HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. The Enclave Final Plat , + CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: December 2, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: The Enclave Final Plat. AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Dir. AGENDA �� � 6 � ATTACHMENTS: Final Plat, Resolution APPROVED BY: Applicant: Dennis Griswald for Pulte Homes Location: Outlots B & C, University Addition Property Owner(s): Springbrook Corporation Area in Acres: 35 acres Number of Lots: 56 detached townhomes, 72 attached townhomes. Overall Density: 3.6 dwelling units per acre Comp.Guide Plan Desig: Urban Residential Current Zoning: R-2 Single Family Attached Residential &Planned Industrial Requested Zoning: R-2 Single Family Attached Residential Planning Comm. Action: Pending(This memo was prepared prior to the scheduled Nov. 25 review). SUMMARY The final plat for"The Enclave"has been received. This drawing becomes the plan document recorded with the County that defines individual lots and legal descriptions for each dwelling unit in the development. The entire development is being platted as it will be constructed in one phase. Construction will start on the Biscayne Avenue side and work its way eastward, eventually to 145th Street West. The final plat has been compared to the preliminary plat and found to be consistent. Therefare, a recommendation of approval to the City Council will be suggested by Staff. November 25, 1997 is the scheduled Planning Commission review of the final plat. Staff will provide a discussion regarding the outcome of the meeting. , RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A Resolution Approving The Final Plat for The Enclave. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE ENCLAVE WHEREAS, the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount received an application for final plat approval submitted by Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corporation as required by ordinance far the purpose of a single family detached and attached residential development on land legally described as: Outlot B and Outlot C,University Addition,except that part of Outlot C,University Addition described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Outlot C; thence on an assumed bearing of North 75°17'26" East along the Southerly line of said Outlot C 118,59 feet; thence continuing along the Southerly line of said Outlot C along a tangential curve, concave to the Northwest, having a central angle of 44°22'04" 681.40 feet; thence South 56°25'02" West 735.61 feet; thence West 33.21 feet, more or less, to the West line of said Outlot C; thence South 00°17'30" West along the West line of Outlot C 22.13 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning,Dakota County,Minnesota. WHEREAS,the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the final plat application for The Enclave at their regular meeting on November 25, 1997; and, WHEREAS,the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the final plat to the City Council as required by the Subdivision Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the final plat application as required by the Subdivision Ordinance on October 21, 1997. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the final plat for The Enclave subject to: 1. Conformance with the applicable specified conditions of Resolution 1997-87; 2. Conformance with zoning and subdivision requirements for a PUD agreement and platting requirements. 3. Park Dedication in the form of cash based upon 1997 fee resolution,($900 per unit}estimated to be $115,200.00 as well as incorparating recommendations from the Park and Recreation Committee regarding sidewalks, trails and private recreational amenities. 4. Execution of a subdivision agreement to secure public infrastructure and including recommendations relative to grading,utilities, easements,rights-of-way,ponding, streets and public infrastructure requirements as recommended by the Public Works Department. 5. Incorporation of recommendations relative to County State Aid Highway 42 by the Dakota County Plat Commission. 6. Developer must make payment to the City at the time of final plat for the following items: a. Preliminary payment for future improvements to 145th Street West, including street and trail estimated at this time in the amount of$50,812.80; J Resolution 1997- b. Preliminary payment for future trunk watermain improvements on 145th Street West estimated at this time in the amount of$10,251.00; ' c. 1997 Storm Sewer Trunk Area Charges at $2,530 per acre which is estimated at this time in the amount of$89,056 (Based upon 35.2 acres); and, , d. 1997 Geographic Information System (GIS) fees at $50 per lot/unit estimated at this time in the amount of$6,400 (Based upon 128 units). 7. Implementation of the Tree Preservation Ordinance in accordance with the woodlands replacement mechanism, as detailed in the Tree Preservation Ordinance. ADOPTED this 2nd da f De r e 't ouncil of the Cit of Rosemount. o cembe 1997 b th Ci C � , Y Y Y Y ath Busho Ma or C y , Y ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: C�t3'Of ROSC1110llR� No moditicauooe to the DlsUict boundadde i�being � . . . . � � � GOUNTY OF DAKOTA,STATB OF M[NNH30TA propoxd. 'Ibe uee of inod�wl�hin�ho D4trict�vouW�bo � . � � � � maliQed a add 5400.000 fot leod w�uidtloo andpnblic . � � . � � . � � � � . NOTICE OF PUDLIC HEARING - - etreebcape improvemeou: The propuly.ptopoeed to be � �. � . . . � � . . � � . � � �'acquired in the Downtoao Tax iocremenl Fiaaucing � . � . � . � � . . . NOTICE IS HM7tEBY GiVEN,�tLat the City Coundi of Dist[tM No.1 eoaompeaea ep propeny end edJaant snd � '�, � � p �+p■� n} n s� p, the City of Roeemouob Courtty ot Dakote,Stete of inroriae roede end dahbofhray u�dicebd�by l6e pcal . ' ' � � � � �'1C�.71.i11O�116 TOWlI PC�.gI�S � Minneeotn,wiil hold s public hearing on Toeedny, .idewifice3ononmberti�xdbeMw^.��� � � . � � . � � � � . . � . . . . . � � December 2.�1997,at approximately 7:30 p.m.at t6e � � . . �I+,FIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION R°�°'W°`�"�°"�"�"'a"""�R�°"°°`Q`Y �„�:"-�,�.,°°-°' Hall, 2875 145th�Strcet W., RoaemoanG Minneeota � . . . . . . . � . ro(ating to the propoiwl of ttw Poct AuUwrity w adopt tt�e �A�mp of Developrcm DbtriU Tlw l and Ux Drnvmowu . . . . . � � � �� � � � � Modification ro the Development Program for Tax lncrcment Ptoencing Di�tdct No. I within � �. 1 Tp(�(1 Hel��l�fl� being ctuly swoii�, on oath says tt�at s(ie is an authorized Devdopment District No.1 and the Modification to�he Development Dietria No.l b xt faU�tielow. Sobject tu agcnt aud empioyee oP llie publisher of the newspaper, known as Tlae Te� Incremeo[ Pinanciog Plan ��au«�,���y, the xrtaintimilatiane,�t��e�,n�n,�o„�r�.� "ModiTicationa")for the mociitfcadon oP the Downwwn Iocravwnt Piosedng Dt�utot No.1 mey 6e spent on � � . ROSC'/110lLYtt �011�1d Yn�es, and has full knowiedge of the facts wliicl� are� � T��,�rc,���ananp�ga�;��No.��a,ca�,�b,�„� eligibbuw�wiUdnthe4oande�ie�ofDevetopuxntDistriG . . . dis�rict),loeated withia Developmant Diatrict No.1: No.1. 1 . � � Sl1lC(1�CIOW: . � � . � � P�sua�t ro Miimeaota Statuea.SecUoos 469.001�hrough .. . . �. . .. �. � � . . . � � �� � �A�Tllf.'I1C�VS�)FIl)CC I1tlS COI1I��ICCJ W1C�1.1L1 Of I.11C TEC�l11TF.1IIE11LS COIISCII.ULITIg 469.047;Swtion 469.0813;end Seciiona 469.174 to Allinteroatedperoaumayeppaeratteheriaaendpreeeni � � � 469.179,all incivaive:ee ameoded. Copie�of the IAeirviewtaailyotpriortptlqmpedoainMridog. �. C�UilI1rIC8�.lOfl <lS ll �C4�Tfl� 110WSn1nEf, as provided by Minnesota Statues Modifcationa are on file and�avaitable for poblia �- � � � � . 33 t A.02,331 A.07 v1�ot(�er app]ic�ble 1 }�s,as T1011fJC . inspcction at ihe offia of the CSty Ckrk at 6ty lisll. /dSntan M.Walnt� �/�L C � VI.� aycr�s /+� The propeny w be ioctudcd ia t6e Do�vntown Tax CYtyotRwenwum � �B)TIIC]}C1i3LG(� . �/� Incrcment Ftnaocing Dietrict No.i is located within .�.. DakohCouory,Aliomeaa . . . . . . . �,.\1^� � �'� � �f � 6. ( Developmenl Diat�ict No..1 aai Ux City of Roeemount. . I ll21 � " . U�1(� � � �, � � Ue( �r�t��ein.� C t`.�YtC� �o � \ -- '�� ; ; whicli is attached, w�ts cut from d�e columns of s�l_n,eCwspaper, and was / -�� ; � printecl 1nd pubiisheci once each week for �r� �successive /'� -��-- day of f ' i weeks• ic � first publisl�ed on Fridly, the �� TheDowntownTlFOistrictNo.1 ! � �U�.IN1 l 9�`Z and was thereafter printed and published on 7 $��. DevelopmeM Disdict No.t _ p City of Rosemount .�� —� o ' every rii�1y, to �in� including Friday, the _______day Of DakotaCounty i , 1)_____; and printed below is a copy of U�e � State ot Mimrosota Lower ca,c ;ilphlUel lrotn A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowlecJged sis being U�e size and kind of type used in tl�e composilion �. ' ' �T � � i e: � ' ' � an�l publicali���i ol ihc nol c � ' � �� �, � ah��kfgl.ijkhnnoyqrstuvwzyc . . ' / �:�� . � ��. i By.�.�''-- � ��� /� i'"-� � ' � Title:Typesetter � !! ! � t , .._.---_.___. > �- �{ � � �' i � � �- Sul��cribc�t <ln`Iw's��v�oru l� before me on tliis L , d�Y � � �: -�-=i o f V U1 YwV > �F�� '�� �� �� � l�) . ,_,r�.�L qq8��' � � ` _ ; . . . . . �u�� � .I{'y 6omdown TIF Oalrid No.4 , .�� . ,..,._ . � � � � � `�� . � ; , _ � � ���. Not�u�y Pu�lic ; AFFI.DAVTT �� i 7p']/--�+� i . . . � . . . �lllll�`� ,� /`��� � � ,� �,5 . �.,; . . 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