HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Payment #2 and Final for Wensmann 10th Addition Utility Improvements, City Project #278 _ . . ._. _ _ ,+ �` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION i CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 18, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #2 & Final, Wensmann 10th AGENDA SECTION: Addition Utility Improvements, City Project #278 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA�P��:.pA � � : � City Engineer/Public Works Director 1 CIVI � ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #2 & Final APPROVED BY:_� � '� n II This item requests the second and final payment to Ryan Contracting, Inc. in tfie amou t , of 54,420.34 for City Project #278, the Wensmann 10th Addition Utility Improvements. '�, The original contract amount was 539,429.42. The total construction cost, including ! this final payment is 532,810.25. The final payment is 5380.83 or 4.4% over the contract amount. ' A bigger than expected street removal and replacement on Cobalt Avenue contributed to the cost over-run on this small project. More fittings than expected were needed on the watermain and this also increased project costs. Upon final payment a two-year warranty period begins tuntil November 18, 1999) on the street and utitities. The City also accepts these facilities for perpetual maintenance. Attached is a copy of Construction Pay Voucher #2 and final for your information. Staff recommends approval of this second and final payment request and acceptance of the street and utifities for perpetual maintenance. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #2 AND FINAL TO RYAN CONTACTING, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF 54,420.34 FOR THE WENSMANN 10TH ADDITFON UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #278 AND TO ACCEPT THE STREET AND UTILITIES FOR PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. COUNCIL ACTION: 1 __ _ _ _ ._ _ , . _ _ _ � I�ov-07-97 04: 54P P.03 , � � CONSTRUCT{OF!PAY VOUCNER ^ E8TIaAATE VOUCHER NUMBER: 2(finat) DATE November6,1987 WS8 PROJECT NUMeER: 1051.01 P£RIrDD ENOING_ ' PROJECT: WENSMANN 10TM ADDITION . � CITY OF R4SEMOUNT PROJECT NO.278 CONTRACTOR; RYAN CONTRACTING.INC. 870013TM AVE EAST SHAKOPEE, MN 55379 CONTRACT DATE: NOvEMeER 20, 1996 WORK STARTED: NOVEMBER 6,1997 COMPLETION DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1996 WORK COMPLETED: ORiGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $31,429.42 TOTAL AOOITIONS �0.00 TOTAL DEDUCTIOl�1S �0-00 TOTAL FUNDS ENCIlMBERED $31,429.42 TQTAL WORK CERTIFIED TO DATE $32,810.25 LES9 RETAINED PERC�NTAGE 4.00% $0.00 LES3 PREYIOU8 PAYMENTS $28,389.91 TOTAL PAYMENTS INC�.THIS VOUCHER $32,810.25 BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $0.00 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER 428.34 APPROVALS WSB 8�ASSOCIATES,INC. In accordance with fieid observation,as perFormed in accordance with induztry standards,and basod on our professional opinion,tha materials instailed are satisfa�tory and the work properly pertarmed in accordance with the plans and specifications. The total work is estimated to be 14o °�completed as of November 6, 1997. We hereby recommend payment of this voucher. �—� .. Signed: Signed: �'"'" CottStruCtion Q4Se�ver Project Mangg r/ ngineer RYAN CONTRAGTING,INC. This is to Cert+fy that to the best of my knowtedge,information,and belief,the quantities and values of work�ertified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this vouCher. Contractor. Signed: Date: Title: CITY pF ROSEMOUNT Checked by: Approved for payment Authonzed Representative Oate: Qate: ` ` �V — ` �