HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. 1997 Street & Utility Reconstruction, City Project #277 � � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACT10N CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 21, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: 1997 Street & Utility Reconstruction AGENDA SECTION: City Project #277 Public Hearing PREPARED BY. Doug Litterer, Civil Engineer AGENDA �� � � ATTACMMENTS: Resolution, Informational Meeting Q & A APPROVED BY: and Mailin List This item is on the agenda for Council to conduct a Public Hearing to consider the referenced project. Attached is a Q & A sheet with the majority of the questions raised by residents at the Informational Meeting held on January 15, 1997. An overview of the proposed project and o# the questions raised by the residents will be provided at the meeting. If Council desires to move ahead with the project, the pending assessment (P.A.) amount should be set. This becomes important when a home with a P.A. is sold, but otherwise '� Council sets the actual amount to be levied at the completion of the project which will be in the fall of 1998. � Council has many options available to them: 1. Take the recommended action betow and move ahead with the project with pending assessments as proposed or modified. 2. '' Table action and continue the Public Hearing. 3. Take action to stop the project. It ', should be noted that a four/fifths vote is required to move forward with the project. ' RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION FOR THE APPROVAL AND ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1997 STREET & UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #277. COUNCIL ACTION: 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997 - A RESOLUTION FOR THE APPROVAL AND ORDERING THE PREPARATION Of PLANS AND SPECIFiCATIONS FOR THE STREET AND UTIUTY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMfNTS CITY PROJECT #277 WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Rosemount ordered a-feasibitity report for the 1997 Street and Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project #277; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the Feasibility Report on January 7, 1997 for City Project #277; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing on January 21, 1997 to receive input of this project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of the 1997 Street and Utility Reconstruction Improvements� City Project #277. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the preparation of plans and specifications for said improvements of Gity Project No. 277. ADOPTED this 21 st day of January, 1997. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh Cit Clerk I , Y Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: = �:v� � � � . . . . . MEMO � TO: MAYOR BUSHO COUNCIL MEMBERS: ANDERSON ' CARROLL EDWARDS ' WIPPERMANN � RESIDENTS OF PROJECT#277 ! FROM: DOUG LITTERER, CIVIL ENGINEER I DATE: JANUARY 17, 1997 ' RE: Q & A FROM JANUARY 15, 1997 INFORMATIONAL MEfTiNG FOR I CITY PROJECT #277 I The following constitutes Staffs understanding of the majority of the items discussed ', at the Public Informational Meeting held on January 15, 1997. If there are any �', questions, comments or changes, please notify Doug Litterer immediately at 423- � 4411. The residents main issues were the width of Cameo Avenue, sidewalk along Cameo II Avenue and vehicles exceeding the speed limit on Cameo and 143rd Street West. �� CAMEO AVENUE STREET WtDTH Citizens were concemed that Cameo Avenue may be narrowed. Most of the people are of an opinion that narrowing Gameo Avenue will impact parking along Cameo Avenue. Wide school buses have a hard time maneuvering among parked cars, especially when there is a build up of snow on the street. Staff's response is that the width of not only Cameo Avenue, but all streets in the Project area will not change. CAMEO AVENUE BOULEVARDS Some of the citizens in attendance inquired on changes in sidewalks and the grass between the sidewalk and street. There is a concern that grass in a 1 to 2 foot wide boulevard will be hard to maintain. Staff's �esponse is that we will propose eliminating the grass boulevard on Cameo Avenue from 143rd Street West to 145th Street West. � . � O, & A -1NFORMATIONAL MEETING 1997 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT �� VEHICLES EXCEEDtNG THE SPEED LIMIT ''� Vehicles exceeding the speed limit appears to be the major issue on Carneo Avenue ' and 143rd Street West. School traffic does not slow down at the intersection of ' 143rd Street West and Cameo Avenue. ' Staff response is that we will investigate installing speed limit signs on Cameo Avenue and speed limit signs in the school zone on 143rd Street. Staff will also investigate installing a 4-way stop at the intersection of 143rd Street, Cameo Avenue and a proposed realignment of the drive to the middle schooL ' 2 � � �����n��������i���n����u�u�����ui��n��t����u� �����������{�u�i�����u���������n��n������������� ����������n������nr��'������nu����������,���o�) 34-03700-010-26 34-03700-0 l 0-27 3403700-010-15 St Joseph Church Jeffery 8t Claire OLseci Frontier Communicatioas t4375 South Robert Trail 3205 143rd St W. 14450 Bumhaven Dr. Rosemount,MN. 55068-4934 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4015 Biunsville,MN. �5306-6125 ����lu�������uu��u,�iu��nu���u������,�,o��� �����u������uu�����u������,�n����u�n��������� ��,��n�������u�������r�u�t������a���uja������� 34-03700-020•15 34-03700-210-06 34-03700-190-06 Froatier Communicarioas Iad School Dist. l96 William J.Sk Kymi M Kieffer 14450 Burnhavea Dr. 14445 Diamond Path 3245 IaSth Sk w. Butnsville,MN.5506&6125 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4143 Rosemouut,MN• 55068-4334 i.�,r„i,i,u,,,,u„i„i,,i„i,�„i.,i,i.,i,i,�„n i,i,i„i,i,n,,,,u„�„i„i,.ui,,,,,i,ui.,,n,.,i r,i,i„i,i,ii,,,,n„i�,i„r„n�,,,,,i,i,,,iu.i„r 34-03700-t71-06 34-03?00-150-06 34-49200-010-01 Thamas&Mary Steinle St Johns Ev.Luth.Church Of Rsmt William J.8c Rosemary Harris 3195 145th St W. 3285 t44th SG W. 3220 144th St W. Rosemount,MN. 55068-4422 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4020 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4021 ���������������n��u��r���,u�����n����n��������� ���r�n�������n���u����u���������u���n�,��t�n� �������������,�������j�����]�i�����n���l�����ii���� 34-49200-020-01 34-49200-030-01 34-49200-040-01 Jesse B.&Anna E.Williams Jeffery A.8c Madge F.Courtney David G. Willman Jr.&Wendy J.Foreman 3240 144th S�W. 3260 144th St W. 3280 144th St W. Rosemount,MN. 55068-4021 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4021 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4021 �����u��������u�����1�����n�ni���n�����u������ �r��������r��nn�����n������n������n����������t� �����u�������r������������������u����1���n���n�� 34-66500-131-00 34-66500-132-00 34-66500-140-00 Raymond 8t Ruth TSTE Mardell Michael C.Mardell, xubert Gec'aghtY 14470 Cameo Ave.Box F 14470 Cameo Ave.Box F 14580 Cameo Ave. Rosemount,MN. 55058-0170 Rosemount,MN. 55068-0170 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4444 I�I�L�I�IJI����II��I�J�J��it�f���l��(J��I�I�LI I�I�I��I�L11���,11��I��I��I��I���N�i��L�U��1��1� 61�1��1�611���JI,�I��I��I��t���1i�I��I,J1��l��il 3418200-160-03 34-18200-170-01 3418200-180-01 Corrigan Electric Co. Ind.School Dist. 196 Ind.School Dist i 96 3065 145th St W. 14445 Diamond Path 14445 Diamond Path Rosemount,MN. 55068-4944 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4143 Rosemount,N1N. 55068-4143 �����n������nu��u�u���������u�u���i��u������ ���r�u���i��nn��u�������n���nni������m����� ��������������i��������r�����n���u�������n�u���� 34-18200-OZO-02 34-18200-021-02 34-18200-040-02 Dale A.&Rose Bluemke Gary Hagemeister Fi Diane Dittman Ann Marie Phillips 14405 Cameo Ave.S. � 14445 Cameo Ave. 3100 144th S�W. PO Box 94 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4026 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4026 Rosemount,MN. 55068-0094 �����i��i����un��n�u�u�n����tt��nu���t������ ����������i��n����u�tt�i��u��������nin����i���� ����������t���m�f���u����tt���i�n����i�������i�) 34-18200-050-02 34-18200-060-02 34-18200-020-01 Robert J.Figura JeS'rey Hubertus Theodore&Helen Brandt 3130 144th S�W. 3140 144thSt W. 14315 Cameo Ave. Rosemount,MN. SS068-4003 -- Rosemount,NiN. 55068-4003 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4024 I�I�1��1�1�11����1l�J��L�L�NI�����I�I�I��I�U��i LI�I��I�IJ1���dL�L�l��t��lll����d�1�1��1�11��i I�i�l„1�1�11����11��1��6�t��111�����l�l�i��i�11��1 3418200-030-01 34-18200-050-01 34-18200-070-01 - Marie Ballcowitsch Jensen Kenneth E.&Mary L.Talbert James&Patricia Ahern 14325 Cameo Ave. 14335 Cameo Ave. --� 14355 Cameo Ave. Rosemount,MN. 55068-4024 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4024 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4024 I�I,I��I�IJI���JI��t��I��I��IIi�����I�I�I�J�ll��l I�I�I�J�I����II��JII��I�II���I t�1�1��1�1�11,���11��1��1��1��11L��It����I,�iL�l�l 34-18200-090-01 34-18200-110-01 34-18200•ttl-01 Robert H. Dupre 8t Rita Ballcowitsch Dupre Robect W.Fteming Richard M.Grohs 14385 Cameo Ave. 1902 Glen Hi11Rd. 311� 144th St. W. Rosemount,IvIl�I. �5068-4024 Mendota Heights IvII�l. SS l l8 Rosemount,MN. 5506$-�1004 � � ' �������������w���u�n����n����nn�����u������� �����u�������u������u�u�u�����n�����i����u��� �������������u����u����u������uu����u����u��� 34-I8200-0l0-01 34-66500-040-00 34-66500-050-00 Thomas F.dt Heather S.Brayton Anthony J�Patricia Ruman Sandra K Raadklev t4305 Cameo Ava. 14330 Cameo Ave. 14340 Cama�Ave. Rosemoimt,MN. 55068-4024 Ra�emount,MN. 55068-40Z3 RosemounL 11rIN. 55068-4023 ���t�u�������e����u�n�n�uQ�um���n�����u�� �������������uu��a�u�u������u�n���u�����o�� ��,�,n������rie��u�u�u�u����uu�������i��n�� 3466500-070-00 34-66500-080-00 34-66500-090-00 Scott W.8t Kat+ea M Rynerson lv�ichael8t Jeaa Mazie Ryan Edward M Meier 14350 Cameo Ave. 14370 Cameo Ava 14390 Cameo Ave. R,osemouat,MN. 55068-4023 Ro�emo�mt,MN 55068-4023 Rpsemount,MN 55068-4023 IiGli�l��rll��nll��l��lnl��ll�l�u�llulul�ll��l I�I�lul�l�lluullnlululnlllmul�lu161�n11 I�I�Inl�l�llr�ull,�li�l��l��ll�lunll.�lul�llul 34-66500-110-00 34-66500-011-00 34-66500-012-00 Chin�ch a�St J�ph Gregc�ry A&Debra J.Zippel St Joseph Church 14375 South Rabert Trail 14300 Cameo Ave. 143T5 South Robert Tr�il Rosemoimt,MN. 55068-4934 Rosemouut,MN. 55068-4023 Rosemount,MN. 55068-4934 I�IJ��I�I�It����11��6J�J��lll�����61��11�1���t1 34-66500-020-00 Craig 8t Kattuyn M Bartyial 143Z0 Cameo Ave. Ros�moun�MN'. 55068-4023 --- - — _ _ __ '� — --