HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.s. Leprechaun Days Service Agreement ' 4 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 15, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: LEPRECHAUN DAYS SERVICE AGREEMENT AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGENDA,r�� � � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT � � ATTACHMENTS: SERVICE AGREEMENT APPROVED BY• Attached for city council approval is an agreement between the city and the Leprechaun Days Committee to have the committee undertake the responsibility of putting on Leprechaun Days this year. The dates of the event are July 19 thru July 27. Funds used to pay for many of the events of Leprechaun Days are received from local civic organizations and businesses. This agreement was approved by the city council last year, and I , would recommend its approval again. ' RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND LEPRECHAUN DAYS. COUNCIL ACTION: .�j CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXEC:LTTIVE SUIVIlV�ARY FC�R ACTIC1iY CITY COUNCIL MEETIlVG DATE: JUI.Y 2, 1996 AGENDA I'TEM: LEPRECHAUN DAYS SERVICE AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGRE�EiMENT PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGENDA��n fl � j� ,� � ' ADNIINISTRAT'IVE ASSISTANT IYI '7 I ATTACSIVIENTS: SERVICE AGR.E;EMENT APPROVED BY: Attached for city council approval is an agreement between the city and the Leprechaun Days Committee to have the committee undertake the responsibility of putting on Leprechaun Days this year. The dates of the event are July 24 thru July 28. Funds used to pay for many of the events of Leprechaun Days are received from local civic organizations and businesses. This agreement was approved by the city council last year, and I would recommend its approval again. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE TF� SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND LEPRECHAUN DAYS. SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND LEPRECHAUN DAYS TIiIS AGREEMENT is made the day of , 1997 by and between the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation(hereinafter referred to as"City") and Leprechaun Days, a Minnesota association(hereinafter referred to as"Leprechaun Days"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,for a number of years Leprechaun Days has conducted an annual civic community festival known as Leprechaun Days(hereinafter referred to as"The Community Festival"); and ' i in the best interest of W�IEREAS,the city council of the Crty has determmed that it s the City and its citizens to promote the City and its businesses and to provide recreational opportunities for its residents by entering into a contract with Leprechaun Days to conduct the I, Community Festival in 1997; NOW,THEREFORE,on the basis of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. Leprechaun Days will organize and conduct, in cooperation with the city staff,the Community Festival for 1997,which shall run for nine days which shall be agreed upon by Leprechaun Days and the city council, in accordance with practices and standards of such festivals conducted in past years. Services sha11 include the recruitment, selection,training, and managing of such employees and volunteers as are necessary to conduct the Community Festival, and sha11 include but not be limited to: a. advertising and promotions including the design,production and distribution of buttons, flyers and posters, and the development and installation of signs and banners; b. securing all necessary governmental permits and seeking approval of street closings and other required City action; c. soliciting fmancial support from individuals, businesses and organizations including sponsorships of certain events; and d. conducting the following events or arranging for them to be conducted by other cooperating organizations, provided that events may be deleted or added with the approval of the city council; 1) Medallion Hunt 2) Big Wheel Race 3) Penny Scramble 4) Bathtub Race 5) Open In-Line Skating 6) Leaping Leprechauns and Fun in the Sun Picnic � 7) Bingo 8) Bowl with a Badge 9) Soap Box Derby 10) Bird Feeding Serninar 11) Puppets in the Park 12) Fishing Derby 13) Steak Fry Under the Stars 14) Karaoke Contest 15) Music in the Moonlight 16) Cribbage Card Games 17) Run for the Gold 18) Rosemount Family Fitness Walk 19) Co-Rec Volleyball Tourney 20) Jigsaw Puzzle Contest 21) Fluegel's Bunny Day 22) Grand Day Parade 23) Taste of Rosemount 24) Entertainment ' 25) 500 Tournament ', 26) Leprechaun Days Street Dance ', 27) Fireworks Display � 28) Pancake Breakfast 29) Sneaky Pete's Garden Tractor Pull I'� 30) Kiddie Parade 'il 31) Blarney Stone Hunt 32) Buddy the Clown 2. Leprechaun Days will undertake the work of this agreement as an independent contractor, and Leprechaun Days officers, employees, volunteers, and agents shall not be deemed agents or employees of the City for any purposes including, but not limited to, income tax withholding, workers' compensation and unemployment compensation. 2 � 3. As consideration for the services provided by Leprechaun Days, the City will pay monies received as contributions in support of the Community Festival in an amount not to exceed Fifteen Thousand Dollars($15,000). The amount actually paid will be limited to the amount of such contributions received. The City will advise Leprechaun Days, on request, of the status of funds received and funds reasonably expected to be received. In the event the amount of monies which will I be received in contributions is expected to be less than Fifteen Thousand Dollars I ($15,000),Leprechaun Days may negotiate with the City for an amendment to I, this Agreement providing for such reduction or modification of services as is ', necessary as a result of such deficiency in contributions. ' 4. Leprechaun Days will maintain liability insurance providing the following , coverages: Commercial general liabiliry with personal injury limits of not less than$1,000,000 per occurrence and a general aggregate limitation of not less than $2,000,000. The City of Rosemount will be named as additional insured on all such policies and proof of insurance will be provided to the City. 5. All services and activities conducted by Leprechaun Days shall be on a nondiscriminatory basis and in full compliance with all sta.te and federal civil and human rights laws,regulations and rulings. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Cathy Busho, Mayor By: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk LEPRECHAUN DAYS By: Leprechaun Days Chairperson 3 � JUL.10.1997 7�27AM DAKOTA FENCE OF M3NNESOTA N0.328 P.1i4 DARC'Y'�1 �'�CS OF M��$80TA, rn�c. ' Fax Transmissio» Sheafi Da'�e: � � ! 5�aa�ders aote: � Senders hane: (61�)455-8534 0 6I�)4Z3-39� Seader� ax: (61��4Z3-3996 -------�--'' To: �/v �Compa�a�: Fa�: 7"a� � � �c�..,�-� i�tuqtber ;o Pages � (Tncludes Co�rer S$�ee�) =f no� i ceived in its eatirety, or this dacumen� is not 1,dgible, ple��e �c 1X the number of the sender abo4e. The�qk yau. Messag�! ates: Q•�-�-c�. �� �� - . �y ' .t.�aJ G�C�,�c.�.�' �� � ; �`�+-x.�• t 1� Y�{-�. , . � � r � Otfice:P.O.Bo�18 R 3480 IIpper 149tb S�.W.#�,isemount,lV�t.S506S faxshcet.a Warehanse:�600 A1�on Ave.'�Inver Grove Heights,MN.550�5 JUL.10.1997 7:27AM DAKOTA FENCE OF MINNESOTA N0.328 P.2i4 S��tV�CE A,GREEMENT B�'TWEEN 7�E CYTY OF ROSEMdUNT A1�iD LEPRECBAUN DAYS � TSIS AG EMENT is rnatie this����da�r , I99�5 by a��d between the City ot � Rosemoun�t, ivIinnesota municipal corporation(hereinafter referred to as"City")a.nd Leprechau�n ays, a Mtnnesota associarion(hereinafter referred to as"Leprechaun Days"); WTT SSETH: W REA5,for a number af years Leprechaun Days has canducted an aiuwal civic coi�nunit�f stivallulown as Lepreehaun Days(herein�.fter referred to As"'�'he Community �estival");�an , EAS,the city council of the City has detennined that it is in the best interest oF Llle City and its c tizens to promote the City and its businesses and to provide recreational , o�partani�ares far its residents by entering into a contract witll Leprechaun�ays to conduct the Conannunit�,y estival in 199G; i NQ , THEREFQRE, on the basis of the premises and the mutua� covenants and a�eement��,s �a �eir�after set forth, it is agreed as fc��tows: 2 . 1. � Leprechaun Days wi11 arg ' e and conduct, in co tipn w"rth the city staff, the � Comrnunity Fes�ival for 199 , r�vluch shall run f fiv days wiuch shati be a;reed � upon by Leprechaun Days a.nd the city council, ccordance with practices and � standards a�such festivals conducted in past years. Services sha11 include t17e , r�cruitment, selection, trainina, and managing of such emplayees �nd volunteers as ' are necessary ta canduct the Community Festival, and sha11 inelude but nat be � lirnited to: , a. ad�ertising and promotions includulg the desigi�, productaon and , distribution of buttons, flyers and posters, and the development and ' installation of signs and banners; . b. securing all necessary governrnental permits and se�king approval of street closings and other required City a,ction; JUL.10.1997 7�27Af9 DAKOTA FENCE OF MINNESOTA N0.328 P.3i4 c. solicitin�financial support from individuals, businesses and ocganiza.tions includin� sponsorships of certain events; and d. conducting the following events or arranging for thern to be conducted by other cooperat�ng organizations, provided that events may be deleted or added with the approval of the city council; I) Medallion Hunt 2) Big VVh�eel Race 3) Penny Scramble 4) Bathtub Race 5) �pea�In-Line 5katuig 6) Leapin�Leprechaun�and Fun in the Sun Picnic 7) Bingo S} Bowl with a Badge 9) So�.p�ox�7erby 10) Yiird Feedin� Seminar 11} Puppets in the P'ark 12) Fishin�r7erby 13) StEak Fry Under the Stars 14) Karaoke Cont�st 15) Mu�ic in the Maonlight , 16) Cribbage Card Games � X'� Run for the Gold ! 18) Rasemount Farnily Fitness Wa1k , 19) Cp-Rec Volleyball Tourney , 20) ]'igsaw 1'uzzle Cont�st , 21) Fluegel's Bunny Da� ! 2�) Grand Da�Fara.de , 23) Ta�ste of Rosemourn j 24) �ntertaiannent � 25) 500 Taurnament � 26) Leprechaun Days Street DancE ; 27) Fire�vorlcs Display � � 28) Pancake Breakfast 29) 5neaky Pete's Garden Tractor Pull ' 30) Kiddie Parade ; 3 X) Blarney Stone Hunt � 32) Buddy the Clown 2. j Leprechaun Days will undextake the��vork of this a�reement as an independent ; cox�tractor, a��d Lepreclzaun Days o�'icezs, e�mplayees, ��alunteers, and agents shall ! not be deemed agents or employees of the City for any purposes irlclud.ing, Uut not j lirruted to, income tax witllholding, workers' compensation and unemployment ' compeusation. 2 JUL.10.1997 7�28AM DAKOTA FENCE OF MINNESOTA N0.3c8 P.4�4 3. As consideration for the services provided by�.eprechaun Days, tiie Gity wiii pay monies received as contributians in support of the Community Festival in an , araaount not to exceed Fifteen Thousand Dotlars {$15,000)_ T'he amaunt actually ' paid wiIl be Iimited to the amount o�such contributions received. The City will , advise Leprechaun Days, on request, of the status af funds received and funds I reasoz�ably expect�d to be received. In the event the amount of monies which will ' be received in contributions is expected to be less than Fifteen Thdusand bolla.rs ' ($15,000), Leprechaun Days may negotiate with tlie City fpr an aanendment to this Agreement proviiding for such reduction or mqdifir�tion of seitiices as is necessary as a result of such deficiency in coz�tributions. 4. Leprechaun bays will maintain Iiability insurance providing the followiryg covera�es: Carnmerciat general liabality with p�rsonal injury limits of not Iess than �1,040,000 per occurrence and a general aagre�ate limitatiion af not less than $2,000,000_ The City of Rasemount wi11 be named as additiana.l insured on all such policies and praaf o�ir�surance will be provided to the City. 5. All services and activities conducted by Leprechaun Days sha,tl b�on a nondisciYminatary basis and in full compliance with ail state and federai civil and � hurnan riglzts laws, re�lations and rulings_ CITY U��OSEIbYOUYT � �y: � Cathy Bu o, a qr � � � , � B ; usan M. alsh, City C1erk , � I ' � i i i I LEPREC�A,UN' DAYS � I � p A ,d D � � t,/�.lJ•��w �t 5'• ; Leprechaua�Days Chai erso► /r I ! RcvisEd'7/2J961 j i:lepagr96.wpdj � i I 3 I