HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Tree City U.S.A. Re-Certification CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUIVIlVIARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: TREE CITY USA RECERTIFICATION CONSENT PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks and Recreation Director AGEND��.�p � � [ ' 1111 ! ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: ' Proposal of application for recerti�cation ', It is time to apply for our recertification as a distinguished Tree City, USA. Tree City, USA is an award I� given to those cities who depict an honest and active program to promote the protection of our natural habitat and or our trees. Part of the attachment includes a proclamation by the City of Rosemount identifying May 3, 1997 to be Arbor Day and the Month of May to be Arbor Month. Parks and Recreation staff worked together to complete a variety of programs for Arbor Day, Buckthorn Eradication, Community Enhancement Project and other nature programs over the past year. This recertification indicates that we would continue with these rypes of programs and others in promotions of tree planting and protection. It is the Parks and Recreation Department's intent to join with committees, commissions and other Departments to further enhance our policies relating to the preservation of our trees and to continue to reforest the city. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the application for recertification for the Tree City USA award. COUNCIL ACTION: � TREE CITY USA � ` ' ' ification Applicat�on for Recert �� Mail completed application with requested attachments to your state forester no later than December 31. The TREE CITY USA award is made in recognition af work completed by the city during the calendar year. , Please provide information for the year ending. � (Some states require information in addition to that requested on this application.Check with your state forester.) � As Mayor � of the city of Rosemount � i (Title—iblayor or other city officiall � I herewith make application for this community to be officially recertified as a Tree City USA for 1 997 , having , achieved the standards set forth by The National Arbor Day Foundation as noted below. cyea" ! Standard 1: A Tree Board or Department � List board members,and meeting dates for the past year;or name of cit department and manager. ' Parks and Recreation Department - Jim 'IYopitzhofer, Director � �' Standard 2:A Community Tree Ordinance ■ Check one: �Our ordinance as last submitted is unchanged and still in effect. ■ ❑Our ordina.ice has been changed.The new version is attached. � Standard 3:A Community Forestry Program with an Annual Budget of at Least$2 Per Capita � Total community forestry expenditures...................................................................:........................... $ 55.�S�F � Communitypopulation........................................................................................................................... j,3y.950 � Attach annual work plan outlining the work carried out during the past year.Attach breakdown of community forestry expenditures. iStandard 4:An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation ■ Date observance was held M3y 3 1997 ■ Attach program of activities and/or news coverage.Attach Arbor Day proclamation. � Ma or December 16, 1997 1 y � Signature Title Date i Please type or print the following: � Mayor or equivalent City Forestry Contact � Name: Cathy Busho Name: Mark Joosten � Title: Mayor Title: Parks Forester � 2875 145th Street West Address: 28�5 145th Street West � Address: � City,State,Zip: Rosemount MN 55068 City,State,Zip: Rosemount MN 55068 � Phone#: 612-423-4415 Phone#: b12-322-2042 � NOTE:Application will not be processed without Standard 3 and 4 attachments. � � � Certification i (To Be Completed By The State Forester) � � , (Community) , The above named community has made formal application to this office.I am pleased to advise you that we reviewed � the application and have concluded that,based on the information contained herein,said community is eligible to � be recertified as a Tree City USA,for the calendar year,having in my opinion met the four standards � of achievement in urban forestry. � Signed ■ State Forester Da� / � Person in State Forester's Office who should receive recognition material: � Name: UPSAddress: � 'I�tle: City,State,Zip: � Agency: Phone#: � � � FORESTRY WORK PLAN / CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � 1997 ''I Our Arbor Day Celebration once again included a joint effort with Dakota Electric Association Utility �I Company. The City of Rosemount combined Arbor Day along with Park Improvement Day which was held on May 3, 1997. This years celebration was conducted at Shannon Park. It has been the desire of the Parks and Recreation Department to hold the celebration each year in a different park in the City. The event this year consisted of City Staff and volunteers planting and woodchipping 11 trees at this pazk. Also, Dakota Electric donated tree seedlings that were distributed to the volunteers. Efforts continued by City staff and volunteers to eradicate Buckthorn from Carrolls Woods. Canolls Woods is a 60 acre nature conservatory, which has been overcome by Buckthorn. Many "man" hours have been put in to the cutting, clearing, dragging and chipping of the Buckthorn. In November of 1997, the Dakota County Community Corrections Department worked diligently to help clear and chip an area that was previous cut by the City Staff. Many factions have recognized the importance of the woods and have come forward with their services to help maintain a healthy woods. Through generous gifts of Dakota Electric, the sixth graders from Rosemount Middle School for the third consecutive year planted over 500 seedling and 30 whips to help with the Carrolls Woods reforestation. It has been mentioned that this effort will continue many years into the future by this special group. In April, a class from Rosemount Elementary planted and replaced trees in Schwarz Pond Park. Every year this particular class will plant trees in this park. This project is in conjunction with our Adopt - A - Park program. The City of Rosemount recently completed a new fire hall, this year the landscaping was done. A total of 44 trees and 120 shrubs were planted. We also re-landscaped the City Hall area with the planting of trees and shrubs. The City of Rosemount is now completing our 3rd and final year of the Oak Wilt Prevention cost share program. During 1997, 3 homeowners took advantage of the program. This brings a total of 10 homeowners who have taken advantage of this program over the past three years. This cost share program has been made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. In October 1997, the City of Rosemount, Community Development Department completed a Civic Enhancement project which consisted of planting 58 various boulevard, pine and spruce trees along a rnajor transportation corridor in Rosemount. The area selected not only has automobile traffic but also runs parallel with highly used railroad tracks. The planting of the trees will not only add a distinct ' beauty to the area, but will help screen out sight and noise from the railroad tracks. BUDGET ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE FORESTRY ASPECT OF OUR DEPARTMENT: ' l. 50% Parks Forester Salary ($38,576) $19,287 2. 1 Part time Summer Parks maintenance $ 6,960 3. Trees and Shrubs $15,000 4. Community Enhancement Project $10,500 ' 5. 10% of the Parks Programmer Salary ($34,076) �3,407 . ' TOTAL $55,154 �', ;i ' � ' CI TY OF ROSEMOUNT PROCL�IMATION WHEREAS: Minnesota 's forest treasures were a significant attraction to early settlers because of their usefulness and the beautiful environment they provided; and WHEREAS: Trees are a vi taZ resource enri ching our 1 i ves by purifying air and water, helping conserve soil and energy, serving as recreational settings, providing habitat for wiZdlife of a11 kinds and making Rosemount more livable; and WHEREAS: Human activities such as construction damage and ' pollution, as we1l as drought, disease and insects, ', threaten our trees, creating the need for concerted ' action to ensure the future of Rosemount 's trees; I and WHEREAS: The next decade wi11 be one emphasizing the environment and the citizens of Rosemount will be able to positively impact the world problems like "global warming" by locally planting trees and ensuring that these trees are nurtured, protected and wisely used in the years to ahead; and WHEREAS: The message of Earth Day, is sti11 strong, teaching children and adults a.like that trees are re.Zated to a11 components of the environment - air, water, soil and wildlife; and WHEREAS: Each year on - Arbor Day - the citizens of Rosemount pay special attention to the wonderful treasure that our trees represent and dedicate themsel ves to the con tinued heal th of our ci ti es trees. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ca th�r BuShO , Mayor of the Ci ty of Rosemount, do hereby proclaim May 3, I997 to be "�RBOR DAY" and the month of May to be "ARBOR MONTH" In Rosemount, MN. Further, I urge a1I citizens to become more aware of the importance of trees to their we11 being, to participate in tree planting programs that wi11 ensure a green Rosemount in decades to come, and to plant, nurture, protect and wisely use Rosemount 's great treasure of trees. � LC�t2�� • G�!.t.J ` /'�6 Mayor Cathy Busho Date