HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. Nomination for an American Heritage River i .i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SU�VIlVIAY2Y FOR ACTION CITY COiJNCIL MEETING DATE: November 18�99'7 AGENDA ITEM: Nomination for an American Heritage River AGENDA SECTION: Consent � PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness,Community Development Director AGEN1���-1Y1 � � � � 1 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution;Info. from Met Council; Resolution APPROVED BY: from Dakota County The City of Rosemount is being asked to support an application to the federal government that would designate a portion(72-mile corridor)of the Mississippi River as an"Amercian Heritage River". Other cities along the river have akeady supported this endeavor, including the Dakota County Board of Commissioners. j RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to Adopt A Resolution Supporting the Nomination of the llfississippi River as an American Heritage River. COUNCIL ACTION: _ , � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE NOMINATION OF THE NIISSISSIPPI RIVER AS AN AMER�CAN HERITAGE RIYER WI�REAS,the American Heritage Rivers Initiative is a new federal effort to support i communities in restoring and protecting America's rivers,and has the potential to assist the Twin I Cities Metropolitan Area in furthering the collective goals for the improvement of the '', Mississippi River; and ' WHEREAS,President Clinton will designate ten rivers as American Heritage Rivers, ' with each designated river assigned a"river navigator"to work with the community to provide access to federal agencies and existing programs and to simplify their delivery; and WHEREAS,with the support of the McKnight Foundation,the Metropolitan Council is taking the lead in preparing a nomination for the designation of the Mississippi River in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area as a Heritage River•, and WHEREAS, a Heritage River designation would be a natural supplement to the inclusion of the stretch of Mississippi River in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area,in the national park system as the Mississippi River National River and Recreation Area, and in the state's Mississippi River Critical Area; and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby supports the Metropolitan Council's efforts to nominate for the designation of the Mississippi River in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area an American Heritage River. ADOPTED this 18th day of November, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho,Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: ,� Metropolitan Council 'y Working for the Region, Planning for the Future September 8, 1997 Ms. Cathy Busho, Mayor City of Rosemount P. O. Box 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 Dea� Mayor Busho: I am writing to invite your participation irr the submission of a nomination for designation of the Mississippi River as an American Heritage River. This letter and attachments provide you some information on this new ' federal initiative. American Heritage Rivers Initiative (AHRIl, a new federal effort to support communities in restoring and protecting America's rivers, has the potential to assist our metropolitan area in furthering our collective and individual goals for the Mississippi River. Under this program, President Clinton will designate ten rivers as American Heritage Rivers. Each designated river will be assigned a federal "river navigator" to work with the community to provide access to the federal agencies and existing programs, and to simplify their delivery. There will be no new regulations or new funding associated with designation, but designated rivers will receive focused federal support in the form of better access to information, toois and resources, including improved priority for federal funds and a streamlined approach to federal regulations. With the support of the McKnight Foundation, the Metropolitan Council is taking the lead in pulling together a nomination for designation of the Mississippi River in the metropolitan area as a Heritage River. A Heritage River designation would be a natural adjunct to the inclusion of our stretch of the Mississippi in the national � park system as the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MNRRA) and in the state's Mississippi River Critical Area. The communities being included in the nomination are those within the 72-mile MNRRA corridor from Dayton and Ramsey through Hastings and Ravenna Township. But even if our stretch of the river is not designated, there is much to be gained from participating in the nomination process. Together we can explore local solutions to barriers faced in implementing local river plans and develop collaborative strategies for garnering federal support. Unde� separate cover, we are sending Dan Rogness, your staff person who is working with us on MNRRA and Critical Areas programs, a package of information and a brief survey which focuses on what sorts of assistance could help the City of Rosemount implement its river-related projects. This information will tae critical in helping us define for the federal agencies how a Heritage River designation can benefit us. A meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 20 at 3:30 p.m. at the Metropolitan Council, 230 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, to share more detailed information about the nomination process. We hope that Rosemount will participate in the nomination process and ultimately join in co-sponsoring the nomination. If you have questions, please contact Linda Henning, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services, at 602-1279. Sincerely, 'm So m cc: n Ro ness lsgk.ahri. 230 East Flfth Street St.Paul,Mtnnesota 55101-1634 (612)291-6359 Fa�c 291-6550 TDD/1'!Y 291-0904 Metro Info Wne 229-3780 An Equa!OPPortuntty EmPbyer _ :: i , WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING ABOUT THE AMERICAN HERITAGE RIVERS INITIATIVE? "Tonight I announce that this year I will designate 10 American Heritage Rivers to help communities alongside them revitalize their water&ont and clean up pollution."President Clintan, State of the ilnion address, Febn�arv 4, 1997 I cannot overstate the importance of coordination and continuity of effort when focusing on the Mississippi River.The River does not belong to any one community but is a natural and economic resource that benefits all the citizens of the United States.If we are successful in obtaining the American Heritage Rivers designation for the Upper Mississippi it can only act to draw all of our communities together to focus on the improvement to the Mississippi River."Joe Biemat, Vice President,Minneapolis City Couneil, and Chair,Middle Mississippi River i3'atershed - Management Organization,July 16, 1997 "The Mississippi River is Saint Pau!'s greatest na.tural resource and restoring our community's relationship to it is central to revitalizing this city.The Presidem's American Heritage Rivers initiative complements our own vision of integra.ting the city's natural environment,its neighborhoods,and its economy.Federal support through this initiative will do much for the future of our community."Mayor Norm Coleman, Scrint Paul,July 1997 "Until latter-day riverfront improvements in many American cities,including Minneapolis and Saint Paul,the nvers on which the cities were founded became back doors,misused and abandoned. ... River revitalization will serve generations yet unborn.The president's American Heritage Rivers program is an important focus toward that end."Star Tribune editorial,June 20, , 1997 � "American Heritage designation could help build upon the current momentum to reinvest in urban riverfronts,clean up pollution,protect sensitive lands,preserve historic sites,and bring varied interests together toward the common goal of a clean and economically vital Mississippi River. It also could unite people who enjoy and use the river in different ways—people who often have sparred in the past."Michael O Keefe, executive vice president,and D�n Ray,program officer, The MeKnight Foundation;Pioneer Press opinion page,June 1 G, 1997 "['I'he ten designated riversJ wiil serve as models of the most innovative,successful,and sustainable approaches to river restoration and community revitalization across the United States. This is a purely voluntary initiative;it will create no new regulatary requirements for property owners or state and local governments."Kathleen McGinty, Chair, Council on Environmental Quality, testimony before the U.S. Ho:�se ofRepresentatives, Committee on Resourees, J:�ly 15, 1997 "The U.S. Conference of Mayors applauds the President for bringing national attention and resources to the creation of preserved environments in urban areas as��ell as in the remote wildemesses of our nation and redirect resources to help make American Heritage Rivers a reality." U.S. Conference ofMayors, :rnanimo:�s resolution supporting American Heritage Rivers,June 1997 ._.. _ _. . AMERICAN HERTTAGE RIVERS IMTIATIVE (AHRn (Q and A adapted from Council on Environmental Quality material) Q.What is the American Heritage Rivers Initiative? A.President Clinton announced the American Heritage Rivers Initiative in the State of the Union ', address on February 4, 1997.His stated objective is to enhance our citizens' enjoyment of the I historic,cultural,recreational,economic and environmental value of the nation's rivers and ' protect the health of our communities by delivering federal resources more effectively and ', e�ciently. I Q. How does a river become an American Heritage River? A. Communities themselves��vill nominate their areas to the President.The communities must meet the following criteria: • show broa.d support for the designation from individuals and organizations along the river • include a range of natural,economic,scenic,historic,cultural andlor recreational features that demonstrate distinctive qualities af America's river heritage • demonstra.te wi_Ilingness and capability of the parties nominating the river to enter into new,or to continue and expand eacisting partnership agreements • ha.ve a broad plan of action for the river • demonstrate that actions w-ill result in measurable benefits for the river community. Q. What about communities that aze not designated? A. All river communities will receive streamlined access to government programs and services via greater coordination among govemment agencies and better,more timely information. Q. How can members of a communiry present their views about a potential nominatiott? A. The nomination process will be fully controlled,discussed and organized at the local level. Communities submitting applications must provide for members of the public to comment on the nomination;such comments could dissuade the cammunity from completing its application. Q. Where is the initiative being managed at ii�e federal level? A. Through the Council on Environmental Quality. Q. Does Herita.ge River designation conflict with die Mississippi National River and Recreation Area(NINRRA)designation? A. No,on the contra.ry,receiving a Heritage River designation would be a complement to MNRRA and will,hopefully,improve the priority for funding MNRRA initiatives. i Pro osed ri nci les for AHRI n omination P P P These principles nre drmvn from the Comprehensive Mcmagement Pl�n for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area(MNRIIlA).MNRItA was est�blished as a unit of the National Park Service in 1988. The plan, developed over four years with extensive public inprct, provides a framework to assist the state ofMinnesota and unrts of local government in the development and implementation of integrnted resource mtmageme�t programs and to ensure orderlv public nrrd private development irr�he nren. Balance arui s7�stainabilitv in resa��rce proteciion and use.. Sustainable uses and resource preservation needs will be balanced and integrated, protecting both the working river and the natural riverine system. Land use/landscc�ne c�aracier. Lar.d t�ses a.r.d developments wi11 be guided by local plans which, ideally, will emphasize river-related and river-enhancing uses that preserve and restore the natural appearance of shorelines and bluffs,protect habitat and historic areas, connect neighborhoods to the river, and preserve economic resowces. Navigation. Recognizing the importance of the working river to the economy of the metropolitan area and the entire upper Midwest, decisions about commercial navigation and facility activity will integrate the needs of industry with the need to protect natural, cultural and economic resources in the comdor and provide for safe commercial and recreational traffic within the limits of river system ca.pacity. Operr space/public land/trails. Where practical and consistent with local plans, a continuous linear open space and trail will be provided and sensitive areas acquired, emphasizing resource protection. � Overall management rn�d moriitoring. Extensive partnerslups and collaborations will leverage local efforts,incentives will encourage cooperation with regional goals, and citizen involvement will build personal commitment to the river. �'zrbdre use. A bre�d r�:.g�of�a;sive and acti�e resource-reiated activities wiil be encouraged on both land and water at levels and locations consistent with resource protection, and will be complemented by interpretive and educational programs. Resource martage�nerit. A coordinated effort wilt be made to protect and manage the natural, cultura.l and economic resources of the river valley including increasing pollution reduction, preserving biological diversity, protecting cultural and economic resources, and facilitating coordinated research. _. ___ .._ .. . _.o __.._. --- -------- _ I AHRI Steering Committee Carolyn Braun,Planner, City of Anoka Molly Grove, Congessman Vento's Office � Sandy Butler, Patrick and Aimee Butler Foundation Linda Henning,Director, Office of Customer Relations and Environmental Education, Metropolitan Council David Byfield,Minneapolis Citizens Environmental Advisory Committee JoAnn Kyral, Superintendent, MNRRA Whitney Clark,Executive Director,Friends of the 1Vlississippi Mary Maguire,President, MCNC(Nlississippi Corridor Neighborhood Coalition) Tom Cochrane,Mn Agrigrowth Council Dan Ray,Program Officer, The McKnight Foundation Terry Coss, Senior Envl Engineer,NSP Patrick Seeb,President, Saint Paul River&ont Corporation Will Craig, CURA,University of Minnesota Mike Wozniak, Community Development Director, City of Hastings Errol Edwards,WSCO(West Side Citizens Organization) Russ Eichrnan,Executive Director, Upper Mississippi Waterway Association Staff: Ellen Brown � 874 Fairmount Avenue Saint Paul MN 55105 225-4104 225-4369 fax ellentbrown�compuserve.com DA KO / A CO U N T Y OFFICE OF PLANNING (672)891-7030 DIVISION OF PHYSICAL DEVEIOPMENT FAX(612)891-7031 �o��Bo h 14955 GALAXIE AVENUE APPLE VALLEY,MINNESOTA 55124-8679 �, November 6, 1997 Thomas Burt,Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount,lVIN 55068 Dear Mr.Burt: The Dakota.County Board of Commissioners recently endorsed the nomination of the Mississippi River in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area as a federally designated American Heritage River. This letter is to notify you of this County Board action, as directed by the County Board. Attached for your information is a copy of County Board Resolution No. 97-626,which describes ', the County Board action. It is the understanding of Dakota County,there will be no new ' regulations associated with such designation. Designated American Heritage Rivers will receive ' focused federal support in the form of better access to information,tools,and resources including improved priority for federal funds and a streamlined approach to federa.l regulations. If you have any questions or need further information about this program please call me at 891- 7027. Sincerely Jo Fo est,Physical Development Planner OFFICE OF PLANNING Enclosure Printed on recycted paper,20%post-consumer i�• AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M BOARD OF COUNTY COMM1SSiONERS ' DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA � Odober 7, 1997 Resolution Na 97-626 � Motion by Commissioner Tumer � . Seconded by Commissioner Branning i Suppart fo�Nomination of Mississippi River in Metro Areas as Federally Designated American Heritage River WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Councii has requested Dakota County and other units of govemment bardering the II Mississippi River to endorse the nomination of the River in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area as a federaUy- designated American Heritage River, and WHEREAS, there will be no new reguiations associated with such des9gnation, but designated rivers witt receive focused federal support in the fonn of better access to information, toals, and resources, inciuding improved p�ority for federal funds and a streamtined approach to federal regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby endorses the namination of the 1Aississippi River in the Twin Cities Metropolifan Area as a federatly designated American Heri�age River, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Metropolitan Councii, Washington County, and cities and townships in Dakota County that border the Mississippi River be notified of this County Board aciion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That staff apprise the County Board of fu�ther developments pertaining to the proposed American Heritage River nomination. STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Oakota I,Mary S.Scheide,Clerk to the Board of the County of Dakota,Staie of YES ryp Minnesota,do hereby certify that I have compa�ed the foregoing copy of Hams a resalutian with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of .�_ Harris County Commissioners,Dakota County,Minnesota,at their session held Maher �_ Maher an the 7'"day of Ociober 1997,now on file in the County Administration Batagt'w X Bata lia DepaRment, and have tound the same ta be a true and correct copy 9 thereaf. Mueller X Mueller Tumer Witness my hand and official seal of Oakota County this 10"' day of .�_ Tumer Ociober 1997. ' Krause X Krause � ��{ c f- Branni�9 x Branning �,` Y l,�l�,�,�t, , �.2 . �C.�c-o�,� � Clerk to the 8aard . . . . ,. w....,..... .. . . . .._ � . � � . . . _. . . � � � . . II ��� • � 1 lO��i.:rL'�l\1 1tG►7�,7 � No new funds or re lations are involved in the I, � , � program. But designated rivers will have priority in � � competing for existing funds, winning regulatory .,h � exemptions and so on. Designation will go to rivers of ' . � mtrmsic natural and lustorical interest, but also to �'' MISSISSIPPI RIVER communities where river revitalization efforts are '�'' m�st impressive. � �The Twin Cities should stand out. In 1995, a multi- � , year planning effort culminated in a final manage- It, S Cl. nC�,l,Llral C�OICC� ment plan for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, a unit of the National Park Service ' � a �� • � . t�at coordinates management along the urban e��Q'e �Ve�' Niississippi., Winning Heritage designation might well L"� accelerate�'funding for some of MNR,RA's programs �he Twin Cities' enthusiastic gut�e - and facilities�(not least a Park Service interpretive rediscovery of the Mississippi initiative must eenter in downtown St. Paul). Failing to win designa- River continues. The most recent �t b�e� - � t��n would push local river programs lower on the development in efforts to coordi- e�to upset ��eral priarities list. nate planning for the river's future '`�`But memories of the MNRRA experience also fuel is the Metropolitan Council's �e �e�� �?oncerns in parts of the business community. attempt to win designation for the ba��� bevelopment of the MNRRA management plan pro- local stretch of the Mississippi as ���n duced often bruising collisions between economic one of America's "Heritage" �ndustrial and development interests and environmentalists. Early rivers. recreation versions of the plan were disparaging and threatening The nomination, due in uses. toward commercial uses of the river corridor. A well December, deserves support. But balanced vision ultimately emerged, but the heritage as with all efforts to better manage development of initiative must not become an effort to upset that bal- the river and its environs, care must be taken to ance. ensure balance between the need for a cleaner, more With a proper focus on the Mississippi's many roles beautiful river and the need to protect the in the Twin Cities, Heritage River designation can Mississippi's role as a ;busy "working river," a vital advance this community's commitment to revitalize location�for many indust'ries and jobs. and protect the majestic natural wonder that gave The American Heritage Rivers Initiative is a these cities life. Clinton administration program. Ten river segments will be designated "heritage" rivers. Various federal ' agencies will make special efforts to assist local gov- ernments and organizations in environmental protec- tion and economic and recreational development in designated river corridars. �