HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. Pre-Zone Land 4.� ♦ . . . . . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION . COMMITTE� OF THE WHOLE --_ DATE: July 21, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Pre-Zone Land AGENDA NO. 2.D. PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Portions of the Comprehensive Plan ' The 1993 Comprehensive Guide Plan Update included an implementation plan with a section on ordinance �', revisions. A part of this section identifies areas that should be rezoned right away(i.e., the Broback Industrial � Park from IP to R). A map in the Plan(attached) also identifies"AREAS TO BE REZONED AS NECESSARY TO IlVIPLEMENT UPDATE 2000". Therefore, discussion about this issue really comes down to a question of when to rezone property in conformance with the Guide. Rosemount has typically rezoned properiy at the time of final plat approval for a particular piece of prop�rty as it develops. The obvious advantage of this approach is to rezone property based on a more finite land description rather than metes and bounds. In addition, a park within a plat can then be rezoned to the"P" District. The primary disadvantage of this approach relates to some control issues. Two examples include the Gergen , Farm property and the Krech property. In the case of the Gergen Farm, pre-zoning that property to R-1 earlier in the process would have established a basis for single family units in conformance with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Amending that to include an R-2 Zone may put more responsibility on to a developer/owner to substantiate that change to also be in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. In the case o�`the Krech's, pre- zoning that property to RR earlier in the process would have established the primary residential land use designation versus the existing agricultural designation. One additional advantage to pre-zoning relates to a more streamlined development review process. For example, a proposal for single family units that conforms to the zoning standards for an R-1 District could be approved through the platting process without adding the zoning process. Although it may not actually add time to the process, it does add another layer or complexity to the proposal. One approach to start the pre-zoning process may be for staff to identify a list of"higher priority" or"obvious" rezonings to initiate in 1997. RECOMMENDED ACTION: ___ II. oRDINANCE 1�"VISIONS The primary implementarion tools of the Comprehensive Guide Plan are the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. These ordinances are the o,�cial controls that will enable the City to pro-acrively utilize the Guide Plan and achieve the C'ity of Rosemount's vision for the year 2000. Zoning Ordinance The Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1989. Amendments to the ordinance are necessary to implement the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The following amendments will be considered by the City Council: 1. Establish a Planrced Residenrial and Mixed-Use Development Districi to preserve sensitive land use transition areas and unique topographic features. The R-L Low Density Sin�le Family Residential District should be replaced by PD-R - Residential. 2. Esrabtish Inzerim Use Permit (IUPj and/or Condirional Use Permir (CL'�) provisions to legitimize some existing non-conforming uses with performance criteria and to enhance official controls as needed. These mechanisms will promote greater flexibility within existing zoning districts. 3. Expand locational criteria for R-3 Multiple-Family Residence District to go beyond the Rosemount Central Business District {CBD). Expand locational criteria in the Purpose and Intent paragraph in accordance with High Density Residential plan elements that aze not dependent on the CBD. 4. Establish performance standards for Multi-FamiZy Dismcts beyond the basic development standazds that specify density bonus requirements. Maximum overall densities will be lower per ordinance if the density bonus is not requested. Examples of performance standards include, but are not limited to: (1) enhanced architectural or aesthetic treatments; (2) private recreational amenities; (3) enhanced landscaping, parking, open space, and/or building setbacks. 5. Reduce the maximum densiry allowed in R-3 Multiple-Family Districts to twelve (12) units per acre from the current density permitted, eighteen (18} dwelling units per acre. Up to eighteen ' (18) dwelling units per acre would be allowed with conformance to performance standasds. 'i, 6. Modify the Purpose and Intenr paragraph of the R-2 Single-Family Attached District to ' discourage development of additional manufactured home parks. Existing manufactured home parks should not be rendered non-conformuig. 7. Consider expanding the list of permined uses under R-1 Anached Single Family by PUD to accommodate densiry bonuses allowed for adherence to adopted performance standards. 8. Analyze the results of the Downaown Scoping Comminee to consider refinements as appropriate to the Commercial Districts. 9. Rezone as necessary and amend zoning map: 1) Broback Industrial Park: Industrial Park to Residential; 2) University Addition: Industrial Pazk to Residential; 3) CMC 104-acre Site: Industrial Park to ResidentiaUCommercial; 4) Kelley Trust Property: Agriculture and R-1 Single Family Residential to PD-R; 5) 15-acre Islamic Community Cemetery Site: Agriculture to PB (Public or Quasi-Public); 6) East of Shannon Parkway, West of Chippendale, South of CSAH 42, and North of 152nd Street West: Agriculture to Mixed Use PUD; C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT SEcriorv VI -3 Ocroastt 1993 '� Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 3, South Rose Park Addition Replat: R-3 to Business Park; 8) South Half of Section 32, Range 19, East of �hippendale, and West of STH 3: Agriculture to Business Park. 10. Idenrify �Von-conforming Uses, and ciarify and strengthen non-conforming use provisions. 11. Adopr a revised Storm Water Plan and revise development ordinances in compliance with the Metropolitan Council's Interi.m Strategy for Non-point Source Pollution. Storm water design standards for all new ponds will be in compliance with the National Urban Run-off Program standards and state regulations. PROJECTED COMPLETION TASK I ► Within 90 days of Plan Acceptance Adopt Interim Storm VNater Management Ordinance based on the ', Metropolitan Council Model Ordinance. ' ► Within 18 months after Plan Acceptance Complete Storm Water Management Plan and update 1989 Drainage Plan in conformance with Metropolitan Council Interim Strategy and new state and federal regulations. ► December 1994 Revise DNR Shoreland Regulations consistent with the 1989 rule chanDes. Rosemount i� a priority 3 �i¢y and tha Di�'R aaticipa�es working with those communities in 1994. ► April 1995 Adopt Storm Water Management Ordinance consistent with City's Storm Water Management Plan and revised Drainage Plan. 12. Establish a Tree Preservation Policy and Ordinance. 13. Establish a Sidewalk/Pedestrian Corridor Standard for neighborhoods to connect the City trail system. 14. Establish Site Plan Review Requiremenrs for parking lots of more than fifteen (15) spaces and development of slopes that are in excess of twelve percent (12%) gradients. 15. Establish a Conditional or Interim Use Permit requirement for any tower or structure to be built 200 feet or higher. 16. Create a Conservancy Zoning Diszrict consistent with the Conservancy Land Use Designation. 17. Review the R-1 Single Family District and determine if the district needs to be revised or additional districts are necessary to increase the diversity of the City's housing stock. 18. Repeal the Industrial Park (IP) Dismct and create a flexible use Business Park (BP) District with appropriate standards regardi.ng outdoor storage, setbacks from residential uses, loading facilities, landscaping, etc. 19. Differentiate sewered and unsewered general indusmal areas in the east end of the City by creati.ng a Rural-Limited Industrial District intended primarily for existing industrial uses outside the proposed eastem MUSA. Subdivision Ordinance The Subdivision Ordinance was originally adopted in 1972. Adoption of the Guide Plan will necessitate major changes to this ordinance. Among the needed changes identified are: (1) inereasing setbacks to major thoroughfares and railroads; (2) converting all references "Village" to "City"; and (3) clarification of the lot split/administrative plat process. The overhaul will streamline the ordinance by removing repealed sections and consolidating defuutions a.nd exemptions. CrrY oF RosErvtourrr Secriorv VI -4 OcroBEtt 1993 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT M�p 16 __.. - --._...-- -• ----._ _ _.._._. __....--.. . . �<:r ;_:�.. .l:�r< ,F: , :: ;a� ��,. <� . . � � < , �,� � ... . � r ^• ,, i�s�t�s -': . _ -' ..' ' � _ . ;. " nn _ �' w . - re -_. � �qw .. ' '�".. :.'. 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