HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Commercial/Business Park Uses - Chippendale/Country Road 46 t � {. t CITY OF ROSEMCIU�"�T . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: July 21, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: CommerciaUBusiness Park District Uses AGENDA NO. 2.A. PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: C & BP Zonin Re ulations � g The City Council recently made decisions on zoning property to one of the four BP zoning districts (between Chippendale Ave. &Highway 3) for mini-storage. In addition, the request for a C zoning district was derfied for an adjacent convenience store. Some factors to consider for further discussion include: 1. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan guides property in Rosemount more generally as BP' and `C'; and 2. The Zoning Ordinance provides for more specific zoning districts within each land use category: BP-1: Adjacent to General Industrial uses or rail with separation from arterial streets; intended for planned industrial, office and accessory commercial uses; outdoor storage is permitted with standaxds. BP-2: Adjacent to General Commercial uses with pro�mity to arterial streets; intended for planned industrial, office and accessory commercial uses; outdoor storage is permitted by PUD. BP-3: Adjacent to residential uses or separated by a collector/local street; intended for oi�ice and limited commercial uses; no outdoor storage is permitted. BP-4: Adjacent to residential uses; intended for limited commercial and multi-family housing by PUD; no outdoor storage is permitted. C-1: "Convenience Commercial District"; intended to provide convenience shopping and self-service gas � services to sub-areas of the community. (Example -- SA at Dodd and 145th) C-2: "Community Commercial District"; intended for powntown Rosemount as a diversified commercial center with minimal private parking and setback standards. (Example -- LochBlake building) C-3: "Highway Commercial District"; intended to serve motorists in high vehicular traffic zones with high visibility. (Example -- Kwik Trip) C-4: "General Commercial District"; intended to accommodate a broad range of retail goods and services for the entire community. (Example --Rosemount Market Square) RECOMMENDED ACTION: ., , . , . 0 b. No arcade shalI be operated within 6ve hundred feet(SO ) of a schoot, church or residence. - � C. Uses Permitted by PU�: Commercial developments involving multiple parcels, structures or uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. Refer to Section 12 for PUD requirements. (Ord. B, 9-19-89) 6.14: BP BUSINESS P.�RK DISTRICT: A Purpose and Intent. This district is intended to accommodate new, modern, I high performance, limited industrial uses,business/officelwarehouse and accessory retail and service uses which are planned as a unit and include an intemal circulation system. This district is located within the Metropolitan I, Urban Service Area (MLTSA) and is intended to be served by the public utility systems. Overlay zones with locational criteria specifically �, enumerate permitted uses by zone which are complimented by enhanced ', building and site performance standards that will assure high quality development and provide an effective transition to residential uses. Uses � sha11 be conducted completely within structures excepted as provided for '' herein: BP-1 This zone provides for planned industrial, accessory commercial, and office uses. This zone is adjacent to General Industrial uses, railroad rights-of-way, or significantiy separated from major or minor arterial streets. Outdoor storage is allowed in accordance with the standards as set forth in this Ordinance. BP-2 This zone provides for business and professional office, limited manufacturing and planned industrial uses. The zone is adjacent to General Commercial uses or has proximity to major or minor arterial streets. Outdoor storage may be pernutted by Planned Unit Development in accordance with the standards as set forth in this ordinance. BP-3 This zone provides for office and planned industrial uses. This zone is a transition area adjacent to residential uses, or separated from residential uses by a collector or local street. No outdoor storage is allowed. BP-4 This zone rovides for a variety of less intensive business activities, P such as oi�ices, banks and health care uses as well as medium density residential uses. The zone is adjacent to residential uses, or contains natural amenities or features that may provide opportunities for multiple family or attached housing with high City of Rosemount Page 50 . � t ,Y standards of architecturat and site design. No outdoor storage is allowed. (Ord. B-63, 6-14-96) B. Uses Permitted bv Ri t BP-1 BP-2 BP-3 BP-4 , � 1. Bnsiness and Professional Otfices X X X X 2. Manufaciwing,Custom X X 3. Manufactiuing,Limited and Accessorv Uses,but excluding lumber yards and construction material sales as a principal use X X 4. Warehousing and Distribution X X 5. Wholesaling and Accessory Uses but, excluding livestock and raw farm product materials X X 6. Small Appliance and Business Services&Repair Shops including:elecironics,o$'ice supplies 8t equipment,and power products,but eYcluding outdoor display X 7. Testing and Research 8c Development X X X 8. Business,Trade&Vocational Schools X X X X 9. Commercial Indoor Recreation,inciuding: health&fitness ciubs,racquetball and tennis courts,spas,pools,and gymnasiums X X X X 10. Motion Picture&Recording Production Studios and Radio&Television Broadcasting Stations,but excluding towers and antennas X X X I 1. Transit Stations and Park&Ride Facilities X X X X 12. Financial Institutions and Banks X X 13. Health Care Faciliues including:hospitals,clinics, doctor's offices,diagnostic or treatment centers;but excluding long-term or intennediate care facilities such as nursing homes,sanitariums,or instituuonal uses X X 14. Printing and Duplicating Shops,but exeiuding retail self or express service businesses as a principal use X X X 15. Day Care Centers,Nursery and Montessori Schools X X 16. General Building and Special Trade Contracior Shops and Offices � X 17. Commercial Bakeries X X X 18. Self-service Storage Facilitv,subject to the requirements of the C-3 District in Section 6.12(B.3.) X (Ord. B-63, 6-14-96) (Ord. B-72, 11-5-96) C. Uses Permitted by Planned Unit Development(PUD): Commercial and Industrial developments involving multiple parcels and phasing, or multiple uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. In the BP-4 Overlay Zone, multiple family and attached single family developments shall be required to use the PUD procedure. (Ord. B-53, 4-18-95) D. Accessory Uses Permitted by Right: Indoor limited retail or direct sales of goods and products to customers may be pernutted as accessory to City of Rosemount Page 51 ' -- _ . I ! t officeJwazehouselmanufacturing/wholesaleJservice uses, subject to the foilowing standards: 1. Location a. All sales are conducted in a clearly defined area inside the principal building reserved exctusively for this purpose. The sales area must be physically segregated from other principal activities in the building. b. The sales area shall comply with all other applicable zoning, building and fire codes for the City of Rosemount. 2. Saies Area. The accessory use sales activity shall not occupy more than fifteen(15%) percent of the gross floor area of the building. 3. Access. Paricing and access for the building/sales area will be from a local or collector commercial street and shall not be accessed by a local , street adjacent to or entering a residential neighborhood. , 4. Hours. Hours of operation sha11 be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. E. The following site design and building standards shall apply to a11 uses permitted in the BP 1-4 Overlay Zones: 1. Outdoor Storage: Outdoor storage of materials, equipment or products, where allowed, may only be pernutted in this district where it is incidental or accessory to a principal use contained within a building. Outdoor storage areas, where feasible, shall be located in the rear of the building and not on a portion of the site with direct frontage upon a public street. All outdoor storage azeas accessible by vehicles or heavy equipment sha11 be surfaced with asphalt or concrete to minimize dust and control erosion. The perimeter views of all outdoor storage areas shall be completely screened from ground level views on all sides, except at required access points. Particular emphasis shall be placed upon maximizing full opacity from ground level views upon adjacent or nearby streets, all existing or potential residential uses and any other public use or areas. Such screening can be accomplished through one or more of the following measures: a. The placement of the building on the lot. b. Through the use of a combination of berming and a variety of landscaping. Bernung should consist of slopes not exceeding a 4:1 ratio. Plantings used to specifically screen views shall, at a minimum, consist of a six(6) feet high evergreen species spaced on twelve to fifteen (12-15) feet centers. A greater minimum height may be required where more than three (3) growing seasons are anticipated to accomplish required screening levels. These plantings shall be augmented by other varieties of ll e installed landsca in off- t al n the erm. P,11 lantin s sha b p g se o g b p g City of Rosemounl Page 52 ! � r y according to the City of Rosemount's Landscaping Standards. �tequired landscaping maintenance security for planting screening shall be for an additional two (2) qears. . c. Screeaing walls may only be used when the above options are not deemed to be an effective method. They shall consist of durable materiats consistent with the color and appearance of the principal structure. Screening walls shall be augmented by landscaping to reduce the visual impact and massing of the structure. 2. Landscaping: a. General: All areas of land other than that occupied by building or hardcover shall be landscaped with sod and/or rock and/or mulch. Other understory trees, shrubs, flowers and ground cover needed to complete landscaping treatments in these areas, shall be included in addition to the minimum number of overstory trees and foundation plantings required by the City of Rosemount's Landscaping Standards. These areas shall inciude the proper installation of an under?round irrigation system. Portions of the site may be exempt from these requirements where future development or planned expansion is anticipated or where other unique conditions eYist, such as large open space area, which make it impractical to landscape in accordance with these standards. In all such instances, these areas shall be: (1) Graded and seeded or planted with prairie grass in accordance with the City of Rosemount Grading Requirements. (2)Remain as undisturbed natural areas containing existing viable natural vegetation that can be maintained free of foreign and noxious plant material and will not produce soil erosion due to potential increases in storm water runof�: 3. Parking Lots: Paricing lots containing parking for ten(10) or more spaces are required to be landscaped in the amount of five(5%) percent of the parking lot surface area interior to the parking lot perimeter. The landscaped area shall be in the form of islands or indentations at the perimeter. Landscape islands sha11 be a minimum width of eight and one- half(8.5') feet and contain a minimum surface area of one hundred forty- five(145 sq. ft.) square feet. All parking lots shall be screened from public right-of-way in order to minimize the impacts of large expanses of paved surFaces. Screening should be accomplished by the use of a combination of berming and landscaping. The surface of all parking lots and paved circulation lanes shall be defined at all edges by curb and gutter with a design as required by City Standards. City of Rosemount Page 53 , , 4. Set Backs: The foilowing increased minimum yard set backs shall appty: • PARI�iG& CIRCUI.�TIOtY STRUCTURE ADJACENT USE SET BACK SET BACK Principal Arterial ROW . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Minor Arterial ROW . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Collecwr ROW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Railroad,Primary . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 10 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Electrical Transmission or Pipeline ROW/Easements 5. Accessory Structures: All accessory struciwes shall include exterior building materials of the same type, quality and appeara.nce as that of the principal structure. The hei�ht of the accessory structure shall not exceed ', that of the principal structure. � 6. Trash Handling: All trash, recycling and related handling equipment shall be stored within the principal structure or within an attached or detached accessory structure. Where an accessory structure is used it shall provide for walls on three sides at a minimum height of seven(7') feet; and include exterior building materiats of the same type, quality and appearance as that of the principal structure. A gate or door shall be provided on the fourth side of durable material which is compatible in color with the principal structure. 7. Signage: Only wall and freestanding ground monument signs shall be pernutted in the district in accordance with the City of Rosemount's Sign Regulations and these additional standards as follows: a. Freestanding Ground Monument Signs: A freestanding ground monument sign shall be designed with a base structure of the same exterior decorative materials as the principal structure on the site; and which extends from the sign copy area fully xo the ground, except for architectural relief treatments. All freestanding ground monument signs, if illuminated, shall be only indirect with the light source fully difiused. These signs sha11 be appropriately landscaped and subject to the same requirements for all landscaping on the property. b. Wall signs: Wall signs shall consist of permanent high quality � materials with finished edges. No wood signs shall be permitted. Where more than one (1) wall sign is requested per building frontage(i.e., a multi- tenant center), a uniform sign criteria shall be prescribed by the building City of Rosemount Page 54 � e r e owner, subject to review and appcovai by the Ciry. The sign criteria shall, among other things, describe the uniform type of sign to be allowed, limitations of placement on the buildin�g, the method of fastening, and the " procedure for tenant sign approval. 8. Lighting: All exterior lighting shall be designed and arranged to direct illumination away from adjacent or nearby residential uses and districts. No exterior lighting shall be arranged and designed to create direct viewing angles of the illumination source by adjacent properties, pedestrians or vehicular traffic in the pubiic right-of-way. Designs for all lighring, including but not limited to, building "wallpack" fixtures, shall incorporate � lenses, deflectors, siuelds, louvers and/or prismatic control devices to eliminate any direct viewing angles. Site lighting sha11 be designed so as to limit the illumination intensity created by all fixtures to a level not exceeding 0.5 lumens at the property line. A site lighting plan may be required to insure compliance with these standards and shall be prepared where one or more fre�standing lighting fixtures exceeding thirty (30') feet in height are planned for the site. 9. Rooftop Utilities: The ground level view of all rooftop equipment, including but not limited to rooftop structures related to elevators and other mechanical utilities, shall be screened from public right-of-way and adjacent or neazby residential uses and districts. Screening should be accomplished by incorporating architectural building design features such as a parapet wall or sloping roof structures. Wood fencing shall not be i pernutted. If due to factors unique to the property or the project, it is �, physically impossible or impractical to screen these utilities, the City's ' Planning Commission may approve alternative solutions that renders them ' aesthetically compatible with the building. ' 10. Underground Electrical Services: No building or structure located in the district shall be served other than by underground electric, telephone and cable distribution facilities. Poles, wires or other above-ground distribution facilities may only be temporarily installed during site construction or repair of the underground system. No changes in the grade or contours of land above or adjacent to these facilities, once installed, shall be made without the approved written consent of the City Engineer and the utility company providing such services. (Ord. B-53, 4-18-95) City of Rosemount Page 55 f� 1 . . . . . . . 6.10: C-1 CONVENIENCE CONab�RCTAL DISTRIC'T: - A Purpose and Intent: The purpose of the Convenieace Commercial District is to provide convenience shopping and self-service gasoline services to a sub-area of the community. B. Uses Permitted by Right: 1. Self-service gasoline and fuel stations, convenience store, motor fuel station including accessory car washes subject to the following restrictions: a. Except for gas pumps, all operations sha11 be conducted within the principal building. b. Where abuttin� an"R"District, a screen wall or fence five feet {5') in height and havin'ninety percent (90%) opacity sha11 be required along the common property line between the uses. Said fence shall be properly maintained by the owner or lessee. , c. Parking and maneuvering areas shall be paved and curbs six �I inches (6") above grade shall be provided no less than five feet (5') from all property lines which adjoin a public street. d. The site shall be planned so as not to permit water from a car wash to run into a public street or accesses thereto. A drainage system shall be installed subject to the approval of the City. e. Pump islands and canopies shall conform to yard requirements or a minimum of tweive feet (12') from a street right of way whichever is greater. f. Pazking for employees, customers and stacking shall be provided in accordance with Section 8. g. Artificiai lightin� shall be accomplished so as to have no direct light source visible from a public street or an"R" DistricB,(S}c�-89) 6.11: G2 CONI,I�IUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT: A. Purpose and Intent: This District correlates only with Downtown , Rosemount which is intended to serve the entire City. The downtown area is intended to be a diversified commercial center which offers the full range City of Rosemoum Page 44 , . of comparison goods, sales and services, cultural and civic, entertainment, financiat and offices and public uses. Because the downtown is an area of relatively higher intensity development and consists of buildings and uses " which pre-date zoning regulations, the City is inteaded to play a role in the provision of paricing and related public imgrovements. Thus, normal yard, pazking and lot requirements do not apply within this District. B. Uses Permitted by Right: 1. Accessory apartments. 2. Professional and business offices. 3. All retail goods and service establishments conducted within structures but exciuding automobile and equipment sales, services and repair establishments; truckstops; drive-through restaurants; gasoline and fuel sales; car washes; and commercial outdoor recreational uses. 4. Custom manufacturing not to exceed a gross floor area of two thousand (2,000) squaze feet with at least one-thirteenth(1/13)of said space to be used for retail sales and display purposes. 5. Outdoor display of inerchandise for direct sale, rental or lease provided said merchandise consists only of finished products and not disassembled merchandise parts or junk; except that new products which are customariiy sold unassembled and aze intended for consumer purchase and assembly are permitted to be displayed. 6. Video azcades subject to the following restrictions: a. Any arcade with fifteen(15) or more machines shall have an adult supervisor on duty during all hours of operation. b. No arcade shall be operated within five hundred feet (500') of a school, church or residence unless it is an integral part of a shopping center and does not have an entrance except from within the shopping center. C. Uses Permitted by Planned Unit Development (PUD): Commercial deveiopments involving multiple parcels, structures or uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. Refer to Section 12 for PUD requirements. (Ord. B, 9-19-89) City of Rosemount Page 45 II . . 6.12: C-3 HIGHW�Y SERVICE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT: � A. Purpose and Intent:�'his is a highly specialized district which is located in trigh vehicular traffic zones with tugh visibiliry. It is primarily intended to satisfy the needs of passing motorists. B. Uses Permitted by Right: 1. Automobile equipment sales and repair shops including transmission, body, paint, mu$Ier, en�ine, glass, battery and tire sales and services. 2. Eating establishments including truckstops and drive-ups. 3. Hotels and motels and accessory uses. ''', 4. Car washes including drive-through and conveyor types subject to the I special restrictions established for self-service gasoline stations in the G 1 District. Refer to Section b.9.B.1. 5. Full-service�asoline and fuel stations subject to the special restrictions established for self-service stations in the C-1 District. Refer to Section 6.9.B.1. 6. Outdoor display of inerchandise subject to the special restrictians established for the C-2 District. Refer to Section 6.10.B.5. 7. Recreation, commercial-outdoor provided all improvements confonn to setback requirements for principal buildings in the district and no facilities are closer than fifly feet (50')to an"R"District boundary. 8. Self-service Storage Facility subject to the following standards: a. All storage shall be maintained in the storage space and there shali be no outdoor storage of any products, equipment or other materials within the storage facility. b. The perimeter of the storage facility shall be entirely enclosed by a combination of buildings and decorative fencing. Chain link, barbed wire or wood privacy fencing shall not be pernutted as a decorative material, except as may otherwise be approved by the Planning Commission. For the purposes of calculating foundation planting requirements,the decorative fencing shall be included in the building perimeter calculation requirement. City of Rosemount Page 46 c. All storage space openings shall be oriented internally to the facility and shall not directly face a public street or adjoining property. d. Green space, ptaning cIusters and berming shall, where possible, be strategically designed and located around openings between storage facility structures. e. 'The self-service storage facility shall be required to provide 1.�5 times the required minimum number of Overstory Tree plantings so as to satisfy the requiremerns of 8(d) above, and provided the minimum interval spacing requirement at the boulevard is satisfied and met. All landscaped areas shall be required to inciude the proper installation of an underground irrigation system. f. An accessory Caretaker residence may be pernutted with a storage facility, provided it is only used for resident security and management purposes and the exterior building materials shall match that of the principal and accessory storage facility structures. g. The exterior wall surfaces of all building structures which comprise the development project shall consist of brick, decorative block, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or precast concrete panels. The"interio�" wall surfaces where the storage spaces are ' located at or below the top of the overhead door, and including the ' storage space doors and columns between such spaces, may be of metal which shall consist of a decorative factory applied finish. h. The hours of operation for the self-service storage facility sha11 be restricted to between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 1 I:00 p.m. (Ord. B-72, 11-5-96) C. Uses Pernutted by PUD: Commercial developments involving multiple parcels, structures or uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. Refer to Section 12 for PUD requirements. (Ord. B, 9-19-89) 6.13: C-4 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT: A. Purpose and Intent: This District is intended to accommodate a broad range of retail goods and services which serve the entire community. Though not exclusively, businesses in this District are relatively freestanding and tend to occupy independent building sites. They depend City of Rosemount Page 47 on gvod accessibility, high visibility and rdativ�ly targe volumes of tra�c . and are therefore found along major streets. - B. Uses Permitted by Right: 1. Accessory apartments. 2. Agricultural impiement sales and services. 3. Automobile equipment sales and repair shops. 4. Automobile and RV sales, service and rentai. 5. Business schools. 6. Business services and repairs including o�ce supplies and equipment. 7. Clubs and lodges-private. 8. Commercial recreation-indoor: bowling alleys, pool ha11s, racquetball and tennis courts and roller rinks. 9. Communications services including radio and TV broadcasting stations and studios but excluding towers. 10. Construction rnateriais sales including lumber yards and building supply stores. 11. Day care centers, nurseries and Montessori Schools. 12. Eating and drinking establishments including drive-ups and taverns. 13. Entertainment facilities: night clubs, theaters, movie theaters. 14. Financial institutions and banks. 15. Food and beverage retail sales. 16. Funeral homes and mortuaries. 17. Health care facilities: hospitals, nursing homes and extended caze facilities. City of Rosemount Page 48 18. Health spas and reducing salons. 19. Home furnishings=stores. ' 20. Hotels and motels. 21. Laundry establishments. 22. Offices, business and professional. 23. Printing and duplicating shops. 24. Repair services including bicycles, fiirniture, appliances, shoes, etc. 25. Wholesale businesses and supply centers. 26. Animal sales and services inciuding pet hospitals, pet shops, kennels and veterinary clinics provided they have no outdoor runs. 27. Gasoline stations and car washes including drive-through and conveyor types, subject to the special restrictions established for the C-1 District. Refer to Section 6.9.B.1. 28. Commercial recreation-outdoor subject to the special restrictions for the C-3 District. Refer to Section 6.12.B.7. 29. Outdoor display of inerchandise subject to the following restrictions: a. The sale is conducted by the owner or lessee of the premises or with his or her written permission. b. The sale is no longer in duration than two (2) days. c. The goods are those customarily sold within that structure in the C-4 District. d. The merchandise and vetucle do not occupy the required parking area of the principal use. 30. Video arcades subject to the following: a. Any arcade with fifteen(15) or more machines shall have an adult supervisor on the premises during all hours of operation. City of Rosemount Page 49 a_ .. .t � . �.. Jul 21 II Y . 1997 , Ma or Cath Busho I Y Y City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Commercial/Business Park Uses at Chippendale/County Road #46 Dear Ms. Busho: Per your suggestion, I have extended my rights to purchase the Thomas Geronime homestead until after tonights City Council- Committee of the Whole meeting, when the Council will discuss Commercial/Business Park uses at this location. Since the June 17 City Council meeting, I met with John Papel, President of Vermillion State Bank, in regards to whether his bank or another bank would consider locating at this site. He said it would not be a good bank location because banks need to be located near shopping centers and higher traffic areas. Also, with Empire Township planning on remaining rural for several years the opportunity for more customers is limited. I then contacted Scott Teigen, Director of Real Estate for Kwik Trip-_Stores, to see if they would be interested in locating a store at this site. (Please see attached letter) He has since visited the site, reviewed the site plan and reviewed the County Hi hwa lans and is e ressin a stron interest in this g Y P XP 5 g location if the site has the proper zoning. If the majority of the City Council decides not to change their previous decision of not allowing a convenience/gas store at this location, I will be cancelling my purchase agreement with Thomas Geronime and Secure Mini Storage will proceed with their plans using my existing property combined with 0utlot D. �I It is my opinion that this location has na other practical use except for the proposed convenience/gas store. It makes good ' planninq and economic sense for the City to proceed in this manner. I respectfully request that the majority of the City Council reconsider allowing this use. Sincerely, G� , �• �/�� ��/' �-,P/�'r'{J E.B. McMenomy r , �_+,_ `1 ' , 1< " a ' 15 `_- � ''�,�" _'i-i'TT t TEIi�EN F'. �=11 M�Mt� , �'� �wi�r �''iw,��r TO: Mr. Ed McMenomy ���� �� 1445a South Robert Trail ' RoaemounC, MN 55068 '" ,". FAX: 612-423-7202 � � � ` Scott J, T��gen .7 1 21 1997 � t Date: � y � Director of Rea �s ate $41bj8Ct: ��unty Rosd 46 & ChiPpenda�c Dear �d: Thank you �ar St1RN/�I1$ us the p3.3n� for �he northwest cornez of the �ritersection of County Road 46 and Chippenda].e Avenue, Rosernaunt, Minnesota. Kwik. Trip, Inc, has a str�n�; inCerest �n this property and will prepare an offer to purchase if you can get the prvper zoning Ca a11ow ottr use. Ot�r. pxeference would be the P.osemount eide, but if thar tails, we wuuld c�nfi�der the sau�ti sicle o� County Road 4b, whicl7 would require a separate we11 and �eptic. As we discuesed, it would he f.n everyone's best intezcs� ro rezvne titiia property now sv the ne.w neighbors know that tittose services w�.11 be avaiXable here. Ic ie my undexstanding that lieritage Develapmen� suppor�s this rezon�.ng, �s well. Let me knor� if I can ass��t you in the rezoning �ffort. ..----' � �., .,r,.� r 1',.e.�.r r��4-�---' � Sco�t,3. Teigen � Director o� ktea�. Estate �I I; i i �� 700 Wolske Bay Raad • Suite 280 • Menomonie, WI • 54751 ', ('lffirA- (71 ri1 7��,-FF'.7� • ��Y• (7y�1 '�'��_7Rf1St %—�'I —I`-i`={7 1 1 :5�Ah1 FRU�1 f°:.SA REAL ESTATE SvCS 6 1�' �`=�LtL�I Ub P_ 1 ♦ +� Y SECIIRE : ML�vI S��ORAGE i Tuly 21, 1997 � 1VIr. Ed Iv�cMenom I� Y � l 44 50 Soutl� Robert 'Z'rail Rosemotu�t, M�1. 55068 I R�: 160th Street and Chippenda.le Dear Mr. MeNlenomy. As we hav� discussed Secur� Mini Stora�e z-efers t�l� lot confi r tion � , � P � a used ul the approval of our "conce t lan" tl�.at r �i es f r ar d a. a buil A P p dable lc�t at the al�ove referenced intez�section. Modif��ing the southern boru�da�y of tk�� lot t� exclude the Tha�n.as Geronomie lot and include Outiat D of Gera��omie Pc�nd �reates an awkwaxd edge that is di�cult to develap a satisfactory desi�m. I ar.n sorry � am unable to joi� you at �.his �vening's Cc�uncil m.eetin�. Feel free �, to share our a�uuon v�rXth the City. If you or the City has any questians please calt. T'hamk.yo�x. Sincexely, . t��. I o V'avaulis, E � Mana�etnent A�ent - SMS ; � E , , � � � # . , : � . 740 Linwvod Avenue Sainc Paul,IvIl�T 55�Of+ (bI2)2y0-0507 FAX(632)290-0106