HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Selection of Consultant for MNRRA and Comprehensive Plan � City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1997 Agenda Item: Selection of Consultant on the l�INRRA Agenda Section: Study and Comprehensive Guide Plan Consent Update Prepared By: Dan Rogness, Community Development Agenda No: / + /'� Director �� ��' Attachments: Resolution,RFP, Work Plan Approved By• The City received a$8,500 grant from the Metropolitan Council for the expenses that will be incurred on the n�INRRA study and a$12,051 grant for the Comprehensive Guide Plan update. City staff sent Requests for Proposals to various land planning firms. In response, seven proposals were received. Of those seven, City Staff interviewed three firms. Based upon stated evaluation criteria, it is Staff's recommendation that McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc.be retained to provide planning services to complete the MNRRA study and update the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Recommended Action: Motion to adopt A Resolution Approving the Selection of McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. as Consultant on the n2NRRA Study and the Comprehensive Guide Plan Update. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SELECTION OF McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES,INC.AS CONSULTANT ON THE MNRRA STUDY AND T�IE COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN UPDATE WHEREAS,the City of Rosemount received a grant from the Metropolitan Council to aid in the expense for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area(l��NRRA) study and the Comprehensive Guide Plan update; and WHEREAS, the City sent out Requests for Proposals to various land planning firms and received seven proposals; and WHEREAS, City staff interviewed three of the interested land planning firms and has selected McCombs Frank Roos Associates,Inc. as the most desirable proposal submitted. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, that McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. is approved as the consultant to complete the MNRRA study and Comprehensive Guide Plan update. ADOPTED this 21st day of October, 1997. Cathy Busho,Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: � Voted against: Member absent: , ', IT�' OF ROSEI�I NT N NESOTA I C OU . . IIN REQUEST FOR PROPOS�LS TO PROV[DE PLANNING SERVICES FOR NIISS[SSIPPI NATIONAL RIVER AND RECRE.aTION ARE,� (NINRR.-�) STUD�' COI�iPREHENSIVE GUIDE PL�N UPDATE SECTION I: PURPOSE The City of Rosemount is requestin� from selected land planning firms proposals to provide planning services to complete a 1��Iississippi National River and Recreation Area{1VINRR.�) Corridor Study, and to assist the City in updatinQ its Comprehensive Guide Plan. To meet the provisions of the Metropoiitan Land Planning Act, the City of Rosemount has begun the process of updating its Comprehensive Guide Plan. The City expects to receive a Local Planning Assistance Grant from the i1�Ietropolitan Council to help defray the costs of this process. In addition, the City has received arant funding to conduct a study of the Mississippi National River and Recreation area�Corridor. City staf�will have primary responsibility for producin� an update to the Comprehensive Guide Plan. A consultant will be selected to complete a NI'�RRA Corridor Study, integrate the MNRRA study with the Guide Plan and to assist staff in updating the Guide Plan. The consultant will spend a significant amount of its time on five primary topic areas, including: (1) industrial development, (2) housing mix, (3) commercial center, (4) transportation, and (5) University of Minnesota (please see attached description). SECTION [I: BACKGROUND The City of Rosemount is a community of approximately 13,000 residents within the Twin Cities metropolitan area. As an outer-rin� suburb just fifteen miles south of both downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul, Rosemount is experiencing rapid jrowth. The Metropolitan Council has forecasted over 21,000 new residents and nearly 9,000 new households for the City by the year 2020. (For more back�round information on Rosemount, see attachments.) SECTION [II: COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN UPDATE AND NIISSISSIPPI NATIONAL RIVER AtiD RECREATION AREA (1VINRRA) CORRIDOR STUDY A. Review of Met Council Requirements for Lpdating the Comprehensive Guide Plan The Metropolitan Council Handbook and Blueprint section of the Comprehensive Plan update will be a review of all major policies and directions from the Met Council's Re�;ional Blueprint and Local Planning Handbook. This portion of the process is intended to ensure that the final document complies with the Ntetropolitan Land Plannin� Act. City staff will have primary responsibility for completing this portion of the work plan. B. Review of Current Comprehensive Guide Plan (1993 Upd�te) This portion of the Comprehensive Guide Plan update will include updatin�,, all data, if possible, thru 1996, identifyin�,incomplete action items in the 1993 Update, identifyin� areas of high priority for discussion or amendment, reviewing guide plans from adjacendsurroundin,communities, and identifyin� areas for potential land use redesi��nation. While the City will have primary responsibility for this portion, the Consultant will pro��ide seconda su ort related to the IvINRRa Corridor Study. rY PP C. Development and Facilitation of Appropriate Public Participation This portion includes identifyin� the type and extent of public participation to be used in updating the Comprehensive Guide Plan, scheduling involvement of boards, commissions, and or;anizations and developina�facilitatin�, appropriate public participation. This portion ���ill be completed primarily by the City with secondary support from the Consultant. D. Community Goals and Visioning The Community Goals and Visioning portion will be a joint effort of the City and Consultant. Visiorung will include reviewinQ results of the 1997 City Survey, reviewing the current Guide Plan and City Council goals, discussin� new planning theories, reviewin� past planning activities, and developing a vision and visual preference in Rosemount for the year 2020. E. Capital Improvements Programing The Capital Improvements Pro�ramming portion will be the primary responsibility of the City Engineering and Community Development departments. It will consist of reviewin� the CIP of Rosemount, Dakota County and the Met Council, discussing opportunities/constraints of infrastructure systems, and making necessary amendments to the transportation and public facilities plans. F. Housing City staff and the Consultant will review Rosemount's Livable Communities �oals, the � Sanitary SewerFeasibility Report, current supply and demand of housin�, land inventory, and develop 5-year increments of future land uses until the year 2020 in this portion of the update. The Consultant will give secondary support to staff in completin� the Housing portion of the Comprehensive Guide Plan update. � G. Commercial/Industrial I! The Consultant will have primary responsibility for completing this portion. Completing the CommerciaU Industrial portion will include studyin�the demand for commercial and industrial land, reviewing the Highway 42 and 52 Corridor Studies, evaluating the desirability and future location of a Train/Tn►ck terminal, evaluating current industrial user fiinctions and plans, developing 5-year increments for future commercial and industrial land uses unti! the year 2020, and identifying a model of quality industrial site development. Special emphasis should be placed on examininQ the industriai potential of eastern Rosemount (Pine Bend area). This portion also includes completion of the NINRRA Corridor study. H. Parks, Recreation, and Open Space I This portion will be completed primarily by the City with assistance from the Consultant. The City will participate in Park and Recreation Committee planninQ and evaluate "�reen belt" feasibility and pedestrian connections to its trails system. The Consultant will be responsible for integrating the MNRRA Corridor Study with this portion in the Guide Plan update. I. Transportation System The City will evaluate the street classification system and standards and apply a conceptual street system of collector streets through residential land. The Consultant will provide secondary support to staff in this evaluation. J. Storm Water 1Vlanagement This portion is to be completed by City staff. It includes identif��ing storm water pondin� areas, discussing its impacts on development patterns, and incorporatin� best management practices into policies and re�ulations. K. Production and Mapping It is the City's desire to hire a planning consultant to assist the City in preparing a Comprehensive Plan update that will comp(y with State's Statutes and the Metrapolitan Council's Plannin� Handbook requirements. In preparing the MNRRA Corridor Study and assistin� the City in updatina the Comprehensive Plan, the Consultant will work with the City's Engineering Department to utilize the GIS computer system to prepare all necessary maps. The inventory and land use information shall be collected and formatted in a manner that is compatible with the City's GIS system. The City's Engineering Department will also be utilized to provide all necessary technical engineerina input required. Final production of the amended Plan will be the responsibility of the City with draft sections (e:g. tables, graphs, text) provided by the Consultant. SECTiON N: NIISSISSIPPI NATIONAL RIVER AND RECREATION AREA (iYINRRA) CORRIDOR STL?DY OBJECTIVES City staff has identified the following objectives for completing the :VINRRA Corridor Study: A. To verify that the City's current Critical Area Ordinance conforms to State and Federal mandates (referred to in MNRRA literature as "Tier 1") and, if found to be out of conformance, to rectify those non-conformities so that it fully complies with those mandates. � B. To consider the voluntar_y adoption of other policies contained within the NINRRA Comprehensive Management Plan (referred to as"Tier 2"). C. To write the Critical Area portion of the revised Comprehensive Guide Plan to be submitted in its entirety to the Metropolitan Council by December 3 l, 1998. D. To review and assess local ordinances and plans with respect to the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. E. To evaluate current industrial user functions and plans. F. To determine the City's preferences for river land uses. G. To identify a model of c�uality industrial site devebpment. H. To identify possible river accesses and enhancements. I. To propose amendments to the city s comprehensive guide plan. SECTION V: INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS If your firm is interested in providing land use planning services to the City of Rosemount to study the MNRRA Corridor and update the Comprehensive Guide Plan, the City requests that it submit the follawing information: A. The name and location of the firm and location of head offices, if different. B. The number of years in operation at the Twin Cities location, and at head offices, if different. C. A brief(less than two paaes) description of the firm and the type of work that it does. The City is especially interested in prior comprehensive plan preparation experience. D. Identify the person who would serve as primary contact and lead land use planner in providin� the City with planning services. If more than one person is anticipated to assist in carrying out these duties, they too should be identified. Short (less than two pages) resumes of those involved should be attached, including qualifications to perform the intended duties. E. A description of your firm's approach to this project, to include: 1. A general outline of the content of the completed project. I� 2. A time schedule of the major milestones of the project. I', 3. Assistance and participation expected from City staff and/or community. ', r SECTION VI: COI�IPENSaTION Compensation from the City of Rosemount to the firm selected to provide land use plannin� services ' will be stated in terms of a cost-plus materials basis �vith a "not to exceed" amount. The "not to exceed" fee is intended to indude all consultant staff time necessary to perform the required land use plannin� services for: , � � � ; 1. Assistin; City staff in updatinQ the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan (budget=$9,500). 2. Completin� the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area Corridor Study (budget=$8,500). The cost of reimbursable supplies, mileaQe, etc. shall be itemized on a per unit basis in the proposaL A rate schedule shall be provided that lists all members of the firm and their billing rate for work that will be perFormed on the cost-plus materials basis. SECTION VII: SCHEDULE In selecting a land use planning firm. the City of Rosemount anticipates the follo�vin� schedule: Response Deadline for Proposals Monday, September l, 1997 Tentative Council Decision Date Tuesday, September 16, 1997 Consultant Work Begins Wednesday, October l, 1997 SECTI01�1 VIIl: EVALUATION AND SELECTION Evaluation and selection of a firm to provide land use planning services to the City of Rosemount will be based on the following: A. Evatuation Criteria 1. Qualification of a firm and land use pianner who will serve the City of Rosemount: • Skill and ability of assigned personnel • Appiicable experience with municipal Comprehensive Guide Plan and MNRRA Grant preparation • Knowledge of all Nlinnesota laws and regulations related to 1and use plannin�, zoning, comprehensive planning, etc. 2. Reasonableness of Costs 3. Other Factors Includin,: • Demonstrated knowledge of the City of Rosemount and its development characteristics • Availability and location of assianed personnel • Conformity of proposal with RFP B. Procedure Responses will be reviewed and evaluated by the City staff(and Planning Commission �vith a final decision made by the Rosemount City Council. The top firm or firms may be interviewed by a subcommittee after the initial evaluation has been completed. All candidates will be notified by mail as the selection process progresses. SECTION IX: CITY CONTR�CT AND SUBMISSION DEADLINE Proposals must be received by 12:00 noon on Nlonday, September l, 1997. Ten (9) copies of the proposal should be sent or delivered to: Dan Rogness, Community Development Director, City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068-0510. Questions can be directed to Dan Rogness at 612-322-2020. t � ' � McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. -� � 15050 23rd Avenue North,Plymouth,Minnesota 55447-4739 Telephone Engineers 612/476-6010 Planners 612/476-8532 FAX Surveyors 1 � � � September 2, 1997 1 � Mr. Dan Rogness � City of Rosemount '� 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55086-4997 ' � J SUBJECT: Request for Comprehensive Planning Services � ..i Dear Mr. Rogness: � McCombs Frank Roos Associates (MFR.A) is pleased to submit this proposal for your Comprehensive Plan Update and MNRRA Study. -, � We present a team of planners for this PIan update: ^ �gg J. McMonigal. Senior Planner - 11 years of experience as a planner, including as a staff City - Planner in Northfield and Apple Valley. Meg has a Master of Science Degree in Urban and Regional Planning, is certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners and is the Professional � Development Officer of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Planning Association. � _ Meg has completed plans and plan elements for the cities of Rogers, Carver,Northfield, Apple Valley and Hassan Township, and is currently revising plans for Mendota Heights and Stillwater Township. r Recently Meg has helped the Metropolitan Council review its Local Planning Handbook and is - responsible for a series of Comprehensive Planning seminars put on by the Minnesota Chapter of the _ American Planning Association. - Michael Gair. Principal Planner- 23 yeazs experience in land use planning and regulation, - comprehensive planning, urban design, residential, commercial, industrial and mixed use developments and redevelopment, environmental analysis and project management. Mr. Gair manages the public and private urban planning departments at MFRA. � Mike has updated plans and plan elements for Woodbury, Hanaver,Hassan and Stillwater Townships. ^ Over the past few yeazs,Mike has worked closely with the Metropolitan Council on how to evaluate the � _ � � � 1 An Equal Opportuniry Employer . � — � Cih• of Rosemount Comprehensi�•e Plan Update � September Z, 1997 Page 2 � grow-th options or the metropolitan area. Mike also �r�orked on the Uni��ersiry of Minnesota property in � Rosemount,giving him first hand knowledge 4f Rosemount's issues. Marc Weigle. Planner- Mazc is a new planner to MFRA and previously had internships with the Cities � of Mahtomedi and Blaine and with the Metropolitan Council. Marc is studying the MNR.RA planning requirements for the City of Mendota Heights and hopes to apply this knowledge in Rosemount. � �ngineering. Landscane Architecture Com uter ranhics - MFRA has full design, engineering and land planning, including three (3) landscape architects and new mapping and color capabiIities. Kathleen O'Connell is a Registered Landscape Architect with strong urban design experience. She �i�ill � be able to organize the Visual Preference portion of the study for the City. � We have a keen interest in Rosemount's comprehensive planning and would very much like to work � with the City in its update and MNRRA study. We believe we have the appropriate background and experience to provide Rosemount with a good planning process and useful plan. � We look forwazd to the opportunity to further discuss your plan update with you. -� Kindest regards, ., McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. � �/fn lV �G� � � , '' Meg J. c onigal, Senior Planner , '1 '' � �, � � _, r � ( ♦ Request for Proposal Ciry of Rosemount .1 September?, 1997 �( � I. McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES (MFRA) -� A. Firm Background and Principals � McCombs Frank Roos Associates (MFRA) is located in Plymouth, Minnesota. MFRA was founded in 1965 with beginnings as a municipal engineering firm. The name of the firm was changed from McCombs Knutson and Associates to McCombs Frank Roos ] Associates, Inc. in 1988. MFRA now provides planning,engineering, surveying and environmental services to � federal, state,county and local govemment agencies and a select group of private clients. The work mix gives our professionals the opportunity to concentrate or specialize in � individual areas of interest and gain experience in all facets of their chosen discipline. � Size of Firm an�l Disciplines � MFRA has one central office and is a small to mid-size consulting firm with 45 full-time employees and 10 part-time or seasonal employees. Our part-time employees include 2 � professionals who have retired,but still work a reduced number of hours, and 3 professionals who have requested a reduced work schedule to meet family needs. MFRA stresses the development of human resources within the company and rnaintains Human � Rights Certification by the State of Mirinesota. The following table show�s the professional qualifications, and speciat certifications of our 1 employees: � Discipline Number Registered Engineers 10 Registered Surveyors 2 � Planners 4 Landscape Architects 2 Certified Soil Scientist 1 l Environmental ScientistlEngineers 2 � Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators 2 � Divisions '�, � MFR.A has four(4) operating areas or divisions: Government Services, Private Services, Environmental Services and Surveying Services. In each azea,we have sought out and � retained competent professionals and support personnel. Our philosophy has been to only hire personnel in disciplines for which we have a high demand. In that way, each � Page 1 t , tl Request for Proposal Ciry of Rosemount � September?. 1997 . professional maintains their e�pertise and up-to-date kno���ledoe of re,ulations and , � � technoloaical ad��ances. In disci lines that are needed on an occasional basis, i.e., ' .. P materials testing. electrical engineerina. �ti�e ha��e de��eloped u-orkina relationships ��-ith � quality specialt}� firms. � Government Services. This group provides general planning and engineering services to � several govemment agencies,with the primary clientele being smaller municipalities. Our services include being the municipal planner and/or engineer, completing Comprehensive or specialized land use plans, updating ordinances, and completing�vater, , � sewer and storm sewer plans and other special engineering projects. The blend of roles in a variety of communities has given MFRA professionals the benefit of a broad � comprehension of the legal, social, technical and political understanding of projects and issues in the communities we work in. � Our professional planners have functioned as the City Planner or completed plans and : projects for the cities of Anoka, Apple Valley, Carver, Champlin, Columbia Heights, Fridley, Hassan To«nship, Northfield, North Oaks, Rogers, Savage Stillwater Township, IVadnais Heights, and Woodbury. We have broad planning experience and intend to � expand our planning services over the next several years. � Environmental Services. This group includes a wide range of disciplines, all involved with the intricate and sensitive issues of environmental engineering for governmental, private,commercial and industrial clientele. The professional disciplines include water � resource specialists, a certified soil scientist (wetlands expert), environmental engineers, environmental scientists, water/wastewater treatment engineers and a certified treatment plant operator. We have on-going contracts for water/wastewater treatment plants, j watershed districts, and specific contracts for a variety of large and small environmental projects. � Private Services. This group is comprised of a separate group of project engineers and planners that provide general civil engineering services to residential, commercial and � industrial clientele. The company adheres to strict policies regarding full disclosure and non-conflict of interest. On many occasions, the contacts and knowledge of the private services groups have been a valuable resource to the govemment agencies we service. � Surveying Services. This group provides registered land surveying and construction staking services. The registered land surveying work includes boundary surveys and ] certificates, lost corner restoration, final plat documents, aerial control net�vorks, topographical mapping,easement preparation and acquisition, legal descriptions and Jboundary dispute resolution. 1 � Page 2 < OTHER SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS Kathleen O'Connell is a Professional Landscape Architect with experience in the San Francisco and Twin Cities metropolitan area. She is known for creative approach to site design and planning. Her work in the metropolitan area includes numerous planning and design projects for private development projects and the cities of Vadnais Heights, , Rosemount/Apple Valley and Fridley. She has worked on large scale land use plans for the cities of Woodbury,Northfield, and Rosemount/Apple Valley, as well as lazge scale ' master site plans and land use plans in Woodbury, Maple Grove, and Bumsville. , Recently Ms. O'Connell completed park designs for two (2)city parks and an open/play space element for the Blake Schoal. � Bruce Chatupsky is a Landscape Architect with strong computer skills. Bruce is able to combine his land planning back round with desi n, ra hic and ma in ca abilities. . g g g P PP g P Bruce has a B.S. degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Minnesota. . , Jeff Roos is a Professional Engineer with experience in all facets of municipal engineering. Jeff facilitated the recent merger of St. Michael and Frankfort Township and ' provides engineering,planning and administrative services to the City of North Oaks. . ' C. Comprehensive Planning Experience . . CITY OF ROGERS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1996 MFRA worked several planning studies together to form the new Rogers Comprehensive � Plan. Strong growth pressures and projections created the need to plan for all types of _ public services including parks, schools, police and fire. MFRA continues to work with the City to update the plan to meet 1998 Comprehensive Plan requirements. � - CITY OF CAR I�ER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1996 Carver is a small metropolitan area city with its own sewage treatment system. It faces growth and cost pressures and uses its Comprehensive Plan as an instrumental decision ' making tool. CITY OFNORTH OAKS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1994 and 1997-98 _ MFRA completely revised the North Oaks plan in 1994. In 1997-98 MRFA will be • making modifications to comply with the 1998 requirements. This plan is utilized in . Page S � Request for Proposai Ciry of Rosemount September 3, 1997 ', � e��aluatin� aro«�th and de��elopment options. planning for parks and trails and ' transportation. ', � CITY OF NORTHFIELD PARK DEVE'LOPMENT PLAN. 1994 ' • The Northfield Park Board was experiencing pressure from several areas of the ' community to improve neighborhood parks. The planning process enabled the Board to ' understand the conditions in each park and assign priorities for upgrading them over a 10 ' year period. CITY OF SA f�AGE COMPREHENSIVE PARK PUBLIC FACILITIES AND TRAIL � PLAN. 1993 ' - MFRA prepared this Comprehensive Plan to provide an overall view of the parks and ' - , recreation system in Savage. This plan continues to provide City guidance for park development. ' ,,, CITYOFAPPLE VALLEYTRANSPORTATIONPLAN, 1991 , Major gains in population and households meant transportation systems needed to be '�, " planned for accordingly. This plan addressed State,County and local roadway issues. It ��i . also created the City's first master trailway plan, including location, timing and sizing for I a network connecting the community. � HASSAN TOWNSHIP COMPREHENSI i'E PLAN 1991 , The Town of Hassan completed a major amendment to its Comprehensive Land Use Plan in 1991. The community was previously planned to accommodate a small area for ' commercial uses, with the remainder of the 1,200 acres designated for lazge-lot , residential and agricultural uses. The thrust of the 1991 comprehensive land use plan arnendment was to add land area to industrial, several rural residential land use � caiegories. Additionally the study considered land for public park and trail corridors. . HASSAN TOWNSHIP COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION& ROAD y MASTER PLAN, 1991 � This study included mapping all roads traversing the Township, verification of . classification and identification and jurisdiction. Based on planned future land use, trip generation forecasts were prepared and distributed over the Township roadway system. ' At the crux of this study was the question of allocating limited financial resources to - roadway maintenance and improvements, i.e. asphalt roads vs. graveL The study involved researehing rural roadway maintenance costs,procedures and the experience of � several counties and townships. The findings of the study required input from fiscal � consultants and the formulation of alternative roadway improvement assessment policies. CITY OFAPPLE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN, 1989 With numerous parks and facilities, the City needed to look at new and old - neighborhoods to identify levels of service. With current information the Parks and � . Page 6 ► . - —, � � ' Request for Proposal �� Cin�of Rosemount �I f September 3. 1997 ' � . Recreation Committee could prioritize �ti�here land and/or financial resources �t-zre � , needed. � CITY OF WOODBURY LA1VD USE STUDIES � MFR.A prepared three major land use studies for the City of Woodbury: (1) commercial properties located at Valley Creek and Interstate 94; (2)commercial and industrial � properties located at the intersection of County Road 13 and Interstate 94, and; (3) the ' interlocking lake area, consisting of Wilmus, Powers and Mazkgraft Lakes. � The combined studies included over 3,000 acres and involved the preparation of a master � lan d use an d roa d circu la tion p lan. Impe t uous for t h e s t u d i e s w e r e t h e a b an d o n m e n t o f - i Dayton-Hudson's plan for a sub-regional shopping center at Valley Creek and Interstate C � 494,and the anticipation of a regional shopping center proposed by Fairview Cadillac at County Road 13 and 94. The interlocking lake study was driven by the City's desire to C --� plan proactively for open public land,trails and parks in the immediate environs of the ; three Woodbury lakes. � "' MFRA also prepared a Comprehensive Park and Recreation Facilities Plan for the City of -� Woodbury encompassing the entire City. The plan continues to provide_guidance for city decision-making. � � Current Compre{rensive Planning Proiects: � STILL WATER TOWNSHIP COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. 1997-98 ` MFRA is working with the Town Board, Planning Commission and Park Committee to . update the Town's 1979 plan. Much has changed and the Town is working with a metro, tcounty and state system that threatens Township authority. This plan will define the � Town's role in governance over the next 20-25 years. [ , CITYOFMENDOTA HEIGHTS CO��IPREHENSIVEPLANand MNRRA STZID_Y� I 1997-98 � ' Mendota Heights is a nearly fully developed community. This plan update will allow the i . City to focus on a handful of key land use issues, as well as strategically plan in the areas � of parks and recreation and airport issues. As a part of the process, MFR:A witl complete - � ' a study of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area(MNRRA) to determine if • current lans and ordinances are in need of u datin or revision. We aze working with p P g _ the DNR, Metropolitan Council and adjacent river communities to determine how to best � meet the MNRRA objectives. t � � l � � --4 , .. � " Page 7 .. I . __ -- -- --- � � � � Request for Proposal City of Rosemount �� September?. 1997 jD. General Urban Planning Experience ' � City of Mendota Heights Ms. McMoni al is the consultin Ci Planner for Mendota Hei hts. She re azes all g g tY g P P planning reports, attends Planning Commission meetings and conducts office hours at the , City with planning applicants. MFRA is undertaking the update of the Mendota Heights Comprehensive Plan as welL � Stillwater Township As the Town Planner, Ms. McMonigal reviews and analyzes all planning and � development applications, staffs the Joint Planning Board of the Town and City of Stillwater, represents the Township on special studies,recommends ordinance changes and provides professional planning assistance to the Planning Commission and Town � Board. Currently the MFRA Staff is undertaking the update of the Township's Comprehensive � Plan for 1998. In the past, Mr. Gair served as the Town's Planner and cornpleted several plan elements including a transportation plan and a parks and trails plan. � Citv of Carver The City of Carver retains MFRA's planners to work on projects on an as-needed basis. Typically these are complex land development applications including subdivisions, � Conditional Use Permits and rezonings. � MFRA updated the entire Comprehensive Plan for the City of Carver in 1996. Theresa Greenfield was the primary staff in charge of the plan. � City of Rogers Ms. McMonigal recently completed a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Rogers. This plan is an agglomeration of several recent studies and was needed to provide guidance in � this rapidly growing area. Ms. McMonigal oversaw the submission and follow up through the Metropolitan Council review and implementation process. � Hassan Townshia MFRA is currently preparing plan amendments for Hassan Township. In 1991, MFRA completed Hassan's Comprehensive Plan revision. � City of Excelsior � Ms. McMonigal serves the City of Excelsior on an"as needed" basis, when large developrnent projects are before the City. � '. � Page 8 � ____ � � Request for Proposat Ciry of Rosemount ^� September?, 1997 MFRA will assist with these portions of Rosemount's Comprehensive Guide Plan . j I. Introduction � II. Plannin Context 9 � Regional SettinQ � Rosemount Profile � 01. Community Goals � � IV. Deveto ment Trends P � � Existing Land Use and Available Land Future Land Needs ' � V. Comprehensive Plan A. Land Use Element Agriculture ', � Conservancy I, -� Housing and Neighborhoods Public and Institutional I � � Commercial ' -� Industrial Waste Management �� Planned Development Areas -� University of Mi.nnesota Property I � Mississippi Nationa�River and Recreation Area(MI�TRRA) �II � � B. Transportation Element li Existing Transportation System I, � Street and Highway Plan 'I Transit Plan � C. Public Facilities and Services Element I � Public Utilities Public Services � Schools D. Environmental Protection Element E. Economic Development Element � VI. Implementation Plan � VII. Plan Maps -� ' t" Page 1 l .� I