HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of May 16, 1997 Special Goal Setting Workshop - ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 1997 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Friday, May 16, 199'1, at 8:30 a.m., at the Rosemount Community Center. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with all members present. The following city staff were present: City Administrator Burt, Assistant to Administrator Walsh, Finance Director May, Police Chief Knutsen, Parks&Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer,Pubtic Works D'vector Osmundson, Community Development Director Rogness. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct a goal setting session for City Council and staff. City Administrator Burt gave a status report on the 1996 goals set at last year's goal setting session. The citizens' community survey conducted between February 8 and March 3, 1997 was discussed with the following items specifically addressed: Communication: Discussion was held on the importance of police officers being highly visible in the community. Chief Knutsen gave an update on past and future programs relating to community oriented policing. Other means of increasing communication to the public would be to be involved in the"National Night Out" and"Crime Watch" programs. It was suggested that the city could have a program on cable television. Discussion was also held on the impoRance of keeping citizens informed on the budget process by providing more information. Mayor Busho recommended that funds be budgeted in 1998 !, for communications so citizens can be more informed about city projects, regulations, ' development etc. � Outdoor Swimming Pool: It was noted that 32%of citizens surveyed indicated their desire to have an outdoor swimming pooL It was suggested that this matter be evaluated after the outcome of the Apple Valley park referendum election on May 20, 1997. Council also agreed that tlus issue will have to be discussed at a future point in time and that a specific survey on just this item could be conducted. Parks&Recreation Director Topitzhofer will contact the school district to see if there is a way the city and school district could provide open swimming during the summer months at one of the Rosemount schools. Household Jobs/Economic Develo�ment: City Administrator Burt provided an update on meeting with representatives of Carlson Tractor and the possible redevelopment of the property. Council agreed tax increment should be used for this site if required. Code Enforcement: Code enforcement throughout the city has improved with the two community service officers taking an aggressive approach. City Newsletter: It was suggested from the survey that the format of the city newsletter be changed. Staff is looking at doing this and investigating the cost of mailing the newsletter as opposed to it being delivered with weekly newspapers. It was suggested that the ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS v SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETIl�IG MAY 16, 1997 newsletter be published more often than quarterly and in a local newspaper. Council agreed the community survey should be conducted at least every three years or if a survey needs to be done for a specific purpose. Council also agreed a response should go out to the residents on what action or direction the Council will pursue from the results of the survey. Council requested that they have the opportunity to meet new employees. It was agreed this would be done just before City Council meetings. Department goals for 1997 were reviewed. Some of the specific department goals discussed were: Parks&Recreation: A quarterly report of department activity was not necessary at this time; a preventive maintenance program would be developed; the exterior sign would have to be purchased this year or the city would lose donation funds from USPCI Trust Fund; a parks master plan would be completed in 1998. Mayor Busho provided an update on the "Rosemount Intergenerational Dialogue" meeting and suggested teen dances at the community center. Police D�artment: Chief Knutsen provided an update on the DARE program. ' Councilmember Edwards suggested the department develop strategic planning for recruitment and career paths for staff. An update was given on the proposal to have a11 Dakota County law enforcement agencies switch to 800 megahertz. Administration: Staff explained the reason certain job descriptions needed updated. It was suggested that formal exit interviews be conducted and that the new resident packet get completed. Public Works Department: Public Works Director Osmundson gave an update on the maintenance department and city hall remodeling. Discussion was held on the need to have contracted loaders for snow removal in the cul-de-sacs and that the storm water management plan will be completed this fall. Mayor Busho noted that staff should review commission bylaws to see if they need updated. The next item for discussion was the proposed ten-year CIP. City Administrator Burt explained the proposed levy limits legislation for cities and how it could impact the city's budgeting for 1998 and future years. The 1998 CIP was reviewed, and staff answered questions regarding some of the budget items for that year. Considerable discussion was held on the commercial enhancement plan and how this plan should be started and funded. There was a consensus of the City Council that some phase of the plan should be started in 1998, depending on funds available. Staffwere directed to report to the City Council with time lines and costs for each of the phases of the commercial enhancement plan. • . R4SEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 1997 Crrowth issues and livable communities' goals were the next items discussed. Discussion was held on the adequate number of town homes in the community and that the development of single family homes will help manage growth in the city. Discussion was held on the lack of progress of the CMC Eastbridge development. Staff has requested the city attorney to advise on what the city's options are regarding the preliminary plat. Council and staff also discussed the CMC Heartland Partners concept plan and their proposal for additional multi-family housing. A consensus was reached by the City Council that some town homes were acceptable. The city administrator reported the HRA is considering building new apartments in Rosemount as its next project. Public Works Osmundson presented information on expanding the public works facilities. The city now leases space from the university, and these funds could go toward the expansion. Osmundson will provide a written report to the City Council on this project. Discussion was held on the traffic congestion on Chili before and after high school. Closing off Chili just south of 143rd Street was discussed as an option and routing a11 school traffic to � Highway 3. Staff was directed to contact school district representatives and discuss this issue. Mayor Busho advised that welfare reform should be addressed this year and noted that the MVTA will be offering dial-a-ride for residents. City Administrator Burt reviewed with Council the proposed personnel policy for the fire department. Council suggested some changes to the policy. A draft of the policy will be presented to the fire department employees on May 27, 1997. Burt also updated the City Council on an investigation in the department. Discussion was held on the merits of hiring a public safety director or a police chief when Chief Knutsen retires. Mayor Busho recommended that committee of the whole meetings include reports from members of the council or staff who serve on other boards or comrnittees such as MVTA, Dakota County Economic Partnership, etc. Mayor Busho also stated she would like the city to participate in the League of Minnesota Cities' Volunteer Recognition program, Cities Week including an open house of all city facilities and submitting a nomination for the C.C. Ludwig Award. She also requested that funds be budgeted in 1998 for replacement of banners. By unanimous consent the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.rn. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk ,