HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.o. Alarm Ordinance a � ,. � . . . . � . C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCII,MEETING DATE: JANUARY 21, 1997 AGENDA TTEM: ALARM ORDINANCE AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: Lt. Dwayne Kuhns AGErfI���� � � ('� �� ATTACHMENTS: ALARM ORDINANCE, FEE RESOLUTION, APPROVED B ' • PERNIIT APPLICATION,NOTICE TO ALARM USERS .. At the 7anuary 6, 1997 meeting of the Committee of the Whole changes were suggested to the Alarm Ordinance. Attached is a copy of the ordinance with the recommended changes along with the fee resolution. I have also attached a copy of the Alarm Permit Application and the"Notice to Alarm Users". The"Notice to Alarm Users" will be given to each alarm user by our police officers when they respond to an alarm advising them of the ordinance. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve An Ordinance Regulating False Alarms, and adopt a resolution setting fees for the Alarm Users Permit. COUNCIL ACTION: CTTY OF ROSEMOUNT STATE OF N�NNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REGULATIl�TG FALSE ALARMS TI�CITY COUNCIL OF TI�CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Rosemount City Code, Title 7, is amendedby adding new Cha.pter 8, Sections 7-8-1 through 7-8-6 as follows: 7-8-1 Purpose The purpose of this ordinance is to preserve and protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Rosemount from the nuisance and negligent operation of alarrn systems while providing the highest level of service to alarm users. 7-&2 Definitions � For the purpose of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A. Alarim �stem: Any assembly of equipment or devices, either mechanically or electronically operated, which signals either audibly or in any other manner so as to�be seen, heard, or otherwise detected outside the protected area serviced by the alarm system, that a robbery, burglary, medical emergency, act of vandalism or unauthorized entry has occurred, and which is intended, or may reasonably be expected, to summon a response from police personnel. An automobile alarm device shall not be considered to be an alazm system under the terms of this chapter. B. Alarm User: A person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind in control of any building, structwe, or facility in the City of Rosemount in which an alarm system is maintained. C. 01arm User Permit: A permit that is issued to an alarm user when the user exceed four false alarrns in a one year period. This Alarm User Permit allows for three (3) false police alarms for a period of tweive(12) months and is exclusive of other alarm requirements. D. False Alarms: An alarm signal eGciting a response by Police personnel when a situation requiring a response does not, in fact, exist and which is caused by the activation of the alarm system through mechanical failure, alarm malfunction, improper installation or the inadvertence of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or -- Ordinance Na of his or her employees or agents. A false alarm does not include an alarm caused by ' utiliry line mishaps, violent conditions of nature or other conditions determined to be ', beyond the control of the alarm manufacturer, installer or user. i ?-8-3 Permit Required I Every alarm system user shall be allowed four faise alarms per year for each premise containing alarm systems under his/her control. Should the number of false police alarms exceed four(4)in one year the alarm user must purchase an Alarm User Permit upon notice from the Police Chief or his/her designee. Upon exhausting the number of false alarms allowed by a pernut, an alarm user must purchase another permit. 7-&4 Permit Fees The fees for the Alarm User Permit shall be set by City Council resolution. 7-&5 Application Requirements Applications for an alarm user pernvt shall be made in writing to the City of Rosemount on such forms as designated by the City Clerk and shall contain the following ` , information: A. The name, address and telephone number of the applicant; B. The name, address and telephone number of the property owner if different from the applicant; C. The property address of the location where the alarm system will be installed and maintained; D. The type of alarm system being installed; E. The names and telephone numbers of persons who have the ability to control the alarm system on a 24 hour a day availability; F. A declaration that the alarm system does not utilize an automatic dialing device programmed to dial the Police Depaxtment directly. 2 III _ Ordinance No. 7-8-6 Crimin�l Penalties Any alarm user that violates aziy part of this orc�iinance or knowingiy fails to obtain an alarm user permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereo� shall be punishable as providecl by Law. Section 2. This ordinance will become effective from and after its date of publication. ADOPTED this 21 st day of,��, 1996. Cathy Busho,Mayor ATTEST: . Susan Walsh, City Clerk Published this day of , 1996 in the Rosemount Town Pages. 3 �I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,Ml1�iNESOTA RESOLiJTtON NO. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHIl�tG THE FEES FOR ALARM USER PERMITS WHERES,the City Council will preserve and protect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens af Rosemount from the nuisance and negligent operation of alarm systems wiule I providing the highest level of service to alarm users, and , WHERES,the City Council desires to reduce the number of police responses to avoidable or I false police alarms, and WHERES,valuable public safety resources are used in responding to the growing number of avoidable police alarms, and WHERES,the City Council sequires that, if necessary, an Alarm User Permit be required which would be valid for twelve(12) months from the date of purchase. WHEREAS,the City Council finds it necessary to establish an ordinanee and pernut fees to assist _ in reducing the number of avoidable or false police aIarms. NOW THEREF4RE BE IT RESOLVED,that the City Council establishe�the fee for an alarm user permit to be one hundred twenty-five($125)dollars. ADOPTED this 21 st. day of 7anuary, 1997. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor. Voted against: 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICANT: I' NAME• ' ADDRESS: , TELEPHONE: � PROPERTY OWNER: (IF OTI�R THAN APPLICANT) NAME: ADDRESS• TELEPHONE: LOCATION OF ALARM SYSTEM: ADDRESS• TYPE OF ALARM: KEYHOLDER(S): (24 HR. A DAY AVAII.ABII,IT� NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPH4NE: NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (Over) . I hereby declare t6at t6e alarm system installed at tht above location does not utilize an automadc dialing device programmed to diai t6e Potice Depardnent directly. Signed Date APProved Date PERMIT# - EXPIRATION DATE . i CITY OF ROSElVIQI:��TT N�TICE TU ALAl�'��I USERS The City of Rosemount has adopted a false alarm ordinance,the purpose being to preserve and protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Rosemourn from the nuisance and negligent operation of alarm systems while providing the lughest level of service to alarm users. A false alann is an alarm signal eliciting response by police personnel when a situation requiring response does not eacist. A false alarm does not include an alarm caused by utility 1"ine mis�haps, violent conditians of nature or other conditions determined to be beyond the cornml of tIu alaim manufa,cturer, installeT or user. Every alarm user shall be allowed four false aiarms per year(12 month period)for each premise containing alarm systems under hisJher controi. Should the irumber of false alarms exceed four in one year the alann user must purchase an A�LARM USER PERMIT at a cost of $125.QQ per twehre mornh permit. A complete copy of the false atarm ordinance is ava�able at the Rosemourn City Halt. Amy questions regarding this ordinance should be directed to the Rosemoum Police Department at 423-4491