HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Zoning Text Amendment for Non-Hazardous Waste Containment Facility , � CtTY OF R4SEI�IOU�1T EYECUTIVE SUI�INI�RY FOR�CTION CITY COUNCIL MEETTNG DATE: January 21, 1997 �GE:�1DA [TE1�I: Zonin�Text .�nendmenr for Nonhazardous Waste AGENDA SECTiON: Containment Faeility New PREP�RED $Y: Dan Rogness, Community Development Director AGENI�����A �� D � .ril/l j� ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Qrdinance APPROVED BY: �� < Applicant: USPCI, Inc., a subsidiary of Laidlaw, Inc. Location: 13425 CourthouseBoulevard (Hi�hway 55) Praperty Owner: USPCI, Inc. Comp. Guide Plan: Waste Management (WM) Cunent Zoning: WM-Waste Management Zonina Request: Not Applicahle Zoning Text: Section 11.3 Nonhazardous Industrial Waste Containment Facility, Ordinance B Amendment: Section B.13 (required local, state and federal permits) P.C. Hearing Date: Opened on November 26, 1996, closed on January 14; 1997 P.C. Vote: Unanimous approval recornmendation SUMMARY USFCI has applied for a reissuance of its e�sting Interim Use Pernut(NP�,whieh expires after five years on March 18, 1997. USPCI also applied for a zoning text amendment that will allow it to operate under its existing ar reissued permit while other agencies are reviewing the same application. Although this application does not directlyrelated to the ILTP reissuance application, staff has pracessed it as part of the same review process. The City Attorney has reviewed this proposed ordinance, and he is in agreement with the arnended language. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to Adopt An Ordinance Amending the City Zoning Code Ordinance B Regarding the Issuance Standards for an Interim Use Permit for Nonhazardous Industrial Waste Containment Facility. COUNCII..ACTION: CITY OF ROSEiVIOUNT ,ST�TE OF MINNESOT� ORD[N.�YCE NO. B- AN ORDINANCE �1MEND[NG THE CITY ZONING CODE ORDIN�NCE B REGARDING THE ISSU�NCE ST�NDARDS FOR�N [NTERIM USE PERIY�IT FOR A NO�HAZARDQUS INDUSTRIAL W�STE CONTAINMENT FACILITY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CI�"Y OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS �S FOLLOWS: SECTION i. Section 113, NONHAZt1RDOUS INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTA�INMENT FACILITY, Ordinance No. B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, is amended as foltows: B.13. An interim permit shall not be issued until alt required loeal, State and/or Federal permits have been obtained by the applicant. The Citv mav allow interim oermits ; that were nreviousiv annroved and are in the nroeess of bein� amended or reissued to continue to onerate under the e�stin�nermit conditions durin�the review rocess bv the Citv or other�overnmental a�encies. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication accarding to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this 2lst day of January, 1997. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published this day of , 1997 in the Rosemount Town Pa es. 11.3 11.3 �' = 11'.3: NONHAZARDOUS INDLTSTRIAL WASTE CONTAIl+tMEN'T FACILITY; :: ,. . A. Permit appiicants shaii submit the foiiowing information tagether with .: � any other informativ� requested by the City: � - 1. The proposed project layout including site drawings showing �-�- = buiiding locations, access roads, buffers and all rnajor facilitiss. .�: . 2. Proposed technology and design. -� 3. A cornplete description of the proposed project's operation, includi�g but not limited to phasing and anticipated operating tifetime, types of wastes to be accepted and methods to verify the . waste stream, record keeping methods, staffing, anticipated waste volumes, containment facitities, contingency and response plans. , 4. A descrip#ion of anticipated traffic generated by the faeility, routes to be used, and access to the site. II� 5. Iden#ification of known and poten#ial environmental risks associated with the construction, opera#ion and closure af the facility. 6. Closure, post closure and contingency plans, incfuding financing pians. 7. A description of the existing site and surrounding area inciuding current ownership and land uses, current zoning, transportation access to the site, topograpMy, exis#ing soil a�d hydrogaologic conditions, vegetation, wildtife, surface wa#ers. 8. Nesd for City emergency services inciudi�g fire, polic�, emergency response, medicaL 9. A description of the applicant's experience in operating the technology, proposed training for alt operation staff, and the environrnental record of the teehnology. B: Permi#s for nonhazardous industrial waste land disposal faciiities shalt oniy be issued if the foltowing standards are mef ar exceeded: 1. The facility mUst represent the best avaifab{e technology for land , disposal of nonhazardous industrial waste. ,I 394 City of Rosemount i _ ' � . i 11.3 11.3 : ' � ' 2.The operator and staff must have sufficient experience in the �� - oper�tion of such faciii#ies to ensure campetent:operation. ; The desi n construction and operation of the facility must � 3. , 9 environrnental im actis and must mitigate such inimize ne ative p m � 9 impacts to the fullest extent possibie. ' _ 4. Public health, safety and weffare must be ensured. 5. Adequate closure, post closure and contingency plans musf be estab(ished. �i' _•� fi. An emergency response pian must be estabfisMed and' accepted x by the City. k '' 7. An environmental impact statement mus# be completed and ` declared adequate by the responsible governmental unit. ', 8. There must be atlequate access to the site. 9. The proposed project must be compatible with surrounding land use. 10. The app�icant provides financial security sufficient to guarantee ��' compliance with the terms of the permit. ', 11. The economic benefits, incentives and other advantages to t• h e City and community must outweigh any kr�own ar potential negative aspects of the facility: have a fan for working wi#h industry to � 12. The a Ncant rnust p P P develo techniques and markets for recyc(ing industrial waste P streams. . ��1 An interim permit shall not be issued until atl required local, State , �-�and/or Federal ermits have been obtained by the app(icant. _� A .. ; 14. The appliean# must notify each user of the site that free liquids - � cannat be placed in the containment celh, inspect each container of . . ve rocedures :to `' I waste for the presence of fres laqutds; and ha p ' ein laced in the ce(I. Ord. B, ' prevent any free liquid from b g p � 9-19-89) , �: 394 � Cit o Rosemount ;� .v f .- , • _