HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Rosemount Familiy Resource Center CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 3, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Rosemount Family Resource Center AGENDA SECTION: Department Head Report PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks and Recreation and AGENDA NO. Community Center Director. �TE��I �# � � ATTACHMENTS: N 0 N E. APPROVED BY: I am pleased to announce that the Ciry of Rosemount has been selected to receive a Youth Initiative Grant from the Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning, for construction of the Rosemount Family Resource Center. The amount of the grant award is $214,000.00 which is 2/3 of the total project cost of $321,000.00. The project includes construction of a 1,500 ft2 multi-purpose building, parking lot, hard surface court, and play structure. The project site is a 1.24 acre existing park, located at Cimarron Avenue and 145th Street. The purpose of the Rosemount Family Resource Center is to provide adequaxe accommodations for programs, outdoor activities, parking space, and satellite off'ice space for a variety of service agencies, both private and public. Programs conducted in this facility will focus on building strong families, and individuals with special emphasis on those critical, developmental years when children are in fourth through eighth grades. Community Action Council has expressed a strong desire to lease the Rosemount Family Resource Center for this purpose and facilita.te the efforts of Rosemount Partnership Program and other service providers. To receive the grant, the City of Rosemount is asked to record a restriction on the property deed, so that the building is not sold or used for any other purpose for the term of funding (bond funding with 20 year term). The State of Minnesota will reimburse the City of Rosemount the entire grant award of$214,000.00 upon final completion of the project. This requires the City of Rosemount to finance the project to completion through park improvement funds. I have included a grant resolution and request authorization to record the deed restriction in the consent agenda as required by the State of Minnesota. I will further present details of the project at the meeting, along with representatives from Rosemount Partnership Program and Community Action CounciL RECOMMENDED ACTION: See Consent Agenda Action COUNCIL ACTION: 1 a INFC7RMATiON PACKEI'REGARDiNG FAMiLY RES(3URCE CENTER/Y{�UTH IN#TIATIVE Gl�A�dT Key P�oplelAgencies tnvolved; Jim Tc�pitzhofer, Director of Rosemourrt Parks and Recreatian, 322-6003 � Sheila Klassen, Chair, Rosemoun# Partnership Program, 423-4391 Penny Bu#1er, Community �eadership, Minnesota Extension Servi+ce, 322-5�13 Angie Dickson, Rosemount NeighbmrhQod Services Director, Community Action Councii, 322-5113 Dave Schmitz, Educator, ISD 196 Area Leaming Cerrter, 431-872�` Jack Anderson, JEA Architect, 935-5164 Supporting Legislator�: Rosemount Mayor Cathy Busho, Council members Joan Andersan, Kevin CatroN, John Edwards, and Dennis Wippermann State Senator Pat Pariseau State Representative Denn�s �zment Dakota County Commissioner WiH Branning Supporting Agencies: Dakota County Public Heaith Tree Trust Rvsemount High, Middle, and Elementary Schoois Shepard of the Val#ey Lutheran Church Young Life Camp Fire Boys and Giris Rasemount Activities Program 5 � FUNDItVG S4URCES McKnight Foundation $ 50,000 NSP Foundation $ 14,400 USPCitRosemount Communiiy Trust $ 17,0�0 Yauth lnitiative Grant • $214,000 Total $29�,�00 Estimated Cost for Completion $351,000 � Remainder to be raised $ 60,000 CONSTRUCTfON START Fafl, 1997 COMpLETi�N Fall, 1998 (No#e: in addition to raising the remaining funds needed far the permar�ent building, Rosemount Partnership Program also needs interim funds to keep the temporary , Family Resource Center, located at 14504 Cimarron in Kidder Paric Townhomes, in ' operation until the compietion of the permanent building. We currently have adequate funds to stay open until the end of August, 1997) , , i Hist�►r� of a�s�motmt Par#nership Pragrarr� RQsemou�tt Partnership Program is a citiz�n based organization support�d by s�veral gc�vemmental and sc�cial service a��es. Its mission is to promo#e heaithy c�mrnunit�r ini#iatives as defined by its members. Its history has been one of coilabaratton, evolution, and determination. �1��� _ RAP/City of Rosemount. Residents o# Rosemount Greens-express concerns regarding their housing unit, i.e. playground, meeting ptace, manager�andiord, crime, Regula�y scheduied m�etings begin. ����m���� RAP/City/CAC/Dako#a County ExtensionlDAP/Ro�em4unt Elementary Schooi: Collaboration begins to grow to help faciiitate solutions to concerns. Delivery of social services express�! as additionai concern. 9����9��4 RAP/CityJCAC Dakota Coun#y ExtensRan/DAP/Rosemount Ei�mentary SchooVother units: Collaboration seeks grants for targe# neighborhood, not just Rosemount Green�. City of Rosemount agrees to act as fiscai agent. �I��4 Rasemount Partnership Program (Citizens, RAP, City of Rosemount, CAC, �AP, Dakota County Extenaion): Grants cause group to recognize a holisttc approach to community is needed in finding so(utions. Strives to expand citizen base from aH neighborhoads, not just target , neighborhoc�d. Name change reflects this as more s�nrice agencies added. Summer ' activiti�s fve youth increased in target neighbonc��od park. ���� Ros+�mount Partnership Program: Awarded 2 year Intenrenban/Prevention Grant which allows RPP to hir8 Community Resource Coordinator and rent a unit in target neighborhood as temporary offiee. Several initiatives begin including Teen Night, Community Garden, Violenc� Prevention Month activities, Gommunity Forums on Gang Activ'�ty, Neighk�rttc�od organizing, Family Service Coltabara�ve, StarBase Minnesota, Toge�r Tirne Monday, summer camps, awarded McKnight Grant for portion of cost of permanent building. Land for Family Resource Center acquired through park d�dication. ���� . Rc�semoun# Partnership Program: Community Resource Goordinator �sition redefined leading to contracting with CAC far Neighborhood Resource Coordinatvr to halp with n�ighborhood organizir� and c�ntracting with resident as Yauth Senrices Goordinator to organize youth activitiss. Relationship with Family Services Collaborative better defined and RPP helps with c�rdinating assistance to Gimarron Towmhomes. RPP is invi#ed to rek�ca#e in Cimarron. City C�ouncil approves fand swap o# park land to better accommodate Family Resource Center. Meml�rship in RPP b�gins to grow, wrorking on a mare formal structure. In addi�on to 1995 ini�atives other healthy community initia�ves added which are Job Shadowring Program, Fun Time Tf�ursday, Salute to Rosemount Yfluth, Inter-Gener�tiona! Qialogue, Rasemount Expo and Youth Senrice Team. As InterventionlPreventi4n Grant nears end, looking to continue funding. McKnight Foundation extends deadline on acquisition of additional funds for Center. Work to acqu�re additional fWnding for Family Resource Center begins in eamest. 9��� ��1� �W�� $(�� I�t�$�PC� Rosemount Par#nership Program: RPP s#ructure refined, Family Resource Center in operation with CAC as operator, operating funds acquired, citizen participation in healthy community initiatives continually increasing and leadership among citizens developed. Youth Service Team #unded again. Rosemount Park and Recreation adopts Teen Night as one of its prograrns. Youth Initiative Grant for $214,fl00 awarded to City of I�osemourrt by Dep#. of Children, Families, and Learning for cons#ruction o# permanent Famify Resource Center. Prepared by S.Klass+en 6121196 Revised 6/3f97 INF(?R1UlAT!(�N�HEET REGARDING YCQUTH INiTIATiVE GFtANT APPLI�ATIQN " Bonding #unds for this grant were aPPrc�ved by t�e Minnesota l.egislature in 1996. The enabling legislation is �aws Qf Minnesota, Chapter 463, Section 4. '` The application process is being administered by the Departmeni 4f Chiidren, Families, and Learning. " The grant program rnust meet the requirements of the capital banding process as weil as o#her grant requirements. * The praject being �roposed by the City o# Rr�semount meets those requirements. " Some of the major cQm�nents o# the application are: - Building and land must be owned by politica! subdivision whi�h wilt be ttte Ci#y of Rosemaunt. The Cifij is required to own and operate the site for 20 years. - Each grant must be matched by $1 #ar eaeh $2 in grant fiunds. We have raised $?2,OOQ from vari�us foundatians. These funds pius the a!lowed in-ksnd ctantribution wiii satisfy this requirement. Total construction budget is estimated at $300,000 for a matching por�on of $750,�00. - Building may be leased to a non-pro#it which will help facilitate programming. 1'hat nan-profit wili be Community Action Counci! and they will lease it for the required 15 years. Currently, CAC #acilitates the temporary Family Resource Center located �n a renta! unit in a subsidized hausing camplex called Kidder Pacic Townhomes. !t is located in the target neighborhood at 145Q4 Cammar4n Avenue in Rosemount. This temparary facility wi(i be rented untii August, 1997, when we hope to move into the new facility. Qperafion funds c�me from grants and dor�ations. Whife this faeiiity has proven to be very successful, it is also toa smail to accommodate ali we would like to do and parking is a concern, Also, we are using a three-bed�aom unit tha# reaily should be rented to a family. We ha�✓e trieti other options to building new, but they did work out. - Citi2en participation must be part of processlprogramming. Rosemount Partnership Program is the citizen-based group that initiated this project. Therefore, citizens of a!I ages have been involvecl from the very beginning. That "beginning" started in 1992. (Please see enclosed history.) - Preference will be given to applications stiowing progcams #or grades 48. Progcamming for this age group is already in exis#ence at the temporary famiiy resource cerrter. In additi�n, hum�work tutoring and Gampfire Boys and Gicls will soon begin. Any programming wiil be transferred fram the temparary facility to ttte permanent faciiity. (Piease note: programming and services at the Family Resource Cen#er are aru! will ae available for families and individuals of a!1 ages. Rosemount Partnership Prc�gram and its eollaborators believe in a holistic approach to building strong, healthy families and, therefore, a strr�ng, heaithy community.) ' - Preference wili be given tc� progcams for girls. While we dc� not currenily have programs for giris exciusively, girls are aiways a part of tt�e ir�Certded prt�gram audience. - Prefecence wiii be given to appiir,�tidns showing at least 1 Q'�a of the constructian budget is expended using a youtfi school t4 work program. To this end, Dakota County Technical Callege has agreed to he�p. We are also in contact with Rosemount Migh �chool, (SD 19fi Alfiemative Le�ming Center, Tree Trust, �akota County Work Force Councii, and Youth Buiid. We wi(! also encourage involvement ot at-risk youth living in the neighborhood where the Family Resource Center wiil be buiit. - Preference wii! be given.to applicatians showing constru�tion in schoctl attendance areas with high r.�ncentrations of chitdren eligibl� for free dr reduced schaol lunch. The targe# neigfiborhood cons�sts of several !ow- income, subsidized housing units, Marry families are headed by si�gle mnthers. iSQ 196 wii! provide #he necessary statistics. - Preference wiil be given to applications showing a high i��e! o# sua�sstu! �liaboration with public, private, and non-pro�it agencies. Becaus�a flosemaunt Pacfiership Program has been invalved in healthy �ommuni�y activities since �t� incep#ion it has an impressive (ist of collaborators. The list includes the City of Rosemount, Cornmunity Acction Council, Qakota County Extension, !SD 196 Family Serv�ces Collaborative, !SD 196 EC�E, Dakota Cournty Public Health, Qakota ParMership for Heatthy Communities as weil as locat churches, civic orgamzations, and, most importarrtfy, Rosemount ci#izens. We have and continue to provicle activities including such things as communi#y forums on violence pceve�tion, parent support groups, Teen Night, and a youtt� communi#y serv�ice projec#. {Please see attached list of activities.) Community action Counci! also brings to the temporary Famify R�saurce Center al! ttie services they p�ovide. This is an example ofi the "one stop" modei the grant criteria recommends All of these activities and services wii( co�tinue at the permanent Famly Resource Cer�ter. - Preference wiil be given tfl apQlica�ons that minimiZe t�e cost per person. While the Family Resource Genter is bcated in the neighbort�ood witM the highest need�, both tY�e ternporary facility and the proposed permanent facility are available to�the entire community. 'i'P�is is part of Rosemount Partnership Program's holistic approacl� to healttiy communi#y. We want to provide activities and services in such a way as to promote inclusiveness. "' There a sever�l otner detaiis needed in the application that the grant writing team wiii sa#isfy. This document is meant to give an overview of the major cnnsiderations along with some history of this propc�sed project. ' For more inf�rmatian, please ca!! Sheila Klassen, Chair of Rosemount Partne�ship � Progtam, at 423-43�1, or Jim Topitzhof�r, DRrector of Rosemount Parks and Recreatian, at 322-fi003. pr�p4 rtt� b�r :S• �/c.Sl�sn 1/�'7 2.Project Summary St�tement Gompletion of the p�rrt�nnnent FamiIy Itesource Center wili be tLe cuImin�tion vf many years of listening to residen#s' needs,gr�ss-roots pianning ar�d coliaboration with other service providers, 'Fhi� permaneat faciiity wvill provide adequ�t+e accomm�rdatiQns for programs,autdoor activities, park�ing spaee,and satellite office space for a variety of service organizations,bath public and priva#e. Located iu a lotiv- income,subsidized housing neighborhood,yet also easiIy assessabie to all re.sidents of the Ci#y of Rosemount,this building will be used to provide the hoIistic apprnach to a healthy community embraced - by the Rosemount Partnership Program and Commanity Ac#ion CounciL Programs wiU focus on building strong famili�and individuals with special emphagis on those criticai,developmental years when children are in the fourth through eighth gr�ades. 3.b Prnaram Narr�tive: Description of activities, aoals, and progr�m services to be prowided. The goals of this facility are to provide: 1) v �, skatina n'nk and n(�,v lot Severai programs and activities are�eared to the youth in grades 4 throu�h 8 as we recognize the importance of reachin� out to this ase�roap often tim�s referred to as "the for�otten years". Programs are and�vill be equally assessable to �irls and boys. 2) � p ' ce a - ' -v - a . By havin�a room available in the Famiiy Resourcc Center,police officers couid stop to use this buiiding as an off ce � for completing reports and to further cammunity palicing aoals. This pr�s�nce and interaction will strengthen trust. ., ,. �j o �_ •v e.� 14S�tiS211. This will elimzisate, ar at least reduce, the need of residents of Iow income,lu�h density housin�to commute to the services when transportation may not be available. The effici�ncy of delivering services is increased. There are over�OQ people from this target nei�hborhood r�ceiving services. 4) ' v v• • . . v • I - � v Overail I quality of life wiil increase by providin� family education,children's health services, and cult�.ual ! diversiry. ' 5) v t Q � v I Underprivile�ed families aze provided cor�olidated services and education to enable them to s�vercome barriers ofpoverty and crime. Costs to pmvide community services is reduced. Propertv values of svrrounding sin�le-family nei�hborhoods are maintained prot�ctin� loca,l property ta.Y rev�nues. 6} A halistic angmach to he I�v� mm n� inl,i�tive This facility is located in the tara�t neighborhood of hi,h density, Iotiv-incorne rental housing which will facilitate over�00 peopie from these housin� units malce up the target poputation. However, it is also very assessable to the broader communiry. Residents from ail socioeconomic bacicsrounds will be invited to take part in any activity, programs, or services that fit their needs. Therefore, the faciiiry will provide services to the 1?,�00 residents of Rosem�unt mai:in� the cost of this proj�ct very reasonable on a cost per individuaI to be sen•ed. 3.C. Project�tarrative Description nesds of Community Foverty Level. The nee�i far an on sit�family sarvice cent�r can b�s�n in Iookin�at the�rowth c�f R.osemount and the development oFthe tar�ei neighb�rhood. The City of Rascmount is currer�tly in uansition from a rural, independe�t community to an urbaz� interdependent community. The City has�xperienced a population�row-th of 28% in recenL years,with a total population af apprc�.�imately 12,500. Through its imolvement�L-ith Rosemaunt Parm�rship Pro�ram,the City has made a concerted effort to take a pro-active s�tance in managin� this growth. Exght moderate and low-income,subsid"zzed, rental housing develogments aze lc�cated in a one quazter square mile trian�le of iand,and are increasins�iy occupied by former inner-city residents wha have Ieft the urban - cent�r. The availability of affordabie housin�,not avaiiabiiity of necessary support servie�s, determineci where these farnilies relocate. Si.cty-one percent of these househoId are sin�Ie pareat familics compared to nineteen percent for the total City of Rosernount. Ninete�a percent of th�children in the neighborhood aze children of color compared with 5.5°lo for entire City. In addition to the moderate and low income housing developments, a 1 I3 unii d�velopment of owner occupied to��-nhomes has been built for first time home buyers and empty nesters. The residents of the nei�hborhood are imgacted by violence and crime to a much greater dearee than the wider community. The City of Rosemount Polic� De�artment recorded 577 calls made to this nei�hborhood compared with appro.cim,ately 6,004 cails for the rernainder of the City from Jiine, i995,to June, 1996. Residences and commercial property sun�oundin�the target neighborhoad are adversely impacted by the level of poveny, tack of recreationai facilities, and positive activities to en�a�e youth. School penonnel and residents report conflicts and the results of the unmet needs in the nei;hborhood arc also carried into tlse schc�ol setting. Focus �roups c�nductesi by Dakota Ailia.nce for prevention in lriarch, 1993, identif ed a lack of both forma.i and informal support systems for children and families in tisis neighborhood Carrentiy, on-site servic�s are provided on an izze�ular basis thrau�i�mobile units or throu�h tile use of a rental uni� Both these units are inadequate in size to pmperly pravide services. Thro��,h RPP discussians, it has been determined to b�tter serve the tarset neighbvrhood a permanent, on-site buiidin, is needed. This family service center�ti-ill alio�v for centralized services thereby creating a more accessibte, effecrir•e and cost efficient method of bringin; ser�-ices to the residents who need them. At best, it�vill eliminate, and at ieast, will reduce the impacr of the barriers faced by people livin� in poverty. The buildin�will also gr�ovide sgace for youth to interact in positive ways. The;rounds around the buiidin;�vill provide the necessary play�re�s for the many children livinQ in the tarset azea. RPP's lona-term hope is tc� develop self sufficiency through education and program development. RPP also hages to reduce crime by ma�:in� the livin�environment less conducive to ;ana reiated activities and more conducive to a positive, holistic, culturatly diverse community attitude. RPP iwpes to reduce costs to the communiry by providing better citizens through�ducation and prevention of suhstance abuse aad violent acrivities amon; families. Th�overall qualirv of lif� is e:tpected to increase nat only for ttie target nei�hborhood but for the entire Ciry as weli. Gen�raily, Dakota Countv is considered an affiuent county. Hcawever, a repon dated fa11 of I995,received from the vutrition Section of the Minnesc�ta Department of Children, Familv,and Learnin�sho�v three of the four public schoois in Rosemount havin,the his:h�st p�rticiparion in the Free and Reduced Luach Pm�ram for th� eiementary,middle, and hi`h school leveis of ISD �I 96 schools. Each of these schools cantain all or a porcican of the tar��t nei�hborhood within iu respective attendance azea. A 98 unit manufactured home park is also part of these s�hoot's attendance areas and has a Iar�e numbez of low incame rressidents. The other eiemenearv school which is lacated in an affluent Rosemount nei�hborhood cantains a sectian of the target neirhborhaod�vithirz its attendance area. The brealcdown as a percentage of students vn Free and Reduced Lunch Program is as fallo�vs. Rosemount Elcmentary School 29.69% Shanaon Park Eiementary�chonl 4.,"?;%a Rosemount Middle School 14.53%* Rosemount High School 7.?8°l0 (*Since the above mentioned report,Rosemount Middle School's attendance area has beea adjusted. The effect of the adjusbment wok place during the school yea�of 1996/1997. The principal of the school regorts the - percerit of students on the Free and Reduced Lunch Pro�rarn is now arou�d 29%. The increase is due to the fact that while the attendauce area adjustmeat reduced the number of students at the school it still cantains the tar�et nei�hborhood). . Community Action Council(CAG)reports that from their eacperiences,families quaiifying for the Free a�d Reduced Luuch Program ha,ve received emer�ency food and financial help from them. Fram contact at the Family Resource Center, CAC expects thes� faznilies to become aware of and have easier access tfl the broader ran�e of servicts that will be available a;t the Faznily Resource Center. ' 3.e. Project Narrative Needs Analysis, Planning Process,Altern�tives AGEi�tCY PLAI'�tiYING PRt)CESS � AgenGy piannin� prt�cess far thc Rosemount Family Res�urce Genter bc�an in March, I94� thr�ugh focus groups faczlitated by Dakota Alliance for Prev�nrian. These focus groups identified a lack of both fornzal�nd informal support systems for the children and famiiies residin�in the target nei�hborhood. From that point on, monthiy meetin�s and discussions have taken place,analyzing needs and contemplatin�soiutions. The strength in the plannin�process utiliztd by RPP has heen the grassroots invoIvement from citizerts. PerSons attendin�RPP meetings has�rown to about 3Q members�ach month, representing citizens, service providers, faith communities, civic �roups,businesses, and City staff. The sharing af inpert from this �roup has been the focus of our planning process. Our approach to filrther define needs of the target azea was to isten to � residents. RPP members spent hours listenin�ta the numerous needs of residents and identified the followin� . ne�ds: lack of transportation, isolation,disenfranchisern�nts frorn the broader cammunity, fear for safety of anes family, and lack of knowl�dge of service available. Armed with this information,R.FP members then brain stormed together,ident�ifyin�resources, effici�at service d�3iv�ry and preventative measures. The conclusion of this plannin�process was ta combine the efforts of many service providers and create a canvenient `one stop shop' to deliver seruices and preventative pro;razns. The `one stop shop' was then named the Rosemount Fa.mil Re y souree Center. At a meetin�on 7une 9, 1994,RPP members deterniined that the Rosemount Family Resource Cent�r should facilitat� additional uses. Besides the space for social services a�encies to conduct services,the Cent+er should host cla�ses and acrivities �or youth and famiIies, teen pro�ams, cultural diversity acrivities, policelcommunity liaison, and community meetings. The group concluded that approximately 1,500 ftz of spaee was needed to accommodate the fore-mentioned activities. Artembers determained that the building should feature a large multi- purpose morn with tables & chairs, kitchen faciiities, and divider. It was desired to have the one or two smali moms for private consuitations and immunizations. Other identified features of the building were restrooms with baby chan�ing tabl�s, vestibuie waiting area, small office, and stora�e. A buildin�was not the only ;oal identified by Rpp members. Resident concerns regarding the lack of park facilities date back to 1�Iarch 23, 199� where residents of Rosemaunt Greens (a housing compic:c Ivcated within the target neighborhood) invited the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Director to a special meeting. In this meeting, residents requested the City of Rosemount to further investi�ate the needs of this hi�h density low ineome nei�hborhood. Residents insisted that the current pazk facilities r�vere not accessible nor adequa.te to the serve the n�eds of the 300 children living in close quarters. The residents noted there were no park facilities for teenage chiidren w�ithin the tar�et nei�hborhood and requested the City to include this a�e �roup in the evaluation of the City's park system. The Parks and Recreation Director invited the Parks and Recreation Comrnitiee to RPF me�tin�s to participate '� in the evaluation. Accordin�to the Rvsemount Comprehensive Park Plan and Development Guide (Parks � Master P�an), the Ciry's pazks system offered tov fetiv liard surface c4urts per capita. RPP members and the Parks& Recreation Committee a�reed that the zar�et neiglaborhaod is in need of basketball courts for teens. i The Parks Nlaster P1an also susQests that a play structure be Iocated in every park. Another park facilitv desired by the residents was a smail skating rink. This information led to a conse:isus that a pari�was needed in the neighborhoad which features a basketball caurt, piav equipmen� and skatin�rink. f1s the cnncept of a family resaurce center tivas rese�rched,the need for a parking lot became apparent and was added to the pmject site plan. As time went on.alternarives were discussed in RPP meetings as to the location and form of the Famiiy Resource Center(please refer to section�j. attachment to'this sectian): Alternative 1 -Rosemoun#Gornmunity Center. This e.�isting facility is iocated about?rniie$ from the target nei�hborhood and serves as the initial rneering piace of RPP. The facility can aecomrnodate neariy alI the needs of RPP �vith the e:cception of ane criticai need. The location ofthe Rasernount Cc�rnmunity Center was determined tao faz to travei for persans livin� in the target area Alternative 2 -Vacant commercia�i rentai property. In December 1994,a business owner of a restaurant and vacant beauty saion lc�cated within the target azea was approached by RPP to rent space. The owner denied our request because of his beiief that the buildin�would turn into a teen hangou� The o�vner feared that his restaurant and other business8s wauid be adversely eff�ct�d by the presence of teens. It is now bein�used as e.�cpansion for a resta,urant. � Altemative 3 -Apartment rental unit in Limerick tiY�y Housing Comple�c. Lirnerick Way.Housing , complex is located within the tar�et azea. This was the first sit�e of the Rosemount Family Resource Center from ' IVtarch, 1995 to August, 1996. �Ithou�i this site faeilitated many programs, it was determined that a more central site within the target neighborhoad would attract more resident participation. Parking was a problem at this site becaus�of only three pazking spaces available. This apartmcnt was not ADA accessibl�. Rent was $640.00 per month not including utilities. A.Itemative 4 -Apartment reatal unit in Kidder Fark Housing Compleac. This compl�Y is located within the ta�et azea and is the current site of the Rosemount Family Resource Center. The central location of this site has attracted lazge numbers of residents to drop in. The programs and a�tendance of r�sid�nts have atready outgrown the limited size of the apartment(1,000 ft�. Rent is $730.OQ p�r month,not includin�u#iiities. It is not ADA accessible. Also, tlus uxut is a three-bedrovm apartment and should be made available for a famiiy. Altern�tive 5-Permanent Buitding, pianned for construction by studen#s from SchoaI District#191, and moved on-site. In May, 1996, Independent Schaol District�917 School Boazd authorized to build a permanent famiiy resource c�nter through their e:cistin� construction program. T�mmu�h this progra,m, high school students would provide the Iabor ta construct a building on a�0' ,c 43' foundation Iocated on the�rounds of Dakota County TechnicaI College, untler the supervision of certified instructors. The building wouid then be moved to the final site after construction was compieted. An azchitect was commissioned to woric with Scho�i instructors to plan costs associated with the projec� They identified ihe follawin� additional costs in utili2in,th�students to perfarm the project: 1) Maving cosu e:ceeeded�7,000.00, 2}The buiidin�would be ciassified as a mobile home thus requirin�addiuonal code compliance by the State of�Iinnesota. 3)The building would require the construction of a two foot lli�h foundation and t�vo handicag access ramps. Based on the cost to move and modify a foundation Iess the labor savin�s, we conciuded that it would be mare cost effective to construct a buildin� on site and placin� it on siab on �rade. ISD m917 cvuld not conduct their construction program off site because of the Io�istics af equipment and the availability of instructars. .Alternative 6 -Permanent building-designed by RPF members and buiit on-SitE'. 11iis altemative is chosen for the follovvin� reasons: I) The site is in a centralized Iocation riQht across tiie street from the temporary F�mily Resource Center, and on park land owned by the Ciry of Rasemount. 2) Constructin� a buiIdin; on-site is more cost effective than constructin� it off-site. 3j There are no curr�nt existin�faciliries in the taraet nei�hborhood which are available for lease or rent whieh can accomrnodate the space�nd paricin� needs of RPp. 4} The Aiternative Learnin� Center has demonstrated interest and cvmmitment to include the training of at-�isk hi;h schvol students in the praject. 5} The Rosemount Ciry Council and Parks and IZecreation Committee is supportive af the location and dedication of paric Iand to the projec� 3. I. Froject 1'�arrative E�-idence of pro;ject �tanning�vith Youth-Build and/or youth empioyment proarams !, F.PP is woricing hand in hand with Aiternative Leaming Centez{ALC) tfl construct the Family R.�source Cenier. II AL.0 �vas founded l� years a�o and has served since then as an;aiternative sehool for hi�h schQol a��d students in the s�rving area af Indegendent School Disuict�I96. ALC is a year round school for at-risk students a�es 1 a #0 21. The schdoi em phasizes studen t preparation int� t hs work force. Students are provided the opportunity to learn throu�h active participafiion. They reeeive hish school credit and, upon compleuon,a high school diploma. Besides construction training, students are educated in required subject are�s and pmvide community service, Representatives from ALC confirmed their int�rest in the project at a meetin�on January�l, 1997. Accordin� _ to Dave Schmitz, Ai.0 Instrt�ctor, "We have been waiting a long time for the opportunity to construct a small buildin� for the community". Siuriey Gilmore,ALC Caordinator, has offered the s�rvices of ALC to act as the general contractor of the project By adding a consultant to assist with construction management and supervision,ALC is cagable of seeing the gro}ect thron�h completion. Flans thus far inciude a student workforce of 24. These students would work�.5 hours-each weekday far I2 weeks be�innin'June I6, 1997. 10 students will work during th�3 week summer break, again for 3.� hours each�ve�kdny be;inning Juiy 2�, 1997. Summer term ends on Septemb�r 26, I997. In this time, an estirnated 3,730 hours of Iabor will be prvvid�d by the students of ALG .ALC�viIl provide 4 instructars, Iiability insurazice, and a contracted building mana�ement consultant ta supervise the project. ALC wiil suppty each student the required tools and saf�ty equipment. ALC Instructors will work an e:ctra; weeits out af their contract to compiete the project To cornpensate ALC for the add�d e:cpens�s, Youth Inivativ+�Grant funding is requested in th�amount of��0,0 0.00,which is about 10°l0 of the totat project bud�er. Students will perform construction duties during the followin�buiidiag phas s: superstructure, exterior ctosure, roaf cov�rin�, interior construction(�;ccept taping), door&window installati n, and fnishes. Students will a1sQ install play equigment and border, sad installauon, and oth�r site wark. Tree Trust has aiso expressesi desire in dedicatin� their services to the projec Tree Trust has a twenty ye3r track record in summer youth employment for at risk chiidren of hi,r�h school a�e. Mr.1'dorm Champ,Tree Tntst Director of Personnel, has offered to prvvide student supervision and f r their effort in installation of trees and other piant materiai, sheet rociting, plavaround installation, and�eneral 1 dscapin_. They aze asl:ing for $3,000.00 for tree and otlier plant matezzals, excludinQ sod. The nest action step concernin��1LC and Tree Trust is to draft an a�re�rnent in accordance with Youth Initiative guidelines. � FAMILY RESO�URCE CENTER INITIAL PLAN APPRO��IMATE SIZE - 1,500 FT2 PD�SI�L� USES OF FACILITY Meetin�s, large and small '�I Play Area � Classes - Computer Resources Arts & Cra.fts Activities Private Consultations Drop In Site Observation of Outdoor Activities Office & A.dministration Duties Easily canverted into Paric Shelter BUILDING CC3MPQNENTS Multi-purpose Room with Divider O�ce Axea for 3-4 �vorkstations - StQrage Area Kitchen Area Rest Rooms Vestibule SITE COMP�N�NTS 1,500 ft2 Building Parkin� Space for 12 Hard Surface Courts Play Structure ------ r�,,=---''=�'� --- :�•__�......-'-'''"� � ' I -_,...... -=:-=-� , ..._.--------- • . � ... �/ I,'i . � __�____--------'-'���.�' _. . .. `�" / ' ' ' � — - _. -_ — ---r:- - -�-�'-; � - ,._--- •� losemount Fam.y F esource Certt`ct _— j� _ ' — • , � - — - — �—� . . r . . . . t . . r . ..__.__t��� ��L�v.�-t7�N � � ' _ '. 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Y�a �. . . • . . .... ,.� . � � . . � e . • . . . . . �� Summer Scheduie Activi � Locafiion �Phone V1iho Dates ; Time Fee Pre Elem�Middie High�Aduft � � 4-M Youth Activ�ties Fairgrounds '891-77a0 staff aiF summer ;various listed* x � x x Bibie School Resource Cntr. 432-6351 lois 8hQ-8114 ;12:t}0-2:00 free x x Bike GiveawaylRepair Resource Cntr. !322-5i13 Tim 6/11;every 2 wks. TBA free x x x ' x Bookmabile Rose. Greens 891•7045 Library 6/ta Tuesday �2:45-4:15 free x x i x x Bui{ding Strong Fam. Resource Cntr. !322-5i 13 Penny 8/16-6/30 Mondays ;5:30-7:30 free x x x x x Community Educ. Rflsemount f683-8596 B�tl ait summer Iuarious tisted* x � x � x x x Cor�rmuniry Pooi Middle Schaai �431-8780 Bar6 all summer TBA various free x i x x Cooperatrve Day �airgrounds �322-5113 Penny 6J25 Wednesday i9:U0 AM � f�ee x ' x ► Qakota Cnty. Fair Fairgounds `891-7721 Greta 8I4-8/15 aii day free E x x x x x Exptare Camp Rose. Element. 423-4391 She�la 6/23-7/11Mon-Fri 9.30-12:30 $60' fi x � Fam'rly Nutrition Resource Cntr. 322•5113 penny 6/25-7f30 Wednesdys i2:00-4:00 free x �amfly Pic�reserve Resource Cntr. �322-5113 Penny 6/26, 6/30, 7/21 'TBA free ' ! Fare for Atl Resource Cntr. �322-5113 La Donna 6l21, 7i19, 8J16 ;9:30-11:00 $14.75 x x x x x ' �iefd Trips Resource Cntr. ;322-5113 Tim _ 6I30,7/14 ;8:00-1:00 free x x , Flshing Derby High Sch. pond 322-6000 Cify 7/24 Thursday i1d:00 free x x x food, Fun, Friendship Resource Cntr. (89i-7721 Greta 6I27,7i30,8/19,8/26 '9:00-4:00 free x x x x x Jump into Fitness Faiigrounds '322-5113 Penny 7/21-7i25 Mon-Fri ITBA free x x � Kids Korner Kidder Park j 322-6400 City 6i17-7/29 Tuesdays ;1:00-3:00 free x x ' ! �eprechaun Days Rosemount '322-6000 City 7/19-7i26 jvariety free x x � x x i x Neigh6�orhaod Picnic Resource Cntr. j322-5113 Tim 6/12, 7/10,8/14 ;6:�0-7:30 free x x x x x �n the Move Resource Cnte. 891-7721 Greta 717-8/25 Mondays ;2:30-4:30 free x ' x Parents' Grou Resource Gntr. -�322-5113 Penny 6t19,71T7,8/21 �6:30-7:3� free ; x Park and Recreation Rosemount• ;322-6000 C:�ty ail summer ivanaus iisted * x x x x x Puppet Show Kidder Park (322-6000 City 612Q-7/25 Fridays ;fi 1:15 free x x Safety Camp Fairgrounds �322-5i 13 Penny 8f17 Tuesday j 10:00-3:00 free x x Schooitime Success �Resource Cntr. 322-5113 Tim 6/18-7/30 Wednesdays ;10:Ofl-11:30 free x Souttreast Asian Day Fairgrounds ;322-5f 13 Penny 6/24-8-24 Tues;Wed,Thi9:0�12:00 ' fres x I x ; ,Spia#baN Wisconsin '892-3722 Bii1 6t23 Monday �TBA TBA ' x ' Sport Camps St. John's ;423-2666 Sandra 6/23-6/28 Mon-Sat `various ; $5* x i x x .Starbase MN Guard Base ;423-4391 Sheila 8J11-8f15 Mon-Fri I9:30-2;30 $20 * x x Summe�Schoo( Rose. Middle !423-7570 Office 8/4-8/15 Mon-Fri ;8:30-11:30 , $10* x Sunday Nite Speciat Camfieid ,322-6000 City 6/22-7/27 Sundays '7:00 PM free x x ; x x � x Teen Moms Fairgrounds 322-5113 Penny 7/21-7/25 Mon-F�i {9:00-3:00 free x x Teen Night Community Cntr�423-4391 Sheila 6/i3 Friday ,6:30-9:30 $I x i TogetherTirne Mon. 'Resource Cnir. E322-5113 Penny 7f7-7/28 Mondays 'S:30-7:30 free x x x x x , Young Life Winona St. i 892-3722 Biti 7/28-8/2 Mon-Sat �ali day TBA x � " scholarshi s available caQ hone #listed � } � . , A coilaboration of Rosemount Partnership Program, Community Action Council, Rosemount Parks and Recreation and other community agencies