HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Sign Ordinance Text Amendment . ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: December 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Sign Ordinance Text Amendment AGENDA SECTION: ' New Business PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGENDA NO. ITE�I # ATTACHMENTS: Draft Amendment language, Sign elevation, APPROVED BY: Site Plan, Drai�PC Minutes(12-9-97}. Applicant/Property Owner: Community Center/Parks &Recreation I'! Location: National Guard Armory/Community Center Planning Commission Action: Recommendation for adoption(unanimous) SUMMARY Jim Topitzhofer, Community Center/Parks &Recreation Director has announced that the National Guard will contribute funds for a permanent ground sign at the Community Center that will include a single line electronic message display. As the bidding process proceeded,Planning Staff advised that a zoning text amendment of the sign ordinance would be necessary to permit the electronic display portion of the sign. In addition, the proposed sign is similar in size with typical commercial ground/pylon signs,yet there is no current provision for the size of the sign in the Public/Institutional(P)District. The amendment will provide consistency between Commercial and Public Districts. The approach of the ordinance amendment is to make the allowance for the reader baard as narrow as possible. The focus is on promoting scheduled Community Center activities and civic events while excluding commercial advertising. On December 9, 1997, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as necessary for the proposed amendment. Mayor Busho and Community Center/Parks&Rec. Director Topitzhofer attended and participated in the discussion. Otherwise,no other persons attended the public hearing. The Planning Commission identified several concerns regarding the proposed language and aesthetic issues. The language has since been modified to eliminate a"double exception"; a compatible materials requirement and additional specificity to the height limitation have been provided as well. Assured that the City Attorney would further review the proposed changes, the Planning Commission then adopted a unanimous motion to recommend approval with the stated changes. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend that the City Council adopt the ordinance amendment to Section 10 of the Zoning Ordinance for ground signs and electronic reader boards in the P Public/Institutional District. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: + � � ' � • Planning Commission ' . . Regular Meeting Minutes December 9, 1997 Page 4 Discussions cantinued regarding the type of materials and color used for signs. Mr. Pearson explained zoning controls only the size and location of a sign. Commissioners felt there is a need for regulation over sign materials and colors for consistency. Materials should be compatible with �i the principal structure. Additionally, as concems the 20'height limitation, ordinance language ''�, should clarify this measurement is from grade leveL Commissioner Shoe-Corrigan felt any provision for higher standards should apply to all districts, I not just the Public/Institutional District. By limiting the higher standards to just the Public/Institutional District, it places an unfair burden of additional costs on this district, while the I commercial district can get by with much less. I 1#�IOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that the City Council adopt the ordinance amendment to � Section 10 of the Zoning Ordinance for ground signs and electronic reader boards in the P Public/Institutional District,with language added to Paragraph 10.2.I.1. stating the 20 feet in height restriction be from grade level and an additional provision that the materials be compatible with the principal structure. Seconded by Droste. Ayes:Weisensel,DeBettignies,Tentinger, Droste, and Shoe-Corrigan. Nays: 0. Motion cazried. There being no further business to come before this Commission,upon MOTION by Droste, and upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dianne G. Quinnell Recording Secretary . ' � Planning Commission . , Regular Meeting Minntes December 9, 1997 Page 3 have been dealt with and that all aspects of past permits be complied with prior to issuance of a new permit. Specifically, Commissioner Shoe-Corrigan inquired as to the City's ability to hoid i i�dges Excavating responsible for any violation of the permit conditions. MOTION by Droste to recommend that the City Council appro renewal of the mineral I extraction permit for Lance Johnson as modified by th ttorney for 1998 and provision of a I boundary and topography survey of current s' es and conditions,that the extraction amounts ��, be submitted to the City semi-annu at corner stakes must be visible at all times to City ', representatives,clarifyin ge regarding the restoration of extracted areas, and that Friedges ', Excavating be b mto compliance before the March, 1998 renewal deadline. Seconded by Tentin yes: Droste, Shoe-Comgan, Weisensel,DeBettignies, and Tentinger. Nays: 0. Motion Public Hearing: Sign Ordinance Text Amendment Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing for the Sign Ordinance Text Amendxnent. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Posting of a Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. Mr. Pearson presented the application by the Community Center for a permanent sign which includes a single line electronic message display. The National Guard will contribute funds for this sign. Currently, electronic reader board signs are not allowed. Proposed language for the ordinance amendment is specific to civil events and is limited to the Public/Institutional District, excluding commercial advertising. Chairperson Droste opened the floor to the applicant. Jim Topitzhofer,Parks &Recreation Director, indicated the purpose of the sign is to identify the Community Center and to promote activities within. Chairperson Droste stated his preference for a monument style sign. Mr. Topitzhofer responded that such a sign would cost approximately $20,000 more. Mr. Topitzhofer further explained the posts on the proposed sign will be sunounded with brick and landscaping will be added. Discussions continued concerning alternate locations for the sign and the color. The background of the sign will be black,with white, illuminated letters. Chairperson Droste opened the floor to the public. There were no comments. MOTION by Droste to close the public hearing. Seconded by DeBettignies. Ayes: Shoe- Corrigan, Weisensel, DeBettignies,Tentinger, and Droste. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Discussions ensued addressing the issue of flashing/intermittent lights. Commissioner Tentinger felt the proposed language in the ordinance was confusing and should be clarified. Mr. Pearson will have the City Attorney review the language and will make any suggested changes. . . . .. ._... . 1 � Rosemount Community Center • ' North -�-�°�,'� - - ;�,� ,� � � 3�� �� Q -. � 1 ` qs .D se�b/y =� ya/� Gy,�nas,Um `l , . - � � � r. . � .. N OQ ` �,..i.✓ � ` .� 3� � � � y � � � � } � � ^► East d � . _ Marquee � 0 � a � � . „* �r n� � � � �� r -- - � , _ South �oJ7to�RasE ' cNi ��� ��� - � r. r'' , � � � �T ii, �,' r . s i r ♦ � � d ► � �' '�'J.(.D I � y , . 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No permanent or temporary(portable) sign shall contain intermittent, flashing or other type of lighting which changes in intensity or color when artificially illuminated, except time and temperature signs. or as herein provided. Section 10.1: PURPOSE,DEFINITIONS, GENEi2AL PROVISIONS: D. Exceptions: 2. Public auditoriums and other non-commercial nublic assemblv uses are allowed si�ns that include electronic message displa,ys consisting of a single line limited to a maximum of 25% of the overall area of the sign in the Public/Institutional District for civic nuiposes and promoting scheduled community center activities or events. Section 10.2: PERMITTED SIGNS: I. Si�,ns allowed bv permit in P Districts: 1. In Public/Institutional Districts. one freestanding.sign for each principal structure not exceedin�,one hundred(1001 square feet nor twentv feet(20' in hei�ht measured from ground level. Materials compatible with the�rincipal structure must be incorporated in the sign and/or the su�nort structure for the si -�ri. 2. Wall signs in Public 1 Institutional Districts not exceeding ten percent(10% of the total area of the wall on which the signs are affixed. The effective date of this ordinance shall be after its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance on the 16th day of December, 1997. ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Cathy Busho, Mayor Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 1997.