SF Attached with Central Laundry Facilities $ 1,050.00 PublicJInstitutional, Industrial, Commercial $ 1,310.00 5 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 C. City Water Access Charges (City WAC) Per Sac Unit as described above collected with the building permit per the schedule as follows: Single Family(SF) Detached $ 1,310.00 Mobile Homes $ 1,310.00 SF Attached with Individual Laundry $ 1,310.00 Apartments, Condos & SF Attached with Central Laundry Facilities $ 1,050.00 For Public/Institutional, Industrial and Commercial WAC is based on non-fire suppression system water service size per the following schedule: 1" $ 2,180.00 1-%z" $ 4,370.00 2" $ 6,540.00 2-%Z" $ 8,710.00 3�� $ 10,370.00 D. Storm Water Charges For this charge,Newly Developed Properties are defined as any property, including platted ar unplatted parcels, which are improved with buildings, grading, ar otherwise creating an impervious surface. a. Trunk Area Charges will be collected from Developers on all Newly Developed Properties including those listed under"b."below at rates as follows: Single Family $ 2,150 per acre ($0.049/sfl Multiple Family $ 2,820 per acre ($0.065fsfl Public/Institutional $ 2,820 per acre($0.065/s fl Commercial $ 2,965 per acre ($0.068/s fl Industrial $ 2,965 per acre ($0.068/s fl I, Acres are defined as gross acres of developable property minus pond acreage (at high water level)and wetlands at delineation line, rounded to the nearest one tenth(1/lOth) of an acre. 6 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 b. Connection Charges (STAC) collected with the Building Perrnit on all newly developed properties including those listed below: Single Family $ 700 per lot Multiple Family $ 500 per housing unit(4 plex=4 units) Public/Institutional $ 2,820 per acre of impervious acreage Commercial $ 2,965 per acre of impervious acreage Industrial $ 2,965 per acre of impervious acreage Note: a. and b. above will be chaxged to all new plats not yet final platted as of 12-31-95 including: ❖ Shannon Pond East ❖ Biscayne Pointe ❖ Shannon Meadows ❖ The Enclave ❖ McNamara Addition ❖ The Villages at Eastview •'• Rosemount Business Park . •'• Geronime Pond c. Connection Charges (STAC) Collected wrth the Buildmg Permit on Existing Plats listed below(Gross Area): Single Family $ 1,435 per lot Multiple Family $ 5,635 per acre Public/Institutional $ 5,635 per acre Commercial $ 5,925 per acre Industrial $ 5,925 per acre ❖O'Leary's Hills 8th ❖Broback Industrial Park ❖Shannon Hills Sth and 6th ❖ South Rose Park 2nd and 3rd ❖Shannon Pond 2nd and 3rd ❖ South Rose Park Re-Plat ❖Amberwood Estates ❖ Wensmann 9th 5. Water Tower Antennas Application fee $2500.00 Per year rent payments based on 9 "panel type"or 3 "whip type"antennas and appropriate $ 12,000.00 outside equipment area Minimum per year lease payment 5% increase. 7 Schedule of Rates & Fees '� Appendix I - 1998 � 6. Assessments ' Assessments for total reconstruction projects for a single family property on an existing street: ' With concrete curb and gutter $ 2,050.00 ', With bituminous curb and gutter $ 2,306.00 ' 7. City Equipment and Staff Rates A. Equipment--Per hour charge (does not include operator) Pick-Up Truck $ 22.00 ' 1-Ton Dump Truck $ 23.00 Single Axle Dump Truck $ 32.00 Tandem Axle Dump Truck $ 40.00 Tractor Axle Dump Truck $ 15.00 Tractor Backhoe/Loader $ 35.00 950 Cat Loader $ 65.00 Road Grader $ 70.00 Street Sweeper $ 50.00 Air Compressor $ 25.00 Sewer Jetter Truck $130.00 Sewer Vacuum Truck $130.00 Groundmaster Mower $ 22.00 ' 6" P�p $ 25.00 Skid Loader $ 35.00 Tree Space $ 35.00 B. Public Works Staff-Per hour charge Public Works Director $ 60.00 Civil Engineer $ 40.00 ' Technician $ 35.00 ' Intern $ 25.00 ' Secretary $ 30.00 ' Maintenance Superintendent $ 50.00 ' Maintenance Worker $ 24.00 ', 8 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 PARK DEDICATION FEES Park dedication fees are outlined in City Ordinance No. XVII.103 which states: In all new residential subdivisians, the City shall require that a sufficient portion of such land be set aside and dedicated to the public for parks, playgrounds or other public use exclusive of property dedicated for streets and other public ways. It shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated for parks and playgrounds for the present and future residents of the subdivision, if the subdivider dedicates at least 1/25 of an acre per dwelling unit that can be constructed in the subdivision. The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land be dedicated if the City determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater orlesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is more appropriate. The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution by the City Council. In all new commercial and industrial subdivisions, it shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated to serve the needs of the resident and working population if the subdivider dedicates at least five percent(5%) af the land in the subdivision far parks,recreation and usable open space. The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land to be dedicated if it determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The amount of cash dedication shall be deterrnined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution of the City Council. Land Values for the dedication of land and/or cash contribution: New residential subdivision $22,500.00/acre Commercial subdivision $22,000.00/acre Industrial subdivision $22,000.00/acre 9 Schedule of Rates & Fees � Appendix I - 1998 '�, ADMINISTRATION FEES City Council, Port Authority,Planning Commission,Parks & $ 15.00+tax/year Recreation, or Utilities Commission Agendas (mailed) City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission,Parks &Recreation $ 40.00+tax/year or Utilities Commission Minutes (mailed) City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission,Parks &Recreation $ 50.00 +tax/year or Utilities Commission Agendas and Minutes (mailed) Note: The above items are available at no charge to residents if documents are requested on an individual basis. Minimum fee will be charged for all City Council adapted documents $ 25.00+tax including but not limited to the following: Assessment Policy, Audited Financial Statements,Budgets, Carroll's Woods Master Plan, City Code, Comprehensive Guide Plan,Comprehensive Water System Plan, Drainage Plan- West Drainage Area, Erickson Community Square Master Plan, Parks Master Plan, Storm Water Utility Policy,Zoning Ordinance. Kennel Registration Licenses Residential $ 25.00 Commercial $ 100.00 Cattery Registration Licenses $ 25.00 Kennel & Cattery Inspections $ 30.00 Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants $ 50.00 Adult Use Establishments License $ 3,000.00 Photocopy Fee(81/2" x 11") $ .25/page+tax Miscellaneous Documents $ 1.00/page+tax (Example: Survey Sections from City Code or Zoning Ordinance, Resolutions, Sections from Parks Plan) Check Return Charge $ 20.00 Assessment Searches $ 10.00 10 _ _ _ ._ _ _ Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 ' FIRE PREVENTION PERMITS AND FEES �I Recreation Fire Permit $ 15.00 Burning Permit $ 84.00 Pyrotechnic Display of Fireworks $ 168.00 Fire Report(per copy) $ 15.00+tax Fire Photo (per copy) $ 1.00+tax Fire Video Tape $ 100.OQ+tax Officers Report $ 15.00+tax Portions -First Page $ 1.00+tax Each Additional Page .50+tax Temporary use of LP Gas $ 15.00 Operation of Haunted House $ 84.00 Day Care Inspection Residential $ 42.00 Commercial $ 84.00 Storage and Use of Hazardous Materials $ 84.00 ' Over quantities listed in current Fire Code Edition- Section 4. Permit vaiid for twelve months -maximum Fuel Tank Installation or Removal $ 84.00 Minimum Plus $42.00 Per Tank When more than one Tank is Installed/Removed Fire Sprinkler Protection System Per Table lA of 1994 Uniform Building Code plus$.0005 Surcharge. Minimum fee $84.00 + Surcharge, 65%Plan Check Fee. 11 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 Alarm System Permit/Review Per Table 1A of 1994 Uniform Building Code plus$.0005 Surcharge. Minimum fee$84.00+ Surcharge. Special and Miscellaneous Inspections Per Table lA of 1994 Uniform Building Code. Minimum fee $84.00 (2hrs.)+$42.00/hr over 2 hrs. Reinspection Fee $ 42.00 Penalty for Failing to Obtain Permit Penalty for failing to obtain a permit prior to starting work required is three times the regular permit fee established herein. Certificate of occupancy Inspection/Renewal Fee $ 42.00 12 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendi�c I - 1998 POLICE DEPARTMENT PERMIT AND FEES Police reports $ 5.00+tax Police reports over five(5) pages $ 10.00+tax Drivers license check(non-resident) $ 5.00+tax Background checks $ 5.00+tax Animal Licenses Registration Fees Biennial fee for spayed and neutered animals $ 10.00 Biennial fee for unspayed and unneutered $ 20.00 ' Duplicate Tags $ 2.50 ' Applicants 62 years of age or older shall pay fifty I'�, percent(50%)of above stated fees. I Firearm Permit $ 10.00 Pawn Shop License Fee 0 - 20 pawns a day $1,500.00 yr. 21-40 pawns a day 3,000.00 yr. 41 and over pawns a day 5,000.00 yr. Initial application includes $1,500.00 deposit for investigation fee as set in City Code. Alarm User Permit $ 125.00 13 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 BUILDING PERMITS AND FEES Building Permits: As recommended by Table 1-A of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. Plan Check Fees: CommerciaUlndustriaUMulti-family buildings and structures - Sixty-five percent(65%) of the building permit fee. Residential buildings - fifty percent(50%) of the building permit fee for new single family dwellings. Residential Accessory Structuresladditions/alterations/repairs/remodeling- thirty-five (35%)of the building permit fee. State Surcharge: As recommended by the Minnesota State Code - Section 16B.70. Plumbing, Heating,Ventilating,Air Conditioning& Refrigeration Fees Residential (4 ar less units) New construction $ 84.50 Alteration/repair $ 42.50 Multiple Housing(5 or more units) New construction $ 84.50/unit �Alteration/repair $ 42.50/unit Commercial/IndustriaUInstitutional 1.5% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge $84.00 minimum fee plus $.0005 surcharge Sewer and Water Installation Permit Fees Municipal Service-residential (4 or less units) $ 60.50 Municipal Service -multiple housing(5 or more units) 1.5%of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge. I $84.00 minimum fee plus $A005 surcharge. Municipal Service - commerciaUindustriaUinstitutional , 1.25% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge. �, $84.00 minimum fee plus $.0005 surcharge. ' 14 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 Private Sewer- all classifications New construction or recostruction $ 60.50 Dakota County Recording Fee 50.00 $110.50 TOTAL Fences $ 30.50 Re-Siding Residential $ 30.50 CommerciaUInstitutionaUIndustrial I As recommended by Table lA of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. I,, -plus $.0005 surcharge. Minimum fee of$84.00 plus $.0005 surcharge. Re-Roofing Residential- Tear off&Reroof $ 30.50 - Overlay No Permit Required CommerciaUInstitutionaUIndustrial As recommended by Table lA of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. Plus $.0005 surcharge. Minimum fee of$84.00 plus $.0005 surcharge Single Family Dwelling Basement Finish $ 50.50 Electrical permit separate Signs Permanent Installation $ 84.00 plus electrical permit Temporary sign No charge Manufactured Homes � Inclusive of all Inspections & Connections $140.50 Swimming Pools As recommended by Table lA of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. -plus $.0005 surcharge and Plan Check Fee Moving Permit $ 50.50 Demolition Permit $ 50.50 15 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 Fireplaces: As recommended by Table lA ofthe 1994 Uniform Building Code -plus $.0005 sureharge. Residential Satellite Dishes and Antennas: $ 42.50 All other antennas and satellite dishes per Table 1 A of the 1994 Uniform Building Code plus$.0005 Surcharge. Minimum fee$84.00 plus $.0005 surcharge Grading Permits All fees are established per the 1994 Uniform Building Code Appendix Chapter 33 -Permit fee per table A33B -Plan review fee per table A33A - State surcharge fee of$ .50 -Bond Required, $3,000.00 per disturbed acre: minimum 1 ac. Septic System Maintenance/Operation Permits and Fees Residential maintenance permit $No fee Commercial, Industrial, Public or Institutional Operational Permit $ 84.00 Late renewal fee for maintenance or operational permits $ 42.00 Special Individual Sewage Treatment System (I.S.T.S) inspections or investigations $ 42.00 Electrical Permits 1. Minimum fee for each separate inspection of an installation, replacement, alteration or repair limited to one inspection only. $ 25.00 2. Services, changes or service,temparary services, additions, alterations or repairs on either primary or secondary services shall be computed separately. 0 to 100 ampere capacity $ 18.00 101 to and including 200 ampere capacity $ 20.00 For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof $ 8.00 16 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 3. Circuit, installation of, additions, alterations or repairs of each circuit or sub-feeder shall be computed separately, including circuits fed from sub-feeders and including the equipment served, except as provided for in Items 4 through 9. 0 to and including 30 ampere capacity $ 5.00 (maximum number of 1-30 ampere circuits to be paid on is 30 to any one cabinet) 31 to and including 100 ampere capacity $ 7.00 For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof $ 5.00 4. In addition to the above fees A charge of$2.00 will be made for each street lighting standard. A charge of$3.00 will be made for each traffic signal standard. Circuits originating within the standard will not be used when computing fees. 5. In addition to the above fees: ' All transformers and generators for light,heat and power will be computed �� separately at$5.00 per unit plus$. 25 per KVA up to and including 100 KVA. 101 I KVA and over will be computed at$ .20 per KVA All Transformers far signs and outline lighting shall be computed at$4.00 for the first 500 VA or fraction thereof per unit plus$.40 for each additional l00 VA or fraction thereof. 6. In addition to the above fees (unless included in the fee filed by the initial installer): Remote control, signal circuits and circuits of less than 50 volts shall be computed at$6.00 per each ten(10) openings or devices of each system plus $.50 for each additional opening. 7. For review of plans and specifications of proposed installations there shall be a minimum fee of$100.00 up to and including$30,000.00 of electrical estimate,plus 1/10 of one percent (1%) on any amount in excess of$30,000.00 to be paid by persons or firms requesting the review. 8. When re-inspection is necessary to determine whether unsafe conditions have been corrected and such conditions are not subject to an appeal pending before any court, a re- inspection fee of$25.00 may be assessed in writing by the inspector. 17 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 9. For inspections not covered herein, or for requested special inspections or services, the fee of$32.00 per man hour, including travel time,plus $.40 per mile traveled,plus the reasonable cost of equipment or material consumed. This section is also applicable to ins ection of em conduits and such 'obs as determined b the Cit . P Ph' J Y Y 10. For inspection of transient projects including,but not limited to carnivals and circuses the inspection fees shall be computed as follows. Power supply units according to item 2 of the fee schedule. A like fee will be required on power supply units at each engagement during the season, except that a fee of $32.00 will be charged for additional time spent by the inspector if the power supply is not ready for inspection at the time and date specified on the Request for Inspection as required by law. Rides, devices or concessions shall be inspected at their first appearance of the season and the inspection fee shall be$25.00 per unit. 11. Fees for services, feeders and circuits operating at over 250 volts shall be double those listed in items 2 and 3 above. 12. A$.50 State surcharge is to be added to each permit. Special and Miscellaneous Inspections As recommended by Table lA of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. With a minimum fee of$84.00 (Min. 2 Hrs)plus $42.00/hr over 2 hrs. Administrative Handling Fee A handling fee of$25.00 will be charged for address and lot changes and for permit and file editing. These changes must be done within thirty(30) days of permit issuance or all prior permit fees will be ', forfeited(non-refundable). ' Permits requiring special consideration will be assessed a$25.00 handling fee. ' Documentation Fees Building Department Reports $ 100.00/year+tax $ 10.00/month+tax Building Department Miscellaneous Documents $ 1.00/page+tax Blue Line Copies $ 5.00/copy+tax License Requirements Solid Waste Hauling License $ 50.00 18 , _ _. _ Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I - 1998 Parking Lots: $ 84.00 Plus City Engineering Department STAG Fee for impervious surfaces. Reinspections $ 42.00 Penalty for failing to obtain a permit 3 times the regular permit prior to starting work requiring a permit fee as established herein. Certificate of Occupancy inspection andlor renewal fee $ 42.00 19 Schedule of Rates & Fees I Appendix I - 1998 ', RESIDENTIAL BUILDING VALUATIONS I' Cost Per Square Foot for 1997 ', SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS-TYPE V-WOOD FRAME ' FirstFloor................................................................................................................$ 6Q.54 -', Second Floor...................................................................... ........$ 40.36 .............................. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS -BASEMENT �' FinishedBasements.................................................................................................$ 16.43 UnfinishedBasements.............................................................................................$ 12.21 CrawlSpace.............................................................................................................$ 6.11 Unexcavated Foundation Areas...............................................................................$ 3.06 ' GARAGES: WoodFrame.............................................................................................................$ 18.49 MasonryConst........................................................................,.....................,..........$ 20.81 GARDENSHEDS................................................................................................. $ 12.00 DECKS (WOOD FRAMED): WithGuardrail..........................................................................................................$ 9.50 WithoutGuardrail.....................................................................................................$ 7.00 FOUR SEASON PORCHES..................................................................................$ 60.54 THREE SEASON PORCHES (WOOD FRAMED)........................................... $ 40.36 GAZEBOS (WOOD FRAMED)............................ ...................$ 40.36 ............................. ZERO CLEARANCE FIREPLACES: With Full Height Wood Chase.................................................................................$4,000.00 Interior-No Chase.....................................................................................................$2,000.00 DogHoused............................................................................................................. $3,000.00 MASONRY FIREPLACES: OneLevel.................................................................................................................$5,000.00 Each Additional Level.............................................................................................$3,000.00 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING MECHANICAL INSTALLATION VALUES: Plumbing .................................................................................................................$7,500.00 HVAC .....................................................................................................................$5,000.00 Sewer/Water...................................... ......................................................................$ 800.00 20 . A � . A B � � 1 19 � 4 U B T VALUATION TABL E� .�� � VALUATION TABLES Veluallon Permit F�e 85°,6 Plan Revlew Fee Btale Surchar�e � Valuallan Permlt Fee d6°,� P an Rav aw Fa� 81w1a 8urah4t o 18n0Q 282.2s _ 17A. 9 O.QQ �500_ 21.00 13.85 - 0.2$ 6,6Q 800 23.75 15.�4 _Qy3Q 19QQQ 274.7'6 178.b6 1A.Q4 70Q 28.5� i7.23 Q.36 2QQQq 287.26 188.y1 iQ.6Q B�0 2�.25 18.01 _ O.qp 210QQ 209.7'S 16�.8�1 ' 2Q.80 Q.45 22QQQ 312.26 2Q2.88 11.Q4 80Q 32.U0 23QQ� 324.75 211.p8 �1.6= 1�00 34.T5 22.58 _ Q.SQ -- 2;pp a 5 24AAQ 337.26 218.21 . 11QQ 37.50 24.38 . 2�QAQ 348,76 227.34 12,5Q 120Q 40.25 28.18 �° - :2aonu s�a.76 233.16 13.AQ 1300 43.00 27.95 Q.�5 13 64,____ 27pQQ �387 76 23A Q �z� 1�00 �16.76 �O.y�{ Q.70,_,,,__, 28QpA 3 A.7Q ����.1lp 1�1•°= N 15Q0 A8.50 31.�3i���S 2t1QQA 38�.76 26Q.?�{ 1�.64 �. �3.g`��` Q.eO _ .-------- ---- 16.OQ 1800 51.25 35.10 _____,_�,,.:.._85 3QpAQ 3Q4.78 268.b8 16,60 1700 54.00 - 31QQQ 4Q3.76 282.�11 I B00 58.75 8.86 -- Q.9Q�,-„-, 32QpA %112.76 288.�A /B.t14 38.88 q.95 _ 33t'1A0 d21.78 2T�.14 18.64 1900 58.5Q 40�,46 1.pQ Z79.A9 17.Q0 2000 82.25 - -��Q 340QQ!43t1.76 285.8� 17.6Q _3000 74.75 �8.6fl agpQQ� q30.7S �1000 87.25 68.71 _ 2.QQ 3AQQQ �148.78 281.89 10.QQ 5000 99.75 e4�84 2.60 37AAA_ 467.76 287.64 1d.6Q 8Q0� 112.25 72.98 3.Q0 _ 9aQQQ, AQ8.75 _ 3Q9.g8 ____,_ 16.QQ 12A.75 �g1�Q8 3.5A _ 30AOA A76.7B 9q9.2�1 16.6Q � -7obo 4.aa 24.oA _ " e000 137.25 8U.21 4Aq(yQ_ q84�75 316.Q8 � 0000 149.75 87.34 a�50 q1AAo 403.76 32Q.64 24.bQ Q, �� �2s.78 2 t.aa � t0000 te2.25 1o5.Ae 42nna 5a2.75 ~ 11000 174.75 .�� �.SQ - 392.Q� 21.bQ � � q30tlQ �611.76 � 1200o i e7.25 121.71 -8.-ao q4QQA 52A.7�► 33a.,9 �Z.aa � � 13000 189.75 129.84 8 60 �++.3+ 22.60 a ,.� l.QQ 45AQA 62Q.75 36p.1A 23.Qp '� y 1�1000 212.25 137.98 7.6Q qqp�p_ 638.76 - - '"' � 15 00 2z4.75 1A8.08 q7AAA 6q7.7b a6d.Q� �3.6A ;, 1 8 0 0 0 237.25 154.21-- , a QQ-.- 361 bA � .QQ o A 8 q A B Q Q A 668.76 00 �, 17000 24fl.75 �192.3q . • . . � . . ATION TABLES VALUATION TABLES , VALU , Veluailon Permit Fea 85°� Plan Revlew Fee 81ate 8urct�ar e Valuallan Perm(t F�e 8596 Plen Revlow Fee filala BurcharQa 480�0 585.75 3A7.74 24.5d 800QQ 782.25 495.�8 40.�0 50000 574.75 373.59 25.Q0 810A0 788.SQ 489.53 �Ip.50 51000 581.00 377.85 25.50 8200Q 774.75 6Q3.69 �1.00 52000 587.25 381.71 28,00 83Q00 791.A0 647.85 4�•bQ eqoaa 787.25 611.T1 42.00 530Q0 593.50 385,78 2Q•�� s5000 793.5� 516.79 ���50 54000 598.75 389,84 2�•Q� 88QOQ 799.76 618.84 :� �13.00 55000 BOB.OQ 383,9p 27.6Q 870QQ BQB.QQ 623.6Q � �18.6Q 58000 812,25 391.fl8 2�•pQ � 8800Q 812.25 627.88 4+.0,0 57000 819.5U 4Q2.03 28.50 aBQAQ d18.5Q 532.Q3 ��.50 58000 824.75 'i08.�0 29�� AQ000 824.'16 63d.Q0 �16.00 59000 831.00 410.15 �8��� g�ppp 831.OQ 640.16 4b.50 N 80000 837.25 414.21 _ 3n.Q0 92000 837.25 6�4.21 �19.00 81000 843.50 a18.28 3Q'�� g3QQ0 843.5U 6�8.28 �IA.bO 82000 848.75 422.34 31.00 04Ap0 849.75 652.34 �17.00 83000 858.00 428.40 31.50 950QQ 856.QQ 56B.4A �17.50 8�000 8B2.25 A30.46 32•p� gBQQQ 862.25 6eQ.4e ,�.QO 85000 888.50 434.63 32•�� 97pqp 688.5Q _ b6,.63 1a,60 88000 874.75 • 438.69 33.00 98QQA ��` a y5 588.69 �IA.00 87000 691.00 442.95 33.50 99QQQ 8B1,pp 572.85 �IA.60 880D0 887.25 448.71 34.00 67g,�� 60.00 43 so laooao a87.2s s78.88 64.50 8�000 883.50 450.78 �p�0Q0 a92.25 � 35.00 - 683.21 61.OQ � 70000 689.75 454.84 _ _ 102QOQ 897.25 � 71000 708.00 A58.90 35.�0 1Q3Q00 9Q2.25 688.�8 51.60 p. �z000 ��z.zs ae2.ea 3e.qQ 688.71 62.00 � 1QAQOQ fl07.25 "" 73000 718.50 497.03 8� 692.88 b2.60 'o 0 471.08 37.00 1 Q50Q0 912.25 63.00 p � ', 74000 724.75 3 7.5 0 10800Q_ 917.25 _ 698.21 , 75U00 731.00 4 7 6.1 5 _ 1070pp 922.25 6 9 0.4 8 b 3.d 4 a ?;. ' 7 8 0 0 0 73 7.25 _ 4'19.21 38.OQ b1.00 � y ' T7000 743.50 ______ 48 3.2 8 38.50 1 Q 8 0 Q Q 927.25 802.71 6+.50 ~ R° 78000 749.75 a87.34 39.00 1Q900Q_ 832.25 8 0 5.99 110AAA fl37.25 60@.21 55.�0 0 � , 79000 ?58.00 491.40 38.50 0�°o y , . . VALUATIt�N TABLES VAL.UATION TABLES Valuation Permit Fee 85% Plan Review Fee 8tate 8urcharge Valuallan Permil Fee 86°� Plan Revlew Feo 81ato 8urcha� e 111000 942.25 812.�16 55.50 1420QQ 109T.25 713.21 T1,00 112000 947.25 615.71 89.QQ 14300Q 1102.25 _ 716.�8 71,60 113000 952.25 818.9A 58.60 144000 1107.25 ?16.71 72.00 114000 857.25 822.21 57.OQ 1450QQ 1112.25 722.68 72.60 11500Q 982.25 825.�18 67.50 1q8QQQ 1117.25 728.21 T3.00 8000 987.25 828.71 58,OQ 1470QQ 1122.26 729.�18 73.60 �1 14a000 112'1.2s 732.71 74.00 117000 972.25 831.98 58.SQ 118000 877.25 835,21 58.QQ 1490Q0 1132.25 736.88 . T4.6_0 1600QQ 1137.28 739.21 75.00 118�00 982.25 839.�6 �9'�0 • 161p00 1142.25 _742.�18 76.60 120000 997.25 641.71 _�o-_-Qo �6�ooa 1147�Z6 7�16.71 7e.00 121000 882.25 84,.�e -8q•a0 153000 1162.25 748.88 78.60 122000 987.25 6�18.21 81.00 16400A 1157.25 762.21 77.00 w tz3000 too2.25 e51.ae si��� lssaoo tie2.25 765.�e 77.so 124000 1007.25 e54.71 e2.oa - 78.00 82.50 15800A 1187.25 T68•�� �8.50 125000 1012,25 857.98 157000 1172.25 781.68 _ �2e000 io17.25 881.21 83.00 158poo 1177.25 765.21 7�.00 000 1022.25 884.�8 83.5�- 159QQ0 1182.25 ?88.�16 7A.6Q 127 - - 80.Q0 - ea.00 --- �7t.�t . 8 71 8 7. 1187.25 128000 1027.25 84,6Q ' 1800Q0 80.60 129000 1032.25 870.98 e�.Oq 181AQQ 1182.26 �74.g8 81.00 130000 1037.25 874.21 162QQQ i 18�_;_25 778.21 1310d0 1042.25 877.�8 _g5.6a 1630Q0 1202.25� _ 781.�8 81.60 132000 10 880.71 _��•OQ 28 00 883.98 88.50 1H400Q 1207.26 78�1.71 _ � 133000 t052.25 1654Q0 1212.25 787.A8 82.50 � 13�000 1057.25 887.21 87.OQ 83.00 a g7.S4 1880Q0� 1217.25 781.21 a3.5Q � � 135000 1082.25 890.48 sB.OQ 187QOQ 1222.25 784.�18 138Q'00 1087.25 893.71 _ 188Q00 122T.25 7A7.T1 8�.00 �v �, 137000 1012.25 898.98 88.60 �:860AQ! 12____32.25 8Q0.88 8�.64 � � 138000 1077.25 700.21 89�00 17QOQQ 1237'.2S 8Q�1.21 8b.Q0 � y 13fl000 toe2.25 7 0 3.4 e B e.�o 171000 1242.2s e o 7.�e e 5.5� ;" � 1�0000 1087.25 708.71 7A.p� 172000 1247.25 e1Q.�1 eB.QQ '� '� 1�1000 1092.25 7Q8.98 7Q.5Q fD _ � �o � H • VALUATION TABLE S VALUATION TA6LES Veluation Permlt Fee B5% Plen Revlew Fae Slate Surcherge ValuaUnn Per� 859�b Plen Revlow Fee Slate 8uroharge i 204000 14Q7.25 914.71 102.00 i 173000 1252.25 813.98 88.50 g�T,gg 102.50 87.00 205000 141 22 6 ip3.00 174000 1257.25 817•2� 87,50 2080Q0 14�17•2S 8��•21 t'15000 1282.25 820.48 20T000 1A22.25 82�1.48 103.50 178000 1267.25 823.71 88.00 927.71 10�.00 88.50 2080A0 1427.26 �O�.bO 177000 1272.25 828.98 2090Q0 1A32.25 930.98 178000 1217.25 830,21 89.00 834.21 105.00 89.50 21 A000 1437.25 g37.46 � 105.60 178000 1282.25 833.48 90.00 211000 1442.25 108.00 180000 12B7.25 838.71 2120Q0 1447.25_ 940.71 181000 1292.25 838.98 90.60 213000 1452.25 8�13.99 106.60 182000 1297.25 843.21 91.00 2 q 0 1457.2s 947.21 107.00 183000 1302.25 848A8 81.50 2�5000 1482.25 85Q.48 107.50 184000 1307.25 849.71 92.OQ 218000 1487.25 853.71 1Q8.00 �`' i 85000 1312.25 852.98 92.50 217aao 1472.25 958.88 108.50 �'' 858.21 93.00 980.21 109.00 189000 1317.25 g3.50 2180Q0 1477.25 109.50 187000 1322.25 859A8 • 21gppp 1A82.25 983.48 188000 1327.25 862.71 94.00 22000Q 1487.25 989.71 110.OQ 189000 1332.25 885.98 � 94�50 22100Q_ 1492.25 989.98 110.50 iti0000 1337.25 • 8893__1_ 95.Q0 22200p 1497.25 873.21 111.00 191000 1342.25 872.48 95.50 2230Q0 15 2 25 976.48 111.50_ 192000 1347.25 875.71 98.00 w22q00q 15Q7.25 979.71 112.�0 Ifl3000 1352.25 878.98 98.60 226A00 1612.25 682.69 112.60 194000 1357.25 882.21 9�.Od 2260qq 1517.25 888.21 113.00 19500Q 1382.25 885.49 97�50 22700Q 1522•25 989.48 113.60 � 198000 1387.25 889.71 98.00 228 1527.25 892.71 114.00 a 191000 1372.25 891.88 98.50 22`9Qpp 1532.25 985.98 11�1.60 � 198000 1377.25 895.21 98.Q0 23QQOQ 153T.25 899.21 115.�0 _ ,� � 199000 1382.25 898.48 99.5Q 23100Q 1542.25 1002.�18 115.5Q 'b °� 200000 1387.25 801.71 1Q0.00 232QAp 1547.25 1005.71 11a.Q0 ----- 90A.98 1Q0.5q - --- - _._. 1Q08.88 118.58 k � 201000 1392.25 ,�p�,00 233Q00 1552.25 202000 1397.25 9Q8.21 23qOQ0 1557.25 1Q12.21 117.QQ ;" Ro 20300U 1402.25 911.48 101.5p �'' '=i � � �o � � � • � (�/J � BL ES VA LUATION TA BLES VALUATION TA . Valuatlon Permit Fee 8596 Plan Revlaw Fea Sleto 8urche�ge Valualion Permit Fee 85°Jo Plap Revlew Fee Siale Surcha e ` 1118.21 133.00 io15.48 117.50 2eeoao 171y.25 i19.�18 133.so 2350�0 1582.25 1p19.71 118.00 2870Q0 1722•25 1�22.�� �34.00 238000 1597.25 1021.98 118.50 268000 1727.25 1125.98 13�{.50 237000 1572.25 119.00 269 00 0 1732.26 135.Q0 238000 )577.25 1025.21 119.50 270000 1737.25 1126.21 135.60 2_3900� 1582.25 1028.�48 120.OQ 271000 1742.25 1132.�18 �38.00 240000 1587.25 103i.71 2?2pop 1747.25 1135.71 1034.98 120.50 138.50 _ 241000 1592.25 121.OQ 273000 1752.25 1138.94 37�0 1038.21 27q0QQ 1757.25 11�t2.21� 137.50 242000 1597.25 1041.48 121.50 , 1145.48 2q30Q0 18U2.25 ----122 00 275000 17�� 1148.71 138.00 244000 1807.25 1044.71 122.5Q 2780Q0 1787.25 138.50 1047.98 27 0 1772.25 1151.6g 139.a0 245000 1812.25 1051.21 123.00 1155.21 Z�I8000 i817.25 123.50 2780Q0 1777.25 11��.�$ 139.b0 �, 247000 1822.25 1054.48 37`AOg 0 1782.25 140.OQ v, 1057.71 12a.00 _- 280000 1787.25 1161.71 i3O.50 248000 182�•25 �080.98 124.50 _ 1184.A8 2490p0 1832.25 125.00 281QOQ 1792.25 1168.21 141.00 250000 1837,25 1084.21 �25.50 282000 1707_;__25 14�,50 1097.48 2830UQ 1802.25 i 1?1.48 251000 1842.25 �o7a.71 128.00 1174.71 i�12.o0 -- 252000 1847.25 _ • 128.50 28AQQ0 18��2 1177.96 1�12.50 253000 1852.25 1073.96 127.00 285Q00 18_____12:25 1�13.QQ 1077.21 286QOQ 1817.25 1181.21 143.50 254000 1857.25 �pg0.ae ----127��Q 1184.�8 255000 1882.25 _________-- 12��� 28TQ00 1822.25 �1g�.71 14�.00 258000 1887.25 1083.71 28 50 288U00 1827.25 1�,,50 _ � 1088.98 1180.98 � 257000 1672.25 129.40 . 289QOQ 1S3_ 2•_25.- 1184.21 1�5.00 � 258000 1877.25 1090.21 �29,50 290QQ4 183_ 7•_ 25 �45.50 � 259000 1882.25 1093.48 �� 29100Q 1842.25 1197.48 �oA � � 280000 18 8 7.2 5 i098.71 �30.50 29 002 0 18A7.25 . 1200.71 1 4 8.5Q � �, 1099,98 2930Q4 1852.25 12Q3.98 281000 t 8 9 2.2 5 1103.21 131.00 1287.21 1 4 7.00____ a � 282000 1897.25 131.50 294QQn 185T.25 �210.�i8 1+7.50 ,_, � ; 2 8 3 0 0 0 1 7�! 11Q8A8 �32.O Q 29500Q 1___8�2�75 """'�,jg;pp ,..� � '-1109.�1 298Q00 1887.25 1213.T1 � 284000 1707.25 1112.98 132.50 `� `� 285000 1712.25 �D � CO t�ir 4lALUATION TABLES VAL.UATION TAE�LES Valuallon Perm it Fee 85°,6 Plen Review Fee 8tate 8urchar e Valuatlan Per� 85'� P�an Ravlew Fee Slal• 8u�cha � 328000 2027.25 1317•71 fi81.00 29T000 1872.25 1216.88 148.50 329000 2Q32.25 1320.99 18�.50 877.25 1220.21 149.00 pQ 2Q37.25 1324.21 185.00 2980�0 1 33QQ 299000 1882.25 1223.48 149.5Q 331000 2042.25 1327.�8 185.60 30000� 1A87.25 1228.71 180.00 932000 2047.25 1330.71 188•QQ 301�00 1892.25 1229.98 150.50 33300Q 2Q52.25 1333.68 168.50 302000 1897.25 1233.21 _1_51.00 3340QQ 2Q57.25 1337.21 1BT.Q0 303000 1902.25 1238.A8 151.50 187,50 - - 1239.71 162.Q0 93500Q 2A82.25 13�Q.�{8 �. ,_. 304000 1907.25 3384Q0 209T.26 1343.71 ��8•�p 305000 1912.25 1242.98 152.50 337Q00 2072.25 1348.98 188.50 308000 1917.25 1248.21 153.00 338000 �0�6 360 �1 180.00 so70oo 1922.26 t��l�.�e 1d3.sA 339QQ0 2082.25 353. 8 0. 0 308000 1927.25 1252.71 154.00 340000 2087.25 1358.71 1TO.Q0 rn 30flR00 1932.25 1255.98 154.6Q 3q�ppp 2p92.2g 1358.A8 170.50 3loano 1837.25 1259.21 165.00 342000 2097.25 1383.21 i?1.a0 311000 1942.25 1282.48 165.60 343000 2102.25 i388.�1� 17i.50 158.00 3440Q0 210y.25 1388.71 _ 172.OQ 312000 1947.25 1285.71 �58.60 172.60 313000 tesz.25 12se.e8 157.00 34soaa 2112.2s 1372.98 jT3.o0 314U00 1957.25 • 1272.21 3q80Q0 2117.25 1378.21 173.60 315000 1992.25 1275.4e 1s7.60 34700Q 2122.25' 13T8.�8 318000 1987.25 1278.71 158.00 34800q 21�27.25- 1382.71 174.04 317000 1972.25 1281.0A 1�e._:_�Q 34flQQQ 2132.25 1385.68 174.60 318UD0 1877.25 1285.21 169A0 g5QA0A 2137.25 1389.21 1T5.00 rn 3190U0 1982.25 1288.48 159.50 351QQQ 21` 42•25 13A2.�18 17b.5Q � 320Q00 1987.25 1291.71 18Q.00 3�a20QQ 2147.25 1365.71 178.00 � 321000 1992.25 1284.88 1 QS �� 353000 2152.25 1398.98 178.60_ --� � e� 322000 1987.25 1298.21 191.Q0 3540QQ 2157.25 1�02.21 177.Q0 b � 323000 2002.25 1301.48 181.50 35500Q 2182.25 1�Ip5.�8 177.64 - ' S 1304.71 182.Q0 358UOQ 2187.25 -1;08.71 178.Q_ � � 32400Q 2007.2 _ 325000 2012.25 1307.98 182.50 357000 2172.25 1411.88 178.50 ,.� � 326000 2017.25 1311.21 183.00 35800Q 2177.25 1416.21 17A.00 � 183.5U � 32�000 2022.25 1314.48 � y i • j, l , , VALUATION TABLES VALUATION TA6LES Valuation Permlt Fee 85°�Pian Reviaw�ee State 3urcharpe Valust(on Permtl Fee 859�6 Pian R�vlew Fea 6lale Surchar a 359000 2182.25 1418.48 179.50 380Q00 2337.25 1519.21 195.00 380000 2197.25 1�421.71 180.00 391000 2342.25 1522.�18 165.60 3810Q0 2192.25 1424.98 18Q.50 392000 2347.25 1 b25.71 168.00 382000 2197.25 1428.21 181.00 3930QQ 2352.25 1828.98 198.50 36300a 2202.25 1431.A8 48150 394Q00 2357.25 1532.21 197.00 384000 2207.25 1434.7'1 182.00 395Qp0 2382.25 1535.�8 197.50 385000 2212.25 1437.98 182.50 398QQ0 2387.25 1538.T1 198.00 388000 221�.25 1441.21 183.00 397QOQ 2372.25 1641.88��:� 188.60 000 2222.25 1A44.d8 183.50 398QQ0 2377.25 1545.21 199.OQ 387 3890p0 2382.25 16�18.�18 198.5Q 988000. 2227.25 1447.71 i84.00 q00Q00 238'1.25 - 16b1.)1 20Q.00 389000 2232.25 1450.98 184.50 441QQ0 ' 2392.25 1554.98 200,60 N 37000Q 2237.25 1454.21 185.00 q�� �3@7.2� 1558,21 201.00 � �T1000 2242.25 1A57.q8 185.5Q qp30U0 2402.25 1581.�8 201.60 372000 2241.25 1A80.71 198.QQ ApqQOQ 2407.25 1584.T1 202.00 373000 2252.25 1483.98 188.60 q050A0 2412.25 1687.98 202.50 3740�0 2257.25 1487.21 187.OU q0`gA00 2417.25 1571.21 203.�0 375000 2282.25 1470.48 187.50 qp�00A 2422.25 157�1.�18 203.50 �78000 2287.25 • 1473.71 188.00 40800Q 2427.25 15TT.71 Z04.00 377000 22T2.25 1478.98 188.50 gQ90UQ 2432.25 1580.98 204.50 378000 2277.25 1480.21 189.Q0 q1A00A 24`37.25 ' 1594.21 205.00 379000 2282.25 1A83.48 189.50 .{11000 2442.25 1587.�18 205.50 380000 2287.25 1488.71_ 190.00 412 00 0 2447.25 1590.71 208.00 vi 381000 2292.25 1489.98 190.50 q13Q00 2452.25 1693.88 208.50 �' 382000 2287.25 1493.21 191.Q0 414d00 2487.25 1597.2t 207.00 � 383000 2302.25 1A98.48 191.50 q�5000 2A82.25 18QQ.�18 207.SQ ►- 384000 2307.25 1499.71 192�00 418pp0 2487.25 18A3.71 208.00 � o� 385000 2312.25 1 502.9 8 _1 9 2•5 0 417A00 2472.25 18 0 8.9 8 2 0 8.5 0 398000 2317.25 1508.21 193.00 209.00 � � 418000 2477.25 1810.21 387000 2322.25 1509.A8 193.5Q 4190Q0 2482.25 1813.�18 209.50 ,� y 388000 2327.25 1512.71 194.00 q20000 2487.25 1818.71 210.00 ' Q° 389000 2332.25 1515.98 194.50 `� � � _ � H VALUATION TABLES VALUATION TABLES Valuallon Permil Fee 85% Pfan Revlew Fee Slate Surcha e Valuatlon Permit Foe 859�6 Pian Revlew Fe• Stel• eutchar a �21000 2482.25 1818.88 210.60 462000 2847.26 172Q.71 Z76.00 422000 2�97.25 1823.21 211.00 453000 26S2.2S 1723.A8 226.50 �12300D 2502.25 1828.48 211�sa 4s4aaa 2857�25 1727.21 227.00 �24000 2507.25 1829.71 212.OQ 455000 2882.25 -_1730.48 227.60 425000 2512.25 1632.98 � 212.50 458QQ0 2887.2� 1T33.71 226.00 428000 2517.25 1838.21 213,QQ 457QQ0_ 2972.25 173Q.98. . �Q 427000 2522.25 1838.48 213.5Q q58qQ0 2877.25 174Q.21 � �� 229.00 I 428000 2527.25 1842.1) 214.OQ A58QOQ 2882.25 17�13.�18 228.50 �28000 2532.25 1845.88 21q.50 480QOQ 2887.2b 17�18.71 _____23Q•00 I q810Q0 2882.25 1y�18.99 230.5Q �130000 2537.25 1849,21 21 b,p0 _._.---- �9100D 28�12.Z6 a . 2 .�0 �102A00 �A07.�d 1769.Z1 9�1.00 - 2547.25 1855.71 218.0o qa3aaa 27Q2.25 1758.�18 231.5Q 432000 q84Q00 27p7.25 1768.71 23Z.00 � 433000 2552.25 1858.88 2�8.6Q qs50Q0 2712.25 1762.88 232.50 �3,000 2557.25 1882.21 217•aQ 4880Q0 2717.25 1788.21 Z33•00 �35000 2582.25 1885.�8 217.50 233.50 439000 2587.25 1888.71 2 0 00 q6700A 2722.25. 178A.�8 231.00 488000 2727.25 17T2.71 �137000 2572.25 1671.98 218.60 qs9q0Q 2732.25 177b.68 234.60 438000 2577.25 • 1975.21 218.U0 235.OQ a?AOQO 2737.25 1778.21 236.50 �39000 2582.25 1878•48 21�'sQ q710A0 2742.25 1762.�18_ �40000 2587.25 1881.71 220.04 - - 238.�0 v� �;100� 2582.25 1884.66 220.80 4720QQ 2747.25 _ 1785.T1 238.50 A , �42000 2597.25 1888.21 221.00 A73QQ0 2752.25 1788.98 237.00 c ' 443000 2802.25 1691.48 221.50 A74QQ0 2757.25 1?02.21 �37.50 4��000 2807.25 1894.71 222.00 4750Q0 2782.25 _ 1785.�8 _ 230.00 � � 222.50 478QOA 2787�25 1798.71 _ 238.5Q � � 4�15000 2812.25 1897.98 223.OQ A77QQQ 2772.25 18Q1.88 p 4�e000 2e�7.2s 1701.21 - q78A0A 2777.2s teo5.21 23e.ao �: � �IT000 _2822.25 1704.48 223.5p q79QQA 2782.25 18Q9.�l8 239.5Q ,� �° ��e000 2e21.25 1707.71 a22 Q� q�poao 27a7.25 1811.71 2�O.oA � �° �1,9000 2832.25 1710.98 224.50 �50000 2837.25 1714.21 225.00 481pQQ_ 2792.25 181�.98 2�10.5Q c � -- 225.50 q82'AQQ 279y.25 1818.21 2�1.00 ' � y ,51000 2842.25 1717'.48 t � � ' $600,001.00 TO S 1�000�000.00 ALUATIQN TABLES $2' o 0oo.00r us 84.2fi for V $60 , P each additionel 61.000.00 or Va uei on Pemdl ee 66 en Rev ew Pee elste eurc�ar a fraction thereof, to end 2 5p including 81,000�000.00.. �s3000 2802.25 821.�8 2A2.Q0 �ea000 zao7.zs �e2a.yt 2a2�,,.,sa --- 4e5ooa 2e12.2s i82�•9� 2+3.oa �88000 2811.25 1831.21 243.s0 g1�000�001.00 and up �l81000 2822.25 183�1.�18 2A�.00 _, � {88Q00 2827.25 1e37.7i za�.�p _ g6�012.26 for the first����. ie4o.88 24g.qp 61,000,000.00 plus 82.76 for �I88000 2832.25 1� ,.21 �90000 2837.25 �'7.�� 2�6.60 _ �ach �dditionai 81�000.00 or �etooa �8�2•2b ego.71 2'�e•Qa frection thereof. �492000 28�7.26 �63.98 2 8.60 ' �,�_.______..- �930 pp 2852.26 2 7.Q0 � �18�OOQ 295y.26 8B7.2 247.60 �8���8 2�8 0' _ Plan Review wtll be oharged at 86°�6 49500� 2882•26 8A3.71 ermit fee. 49e000 289'1•25 1ee8.�e 2A�•��--- of the building p �IB7000 2872.25 1870.21 248.0� �_..._ �190000 2877.25 . 873.4d 2�t9.6Q _.__ . �ee000 2eaZ•2g . ��7�.y 25a.Qp For State Surcharge information refer 500000 2887.26 to State Statute 168.70. � A CJ' e9 O. , C � � � � . p �tZ. �!� � ►•� R° � � � � � O�°o � � Schedule of Rates & Fees • Appendix I - 1998 1994 UNIFORM BI�tLD1NG C�DE GRADING PERMIT FEES TABLE A-33-A-GRADING PLAN REV{EW FEES ' 50 cubic yards(38?m3)or less ............................................ No fee 5 t to 100 cubic yards(40 m3 to�6.5 m3) ..................................... $l�.00 ', 101 ro 1,000 cubic yards(77?m3 to 764.6 m3) ................................. 2?S0 '', 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards(76�.3 m3 to 7645.5 m3) ........................ ... 30.00 I 10,00I ro 100,000 cubic yards(76-�b.3 m3 to 76 45�m3}-530.(lU for the Hrst t0,000 cubic yards I' (76=t5.�m3),plus S 15.00 for each additional 10,000 yards('Ff�15.5 m3)or fraction thereof. �I 100,00 t to 200,000 cubic yazds(76 4�6 m3 to 152 91 I m3}-516�.00 for the first (00.000 cubic I yards(76 45� m3),plus 59.00 for each additionaI 10,000 cuhic yards(76�t5.� m3)or fr�ction 'I thereof. 200,00 l cubic yards(152 912 m3)or more-�2�5.00 for the first2�0,000 cubic yards(1�2 911 m3), �li plus��.50 for tach additional 10,000 cubic yards(7645.5 m3)or fraction thereof. I Other Fees: � Additional pian review required by chanQes,additions or revisions to approved plans ...................................... $30.00 per hour* � (minimum charge-one-half hour) *Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction.whichever is the greatesc lltis cosz shalt include supervision,overhead. equipmen4 hourly wages and fcinse benefits of the empfoyces imoived. TABLE A-33-8-GRAQING PER�ff FEES� 50 cubic yards(38.2 m3)or less ...................... .... $15.00 51 to 100 cubic yards(40 m3 to 765 m3) ...................................... 22.50 10l to 1,000 cubic yards{77.2 m3 to 764.6 m3}-$22.50 for the first 1�cubic yards(76.5 m3)pius �10.50 foc each additional 100 cubic yards(76S m3)or fraction thereof. 1.00(to 10,000 cubic yards(76�3 m3 to 7645.5 m3}-$I 17.00 fac the first 1,000 cubic yards(764.6 m3),pius�9.00 Eor each addicionat I,000 cubic yards(7C�t.6 m3)or fraction thereof. 10,001 to 100.000 cubic yards(76�i6.3 m3 to 76 455 m3}-5143.Q0 for the first 10,000 cubic yards (7645.5 m3),plus 5�0.�0 for each addi[ional 10,000 cubic yards(7bd5.�m3)or fraction thereof. 100.001 cubic yards(76 456 m3)or more-SSb2..i0 for the first t00,000 cubic yards(76 45�m3), plus S2?�0 for each additional l0,000 cubic yards(7645.�m3)or fraction thereof. Other Inspections and Fees 1. Inspections outside of norma]business hours ........ ........ �30.00 per hour'- (minimum charge-two hours) • 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 108.3 .............................................. $30.00 perhour' 3. Inspections for which no fee is specificaUy indicated ............... 330.00 per hour' (minimum char�e-one-half hour) �The fee for a�rading permic autho�izing addi[ionai work to that under�vatid ptrmit shat[lx the difference brtwten the fec paid for the original permit and che fee shown for the entire projrct. ZOr the ro�al houriy cost ro[he jurisdiction,whichaver is the grearest.lleis cost shail indude suptrvision,overhead. equipmant,hourly wages and fringe bnnnfits of the tmployees involveii. 30 _ . Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 1998 APPENDIX II ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION FEES AND FEE POLICY 1. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .Page 1 2. Priority for Scheduling Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2 3. Facility Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 2-6 A. Purpose...........................................Page 2 B. Fee Class of Users..........................Page 3 C. Fees..................................................Pages 3 -6 D. Deposits...........................................Page 6 4. Building Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 7-S 5. Reservation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 9-10 Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy APPendi�z II - 1998 APPENDIX II ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION FEES AND FEE POLICY ' 1998 l. DEFII�IITIONS A. Cit�groups, organizations. or activities Includes Rosemount Halloween Festivity, Leprechaun Days, Share the Spirit, Miss Rosemount Scholarship Pageant, and Shamrock Awards Banquet. B. Civic and Non-profit r�oups Includes civic organizations,political groups, churches, athletic associations, fraternal groups, charitable groups, and character building organizations devoted to social, educational, recreational and civic development or other like purposes. C. Commercial groups Includes groups that operate for profit or the purpose of promotion or advertisement. D. Governmental a encies Includes county, state, federal, and special tax districts serving Rosemount residents. E. Non-resident groups Includes groups having more than one-half of their members not living within the Rosemount City limits. F. Resident Any person who maintains a residential address in the City of Rosemount. G. Resident r�oups Includes RAAA, RAHA and groups having more than one-half of their members living within the Rosemount City limits. H. School Dsitrict#196 Includes all directly related school activities including curricular, co-curricular, extra ', curricular and all directly controlled school organizations; including Community Education. 1 Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 1998 2. PRIORITY FOR SCHEDULING FACILITIES A, Purpose Due to the large number of organizations that request community center facilities, the City Council has deemed it necessary to group by activity these organizations and establish a priority in order to insure that community center facilities are made available so as to best meet community needs. B. Prioritv Classification of Users 1. Rosemount Parks and Recreation Pragrams. 2. Community events. 3. Individual residents. 4. Resident groups and resident civic and non-profit groups. 5. School District#196 sponsored programs and events. 6. Other governmental units serving Rosemount residents. 7. Individual non-residents,non-resident civic and non-profit groups. 8. All other authorized groups to include non-resident, commercial and profit groups. C. Permits and Rental A�;reements Uses may be determined by permit, contract or rental agreement on such terms as mutually agreed upon. 3. FACILITY FEES A. Purpose The City Council establishes the following user classification for the purpose of setting fees. Specific fee charges are dependent on the purpose of the activities,type of group, facility which is requested and special services and/or equipment needed,with consideration to the market place and such other factors as may be deemed relevant. A fee I schedule will be established by the City Administration after review and recommendation 2 � Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 1998 of the Parks and Recreation Committee. The fee schedule will be reviewed as necessary but not less than annually by the Parks and Recreation Committee. B. Fee Class of Users l. Community events. 2. Residents,resident civic,non-profit groups and School District#196. 3. Non-residents, and non-resident civic and non-profit groups, and other , governmental agencies. 4. Commercial groups. C. Fees 1. Auditorium ' Auditorium alone: Fee Class Hourly Rate 8 hours or more Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set-up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $30 per hour $200 Class 3 $35 per hour $250 Class 4 $60 per hour $450 ' 3 Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 1998 Auditorium with the banquet room and adjoining lobby: (all day fee) Fee Class Saturday Friday Weekday(Sun-Thurs) Fee Fee Fee Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set-up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $650 $600 $225 Class 3 $750 $700 $275 Class4 $850 $800 $550 * A$10.00 per hour fee will be assessed if using additional audio visual equipment other than microphones and standard lighting. 2. Banquet Room Fee Class Saturday Friday Weekday(Sun-Thurs) Fee Fee Fee Class 1 $450 Fees based upon direct cleaning and set-up costs, and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $450 $400 $125 Class 3 $550 $500 $175 Class 4 $650 $600 $250 4 Rosemount Parks &Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 1998 , 3. Classrooms Fee class Per Classroom Class 1 Fees based upon direct cleaning and set-up costs, and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $15 per 3 hours per classroom Class 3 $20 per 3 hours per classroom Class 4 $20 per 3 hours per classroom Regudar use of the classroom: The classrooms will be available for regular meetings. An organization in fee class one, two or three receives one classroom for a 3 hours period of time at no charge for one rneeting per month. An organization can reserve up to one year in advance of the reservation period, and is charged a$25 reservation fee. 4. Gvmnasium Fee class Full Gym Full Day Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set-up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $30 per hour $150 Class 3 $40 per hour $200 ', Class 4 $60 per hour $500 ,i The Gymnasium Kitchen may be rented for$SO per day. i 5. Portable Audiovisual Ec�uipment Easels,paper and markers may be rented for$15 per use. (Easels are free of charge if no paper and markers are requested.) The remaining equipment including the overhead projectors, slide projector, VCR and TV monitors may be rented for$10 per use. There is no charge for use of microphones and lecterns. 5 Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 1998 6. Arena(effective September 1, 1997) Prime Time Ice $130 per hour(plus tax) Non Prime Time Ice $95 per hour(plus tax) Summer Ice $85 per hour(plus tax) Open Skating Fee $2.50 Skate Sharpening $2.50 The non ice arena fees to be negotiated by management staff. Prime Time: Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.- 10:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 6:00 a.m.- 10:00 p.m. Non Prime Time: Monday-Friday 10:00 p.m - 7:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday after 10:00 p.m. Summer Ice: April 1 to September 1 The order of priority for scheduling of ice time to major users(+200 hours per year) is as follows: 1. Community Center sponsored programs (open skating, learn to skate, events, etc,) . 2. Rosemount High School Girls and Boys Hockey games and practices,based on limits mutually agreed upon. 3. Rosemount Area Hockey Association. 4. Other hockey associations or organizations requesting 200 or more hours per year. After the above groups have been scheduled consecutively, ice time for secondary users (less than 200 hours per year) will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis. D. De osits P l. Specific to the auditorium,banquet room and gymnasium, a damage deposit of $150 is required two weeks prior to the event. Pending there are no damages, the deposit will be refunded within 21 days after the event date. Fee Class One, Dakota Technical College,Dakota County Offices, State of Minnesota Offices, 6 Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy Appendix II - 1998 municipal offices from cities adjacent to Rosemount, and School District#196 are exempt from damage deposits. 2. Specific to the auditorium,banquet room and gymnasium, a non-refundable rental deposit of one half the fee is required within two weeks of permit issue. The renter will forfeit the reservation if the rental deposit is not received within two weeks after the permit issue date. The balance of the room fee is due two weeks prior to the event. 3. Specific to the ice arena, a minimum non-refundable deposit of$45 per hour is required upon receipt of ice arena contract for use. 4. Specific to the classrooms, a damage deposit of$25 is required two weeks prior to the first meeting date for any organization reserving classroom space for monthly meetings for a period of one year. The damage deposit may also be assessed to one-time users based on the activity etc. 4. BUILDING USE A. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the building. B. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed in the Community Center in designated areas according to the procedures and guidelines of the Community Center and any applicable laws. Liquor must be served by an approved liquor provider as designated through the City of Rosemount Liquor Ordinance. A uniformed licensed police officer is required for rentals where alcoholic beverages are served. Security is arranged by the rental coordinator in conjunction with the Rosemount Police Department. The application of the security rule will be dependent on the activity type and the appropriate staff will have the option of waiving the security rule. (see Reservations N.). C. The renter may arrange food service through the caterer of their choice. All caterers ', must receive a facility orientation from the appropriate staff before the date of the �!, event. �� D. Any liquor provider and caterer used are responsible for busing tables after the event I and consolidating trash into receptacles. E. The City of Rosemount has the right to exclude caterers or liquor providers if appropriate policies and procedures are not followed. F. The Rosemount Community Center does not provide linens and table skirts. 7 Rosemount Parks & Recreatioa Fees and Fee Policy Appendix TI - 1998 G. Discrimination-The City of Rosemount will not discriminate against or harass any applicant because of race, color, religion,national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance. H. The Rosemount Community Center is not liable for any loss, damage, injury, or illness by the users of the facilities in the Community Center. Neither the City of Rosernount or its employees can be held responsible for any items that are left at the facility by either the renter, caterer or contracted service. I. Fees cover the use of reserved facilities according to the hours indicated on the permit, contract or lease. This includes all set-up time by the caterer and/or the customer. Occupancy of the reserved facility after the time indicated on the agreement will result in an additional rental fee which will be deducted from the deposit or assessed to the renter. J. Specific to the auditorium, the fee includes RCC Staff,table and chair set-up, tear- down, and cleanup. The auditorium and banquet fee includes the dance floor and portable bar in addition to those items listed above as specific to the auditorium. K. Specific to the banquet room, the fee includes RCC Staff, table and chair set-up, tear- down, and general cleanup, and the use of the dance floor,portable bar, outdoor patio, coat room and caterers kitchen . L. Specific to the classrooms, fees do not cover table and chair set up. The class room will be set up in a standard configuration. The room is expected to be set up in the original configuration before the user leaves the facility. It is also the responsibility of the user to consolidate any trash into receptacles and leave the room in a presentable condition. M. Specific to the gymnasium, the fee includes RCC Staff, 6 basketballs, 2 volleyballs with two nets and standards. If thegymnasium is used for recreational purposes such as basketball or volleyball;no black soled shoes,no gum, and no food or beverage is allowed in the gymnasium. If the gymnasium is used for banquet purposes, the renter is responsible for table and chair set up. N. Additional charges are required for all portable audiovisual equipment. 8 Rosemount Parks & Recreation I�, Fees and Fee Policy ' Appendix II - 1998 5. RESERVATION PROCEDURES I A. Al�groups using the center must have an approved permit,contract or lease prior ta facility use. One contact person must be designated to make all arrangements with Community Center staff. B. Facility Use Permit requests will be approved by the Parks and Recreation Department on the basis of the community center policies established by the City CounciL C. Tentative reservations may be taken over the phone and space will be held three weeks or 21 days prior to permit issue and request of a rental deposit. D. Specific to the auditorium and banquet room, fee class one and two can reserve the auditorium and/or banquet room up to two years in advance of the event. Fee class three and four can reserve the auditorium and/or banquet room up to 18 months in advance. E. Specific to the gymnasium, fee class one and two can reserve the gymnasium up to 12 months in advance of the event. Fee class three and four can reserve the gymnasium up to the 9 months in advance. F. Specific to the classrooms,reservations can be made for regular use of the rooms for monthly meetings. Groups must submit an"Application for Regular Meetings". These applications will be accepted initially in the month of June for the next school year, and thereafter. G. Copies of the permit will be distributed to lessee and the appropriate staff as deemed necessary. H. Users take full responsibility for their group's conduct and for any loss,breakage,or damage to the rooms, equipment, or other community center property. The City reserves the right to assign supervisory staff or maintenance personnel at an additional cost to the user, if deemed necessary by the particular function or activity. I. Cancellations will be subject to 50%of the rental fee. J. Once a permit has been authorized, the holder cannot assign, transfer nor sublet to another party the use of the facility they reserved. K. The hours stated on the Facility Use Permit must be adhered to as the facility will be opened for the applicant and locked at the times stated on the permit. 9 . Rosemount Parks & Recreation Fees and Fee Policy APPendix II - 1998 L. Youth groups (participants ages 18 and younger)must be chaperoned on a ratio of one adult per fifteen youth,or other ratio Community Center Staff deem necessary. M. No decorations,banners, or signs can be taped,pinned, or affixed to the walls, ceilings or windows unless permission has been granted by the appropriate staff. (Refer to banquet room rules and regulations for more detailed information.) N. A uniformed licensed police officer/reserve is required at the cost of the renter when alcohol beverages are served. The Rental Coordinator will arrange all police officers and renter will assessed a charge to be paid prior to event date. 10