HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Payment #8, 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project # 266 i ` � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT _ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #8, 1996 Street & Utility AGENDA SECTION: Reconstruction Improvements, City Project #266 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDAI�.�A � � � City Engineer/Public Works Director ��� ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #8 APPROVED BY: This item requests the eighth payment to Arcon Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of 560,528.25 for City Project #266, the 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements. Work completed and represented in this amount as of July 8, 1997 is 93% of the contracted work. This work has been inspected and is in compliance with Contract Documents. The Contractor and City Staff continue to finalize project quantities. The Contractor is nearly complete with punch list items and could be installing the final lift of paving on the project the week of July 15th. Work on Change Order #2 which is the storm sewer improvement on Canada Avenue is nearly complete. Attached is a copy of Construction Pay Voucher #8 for your information. Staff recommends approval of this eight payment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #8 TO ARCON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,528.25. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 , ��1 -08-97 03: 31P P. 03 ESTIMATE VOUCHER NUMBER: CONSTRUCTlOiVr�AYVOUCHEI� � 8 DATE 1N88 PR0.IECT Nt1MBER: �u�y 8, t897 1003.01 P��OD ENOfNc^,; PRQJECT: June 30, tgg7 198Q STREET ANp UTIUTY RECONSTRUCTIQN PROJECT ClTY OF ROSEMOUNT PRp�ECT NO.266 CONTRqCTOR: ARCQJV CONSTRUCTION COMPqNY,INC. 903 EAST FOREST AVENUE,P.Q,80X 57 .. MORq,MN 55051 CONTRACT DATL�c . .. -. _ APRiI 13, 1885 Wp�y�ARTEd: � � COMPLETION OATE: �'RIL 22. 1996 SEPTEMBEf=i, 1ggg WdRK COMPLETED: ORIGINAL CONTRA�T qMOtJNT a,,s,�,s,z.o2 TOTAL,4Dp�T�pNS 555,004.60 TOTAL DEDUCTlON$ SQ.00 TOTAL FUNDS ENCUMBERED $1,672,516.62 TQTAL WORK CERTIFtED TO D4TE 5�,585,30�.9Q LESS RETAINED PERCENTAGE LESS PREVIQI,!$pAYMENTS 2'����0 $31,708.04 TOTAL PAYMENTS►NCL.THtg ypUCH�R ���493,087.61 $1,553,585.88 BALANCE CARRJED FORWARD $118,920.76 ARPROV�p FOR payM�NT TH15 VOUCNER eo ss APPROVALS WSB&Ag$OCIATES,INC. in accordanc,e w;th field observation,as perfprrt�in a are 5atisFactory and the work prqpgyY��{Ormed in accor and �wi�j���9���°,a���sd on our prafesslona(opinion.the matprials instsiten as af July 8, 1gg7, yye hereby recommend �with the plans and spgpfi�a�9 The total w k is 8stimated tp be Payment of thfs v4uCher. 93 %compiet�d S�n�, �/1.�1 /T� � Construction obsarver �' -•-- Slgneti: Pro1eCt MenegerlEngineer ARCON CON$'�UC710N COMpqNy��pG ThiS i5 to certi(y that tp the best of my k��ge.i��a�,'���f �qusntities and value6 of work certified her for the period r,oyered by this vaucher. em IS e fair approxima/�estimale Contractor. Date: - -_ . -- _ Signed: __.. __...__ ._ _ _.___. __. .__..-- rue: . _. ... CITY OF ROSEMOUNT "� ' CheCked byc Approv f �. .___�_._ oate: Authorized Rep g8entaiive •-"._—_ � .._'—'— Date: