HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.f. Fire Department Update , CITY OF ROSEM0�7N'i' . EXECUTIVE SU�f�ARY FOR DISCUSSION C614Ilt��'�'FEE OF THE WHOLE _, _-_ , � --.- DATE: JLTLY 21, 1997 I '"� AGENDA ITEM: FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE AGENDA NO. PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH ASSISTANT TO ADMIl�TISTRATOR ATTACHMENTS: PAGE 4 OF PERSONNEL POLICY r n Jul 8 1997 to review with them the City AdrYunistrator Burt and I met wrth the fire department membe s o y , policies and procedures set out in the new personnel policy. Most of the discussion centered around the new compensation plan; and specifically, training pay. With the old By-laws, they received pay or advanced earned credits for a11 training classes. The new policy limits their training pay to sixteen hours a year, although they may attend additional classes without pay. It was the consensus of the firefighters present that they should receive pay for all training(over and above the 16 hours) if the funds were available because some firefighters would not use their 16 hours. The other issue was that they be paid call pay($8.25/hour) rather than training pay ($6.00/hour) if they are at training and some of the firefighters must respond to a call. Under the new policy they will receive training pay rather than call pay for those firefighters responding to a ca.1L Staff are proposing that Sections 6 and 9 on page 4 of the personnel policy be changed as follows to take into consideratian these two pay issues represented by the majority of the firefighters: Section 6: With the exception of probationary firefighters, firefighters shall be paid mandatory training classes and for up to 16 hours of training for each hour of class he/she attends per calendar year. Firefighters may be paid for additional training hours if there are urrused training hours available because some firefighters elect not to attend a1116 hours of their avaidable time. Firefighters shall submit training requests by Mar h 1 of each year sa that it can be determined if there are hours available to firefighters who want to atte�e paid training hours over and above the 16 hours. r ', Section 9: Firefighters responding to fire and rescue calls when participating in drill or training, shall be paid ti�e �! training the call rate. � ' * (5) Participation in miscellaneous_activities: Examples of these activities are administrative functions, assisting with training, public relations and representing the fire department at � various meetings. These activities require pre-approval by the fire chief or his/her designee. These activities are a one hour minimum with quarter hour increments for time exceeding one hour. Time and details of work performed shall be entered into the activity sheets by the firefighter after completion of the work. These records shall be examined periodically by the fire chief or one of the chief officers for accuracy and entered into the fire department payroll system. (6) With the exception of probationary firefighters, firefighters shall be paid for mandatory training classes and for up to sixteem(16) hours of optional training for each hour of class he/she attends per calendar year. All classes must be approved by the fire chief. Firefighters sha11 be paid upon proof of satisfactory or successful completion of the class. The fire department will pay for pre-approved course tuition and provide a fire department vehicle when available. Firefighters shall be reimbursed for travel, hotel, meal and miscellaneous expenses as approved by the fire chief. Employees sha11 no longer accrue advanced earned credits. Employees who have accumulated advanced earned credits will be paid for any credits for which the employee has not received pay. Employees will be paid for one-half of their accumulated unpaid credits in 1998 and the remaining one-half in 1999. (7) Where pre-approval is required above, a written request form shall be submitted to the fire chief for approval for authorization of training funds. Approval by the fire chief sha11 consider the appropriateness of the class and cost of class in relation to overall department training needs. (8) The fire chief and assistant fire chief shall be paid a stipend for administrative duties relating " to their respective officer functions. Other positions shall be paid a stipend as approved by the city council. The fire chief and assistant chief should not turn in hours for work details or administrative functions unless the city administrator has authorized these duties for hourly pay. The city administrator shall approve quarterly pay sheets for the fire chief and assistant fire chief. (9) Firefighters responding to fire and rescue calls when participating in drill or training, shall be paid the training rate. If the call time extends past the training or drill time, then firefighters shall be paid the fire and rescue call rate. � � � __, � ��,� 4