HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.c. Lot Division for R.C.D. Real Estate '1� OF R�SE Y�R AC�I�N ECU��SUM�R EX SEC.Tip�: ! e•. luty 15, 199'1 AGE�New gusiness cil Meeting Dat R C D gea�Estate C�ty Coun AGEN-pA �--� Lot D;vision, D�r. OVE�BY� AGENDA IT�M. Comuturil De�elop�'ent mem�� AppR Da�Ro$ness, E�glneet�ng su�ey ograp PC�nutes Y�p A�D BY� o1ution��th tOp hy ACgNiENTs' Qua er-se�tio� oWner) ,r,T erty et�Nest. A' 6-24-9� R C.D,geal Es�e A enue and tooth�ts e �er ofBis�ay S lo Curt F�scher to be subdtvided�n No�h west�0 3� acreS Approx�mate1y Applicant�. patk Location�� Ag�culture p,reain p�cres�. dUSeDesig��� 1 park p1anLan BP_ Business Comp� ' oval with cond�tions�4"� t Zoning� p,ppr street west. Curren ended Zoning'� d 160th �d front Re C g commendation'. p'venu�l o f the lots wou P S t�o r ner °f P'is 5 a�r 1ots' r o pert�l n°`� °�cupied the nO'-th we ana two��6 owned the p 1V1A of land�n fi�e acre lots re�iously SUM RY ow�s 3p acres t�ee Estate P to the west. nt Road 46• Z�s lt ln C.D�Re� raperty state reS� est. R C.D�Rested lot dlvisionr 6�h Street w eatest de�eloped'P west will beco ee pac ng,preferaaarY lv�' which " reque the The p,venue° 's street to l�gth� erty boun B�S�ayne �istrict Se 160th e lim�ted either MosqUlto Control becau 11 b the eastetn prOp ecting to by the o$ed division Access� Wa a1ong lo�al street conn the prOpterms of access• ha�e a drive y ew vvill re�iew ossibly along a Dakota COuney roposed div�sion in ould p lots clustered d arce13 � lt in Subdivision�' affect th P that p would resu o�o the corner and p�att may 'T1us means required ative s�ena�o public streets. �alternet��r botr�• ed a public hearing as one 1 to t�5 sttateg`I�"°r did other� stre latting the but nO or 16�th ondh talternat�ve of ha o ob�ection giscayne Co�nissio"� d ri 24� 199�,the Plannin��S�her d�scussed Com�ss'oner ct rope�y �1S� The plan��'g trol Distr� • pn 1une uito °n rezo�ng°f the P outlot� remaining 25 acr�eee representing the M°sq . the att,en u, public hearing Lot Div�sion Req Re So�ution ApprOving the adopt A �otion eal Estate• EN�ED AC�ON• RCD R ��p1viM Cj'� C�UNC� ACTION• CITY O�ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, NIINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LOT DIVISION REQUESTED BY RCD REAL ESTATE WHEREAS,the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount received an application for approval of the division of property in the Agricultural District, said property legally described as: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, except the West 1645.05 feet thereof. Containing 30.32 acres. WHEREAS,the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing on June 24, 1997, as required by the subdivision ordinance for the purpose of receiving testimony regarding the requested Agricultural division; and, WHEREAS,the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the Agricultural division to the City Council with conditions; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the recommendation forwarded by the Planning Commission on July 15, 1997, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the division of the above referenced parcel resulting in the following described parcels: Parcel A The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, except the West 1645.OS feet thereof; and further excepting therefrom the following described property: That part of the south 327.84 feet of the South Ha1f of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, lying easterly of the west 1976.99 feet of said South Half of the Southeast Quarter, containing 5.00 acres, more or less; subject to road easements and all other easements of record, if any. Parcel B That part of the south 327.84 feet of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, lying easterly of the west 1976.99 feet of said South Half of the Southeast Quarter, Dakota County, Minnesota, containing 5.00 acres, more or less; subject to road easements and a11 other easements of record, if any. RESOLUTION 1997- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the approval of this Agricultural division is subject to: 1) Approval of the Dakota County Plat Commission. 2) Incorporation of recommendations relative to grading, public streets, public utilities and public easements/rights-of-way as identified by the Public Works Department. 3) Developer/owner must make payment to the City at subdivision approval or building permit application: A. 1997 Storm Water Trunk Area Charges of$2,820 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x $2820 = $87,420 (payment can be made when each lot is sold). There is an additional STAC charge of$2,820 per acre of impervious area collected with the building permit. B. 1997 GIS fees of$100 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x $100 per acre= $3,100. 4) City sanitary sewer and water service sha11 be extended to this development before the issuance of a building permit. 5) Payment of Park Dedication in the amount of$33,352 (30.32 acres x 5% of land value established at $22,000 per acre). ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: , Voted in favor: Voted against: ' Member absent: ' Sketch For: I� Att: Qst Fischer Prepared By: Delmar H. Sct�wianz Iard SUrveyozs, Inc. Dated: 09-OB-97 Si.ALE. i INCH = 200 FEET DELMAR FI.SCHWANZ ReQlstered Wnd Surveyor w50 South Bobert Trali N 89'ZS'1!' E 993 _'1 N B9'21'11' E 1645_20 Rosemoun[.MN 55068 � — — — — — '— — —' ,„� PfWnC:l61R)�RSI769 � . . . ( . I � m I^ I < PARCEL 5 � I � I� m 7.659 acres including raad � � � 1645.05 . �U Y` I � .. .J N 89'27'44° E 994.16 I �� � I I 2�� � PARCEL 4 � ' ` ( � " ,� � . "' � v m 7.659 8CL@S 171C1!]d1.i19. e�mi Itm.e^�i . � m �� ��� ' m � � M) wI O� w N 89'2�'44` E 995.03 u' . �I . . � � I n m 331.96 663.07 I 'o,I . . � 'h u, �n Y c ZI � �G Z 33�.94 N N � � Im N� . � v �� y m � PARCEL 2 m m � I � � 5.00 acres incl ' I I I OG �,�, � raad � � � � (� W N 89'27'44' E 663.93 I � � �i � � I PARCEL 3 0 s.00 acres z m Im I ( ;,�cl,�d;.,,g roaa m PARCEL 1 � I n IN m � 5.00 dCIfS .1I1C1 �^ . • . . 1976.99 . • r� � I . � � "' 331.96 664.78 � I � � . � — — — — — — N 89'27'44`E 3645.36 — — — -- — — ,�y_ �_ _ N B9'27'44" E �99b.74 — — — DATE: 6-19-97 PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REVIEW FOR: PROJECT NAME: Curt Fischer(160th St. W.iBiscaxne Ave.) CITY PROJECT NO. '' Proposed By: RCD Real Estate Pa�tnership Phone No. 423-7130 3438 151 st Street West Fax No. 423-6433 Rosemount. MN 55068 Type of Request: Lot Subdivision Review The Following Conditions Must Be Met for Approval at the 6me of building permit application or at the time of final platting : 1. Incorporation of recommendations relative to grading, public streets, public utilities and public easements/right- of-ways as idenfified by the Public Works Department. 2. Developer must make payment to the City at final plat or lot subdivision fo�; a. 1997 Storm Water Trunk Area Charges of$2,820 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x $2,820 = $87,420 (payment can be made when each lot is sold). There is an addifional STAC charge of$2,820 per acre of impervious area collected with the building permit. b. 1997 GIS fees of$100 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x$100 per acre=$3,100. 3. City sanitary sewer and water service shall be extended to this development before the issuing of a building permit. The following is a review by the Public Works/Engineering Department of a sketch received in June of 1997. More detailed reviews will be made in the future if this moves into a site plan or preliminary platting stage when preliminary grading plans and general utility plans are submitted. Grading/Drainage FacilitiesNVater Resources The 2nd draft of the SWMP includes this area in the Erickson Park drainage district. Runoff from this area is shown as being directed easterly to pond EP-P2302. Pond EP-P2302 is about 1,000'east of Biscayne Avenue. Expect on-site ponding to be required on each lot in this lot subdivision or if it is platted at least one on site pond for the entire plat. Sanitarv Sewer This area is in subdistrict area 101. According to the Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update of June 7, 1991, this subdistrict is to flow northerly through the Rosemount Business Park and eventually end up at the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant. This development is now in the MUSA. This development will need City sanitary sewer extended to it as a public improvement project. Watermain An existing 12"watermain runs along the northerly right-of-way of 160th Street. A 12"watermain is proposed to be constructed on Biscayne Avenue as noted in the draft Comprehensive Water Plan. This development will need City water senrice extended to it as a public improvement project 1 of 2 ' ._ _ , Streets Each lot shali be served by one driveway connection to the street that it fronts on. The driveway serving parcei 1 should access to Biscayne Avenue and be located as far away as possible from the intersection of 160th Street West{future County 46) and Biscayne Avenue. If possible, driveways serving Parcels 1 & 2 should be centered on their adjoining lot line and combined into one driveway. The same combining of driveways could be done for Parcels 4 8� 5. If this area is not platted, dtnreway permits will be needed. Driveway permits are available from the Public Works/Engineering Department. Walks�Trails No walks or trails along 160th Street or Biscayne Avenue is proposed at this time. Easements&Riaht-of-Ways A 60' half right-of-way dedicafion with a 15'drainage, utility,and trail easement on the frontage lot line is required on Parcels 1 &3 which are along 160th Street West(future County 46). The County also reviews 160th Street West right- of-way(future County 46) and may make requests for additional right-of-way. Additional right-of-way may be requested near the intersection with Biscayne Avenue by the County. A 50' half right-of-way dedication with a 10'drainage&utility easement on the frontage lot line is required on Parcels 1,2,4,&5 which are along Biscayne Avenue. Addi�onal right of-way may be requested near the intersecfion with 160th Street West. 10'drainage&utility easements are required on all adjoining and back lot lines. Private Utilities Construction The City has adopted a policy for the public construction of all future publicly owned facilities. The Developer has the choice of City financing or private financing of these improvements per the adopted policy. A petifion can be obtained from the Public Works Department. Fees�Assessments Developer must make payment to the City at final plat or lot subdivision for; a. 1997 Storm Water Trunk Area Charges of$2,820 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x $2,820 = $87,420 (payment can be made when each lot is sald). There is an additional STAC charge of$2,820 per acre of impervious area collected with the building permit. b. 1997 GIS fees of$100 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x$100 per acre=$3,100. g:lenglproject�cfischer�cfischrl.wpd 2of2 __ _ �.� � „ , � , � � _� � � � • � , , i , .--���, _ -.�_i i �� ���_�� � �`-----y� 'ti011f��fuMTEtLf[EJ-�I-F �) � �", �� � � �, � 1 � \ � �._. 1 � � \ \ / / I a I � i �� �� � � \ � � / � 1��. . ��� � � � � � 1 ��. ` � i o �i � � a � i � � .�1. ���, � . .� �� �\ � �'\ � ��\�_-'��� r. �� i �� � � � f ♦ .�----- i q��i � i CUyTIVAkED �ilELD � � �� `-` �� `� � � � ` �� --;, � ^ � / 1 �� 1 �.9 S �.� -.\ i • / i��i � � i � � I � �\ 1 �� � �`�9�, l � / 1 � ��-,.` ° --� �,l ! / �/ i�/ � � � pi�-75 I � !� ���/ I �o� � 1 �_\`` �--�� I -� 9 5� / ir � 1\ \�� �-- \� � �� -�..// / � � � ���� � � I//� �/\� `\ r v1 � I � �I � I �_�- ��� \1 l � - ��_� �� ^� i! / I / // / � � 1 � I t � � `"--�--- ����� ��`/i� I I � �/ � 1 � �ll i/ �'' `\ \-_ 1 � � 1 � � � / ��� �+\ I I � I /� _ � ����'��` 1 I � ( /��� (� � ��� � \ `.vso_ \� \ ;/i� �i I 1 _i-- F�I � �/ � o� �� � / ! \ \ 1 la � � � � � i \ ��_� J; 1 \ _� I �'��' � � w � . � - � � � � 1\ ��\\•,� �. ��- � � -� / /� � 1 � t I \ --;"-. . _- , -�---c __._ \ .__._ . . _ ��� � I j 1 1 �\ 1 � � �i�� � � i i ��� I y`� ^ `� I � \�. � �i .o� � \\ ` �� � � � I �\��`� �� I r --1� \ \ ./ �i � � �1 �� � 1 � � � � l,9 / �-� ! � i i � � � � ��� �, � � � /� ��',. � � i ,' �I �'� �� ��` � � � / t � � � � a i i � ��` ��\� ����� `��/ � i � � � � lt � �� �, - ` ` � � � i � � I � ���� �\�� It � � � �i � ���— r � � � �� I J ` \� � � 1 �- � � � i � � t i 1 ���� \ \ � i � �.� � � i � �-, 1 i i I -.\ �\ ��\ � � i � �\ �, i I � � I � � i � �����\ ��� ' � � � i � �\ `� i , I �, } ( � �� � �� � � � ` ,,�. �__i��. �" � � � �10`1`,�ti ` � � i' j % � -- FALE:,1 �?gp�ccC U �\ ,� \� � / � � i � � � / 1 � l l 1�1 :-�_..��. 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' .�_ — _ _.._�� --- --- . —-� N 39'27'ta' E t645.16 � _ _ 'N i9'L7'i�' ' 396 %+ /�00�"'` �- ►^s• --�Fu�z�u¢� G7'`�' RrJ �Ci . �. i/ �` � ._ ��-� _� �. � Planning Commission Regular �Ieeting Minutes June 24, 1997 suant to due call and notice thereof, the Re�ular Meeting of the Planning Commission w duly held Tuesday, June 24, 1997 at 6:30 p.m. Chairperson William Droste called the m ing to order vv� members Mark DeBettignies, Kim Shoe-Corrigan and Jeffery Weisensel esent. Absent was member Tentinger. Also in attendance were City Planner Rick Pearson ivil Engineer Doug Litterer, Intern Ron Mullenbach. There were no additions corrections to the a�enda. Commissioners discussed their c cerns over accusations ma by Carl Osterhaus in a memo addressed to Mayor Busho relating t tatements made b e Commissioners at the June I0, 1997 Hampton Development Public Hearing. ommission expressed their concerns that the record accurately reflects their statements and felt t ' is st accomplished by maintainin� an audio tape of the proceedings. MOTION by Weisensel to a ove the June 10, 1997 Re;ular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. Seconded Dros Ayes: DeBetti�mies, Droste, Shoe-Corrigan and Weisensel. Nays: 0. Motion carrie De artment Announce ents: Summarv of Ci Council Actions Commissioners noted e actions taken by the City Council on June 17, . 97. After discussing the I�, CounciPs actions the Hampton Development Concept Plan, Comrrussion felt there should be fiuther evalua � n into City poiicy as it relates to the Comprehensive Guide Plan d that pre-zoning may elimi e ambiguity. . earson introduced Ron Mullenbach as the new Intern For Community Development. R n will e focusing on the amendments to the Comprehensive Guide Plan. ' Public Hearina• RCD Real Estate Rezonina & Lot Division t te for Rezonin ' Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing for the application by RCD Real Es a g and Lot Division. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of , Mailing and Posting of a Public Hearing Notice on file with the Gity. ', Mr. Pearson presented the application by Curt Fischer of RCD Real Estate to rezone and subdivide , property located at the northwest corner of 160th Street and Biscayne Avenue, next to the Mosquito Control District. Mr. Fischer requested rezoning to General Industrial; however, the property is I guided for BP-1. Mr. Fischer's anticipated use for the property is consistent with BP-1, and he is 'I agreeable to that zoning. Mr. Fischer wishes to split off a 5 acre parcel from the 30 acre parcel, leaving the remaining 25 acres as an outlot. The Commission has the option of rezoning the 5 acre II parcel or the enti�e 30 acres at this time. ,I rlanning Commission � Regular Meeting Minutes : � June 24, 1997 Page 2 Commissioner DeBettignies felt that rezoning the entire 30 acres at this ti�m�h �er a�rovalthas use of the property. Commissioners also discussed access to the property an PP been obtained from the County. Chairperson Droste opened the floor to the applicant. Curt Fischer of R.C.D. Real Estate was present at the meeting. Mr. Fischer indicated he has been working with the County concerning the access issue, that access would be allowed to Parcel 3, and there may be a combined access. Chairperson Droste opened the floor to the public. David French, Supervisor at the Mosquito Control District, appeared and stated the Mosquito Control District has not objections to the proposed subdivision and rezoning. MOTION by Droste to close the public hearing. Seconded by DeBettignies. Ayes: Droste, Shoe- Corrigan, Weisensel, and DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Motion carried. , Mr. Pearson presented an outline of the permitted uses in the BP-1 District and reviewed the uses with the Commissioners and Mr. Fischer. Mr. Fischer stated he was comfortable with the permitted uses in the BP-1 District. There were further discussions concerning rezoning. Mr. Fischer indicated he would prefer to do the entire 30 acres at this time to simplify things. Discussions continued concerning tax issues and local fees and how the rezonin�would affect these amounts and when they are due. Commissioners recommended that Staff present documentation at the City Council meeting which will clarify the questions concerning the tax issues and local fees. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that the City Council rezone the approximately 30 acre ', parcel from Agriculture to BP-1, Business Park. Seconded by Shoe-Corrigan. Ayes: Shoe- Corrigan,Weisensel, DeBettignies, and Droste. Nays: 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Shoe-Corrigan to recommend that the City Council approve the lot division for R.C.D. Rea1 Estate of Parcel 1 and the remaining 25 acre outlot subject to: 1) App�� �pe D a ko ta Cou n t y P l a t C o m m i s s i o n; 2) I n c o r p oration of recommendations relative to adin ublic streets, public utilities and public easementslrights-of-way as iden�ified by the Public Wor k s Department; 3)Developer/owner must make payment to the City at subdivision approval or building permit application: a) 1997 Storm Water Trunk Area Charges of$2,820 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x$2820 = $87,420 (payment can be_made when each lot is sold). There is an additional STAC charge of$2,820 per acre of impervious area collected with the building permit. b) 1997 GIS fees of$100 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x $100 per acre= $3,100; 4) City sanitary sewer and water service shali be extended to this development before the issuance of a building permit. 5) Payment of Park Dedication in the amount of$33,352 (30.32 acres x 5% of land value established at $22,000 per acre}. Seconded by Droste. Ayes: Weisensel, DeBetti�nies, Droste, Shoe-Corrigan. Nays: 0. Motion carried. . CITY 4F ROSEMOUNT '�� DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LOT DIVISION REQUESTED BY RCD REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount received an application for approval of the division of property in the Agricultural District, said property legally described as: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, except the West 1645.05 feet thereof. Containing 30.32 acres. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing on June 24, 1997, as required by the subdivision ordinance for the purpose of receiving testimony regarding the requested Agricultural division; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the Agricultural division to the City Council with conditions; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the recommendation forwarded.by the Planning Commission on July 15, 1997. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the division of the above referenced parcel resulting in the following described parcels: Parcel A The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, except the West 1645.05 feet thereof; and further excepting therefrom the following described property: That part of the south 327.84 feet of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, lying easterly of the west 1976.99 feet of said South Ha1f of the Southeast Quarter, containing 5.00 acres, more or less; subject to road easements and all other easements of record, if any. Parcel B That part of the south 327.84 feet of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, lying easterly of the west 1976.99 feet of said South Half of the Southeast Quarter, Dakota County, Minnesota, containing S.00 acres,more or less; subject to road easements and all other easements of record, if any. , . RESOLUTTON 1997- BE IT F[JRTHER RESOLVED, the approval of this Agricultural division is subject to: 1) Approval of the Dakota County Plat Commission. 2) Incorporation of recommendations relative to grading, public streets, public utilities and public easements/rights-of-way as identified by the Public Works Department. 3) Developer/owner must make payment to the City at subdivision approval or building permit application: A. 1997 Storm Water Trunk Area Charges of$2,820 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x $2820 = $87,420 (payment can be made when each lot is sold). There is an additional STAC charge of$2,820 per acre of impervious area collected with the building permit. B. 1997 GIS fees of$100 per acre which is estimated at this time as 31 acres x $100 per acre= $3,100. 4) City sanitary sewer and water service shall tie extended to this development before the issuance of a building permit. 5) Payment of Park Dedication in the amount of$33,352 (30.32 acres x 5% of land value established at $22,000 per acre). ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho, Mayor AT1'EST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: