HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. 10 Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Working Program • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETLNG DATE: December 2, 1997 ' AGENDA ITEM: 10-Year Capitai Improvement Plan(CIP) AGENDA SECTtON: Working Program Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA�.AA � � �r� � ATTACHMENTS: 10-Year CIP Working Program Summary APPROVED BY: Pages ..-------�' - Attached for your consideration this evening is the summary of the final draft of the 10-year CIP Working Program. The introduction for this document describes in detail the background and the process that was followed in completing this working document that will be used by Council and staff to plan for the future. This is the second 10-year CIP that has been completed. 1997's was a great start and 1998's has evolved into a very realistic working document that will be easy to build upon in the future. The process was a lengthy one that will now benefit the City as it plans for the future. It will also benefit the City as outside agencies look at us and how we are planning. I befieve the document to be a good working program that will continuously change as our needs change. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the 10-year CIP Working Program for the City of Rosemount for the years 1998 through 2007. COUNCIL ACTION: 11/05i9T Other Building SVeet Equipment Funding Total Year Item Departrnent CIP Levy CIP levy CIP Levy Sources CosF 1998 New Building Permit Software Comm Devip 27,000 27,000 1998 Business Paric Phase 2 Improvements Comm Devip 2,150,000 2,150,000 1998 Commercial Streetscape-Phase 1 Corrun Devip 40,000 110,000 150,000 1998 1994 Lease-Purchase(5-Years)(Comm Center Equip) Council 22,400 22,400 1998 1995 Lease-Purchase(3-Years)(City Equipment) Council 52,800 52,800 1998 1995 Lease-Purchase(&Years)�(City Equipment) Camai 29,900 29,900 1998 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counal 50,800 50,800 I 1998 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fre Truck) Camcil 64,900 64,900 � Ca 1998 1997 Lease-Purchase(1-Year)(Street Sweeper) Couneil 90,600 90,600 I 1998 Council Designated(Encumber for Streets) Counal 182,990 182,990 1998 PC Printer Replacements(From 1989-91) Finance 12,000 12,000 1998 PC File Server Replacement Frtance 12,000 12,000 1998 Winds Park Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 25,000 25,000 1998 Winds Park Improvements(Parking Lot&Trail) Park&Rec 50,000 50,000 1998 Erickson Community Square Improvements Park&Rec 45,000 45,000 1998 1 Radar(For Unit 50) Police 2,000 2,000 1998 2 Squads&1 4x4(Sell Back 3) Police 45,000 45,000 1998 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 1 of 20 Lease-Purch) . Pubiic Wo�ks 24,000 20,000 44,000 1998 Wiring to Public Works Building to Connect to Network Public Works 10,000 10,000 1998 ADA Upgrades to Ciry Buildings Public Works 30,000 30,000 1998 Structurai Overlays on Older Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 1998 12"&16"Watermain for CMC East Parcei Public Works 130,000 130,000 1998 Sections 31 &32 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Pubiic Works 100,000 100,000 1998 12"Watermain on Highway 3-CSAH 42 to 160th Public Works 180,000 180,000 1998 South Rose Park Area Improvements Public Works 380,000 380,000 1998 Street Reconstruction-Chippendale-CSAH 42 to 160th Public Works 484,900 484,900 1998 Street ReconstrucGon-145th Street-CSAH 42 to Brazii Public Works 100,000 800,000 900,000 1998 Power Washer(Repiace#107) Public Works 7,500 7,500 1998 Air Compressor(Replace#34) Public Works 10,000 1 Q000 20,000 1998 Motor Pool Van(Replace#317) Pubiic Works 25,000 25,000 1998 Skid Steer Loader(Replace#418) PubGc Works 35,000 35,000 1998 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 1 of 5) Pubiic Works 300,000 300,OOQ Totai-Year 1998 64,000 322,990 486,900 4,851,900 5,725,790 Totai Levy-Year 1998 873,890 Other Building SVeet Equipment Funding Total Year item Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Saurces Cost 1999 Commercial Streetscape-Phase 2 Comm Devlp 350,000 350,000 1999 1994 lease-Purchase(5-Years)(Comm Center Equip) Council 11,200 11,200 1999 1995 Lease-Purchase(5-Years)(City Equipment) Council 29,900 29,900 1999 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Council 50,800 50,800 1999 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aeriai Fire Truck) Councit 64,900 64,900 1999 Suburban Replacement(1989 VehiGe) Fire 28,000 28,000 1999 Banquet Room Fioor Work ` Park&Rec 8,000 8,000 1999 Replace Arena Skate Tile _ Park&Rec 19,000 19,000 1999 Backstops(5 Parks) Park&Rec 8,000 8,000 1999 Camfield Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 20,000 20,000 1999 3 Squads(Sell Back 2) Police 42,500 42,500 1999 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 2 of 20 Lease-Purch) Pubiic Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 1999 ADA Upgrades to City Buildings Public Works 27,700 27,700 1999 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 1999 ' Street Reconstruction-160th Street-AN to Bisqyne Public Works 70,000 1,300,000 1,370,000 1999 Street Construction-Diamond Path-CSAH 42 to 160th(New) Public Wo�ics 280,000 430,000 710,000 1999 Street Construction-Connemara Trail{New} Public Works 1,642,300 1,642,300 1999 Motor Pooi Vehicle(Replace�t303) Public Works 20,000 20,000 1999 Pidcup(Replace#333-Bidg Inspector's) Public Works 23,000 23,000 1998 Pidcup(Replace#331) Public Works 33,000 33,000 1999 Pickup(Replace#334) Public Works 33,000 33,000 1999 Dump Truck(Addition to Fieet) Pubiic Works 100,000 100,000 1999 Section 28 Water Tower{Part 2 of 5) Public Works 300,000 300,000 Totai-Year 1999 78,700 350,000 436,300 4,137,300 5,002,300 Total Levy-Year 1999 865,000 ' Other Funding Sources includes$300,000 encumbered ftom 1997($150,OQ0)and 1998($150,000) Other Building Street Equipment Funding Total ; Year Item Depa�tment CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 2000 6 Voting Tabulators /4�ninistration 43,500 6,500 50,000 2000 Commeraal Streetscape-Phase 3 Comrn Devip 600,000 600,000 2000 1995 Lease-Purchase(5-Years)(City Equipment) Councit 29,900 29,900 2000 1995 lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Co�al 50,800 50,800 2000 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(AeriaF Fire Truck) C.nuncii 64,900 64,900 ', 2000 Land for 2nd Fre Station(Get Option) F�e 65,000 65,000 2000 Radio Replacements ` Fsse 8,500 8,500 �i 2000 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement(1989 Vehicle) F'�e 24,000 24,000 � 2000 Fioor Scrubber Park&Rec 6,000 6,000 2000 PA and Security System for Community Center P�k&Rec 19,400 19,400 2000 Biscayne Park Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 2Q,000 20,000 2000 4 Radars(New#110 8�3 Reptacements) Police 8,000 8,000 2000 6 MDTs(New#50&#110&4 Replacements) Poliee 30,000 30,000 2000 3 Squads&1 4x4(Sell Back 3) Roliee 63,000 63,000 2000 Public Works Bldg Add'n(Year 3 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2000 City Hall Carpet Repiacement Publ'+e Works 45,000 45,000 2000 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Pubtic Works 67,000 67,000 2000 Street Reconstruction-Cimarron Avenue-145th to Dodd Pubiic Works 3Q,000 30,000 60,OQ0 2000 Street Reconstructn-Dodd Btvd-Chip to Shannon Pkwy Public Works 200,000 761,000 961,000 2000 Street Construction-Connemara Trail(New) Pubiic Works 1,470,000 1,470,000 2000 Pickup(Replace#335-Bldg Inspectors) Public Works 29,000 29,000 2000 Pickup(Replace#339) Public Works 33,000 33,000 2Q00 Pickup/Dump Box(Replace#i336) Pubfic Works 33,000 33,000 2000 Mower(Replace#73) Pubfie Works 63,000 63,000 2000 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 3 of 5) Public Works 300,000 300,000 TotalYear-2000 134,000 230,000 506,000 3,274,500 4,144,500 Tohai Levy-Year 2000 870,000 _ _ _ _. . . _._ _ ..._---- .--------- -. _ _ Other � Buiidi�g Street Equipment Funding Total � Year item Departme�t CIP Levy CIP Levy ClPtevy Sources Cost 2001 t995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment} Counal 50,800 50,800 2001 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Truck) Counal 64,900 64,900 2001 PC Printer Replacements(From 1993-94) Fnance 10,000 10,000 2001 PC Workstation Upgrades Fnance 32,100 32,100 2001 Refurbish Unit#35183(Pumper) Fre 40,000 40,000 2001 ' Pumper Replacement(1978 Hamerly) Fire 300,000 300,000 2001 Dallara Upgrades(ADA Upgrades)` Park&Rec 20,000 20,000 2001 14 Hand-Held Radio Replacements . Police 14,000 14,000 2001 4 Squads(Sell Back 4) Police 60,Q00 60,000 2001 Public Works Sidg Add'n(Year 4 of 20 Lease-Purch) Pubiic Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2001 ' SalUSand Building Public Wo�ics 50,000 50,000 2001 Structural Overlays on Older SVeets Public Works 67,000 67,000 2001 Street Const Biscayne Ave-Connemara to RR Tradcs Pubiic Works 500,000 500,000 2001 Street Recon-Dodd Blvd-Shannon Pkwy to Deift Ave Pubiic Wo�ics 420,000 340,000 760,000 '� 2001 CSAH 42 Improvements(TH 3 to Diamond Path) Public Works 150,000 700,000 850,000 2001 Snowblower for Skid Steer Loader{Replace#219) Public Works 4,200 4,200 2001 Van(Repiace#318-Utilities Van) Public Works 25,000 25,000 2001 " Dump Tandem(Replace#429) Public Works 90,000 90,000 2001 * Dump Truck(Replace#428) Pubiic Works 100,�00 100,000 2001 ' Grader(Replace#413-1986 Grader) ,Public Works 180,000 180,000 2001 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 4 of 5} Pubiic Works 300,000 300,000 Totai Year-200'1 24,000 570,000 276,000 2,692,000 3,562,000 Total Levy-Year 2001 870,000 " Propose a 10-year lease-purchase offset by a 5-year lease-purchase expiring in year 2000 Other Buiiding Street Equipment Funding Totai Year Item Deparfment CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 2002 Equipment Set-Up for 2 New Preancts Administration 6,400 11,600 18,000 2002 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Councii 50,800 50,800 2002 1996 Lease-Purchase{10-Ysars)(Aerial Fire Trudc) Council 64,900 64,900 2002 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years){City Equipment) Council 100,000 100,000 2002 PC File Server Replacement Fnance 15,000 15,000 2002 Tanker Addition Fire 185,000 185,000 2002 Replace Rest Room Fixtures ` ` Park&Rec 12,000 12,000 2002 Community Center Audio�sua!Equipment Padc&Rec 5,000 5,000 2002 Kidder Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 20,000 20,000 2002 4 Radar Reptacements Police 8,000 8,000 2002 Speciai Tactical Equipment Police 20,000 20,000 2002 4 Squads(Sell Back 4) Police 65,000 65,000 2002 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 5 of20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2002 Replace A/C and Heat Exchange[Units at City Hali Public Works 30,000 30,000 2002 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 2002 Pickup(Replace#332) Public Works 22,000 22,000 2002 Van(Replace#320-Irrigationy Public Works 27,000 27,000 2002 Pickup(Replace#337) Pubiic Works 33,000 33,000 2002 Pickup(Replace#340) Public Works 33,000 33,000 ' 2002 Tac Trailer(Replace#509) Pubiic Works 36,000 36,000 � 2002 Snowblower for Loader(Replace#220) Public Works 60,000 60,000 2002 Mower(Replace#68) Pubiic Works 70,000 70,000 2002 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 5 of 5) Public Worics 300,000 300,000 TotalYear-2002 66,000 0 801,100 418,600 1,285,700 Total Levy-Year 2002 867,100 Other Building Street Equipment Funding Totai Year item Departrnent C!P Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 2003 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Councii 50,800 50,800 2003 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aeriai Fire Truck) Council 64,900 64,900 2003 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Councii 100,000 100,400 2003 PC Printer Replacements(From 1998) Finance 15,000 15,000 2003 PC Workstation Upgrades Finance 30,000 30,000 2003 Replace City Software Finance 300,000 300,000 2003 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement(1991 Yehicle) Fire 25,000 25,000 2003 Officer's/Command Utitity Vehide Replacement(1990) Fire 28,000 28,000 2003 Erickson Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) � Park&Rec 20,000 20,000 2003 3 Squads(Sell Back 3) Poliee 40,000 40,000 2003 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 6 of 20 Leas�Purch) Pubiic Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2003 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Pubiic Works 67,000 67,000 2003 Motor Pool Vehide(Replace#305-Crown Vctoria) Public Works 20,000 20,000 2003 Pickup(Additional Unit#341) Pubiic Works 23,Q00 23,000 2003 Van(Replace#319-Park&Rec) Pubiic Works 27,000 27,000 2003 Pickup(Repiace#33Q) Pubiic Works 30,000 30,000 2003 Pickup(Replace#329) Pubiic Works 33,000 33,000 2003 Municipal Tractor(Addition) Pubiic Works 70,000 70,000 Total-Year 2003 24,000 0 856,700 107,000 987,700 ', Total Levy-Year 2003 880,700 Other Building Street Equipment Funding Total Year Item Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 2004 Laserfiche Equipment&Sofiware Administration 25,000 25,000 2004 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years}(City Equipment) Council 50,800 50,800 2004 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Truck) Council 64,900 64,900 2004 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Council 100,000 100,000 2004 New Technology Updates Fire 15,000 15,000 2004 Refirbish Unit#3590(14 Years Old) Fire 20,000 20,000 2004 Pumpe�(Repiace 1963 Pumper) Fire 335,000 335,000 2004 Replace Community Center Mechanical Equipment Park&Rec 5,000 5,000 2004 Community Center Carpeting Park&Rec 8,000 8,000 2004 Replace Arena ice Resurfacer Park&Rec 50,000 25,000 75,000 2004 Emergency Equipment Replacements Police 30,000 30,000 2004 4 5quads&3 Mid-Sizes(Seii Back 4) Police 104,000 104,000 2004 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 7 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2004 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 2004 Aerator(Replace#158) Public Worlcs 5,000 5,000 2004 Sprayer(Replace#41) Public Works 5,000 5,000 20o4 Power Box Rake(Reptace#77) Pubiic Works 9,000 9,000 2004 Shop Hoist(Replace#1) Public Works 9,000 9,000 2004 Water Reel Irrigation{Replace#93) Public Works 11,000 11,000 Total-Year 2004 37,000 0 833,700 112,000 982,700 Total Levy-Year 2004 870,700 Other Building Street Equipment Funding Total Year item Department CIP Levy CIP Levy GIP Levy Sources Cost 2005 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Councii 50,800 50,800 2005 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Truck) Councii 64,900 64,900 2005 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Council 100,000 100,000 2005 PC Printer Replacements(From 2001) Finance 12,000 12,000 2005 PC Workstatio�Upgrades Finance 30,000 30,000 2005 New Fire Station#2 , Fire 1,000,000' 1,000,000 2005 AED Unit(Defibulator) � Fre 5,000 5,000 2005 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement Fre 30,000 30,000 2005 Rescue Truck Replacement(1970's Vehide) Fre 135,000 135,000 2005 Computer Upgrade Police 25,000 25,000 2005 4 Squads(Seil Back 3) Police 68,000 68,000 2005 Public Works Bldg Add'n(Year 8 of 20 Lease-Purch) Pubiic Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2005 Structural Ove�lays on Older Streets Pubtic Works 67,000 67,000 2005 Street Recon-Camero Lane-Cambrian to S.Terminus Public Works 41,000 59,000 100,000 2005 Street Recon-Cambrian Avenue-Lower 147th 4o Hwy 3 Public Works 46,000 86,000 132,000 2005 Snowblower for Skid Steer Loader(Replace#219) Public Works 5,000 5,000 2005 Combo Plane(Replace#171) Public Wo�ks 5,000 5,000 2005 Trailer(Replace#509) Public Works 6,000 6,000 2005 Loader(Replace#419) Public Works 230,000 230,000 Total-Year 2005 24,000 87,000 766,700 1,232,000 2,109,700 Total Levy-Year 2005 877,700 Other Building Street Equipment Funding Total Year Item Department CIP Levy GIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 2006 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Truck} Councii 64,900 64,900 2006 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Council 100,000 100,000 2006 Refurbish SCBA Compressor Fire 5,000 5,000 2006 Refurbish SCBA U�its Fire 10,000 10,000 2006 SCBA Unit RepiacementslUpdates(Mandated) Fre 25,000 25,000 2006 Radio Repiacements Fire 85,000 85,000 2006 Replace Skate Sharpener Park&Rec 10,000 10,000 2006 Replace 5 Mobile Radios Police 5,500 5,500 2006 Office Fumiture Replacement Police 7,500 7,500 2006 10 MDTs(All Replacements} Police 44,000 44,000 2006 5 Squads(Sell Bacic 4-1 Addition) Police 94,000 94,000 2006 Pubiic Works Bldg Add'n(Year 9 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2006 Structural Ove�lays on Older SUeets Public Works 67,000 67,000 2006 Street Reconstruction-Dodd Boulevard-132nd to 120th Pubiic Works 396,400 365,000 761,4Q0 2006 Combo Piane(Replace#173) Pubiic Works 6,000 6,000 2006 Front Mounted Snowblower(Replace#221) Pubiic Works 7,000 7,000 2006 Highway Shouider Machine(Replace#135) Public Works 10,000 10,000 2006 Slit Seeder(Replace#154) Public Works 12,000 12,000 2006 70KW Standby Generator(Replace#54) Pubiic Works 30,000 3Q,000 2006 Paver(Replace#128) Pubiic Works 30,000 30,000 2006 Mower(Replace#73) Public Works 80,000 80,000 Total-Year 2006 24,000 396,400 625,900 452,000 1,498,300 Total Levy-Year 2006 t,046,309- . Other Building Street Equipment Funding Totai Year item Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 100 000 100 000 � 2007 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counui , , I 2007 Hurst Jaw&Rams(Replace Original Equipment) Fre 12,000 12,000 ', 2007 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement(1997 Vehicle) Fire 35,000 35,000 , 2007 Repiace 5 Mobile Radios Police 5,500 5,500 ', 2007 10 Hand-Held Radio Repiacements Police 8,000 8,000 2007 8 Radar Repiacements Police 12,000 12,000 I 2007 4 Squads(Sell Back 4) ' � Police 70,000 70,000 2007 Pubiic Works Bidg Add'n(Year 10 of 20 tease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20.000 44,400 ' 2007 Structural Overlays on Older Streets � Public Works 67,000 67,000 �, 2007 Compactor(Replace#103) Public Works 9,000 9,000 ! 2007 Roller(Replace#132) Public Works 21,300 21,300 ' 2007 Skid Steer Loader(Replace#420) Public Works 35,000 35,000 ' 2007 TractoNLoadeNBackhoe(Replace#407) Public Works 40,000 40,000 80,000 ' 2007 Water Truck(Replace#435) Public Works 80,000 80,000 , . 2007 Dump Truck(Repiace#427) Pubiic Works 100,000 100,000 ' Total-Year 2007 24,000 0 527,800 127,000 678,800 ' Tota!Levy-Year 2007 551,800 ' Grand Total-All Years 499,700 1,956,390 6,117,100 17,404,300 25,977,490 , Grand Totai Levy-Ail Years 8,573,190 ' "FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS" Other Building Street Equipment Funding Totai Year Item Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost Remodeling in First Floor of City Hail Public Works 50,000 50,000 Expansion of City Hail Pubiic Works 125,000 125,000 Street Construction-Erickson Parkway(New) Public Works 490,000 160,000 650,000 Street Reconstruction-CSAH 38-Highway 3 to Bacardi Public Works 1,076,400 152,000 1,228,400 Street Reconstruction-Akron Avenue-CSAH 42 to IGH Public Works 600,000 242,025 842,025