HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. 1998 Budget and Levy Presentation � � CITY Of ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVf SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 4, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: 1998 Budget and Levy Presentation AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA NO. � . ATTACHMENTS: Draft 1998 Budget Document APPROVED BY: Attached for your consideration is the 1998 budget, containing all of the budget documents and resolutions necessary for closing out the 1998 budget process, Tonight the budget wilC be presented and the public will be allowed to give their input. If necessary, a continuation hearing has been scheduled for December 1 1 th, and you will have to formally call for that continuation hearing prior to the completion of this evening's meeting. If you are comfortable that the public has been given ample opportunity to speak on the budget, you will close the public hearing tonight and no formal action will be taken. Then on Tuesday, December 9th, at the regular Council meeting, you will pass the three attached resolutions closing out your responsibilities in the budget process. Staff will then fill out the necessary forms and documents and file the necessary information with the County and the State prior to the deadlines that these agencies have set. If you do not close the public hearing this evening, and the continuation hearing is held on December 1 1 th, you will have to pass the resolutions at regular Council meeting on December 16th which is prior to December 20th, which is the last day that Cities have to certify their levy to the County. This is a requirement of Truth in Taxation that states that budgets and levies must be approved at a meeting subsequent to the budget hearing or the continuation hearing. City Administrator, Tom Burt, will give the farmal budget presentation and l will be available to offer support and answer any questions that Council or the audience may have. Representatives of all other departments will also be available to answer any questions that you may have specific to their respective budgets. The Council are asked to bring their three ring binder 1997 budget books to the meeting to be turned in. The final 1998 budgets will be returned to them in their three ring binders when completed for their use. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council is comfortable that the public has been given ample opportunity to speak, the '�, motion would be to close the public hearing. ' If Council feels additional testimony is required, the motion would be to continue the public I hearing to Thursday December 1 1, 1997, at 7:Q0 p.m. ' COUNCIL ACTION: ; City of Rosemonnt collects 30% of your property tax dollar � ��� �� O� �`�-,�. � � ���� Rosemount 80.79G City of Rosamount. „s;� "�,r,-z:;_ � � � 20.7%Dakata County :, . � ��� � �� .. . y B GET �� � e . �`� y �' � . � � �i 4.3%Speelal Distriete . . I 4,.3% �So■ ,96 Truth in Taxation Public Hearing Thursday, December 4, 1997 7:00 P.M. Rosemount City Hall Who pays property taxes [o the Ci[y of Rosemount? ^� a��"�y� r 4k5° °� 3 S& i � . � ��p���������� � ��,� � . � . s� %�'"��..���_ 58 6%Residentiat :- ,�� a ,�'�-�-�y��. .�a'`'. ��` tt� . . �� �v � �� �y � � � � �� � � �� � ^ '� ��`���������,��''_�� , ���� r � , �_,� ,� .;�� �/ �' � �_� � � Prepared by the City of Rosemount as part of an ongoing .► 1.9%Apdwltunl � effort to inforrn residents and business owners on the �2.,%�omme��a„��d��,�� services provided by the Ciry of Rosemount. � December, 1997 ' I __ i FUNDING REQUIREMENTS-I1SES ' (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEV1� ' 1998 City of Rosemount Budget D����4,1947 CiryTua CiryTa:a CttyTa:a I S11S,D00 5118,�00 5��8,000 1998 ?ucenbYe Aome Home Bome ' Propoxd OtToal Ynrly Monthly Daily DeparbnenU Budeet Faedint 5654.00 f54.30 51.79 Property tax reform that had been predicted and promised by many legislators really became property tax shifting. There were major changes in the tax rates for many classes of property c°�"''a°�� s7o,�o0 �.os•� w.91 wss so.oz including residential homestead property valued over $75,000; all residential nonhomestead Administraaon Budge2 5266,�00 3.97% 525.94 S2.16 so.o� property; market-rate apartments; commerciaUindustrial property; public utility property; and all Ei�u�s�ag� s�o,soo o.i6•,c s�.os so.o9 so.00 seasonal recreational property,both residential and commercial.Also,additional funding for school p�nance gudgec s�q2,6pp x.�s�,c s�s.�o s�.ie so.oa districts was given by legislative acts in the form of a tax credit. This tax credit is applied to the school district portion of the taxes up to a maximum of$225 per homesteaded property. The result ��CiOV�"mrnt Budget 5206,200 3.ori. uo.�o s�.es so.o� of the"property ta�c shifting"is that most people's total property taxes will remain close to 1997's Community DevelopmrntBudga s�s9,600 s.s�•io 537.98 s�,» �o.�o taxes with increases in the County, City and special taxing district share of taxes and decreases in P����B�� s�,z��,zoo �s.ss�� s�zo.o3 s�o.00 50.33 the school district share of taxes because of the tax credit. People seeing an increase will be the Firc Budgct 5190,00o z.ss�� s�s.sz si.sa so.os people with residential homesteaded property valued at$75,000 or less because there were no tax Public Works Operating Budgets: rate cuts for that classification of property. Also, in the "City of Rnsemount, anyone seeing an Governmrnt Buildings Budget s306,800 4.57% 529.9t 52.49 50.08 increase of more than 7%in their property value will probably see an increase in their total tax bill. Fleet Maintrnance Budget 5293,200 4.37% 528.58 52.38 50.08 City officials want Rosemount taxpayers to understand that the possible increases in the City's StreetMaintrnanceBudget 5689,zoo �o.n�o s�zi9 ss.�o so.is portion of taxes are beeause of the way the State has reallocated the tax rates. City of Rosemount Parks Maintenance Budget s��s,soo a.7o��, s�o.�e sz.se so.oa growth has averaged between seven and twelve pereent the last several years and the City'S t1X TSte Park&Rec Budget-General Opera6ng ssi3,soo zao�io ssi.o2 sa.zs so.ia has actually decreased in the two years prior to 1998 as growth in value has exceeded our tax levies. Pa,.k�R�a„a��-s�;��a� sso,zoo t.zoyo s�.sz so.es w.oz Because of this large growth in our community,budgets have been extremely strained to maintain a constant level of services for our citizens. Other Financing Uses-Transfers Total Operating Budgets-General Fund 54,715,600 70.29Y. yt59.73 538.31 51.26 Your Share of Yearly City Services Costs (prepared from a home valued at$l 18�000� BuildingClPRequirements S64,000 o.9s� ss.2a sosz so.oi Street CIP Requiremrnu 5322,990 4.81% 531.49 52.62 $0.09 $1�5.22 Administrative Services(elections, finance, community development) Eq,,;�„�c cu�R�q„��„� sase,9oo zz6�io saza, s3.96 50.13 $120.03 Police Protection (15 full time officers, criminal investigation, child protection, Insurance Budget Requiremrnts 518�,000 2.79% 518.23 S 1.52 50.05 crime prevention, animal control,emergency management,civil defense) $ 18.52 Volunteer Fire Dept. (fire suppression,rescue squad,hazardous material response) B°°a`ai°°`b"m'a' s�3',a°° 9.a�io se►.s� as.�s so.i� $156.44 Public Warks Dept. (maintenance of roads, snow& ice control� TT1S111teII8T1CC Of Bondedln&btednas-FircStationLevy SI56,135 233% sis.0 s�.z� so.oa I parks, city facilities, city vehicle fleets and equipment; maintenance of city AcmaryAnticipatoryLevy(Value6/t/9'n s�aa,3oo z.is�io s�a.o� si.�� w.oa ' •�595,000+($617,787,324 x.00798o��eM water and sewer systems) $176.05 Pays for all bonded indebtedness(for city facilities,streets, and equipment) T°"'F°"a'°g R°9°'r°°'°°� s6aos,�zs ioo.00v. s�sa.00 ssa.so si.�s Monthly services cost is$54.50; (Ia113'lt WOUICI Ue$1.79 NOTE: Special Levia inctude(1)Bonded Indebtedness,(2)Fire Station L.evyand(3)Armory Anricipatory Leviu. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT - � WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAXES(13D N198 PICaURES) � (Beglnning with 1998 Tax Credil tor School DlsMds Induded in wiculations•See Belovv) 75.000 718�000 750�000 Market Value �2�� � .- � - . � Yp,�. 1996 1997 1988 Est 1998 1997 1998 Est 1998 1997 1998 Est 1996 � 1997 1998 Est � . � � TazCapaciy 720 720 720 � � 780! 780 150 1,840 1.640 1.548 �2,280 2.280 2,138 . � Tax Capaciry Rates: � � C��y � 36.055% 35.62�% 40.380% 36.055% 35.827% 40.380% 38.055% 35.627% 40.38096 38.055% 35.627% 40.380% Counry 26.626% 25.721% 27.248% 26.826% 25721% 27248% 28.626% 25.721% 27248% 28.826% 25721% 27248% . . �ScIwolDisMd 60.830% 58.189% 56281% 60.830% 58J89% 58281%� � 60.830% 58.189% 58.28t% 60.830% 56.789% 58.281% ,, � Miscellaneous � 5.708% 4.995% 5.699% � � 5.108% 4.995% 5.699% � 5.108% 4.995% .5.699% 5.108% 4.995% 5.899% �, �� _.._�.---.--- - � . Totals 128.619% 724.532% 137.808% 128.619% 124.532% 131.806% 128.619% 124.532% 131_608% __ t28_819% 124.532% 137.608% City Market RetererMum ===0.0002968===0.0002706===0.0002534 ---0.0002968--=0.0002706 0.0002534 0.0002968 0.00�2706 0.0002534 0.0002968 0.0002708 0.0002534 ISD#196 Market Ref 0.001Y239 0.0010868 0.0009563 0.0012239 O.00t0868 0.0009583 0.0012239 0.0010888 0.0009563 0.0012239 0.0010868 0.0009583 � Properry Taxes: � . . � ��H 260 � 257 291 � 281 278 303 � 591 584 824 8T2 812 � . �. .Counry 192 � 165 198 . 208 201 204 437 � 422 421 BW 588 582 . .. � � SUqdDistrid 438 419 335 474 454 349 998 954 719 t,'88 ��114 �:22 � MisceNaneous 37 36 �� 41 40 39 43 � � � _ - . . . . Total Property Taues � 926 . 897 883 1,003 . 971 899 2.109 2,042 1,853 � 2,945� 2.839 2,588 . � �City MaAcet Referendum 21 19 18 22 � 20 18 � 35 . � 32� 30 . . � . � ISD#196MarketRet 88 78 69 � 92 82 72 144 128 113 �. 784 /63� 743� �_._._._______r � 3,181 . 53.043 52.770 � . � Grend Total All Taxes 51.038 5994 $950 $1.f17 51,073 � 5990 �� $2,289 azzo� _ a+_�es ____=s=_== -------=-=--==- . . . . . Market Value � . . 200,000 . . 250,000 History of Aciuel Tax Capacity Rates(Usirg ISD Nt98 Rates) � . � . Yeaz 1998 � 1997 . 1996 Est 1996 �t997� 1998 Est . �1993 1994 1995 1998� 1987 7898 Est . TaxCaP��b 3280 � 3.280 � 3.063 4280 4280 3�968 � � � . . . Taz Capaciry Rates: � . . � � . �� � � . � � City 36.055% 35.627% 40.380% 36.055%� 35.827% 40.380% 29.810% 32297% 35.778% 38�.055% 35.82796 40.380% (2) . �q��y 26.626% �25.721% . 27248% � 28.626% 25J21% 27248% 26.558k 27.474% 27.994% 26.fi26% 25.721% 27.248% (2) SGaolDistriM 60.83U% 58.189% 58281% 60.830% 58.t89% 58287% 60.168% 60.993% 62.348% 80.830% 58.789% 58287% (2)� Miscellaneous 5.108% 4.995% 5.899% 5.108� 4.995% 5.699% � 3703% � 4.984%-. 4.702% _ 5.108% 4.995% 5.699% (2) . �_._.� �.r�__._..� ���-�-�._----- --- _____�.._--_�_-_�.- - - . . � Totals � 128.819% t24.532% 131.808% 128.819% 124.532% 131.808% --'720259%---725_668%---130_822% ===128_6f9%===124.532%===131_808% -------------------'------------- ------_-----------'---'--- � , � . ---------'--'------- -------- -----' � . . � � � . � 0.0002968 0.0002706 �0.0002534. . � Ciry Market Referendum 0.0002868 �0.0002706 0.0002534 0.0002988 0.0002706 0.0002534 0.0012239 0.0010868 0.0009563 . � ISD#196 Market Ref 0.0012239 0.0010868 O.00b9563 � O.00t2239 0.0010888 0.0009563 . . � � Properry Tanes: . . � . � � Ciry� 1.183 �. �1,169 � 1.237 . 1.5+t3 1.525 1.610 Net Ta�c Capacity RerceMages . . . � � � � County � 873� �844 �834 1,140 1,107 1,087 .For ResidenBal Flomesteads: � Scfpol DlsVid 1,995 7.909 � 1,560 2.6Q4 2.490 2,099 1.00% 1.00% � 1.00% � � Miscellaneous 168 � 784 � � 175 . �219 . �214 227 � . F'ust$72,000 � 2.�� �.pp� 1.00% . � � _� $72,000-$75,000 � 2.00% 2.00% 7.85% . . � ToW Property Tazes 4219� 4,085 3.805 5.505�. . 5,330 � .5.023 Over 575.000 � City Market Referendum 59� 54 51 � 74 68 63 � � . 1SD M196 Market Ref � 245 217 197 308 272 239 Tax Credit tor Homestead Properties: . . . =z=---=---==-----== -'__ - (Based on%of Tax Capacity) � � . . Grand Tofal All Taxes $4,523. $4.356 J $4,047. . $5.885 $5,669 ----$5_32 S . First$138.150 of Value Na da 11729% of Tau Capaciry � � . � . � '_=_'_____________________'_=--- � � � � � � =F=======9====='_=___=_'�_____=== � � Wer E138,150 in Value � Na Na 5225.00 Maximum Albwed . . � � � � � (t)This Figure Derived Using Pigwes Provided by Dakota Cowriy: _ . � . . . � � � � � � � (a)t998 Preliminary Levy Less Fiscal Disparities as of t0127197 3,904,018 / 9.668.269 � 0.403797 . . . . . � � @)Net Tax Capacity Flgwe as of 713197 . � � Na 11,915,539 � � . � � � � � (c)Captwed Ta�t Increment Taz Capacity as of 9I12l98 Na (4&5,558) � � (d)GontribuGon to Fiscal Dispari4es as of W12196. . Na (1,782,852) . . � . . . . . . .. � . . � nla 9.657.t29 . � . � � . (2)These Figures Provided by Dakoia County � . IMPACT OF MARKET VALUE INCREASES ON TAXES Proposed Proposed 1997 Property 1998 Property 1998 Property Increase in Increase in Taxes on Taxes on Taxes on Taxes if No Taxes With Impact of Value of Value of Value of Growth in Growth in Growth in 3.97% Increase in Value $100,800 $100,800 $104,800 Value Value Value City Share ofTaxes $462 $496 $525 $34 $63 $29 County Share ofTaxes $333 $334 $355 $1 $22 $21 ISD#196 Share of Taxes $754 $571 $606 ($183) ($148) $35 Special Taxing Districts Share of Taxes $65 $70 $74 $5 $9 $4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,614 $1,471 $1,560 ($143) ($54) $89 Ciry's Estimated Impact of Fire Station Referendum Levy $27 $26 $27 ($1) $0 $1 School DistricYs Estimated Impact of Referendum Levy $110 $96 $100 ($14) ($10) $4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,751 $1,593 $1,687 ($158) ($64) $94 IMPACT OF MARKET VALUE INCREASES ON TAXES Proposed Proposed 1997 Property 1998 Property 1998 Property Increase in Increase in Taxes on Taxes on Taxes on Taxes if No Taxes With Impact of Value of Value of Value of Growth in Growth in Growth in 5.58%Increase in Value $170,100 $170,100 $179,600 Value Value Value City Share of Taxes $956 $1,013 $1,084 $57 $128 $71 County Share of Taxes $690 $684 $732 ($6) $42 $48 tSD#196 Share of Taxes $1,561 $1,237 $1,340 ($324) ($221) $103 SpecialTaxing Districts Share af Taxes $134 $143 $153 $9 $19 $10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $3,341 $3,077 $3,309 ($264) ($32) $232 City's Estimated Impact of Fire Station Referendum Levy $46 $43 $46 ($3) $0 $3 School DistricPs Estimated Impact of Referendum Levy $185 $163 $172 ($22) ($13) $9 ---------------------------------------------------------------'-------------------------------- $3,572 $3,283 $3 527 ($289) ($45) $244 IMPACT OF MARKET VALUE INCREASES ON TAXES Proposed Proposed 1997 Property 1998 Property 1998 Property Increase in Increase in Taxes on Taxes on Taxes on Taxes if No Taxes With Impact of Value of Value of Value of Growth in Growth in Growth in 7.37%Increase in Value $170,900 $170,900 $183,500 Value Value Value City Share of Taxes $961 $1,019 $1,113 $58 $152 $94 County Share of Taxes $694 $688 $751 ($6) $57 $63 ISD#196 Share of Taxes $1,570 $1,246 $1,382 ($324) ($188) $136 Special Taxing Districts Share of Taxes -$135 -$144 ____$157_ __$9-- _-$22��- $13 ------------- -- --- ------ --------- ---- ------------ ~� I ------ ----- ----- --- - $3,360 $3,097 $3,403 ($263) $43 $30 City's Estimated Impact of Fire Station Referendum Levy $46 $43 $46 ($3) $0 $3 School District's Estimated Impact of 12 23 11 $ 17 $ 5 $ ) Referendum Levy $ 186 $163 $ � ) � --------------------------------------------------------------'--------------------(------�----------- $3,592 $3,303 $3 624 $289 $32 $321 Notice of Proposed Total Budget and Property Taxes The Rosemount city council will hold a public hearing on its budget and on the amount of property taxes it is proposing to collect to pay for the costs of services the city will provide in 1998. SPENDING: The total budget amounts below compare the city's 1997 total actual budget with the amount the city proposes to spend in 1998. 1997 Total Proposed 1998 Change From Actual Budget Budget 1997 - 1998 $6,661 ,580 $7,214,325 8.3% TAXES: The property tax amounts below compare that portion of the current budget levied in property taxes in the city of Rosemount for 1997 with the property taxes the city proposes to collect in 1998. 1997 Property Proposed 1998 Change from Taxes Propertv Taxes 1997 - 1998 $4,085,155 $4,535,198 11 .0% Attend the Public Hearing All Rosemount city residents are invited to attend the public hearing of the city council to express their opinions on the budget and on the proposed amount of 1998 taxes. The hearing will be held on: Thursday, December 4, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. Rosemount City Hall 2875 145 Street West ' Rosemount, Minnesota You are also invited to send your written comments to: City of Rosemount, Finance Director's Office, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 55D68-4997 ,� .Y ._... ._-_-------- ---•-•-•---.... . . -- - • . . . . ' ` , � NT Y F ROSE1�lIOU C/T 4 ��� � � � � � 998 �UDGET � �/� 7 DRAFT � � � � � FUNDING REQiJIItEMENTS-USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) December 4,1997 1997 1998 Adopted Proposed +/- Depsrtments Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget S71,100 S70,900 (5200) -0.28% Administrarion Budget 232,100 266,100 34,000 14.65% Elections Budget 5,800 10,800 5,000 86.21%0 Finance Budget 132,800 142,600 9,800 �.38% General Government Budget 201,600 206,200 4,600 2.28% Community Development Budget 383,700 389,600 5,900 1.54% Police Budget 1,18b,300 1,231,2Q0 44,900 3.78% Fire Budget 164,200 190,000 20,800 12.29% Pubiic Works Operaring Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 280,200 306,800 26,600 9.49% Fleet Maintenance Budget 2'I2,200 293,200 21,000 7.71% Street Maintenance Budget 646,300 689,200 42,900 6.64% Parks Maintenance Budget 305,700 315,500 9,800 3.21% Park&Rec Budget-General Operaring 511,100 523,300 12,200 2.39% Park&Rec Budget-Special Programs 74,800 80,200 5,400 7.22% Othec Financing Uses-Transfers 105,400 0 (105,400) -100.00% ------ ---------------------- Totai Operating Budgets-General Fund 54,578,300 $4,715,600 $137,300 3.00% Building CIP Requirements 37,000 64,000 27,000 72.97% Street CIP Requirements 199,000 322,990 123,990 6231% Equipment CIP Requirements 484,800 486,900 2,100 0.43% Insurance Budget Requirements 180,000 187,000 7,000 3.89% Bonded Indebtedness 489,126 631,400 142,274 29.09% Bonded Indebtedness-Fire Station Levy 153,340 156,135 2,795 1.82% Armory Anticipatory Levy(Value 6/1/97) 140,3t4 144,300 3,986 2.84% '�'595,000+(S617,787,324 x.00798%)" -------------------------------------------- Total Funding Requirements Sb,26],880 $6,708,325 S446,445 7.13% NOTE: Special Levies include(1)Bonded Indebtedness,(2)Fire Station Levy and(3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. � ' � Y r FUNDING REQUIREMENTS-SOURCES (INCLUDING FlRE STATION IEVY) December 4,1997 1997 1998 Adopted Proposed +1- Types Bndget B�get Difference Percentage Local Government Aid(LGA) 5382,611 5380,488 (52,123) -0.55% Homestead&Agricultutal Aid(IiACA) SSO,TI3 SSQ,773 0 0.00% Local Performance Aid(LPA) 13,216 16,266 3,050 23.08% t Tntemal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits 226,900 204,900 (22,040) -9.70% Intergovemmental 374,100 365,950 (8,150) -2.18% Charges for Services 302,725 337,750 35,025 11.57% Fines&Forfeiu 100,000 90,000 (10,000) -10.00% Recreadonal Fees 174,100 179,500 5,400 3.10% Miscellaneous Revenues 48,800 44,000 (4,800) -9.84% , Transfen In 3,SQ0 3,500 0 U.00% Total Intemal Revenues V� 1,230,I25 ^ 1,225,600 (4,525) -0.37% ', Lery Sources: Special Levies 7$2,780 931,835 149,055 19.04% General Levy 3,302,375 3,603,363 300,988 9.11% Total Levy A 54,085,155 N 54,535,198� $450,043 11.02% Total Revenue Sources W WS6,26I,880 �56,708,325 5446,445 7.13% NOTE: Special Levies include(1)Bonded Indebtedness,(2)Fire Station Levy and(3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. � i � 1997 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 1998 GENERAL LEVY GENERAI,pLJND $2,542,473 BUILDING CIP FUND $64,000 STREET CIP FLTND $322,990 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND $486,900 INSURANCE FUND $187,000 TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $3,603,363 BONDED Pi TDEBTEDNESS G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1991A(Authorized-$5,804) $5,804 G.O.CO1��IMIJNITY CENTER BONDS 1992C(Authorized-$101,252) $101,252 G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D (Authorized-$7,572) $��572 G.O.MIJNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS 1992E(ICE ARENA)(Authorized-$375,625) $109,200 G.O.IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS 1993B(Authorized-$294,222} $0 G.O.MLTNICIPAL BLDG REFUNDIi�TG BONDS 1993D(Authorized-$148,801) $148,801 G.O.BONDS 1993E(Port Authority)(Authorized-$67,185) $67,185 G.O.BONDS 1994A(Port Authority){Authorized-$169,817) $169,817 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1995A(Authorized-$21,769) $21,769 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $631,400 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM-1995 FIRE STATION LEVY G.O.FIRE STATION BONDS, 199bA(Authorized-$156,135) $156,135 TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY $156,135 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES($95,000+($617,787,324 x.00798%)) $144,300 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS $144,300 -------------------------- GRAND TOTAL 1998 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $4,535,198 � T V SPREAD LEW COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET � (INCLUDING FIRE STAT[ON LEVI� (Proposed) '1995 1996 1997 1998 Total Funding Requirements 5,427,086 6,018,489 6,261,880 6,708,325 Less: Internal Revenues 1,256,305 1,250,110 1,230,125 1,225,600 Less: Market Value Bued Levy-�re Station(See Below) 0 155,000 153,340 156,135 (4) Equals: Revenues Needed 4,170,781 4,613,379 4,878,415 5,326,590 City Adjustments(All Subtractions): Local Covernment Aid(LGA) 384,888 385,706 382,611 380,488 (2) Homestead&Agricultural Credit Aid(HACA) 562,494 534,077 550,'773 550,773 (2) Local Performance Aid(LPA) 0 0 13,216 16,266 (2) ', Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 3,223,399 3,693,596 3,931,815 4,379,063 ' County Auditor Adjustments(All SubtraMions): , Fiscal Disparities Disiributuion Levy(Metro.�rea) 312,157 383,430 420,803 475,045 (3) ' Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate 2,911,242 .(1) 3,310,166 (1) 3,511,012 (1) 3,904,018 Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy 13.70% 6.07% 11.19% Market Value Based Referendum Levy-Fire Station N/A 155,000 153,340 156,135 (4) (1) Actuat Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 1998 Numbers Provided by Minnesota Department of Revenue (3) 1998 Number Provided by Dakota County (4) Market Value Based Levy for Fire Station-Based on$]56,135 Levy Spread to Taxable Market Value on 12/31/97 Last Update from Dakota County 7/2/97 Shows the Levy of$156,135/$616,294,667=SZ534 per$1,000 as our Estimate Last Update-9/2/97 i � � � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � � . WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAXES pS0�i196 FIGURES) ! � MaAcet Vilu9 72,000 � � . 75,000 � 110.000 � � 150.000 . Year 1998 1997 t998 Est 1998 1997 1998 Eat 1998 1997 1998 Esl 1998 1997 f998 Esl Ty��p�qy 720 720 720 780 780 750 1.480 1.480 1.398 2.280 2.280 2.138 Tax caoadry wtea: � � CI(y 38.05574 35.621'/. 40.300% � 36.055% 35.627'/. 40.380K 38.055Y� 35.627y 40.380•h 36.055% � 35.627H 40.390Y� � � Couny 28.828% � 25321% 27.248N. 28.628% 25.721Y. 27.248N. 28.628X 25.721% 2724BN. 28:626N. 25.�21Y. 27.248H. School WstAcl 80.8307. 58.189•/. 58.281Y. 60.830X 59.189Ne 58.281'/. 80.830R 50.189N. 68.2B1Y. 60.830Y. 58.769�4 58.281�6 MbtaAaneouS 5.108% 4.995% 5.699H. 5,108X 4.995'G 5.899Y. 5.tO8X 4.995X�`5.899% 5.108% 4.995% 5.699R Tpny 128.819Y. 12�.532N. 1�1.8085 128.819N. 124.532Y. 131.BOBY. 128.819Y. 124.532Y. � 7J1.808% 128.919Y. 12�.532•/. 191.BOBY. . ................................. ........a . � CI1y Market Refere�dum 0.0002988 0.0002708 0.0002534 0.0002988 0.0002708 0.0002534 0.0002988 0.0002108 0.000253� 0.0002988 0.0002708 0.0002534 � ISOI796MarkNRN� O.00tY239 0.0010888 0.0009583 0.0072T39� 0.0010988 0.0009583 0.0012239 O.00tO88B 0.0009583 . 0.0072239 O.00tOB88 0.0009583 � �mT��: 280 257 297 201 278 �303 534 527 564 � 822 Bt2 863 . . ���y 192 185 198 208 201 204 394 381 387 607 586 582 � SthoolD�sMcl 439 419 420 474 454 43T 900� 887 814 1,397 1,32'7 7,248 . Mbcellaneous 37 36 41 . 40 39 43 78 74 � 80 718 114 122 � Tohl Piope�ty Tazea 928 897 848 1.003 977 987 1.904 1,843 1.839 2,933 2.839 2.813 Gy Maiket Referentlum 21 19 � 78 � 22 20 19 � 33 30 � 28 45 41 38 I ISORt96AAarkelRM 98 78 . 89 � 92 82 �� 72 . 135 120 � 105 /B4 183 143 i' GrandTOfalNTaxea 51.038 5994 51.035 51.117�E1.073 51.078 52.071 51,992 _ 51,972 __=a=E3.1�=19_E=_S3,=a3===II=SZ-9== '�I . sse:s�v�..�.::...aaa.::za::.:: ...�=::e:==::m:==a:::=���=a:::a� e:===e:::=e::`:'�=ass-e-�e:-ss.a: -- � . _ �-' ,. � Market Vatue 200.000 250,000 History ot Actual Tax Capaclty Rates(UsMp ISD#19B Rates) , � Year . 1998 1997 1898 Est . 1998 7997 1998 Est 1993 1994 7995 1996 7997 1898 Est � . Tax Gpodly 3,280 3,280 3,083 �4,280 4,280 3,688 � � Tax Capadty Rates: � Ciry 38.055% 35.827% 40.380Y. � 38.055N. 35.827N. 40.380Y. 29.810% 32.297•/. 35.770Y. 36.055•/. 35.627X 40.3BOY. (1) . Cpuny 28.826% 25721X 27.248X 28.826% 25.721% �27248Y. 26.558Y. 27.474Y. 27.994X 26.826R 25321Y. 27.248%� (2) � SthodDlatAct 60.B30Y. b8JB9;4 � 58287Y. BO.B30% 58J89X 68.2B7N. BOJBBh 80.933h 82.348Y. BO.B30X 58.189•/. � 59281X (2) MleceNansoue 5.108% 4.B955G 5.899N. 5.108Y. 4.895N. 5.899•/. 3.703% 4.984% 4702% . 5.100X 4.995Y. 5.699Y. (2) . _ _ __� ....__._-__--..__..__..._..__�-.__.._..__ ._.---..__-__..._.�.A__� . --___..__.._.._.___ �. � To�ala 12B.B19% 124.532% 131.808% t28.819� 724.532% � 131.608% 720.259X 125.688•/. 130.822y 728.819k 124.532Y. 131.808% � ......o:....sv.....:..sas::s:.: e:a:.e:a:as=:.vaaw.:.:ea...n::.. ..:..:_....:ea....::a...s:sa:.a.. . c:::a.=.e.:::.:.v:e:ea.::'a.a.... ,. � Gy Market Relerendum 0.0002988 0.0002708 0.0002534 0.0002980 0.0002708 0.0002534 b.0002968 0.0002706 0.0002534 � ���.. ISOA1o6MarkelR6f 0.0012239 O.00t0888 0.0009583 0.0012239 0.0010868 0.0009583 0.0012239 O.QOtOB6B 0.0009563 . . . .. � Properry Tasea:� . . � � � . ��� Gy 1,183 1,789 1,237 1,543 1,525 1,810 NetTaxCapacityPercenlages . � Couny 87� 844 834 1,140 � 1,701 1.087 FaResldentialHomesleads: � � School Dislrlct 1.995 7,909 1,785 2,804 . 2,490 2,324 . Mlscsllaneous 788 184 775 219 274 227 � Flrst 572.000 � 1.00•/. L00•/. 7.00% . � . _ �. --. E72,000-575,000 2.00Y. 2.00% 1.00X ��. Tofal Propery Taaes 4,279 4,085 4,030 5,505 5,330 5,248 .Over 575,000 2.00l: 2.00 h 7.85% � � Gly Ma�ket Relerendum 59 54 � �51 74 68 63 � '��. ISD Nt98 Markel ReF 245 217 797 308 272 239 '. Grand Tahl Aq Tanes :.�sa 4�5s::==:=�m5�a====E4:�: a�::SS-�sss-'-sa�:9�___=E5`__ �II . (1)This FigureDedved Using Figures ProNded by Dakola County: � � . (a) 1998 Prettminary Levy Less Fiscal0ispatlties as ot 1027l97 3.904,018 /� 9,668,269 = 0.403797 (b)Net Tax Capady Figure as of 7/3/97 � nha �71,915.539 (c)CapWred Tax Increment Taz Capacfty as of 9N2/96 Ma (A65,558) . � (d)ConUibution to Flacal Dlspadtiea as of 9/t2l98 Na (7.792.852) Na 9.857.129 V (2)These Fipwea Provided by Dakota County ..v � � t � FUNDING REQUIREMENTS-USES (INCLUDING F1RE STATION LEVY) _ December 4,1997 City Taxes City Taxes City Tazes S110,�00 5110,000 5110,000 1998 Percentage Home Home Home Proposed OfTota! Yearly Monthly Daily Departments Budget Funding 5592.00 54933 51.62 Council Budget 570,900 1.06% 56.26 50.52 50.02 Administration Budget 5266,100 3.97% E23.48 51.96 50.06 Elections Budget S14,800 0.16% 50.95 50.08 $0.00 Finance Budget E142,600 2.13% 512.58 51.05 S0.03 General GovernmentBudget 5206,200 3.07% 518.20 51.52 50.05 Community Development Budget 5389,600 5.81°/a 53438 52.87 50.09 Potice Budget 51,231,200 1835% 5108.65 59.05 50.30 Fire Budget 5190,000 2.83% 516.77 $1.40 $0.05 Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 5306,800 4.57%o a27.07 $2.26 50.07 Fleet Maintenance Budget 5293,200 437%e 525.87 $2.16 SQ.07 Street Maintenance Budget 5689,200 10.27% Sb0.82 55.07 50.17 Parks Maintenance Budget 5315,500 4.70% 527-84 $2.32 �0.08 Pazk&Rec Budget-General Operating S523,300 7.80% S46_18 53.85 $0.13 Park&Rec Budget-Special Programs 580,200 1.20% 57.08 50.59 $0.02 Other Financing Uses-Transfers Total Opera6ng Budgets-Generai Fund A~54,715,600 ~ 7Q.29°/. 5416.14 534.68 $1.14 Building CIP Requirements 564,000 0.95% S5.65 50.47 50.02 Stree[CII'Requiremenu 5322,990 4.81% 528-50 5238 ' 50.08 Equipment CIP Requirements 5486,9U0 7.26% 542.97 53.58 50.12 InsuranceBudgetRequirements S187,000 2.79% 516.50 51.38 50.05 ' Bonded Indebtedness 5631,400 9.41% 555.72 54.64 50.15 ; Bonded Indebtedness-Fire Station Levy �156,135 233% S13.78 51.15 50.04 ' Armory Anticipatory Levy(Value 6/1/97) 5144,300 2.15% 512.73 51.06 S0.03 II "595,000+(5617,787,324 x.00798%)•' Total Funding Requirements ~�56,708,325 ~M 100.00•/.� 5592.00 549.33 51.62 ' NOTE: Special Levies include(1)Bonded Indebtedncss,(2)Fire Station Levy and(3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. II � 1 I � � � � i 1 � lMPACT OF MARKET VALUE INCREASES ON TAXES Proposed Proposed 1997 Property 1998 Property 1998 Property Increase in increase in Taxes on Taxes on Taxes on Taxes if No Taxes With Impact of Value of Value of Value of Growth in Growth in Growth in 3.97%Increase in Value $100,800 $100,800 $104,800 Value Value Value City Share of Taxes $462 $496 $525 $34 $63 $29 County Share of Taxes $333 $334 $355 $1 $22 $2� ISD#196 Share of Taxes $754 $715 $758 ($39) $4 $43 Speclai Taxi�g Districts Share of Taxes $65 $70 $74 $5 $9 $4 -----------_$�----------------------,----------------------'--------------- ----_w------------------------------ : 1614 $1615 $1712 $1 $98 $97 City's Estimated impact of Fire Station ' . Referendum Levy $27 $26 $27 ($1) $0 $1 , ' School Dlstrict's Estimated Impact of � Referendum Levy $110 $96 $100 ($14) ($ ) $4 ' --------- ------------------------------__w----•-- ---------------------- ----------------.___10_._______-----_---__ ----$1,751 $1,737 $1,839 ($14) $88 $102 , . i � � ' I t - . ' IMPACT OF MARKET VALUE INCREASES ON TAXES Proposed Proposed 1997 Prope►ty 1998 Property 1998 Property Increase in Increase in Taxes on Taxes on Taxes on Taxes if No Taxes With impact of Value of Value of Value of Growth in Growth in Growth in 5.58%Increase in Value $170,100 $170,100 $179,600 Value Value Value City Share of Taxes $956 $1,013 $1,084 $57 $128 $71 I County Share of Taxes $690 $684 $732 ($6) $42 $48 ' ISD#196 Share ofTaxes $1,561 $1,462 $1,565 ($99) $4 $103 Special Taxing Districts Share of Taxes $134 $143 $153 $9 $19 $10 ---_----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------_____—_____ $3,341 $3,302 $3,534 ($39) $193 $232 City's Estimated Impact of Fire Station Referendum Levy $46 $43 $46 ($3) $0 $3 School District's Estimated Impact of ' Refe�endum Levy $185 $163 $172 ($22) �$�3) $9 � I, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{$--�--------- $3,572 $3,508 $3,752 64 $180 $244 , . 'I _ ��� ;' IMPACT OF MARKET VALUE INCREASES ON TAXES Proposed Proposed 1997 Prope�ty 1998 Property 1998 Property Increase in Increase in Taxes on Taxes on Taxes on Taxes if No Taxes With Impact of Value of Value of Value of Growth in Growth in Growth in 7.37% Increase ln Value $170,900 $170,900 $183,500 Value Value Value City Share of Taxes $961 $1,019 $1,113 $58 $152 $94 County Share of Taxes $694 $688 $751 ($6) $57 $63 ISD#196 Share of Taxes $1,570 $1,471 $1,607 ($99) $37 $136 Special Taxing Districts Share of Taxes $135 $144 $157 $9 $22 $�3 ---------------------------------------------------------------'_---__--_.______(--__)------- ------- $3,360 $3,322 $3 628 $38 $268 $3Q6 ' Ciry's Estimated impact of Fire Station ' Referendum Levy $46 $43 $46 ($3) $0 $3 � Schooi DistricYs Estimated Impact of Referendum Levy $186 $163 $175 ($23) ($11) $12 ----------------,----------------------'---------------------'---------------------t----�-------- $3 592 $3 528 $3 849 $64 $257 $321 _. , � , d � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA - RESOLUTION 1997 - 8 2 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE PRELIMINARY 1998 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1998 C.LP. BUDGETS, THE 19981NSURANCE BUDGET AND THE 1998 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that budgets and speciai needs for the year 1998 wiil be in the amount of$5,761,490 for the General Operating Fund, the three CIP Funds and the Insurance Fund; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that special levies for Bonded Indebtedness (including $156,135 for the market value based referendum levy for the fire station) and the Armory Project total $931,835; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and �, anticipated aids will tota! $2,158,127. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the total Preliminary Levy certified to the �' i Dakota County Auditor shall be $4,379,063 for the normal levy and $156,135 for the market value based referendum levy; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount will conduct a ��I Public Hearing for the purpose of presenting the praposed budget and levy to the genera) � public and to comply with Truth in Taxation laws as set by the Minnesota State Legislature, and that the hearing shall take place on December 4, 1997, at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers at the City Hall; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if a continuation of that hearing is necessary it shall take place on December 11, 1997, at 7:00 P.M. ADOPTED this 2nd day of September, 1997. Cathy Busho, ayor ATTE T: Su an M. W h, City Clerk Motion by: E d w a r d s Seconded by: W�P P e r m a n n Voted in favor: Busho, Carro I I , Edwards, Wi ppermann . Voted Against: None. Member Absent : Anderson �� ; ' , OCH98 DAKOTA CQUNTY OFFICE OF THE TREASURER-AUDITOR PAYABLE 1998 TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DATE CERTiFiCAT10N FORM A Taxing District Name: Ci ty of Rosemount Public Hearing Date: Thursday, December 4, 1997 _— Time of ineeting: 7'00 p m Place of ineeting: Rosemount Ci tv Hal l 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068 Continuation Date: Thursday, December 11, 1997 PLEASE PROVIDE US W/TH A CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBFR TO Wf/OM WF MAY REFER SPEC/f!C TAXPAYEA QUFSTIONS. Name or Title: Fi nance Di rector Address: 2875 145th Street West Rosemount MN 55068 Phone number: (612) 423-4411 Signature of person � orm: _' � � ' compleUng this f , Titie: Fi nance Di rector Phone number: (612) 322-2031 Date: 9-4-97 ........ .......::,...:.,.,:,. .,,,.,,: .;x.;:�:x:•:.::>x:•x.;:;,::..::.,�»:>..,.:;.:u;.x.,,�....,,�. .. •.:. .,:y,'>; ".,��„ :.:...ff..'.. r:x;,.;,r�Ji�'%::jiSi � . ,�.,., ., ...;:., ..,..:+•�:.::::�:.x:.,.:.:.y::::y;•.%., ....�......q... vrr. ir. ��;.yo::�l i.,...:.:r....,r�,..,;...,.}Sw. .. �.f .��'•w.' f;•�. 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PROPOSED LEVY CERTiFiCATiON '� FOftM B Expeod�ture 8udget :: Pro e Tax Aids- ' Other Cectified Le ; Categoty. Requirement. LGA HACA � Resquroes (E A B G D} � : .. : :::� :. .::. :. .:.;.. .,. .. ..' e :,:>: ,.,,r. ,D � E :.... ... :.;. A . .. ..,..:. :.:: . . _ GeneraJRevenue s 5,761,490 s 380,488 s 550,773 Is 1,226,866 (s3,603,363 Debt Servica Tatai* 775,700 � 775,700 Road and Bridge I Other (identify) I I I I I I I I ( � ( ( Tota1 s 6,537,190 s 380,488 s 550,773 s 1,226,866 s4,379,063 'provide breakdown of eertfied tevy by individual bond o�reverse side or attaeh an additlonal sheet (See Attached) LMarket Value Based Referendum Levy s 156,135 A—Budget Requirement......_..._.._..._......_.............._....Amount needed to fund senriees. B—LGA(local Gavernment Aid)..._......_.....__.............These aids aze eertified to the ta�dog districi by the Department of Revenue. They can 6e used C—HACA(Homesiead&Ag Credit Aid)..._......_......_....to reduee any budget item levy requirement eombination of items orbe dedueted ptopoKionally ' hom alt le+ry requirements. D—Other Resources.._.............._......_.............._......_...Ali other resaurcas that w�be used to finance your tapng dtstricts budget, inciuding but not limited to other aids,interesi incortse,prior year reserves,grants,etc. E—Certified Levy....._......_......_......_......_......_......_.....Levy tertified to the CouMy Treasurer—Auditor. ROUND TO THE NEAREST WHOIE DOLLAA.DO NOT CEATiFY PENNIES. The Treasurer—Auditors o�ce wiii deduct Fiseai Disparities hom atf eertified levies. Before signing, piease verity the foUowing: ► MAKE SURE THAT ALL LlNES ADO ACROSS AND ALL COI.UMNS ADD UP TO THE TOTAL LINE ► BREAKDOWN OF OEBT SERVICE LEVY BY INDIVIDUAL BOND HAS BEEN PROVIDED ► A+titOUNTS REPORTED MATCH ANY OTHER SUPPORTtNG DOCUMENTATION WCLUDED i.e., Certified Levy on this form matches amount on your taxing districYs resolution,etc.) l,� • � Finance Director (612) 322-2031 Signat e of rson eompleting fo�m Title Phona 9-4-97 Oate ....___. .. ....:.,:,:._.......::_.::...::::....::.::..::::. : ::�s: :.. :L"N.�%' ie%+ .. .................. �i ii�.ie..i. . ..... . .....M..�vv.iY:i:.iiii::<.ii::w�i:::?�''>i':iiiY�. ... .. ... ........... ..............................:..... ......n... ... .. ..i . ...... i..�n.... .....J....F...i..l. n......w... . .3. iik:ia .. . . ...... .....................e.... ... .. ..•....�......rN. ...r/li.. . r. .•..........�.....�.. ...n..... .v......,. .Jl.•i' ..! �i%:�: !'.r.iii..win.w... ..........n..n..........rn.i.rn..n. ....r..�...i . in.i....:.n. } i%. i N/ .......�... / / i..::��././.•: fi.......i.......n....'(..n...n...A4.n. :::�:':.u.:::Li.:!::::::�:.....::vn.:......::v ..,� .. . . i ...... .}...nn... . . ......... n .i..i/.ifi..i. /i .... ....... ........ .. . ��...... . ....... .. .r..� .�i::.. ...(/ . �:•N+%'iij"i'j:i:`iv �'ii��::/S.c��. .a:;.......,.,.. :. ...,. .�. � .... n > > a:��,::�;:;.�••+/ ��/'J��4 h �\ . f���;r�ff TH.[S FQRM hRCl�"T" �E"RETURAIEU;�"C3 THE;TflEI�SCFR��_ At�Qi�'QR�S;QF,E��CE::,i%�.;`„yf fir ,./,�%..!!. :.0.::::._:•:.....:..,:..:::.:..:........:........3........,-•;•.,y,.:...:.�..,. ..., .ir.i.e:.,f i...i,,.,,�..i�..:u. .y.,-:.a...::.....,,,.5..,. .,.�o. :/i... .i. ../L•><�•��. . .y.y.u:�:::..:a:....,..,,.:,,K,;.,..,...; �.:!,..,.�,. .,.i d ,iiy���j ,: �+,��^c �j �q :C.Y,��. n .,,v.r+'Kii::a:.6M:�.:iw.,�:x:..�,.;.<,...{..,�i/i.t�:uj��i/,.;t;�..r.;:.��,l.;, ��i.{�.g/.,.yx�.:'S �� �� Yw ;:.�c;:;,�G,�:y,'?,��,:�/�'%/•..../. y� �/ 4n r ra �y,Yizf! r /. i� r�r✓ ♦ < '.%n .�'!��l i �.... : �.::o-�;:.,•,.:�i<.r.,.r.C.�.:aa ;..,,ii,::.`i�i:%�»50k:E -�G��f C�L7��.��;:i ,E�,J.7��3�w. �. �...�_�.,� x..:3 / J///7%i�49•..�!!i/�.,..:i. J:�/..i�.:'<yy,'....:.?'�.,-,;n;<�::�1,..•:.::.::ti••...�.,..:,..rf.ii.::�.'..:�:....i..:.i...:.:,,.� . ..,..�� ....:�:� ..:......k. .� > � :ti:..:.�.,-;..�r... /� /! /%Y�%//ii!4 Y_is _�::�.:Y.l�'....u.�.:if:rJ.:%�:ii�Ir:.<%t;/:y:/i/////���i��/.%Ni.'.%/:•.'/...'�_✓.i<i...;'.Kga.? ,..2r7h,�.!.i�.'r.r.�;:�•... ,.ancy.r,^..!Y�..a .'n...r%/U%f•i¢:i�i/Gti%�/.:.//•'/'.C/•%i.. . r..> /� ^ Dd�CO�d C01111� City of Rosemount Office of the Treasurer�Al1C11�0Y TAXII�tGDLSTItICTNAME DETERMINATION FOR 1998 CONSTANT SPENDING LEVY Form E 1.Pa able 1997 Final Total Certified Levy 4,085,155 �Includes Market Value Based Referendum Levy� 2.1997 Property Tax Aids a.Real Estate HACA 550,773 _ b.Local Government Aid 382,611 c.Local Performance Aid 13,216 d.other (please specify) 3. 1998 Property Tax Aids a.Real Estate HACA 550,773 _ b.Local Government Aid 380,488 c.Local Performance Aid 16,266 d. other(please specify) 4. 1998 Constant Spending Levy (1+2-3) 4,084,228 ' Yo:cr constant spending lezn,/must be determined to compt�te any increase due to spending for�our district. , t E � /3 � . ,. ...... ,, „x �: . <;,..Y : ^ .:.�t.;<;�F�.. ."•::'sN c s,�;��...,���.'.,s�rv� R .��,{� ������`^�"�,� :ry.�.: ��r���.� ��g$ ��y(�oR� � � \/��3 F '! "`•i C<•y '�• � K• �.vZ���:.i�/M'�/�9�,���..�/�' � .... �....... , n y.v..i.i i.4:w h>T�lf � ��y +• \4 �'�� .=t s�. < ..... ...uM....} .�-..v.:r�.��. .��.. .. ...n-.h� :� _..n\. Y n..'S ./ir1�. .. ... COMPLETE AND Minnesota Department of Revenue-P�operty Tax Division RETURN TO: Mail Station 3340 St. Paut, Minnesota 55146-3340 Telephone: (612) 296-5145 Fax: (61 Z) 297-2166 Name of Governmentai Unit Name of Person Filling Out Form City of Rosemount Jeffrey A. May Maiiing Address Telephone 2875 145th Street West ( 612) 423-4411 � Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 1. Totai Finai Payabie 1998 Levy Certified to County Auditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2. Totai Special Levies (firom page 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3. Levy Subject to Levy Limitation (1 minus 2) . . . . . . . . . $ 4. 1997/'1998 Levy Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,603,363 SCHEDULE SPECIAL LEVIES TOTAL A. Bonded Indebtedness (Net Tax Capacity Based). . . . . $ 631,400 B. Certificates of Indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ C. Payments for Bonds of Another Govemmental Unit . . . $ p. Principal and interest on Armory Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 144,300 E. Unreimbured Costs of Spring 1997 Floods (By Appeal to the Dept. of Revenue Only) . . . . . . . . . . $ F. Tax Doilars Lost Due to Abatements Granted to Prope�ty in Disaster Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ G. Market Value 8ased Referendum Levies . . . . . . . . . . . $ 156,135 Page 1 �� �, , i � H. Inueases in Matching Fund Requirements for State o�Federal Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I. Preparing for or Repairing the Effects of Natural Disasters (By Appeat to the Oept. of Revenue Only) . . $ J. Speciai Levies for Specific Counties and Cities . . . . . . $ (1) Faribauit Counry and City of Blue Ea�th fo� Matching Funds (Laws 1997, Chap. 231, Art. 3 Sec. 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ (2)Washington County for Payments to Washington County HRA (Laws 1997, Chap. 231, Art. 2, Sec. 58) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ TotalSpecialLevies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 931,835 I, the budget representative of the above mentioned county or city, certify that the foregoing figures are accurate to the best of my knowledge. � - � Finance Oirector 9-4-97 SIG ATU E OF BUDGET OFFICER TlTLE DATE Page 2 �� � �� c�r�ou���� ev�oEQ:t�a��e�Eo��;s�;�.��., f �, E ti y ; . , r _; _ .n... �t 2L1....�. .�.........� .......:.....,........: .:.........�-....:\. 1997/1998 Type of Bond Purpose Certified Levy (1) (See Attached) $ �2) $ �3� $ (4) $ (5) Total Special Levy A (1+2+3+4) $ ��������°e ����'t���:�`i�s t��t����€����ss. . ...:.:. ..... .. ........ _ ...... .::. .... : :......... .., I . Authorizing 1997/1998 Statutes or Law Purpose Certified Levy ��) $ t2) $ (3) Total Special Levy B (1 + 2) $ .��H:_ Di�LE C PR��I:EI+��'S �£3R.�3�3��35 �F��E}"�`H��C#��������ttL���T Political 1997/1998 Subdivision Paid Purpose Ce�tified Levy ��) $ �2) $ (4) Total Special Levy C (1 +2) $ : ; , _ �H Di.��E E} ;PRtNG�P�L.�NB II�IT�R�ST C�I+��i:R�lL}R��34N�3S : .... .... ... ....:.:' . The amount for this schedule is entered only on page 1. See the instructions for more information. (See Attached) Page 3 rc� .. . - -�- ._.__._.�_ .-------. .. ..__. . . .. .. . �I � . ' . , I c' E t�E:E�E �NREIAI��UR�,�a;c��:Ts:vFaspRr�a��ss�„��.aQos.. ..: :.:.... .:::. The amount for this schedule is entered only on page 1. This special levy may only be claimed if your county or city appealed to the Commissioner of Revenue for the authorization to c(aim this special levy and your county or city received the Commissioner's approval. The amount of this special levy cannot exceed the amount approved by the Commissioner. See the instructions for more information. �� ..<. ............. . :...: ._..�.__.._ . _ ,:. _ __ , .,.... E�E�1T�:GR�it�'�'E€3 TE? ;«<::::'`:���:;�`:: ', I�ED��E� T�€�E3€��.A��L�S'I`�II�E�'f}�B1�'�;:..;.:.:.. __ ::.::.:.:::::�.:�::>:.::.::::;.�::.;::. :: _ >:;.:;::.::.::....:.:::.;.::;:-..u..,�>,.:,:..::>.>..................:.....,:.::::.;..., ..:.,:. :..............:.. ...,.;<:;::::::.�.. ... ........:::::::::..:::::.:.:..................,.::..::....._............,..,.. .......;:<.�:.::::..:..:.<::.«.;.:,,:.:,.::::.:................. ....... . . ......... ..... ..,......:,..�.;.:«.>.._::.:..... ...:,...,..::::.:;:::::.;:::.:...:..:.:::>:::;:<:t:::::<::�.:::>:::::>::>::::;;.<::::.:<:::»;>:>:<::«::«<::>: ...::....:........:...>;;::::::;:::.;:.::;::.:::::.::.........n......,..._... . . . ..>..:.:., �»::,:.;.<:.:::;:<:::>.:;>:::;<:;::»>;::>::>;::;::.>;:.;::,.,.:...:<,:.,,.::.:,.:;,.,::,..... ,v1,+.. t ::k?h n�n;}u}�. �: . `. .y . • .,......................:� . . `<2. . . . ;...r�:•::.;r.�:;;.:r.�:>:::�.a.;,.,::::+ .y>,;:..:�.L ....................:.::....... -::' .. .,' ... �. -. ; ' d <.F<...,..,,.. .{..............::.:.::::.::�R£��.'F'�{� £tiS.�t�'�'E�ARE�S .�.......:..::.>,..::::.;:.�;::.:;:.;:.:.v:. :.:�..:..>.::::.,... ...... ...., ... County's/City's Number of Share of Abatements Abatement Program Abatements Granted Granted (1) M.S. 273.123, Subd. 7 $ (2) Laws 1997, Chap. 231, Art. 2, Sec. 64 $ (3) Total Special Levy F (1+2) $ : :.,. .:..,::..:::.;..:.>.;..:..:.::::::..::.::.:.:..::.:::. : �:.;::.:,..,..:.::......:.:.:..:.:...�:..... .. . .:. . _. . _.:>. - --,. , ::. _. . . -. . . _ <. : : .........:..:.:..:.,;�:::::::.:�::::::.:;::::;:.:;.<.�:;: :»>;:.::;<:<:<::<::;:;>.:>;:_;<>:<<:�>«>:::�:<.>:>>.; :�H E�11�T.E G =�1�RKE�`�f,AL�E����t��i���t�NC�t�E� L��E� , .. .... .. . ....,. .. ._ _ .:.::::::< Date Referendum 1997/1998 Purpose Approved Certified Levy (1) (See Attached) $ �2) $ �3) $ (4) Total Special Levy G (1+2+3) $ Page 4 17 � ; �G1�EDUlE H::>INCREASES!iV MA'�'CHlNC:FUND REQUiREMEN�'S�OR STATE „ °�,;� a�;,��,�.�, _ :�. � :.�v.:....,�..... �� � ��C4��{ �f r%.�S y( . . K l � r:,� 2 J � \W ��.1' � �l ��\\�y(` �. �; " �R:FEDERA�.,GR�t�tTS...`a:�;s�i;�s .. �� ;;; � �, ,: . ° ° : : :.�:;.;:;�a..;...;. � ., .. ..,_ .. ...... . ,... .. . :r.. . ;�,.... ::... _ ;::,... :. . .. . ....... Local Share Local Share Increase in Required for Required for Required Local � Name of Grant Program Payable 1997 Payable 1998 Share (1998-1997) �1) $ $ $ (2) $ $ $ 'i 3 $ $ $ I t ) (4� $ $ $ '� �5) $ $ $ ' �6) � $ $ (7) Total Special Levy H (1+2+3+4+5+6) $ ' I, _ ::::::....:::::.:::<:.:::::::::::::::::::.�:::._:::::::.�:::::::.;:<.;;:.;::.:.;::::::; _ _ _ ... :: :: .:::::::::::::.::::::.::::::::::.:::::::<:::<:::::::�:::::::::::::;;:>::<:�»>:;;:>::;>:::;::;>«<::«<;;:::::>:. . .. _ _. _. :;: ;: ;< . :... . . . .. ,: .:::: .. :> :::i`C4;::4.i}i::::Y^ii:•i:'im}i:;:'i.i:iii::F.vi:i: .. .. ..... . . . . .. .. . ..... . � . .::. .. ...:::.....:.. . . -..:. -::::. ::.�i'ii:::'i:'v'::i::i:S:ij:?j.::t:.iyn::.:::::.:.�.i^.:6:'vi''.'_.':i�i:�:'v:.:nw-i:}:q:.v.:::.:.:::::::::.: . > :: : ..:.;: .: . . . : ::. :.HE.:EF�G'T�::�3:�::.::.:;:�:;.;:.;:;:;.::.:�:::.>:.::;;:>,::>.::.<:::::;,.;:.::.:::-::..::.;:;.:,.<:::>:<.;:.::.:: :: _ � :. _....Ft:.:t3f.�::R�F#�t�i��;;�'....:: :.::.:.::::..:..:.:..:.�._::.::::.::.:::.:.._:.:::.:.�.::::..::..:::._:::::.,.:.:::.:::::::::::,:.,:::::.::..::�::::.�:.::.::::.�...;.;: �.�-t ;::�REP���£ ��....:..:....:.:....::..........:.....,..,.. .. ��E�� :.. . ......... ....... ..... :::::....:.....:.:..::.::::.:�.:;:.::�.::. , ........ ::::.. .:.:>:,:.:::,.::;�::.:.:,.:: .:...:::.:::;...:::::::.�, .. .:.>....:�:.... .,.:....:.:.:......:.... :... ...::.::: .::.:::..::.,::,..::::: . ... ` . . . ..::. ��S'€E�� ..:. ..:...._:..:..:.....:::: :::v:::.:::::::.::<:�,::::::<;�:::<«. � .. �:�I�� - _:.:...v;:>:: ::<.::<:.::.:::.:>.:::::::.:::. ..::.:.:>;:.:...:: :::;.>.:.::::::.:.::. .:.::::::::.:.,.::..:<,.> ::._....:�:...:...., :: ....:;�;::�:::�: <.::.:...�::>:::<; .....:......:. :::>:::::.;;:>;.:>.; :::..::..:::.:.:�:..;.:.:.........:. ...:.:........... . �1�`�,�R3�. .: :::.::<::>::::::::::::>::::::�:<��::;:;>::: ........:::::::.:.:::...:::.. ::.::.:::::.:::.....:............:.:::.......:. .::.. ...:...:.: . .:.,..:.:.. .�:..:.. :: :.. .:.::.�....:..:. ... :: ...; The amount for this schedule is entered only on page 2. This special (evy may only be claimed if your county or city appealed to the Commissioner of of Revenue for the authorization to claim this special fevy and your locai governmental unit recei�ed the Commissioner's approval. The amount of this special (evy cannot exceed the amount approved by the Commissioner. See the instructions for more info�mation. �.SC���7€��.��'• SP��lA�.L�.�It�����f�SPECt�t���ll#I+��'��S�N�)�t��� : ::... .:. ......:::. . ..... . :......:. . � The amount for this schedule is entered only on page 2. Faribault County and the city of Blue Earth may enter their authorized special levies under Laws 1997, Chapter 231, Article 3, Section 8 on line (1) of Schedule J. Washington County may enter its authorized special levy under Laws 1997, Chapter 231, Article 2, Section 58 on line{2) of Schedule J. See the instructions for more information. Page 5 �� -_ I��fINNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division Mail Station 3340 St. Paul,NiN 55146-33d0 Phone(612)296-3155 Fax(6l2)297-2166 Payable 1998 Overall Levy Limitation Notice July 31, 1997 ROSEMOUNT CITY OF CLERK TREASURER CITY HALL 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT,M�155063 The payable 1998 overall levy limitation for your city is: $ 3,603,363 The following is a listin�of the factors used in determining your city's payable 1998 overall levy limitation. See the enclosed letter for an e:cplanation of these factors and for additional information concerning your city's overall levy limitation. 1. Total Final Certified Lew for the TaYes Payable Year 1997: $ 4,Q3�,1» 2. Payable 1997 Levy for Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness a. Bonded Indebtedness: $ 439,126 b. Certificates of Indebtedness: $ c. Armory Bonds $ 140,31� d. Bonds of Another Governmental Subdivision: $ e. Total(a+b+c+d): $ 629,4�0 3. Payable 1997 Mazket Value-Based Referendum Levy: $ 15�,340 4. 1997 Property Tax Aids a. 1997 Certified Local Government Aid(LGA): $ 382,611 b. 1997 Certified Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid(HACA): $ 5�0,'773 c. 1997 Certified Local Performance Aid(LPA): $ 13,216 d. 1997 Taconite Aids $ e. Total (a+b+c+d): $ 946,600 5. Beginning Levy Limit Base for Payable 1998(1 -2e-3 +4e): $ 4,248,97� 6. Implicit Price Deflator Adjustment: 1.0?2 7. Household Growth Adjustment a. 1995 Households: 3��$' b. 1996 Households 3,963 c. Ratio of 1996 to 1995 Households (b/a,but not less than 1.000): 1.048 8. Adjusted Levy Limit Base for Payable 1998(� x 6 Y 7c): $ 4,550,890 9. New Net Tax Capacity-Based Referendum Levies: $ 10. 1998 Property Ta:c Aids a. 1998 Certified Local Govemment Aid(LGA): $ 380,488 b. 1998 Certified Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid(HACA): $ 550,773 c. 1998 Certified Local Performance Aid(LPA): $ 16,266 d. 1998 Taconite Aids: $ e. Total (a+b + c + d): $ 9�7,527 11. Payable 1998 Overall Levy Limitation (8 +9- l0e): $ 3,603,363 An equal opportuniry empfnyer TTYlTDD: (612)215-�069 19' . 111IINNESOTA Department of Revenue � Property Tax Division Mail Station 3340 St.Paul,MN 55146-3340 ' _ Phone(612)296-5145 Fax(612)297-2166_ October 31, 1997 i ROSEMOUNT CITY OF CLERK TREASURER � CITY HALL-BOX 455 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT,MN SSOb8 Certification of Special Levies Approved for the Taxes Payable Year 1998 The following is a certificafion of the results of the Department of Revenue's review � of your city's special levy claims for the taxes payable year 1998. This certification is made pursuant to Laws 1997,Chapter 231, Article 3, Section 7. Amount Amount Special Levies Claimed Approved A Bonded Indebtedness $ 631,400 $ 631,400 B Certificates of Indebtedness � C Bonds of Another Gov't Unit � 144,300 144,300 D Principal&Int.on Armory Bonds E Unreimb. Costs of Spring `97 Floods F Tax Dollars Lost Due to Abatements Granted in Disaster Areas G Mkt. Val. Based Referendum Levies 156,135 156,135 H Increases in Matching Fund Req. for State or Federal Grants I Prepare/Repair Natural Disasters � J Sp. Levies for Specific Local Units 1 Total Special Levies $ 931,835 $ 931,835 2 Payable 1998 Levy Limitation 3,603,363 3 Sum of Approved Special Levies and Levy Limitation(1 +2) $ 4,535,198 continued... i An equa!opportuniry employer T7Y/lDD:(6/2J 215-0069 Z� � _—_ The payable 1998 final total property tax levy certified by your city to the county auditor on or before five working days after December 20, 1997 cannot exceed the lesser of:(a)the amount of your city's payable 1998 proposed total property tax levy that was certified to the county auditor for the Truth in Taxation parcel specific ' notices,or(b)the sum of your city's approved special levies and overall levy � limitation for t�ie taxes payable year 1998 as shown above.If your city certifies a ', payable 1998 final total property tax levy that is greater than what the law allows,the , county auditor is required to reduce your city's payable 1998 final total levy to the ' lesser of the proposed levy or the sum of the overall levy limitation and approved � special levies for the taxes payable year 1998. � c ncernin this letter lease contact me. If you have any quest�ons o g ,p , Sincerely, I�, �4'�� �• ' Robert W.Johnson � Reseazch Analysis Specialist !, �� �. � 1��IINNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division Mail Station 3340 St.Paul,MN 55146-3340� ' Phone(6t2)296-5141 Fax{612)297-2166 1998 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID NOTiCE JULY 24, 1997 ROSEMOUNT CITY OF . CLERK TREASURER CITY HALL 2875145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 THE 1998 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID FOR YOUR CITY IS: $ 380,488. .THE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE FACTORS USED IN THE CALCULATION OF YOUR CITY'S 1998 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID. SEE THE ENCLOSED LETTER FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TNESE FACTORS AND FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE DETERMINATION OF YOUR CITY'S LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID. 1. PftE-1940 HOUSING UNITS: ��$ 2. TOTAL HOUSING UN1TS: 2,866 3. PftE-1940 HOUSING PERCENTAGE: 5.51 4. 1986 POPULATION: 6,548 5. 1996 POPULATION: �2,272 6. POPULATION DECLINE PERCENTAGE: OAO 7. 1996 TOTAL CLASS 3 REAL PROPERIY MARKET VALUE: $ 101,313,777 8. 1996 TOTAL REAL AND PERSONAL MARKET VALUE: $ 568,707,386 9. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PERCENTAGE: 17.81 10. TRANSFORMED POPULATfON: 688.02 11. CITY REVENUE NEED: $ 232•2g 12. PAYABLE 1997 CITY NET LEVY: $ 4,085,204 13. PAYABLE 1997 CITY NET TAX CAPACIIY: $ 11,763,186 14. TAX EFFORT RATE: 0.241013 15. NEED INCREASE PERCENTAGE: 0.095900 16. CiTY AID BASE: $ 379,500 17. CITY FORMULA AID (15x(11x5)-(13x14)): $ �.494 18. PRELIMINARY AID (16+17): $ 380,994 19. 1997 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID: $ 383,113 20. MAXIMUM AID: $ 791,633 21. 1998 lGA BEFORE REDUC710NS(LESSER OF 18 OR 20): $ 380,994 22. REDUCTION FOR STATE COSTS: $ 506 23. REDUCTION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT: $ � 24. FINAI. 1998 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID AFTER REDUCTIONS (21-22-23): $ 380,488 An equa!opportu»iry employer 2Z TDD:(6/2)2/5-0469 MINNESOTA Department of Revenue ' �- - Property Tax Division t�ta��sta��on 3�ao St. Paul, hfti >;1�36-3340 Phone(61'_')?96-�1�31 Fax(613)?97-3166 Jul��23, 1997 TO: TOW�S RE: N�JTiCE OF 1998 LOCAL GOVERNi`.'tE:�"T AID ?he amount of your to�;�i s 1998 local go��ernment aid has been determined and is shown of the enclosed notice. The notice also lists the factors that pertain to �•our tow�n which �1�erz ure� ir, CetPrri�inino�•our w:tin's l99& iocal go�•enu�ient aid. The following is an exglanati�J?? �f tnAse faczors. 1. TO`�'S INITIAL TA.� R�TE FOR PA�'ABLE 1993 TAXES: i his is �•our town s taX rate for the ta�es payable year 1993. If this tas rate is 0.8% or more, }•our to.vm is entitled t:� recei�•e loca'. get�em.ment ai� in 19y�. 2. 1997 LOCAL GOVER\:�1�.i�Ti AID BLFOR£ST?,TE CtDST REDUCTIONS: This is the amount of local go��ernment aid that ��our to�;�n w•as certifi�d t�recei��e in '_�G7�;�*e r�ductien for certain sia.e costs (State Demogr3phei s�frice,thc �:�overnment Informatior►Li��isian of the State Auditor s Office,the Depar�mPm oi Administration for.he Inter�o�•�nrr,entai infcnnatiun Systems Adv:sor;• Cc��:neil, anc�t:r�e Department of Employee Rziation�for government trainitig se:��ices and for admiaiste:ing the Local Go�•ernrnent Pa�• Equit}'Function). This amaunt is frciri lin= 3 or voa:tc��n s 1997 Local�o�rernmer,t �id�oiice. �. 177o 'Lvl�'.E1'Lt'iV�r.tCi`ii'vlr.!'�1 AlLlSr.2'Vtit.J1P11Y. l..VJ1 REDUCTIONS: Your to«n's 1998 local government aid before state costs is your town's 19971ocal government aid before state costs(line 2) mui_tiplied by ? plus the i percentage increase in the implicit price deflator(IPD) for state and Iocal I government purchases of goods and services for the 12-month period ending I�iarch ' 31, 1997. The IPD ratio used to determine your to�tin's local gc��ernment aid I payable in 1998 is 1.025. continued... An equa!opporrunin employe. �� TDD: f612/315-nnh9 � � : 4. REDUCTION FOR STATE COSTS: Niinnesota Statutes, Section 477A.014. _ Subdivision 4, provides for reductions in local government aid to finance certain state costs. All cities and to�i�ns receiving local go�•ernment aid in 1998 recei��e a reduction for state costs based on their prorated share of the follou-ing amounts: Salendar Year ]498 State Demographer $ 16.G40 State Auditor(Government Information Di�•ision) 217,000 Department of Administrat:on(IISfS:) 2US,8G0 Department of Employee Relations (Par Equin•) 54.500 Total State Costs � 493,3C0 � 5. FINAL 199� LOC�L G4i'ER'�i�TE;�T AID AFTFR ST:�TE COSTS: This I is the total amount of your to��ri s 1998 local eo��err�znt aid. It is equal to your tow-n's 1998 local go�•ernment aid before state costs (line 3)minus the reduction for state costs (iine�;. Your tow�ri s 19981ocal go�•err.ment aid��•ill t�e paid in tv�•o equal installments. The first installment will be paid on or before Jul}r 20, 1998,and the second half installment will te paid or: �r before Decemner 20, 1998. � Minnesota Stattrtes, Section 477A.014 gro�•ides that a governrnent unit may ooject to the amount of aid that th�D�partmer.:of Revenue has aetermined for it. No objection ma}'be raised later than 60 da��s after receipt of this notice. Such objection should be ad�ressed to ?��lichael P. Vl'andmacher,I�irector, Propert�� Ta� Division, Minnesota Department of Re�•enue, Mail S�atien 3340: St. Paul, tifI`j 55146-3340. If you have any questions �oncerr.ing this letter,plezse call me at(b 12)296-5 I41. � S:;.�er�ly, �`L�L�.� ����-�.C'�'' � � Larry L. �er�•le}� Reseazch Analysis Spe�ialist Enclosure �� I` _ 11/IINNESOTA Department of Revenue � ' Property Tax Division Ma;l S�ation 3340 Sc.Paut,MN 55146-3340 Phone(612)296-3010 Fax(612)297-2166 CERTIFICATION OF HACA FOR TAXES PAYABLE IN 1998 AUGUST 1, 1997 ROSEMOUNT CITY OF CLERK TREASURER CITY HALL 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT,MN 55068 THE 1998 HACA FOR YOUR TAXING DISTRICT IS $ 550,773 This amount is to be deducted from your levy before certification to your county auditor(see enclosed letter). The following is a listing of the factors used in the calculation of your taxing district's 1998 Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid. 1. 1997 CERTIFIED HACA: $ 550,773 I� 2. ADJUSTMENT TO 1997 HACA: (A) $ � ' 3. 1998 HACA BASE (1 + 2): $ 550,773 4. GROWTH ADNSTMENT FACTOR: (B) $ 0 5. FISCAL DISPARITIES ADNSTMENT FACTOR: (C) $ � 6. NET TAX CAPACITY ADNSTMENT FACTOR (D) $ � 7. ANNEXATION ADNSTMENT: $ � 8. 1998 CERTIFIED HACA (3 + 4 + 5 + 6 - 7): $ 550,773 (A) ADNSTMENT FOR PREVIOUS YEAR'S TIF AID REDUCTION. (B) APPLIES TO COUNTIES ONLY. ITEM 4=ITEM 3 X (1996 HOUSEHOLD COUNT/ 1995 HOUSEHOLD COLJNT - 1.0). (C) SEVEN-COUNTY MET'RO TAXING DISTRICTS ONLY. ITEM 5 = 0 FOR ALL TAXING DISTRICTS S1NCE THERE WAS NO CHANGE IN COMMERICAL OR INDUSTRIAL CLASS RATES FROM PAYABLE 1996 TO 1997. (D) ITEM 7 = TAXES PAYABLE 1997 TAXABLE MARKE�'VALUE OF COMMERCIAL SEASONAL RECREATIONAL RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY UP TO$72,000 IN MARKET VALUE X 0.25% X THE TAXING DISTRICT'S t997 LOCAL TAX RATE. PER 1996 LAWS,CHAPTER 471 ARTICLE 3, SECTION 14. An equal opportuniry employer �� TDD:(612)11 S•0069 � ' MINNESOTA Department of Revenue _ __ ` �', PROPERTY TA� DtVIS10N Mail Station 33�0 St. Paul, MN 55146-3340 � ' I', . Phone: (612) 396-3010 Fax: (612) 297-2166 '�, 1997 lll Au�ust l, , TO: COUNTIES, CITIES & SPECI.aL T�XI�G DISTRICTS ;, RE: PAYABLE 1998 HACA & THE PAYABLE 1998 LEVY CERTIFICATION I Endosed is the payable 1998 homestead and agricultural credit aid (HACA) certification for your ta�cing district. The HACA amount certified for your taxing district on the enclosed form is to be deducted by you from your levy before certification to the county auditor. This is the same procedure that was used last year. The le�y amount you certify to the county auditor will be used to calculate the initial tax rate for your district: Iron range and seven- county metro taxing districts please note that the county auditor will reduce your certified levy by the iisca( dispanty distribution tax before calculat�on ot�your inrtial ta� rate. 199� aid reductions due to the establishment of a TIF district are currently bein�calculated. If your taxing district is affected, a revised H.�C� certification�vili be sent to you by September l, 1997. You are to deduct H�CA from your le�y both in total and by le�y purpose before certification. HACA may be deducted entirely from one le�y purpose, partially from a number of levy purposes or proportionately from all le�y purposes. There is no specified HACA allocation procedure to be followed. H�.CA should be used to reduce net tax capacity based levies, ho�,•ei•er, i1 may he trsed to redtrce�nrnrke�t raluc� bcrsed re�'erer7dtrm le��ies if!he net tcrx ca�crcit�•bcrsec.�le��•i�s are redticed tc�=ero. An example of a certified le�y calculation showin�the H aCA deduction is on the back of this letter. Most counties will provide taxin_ districts with a form to use in certifying payable 19981evies that wili follow the procedures outlined in the example. If the deduction of HACA results in a total certified }e�y after HACA of zero for payable 1998, be sure to verify to your county auditor that you did have a levy before HACA. Please coordinate the certification of your levy with the county auditor so that no misunderstandings occur. In addition, at your taxing district's Truth in Taxation meetings this ses are bein� reduced b HACA for fall, you should expiain whtch levy purpose or levy purpo � Y 1998. If you have questions concerning the calculation of your payable 1998 HACA, please call Dean Carter at (612) 296-300L Sincerely, i �'.������t �---- Deb Volkert Property Tax Coordinator Enclosure (o�'e�) An�•qt�ul oppurhutity emplvyc� TDD:(613)297-2196 Z�Q y- . County�City and Special Taxing Disirict Certified Levy Catculation Exampie _ .Taxes Payabie 1998 Leyy Levy Before After Levy Purpose HACA HACA' HACA " Net Tax Capacity Based Levies � 1. General Fund 5 1,200,000 S 450,000 $ 750,000 2. Debt 100,000 37,500 62,500 3. Lib�ary 50,000 18,750 31,250 4. Road and Bridge 200,000 75,000 125,000 5. PERA 50,000 18,750 31,250 6. 7. 8. 9. __ 10. Totai Net Tax Cap. Based levies(Total 1 thru 9) $ 1,600,000 11. � . : . :.,. ... �....>:.� ':��: .�,._..,.,,M,a,.��� �'"��` ;`�<:;. : .:. ;. .:... . :... . ... .. .:>: . .:::".. ,.. F.��� : �. •:... ; ..M1..y�. T ••: • ;:�: ��3.: 8�8 Li . : ..`:." ..}�*��> .::..... .. . . . : •:.: ...:. .. �..:�;'...`:��...::....:.`.. .:.. . ....•. • ' `::.'.`''�4:. :... 12. Net Tax Capacity Based Levies After the Deduction of HACA(10- 11) $ 1,000,000 Market Value Sased Referendum Levies 13. Debt $ 70,000 '`*"' $ 70,000 14. Other 30,400 "' 30,000 , 75. Totai Market Value Based Ref. Levies (13 + 14) $ 100,000 "`* $ 100,000 �, 16. Totai Certified Levy (12+ 15) $ 1,100,000 I ' HACA may be deducted entirely from one levy purpose or pa�tially from a number of levy purposes. For purposes of this example, it has been deducted proportionaliy from ali levy purposes. For this example, General Fund HACA= (5600,000/�1,600,000)X�1,200,000= $450,000 "* Levy After HACA= Levy Before HACA- HACA For this exampie, General Fund Levy After HACA= S1,200,000-$450,000 = $750,000 "" HACA is first deducted from net tax capacity based levies. If HACA reduces the net tax capacity based levy to zero,the remaining HACA may then be deducted from market value based levies. �� , i � I��IINNESOTA Department of Revenue � � Property Tax Division Mail Station 3340 St.Paul,MN 55146-3340 . - Phone(612)296-5141 Fas(612)297-2166 1998 LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID NOTICE NLY 30, 1997 ROSEMOUNT CITY OF CLERK TREASURER CITY HALL 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT,MN 55068 TT-� 1998 LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID FOR YOUR CITY IS: $ 16,266 TI�FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF T'HE FACTORS USED IN THE CALCULATION OF YOUR CITY'S 1998 LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID. SEE THE ENCLOSED LETTER FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE FACTORS AND FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE DETERMINATION OF YOUR CITY'S LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID. 1. 1996 POPULATION: 12,272 2. ELIGIBLE POPULATION: 12,272 3. TOTAL LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID PER CAPITA: $ 1.32543591 4. TOTAL 1998 LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID(2x3): $ 16,266 II An equal opportunity empfoyer Z�` TDD:(612)2/5-0069 � , -_ rZII�TNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division Ma�l sc�c�o� 33ao sc. Paul. MN 55146-3340 _ Phone(61?)296-5141 Fax(612)297-216b NLY 30, 1997 TO: CITIES RE: NOTICE OF 1998 LOCAL PERFOIL'VIANCE AID The amount of your city's I9981oca1 performance aid(LPA)has been determined and is shown on the enclosed notice. The notice also lists the factors used to determine your city's 19981ocal performance aid. Following is an explanation of these factors. � � 1 �AA/ TnTTTT l TTl17►T. T ' ' �.+ A '1 1 tf1(1L l..f: •. � . . . � 1. i77t� f VL ULt�11V1�. 1�11J 1J�l�lit�.l�y J A�llt 1� 1%lV�iV�Ul4llCiri�Jtiiilute uJ determined by the State DemoQrapher for cities outside of the seven-county metropolitan area or by the Metropolitan Council for cities wlthin the seven-county metropolitan area. 2. ELIGIBLE POPULATION: If your city responded positively to questions 1 and 2 ' on the Certification of Local Performance Measures for Local Performance Aid Payable in 1998 (Form LPA-CI REVISED), this is your city's total April 1, 1996 populatian estimate. For all other cities,this amount is zero. � 3. TOTAL LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID PER CAPITA: This is the result of dividing the total amount of LPA available for cities(1997 LPA adjusted for inflation, $4,210,365,plus the additional appropriation amount of$440,000) by the total eligible population for all cities, 3,717,497. 4. TOTAL 1998 LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID: This is your city's total 1998 LPA, determined by multiplyin� your city's eligible population(line 2)by the total LPA per capita(line 3). Your city's 1998 local performance aid will be paid in two equal installments. The first half installment��ill be paid on or before July 20, 1998,and the second half installment will be paid on or before December 26, 1998. � Tf���i�}:ava anv n,iagtinnc rPaar�irZa�thic �PttPr n1PacP r.�lj mP �t F6121�9�-j 1.4J.. - � . -1 -- � -1^- �a--•- c - >r----' Sincerely, � '�^ � ,�' x��'���c-��-�i�G���L' Larry L.�ewley � Anal sis S eciaiist Research y p Enclosure Ar+equa!opportunrty emplover �� TDD (6/_'/?15-��69 � �, 11�IINNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division Mail Station 3345 S�Paul,MN 55146-3345" Phone(612)296-5141 Fax(612)297-2166 CERT'IF'ICATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION AID FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1998 ROSEMO[TNT CITY August 14, 1997 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT _ JUDY MILLER 2875 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT,MN 55068 Unit Number:725000 Unit Name: ROSEMOtJNT CITY � The total amount of your unit's 1998 aid to offset PERA rate increases is $12,889. The total amount of your unit's December,1997 aid is$6,444.50. Following are the factors used in determining your PERA aid. See the enclosed letter for an explanation of these factors and for additional information concerning this aid. - l. Fiscal year 1997 employee payrolL• $ 1,841,324 2. Calendar ear 1998 PERA aid 1 x .007 : $ 12,889 Y � ) 3. December, 1997 aid(2 x .5) $ 6,444.50 � n v 1 ortuni em ! er TDD: 612 21 S•0069 I A eq a opp ty p oy . ( ) 3a �� '� - -- � � � 11�1INNESOTA Department of Revenue �` Property Tax Division Ma�l stac�on 33ao sc.Paul,MN 55146-3340 Phone(612)296-5141 Fax(612)297-2166 August 14, 1997 TO: COUNTIES, CITIES,TOWNS,AND ALL OTHER NON-SCHOOL JURISDICTIONS WHICH HAD A FISCAL YEAR 1997 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREI�NT ASSOCIATION (PERA) EMPLOYEE PAYROLL RE: NEW PERA AID Laws 1997, Chapter 233,Article 1, Section 15 provides for a new PERA aid which is . intended to offset the increase to PERA ernployer contribution rates. This aid is paid to ' all cities,towns,counties and other non-school jurisdictions which had a fiscal year 1997 �ajiOii fvi G111�i0yc2S wji�w�.�u��rr�����o�u�e generai pi�ri of FERr'�. i The first payment of this aid will be made December 26, 1997. The enclosed notice lists the factors used in determining your PERA aid for calendar year 1998 and for December, , 1997. The notice also contains your unit's PERA number and your unit's name as listed ', with PERA for reference purposes. Following is an explanation of the factors used in '', determining your aid. I� 1. �iscal year 1997 PERA em�lo ee �avroll. This is the amount of the PERA covered II payroll for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997 as provided to the Department of II Revenue by the Public Employees Retirement Association. Any questions regazding � these payroll amounts should be directed to PERA(see below). 2. Calendar year 1998 PERA aid. This amount is determined by multiplying your fiscal year 1997 PERA employee payroll by 7 percent(.007). This is the total amount of aid your unit will receive in 1998. Your unit will receive half of this amount on July 20, 1998 and the remaining half December 26, 1998. 3. December. 1997 aid. This amount is determined by multiplying the line 2 amount by 50 percent(.5). This amount will be paid on December 26, 1997. If you have any questions regarding this letter,you may call me at(612)296-5141. If you have any questions regazding the fiscal year 1997 PERA employee payroll, you may contact either Dave DeJonge at(612) 297-3573,or Gary Hovland at(612) 296-9170. Sincerely, �Zti �� Larry L�ewley Research Analysis Specialist Enclosure An equal opportuniry employer TDD:(612)2/5-0069 � I � � Page One - 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVEMJES December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detaii Proposed Account# Dacription Actuai Accuai Budget Amount Budget 101 31010 00000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 51,774,473 51,943,631 51,980.772 52,067,428 From County 101 3 1040 00 000 Fisca!Disparities 312,15? 383,430 420,803 475,045 From County Total Taxa(Tax) 2,086,630 2,327,061 2,401,575 2,542>473 101 3340100 000 Local Govemment Aid(LGA) 384,888 385,706 382,611 380,488 From Statc Total LGA(Lga) 384,888 385,706 382,61 I 380,488 10!33402 00000 Hstd&Ag Credit Aid(HACA) 562,494 534,077 550,7�3 550,773 From State Total HACA(Haca) 562,494 534,077 550,773 550,773 101 33424 00 000 Local Performance Aid(LPA) 0 0 13,216 16,266 From State Totai LPA(Lpa) 0 0 13,216 16,266 101 32110 00 000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses(L) 9,263 13,285 10,000 12,000 101 32160 00000 Licenses to do Business(L) 14,250 11,550 500 1,000 Gazbage Haulers,Peddlers Lic,em 101 32i61 00000 Licenses to do Bus-Kennels(L) 0 38 0 � 101 32162 00 000 Licenses to do Business- (L) 0 0 100 � 101 32180 00000 Cigarette Licenses(I.) 248 224 200 200 101 32210 00000 Building Permit Revenue(L) 179,199 161,683 165,000 150,000 101 32211 00000 Coates Bldg Official Reimb(I.) 59 16 0 � 101 32212 00�00 Minerai Extraction Permit(L) 450 1,100 0 500 101 32220 00 000 Electrical Permit Revenue(L) 10,295 4,777 8,900 5,000 101 32230 00 000 Piumbing Permit Revenue(L) 15,994 15,110 13,SQ0 10,000 101 32240 00 000 Animal Licenses(L) 2,414 3,745 2,500 2,500 101 32250 00 000 Sewer Permit Revenue(I.) 10,367 10,259 8,500 7,500 101 32255 00 000 Counry Recording Fee-City's(L) 120 220 300 200 101 32260 00000 HVAC Permit Revenue{I.) 18,888 16,347 17,000 15,000 101 32290 00 000 Other Nan-Bus Lic&Permiu(L) 1,400 775 400 1,000 Alarm Permits Total Licenses&Permits(L) 262,947 239,129 226,900 ^204,900 101 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Ta�ces(n 89,Od0 90,000 90,000 90,000 Included in Debt Levy Figure 101 31010 OOOOUI MSABC Armory Paymenu 90,000 101 3 t020 00000 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes(n 86,597 9,785 20,000 10,000 From Counry 101 31030 00000 Mobile Home Taxes(n 9,058 10,370 1,000 10,000 From Counry 101 31710 00000 Gravel Taxes(n 4,626 4,082 4,000 4,000 From Counry 101 31810 00000 Franchise Taxes(n 29,441 35,379 40,000 40,000 From Cable Company 101 33100 00 000 Fedeml Grants&Aids(I) 20,000 30,000 50,000 26,250 Grants For 2 Officers 101 33403 00 000 Mobile Home HACA(� 22,091 22,091 22,000 22,0 t 1 From State 101 33416 00000 Police Training Reimbursement{n 73,530 90,224 75,000 90,000 From State 101 33416 00 000.I Post Board Training Reimb 4,500 101 33416 OOA00.2 State Aid(Tied to PERA) 85,500 101 33418 00 000 MSA for Streets-Maintenance(n 22,305 27,900 27,900 27,900 From State t01 33423 00000 Ag Preserves Credit(n 3,t98 775 0 0 From State 101 33425 00 000 Other State Grants&Aids 0 14,766 13,000 12,889 From State-PERA Aid 101 33620 00 000 Other County Granu&Aids(n 0 5,000 0 � 101 33630 00000 Police Services Levy-tSD#196(� 8,954 8,954 31,200 30,900 101 33630 00000.1 D.A.R.E./Liaison Funding 30,900 From ISD#196 101 36101 00000 Principal-Special Assessments(n 12,998 14,104 0 2,000 From County(StreetAverlays) 101 36102 00 000 Penalties&[nterest-S/A(n 0 9 0 0 From Counry Total Intergovemmental(I) 381,798 -M-363,437-_-N�3�4,100 ��w365�950 II PAGETOTALS 3,678,�57 3,849,409 3,949,175 4,060,850 � 3 , ._- - -_ �' � , Page Two 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Propoud Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Amount Budget Commenu 101 34(03 00000 Zoning&Subdivision Fees(C) 13,201 18,155 7,000 10,000 101 34104 00000 Plan Chaking Fea(C7 100,713 92,544 100,000 90,000 65%of Building Pennit Fees 101 34105 00000 Sales of Maps&Publications(C7 275 864 700 ']00 101 34106 00 000 Depury Registrar Fea(C� 24,047 25,654 25,000 26,000 101 34107 QO 000 Assessment Searcha(C7 554 219 500 200 101 34108 00 000 Admin Fees-Other Fundt(C� 130,082 90,639 120,625 151,750 101 34108 00000.1 All Funds Except Conswction 51,�50 101 34108 00 000.2 Consu�uction Funds 100,000 101 34109 00 000 Other Charges for Service(C7 3,430 3,575 2,000 3,000 101 34110 00 000 Service Chg on Renuned Chks(G) 162 l OQ 200 100 101 34111 00 000 Service Lookup Chxk(BidpJ(C) 15 640 S00 0 101 34112 00000 Utility Permit Application Fee(C7 200 250 200 200 101 34150 00 000 User Fees-USPCI(C7 87,079 0 0 0 Moved to CIP 101 3415100 000 User Fees-Koch Bauxite(C� 6,753 0 0 0 Moved to CIP 101 34160 00 000 Nadonal Guard Maint Fees(C) 0 32,000 16,000 16,000 Payments from the National Guard 101 34201 00000 Special Police Services(C7 5,347 13,194 12,600 15,000 Contractual OR'for O�cen 101 34202 00000 Fire Services-Burning Permits(C) 1,090 1,560 500 2,000 101 34203 00 000 Accident Reports(G� 741 548 600 500 101 34204 00 000 Day Care Inspection Fees(C� 380 240 200 200 101 34206 00000 Other Police Services(C) 911 0 0 0 101 34207 00 d00 Other Fire Protection Services(C� 23,620 20,333 12,0�0 20,000 101 34207 00 0001 U of M F've Contract 4,600 101 34207 00 000.2 Coates Fire Contract 3,000 101 34207 00000.3 Other Billed Fire Calls 12,400 101 34303 00000 Mow Weeds(C) 193 346 300 300 ', 101 34306 00000 Other Highway&Sh�eet Rev(C� 150 11,334 2,000 0 ', 101 34407 00 000 City Share of Metro SAC Chgs(C) 2,270 1,854 1,800 1,800 I� Total Chazges for Services(C� 401,213 314,049 302,725 337,750 I 101 3510100000 Court Fines(f7 139,680 111,929 100,000 90,000 From Counry Total Fines&Forfeiu(F') 139,680 1 I 1,929 100,000 90,000 101 34720 00000 Parfc Reservations(R) 0 850 I,100 I,100 101 34721 00000 Softball Revenues(R) 38,053 39,876 37,500 37,500 101 34722 00 000 Voileyball Revenues(R) 8,214 7,999 9,500 9,500 101 34724 00000 Tennis Revenues(RJ 1,140 1,400 1,300 t,300 101 34725 00 000 Tiny Tot Revenues(R) 9,944 9,979 10,900 11,90Q lO l 34726 00 000 Pom Pom Revenues(R) 1,648 2,257 2,400 2,400 101 34727 Q0000 Field Trip Revenues(R) 2,300 2,789 2,200 2,200 101 34728 00 000 Broomball Revenues(R) 1,384 0 3,400 3,400 101 34729 00 000 Skating Lesson Revenues(R) 892 761 800 800 101 34730 00000 Fun Runs,Walks&Bike Rides(R) 1,621 1,533 1,000 1,000 101 34732 00 000 Adult Basketbali(R) 750 750 800 800 101 34733 00 000 Other Programs Revenua(R) 2,26b 3,025 2,8Q0 2,800 10!34790 00000 Other Recreation Revenua(R) 639 116 1,000 1,000 101 38080 00000 Banquet Room Fees(R) 42,388 41,581 47,000 4?,U00 101 38081 00000 Auditorium Fees(R) 13,297 9,537 12,000 12,000 101 38082 00000 Gymnasium Fees(R) 15,390 22,049 16,000 16,000 101 38086 00 000 Ciassroom Fees(R) 25,683 24,�78 18,000 18,000 101 38087 00 000 Fimess Room Fees(R) 1,043 0 0 0 101 38096 00000 Liquor Provider Fees(R) 2,200 1,600 2,000 2,000 101 38097 00000 A/V Rental Fees(R) 1,010 577 600 600 101 38150 00000 Open Gym Fees(R) '740 1,531 2,400 2,400 ]01 38151 00000 Fimess Prograrn Fees(R) 235 0 0 0 101 38152 00000 Jazzercise Fees(R) 1,368 807 l,400 1,400 !01 38154 00000 Teen Night Revenues(R) 4,870 0 0 4,400 Totai Recreation Fees(R) 177,075 �173,794 � 174,100 � t79,500 PAGE TOTALS 717,968 �599,773�� 576,825 � 607,250 33 �- ------------- ----- — _.�...___.-----•---------------._..._----•–•-----•-•-----___ ._._._...�.___-------- -– — . �� _ l�a sunc�r woRxsaE�rs GENERALb'UND REVENUES } . Dccdnba 4,1997 • 1997 1998 Object 7998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Dacription Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu 10136210 00000 Interest Eaznings-Invaanents(Iv� 42,366 33,019 35,000 35,000 101 36215 00000 Interost Eamings(I� 664 424 400 600 From Checking Account 101 36220 00000 Rents�&Royatties(1� 3,380 3,380 3,400 3,400 US West Mtenna Rrnt 1013b230 00 000 Crn�tribution/Donations(I� 45,529 92,448 0 0 10136260 00000 Othet Revenue(I� 3,660 7,�95 10,000 5,000 1013910100 Q00 Sales of Grneral Fixed Assets(1� 964 0 0 0 Totai Misc Revenues(1� 96,563 137,116 48,800 44,000 101 39203 00000 Transfer trom (C) 100,200 3,500 3,SU0 3,500 Arena-Bldg &Grounds Maint Total Transfers In('[� 100,200 3,500 3,500 3,500 PAGETOTALS 5196,763 S140,616 552,300 547,500 DEPART'MENT TOTALS 54,593,488 54,589,799 54,578,300 54,715,600 IIVTERNALREVENUES 51,559,476 51,342,955 51,230,125 51,225,600 GrandTotalLess: Ad Valorem,LGA,HACA, LPA&Fiscal Disparities 3� . '_ Page Four 1998 BWGET WORKSHEEI'S GENERAL FUND REVENUES December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Descriprion Actual Actua! Bud�et Amount Budget Comments 101 34108 00000 Grneral Fund Admin Fees 560,750 SO 550,625 551,75Q 141 34108 00000.I Fund 201 5,625 I01 34108 00000.2 Fund 202 2,250 l01 34108 00 0003 F�md 203 2,250 !O1 34108 00000.4 Fund 205 2,250 101 34108 00000.5 Fund 206 2,250 101 34108 00000.6 Fund 207 2,250 101 34108 00 000.7 Fund230 1,125 10t 3410800000.8 Fund231 1,125 t01 34108�000.9 Fund 301 1,125 101 34108 00000.10 Fund 302 1,125 101 34108 00000.11 Fund 303 1,125 101 34108 00000.12 Fund 321 1,�25 1013410800000.13 Fund322 1,125 � 101 34108 00 000.14 Fund 323 1,125 ' 101 34108 00000.15 Fund 324 1,125 � 101 34108 00 000.16 Fund 326 1.125 , 101 34108 00000.17 Fund 327 1,125 !, 101 34108 00000.18 Fund 328 1,125 , 101 34108 00000.19 Fund 329 1,125 ' 101 34108 00000.20 Fund 330 1,125 , l01 34108 00000.21 Fund 331 1,125 ' 101 34108 00 000.22 Fund 381 1,125 101 34108 00000.23 Fund 382 1,125 ', 10134108 00000.24 Fund 383 1,125 101 34108 00000.25 Fund 605 1,125 101 34108 00 000.26 Fund 606 1,125 101 34108 00 000.27 Fund 601 1,125 101 34108 00 000.28 Fund 610 1 125 101 34108 00 000.29 Fund 611 1,125 101 34108 00000.30 Fund 613 1,125 101 34108 00000.31 Fund 614 1,t25 1013410800000.32 Fund615 1,125 101 34108 00000.33 Fund 650 5,625 Admin Fees Breakdown Totals 560,750 SO 550,625 S51,750 551,750 35 � 1 � C1TY COUNCIL � POLICY DEVELOPMENT • Provides for the legislative and policy making activities for ali of municipal govemment. • Provides for the pianning and control of aii City expenditures through the adoption of the City's annual budget. • Provides for the definition of the City's tax structure through the levying of taxes and approval of user fees and rate structures. • Provides for citizen input to policy making process by establishing, ' appointing and managing advisory commissions, ad hoc committees and ', community groups. ' GENE PERATIONS II RAL O • Provides funding for general govemment projects and needs such as: ,I City Newsletter and Chamber Directory i� City Clean-Up Day Recycling Program Employee Education Program , 3 t� �---------•----�_�........ ...........•�-- ...._...-----------------�... ._--�----�-- - �------_.. .. ------•-----__.._----••----- - - •---••-- - i . , -_ PaQeQne 1998 BUDGET WORKSAEETS COUNCII. December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopud Detail ProPuscd Account# Descriptia� Actual Actual Budget Amowt Budget Comments a All Salary Costs inciusive of 101 411(0 103 Salaria 8t Brnefits 522,389 519,806 527,000 526,500 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 41110 01 30� Management Fea 8,327 492 18,500 18,500 101 41110 01 307.1 Newsletter 3.� 101 41110 01 307.2 Spring Clanup 5,000 101 4111Q 01307.3 Recycling Expenus 10,000 101 41110 01 307A Chamber of Commerce Directory S00 101 41110 01 319 Other Professionai Services 4,663 1,788 4,000 3,700 Education Reimbursement IO l 41110 01331 Trdvel Expense 239 48 300 300 101 41110 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 5,810 9,520 9,400 10,000 10141 I 10 01433.1 LMC Dues 6,100 10t 41110 01433.2 A1�1M Dues 3,400 10141 I 10 014333 NDCC Dues 500 101 41110 01 435 Books 8t Pamphlets 0 0 100 100 101 411 t0 0143� Conferences&Seminars 915 2,364 2,300 2,300 101 41110 01437.1 Regisuation&Hotel-LMC Gonf I,B� 10141 I 10 01437.2 Miscellaneous LMC Events 500 101 41110 01 439 Other Mucellaneous Charges 0 5,000 0 0 10141110 Ol 598 Council Designated 7,1'70 7,709 9,500 9,500 Contingencies 101 411 10 01 601 Principal on Loans 17,500 0 0 0 PAGE TOTALS 567,013 S46>727 S11,100 570,900 DEPARTMENTTOTAI.S S67,013 546,727 571,100 570,900 �7 � .••------•--_--•----•-----._...... .--•---- . . .. . __._. .._.. . . .. _.. .. .. .... ..... ..........•-------- '--------- � � 1 �� ENT - �� ADMINISTRATION DEPARTM � ENE L DMtNISTRATiON II G RA A � Provides overall management administration and coordination of activities in all City departments including: Community Development,finance,fire, Police, Public Works and Parks & Recreation. • Provides for preparation and overall management of the City's budgets. • Provides project management for projects not unique to and therefore not assignable to any other department. • Provides overall coordination of City consultants. • Provides for the execution of al! policies as adopted by the City CounciL • Provides administrative and clerical support to the City Council including the preparation, distribution and maintenance of City Council meeting documents. RECORDS MANAGEMENT • Provides for the preparation and rnaintenance of official records for the City including: Council and Committee Minutes Preparation, publication and posting of official notices Public information on ordinances, contracts and policies • Administers the collection, storage and dissemination of data. LICENSING • Provides for the issuance and renewal of the following licenses Liquor and beer Cigarettes Peddters, solicitors and transient merchants Pawnshops and pawnbrokers �� - ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - Page 2 : PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION • Provides central personnei services to all City government including the administration of personnel policies and procedures, and state and federai personnel regulations. • Provides for central administration of all City employee salary plans and benefit programs. RECEPTION • Provides General Government/City Hall reception administration. PUBLIC RELATIONS • Provides for public relations and information activities to keep citizens informed of the City's activities. STAFFING • The department consists of five positions City Administrator Assistant to Administrator Administrative Assistant Receptionist Part-Time Secretary • There are no personnel changes recommended for 1998. 3� I Page One _- 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEE'CS ADl1�NiSTRA7'IOIV December 4,1997 1997 1998 Objat 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Acmal Actual Budget Amowt Budget Commrnts Ali Salary Cosu Inciusive of 10!41320 101 Salazies&Benefics 5201,442 5220,221 5217,900 5252,100 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefia 10141320 102 Fuli-Time Overtime 66t 1,734 2,000 2,000 101 41320 0l 207 Training&Instructional Supplies 1,328 395 1,900 1,900 101 41320 01 207.i Safety Committee 200 101 41320 01 207.2 Right to Know 1,200 101 41320 01 207.3 Employee Training 500 101 41320 01 209 Other Office Supplies 46 120 300 300 Miscellaneous Purchazes 101 41320 01 307 Management Fees 21,452 3,963 4,000 4,000 Labor Consultant 101 41320 01 319 Other Ptofessional Services 0 1,000 0 0 101 41320 01 331 Travel Expense 4i4 521 600 600 101 41320 01 33 1.1 State Conference-LMC 50 101 41320 01 33 1.2 State Conference-MCMA 50 101 41320 01 331.3 Personnel Workshops 100 101 41320 01 331.4 IC\4A Conference 400 101 41320 01 339 Other Transportation Expenses 65 0 0 0 101 41320 01 341 Employment Advertising 471 362 0 0 101 41320 01 353 Qrdinance Publication 1,402 0 1,500 1,500 Codificarion of Code 101 41320 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 696 1,070 900 1,000 101 41320 01 433.1 MCMA Dues 54 101 41320 01 433.2 MAMA Dues 50 l0i 41320 01433.3 MCFOA Dues 100 ' 101 41320 01 433.4 IIIviC Dues 50 ', 101 41320 01 433.5 IPMA Dues 50 ', 101 41320 01 433.6 ICMA Dues 7�� I 101 41320 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets 325 1,078 100 100 � 101 41320 01 437 Conferences&Seminazs 2,415 2,192 2,900 2,600 ', l01 41320 01 437.1 Registrarion&Hotel-LMC 300 ' 101 41320 01 437.2 Registration&Hotel-MCMA 200 ', 101 4I320 014373 Personnei Conferences 400 ' 101 41320 01 437.4 Staff(1)Each 200 � 101 4I32Q 01437.5 Miscellaneous Seminars 100 � 101 41320 01 437.6 Registration&Hotel-ICMA 1,000 101 41320 01 437.? Clerk's Institute 40� 101 41320 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 13,750 0 �0 , PAGE TOTALS 5231,717 5246,404 5232,100 5266,100 DEPARTbfENTTOTALS 5231,717 a246,404 5232,100 S266,100 �v ti � " � ELECTIONS GENERAL/ADMINiSTRATIVE ' • Provides for conducting ail Local, State and Federal elections. VOTER REGISTRATION I • Provides for the maintenance and execution of procedures for voter registration. SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT • Provides for the necessary supplies and minor equipment necessary to conduct the elections. CONTRACTED SERVICES • Provides for the maintenance agreement for service and repair of the ballot counters. STAFFING I • Provides for the appointment of election judges to work at the City's five recmct ollin laces. P P 9P �� , � Pa�e One - 1998 BiJDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Iktail Proposed Account# Ikscrip8on Acivai Actual Budget Amount Budget Commrnts 10t 41410 103 Pazt-Time Salazia 52,297 56,396 52,500 S6,500 Etection Judga 10141410 Ot 203 Printed Forms&Paper 2,036 0 2,100 700 Ballou 8t Programming 101 41410 01 208 Miueilaneous Supplia 548 336 200 200 EIection Purchases 101 41410 01219 Other Operating Supplia U2 (935) 100 100 RoUs for Election Judges 101 41410 01 242 Minor Equipment 0 266 100 t00 Ballot Machine Equipment 101 41410 01 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 200 0 101 41410 01 321 Telephone Costs 19 323 300 100 Cosu for Precinct Phones 101 41410 01 351 Legal Nodces Publishing 46 15 100 !00 EleMion Publications 101 41410 01 409 Other Contracted Repair&Maint 53 2,640 0 2,800 101 41410 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 64 200 200 Janitorial Services 101 41410 01 580 Other Equipment Rachases 0 0 0 0 PAGETOTALS 55,111 59,106 55,800 510,800 DEPARTMIIVTTOTALS 55,111 59,106 55,800 510,800 � I, � i JI - - FINANCE DEPARTMENT GENERAUADMINISTRATIVE • Provides for the fiscal management, processing and maintenance of afl accounting transactions for aN funds of the City, including budgetary controls, preparation of interim accounting reports and the Annual Financial Report. DATA PROCESSING • Provides for evaluation of appropriate computer hardware and software � on a continuing basis. • Coordinates efforts between departments to assure an integrated � information system. • Acts as an in-house consultant providing technical assistance when possible, and if not possible, coordinating the procurement of outside technical assistance when needed. TREASURY • Fund Management- Collects and deposits revenues and manages the investment of idle funds. • Budgetary - Compiles historical and current expenditures and revenue data to facilitate budget preparation. • Bonding -Assists in the issuance, sale and record maintenance of indebtedness. • Insurance - Maintains all records for property and wo�kers comp insurance requirements, handles all claims and prepares all documents for yearly renewals of policies. �~� .--- _ FINANCE DEPARTMENT - Page 2 - PAYROLL � Receives employee time cards, coordinates insurance, pay rates and other applicabie payroil information with personnel, prepares payroil checks, prepares all Federai and State required reports, prepares ail employee withheld and employer promised obligation funds for disbursement to applicable organizations, and prepares all reports as needed, both intemally and externally. UTILITY BILLING • Coordinates the automated reading of all City water meters and the mailing and collection of all utility bills. Handles on fhe computer system, I final bills and new accounts. Fields and responds to utility billing ', questions and cornplaints. Compiles operating statistical information, I which is available to other departments as needed. ', ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ' • Processes purchase orders prepared by all departments, checking for ' accuracy and matching with invoices and all other supporting documentation so payments can be made in a timely manner. Also, prepares all checks and supporting reports that accompany each check run. Coordinates the review of bills by Councif by providing applicable reports and supporting documentation. ACCOUNTS RECEfVABLE/CASH RECEIPTS • Prepares invoices for all departments for items/services that must be billed to outside sources. Maintains records that al{ow for the timely collection of invoiced items/services. Receipts monies on a daily basis and deposits those monies daily in designated banking institutions. Maintains a system that allows for the appropriate repo�ting of all monies collected within the accounting system. �-��.. r � - FINANCE DEPARTMENT - Page 3 DEPUTY REGISTRAR • Maintains an office which handles vehicle license renewals, vehicle license transfers and DNR licensing transactions, consistent with the requirements of the State. FIXED ASSETS • With the implementation of a fixed assets system in 1993, are responsible ' for maintaining that system. This includes all additions, deletions and changes in fixed assets for the City. Also, are responsible for the I, corresponding reporting requirements that go along with the system, ' including year-end information, insurance renewal information and individual department information. MISCELLANEOUS • Handles all other duties as assigned by the City Administrator. STAFFING • In 1997, staff consisted of a Finance Director, a Senior Accounting Clerk, a Deputy Registrar/Utility Billing Clerk and a part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk. For 1998, no pe�sonnel changes are proposed. � �� , _ __ . : ...._ .._.. . .... . . .. . . . . . .. . Pa e One _ II�I 8 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS • - FINATICE December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object I998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Pcoposed Account# Descripeon Actuai Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Gosu Inctusive of 101 41520 101 Salaries&Brnefiu S91,860 591,302 592,000 S 100,100 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101 41520 102 Full-Time Overtime 169 162 2,000 1.� l0l 41520 01 3 19 Other Profasionai Servica 3,400 1,885 2,900 5,800 Fixed Asset Reporting Servicu 101 41520 01 331 Travel Exprnse 118 554 1,000 800 101 41520 01 331.1 Finance Directot 600 Narional Convrnrion 8t Misc 101 41520 01 331.2 Staff 200 10t 4152001341 EmploymentAdvertising 285 1,125 0 � 101 4i520 01391 P.C.Maintenance 16,803 15,438 26,800 26,800 101 41520 01 391.1 Micro System Maintenance 4,800 101 41520 Ol 391.2 Micro Software License 3,2�0 101 41520 01 391.3 General Network Support I6,000 200 Hours of Support Time 101 41520 01 391.4 Motor Vehicle S/W Maint 800 101 41520 01 391.5 Fixed Asset Maint Contract 1,000 101 41520 0t 391.6 Miscellaneous P.C.Repairs 1,000 101 41520 01 392 P.C.Accessories&Suppiies 1,396 5,222 2,000 2,000 City System Supplies 101 41520 01 393 P.C.Hazdwaze Purcf�ases 607 719 1,000 1,000 101 41520 01 394 P.C.SoRware Purchases 1,416 2,149 1,500 1,500 101 41520 Ol 409 Other Contracted R&M 265 276 300 300 Cash Register Maint Conhact 101 41520 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 95 578 600 600 101 41520 01 433.1 MDRA Annual Fees 200 l0 i 41520 41433.2 MGFOA-Finance Director 50 101 41520 01 433.3 MGFOA-Staff 50 101 41520 01 433.4 GFOA-Finance Director 150 101 41520 01 433.5 Magazine Subscriptions 150 101 41520 01 435 Books&Pamphlets 0 0 200 200 101 41520 01 435.1 Accounting Related Books 100 101 41520 01 435.2 Finance Related Books 100 101 41520 01 437 Conferences&Seminars 969 1,713 2,000 2,000 101 41520 01 437.1 MDRA Conference(For 2) 200 101 41520 01 437.2 MGFOA Annual Conf(F!D) 300 10l 41520 O I 4373 GFOA National Conf(F/D) 1,000 101 41520 01 437.4 Miscellaneous Seminars 500 10 i 41520 01439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges 301 213 500 500 Contigencies 101 41520 01 570 Office Equipment Purchases 950 0 0 0 PAGETOTALS 5118,634 5121,335 5132,800 5142,600 DEPARTMENTTOTALS 5118,634 5121,335 5132,800 St42,600 y� � _ ..__--_.--•--.._._......._ . _ _ . . . . _. .. ....... ..... ..... .. .---- ... ..----•---- y � I'�' LL -GENERAL GOVERNMENT DUPLICATING & COPYING • Provides for maintenance agreements and expenses to operate copy machines at all City facilities. Also provides for microfiiming costs. PRINTED FORMS & PAPER • Provides for copy paper utilized by a(I departments and provides for forms utilized by the Finance Department. ENVELOPES & LETTERHEADS • Provides for letterhead utilized by all depa►tments and for various types and sizes of envelopes. OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES • Provides for general o�ce supplies utilized by all City departments. EQUIPMENT PARTS • Provides for the maintenance and repair of general office equipment. AUDITlNG & ACCOUNTING SERVICES • Provides for the annual audit of the City's accounting transactions for all funds of the City and for the preparation of the Annual Financial Report. Also provides for other services as required of the City's financial and accounting consultants. LEGAI. FEES • Provides for general legal and special legal seniices provided by the City Attomey or other law firms utilized by the City for such services. �� � . ....--••------...--- ... .. . ---.._--------....- ------..�_...,..._... . ----_- ` GENERAL GOVERNMENT - Page 2 - OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • Provides for the City's portion of the overall funds for the Fire Relief Association's retirement benefits. Also� provides for the administration costs of the City's flexible spending accaunts, insurance joint purchasing dues and continuing disclosure fees. TE�EPHONE COSTS • Provides for the rental costs of the City's telephone system, monthly service fees, long distance calls and miscellaneous installation costs. POSTAGE COSTS • Provides for postage costs for all departments and maintenance agreements for the postage machine and postage allocator. OTHER TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES • Provides for two-year renewals of City vehicle license plates, emission fees and duplicate plates, titles or tags, if needed. LEGAL & GENERAL NOTICES PUBLISHING • Provides for the publication of legal documents from all departments except when publication costs are charged to specific projects. LEASE AGREEMENTS � Provides for leasing of copy machines at City Hall, Community Center and for the Police Department. � � � t s � Page One . . 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERIL COVERNMENT December 4,1997 199'l 1998 Object 1998 l995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account f� Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commentt 101 41810 01 202 Duplicating&Copying 59,942 59,093 511,000 511,000 101 41810 01 202.1 Microfilming 2,�� 101 41810 0l 202.2 Copying Cosu 9,000 101 418(0 O l 203 Printed Forms&Paper 7,458 8,139 8,200 8+2U0 10141810 Ot 203.1 Copy Paper 2,100 10t 41810 Oi 203.2 General Receipt Books 750 . 101 41810 01 2033 Purchase OrdeTs 850 101 41810 01 203.4 Payroli Checks 1,100 101 41810 01 203.5 A/P Checks 2,200 101 41810 01 203.6 Grernbar Computer(30 Boxes) t,200 101 41810 01 204 Envelopes&Letterheads 3,555 1,630 3,100 3,100 101 41810 01 204.1 Letterhead 1,000 101 41810 01 204.2 Plain Envelopes �40 101 41810 01 2043 A/P&Payroll Envelopes '�� 101 41810 01 204.4 10 x 13 Envelopes �Sa 101 41810 01 204.5 10 x IS Envelopes 350 101 41810 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 15,054 13,926 0 0 Moved to Govemment Buildings 10141810 O l 209 Other Office 3uppties 16,897 14,300 15,000 15,000 General O�ce Supplies 101 41810 01 221 Equipment Parts 225 0 500 SQO Ciry Hall Equipment Repairs 101 41810 01 242 Minor Equipment 0 403 1,200 1,200 101 41810 01 242.1 Siate Purchasing Rogram 350 Yeazty Fees for Program 101 41810 01 242.2 Fax Machine Maint Agreement 250 Lease Machine Purchased in 1995 101 41810 01 242.3 HE'IIIsi Printer Maintenance 600 101 41810 01 301 Auditing&Accounting Services 19,752 31,074 22,900 25,800 101 41810 01 301.1 1997 Audit&Generai Consulting 22,900 101 41810 01 301.2 Dakota County Assessment Fees 2,000 10141810 Ol 301.3 Printing ofBudget Books 900 101 41810 01 304 Legal Fees 32,405 39,063 40,000 40,000 Generai City Legal Fees 101 41810 01 319 Other Professional Services 28,363 27,304 28,100 28,100 101 418(0 O l 319.t Fire Relief Associadon 26,000 10141810 O i 319.2 Flex Admin Ptan Fees 1,000 10t 41810 Ot 3193 ECSU Dues 300 Insurance Plans 101 41810 01 319.4 Conrinuing Disclosure Fees 800 Fees Paid to Springsted 101 41810 01 321 Telephone Costs 41,010 30,778 38,000 38,000 Monthly Billings 101 41810 01 322 Postage Cosu 14,793 13,465 16,000 16,000 101 41810 01 339 Other Transportation Expenses 208 768 30Q 800 General Gosu 10141810 O t 351 Legal Notices Publishing 2,879 4,713 4,000 5,200 101 41810 01 351.1 Costs for Public Notices 3,200 Ali Departments lO l 41810 01351.2 Truth in Taxation Notices 800 Billing from Dakota County 101 41810 01 351.3 Budget&Audit Publications 1,200 State Mandated Publications 101 41810 01 439 Qther Miscetlaneous Chazges 957 209 0 � 101 41810 01 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 33,710 1,667 0 0 101 41810 01 580 Other Equipment Purchases 1 t,495 12,989 13,300 13,300 Copy Machine Leases-All Bidgs PAGE TOTALS 5238,7Q3 5209,520 S201,600 5206,200 DEPARTMEM'fOTALS 5238,703 5209,520 5201,600 E206,200 � I � . � t COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT � ��i The Department of Community Development consists of the following divisions: PROTECTIVE 1NSPECTIONS • Is responsible for providing the services of Building, Fire and City Code administration, consultation and review on new and existing buildings and structures within the City. • Is responsible for the maintenance and enforcement of City Ordinances and Codes relating to building, fire, health, life safety and environmental conditions and to assure local compliance with County, State and Federal regulations relating to the same activities. • Is responsible for the successful implementation of all development while furnishing the various components to assure a regulated and controlled standard within Rosemount. PLANNING • Is responsible for coordinating interdepartmental staff review of a0 residential, commercial, institutional and industrial developrnents. Also, responsible for reviewing for compliance with the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. • Is responsible for providing recommendations to advisory Planning Commission and City Council on all deliberations conceming zoning, variances, site plan reviews, platting and special permits (interim use permits, mining permits, etc.). • Is responsible for maintaining Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances in compliance with County, State and Federal requirements (statutes and rules). �� � - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - Page 2 • Is responsible for long range planning and special studies that guide the physical development of the community. • Is involved with state and regional activities affecting the City, including, but not limited to, land use, transportation, housing and environmental services. Includes active participation by departmental staff in various committees and organizations. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Is responsible for marketing development opportunities within the City and creating an interest in Rosemount. • Is responsible for creating and coordinating the establishments of tax increment districts and other economic incentives. • Is responsible for coordinating the State, County and local approval processes to insure the proponent's requests are met in a timely fashion. • Is responsible for staffing the major�ty of functions of fhe Rosemount Port Authority. • Is involved with state and regional economic development organizations and functions. �� I r • ` Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � COi�IlHUNITY DEVELOPMENT Detember 4,1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopced Detail Proposed Account iF Description Actual Actuat Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costt Inclusive of 101 41910 !O l Salaries&Benefits S2?6,248 5272,067 5332,800 5311,900 Salary,"Caxu,PERA&Bencfiu 10141910 t02 Full-TimeOvertime 3,783 3,165 6,000 3,000 101 41910 103 Part-Time Salazies&Benefits 18,166 19,919 24,500 53,700 l01 41910 103.1 Intems 2I,200 IOl 41910 103.2 Fire Marshal 27,500 tOl 41910 103.3 Planning Commission Membeis 5,000 10l 41910 01201 Oftice Accessoria 437 499 500 500 101 41910 01 202 Dupiicating&Copying 0 89 1,000 1,000 Annuat Codification-Zoning Ord 101 41910 01 203 Printed Forms&Papet 1,113 1,137 1,500 2,500 Fortns,Sticken,Tags,etc. 101 41910 01 205 LhaRiag Supplies 222 93 100 t00 101 419i0 01209 Other Office Suppiies 344 492 300 �0 1014191d 01219 Other Operating Suppiies 284 1 IS 400 400 Fiim&Development 101 41910 01 241 Smali Tools 390 0 300 500 101 41910 01 319 Other Professional Services 1,878 3,250 4,800 4,400 101 41910 01 319.1 3rd Party Tesring 80Q 101 41910 01 319.2 Contracted Plan Review 800 101 41910 01 3193 Planning Consultant 2,OQ0 101 41910 01 319.4 Septic Maintenance Program 800 Dakota County Cosu tO l 41910 01329 Other Communication Cosu 515 356 I,000 1,000 Cellulaz Phone&Pagers 101 41910 01331 TravelExpense 925 429 600 600 101 41910 01 341 Employment Advertising 2,646 700 0 0 101 41910 01 392 P.C.Accessories dt Supplies 0 0 0 1,000 101 41910 01 394 P.S.Softwaze Purchases 215 373 2,000 � 101 41910 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 1,069 1,448 I,400 1,400 101 41910 01 433.1 APA/AICP S00 101 41910 01 433.2 ICBO 200 101419 t0 01433.3 NFPA 100 101 41910 Ol 433.4 North Star 50 101 41910 01 433.5 Lake Country 50 101 41910 01 433.6 LAPMO-Nationai&State 50 101 41910 01 433.7 Trade Magazines 50 lOt 41910 Ot 433.8 Planner's Joumal t00 101 41910 01 433.9 Sensible Land Use Coalition 150 101 41910 01 433.10 MN Ass'n Fire Marshals 50 101 41910 01 433.11 Secretaries Association 100 101 41910 01 435 Books&Pamphfets 1,195 267 1,000 1,000 Manuals&References 101 41910-01437 Conferences&Seminars 2,657 3,230 4,700 5,200 101 41910 01 437.1 State Bldg Official School 400 101 41910 01 437.2 Spring&Fall Code Updates 200 ' 101 41910 01 4373 ICBO Seminars(2) 800 � 101 41910 01 437.4 Com uter Trainin 500 P g l0Y 41910 Ol 437.5 Clerical Seminars 500 ' 101 41910 01 437.6 Planning Seminars 5� ', 101 41910 01 43�.7 ISTS Training 400 , 10 Y 41910 01437.8 State Planning Conference(Z) 600 i IO I 41910 01437.9 Planning Commissioner Tmining 300 I , !Ol 41910 01437.10 Gen'1 Seminars(Motivational) 500 , 101 41910 O l 437.I t NFPA Training 500 ' !O1 41910 01 439 Other Miscetlaneous Charges 0 ISl 200 500 Contingencies , 101 419t0 01570 Office Equipment&Fumishings 0 208 600 Sa� I PAGE TOTALS 5312,087 5308,021 5383,700 S389,600 � DEPARTMENT TOTAL3 5312,087 5308,021 S383,700 3389,600 �� . . .__ ... ...._---_:. . _. ._._._-- ! ; ' , �� - � POLICE DEPARTMENT '' PATROL • Provides for the protection of life and property and an atmosphere of ' community security through the deterrence of criminal activity by visibie ' patrols; the enforcement of traffic laws and accident investigation; the ', apprehension of criminal offenders; and the de{ivery of other non- ' emergency community services. ' CRIMINA� INVESTIGATION AND CHI1.D PROTECTION • Provides for the investigation of afl criminal incidents and the ! apprehension of criminal offenders through the gathering, analysis and presentation of evidence and testimony. CRIME PREVENTION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION • Provides for the prevention and reduction of the criminal victimization of persons and property through development and implementation of comprehensive activities designed to anticipate, recognize and analyze crime risks, and to educate and assist the general public, home and business owners in planning for the protection of persons and property. Provides drug education to elementary age children through the D.A.R.E. program. Participates in the student/police liaison program in the Rosemount Middle School and the Rosemount High SchooL ALCOHOL SAFETY ACTION PROGRAM • Provides for the reduction of alcohol related traffic accidents through the apprehension of motor vehicle operators driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT • Provides for the overall administration of the Police Department. Included is the preparation of information regarding programs, preparation of the annual budget, training and professional development, cou�t case preparation and operational analysis. �3 � r e POLICE DEPARTMENT - Page 2 � ANIMAL CONTROVCOMMUNITY SERVICEICODE ENFORCEMENT • Provides for the enforcement of ordinances incfuding the control of animals and the apprehension of unleashed animais and to provide assistance in the recovery of lost and injured animals. • Provides for enforcement of City Code Ordinances pertaining to junk vehicles, building maintenance and other safety issues. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT/CIVI� DEFENSE • Provides for the preparation of emergency plans which will be used in the event of any community disaster such as a major technical or natural disaster. STAFFING • The Rosemount Police Department activated a $75,000 grant from the Department of Justice in 1997. In 1998, this officer will be part of our continued community policing program. 5�- , -- -•- -----�- -. . --�--�--•---------� .. ................_..__..__ ... . ____ . _ ._... . Page One 1998 BtJDCET WORKSHEETS ; POLICE December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments � Ali Salary Costs inclusive of 10t 42l 10 10t Salazies&Benefiu 5845,505 5902,620 5962,600 51,022,000 Salary,l'axes,PERA�&Benefits 101 42110 (02 Full-Time Ovettime 34,326 48,184 46,300 30,000 Regular&Contracted 10 t 42 t 10 103 Part-Time Salariu&Benefits 9,583 12,507 17,500 18,800 2 P/1'CSO's Tota140 Hts/Wk 10142110 OI 202 Duplicating�Copying 695 397 500 500 Fiim Developing Costs 101 42110 01 203 Printed Forms&Paper I74 183 200 200 101 421 10 01 204 Envelopes&Letterheads 0 0 200 200 Police Stationery 101 421 10 01 207 Training&Inst[uctional Supplies 1,886 1,709 1,500 1,500 Practice Ammunition 10142110 O i 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 13,480 7,807 0 0 101 42110 01 209 Other Office Supplies 1,592 725 1,600 1,600 10142110 01211 Cleaning Supplies 170 185 200 200 t0142110 01211.1 Blanket Cieaning 100 10142110 O l 211.2 Squad Interior Cleaning 100 10l 421 10 01 219 Other Operadng Supplies 400 392 500 S00 Service Ammunition 101 42110 01 221 Equipment Parts 2,295 1,705 2,500 2,500 101 421 10 01 241 Small Tools 118 0 100 100 101 42110 01 304 Legal Fees 55,030 54,996 Sb,OQO 56,000 Prosecution 101 421 10 01 305 Medical&Dental Fees 847 543 1,000 1,000 10t 421 10 01 3 19 Other Professionat Services 39,157 47,014 57,400 60,000 101 421 10 01 3 19.1 Dispatch Services 54,000 5%Increase 101 421 10 01 3 19.2 MD'I's 6,000 New Service in 1997 101 421 10 01 321 Telephone Costs 4,139 4,648 3,800 3,800 Cellular Phone Bills 101 421 10 01 322 Posrage Cosu 655 0 0 0 101 421 10 01 323 Radio Units 3,304 3,104 3,000 3,000 Radio&Radaz Repairs 101 42I 10 01331 Travel Expense 853 838 �00 700 !O1 421 10 01 33 1.1 Conference Expenses 400 101 421 10 01 331.2 Outstate Investigations 300 101 421 10 01 333 Freight&Express Expenses 112 30 300 300 101 421 10 01 349 Other Advertising 0 565 700 0 101 421 10 01 396 Computer Maintenance 13,053 15,859 15,300 15,300 101 421 10 01 396.1 ENfORS Maintenance 11,000 101421(0 01396.2 CJDN Hook-up Charges 2,500 101 421 10 01 396.3 MDT Hook-up Charges 1,800 New Service in 1997 101 42110 01 409 Other Contracted Repair&Maint 629 930 1,500 0 Moved to Govemment Buildings 101 421 10 01 415 Other Equipment Rental 3,648 912 4,800 4,800 Animal Care,Shamrock,eu. 101 421 10 01 433 Dues&Subscriprions 758 908 1,000 1,300 10l 42l!0 01433.1 Mutual Aid Assistance Group 800 101 42110 01 433.2 LACP Chiefs Dues ]00 10142110-01433.3 MN Chiefs of Police Dues I50 10142110 Ol 433.4 Dakota Cty Chiefs of Police 50 101 42110 O I 433.5 Wakota CAER Dues 20 101 42110 Ol 433.6 Metro Emergency Managers 25 Association Dues 101 42110 O l 433.7 MN Sex Crimes Investigaton 30 Association Dues 101 421 10 01 433.8 Tri-Counry 50 101 421 IO Ol 433.9 Miscellaneous 75 t0l 42l 10 01435 Books&Pamphlets 235 0 300 300 101 42110 O l 436 Towing Charges 419 67 200 20� I 101 42l 10 01437 Conferences&Seminars 5,819 5,939 6,400 6,400 101 42110 01 437.1 DCTC Contracted Training 4,500 IS Officers Q 5300 Each I�� 101 421 l0 01437.2 2/97 Firearms Training 325 101 42110 014373 5/9�Firearms Training 325 101 42l 10 01437.4 9/97 Firearms Training 325 I 101 42(10 01437.5 Chiefs Spring Training 490 i 101 42110 01 437.6 Chiefs Fall Conference 155 j 10l 42l l0 01437.7 Seminar-�MCIT 30 i 10t 42!10 01437.8 Special Seminars 50 � 10!42 t t0 01437.9 Miscellaneous 200 ' 101 421 IO 01560 Fumiture&Fixture Purchases 391 0 0 0 PAGETOTALS 51,039,273 51,112,767 51,18b,300 51,231,200 ' DEPARTMENTTOTAL.S 51,039,273 51,112,767 51,186,300 51,231,200 � �J � FIRE DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATIVE/MANAGEMENT • Provides for the overaii administration and management of the Fire Department. Included is the collection, preparation and dissemination of information; the preparation and presentation of an annual report, operating and CIP budgets, and state reports; and planning for the long and short term needs with respect to training, fire protection, emergency medical response, faciiities, staffing, and the acquisition and maintenance of equipment, along with the coordination of efforts befinreen other emergency response agencies and those of the City of Rosemount. FIRE SUPPRESSION • Provides for the controlling and extinguishing of all types of fires in order to minimize injury, loss of tife and loss of property within the City of Rosemount, both to its citizens and visitors. � Provides for the controlling and extinguishing of all types of fires in order to minimize injury, loss of life and loss of property within the contracted areas of Coates and the University of Minnesota, along with the railroad right-of-ways. • Provides for the provision of all of these fire services to all the cities of Dakota County and many of Washington County via a mutual aid agreement by which these services can be reciprocated on an as needed basis. RESCUE SQUAD • Provides for emergency operations pertaining to bodily injury or serious illness requiring emergency seniices within the City of Rosemount, both to its citizens and visitors. • Providesfor emergency operations pertaining to bodily injury or serious illness requiring emergency services within the contracted areas of Coates and the University of Minnesota. .S� : ' , ' F1RE DEPARTMENT - Page 2 • Provides for the provision of all of these emergency operations to all the cities of Dakota County and many of Washington County via a mutua! aid agreement by which these services can be reciprocated on an as needed basis. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RESPONSE • Provides a team of Operations Level,Technician Level and Specialists, trained to respond to hazardous material accidents, identify, secure and coordinate the efforts of outside agencies which are trained to contain, mitigate and clean up the spill. TRAINING/EDUCATION • Provides for the necessary monthly and annual training requirements. • Allows for training in areas above those that are required, in order that fire and rescue personnel may sharpen existing skills and acquire new skills. • Allows for training of fire fighters to prepare themselves for the acceptance of a position of leadership within the Fire Depa�tment. HEALTH TESTING • Provides for the screening and medical ce�tification of potential new fire ', fighters. ', • Allows for the continuous health monitoring of existing personnel. • Provides for the protection of personnel from blood-borne pathogens and communicable disease. 57 � ' : �iRE DEPARTMENT - Page 3 - EQUIPMENT/MAINTENANCE • Allows for the replacement or addition of equipment necessary for fire and medicai response, including both consumable and nonconsumable items. • Provides for the emergency contracting with outside providers for repairs '� of vehicles and equipment. '� STAFFlNG • In 1997, the Fire Department consisted of between 29 to 37 paid on-call volunteers serving in various capacities within the department. This number is constantly changing due to retirements and new additions. We have 2 people who have reached or exceeded fuU retirement requirements but often times people retire prior to the full 20 years. We hope to end 1998 with a department of 36 people. SS _ Page One . ` 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEEI'S FIRE December 4,1997 194? 1998 Object 1998 1995 t996 Adoptect Dewil Proposed Account t� Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments Ali Salary Costs Inclusive of (01 42210 103 Salaries&Benefiu S122,486 5138,676 5125,500 St35,70Q Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefiu 101 42210 103.1 Fire Calls,Training,etc. 135,700 101 42210 01 202 Duplicating&Copying 540 267 100 100 101 42210 01 202.l Copy Toner 25 101 42210 01 202.2 I.azer Printer 25 10 t 42210 012023 Fax Machim 50 101 42210 01 204 Envelopes&Letterhead 55 98 100 100 101 42210 01 204.1 Envelopes 25 10 t 42210 01204.2 Letterhead 25 101422t001204.3 Forms 50 101 42210 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 0 0 0 2,000 Supplies for Fire Marshal 101 42210 01 208.1 Hazd Hat 100 l01 42210 01 2081 Coveralls 250 101 42210 01 2083 Photo Flash 200 101 422 10 0 1 208.4 Close-up Photo Lens 200 10142210 O i 208.5 Portable Lighu 50 !O1 42210 Ol 208.6 Miscellaneous Tools 150 101 42210 01 208.7 Film Developing 400 101 42210 01 208.8 Fire Schoois 500 101 42210 01 208.9 IAAI Dues 150 101 42210 01 211 Cleaning Supplies 188 211 2Q0 200 10142210 O l 21 I.i Soap 35 10142210 Ol 211.2 Chamois 100 101 42210 01 21 1.3 Sponges 25 101 42210 O l Z l 1.4 SCBA Cleaner 40 101 42210 01 218 Fire Departrnent Clothing 2,332 479 300 600 10 Uniforms @ S60 Each 101 42210 01 219 Other Operaring Supplies 541 795 800 800 Medical Supplies 101 42210 OI 219.1 Gtoves 200 101 42210 01 219.2 Bandages $0 101 422 t0 012 i9.3 Equipment 100 101 42210 01 219.4 Tyvek Suiu 70 101 42210 01 219.5 Consummable Medical 200 101 42210 01 219.6 Oxygen 150 101 42210 01 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 15,725 12,241 6,500 6,500 101 42210 01 229.1 Aerial-Pumpen-Tanker 5,500 101 42210 01 229.2 Pickup Trucks 400 101 42210 0 t 229.3 Rescue&Other 300 101 42210 01 229.4 Vehicle ivlodifications 300 101 42210 01 230 EquipmentRepairMaterials 601 407 1,1Q0 1,100 101 42210 01 230.1 Light Bars 100 101 42210 01 230.2 Smoke Machines l50 101 42210 01 230.3 Lantems 50 101 42210 01 230.4 Small Repairs 200 101 42210 01 230.5 Opticom 300 101 42210 01 230.6 Station 300 101 42210 01 241 Small Tools 437 499 500 500 101 42210 01 241.1 A�ces,Bars&Oiher I50 101 42210 01 241.2 Grass Fire 250 101 42210 01 2413 Misceilaneous 100 PAGE TOTALS t42,905 153,674 135,100 �^ 147,600 � / Page Two 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � F[RE December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted tktail Proposed Account t� Descriptioa Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42210 01 305 Medical&Dental Pees 2,010 2,602 2,500 2,900 Mnual Medical Tests(38 Q S75) 101 42210 O l 306 Personnel Testing&Recmitment 3,503 780 t,900 1,350 101 42210 0I 3Q6.1 New Physicals(0) � 101 42210 01 306.2 Hepatitis Shots(9) 1,350 101 42210 01306.3 Background Checks(0) � 101 42210 01 306.4 Dtug Testing(0) � 101 42210 01 308 Insuuctors'Fees 6,675 3,717 5,000 11,900 101 42210 01 308.1 Fire Fighter I&2(9) 2,700 101 42210 01 308.2 Fire Fighter 1 Certificates(10) 350 101 42210 01 308.3 Fire Fighter 2 Certificata(6) 210 101 42210 01 308A Fire Fighter Re-Certificates(10) SO 101 42210 01 308.5 First Responder(9) 2,250 101 42210 01 308.6 First Responder Refresher(I/2) 1,400 101 42210 01 308.7 Ouuide Schools 1,925 ' 101 42210 01 308.8 Haz-Mat Training(9) 2,250 101 42210 01 308.9 Pump Operator Certificates(6) 21� ' 10142210 Ol 308.10 State Fire School 555 j 101 42210 Ol 310 Testing Services 985 266 1,700 750 I 101 42210 O t 310.1 Aerial(Next 1999) � I 101 42210 01 3 10.2 Ladders(Next 1999) � ', 101 42210 01 3 10.3 Pumpers(3)(Next 2000) �50 ' 101 42210 01 3 10.4 SCBA Hydro Testing(Next 2000) 0 101 42210 01 3 13 Temporary Service Fees 747 992 800 800 I01 42210 01 313.1 SCBA Contract 350 101 42210 01 313.2 SCBA Maintenance 50 101 42210 01 313.3 Copier Conuact 310 101 42210 01 3 13.4 Fax Contract 9� 101 42210 01 3 19 Other Professional Servica 1,831 1,616 3,100 1,900 Fire Prevention Educarion 10142210 OI 319.1 Videos(3) 900 10142210 O l 319.2 NFPA Campaign Pacicage 350 101 42210 01 3 193 Fire Prevention Week Props 60 101 42210 01 3 19.4 Food at Open House 120 101 42210 01 319.5 Computer Ctip Art �5 101 42210 01 3 19.6 Fire Safety Masten 110 101 42210 01 319.7 Badge Srickers $5 101 42210 01 319.8 Adult Extension Class 200 101 42210 01 321 Te(ephone Cosu 408 665 500 500 101 42210 01 321.t Chief 105 101 42210 Oi 321.2 Assistant Chief 105 101 42210 01 321.3 Rescue 105 101 42210 01 321.4 Numeric Pagers 185 101 42210 01 322 Postage Cosu 12 93 100 100 UPS Costs 101 42210 01 329 Other Communication Costs 444 1,330 1,000 1,000 101 42210 01 329.1 Base Repairs 200 101 42210 O1 329.2 Pager Repairs 200 101 422 t 0 01329.3 Hand Hetd Repain 300 101 422 t 0 01329.4 Mobile Repairs 300 101 42210 0l 331 Travel Expense 1,305 2,044 3,200 3,900 ]Ol 422I0-0t 331.1 Minnesota Chiefs Conference 750 lO l 42210 0 t 331.2 State Fire Conference 1,200 101 42210 01 331.3 Outside Schools 1,950 PAGE TOTALS 17,920 14,106 19,800 ^ 25,100 �� Page Thrce ,+ ` 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEEI'S FiRE " December4,t997 . 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Ptopoud Account# Ikscripdon Actuai Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 10 t 42210 01433 Dua&Subscriprions 458 877 S00 SUO 101 42210 01 433.1 Capital Ciry 35 !01 42210 01 433.2 VFBA Insurana 160 l01 42210 01 433.3 State Fire 120 l0l 422(0 01433.4 State Chiefs 100 IO l 42210 01433.5 DCFC 30 101 42210 01 433.6 WAKOTA Mutual Aid ZO 101 42210 01 433.7 Purchasing Consortium 35 101 42210 Ot 437 Conferenca&Seminars S55 784 700 7Q� 101 42210 01 437.1 State Fire Conference 490 101 42210 01 437.2 State ChiePs Conference 210 101 42210 01 439 OtherMiscellaneousChazges 1,096 1,108 1,100 1,100 ]01 42210 01 439.1 Food&Coffee 90 101 42210 01 439Z Extinguisher 400 10t 4221001439.3 Plaques 20 101 42210 01 439.4 Paint 50 101 42210 01 439.5 Station Needs 540 10142210 0 t 580 Other Equipment Purchases 9,220 9,122 12,000 I5,000 101 42210 01 580.1 Bunker Gear(10) 9,000 101 42210 01 580.2 Pagers(6) 3,000 101 42210 01 5803 Hose Replacement 2,000 101 42210 01 58Q.4 Replace as Damaged Items 1,000 PAGETOTALS 511,329 311,891 514,300 Y 517,300 DEPARTMENTTOTAI.S S172,154 5179,672 5169,200 5190,000 ' �e � � ; - PUBLIC WORKS . The Public Works Department consists of the Engineering and Pubiic Works Maintenance Sections. The maintenance personnel maintain the streets, storm drainage, sanitary sewer and potable water systems, along with all government buildings, parks and all City grounds. The budgets administered by the Public Works Department are as follows: Govemment Buildings Fleet Maintenance Street Maintenance Parks Maintenance (*)Water Operating (*) Sewer Operating (*) Storm Water Operating (*) Separate Enterprise Fund Budgets from those included here under � � the advisement of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount. The Public Works Department currently has a combined permanent work force of 22 'h employees for the areas of engineering, buildings, fleet maintenance, streets, ', parks and the ente�prise funded utilities. Also, the City employs up to an additional 13 ', seasonal part-time people to help in high maintenance times. ' - RESPECTIVE BUDGETS - ' GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS • Provides for the management, operation, maintenance and repair of the City's buildings, excluding the Community Center/Ice Arena. The 1998 budget includes a full year of maintenance on the new Fire Station No. 1 and the Erickson Community Square building which were completed during 1997. �+�. - -PUBLIC WORKS - Page 2 FLEET MAINTENANCE • Provides for the maintenance of all equipment and vehicfes in the City including Police Depa�tment squad cars, Fire Depa�tment vehicles, Parks and Recreation vehicles, Administration pool cars, Utiiity Department vehicles and equipment, Streets and Parks Maintenance vehicles and equipment and the Community Center's ice resurfacer(Zamboni). It includes all fuels, oits, parts, tires, contracted vehicle maintenance and shop supplies. STREET MAINTENANCE • This budget provides for the maintenance and preservation of the public road system through grading, graveling, patching, sealing and overlays of the City's street system. It also provides for pavement markings, signs, street lighting, signal light maintenance and power. Snow and ice control is included as welL PARKS MAI NTENAN C E • Provides for the maintenance of parks facilities, athletic fields, community parks, park shelter buildings, park trails, as wel! as other municipal grounds - including the City Hall, the Fire Station and the Community Center. It also includes the installation of various playground equipment, landscaping projects, hockey rink construction, and other similar construction activities in the development and improvemen t of Rosemount's parks. �� t � j P1g0 DIIC � � � 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEEI'S GOVERNMENf BUILDINGS December 4,1997 1497 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adoptod Dotail Proposed Accaunt# Description Actual Astual Budget Amount Budget Commenu AU Salary Cosu inclusive ot 101 4I940 101 Salazies&BeneFits SO SO 549,000 541,600 Salary,Taxes,PERA 8t Benefits 101 41940 77 101 Administrative 53,900 101 41940 79(Oi Maintenance 537.��� 10141940 1a2 Fup-Time Overtime 0 0 6,000 I2,000 101 41940 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 0 0 13,000 13,000 Moved from General Govemmrnt 101 41940 01 219 Other Opereting Supplies 363 573 300 500 Ice Conttol Chemicals 101 41940 01 223 Building Repair Supplia 13,681 5,792 5,000 6,000 101 41940 01 225 Landscaping Materials I,142 0 1,000 500 Trees&Shrubs 101 41940 01 241 Small Tools 164 208 100 200 101 41940 01 242 Minor Equipment 313 726 0 0 101 4t940 01302 Architects'Fees 1,022 260 1,000 t,Q00 ADA Requirements/Estimates 101 41940 01 319 Other Professional Services �,565 7,069 8,300 1'7,900 10141940 O l 319.1 Elevator Maintenance 1,000 10141940 0 t 3i9.2 Hearing/Colling Maint Contract 2,500 101 41940 01 319.3 Annual RPZ Inspection 1,500 I ]01 41940 01 3 19.4 Pest Control S00 101 4194Q 01319.5 Fire Exringuishers 600 10141940-01319.6 Fire Suppression System Check 1,000 ' 10 t 41940 O l 319.7 lanitorial Service-New Fire Station 3,300 101 41940 01 3 19.8 Janitoriai Service-P.W.Building 7,500 I 101 41940 01 329 Other Communication Cosu 0 0 0 500 Pager Leasing ' 101 41940 01 381 Electric Utilities 26,906 26,291 30,000 32,000 ' 101 41940 01 383 Gas Uriti[ies 15,792 20,267 20,000 22,000 � 101 41940 01 384 Refuse Disposal 16,854 1'7,958 I8,000 20,000 General Buildings&Pazks , 101 41940 01 389 Other Utiliry Services 1,421 1,745 1,300 1,500 Floor Mau-Monthly Chazges , 10141940 O l 401 Contracted Building Repairs 8,755 6,999 24,500 38,500 ' 10141940 Ol 401.1 Minor ADA Issues 5,000 101 41940 01 401.2 Repair/Paint Erickson Shelter 9,000 101 41940 O l 401.3 Replace Doors-Irrigation Sheds 1,000 , 101 41940 01 401.4 Ciry Hail HVAC 1,500 , 101 41940 01 401.5 Electrica(Repairs I,500 ' 10141940 O i 401.6 Replace Carpet-Jaycee Shelter 3,000 , 10141940 O I 401.7 Misceilaneous Siren Repairs 1,500 Moved from Police 101 41940 01 401.8 Yearly Siren Replacement Program 15,000 New Program 101 41940 01 401.9 Miscellaneous Repairs 1,000 101 41940 01 412 Building Rental 12,000 12,000 12,300 8,000 U of M Storage(To CIP)(Partial) � l0!41940 01415 Other Equipment Rental 165 456 t,00d 1,004 Scaffolding �, 101 4I940 01439 Other Miscelianeous Charges 113 3 500 500 Contingencies ' 101 41940 01 601 Bond Principal • 0 0 21,800 24,300 MSABC Payment(2/i) � 10l 41940 Oi 611 Bond In[erest 0 0 66,300 65,100 MSABC Payments(2/1 8c 8/1) �, 101 41940 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 800 700 MSABC Payments(2/1&8/i) II PAGETOTALS Sl06,256 5100,346 5280,200 5306,800 ! DEPARTMENTTOTAI.S 5106,256 5100,346 5280,200 5306,800 �� ,._...__.......--�--... .._..... .... .... ....--��----. . _.._._._._..--•-- ._.. . ..-- - - � , � : � , Page One 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEETS � FI.EET MAIIV7'ENANCE , . � December 4,1997 1997 1998 Objat 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account tF Ikscription Actuaf Actuai Budget Amount Budget Commenu Ai!Salary Cosu Inclusive of 10143100 101 Salaria 6t Brnefiu S708,198 5772,840 il 10,500 S 113,500 Salary,Taxu,PERA&Benefits 101 43100 77 101 AdminisUative 21,000 101 43100 79 101 Maintenance 92,500 10143100 102 Full-Time Overtime 21,521 29,413 2,000 7,000 101 43100 99 103 Yart•Time Salazies&Benefitc 55,283 54,206 4,000 4,000 10143100 01211 Cieaning Supplies 427 466 500 S00 Shop&Vehicies 10143100 01212 Motor Fuels 39,146 49,390 40,000 42,000 101 43100 01 213 Lubricanu&Additives 4,034 5,059 5,500 5,500 101 43100 01 215 Shop Materials 9,923 9,779 10,500 10,500 10143 t00 01219 Othet Operating Supplies 0 4?3 0 0 101 43100 01 221 Equipment Parts 59,305 70,210 60,000 60,000 101 43100 01 222 Tires 1,618 7,543 10,000 10,000 101 43 100 01 241 Small Tools 3,852 2,827 4,000 4,000 101 43100 0 t 242 Minor Equipment 0 1,461 3,000 4,000 Anti-Freeze Recycler 101 43100 01 323 Radio Units 1,052 604 2,000 2,000 RepaidRepiace Units 10143100 01331 Travel Expense 0 0 500 500 Ovemight Training 101 43100 01 384 Refuse Disposal 0 �84 2,000 2,000 Shop Hazardous Waste IOt 43I00 01394 P.S.Software Purchazes 0 0 500 500 General Soflwaze Support 101 43100 01 404 Conhacted Mach&Equip Repairs 11,963 24,774 15,000 25,000 101 43100 01 416 Machinery Rental 0 0 t,OQO 1,000 101 43100 01 435 Books&Pamphlets 0 0 200 200 101 43100 01 437 Conferences&Seminars 0 0 1,000 1,000 PAGETOTALS 5922,322 51,029,822 5272,200 E293,200 DEPARTMINTTOTALS 5922,322 51,029,822 5272,200 5293,200 �� , � Page One - 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEEI'S . . STREET�4/lIIV7'ENANCE Ikcember4,t997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account X Dacription Actual Actuat Budga Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 43121 101 Salazia&Benefits SO SO 5282,100 5296,200 Salary,Taxa,PERA&Benefiu 101 43121 77 101 Administrative 69,100 101 43 121 78 101 TechnicaUClericat 52,800 101 43121 79 101 Maintenance 174,300 101 43121 102 Full-Time 0vertime 0 0 6,000 15,000 Maintenance 101 4312t 99103 Part-Time Salareu&Benefiu 0 0 25,OOQ 25,000 101 43121 01 201 Of6ce Accessoriet 413 100 700 70a i 101 43121 01 201.1 Assorted Departmrnt Suppiies 101 43121 01 201.2 100'Tape 101 43121 01 203 Printed Forn�s&Paper 34 377 700 700 4 2 ertnit& 'on Forms 500 , 101 31 1 01203.1 RJW P �h 101 43121 01 203.2 Work Orders 200 101 43121 01 205 Drafting Suppties 1,509 1,523 1,400 1,400 101 43121 01 205.1 Paper for P(an Reproductions 600 101 43121 01 205.2 Off-Site Reprodactions 350 101 43 121 01 2053 Film&Developing 100 101 43121 01 205.4 Miscellaneous Tools 350 101 43121 01 209 Other Office Suppties 189 83 200 200 Doo�Knockers 101 43 121 01 216 Chemical&Chanical Products 12,358 29,889 IS,OdO 15,000 De-Icing Materials � 101 43121 01 224 Street Maintenance Materials 115,153 80,000 85,800 85,800 101 43121 01 224.1 Bituminous Patching I5,000 101 43121 01 224.2 Crushed Rocic 36,500 101 43121 01 2243 Dust Controi 17,500 101 43121 01 224.4 Paint 500 1014312t0t224.5 ShoulderingGravel 3,300 ' 101 43121 01 224.6 De-Icing Sand 6,000 101 43 121 01 224.7 Mail Boxes 500 101 43121 01 224.8 Signs 5,000 1Q14312L01224.9 LightBulbstLrnses 1,500 101 43121 01 225 Landscaping Materials 779 1,462 6,300 6,300 101 43121 01 225.1 Sod 3,000 10143t2101225.2 Seed 300 101 43121 01 2253 Black Dirt 2,000 101 43121 01 225.4 Trees 1,000 101 43121 Ol 226 Sign Repair Macerials 6,454 (5,327 0 � I01 43121 01 227 Utility System Maintenance Supplie 106 0 d 0 lO l 43121 01230 Equipment Repair Materials 1,605 0 0 � 101 43121 01 241 Small Tools 0 0 1,0� 1,000 101 43121 01 242 Minor Equipmem 2,540 0 2,'I00 2,70� 101 43121 01 303 Engineering Fees 3,890 6,959 10,5� 10,500 101 43121 01 303.1 Genecal Non-Project Related 8,500 Traffic Ana]ysis 101 43 t21 01303.2 Tcansportation Pian Update 2,000 101 43121 Ol 304 Legal Fees 2>538 0 2,000 2,000 Appeais of Closed Projects 101 43121 01 305 Medical&Drnial Fees 0 755 600 600 Employment Physicals 101 43121 01 310 Testing Services 732 860 1,20Q 1,200 101 43121 O l 319 Other Professional Services 27,016 86,568 700 700 Random Drug Testing 101 43121 01 321 Telephone Costs 512 Si5 1,000 1,200 Cellular Phones&Pagers 101 43121 01324 Messenger Services 0 0 1�0 100 101 43121 01 331 Travel Expense 242 755 800 1,000 APWA&Miscellaneous 101 43121 01 339 Other Tronsportation Expenses 60 0 0 � 10143I210134t EmploymentAdv�rtising 817 1,168 1,800 1,000 t01 43121 01 381 Electric Utilities 67,261 75,851 74,000 74,000 !O1 43121 01 381.1 Street Lights 70,000 10!43121 01381.2 Signai Lights&Sirens 4,000 10t 4312I 01384 RefuseDisposal 853 0 4,600 4,600 l01 43(2l 01384.1 Hazardous Wazte Disposal 2,OQ0 101 43 121 0 t 384.2 Roadside Gazbage 2,000 101 43121 Ol 384.3 Tree Disposat 600 101 43121 01 391 P.C.Maintenance 0 1,311 2,000 2,000 l01 43121 01 391.1 Gopher State One-Call 1,000 10t 43121 01391.2 StateAid 1,000 101 4}121 01 392 P.C.Accessoria&Supplies 0 434 300 300 101 43121 01 394 P.S.Softwarc Pumhases 270 75 6�0 600 General SoRware Support PAGE TOTALS 245,331 304,072 526,900 549,800 �� '' i � ' � , Page Two 1998 BUDGE'f WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object t998 1995 1996 Adopted iktaii Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commrnu 101 43121 0l 403 Conhaaed Repair&Maintenance 0 496 99,000 !l0,000 101 43121 O l 403.1 Seal Coating 30,000 101 43121 O!403.2 Striping/frail Markings 16,000 101 43 121 01 403.3 Sveet Swceping � 6,000 !O i 43121 0 t 403.4 Bituminous Overlays 25,U00 1014312I 01403.5 Crack Seating 10,000 101 43121 Q1403.6 StreetLighu 11,000 101 43121 01 403J Signal Lighu 5a� 101 43121 01 403.8 Light Replacements 500 101 43 121 01 403.9 Tree Trimming 5,000 101 43121 01 403.10 Snow Removal-Community Center 6,000 101 43121 01 4Q9 Other Contracted Repair&Maint 4,823 3,805 0 0 101 43121 01 415 Other Equipment Rental 5,017 14,464 0 0 101 43121 01 416 Machinery Rental 0 462 12,000 19,000 101 43121 01 416.1 GraderlDozer 2,000 10I 43 121 01 416.2 Loader for Plowing Cul-de-Sacs 13,000 101 43 121 01 416.3 Snow Plow 2,000 101 43121 01 416.4 Truck 2��� 101 43121 01 417 Uniforms Rental 195 142 0 0 101 43121 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 1,054 327 60U 600 101 4312(01433.1 APWA 225 101 43 121 01 433.2 RMAA 10 10 t 4312 t 01433.3 Ciry Engineers'Associarion 150 101 43121 O1 433.4 Professionai Secretaries 90 101 43121 01 433.5 ASCE 125 101 43121 01 435 Books&Pamphleu 622 410 800 800 101 4312t 01435.1 MUTCD Za� 101 43121 01 435.l MN Dot Updaus 600 101 43121 01 437 Conferences&Seminars 3,700 4,21 I 4,000 4,000 1014312101437.t APWA 1,050 101 43121 01 437.2 Computer Training 500 �, 10143t21014373 Clerical 150 ' 101 43121 01 437.4 Gravel Road Maincenance 150 ' 101 43121 01 437.5 City Management Training 500 101 43121 01 437.6 CEAM 500 10 t 43121 01437.7 MN Pavement Management 400 Signage&Traffic Control Also ' 10t 43121 01437.8 MN Dot 300 10143121 Ol 4379 Miscellaneous Training 450 ]O1 43121 Oi 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 653 2,000 2,000 Contigrncies l0l 43121 Ot 570 O�ce Equipment&Fumishings 0 228 1,000 3,000 PAGETOTALS 515,411 525,195 5119,400 $139,400 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 5260,'742 5329,2b8 Sb46,300 5689,200 �� � ' i Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS . • PARKS 6c GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Dtcember 4,1997 � 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Amount Budget Commenu Atl Salary Cosu[nclusive of ', 10!45202 101 Salaries&Benefiu SO SO 5196,100 5201,700 Salary,'taxes,PERA&Benefits I 101 45202 77 101 Administraeve 17,000 I 101 45202 79 101 Maintenance 184,700 I 101 45202 t02 Full-Time Overtime 0 0 6,000 15,000 I t01 45202 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefiu 0 •0� 34,000 34,000 101 45202 01 205 Drafting Supplies 51 89 200 100 101 45202 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 60 0 0 0 101 45202 01 216 Chemica]&Chemical Products 9,624 7,028 12,000 11,000 101 45202 01 216.1 Herbicides(Grneral Pazk Use) 1,500 101 45202 01 216.2 Fertilizer 9,500 101 45202 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 6,653 8,708 8,000 7,000 10t 45202 0 1 219.1 Seed,Sod,etc. 2,000 101 45202 01 219.2 Red Rock,Sand,Gravel,etc. 5,000 10t 45202 01221 Equipment Parts 2,907 3,117 7,500 3,500 101 45202 01 221.1 Playground Equipment Repair 1,000 101 45202 01 22 L2 Irrigation Repair(Non-Contract) 1,000 101 45202 01 221.3 Miscellaneous(Split Rail,etc.) 1,504 101 45202 01 223 Building Repai�Supplies 4,242 2,516 4,500 3,500 101 45202 01 223.1 Paint,Stain,etc. 1,000 101 45202 01 223Z Shingles,Boards,etc. 1,500 101 45202 01 223.3 Miscellaneous 1,000 101 45202 01 225 Landscaping Materials 3,631 2,700 3,600 3,600 101 4520?01225.1 Trees,Shrubs,Sod,etc. 1,6a0 101 45202 01 225.2 Timbers,Fence,etc. 2,000 101 45202 01 226 Sign Repair Materials 583 98 500 500 }Ol 45202 01229 Other Maintenance Supplies 2,428 3,663 3,000 3,000 Paint,Chalk,Bases,Field Dry,etc. 101 45202 01 241 Small Tools 2,071 I,480 2,000 2,000 101 45202 O l 32! Telephone Costs 0 206 500 500 Cellulaz Phone Bills 101 45202 01323 Radio Units 273 0 500 500 Walkie-Taikies 101 45202 01 331 Trave]Expense 0 0 100 100 Seminars&Workshops 101 45202 01 341 Employment Advertising 63 0 0 0 101 45202 01 381 Electric Utilities 10,781 12,259 12,000 12,000 101 45202 01 381.1 Skating Rinks 4,000 101 45202 01 381.2 Softball Fields 5,000 101 45202 01 381.3 Irrigation 3,000 101 45202 01 383 Gas Utilities t,180 1,160 0 � 101 45202 01 403 Contracted Repair&Maintenance 0 0 0 3,500 101 45202 01 403.1 Imgation Repairs 1,500 101 45202 Ol 403.2 Electrical Repain 1,500 lOt 45202 01403.3 Miscellaneous Repairs 500 101 45202 01 409 Other Contracted Repair&Maint 4,336 2,402 4,200 0 101 45202 01 415 Other Equipment Rental 2,912 735 2,500 0 101 45202 01 416 Machinery Rental 0 0 7,500 13,000 101 45202 01 416.( Mower Leases 1 t,000 101 45202 01 416.2 Warer Wagon-Rink Flooding 2,000 101 45202 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions !00 120 200 200 101 45202 01 433.1 Memberships-MRPA 100 101 45202 01 433.2 Miscellaneous Dues 100 101 45202 01 435 Books&Pamphlets 0 234 100 100 101 45202 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminazs 1,105 829 500 500 101 45202 O I 437.1 Seminars&Workshops 300 !O1 45202 Ol 437� School&Tuition 200 101 45202 01 439 Othe�Miscelianeous Chazges 152 0 200 200 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS 553,152 547.343 5305,700 ~ 5315,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 553,152 547,343 5305,700 53I5,500 � � II ___ _ t ' � - f'ARKS AND RECREATION Parks and recreation is an essentiai service, one that can impact health, crime prevention, the environment, the economy and the quality of life for Rosemount residents. ADMINISTRATION • Provides for overali planning, coordination, management of personnei and administration of activities within the department of Parks and Recreation. This department provides a diversified range of programs for the residents of Rosemount. The long range planning, development and budget preparation of parks and coordination with other service agencies are ongoing activities. Administrative services also provide the residents of Rosemount an opportunity to reserve facilities and program registration. RECREATION • Provides the Rosemount �esident a variety of recreational activities serving all ages. Program offerings are based on the needs of residents as determined and evaluated by the Parks and Recreation Committee. Coordination with other service agencies encourages a comprehensive, quality and efficient base of programs. COMMUNITY CENTER I • Provides for operation of a multi-purpose Community Center which '' offers facilities tor recreational programs, banquets, meetings, events, ', theatrical productions and seminars. The Community Center provides ' no cost services in the form of monthly meeting space, gym space for Independent School District #196 and Rosemount Area Athletic Association and sponsorship of community events. The Parks and Recreation Department provides ongoing preventive maintenance of the Community Center. �� , ---_. . � ' � Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEEI'S � PARIGS&RECREATiON December 4,1997 1997 1998 Objea 1998 1995 1996 Adaptcd Detail Proposed Account# Dacription Actual Actual Budger Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 10t 45100 101 Salazia&Brnefits 5250,606 5239,814 5290,1OQ 5303,600 Salary,Taxes,PERA 8t Benefiu t0145 t00 102 Fuil-Time Overtime 2,284 4,307 4,700 4,700 101 45100 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits 85,984 94,340 95,440 93,300 101 45100 08 103 P/i Secretary 23,500 10t451A010103 P/TReceprionist 19,800 101 45100 12 103 Building Attendanu 25,000 101 45100 83 103 Playgtound Recreation Leaden 14,000 101 45 t00 94103 Wazming Hoiue Attendants $�5�� 101 45100 99 103 Park&Rec Committee 2,500 101 45100 01 205 DraRing Supplies 0 423 1,000 1,000 Film,Developing&Laminating 101 45100 01 207 Training&Inswctional Supplies 0 15 200 200 10 t 45100 01208 Miscellaneous Supplies 2,930 655 500 500 101 45100 01 209 Other Office Supplies 1,281 992 1,000 1,000 101 45100 01 211 Cleaning Supplies 4,769 6,625 4,500 4,500 101 45100 01 216 Chemicals&Chemical Products 1,211 834 1,200 1,200 101 45100 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 2,336 2,820 2,8� 2,800 101 45100 01 221 Equipment Parts 1,645 3,505 1,80Q 3,000 101 45100 01 223 Building Repair Supplies 6,322 2,171 2,800 3,200 101 45100 01 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 1,292 1,712 2,�00 2,Q00 Recreation 101 45100 01 305 Medical&Dental Fees 1,051 387 800 800 Employment Physicals 101 45100 01 315 Special Programs 8,644 3,906 6,100 6,100 101 4510Q 01315.1 Sunday Specials 1,700 101 45100 01 315.2 Leprechaun Days 100 101 45100 01 315.3 Halloween 500 101 45100 01 315.4 Ground Pounders(Running) 40Q 101 45100 01 315.5 Nature Programs(Arbor Day,etc.) 300 101 45104 0 i 315.6 Puppet Progruns 100 101 45100 01 315J Special Events(X-Mas,etc.) 700 101 45100 01 315.8 Adopt-A-Park Program 1,400 101 45100 01 3 15.9 Miscellaneous Programs 500 10145100 O L 315.10 ADA Programs �� 101 45100 01 319 Other Professional Services 0 431 500 500 ADA Services 101 45100 01 321 Telephone Costs 0 601 700 700 Pagers&Ceflutaz Phones 10 i 45100 01331 1'ravel Expense 23 1 I 1 200 200 101 45100 01 341 Employment Advertising 2,302 1,967 1,600 1,600 General Employment Ads 101 45 100 01 349 Other Advertising 10,100 9,232 10,800 11,800 101 45100 01 349.1 Brochures 8,000 101 45100 01 349.2 Flyers 1,000 101 45 100 01 3493 Yellow Pages 2,300 101 45 100 01 349.4 Special Mazketing 500 101 45100 01 381 Electric Utilities 16,396 14,434 24,OOd 22,000 101 45 100 01 383 Gas Utilities 14,743 I 1,190 17,000 15,000 101 45100 OI 384 Refuse Disposal 990 3,778 4,000 4,000 ' 101 45100 01 394 P.C.Softwaze Purchases 2,000 0 0 0 ', 101 45100 01 401 Contracted Building Repairs 6,588 2,444 3,000 4,000 ' 101 45100 01 404 Conaacted Mach&Equip Repairs 1,431 3,189 2,200 3,�UU 101 45100 01 412 Buiiding Rental 16,935 I5,500 17,000 17,000 Monthly Rent Paymenu to Guard I 101 45100 01 415 Other Equipment Rental I 1,096 10,�65 12,300 I2,300 Portable Toitets&Other Rentals , 101 45100 Ot 433 Dues&Subscriptions 771 900 1,200 1,200 � 101 45100 01 433.1 MRPA Dues 800 Minn Recreation&Pazks Ass'n � 101 45100 01 433.2 ASCAP Dues 300 American Sociery of Composers ' 101 45100 Ol 433.3 Miscellaneous 100 101 45100 O l 435 Books&Pamphlets 12 0 100 100 t01 45100 0 t 437 Conferences&Seminars 487 897 1,600 2,00� 101 45100 01 437.1 MRPA State Canference 1,500 101 45100 01 437.2 Workshops,Schools,&Tuition 500 t01 45100 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 4,2�4 45,565 0 � lOt 45100-0160 t Bond Principal 37,251 21,800 0 0 Moved to Govemment Buildings 101 45100 01 61 l Boad Interest 72,588 67,267 0 0 Moved to Govemment Buildings 101 45100 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 399 133 0 0 Moved to Government Buildings PAGETOTALS 5568,740 5572,710 T511,100 � 5523,300 GrneralOperating DEPARTMEtJTTOTALS 5568,740 5572,710 5511,100 5523,300 ,l� , Page Two 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEE7'S PARKS&RECREATION � . . December 4,1997 1997 1998 Objcct 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Lktail Proposed Account# Description Achul Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments 580,200 10145t0081 Softball S26,l84 S3b,634 537,500 537,500 t01 45100 82 VoUeyball 6,354 5,785 9,400 9,400 101 45100 84 Termis 1,103 954 1,300 1,300 I01 45100 85 Tiny Tats 12,228 11,724 10,900 11,900 10t 45100 86 Pom Poms 2,283 2,587 2,400 2,400 101 45100 87 Field Trips 1,857 2,230 2,200 2,200 101 45100 88 Broomball 1,499 0 3,400 3,400 101 45100 89 Skating Lessons 643 461 800 800 (0145100 90 FunRuns,Walks&Bike Rides 1,888 1,165 1,000 1,000 10145100 92 Adult Basketbalt 466 50 700 900 101 45100 93 Other Programs 5,025 2,204 2,800 2,800 10145100 95 Fitness Program 0 l64 0 0 10145100 96 Teen Night 0 0 0 4,400 101 45100 97 Open Gym 0 1,703 2,400 2,400 59,530 65,661 74,800 80,200 0 10t 45100 81 103 Part-Time Salazies 2,318 3,423 ll,125 24,125 101 45100 81219 Operating Supplies 7,193 14,189 I 1,000 11,000 101 45100 8131 I Officiating Fees 14,442 15,719 13,000 0 101 45100 81 319 Other Professiona]Services 2,231 3,304 2,200 2,200 10I 45100 81322 Postage Costs 0 0 25 25 l0l 45100 81359 Other Printing&Binding Cosu 0 0 ISO 150 101 45100 82 103 Part-Time Salaries 53 579 800 800 101 45 t00 82219 Operating Supplies 1,479 105 1,500 1,500 101 45100 82 31 1 Officiating Fees 4,080 4,213 6,000 6,000 10145100 82319 Other Professional Services 742 889 900 900 101 45100 82 322 Postage Costs 0 0 50 50 101 45100 82 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs 0 0 100 100 10145100 82 415 Other Equipment Rental 0 0 50 50 101 45100 84 103 Part-Time Salaries 1,075 782 1,150 1,150 10t 45100 84219 Operating Supplies 28 173 150 150 101 45100 85 103 Part-Time Salaries IQ802 10,755 9,900 10,900 101 45100 85 219 Operating Supplies 716 969 700 700 101 45100 85 339 Other Transportation Chazges 125 0 200 200 101 45100 85 412 Building Rentat 525 0 100 100 101 45100 86 l03 Part-Time Salaries 1,731 1,952 1,850 1,850 101 45100 86219 Operating Supplies 553 635 500 500 101 45 100 86 359 Other Printing&Binding Cosu 0 0 50 50 101 45100 87 339 Other Transportation Charges 1,857 2,230 2,200 2,200 101 45100 88 219 Operating Suppiies 42 0 400 400 101 45100 8831 1 Officiating Fees 731 0 1,400 1,400 101 45100 88 319 Other Professional Services 726 0 1,500 1,500 101 45100 88 322 Pastage Costs 0 0 50 50 101 45 100 88 359 Other Prindng&Binding Casts 0 0 50 50 101 45100 89 l03 Part-1'ime Salaries 643 46Y 740 740 101 45100 89 219 Operating Supplies 0 0 30 30 !01 45100 89 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs - 0 0 30 30 101 45100 90219 Operating Supplies 1,888 1,165 1,000 1,000 101 45100 92219 Operating Supplies 466 50 600 600 101 45 I00 92 322 Postage Costs 0 0 50 50 10l 45 100 92 359 Othe�Printing&Binding Costs 0 0 50 50 101 45100 93 219 Operating Supplies 3,961 2,204 2,750 2,750 TO!45100 93 3 19 Other Professional Services 1,064 0 0 0 101 45I00 93 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs 0 0 50 50 101 45100 96 219 Operating Supplies 0 164 0 4,400 !01 45100 96 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 2,400 � 101 45I00 97 103 Part-'fime Salaries 0 1,555 0 2.400 101 45100 97 2l9 Operating Supplies 0 147 0 0 SPECIAL PROGRAM TOTALS 59,531 65,661� 74,800 !�80,200 GRAND TOTAL-PARK&REC 5628,271 5638,372 5585,900 5603,500 � I � OTHEF� FINANCING USES -TRANSFERS . GENERAVADMINISTRATIVE • For 1998, the City Council has decided to discontinue the practice of using operating funds to subsidize the operations and debt obiigations of the Ice Arena. Instead, the subsidy necessary for the Ice Arena wiil be included in our debt levy which has always been allowed under the conditions of the debt issue for the Ice Arena. With the new implementation of levy limits for 1998, it is most prudent to make up this subsidy from the debt levy versus the general levy. Doing this has not changed the dollar amount of the subsidy only the manner in which this subsidy is accomplished. 7� . � PaQe One ' � - 1998 BUDGE'f WORKSHEETS O'I'HER USES(TRANSFERS� ' December 4,1997 - 1997 1998 Object 1998 � 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Ikscription Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu 101 49300 01 710 Transfers 595,500 SI 17,950 5105,400 SO For Subsidy of Ice Arena Debt 101 49300 01 710.1 To Arena Fund and Operations — 'Moved to Debt Levy for 1998• PAGE TOTAIS 595,500 5117,950 S 105,400 SO DEPARTMENT TOTAI.S S95,500 S I t7,950 S 105,400 SO 73 , _ _ . � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) - GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE • Provides for specific funding of items, the nature of which are not considered "current" in their use or life expectancy. These items are generally of a higher estimated cost than $1,000 and will have a life expectancy of 3 years or greater. � The source of funding for these expenditures is typically the general tax levy. In some instances, other funding is utilized. For example, beginning in 1996, revenues received from user fees have been designated in the CIP funds for capital equipment purchases or for street projects such as gravel road resurfacing. If these revenues are realized, the equipment or project will be completed and if the revenue is not realized the equipment or project will not be completed. Individual departments are designated for each item proposed for purchase in this plan. • Included are three separate funds to isolate and better track the types of capital improvements being planned for. The following briefly describes ' each of the three: ', Building CIP Fund -This fund is used to account for the on-going capital ', improvements and possible additions to government bui}dings. I Street CIP Fund -This fund is used to account for the on-going street II'I construction and reconstruction projects within the City and all other major maintenance items related to both paved and unpaved streets including, but not limited to, street lights, signal lights, sidewalks and gravel road resurfacing. Equipment CIP Fund -This fund is used to account for the on-going replacement of and additions to City equipment. • The CIP budgets included with this document are for the year 1998 only. As part of a long-range planning process, a 10-year C1P working plan has been adopted for the years 1998 through 2007. This is a working plan only, with the current year(1998 in this case) being approved as pa�t of the formal budget process. �T ; ' , Page One ' • � 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS BUILDING CiP-REVENLTES December4,t997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Lktail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu 202 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes S 127,000 S 10,000 537,000 564,000 202 36101 00000 Principal-Special Assessmrnu 0 27,882 0 0 202 36 t 02 00 000 Penalda&[ntercst-S/A 0 530 0 0 202 36210 00000 Interest Eamings-Invesanrnts 18,588 11,579 3,000 4,000 202 36215 00000 lnterest Eamings 195 253 l00 I00 , 202 36260 00000 Other Revrnue 593,941 42,785 0 0 FtJND'fOTAI.S 5739,724 593,030 540,100 568,100 EXPEIVDITURES 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Ptoposed Account# Descriprion Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 202 49002 01 3 17 General Fund Administrative Fees $2,250 S2>250 52,250 $2,250 Yeazly Fee Per Policy F-3 202 49002 01 521 Building&Structure Purchazes 0 13,266 7,000 24,000 Year i of 20 PW Building Add'n 202 49002 01 522 Building&Structure Purchases 0 153,4t2 30,000 10,000 Connect PW Bldg to PC Network 202 49002 01 523 Building&Structure Auchases 0 0 0 30,000 ADA Upgrades to City Hall 202 49002 01 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 605,221 10,488 0 � 202 49002 01 598 Council Designated 10,316 0 0 0 202 49002 01 7I0 Transfers 253,000 100,106 0 � FIJND TOTALS E870,'787 5279,521 S39,250 566,250 ' NOT'E: 1998's Proposed Budget Includes 52,250 for General Fund Admin Fees Not Included in Levy Amount III (Covered by Interest Earnings) , 1998's Proposed Budget has a Total of 564,000 for the Levy Amount , P � J � P1gC O11C . �.. 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEE7'S STREET CIP-REVENUES i December 4,1997 � ' 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1496 Adopted Detail Proposed Account t� Dacripdon Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Gommrnu 203 31010 00000 Current Ad Valorem Taxa SO 5304,000 S199,000 5322,990 203 33419 00000 M5A For Sa-eets-Consauction 0 309,089 0 � 203 34150 00000 Laidlaw User Fea 0 32,586 35,000 50,000 203 36101 00000 Principa!-Speciai Assessmenu 0 27,882 0 17,000 ' 203 36102 00000 Prnaltia&Interest-S/A 0 530 0 � , 203 36210 00 000 tnterat Eamings-Invatrnenu 1,640 9,445 5,500 10,000 ' 203 36215 00000 Interest Eamings 75 306 500 100 ' 203 36265-00000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 � I 203 39203 00 000 Transfer From 259,196 0 0 � I FIJND TOTALS S260,91 I 5683,839 5240,000 S400,090 EXPE��iDITURES 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detaii Proposed Account# Description Actuat Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 203 49003 01 317 General Fund Administrarive Fees 51,125 S1,I25 52,250 52,250 Yeazly Fee Per Policy F-3 203 49003 01 530 Improvements OtherThan Bldgs 0 21,315 35,000 67,000 203 49003 Ot 530.1 3tructurai Overlays on Streeu 67,000 Not Levy-Laidlaw Funds&SiA 203 49003 01 531 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 29,000 40,000 203 49003 01 531.1 Gommercial Streeucape-Phase I 40,000 Levy Portion of Project 203 49003 01 532 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 20,000 100,000 203 49003 01 532.1 145th SL Recon-CSAH 42 to Brazil 100,000 Levy Portion ofProject 203 49003 01 598 Council Designated 0 0 I50,000 182,990 203 49003 01 710 Ttansfers 0 390,000 0 � FLJND TOTALS 51,125 5412,440 5236,250 5392,240 NOT'E: 1998's Proposed Budget Includes 52,250 for General Fund Admin Fees Not Included in Levy Amount (Covered by Interest Eamings) 1998's Proposed Budget Includes 567,000 for Structura!Overlays on Older Streeu (Covered by L.aidlaw User Fees andSpecial Assessments) 1998's Proposed Budget hu a Total of 5322,990 for the Levy Amount �11J . � . � , � . . j � . . � J • � . Page One • 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEEI'S � EQUIYMENT CIP-REVENUES i � . December 4,1997 1997 t998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Descriprion Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commena 207 31010 00000 Cucrent Ad Valoran Taxes SO S 156,I00 5484,800 5486,900 207 34150 00 000 Laidlaw User Fea 0 33,806 6,000 � 207 34151 00000 Koch Bauxite User Fea 0 243 0 0 207 3610100000 Principal-Special Assessmenu 0 27,882 0 0 207 36102 00 000 Penaldes&interat-S/A 0 530 0 0 207 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-lnvestmenu 0 11,928 3 000 4,000 207 36215 00000 Interat Earnings 8 185 200 100 207 36260 00 000 Other Revenue 4,725 4�6,828 0 0 207 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 80,000 0 207 3910100000 Sale of General Fized Asseu 0 25,046 18,000 0 207 39203 00000 TransFer From l00,000 0 0 � F[JNDTOTALS 5104,733 5732,549 5592,000 5491,000 EXPENDITGRES 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu 207 49007 01 3 17 General Fund Adminisdative Fees $0 SO 52,250 52,250 Yeazly Fee Per Poticy F-3 207 49007 01 534 Improvemenu Other Than Bldgs 0 3,315 80,000 � 207 49007 01 540 Heavy Machinery Purchases 0 0 63,Q00 35,000 Skid Steer Loader(Replace#418) 207 4900'l 01541 Heavy Machinery Purchasa 0 0 85,000 � 207 49007 01 550 Motor Vehicle Purchases 0 41,688 60,000 45,000 2 Squads&i 4x4(Sell Back 3) 207 49007 01 55 1 Motor Vehicle Purchases 0 476,445 28,000 25,000 Motor Pool Van(Replace#317) 207 49007 01 552 Motor Vehicle Purchua 0 0 20,000 � 207 49007 01 580 Other Equipment Purchazes 0 568 9,000 2,000 1 Radaz for Unit#50 207 49007 01 581 Other Equipment Purchazes 0 50 3,000 7,500 Power Washer(Replace#10'n 207 49007 01 582 Other Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 10,000 Air Compressor(Replace#34)(1!2) 207 49007 01 586 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 15,000 12,000 PC Printer Replacemenu(1989-91) 20'7 49007 01 587 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 5,000 12,000 PC File Server Replacement 207 49007 01 588 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 27,000 New Building Permit Software 207 49007 01 601 Principal on Lease Payments 0 52,260 155,500 252,100 207 49007 O I 601.1 l994 Communiry Center Lease 20,900 2/1&8/t Semi-Annual Payments - Lease 50,500 2/1&$tl Semi-Annual Payments � 207 49007 01 601.2 1995 3 Yeaz ui ment E9 P I 207 49007 01 601.3 1995 5-Year Equipment Lease 25,300 2/1&8/1 Semi-Annual Payments i 2/1&8/1 Semi-Ann ual Pa ents 207 49007 01 601.4 1995 10-Year Equipment Leaze 3�.�� �'�' I 207 4900?01601.5 1996 10-Year Aeriai Truck Lease 38,500 6/1 Annual Paymenu i� 207 49007 01 60 L6 1997 I-Year Street Sweeper Lease 85,800 3/27 One-Time Payment , 207 49007 0 1 61 1 [nterest on Lease Payments 0 37,071 65,300 59,300 207 49007 01 61 1.1 1994 Community Center Lease 1,500 2/1&8/1 Semi-Annual Payments � 207 49007 01 61 1.2 1995 3-Year Equipmrnt Lease 2,300 2/1&8/1 Semi-Annual Payments I 207 49007 Ol 611.3 1995 5-Year Equipment Lease 4,600 2/i&8/I Semi-Annual Paymenu I 207 49007 01 61 1.4 1995 10-Yeaz Equipment Lease 19,700 2/1&8/1 Semi-Annual Payments 207 49007 O l 6l 1.5 1996 10-Year Aerial"fruck Leaze 26,400 6/1 Annual Payments �II 207 49007 01 6 t 1.6 1997 1-Year Street Sweeper Lease 4,800 3/27 One-Time Payment , FLJNDTOTALS SO S611,396 S59t,050 5489,I50 I NOTE: 1998's Proposed Budget Includes 52,250 for General Fund Admin Fees Not[ncluded in I.evy Amount (Covered by Interat Eamings) l998's Proposed Budget has a Total of 5486,900 for the Levy Amount �, ' i{ 11/05/97 Other ; Building Street Equipment Funding Total Year item ' Deparhnent CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost - 1998 New Buiiding Permit Soflware Comm Devlp 27,000 27,000 1998 Business Park Phase 2 improvements Comm Devip 2,150,000 2,150,000 1998 Commercial Streetscape-Phase 1 Comm Devlp 40,000 110,000 150,000 1998 1994 Lease-Purchase(5-Years)(Comm Centerfquip) Counal 22,400 22,400 1998 1995 Lease-Purchase(3-Years)(City Equipme�t) Council 52,800 52,800 1998 1995 Lease-Purchase(5-Years)(City Equipment) Council 29,900 29,900 1998 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counal 50,80Q 50,800 1998 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aeriai Fire Truck) Counai 64,900 64,900 1998 1997 lease-Purchase(1-Year)(Street Sweeper) Councii 90,600 90,600 1998 Council Designated{Encumber for SUeets) Counal 182,990 182,990 1998 PC Printer Replacements(From 1989-91) Fnance 12,000 12,000 1998 PC File Server Repiacement Fnance 12,000 12,000 1998 Winds Park Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park 8�Rec 25,000 25,000 1998 Winds Park Improvements(Parking Lot 8 Traiq Park&Rec 50,000 50.000 1998 Ericicson Community Square Improvements Park&Rec 45,000 45,000 1998 1 Radar(For Unit 50) Police 2,000 2,000 1998 2 Squads&1 4x4(Sell Back 3) Police 45,000 45,000 1998 Pubiic Works Bldg Add'n{Year 1 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 1998 Wiring to Public Works Buiiding to Connect to Network Public Works 10,000 10,000 9998 ADA Upgrades to City Buildings Public Works 30,000 30,000 1998 Structural Ove�lays on Older Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 1998 12"&16"Watermain for CMC East Parcel Public Works 130,000 130,000 1998 Sections 31 &32 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Public Works 100,000 100,000 1998 12"Watermain on Highway 3-CSAH 42 to 160th Pubiic Works 180,000 180,000 1998 South Rose Park Area Improvements Public Works 380,000 380,000 1998 Street Reconstruction-Chippendale-CSAH 42 to 160th Public Worics 484,900 484,900 , 1998 Street Reconstruction-145th Street-CSAH 42 to Brazil Public Works 100,OOU 800,000 900,000 1998 Power Washer(Replace#107) Public Works 7,500 7,500 1998 Air Compressor(Replace#34) Public Works 10,000 10,000 20,000 ' 1998 Motor Pool Van(Replace#317) Public Works 25,000 25,000 1998 Skid Steer Loader(Replace#418) Pubiic Works 35,000 35,000 I 1998 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 1 of 5) Public Works 300,000 300,000 Total-Year 1998 64,000 322,990 486,900 4,851,900 5,725,790 ' Totai Levy-Year 1998 873,890 ' �� ; • , : Other Building Street Equtpment Funding Totai ' Year Item ' Department CIP Levy CIP Levy C1P Levy Sources Cost 1999 Commeraai Streetscape-Phase 2 Comm Devlp 350,000 350,000 1999 1994 Lease-Purchase(5-Years)(Comm Center Equip) Gouncii 11,200 11,200 1999 1995 lease-Purc�ase(5-Years)(City Equipment) Councii 29,900 29,900 1999 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Council 50,800 50,800 1999 1996 Lease-Purcfiase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Truck) Council 64,900 64,900 1999 Suburban Replacement(1989 Vehicle) Fire 28,000 28,000 1999 Banquet Room Floor Work Park 8 Rec B4OOU 8,000 1999 Repiace Arena Skate Tile Park&Rec 19,000 19,000 t999 Backstops(5 Parks) Park 8 Rec 8,000 8,000 1999 Camfield Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Pa�ic&Rec 20,000 20,000 1999 3 Squads(Seil Back 2) Police 42,500 42,500 1999 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 2 of 2a Lease-Purch) Pubiic Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 1999 ADA Upgrades to City Buiidings Public Worics 27,700 27,700 1999 Structural Overlays on Oider Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 1999 • Street Reconstruction-160th Street-AN to Biscayne Public Worlcs 70,040 1,300,000 1,370,000 1999 Street Construction-Diamo�d Path-CSAH 42 to 160th(New) Public Works 280,000 430,000 710,000 1999 Street Construction-Connemara Trail(New) Pubiic Works 1,642,300 1,642,300 1999 Motor Pool VehiGe(Repiace#303) Public Works 20,000 20,000 1999 Pickup(Replace#333-Bidg Inspectors) Pubiic Works 23,000 23,000 1999 Pickup(Replace#331) Pubiic Works 33,000 33,000 1999 Pickup(Replace 3i334} Public Works 33,000 33,0�0 1999 Dump Truck(Addition to Fleet) Public Works 100,000 100,000 1999 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 2 of 5) Pubiic Worics 300,000 300,000 Total-Year 1999 78,700 350,000 436,300 4,137,300 5,002,300 Totai Levy-Year 1999 865,000 ' Other Funding Sources inciudes$300,000 encumbered from 1997($150,000)and 1998($150,000) �� t ----------------�-�-----._.._...._._... ----- �_�_..--------------.. _...----.._-_.__.__...-----W. _ ._ ...__ � 1 . , Y II ��16f � = Building Street Equipment Funding Total Year Item Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cast , ', 2000 6 Vodng Tabulators Administratlon 43,500 6,500 50,000 ' 2000 Commeraal Streetscape-Phase 3 Comm Devlp 600,000 600,000 ' 2000 1995 Lease-Purchase(5-Years)(Ciry Equipment) Councii 29,900 29,900 ', 2000 1995 Lease-Purchase(t0-Years)(Ciiy Equipment) Council 50,800 50,800 ', 20�0 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Truck) Council 64,9D0 6d,900 ' 2000 Land for 2nd Fre Station(Get Option) Fire 65,000 65,000 2000 Radio Replacements Fire 8,500 8,500 2000 4x4 Grass Rig Repiacement(1989 Vehide) F'ue 24,000 24,000 2000 Floor Scxubber Park&Rec 6,000 6,0�0 2000 PA and Security System for Community Center Park&Rec 19,400 19,400 2000 Biscayne Park Upgrades(AOA Upgrades) Park 8 Rec 20,000 20,000 2000 4 Radars(New#110&3 Replacements) Police 8,000 8,000 2000 6 MDTs(New#50 8�#110&4 Replacements) Porce 30,000 30,000 2000 3 Squads&1 4x4(Sell Back 3) Police 63,000 63,000 2000 Public Wo�ics Bidg Add'n(Year 3 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44.000 2000 City Hall Carpet Replacement Public Works 45,000 45,000 2000 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Pubiic Works 67,000 67,000 2000 Street Reconstruction-Cimarron Avenue-145th to Dodd Public Wo�ics 30,000 30,000 60,000 2000 Street Reconstructn-0odd Blvd-Chip to Shannon Pkwy Pubiic Works 200,000 761,000 961,000 2000 Street Construction-Connemara Trail(New) Public Works 1,470,000 1,470,000 2000 Pidcup(Repiace#335-Bidg Inspectors) Pubiic Works 29,000 29,000 2000 Pickup(Repiace#339) Public Works 33,000 33,000 2000 Pickup/Dump Box(Replace#336) Public Works 33,000 33,000 2000 Mower(Repiace#73) Public Works 63,000 63,000 2000 Section 28 Water Tower{Part 3 of 5) Pubiic Works 300,000 300,000 Total Year-2000 134,000 230,000 506,000 3,274,500 4,144,500 Total Levy-Year 2000 870,000 �� L--- - -- �--•------- ----- _ _----•------_-----. .. .. ._---•--------------•......... ...... . . _ . _ __ _--__ ^. � ' - : � ' Other Building Street Equipment Funding Total - Year ftem � DepartrneM CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 2001 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Ciiy Equipment) Council 50,800 50,800 2001 1996 lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Trudc) Councii 64,90� 64,900 2001 PC Printer Replacemeots(From 1993-94) Flnance 10,000 10,000 2001 PG Workstation Upgrades Finance 32,100 32,100 2001 Refurbish Unit#35183(Pumper) Fre 40,000 40,000 2001 • Pumper Replacement(1978 Hamedy) Fire 300,000 300,000 2001 Dailara Upgrades(ADA Upgrades} Pa�ic&Rec 20,000 20,000 2001_ 14 Hand-Held Rad'a Replacements Police_ 14,000 14,000 2001 4 Squads(Seli Badc 4) Police 60,000 60,000 2001 Pubiic Works Bidg Add'n(Year 4 of 20 lease-Purch) Pubiic Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2001 ' Sait/Sand Building Public Works 50,000 50,000 2001 Structural Overlays on Oider Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 2001 Street Const-Biscayne Ave-Connemara to RR Tracks Public Works 500,000 500,000 2001 Street Recon-Dodd Bivd-Shannon Pkwy to Deift Ave Public Works 420,000 340,000 760,000 2001 CSAH 42 Improvements(TH 3 to Diamond Path) Pubiic Works 150,000 700,000 850,000 2001 Snowblower for Skid Steer Loader(Replace#2�9) Public Works 4,200 4,200 2001 Van(Replace#318-Utilities Van) Public Works 25,000 25,000 2001 • Dump Tandem(Replace#429) Pubiic Worics 90,000 90,000 2001 ' Dump Truck(Repiace#428) Public Works 100,000 100,000 2001 ' Grader(Replace#413-1986�rader) Pubiic Wwks 180,000 180,000 2001 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 4 of 5) Public Works 300,000 300,000 Total Year-2001 24,000 570,000 276,000 2,692,000 3,562,000 Totai Levy-Year 2001 870,000 ' Propose a 10-year lease-purchase offset by a 5-year lease-purchase expiring in year 2000 � � � > • Oti1@f . . Building Street Equipment Funding Total Year Item - Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cast � 2002 Equipment Set-Up for 2 New Precincts Administratlon 6,400 11,600 18,000 2002 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City fquipment) Counal 50,800 50,800 2002 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Trudc) Councii 64,900 64,900 2002 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counat 100,000 100,000 2002 PC Fite Server Replacement Finance 15,000 15,000 2002 TankerAddition Fre 185,000 185,000 2002 Replace Rest Room Fatures Paric 8 Rec 12,000 12,000 2002 Community Center Audio Visuai Equipment Park�Rec 5,000 5,000 2002 fGdder Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 20,000 20,000 2002 4 RadarReplacements Police 8,000 8,000 2002 Special Tactical Equipment Police 20,Q00 20,000 2002 4 Squads(Seil Back 4) Police 65,000 65,o00 2002 Pubiic Works Bldg Add'n(Year 5 of 20 Lease-Purchj Pubtic Wo�ics 24,000 20,000 44,000 2002 Repiace A/C and Heat Exchanger Units at City Hall Public Wo�lcs 30,000 30,000 2002 Structurai Overiays on Older Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 2002 Pickup(Replace#332) Public Wo�ics 22,000 22,000 2002 Van(Replace#320-irrigation) Public Works 27,000 27,000 2002 Pickup(Repiace#337) Pubiie Works 33,000 33,000 2002 Pidcup(Repiace#340) Public Works 33,U00 33,000 2002 Tac Trailer(Replace#509) Public Works 36,000 36,000 2002 Snowbiower for Loader(Replace#220) Public Wo�ics 60,000 60,000 2002 Mower(Replace#68) Public Works 70,000 70,000 2002 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 5 of 5) Public Works 300,000 300,000 TotalYear-2002 66,000 0 801,100 418,600 1,285,700 Totai Levy-Year 2002 867,100 �� ...__---------•-----....._. . _- -_---------....-------:_.. _.. .._. _. . ... . -- •. ...�:_ . . .. `` ' ! . Other 'I� Bu�ding Street Equipment Fundi�g Total I - Year item - Departrnent CIP levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost '�, 2t103 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years){City Equipment) Counai 50,800 50,800 I' 2003 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aeriai Fire Tnicic) Council 64,900 64,900 , 2003 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counat 100,000 100,000 '� 2003 PC Printer Replacements(From 1998) Fnance 15,000 15,000 , 2003 PC Wo�lcstatlon Upgrades Fnance 30,000 30,000 ' 2Q03 Repiace City Soflware Finance 300,000 300,000 ' 2003 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement(1991 VehiGe) Fre 25,000 25,000 2003 Officer's/Command UU'lity Vehide Replacement(1990) Fire 28,000 28,000 ' 2003 Erickson Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 20,000 20,000 2003 3 Squads(Sell Back 3) Po�ice 40,000 40,000 2003 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 6 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2003 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Public Wortcs 67,000 67,000 2003 Motor Pool VehiGe(Replace#305-Crown vctoria) Public Works 20,000 20,000 2003 Pickup(AdditionaF Unit#341) Pubiie Works 23,000 23,000 2003 Van(Repiace#319-Park&Rec) Pubiic Works 27,000 27,000 2003 Picfcup(Replace#330) Public Works 30,000 30,000 2003 Pickup(Replace#329) Pubiic Works 33,000 33,000 2003 Municipal Tractor(Addition) Pubiic Works 70,400 70,000 Total-Year 2003 24,000 0 856,700 107,000 987,700 Total Levy-Year 2003 880,700 Other Buiiding Street Equipment Funding Total Year Item Departrnent CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 2004 Laserfiche Equipment&Software Administration 25,000 25,000 2004 1995 Lease-Purohase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Council 50,800 50,800 2004 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fre Truck) Cou�cil 64,900 64,900 2004 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment� Council 100,000 100,000 2004 New Technology Updates Fire 15,OQ0 15,000 2004 Refirbish Unit#3590(14 Years Otd) Fire 20,000 20,000 2004 Pumper(Repiace 1963 Pumper) Fire 335,000 335,000 2004 Replace Community Center Mechanical Equipment Park&Rec 5,000 5,000 2004 Community Center Carpeting Park&Rec S,OQO 5,000 2004 Replace Arena Ice Resurfacer PaNc&Rec 50,000 25,000 75.000 2004 Emergency Equipment Replacements Police 30,000 30,000 2004 4 Squads&3 Mid-Sizes(Sell Back 4) Police 104,000 ?04,000 2004 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 7 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2004 Structural Overiays on Older Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 2004 Aerator(Replace#158) Public Works 5,000 5,000 2004 Sprayer(Repiace#41) Pubiic Works 5,000 5,000 2004 Power Box Rake{Repiace#77) Public Works 9,000 9,000 2004 Shop Hoist(Replace#1) Public Works 9,000 9,000 2004 Water Reel Irrigation(Replace#93) Public Works 11,000 11,000 Total-Year 2004 37,000 0 833,700 112,000 982,700 Totai Levy-Year 2004 870,700 �� , .- -•-----.__. _ .__ ..-�------- -� . . .. .._ _ .. _ _.. . ._.._._ . _. t . .......--- - . . ._.. � '� '� Other � � Building Street Equipment Funding Total Year Item • Department CIP Levy CIP levy CIP Levy Sources Cost - 2005 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counai 50,800 50,800 2005 1996 lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aeriai Fire Trudc) Gounal 64,900 64,900 2005 2001 �ease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counai 100,000 100.000 2005 PC Printer Replacements(From 2001) Finance 12,000 12,000 2005 PC Workstation Upgrades Fnance 30,000 30,000 2005 New Fire Station#2 Fire 1,000,000 1,000,000 2005 AED Unit(Defibulator) Fre 5,000 5,000 2005 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement Fre 30,000 30,000 2005 Rescue Trudc Replacement(1970's Vehide) Fre 135,000 135,000 2005 Computer Upgrade Police 25.000 25,000 2005 4 Squads(Sell Back 3) Police 68,000 68,000 2005 Pubiic Works Bldg Add'n(Year 8 of 20 Lease-Purch) Pubrc Works 24,000 Z0,000 44,000 2005 Structural Overlays on Older Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 2005 Street Recon-Camero Lane-Cambrian to S.Tertninus Public Wo�Cs 41,000 59,000 100,000 2005 Street Recon-Cambrian Avenue-Lower 147th to Hwy 3 Public Wo�ks 46,000 86,400 132,000 2005 Snowblower for Skid Steer Loader(Replace#219) Public Works 5,000 5,000 2005 Combo Plane(Replace#171) Pubiic Works 5,000 5,040 2005 Trailer(Replace#5U9) Public Works 6,000 6,000 2005 Loader(Repiace#419) Public Works 230,000 230,000 Totai-Year 2005 24,000 87,000 766,700 1,232,000 2,109,700 Total Levy-Year 2005 877,700 Other Building Street Equipment Funding Total Year Item Depa�tment CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 2006 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aeria!Fire Truck) Counai 64,900 64,900 2006 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Ciry Equipment) Councii 100,000 100,000 2006 Refiarbish SCBA Compressor Fire 5,000 5,000 2006 Refurbish SCBA Units Fire 10,000 10,000 2006 SCBA Unit Replacements/Updates(Mandated) Fire 25,000 25,000 2006 Radio Replacements Fire 85,000 85,000 2006 Repiace Skate Sharpener Park&Rec 10,000 10,000 2006 Replace 5 Mobile Radios Police 5,500 5,500 2006 Office Fumiture Replacement Police 7,500 7,500 2006 10 MDT's(Ail Repiacements) Police 44,000 44,000 2006 5 Squads{Se11 Back 4-i Addition) Police 94,000 94,000 2006 Pubiic Works Bidg Add'n(Year 9 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2006 Structural Overlays on Ofder Streets Pubiic Works 67,000 67,000 2006 Street Reconstruction-Dodd Boulevard-132nd to 120th Public Wo�lcs 396,400 365,000 761,400 2006 Combo Plane(Replace#173) Public Works 6,000 6,000 2006 Front Mounted Snowbiower(Replace#221) Public Works 7,000 7,000 2006 Highway Shoulder Machine(Replace#135) Public Worlcs 10,OOd 10,000 2006 Siit Seeder(Replace#154) Public Works 12,000 12,000 2006 70KW Standby Generator(Repiace#54} Pubiic Works 30,000 30,000 2006 Paver(Replace#128) Pubiic Works 30,000 30,000 2006 Mower(Replace#73) Pubiic Works 80,000 80,000 Total-Year 2406 24,000 396,400 625,900 452,000 1,498,300 Total Levy-Year 2006 1,046,300 �� ' � , I - _ 1 • ' � � ' Other Buiiding Street Equipment Funding Total - Year Item - Departrnent CIP Levy CIP levy CIP Levy Sources Cost ui ment Counai 100,000 100,000 2007 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Eq p ) 2007 Hurst Jaw 8�Rams(Replace Original Equipment) Fre 12,000 12,000 2007 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement(1997 Vehide) Fire 35,000 35,000 p �� 5,500 5,500 2007 Re lace 5 Mobile Radios o ce P 2007 10 Hand-Heid Radio Replacements Police 8,000 8,000 2007 8 Radar Replacements Police 12.000 12,000 2007 4 Squads(Seil Back 4) Police 70,000 T0,000 2007 Public Woiics Bidg Add'n(Year 10 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Worics 24,000 20,000 44,000 2007 Structural Ove�lays on Older Streets Public Works 67,000 67,000 2007 Compactor(Replace#103) Public Works 9,000 9,000 2007 Roller(Repface#132) Pubiic Wo�ics 21,300 21,300 2007 Skid Steer Loader(Replace#420) Public Works 35,000 35,000 2007 Tracto�/Loader/Backhoe(Replace#407} Pubtic Works 40,000 40,000 80,000 2007 Water Truck(Repiace#435) Public Works 80,000 80,000 2007 Dump Truck(Replace#427) Pubtic Works 100,0�0 100,000 Total-Year 2007 24,000 0 527,800 127,000 678,800 Total Levy-Year 2007 551,800 Grand Total•Ali Years 499,700 1,956,390 6,117,100 17,404,300 25,977,490 Grand Totai Levy-AII Years 8,573,190 "FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS" Other Building Street Equipment Funding Total Year Item Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost Remodeling in First Fioor of City Hall Pubiic Works 50,000 50,000 Expansion of City Hall Public Works 125,000 125,000 SVeet Construction-Erickson Parkway(New) Public Works 490,000 160,000 650,000 Street Reconstruction-CSAH 38-Highway 3 to Bacarcli Public Works 1,076,400 152,000 1,228,40Q Street Reconstruction-Akron Avenue-CSAH d2 to iGH Public Wo�ics 600,000 242,025 842,025 �� , • , - INSURANCE � I GENERAL/ADMINISTRATiVE I • Provides for the funding of the City's Worker's Compensation Insurance and Generai Liability Insurance. Currently, both insurances are provided through the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. This agency allows the City to have thorough, yet affordable insurance. • In 1995, we set up a separate Intemal Service Fund for insurance purposes. The amount levied was, and will be, the same as it would have been if the Insurance budget would have been in the General Fund, as it has been in the past. But, this allows us to build a special fund for insurance purposes that will allow the City to move towards self- insurance, and ultimately, lower rates. We do not anticipate ever being totally self-insured, but by raising our deductibles we approach that point and allow ourselves to save substantially on our annual insurance premiums. Doing so will allow the City to operate more efficiently and save the taxpayers money without taking undue risks. �� _' ' � � � _ Page One 1998 BUDCET WORICSHEETS IIVSURANCE-REVEN[TES December 4,1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Dacripdon Acnul Actual Budget Amount BudgeY Commrnts 206 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes S 190,000 T 185,000 S 180,000 S 180,000 206 36210 00 000 interut Eaznings-invatrnrnu 6,801 6,482 5,000 6,000 206 36215 00000 Interat Eamings 203 242 200 200 206 36260 00 000 Other Revrnue 10,431 17,831 5,000 5,800 Inswance Refunds FUIVD TOTAIS 207,435 209,555 190,200 192,000 INSURANCE-EXPFrYDIT[JRES 19 97 1998 Ob'ect 1998 J 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Ikscription Actual Actua! Budget Amount Budget Commenu 206-49006 0 221 Equipment Parts Sl,l IS S949 S2,W0 52,000 Liability&Auto Deducribie Pymts 206-49006 0 304 Legal Fees 0 1,375 0 � 206-49006 0 305 Medicai dt Dental Fees 1,858 3,242 5,000 5,000 Work Comp Deductible Pymts 206-49006 0 317 Genetal Fund Administrative Fees 0 1,125 1,125 2,250 Yeazly Fee PerPolicy F-3 206-49006 0 319 Other Professionat Services 8,167 9,167 10,000 10,000 Risk Management Consuitant 206-49006 0 365 Workds Compensation Insurance 50,254 57,027 60,�00 60,000 Annual Premium 206-49006 0 369 Other Insurance 66,&43 86,843 95,000 105,000 Annual Premium-General Liabiliry 206-49006 0 409 Other Contracted Repair&Maint 3,925 2,603 8,000 5,000 Liability&Auto Deductible Pymts F[JND T01'ALS 132,162 162,331 181,125 189,250 NOTE: Levy of S 180,000 covers costs for most deductible payments,ali consultant fees and ail insurance premiums. The General Fund Admin Fees covered through interest eamings. �o� � �� i - PORT AUTHORITY � ADMINISTRATION • The Rosemount Port Authority is the successor to the Rosemount �'I Housing and Redevelopment Authority(HRA) and the Rosemount , Economic Development Authority(EDA). As such,the Port Authority is II responsible for both redevelopment and economic development activities ', in the City. �i • The Port Authority concentrates much of its activity on the development of ', the Rosemount Business Park. !, � The Port Authority will continue to work on other development and redevelo ment ro'ects as directed and needed. I P P 1 ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK • In 1994, the Port Authority initiated and completed the extension of infrastructure into the eighty acre first phase. In 1995,the Port Authority partnered with Hoyt Properties to serve as the master develope�of the Business Park. In 1996, the Port Authority sold two parcels and optioned a third parcel for two projects, Cannon Equipment(100,000 square feet) and Geometrix(10,000 square feet). The Port Authority will continue to look for further development opportunities in 1998. �� r • � „ P'd$G�(1t . . � . 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS i , PORT A07'�iOR11'Y-REVENUES ' August S,1997 1997 1448 Object 1998 ', 1995 1996 Adoptcd Detail Proposed ' Account# pescriprion Actual Actual B�get Amount Budget Commrnts I 201 31050 00000 Tax Incremena 5348,201 S325,800 5285,000 SIS,000 Administradve Fea Portion Only � 20t 36105 00000 Principai onNotes 18,064 25,499 46,268 60,422 i 201 36105 00000.1 Blake L/C Note 32,2fl9 2013610500000.2 LcehLlCNote 28,133 201 36210 00000 Interest Eamings-Invatmenu 9,583 10,504 5,000 5,000 Interest Eamed on CD's 201 3621100 000 interest Earomgs-Loch S 1,290 50,586 49,198 7,867 Loch LJC Lease(ntercst 201 36212 00000 Interut Eamings-Blake 53,046 52,315 50,934 10,149 Blake LJC Lea�e Inurest 20l 36215 00 000 Interat Eamings 133 198 200 100 Checking Intercst&Misce!laneous 201 36230 00 000 ContnbutionslDonations 0 13,624 0 0 201 36260 00 000 Otha Revrnue 8,225 187 0 0 2013626500000 UseofResaveFunds 0 0 53,IOd 1,462 201 39101 00000 Sales of Generat Fixed Asseu 0 12,000 0 0 FIJND TO fALS 5488,542 5490,713 5489>700 3100,000 EXPF.PFDITURES 1997 1998 Object 1498 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments �� All Salary Costs Inclusive of � 201 46300 101 Salaries&Benefits 569,389 548,695 S 19,500 S0 Salary,Taues,PERA&Benefits 201 46300 102 Full-Time Ov�time 352 211 700 0 201 46300 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits 3,456 5,201 b,500 6,500 Port Authority Members 201 46300 01 303 Engineering Fees 20 8,817 5,000 5,000 20I 46300 01304 Legal Fees 14,363 19,699 15,000 20,000 201 4b300 01317 General Fund Administrative Fees 5,625 5,625 5,700 6,000 Yearly Fee Per Poticy F-3 201 46300 01 319 Other Professional Services 11,143 85,546 82,500 37,500 201 46300 01 319.1 Consulting Fees 25,000 201 46300 O l 319.2 Real Estate Taxes 10,000 201 46300 01 3193 Cowry TIF Chazges 2,500 201 46300 O l 331 Travel Expense 155 112 500 0 201 46300 01 349 Other Advatising 8,4�4 8,469 t5,000 10,000 201 46300 O l 349.( Ge�erai City Promotions 5,000 20 t 4b300 Ol 349.2 Business Parle Promotions 5,000 201 46300 Ol 351 Legal Notices Publishing 0 139 Sa0 500 20!46300 01365 Workers Comp Insurance 1,425 1,628 2,000 0 201 46300 01 369 Other insurance 652 7,591 1,OOQ 1,000 Properiy Insurance 201 46300 01 389 Other Utitity Services 122 143 1,000 1,000 201 46300 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 3,107 3,506 3,000 4,000 Prof Organizations/Journais 201 46300 01 435 Books&Pamphlets 0 309 300 0 201 46300 0 t 437 Conferences&Seminan 44 1,066 2,000 2,000 Chamber of Commerce&Misc 201 46300 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 8 14,I 11 SOd 500 Gondngencies 201 46300 01 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 99 230 5,000 6,000 Business Park Development 201 46300 Ol 710 Transfers 271,000 3I5,000 314,000 0 FUNDTOTALS 5389,434 5526,099 5489,�00 5100,000 �L� II` , � , Page One „ 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � REDEVELOPMENT DISTRIGT(000�-REVENUES July 14,199� 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Descripdon Actual Actual Budget Amount Budgct Comments 241 31050 00 000 Tax Incremenu SO SO SO 5365,000 Redevelopment District Only 241 36210 00000 Interest Eamings-Tnvesunrnts 0 0 0 1,000 Interost Eamed on CD's F[JND TOTALS SO SO SO 5366,000 EXPEiYDIT[JRES 1997 1998 Object 1998 �, 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed ' Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments I 241 49041 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges SO SO SO 515,000 241 49041 01 439.1 Payment to P/A-Adminisuarive 15,000 241 49041 01 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 0 35,000 241 49041 01 530.1 K.Walter-Hanson-Pay as You Go 35,000 241 49041 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 291,000 Interest Onl 8 500 Y 24149041 0 t 710.1 8/1/98 Pymt-1988A G.O.TIF • 241 49041 O l 710.2 2/1/99 t-1988A G.O.TIF 169,500 Principal&Interest-Final Payment � 24149Q41017103 8/t/98 t-1992E G.O.Bidgs 4,000 Interest Only � 241 49041 01710.4 211199 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bldgs 109,000 Pnncipal&Interest-Final Payment FUND TOTALS SO SO SO 5341,000 Note: RedevelopmentDistrict paying alt bond costs for 1988A issue and 1992E issue except for 525,000 paid by the Knutson District mwuds the 1992E issue. �� � • , Page One 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEETS KNU1'SON DtS71tICT(OOS�-REVENUES July 14,1997 1997 1998 Object l998 1995 1996 Adopud Detail Proposed Account ff Description Actua! Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 242 3 1050 00 000 Taz Incremmts SO SO SO 525,000 Knuuon District Only FUND TOTALS SO SO SO 525,000 � EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments 242 49042 01 7 10 Trsnsfers SO SO SO 525,000 242 49042 01 710.1 2/t/99 Pymt-1992E GA.Btdgs 25,000 Principal&Interest-Final Payment FUND TOTALS SO SO ao � a2s,000 Note: All'fIF proceeds going towards payment on the 1992E bond issue. �� Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSIiEETS ` BUSINESS PARK DISTRICI'(0080)-REVENUES � July 14.1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Dacription Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 243 31050 00000 Tax Increments 50 SO SO Sl45,000 Business Park District Oniy FUND TOTALS SO SO SO S 145,000 �� EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu 243 49043 01 710 Transfers SO SO SO S 145,000 243 49043 01 710.1 8/1l98 Pymt-1994A Port Authority 41,000 Interest Only 243 49043 01 710.2 2/1/99 Pymt-i994A Port Authority 104,000 Principal&Interest FUNDTOTAI.S SO SO SO $145,000 Note: All'TIF proceeds going towards payment on the 1993E and 1994A bond issues. Balance of payments coming from Port Authoriry tax levies. �� � . ' - - DEBT SERVICE FUNDS GENERAUADMINISTRATIVE • Debt Service Funds are Govemmental Funds set up to provide for the repayment of debt of the City. This debt is normaHy accomplished � through the issuance of bonds secured by the full faith and credit of the City. Repayment of the debt is usually accomplished through the collection of special assessments; general levies of the City collected through property taxes; tax increment funds; core funds; transfers from Enterprise Funds(Revenue Debt Issues)and transfers from other areas. ��� ....--- -�- -. _ ... ... .. -------------� --- ----------�_._._.. .. _ _ . .. ...---�- --_. . _----_ _ ._.--------- - _._. . ..._....-� -- . ' �' ' Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � DEBT SERV FUND 382-G.O.TAX INCREMENT BONDS,1988A -REVENUES- - December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Descripdon Actual Actual Budget Budget Commenu 382 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO SO SO 382 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 382 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 0 0 0 0 382 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investrnents 638 827 0 0 382 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings 21 114 0 0 382 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 382 37145 00 000 Surchazge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 382 37160 00 000 Penai6es-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 382 39202 00 000 Contdburion From Enteiprises 0 0 0 0 382 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 169,000 From TIF Redevelopment District 382 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 382 39205 00 000 Transfer Fmm Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 382 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 382 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 154,000 192,000 167,000 0 382 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FLJND TOTALS S 154,659 $192,941 S 167,000 $169,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 199& 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 382 47000 01 3 17 Generai Fund Admin Fees 51,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yeazly Fee Per Policy F-3 382 47000 01 3 19 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 382 47000 01 6U I Bond Principal 110,000 120,000 130,000 145,000 382 4'7000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 57,575 46,935 35,245 22,24$ 382 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 383 335 630 627 201 46300 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS � S 169,083�N~$168,395~M $167,000 $169,000 � �'� Page One 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 328-G.O.IMPROVEMENT SONDS,1991A - -REVENUES- December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Acaal Budget Budget Comments 328 31010 00 000 Curreat Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO SO 55,804 328 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 44,7?5 42,504 0 0 328 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 55 0 0 0 328 3b210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investrnents 28,055 21,769 0 0 328 36215 00 000 Interest Earaings 73 137 0 0 328 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 160,700 147,696 328 37145 00 000 Surchazge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 328 37160 00 000 Penaldes-Surchazge Revenues 0 0 0 0 328 39202 00 000 Con�l�ution From Entetprises 0 0 0 0 328 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 328 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 4 0 0 0 328 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 328 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 328 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authoriry 0 0 . 0 0 328 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FLTNDTOTALS w $72,958 ~ $64,409 ~ $160,700 $153,500 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1495 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Budget Comments 328 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees S1,125 $t,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 328 47000 01 319 Other Professional Services 3 0 0 0 328 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 328 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 52,230 45,630 38,820 31,830 328 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 467 469 '755 545 328 47000 01 7 t 0 Transfers 0 0 0 0 ------___---------------------------------- FLJNDTOTALS 5173,825 5167,224 5160,700 5153,500 � �,*r� l�� li Page One . 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 329-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1991B -REVENUES- ' December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 329 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO S0 S0 329 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 329 36102 00 000 Penalties&Inieresi-S/A 0 0 0 0 329 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Invest�ents 9,548 8,128 0 0 329 3b215 00 U00 Interest Earaings 117 63 0 0 329 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 35,800 34,500 329 3'7145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 329 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Reveaues 0 0 0 0 329 39202 00 000 Contdbu6on Fmm Enterprises 0 0 0 0 329 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 329 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 U 329 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 329 39206 00 000 Transfer From Stomi Core 0 0 0 0 329 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 329 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FIJND TOTALS � $9,665 W $8,191 ' $35,800 $34,500 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Budget Comments 329 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees 51,125 $1,125 51,125 51,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 329 47000 41 3 19 Other Professional Services 1 0 0 0 329 47000 Oi 601 Bond Principal 30,000 3Q000 25,000 25,000 329 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest I 1,'I80 10,370 9,025 7,750 329 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 353 387 650 625 329 47000 O1 710 Transfers 0 0 -0 0 , FLTND TOTALS ~ $43,259� �$41,882 535,800 $34,500 ' ��� . _ _ __ ... _...--------� -- ------- ._._..._...__. . .. . .. . __........... . .. .. .. ._.. ._. . . . ...---•- --. . . .. . . ....__. � . � Page One ' 1998 BUDGET WORICSHEETS � 4 . DEBT SERV FUND 3Z1-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1992A '' -ItEVENUES- iI December 4,1997 �II � 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Commenu 321 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO SO SO 321 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 4,898 4,690 0 0 321 36102 00 000 Penalties&Inoerest-S/A 0 0 0 0 321 36210 00 OW Interest Farnings-Investment� 27,306 20,698 0 0 321 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings 173 91 0 0 321 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 96,000 93,000 321 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 321 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 321 39202 00 000 Contn"bution From Enterprises 0 0 0 0 321 39203 00 000 Tiansfer From 11,594 0 0 0 321 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 321 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 321 39206 00 OQO Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 321 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 A 321 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FLTND TOTALS �543,971� ~$25,479 � $96,000 $93,000 EXPENDITURES 199'7 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 321 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees 51,125 $1,125 51,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 321 47000 01 319 Other Professional Services 0 1 0 0 321 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 85,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 321 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest 29,976 26,983 24,095 21,033 321 4'7000 01621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 458 488 780 842 321 47000 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 FLJNDTOTAI.S ~�$116,559~� $98,597 S96,OQ0 593,000 '`� A( � Page One � 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 613-G.O.STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS,1992B _ -REVENUES- December 4,1997 • 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account T� Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 613 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO S0 SO 613 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 5,759 5,504 0 0 6 t 3 36102 00 000 Penai6es&Inceresc-SiA O 0 O 0 613 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments 23,304 t 5,385 0 0 613 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings 352 232 0 0 613 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 613 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 613 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 613 39202 00 000 Contn'bution From Entetprises 68,000 40,000 78,000 78,500 613 39203 00 000 T:ansfer From 0 4 0 0 613 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 613 39205 00 000 Ttansfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 613 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 68,000 40,000 78,000 78,500 613 39207 00 000 Ttansfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 613 393 10 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FUNDTOTALS 5165,415 S101,120 5156,OOOM $157,000 EXPENDITURES 199? 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 613 47000 Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees $1,125 51,125 St,125 $1,125 Yea�ly Fee Per Policy F-3 613 47000 O1 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 � 613 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal 60,000 75,000 85,000 9Q000 613 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 74,138 71,200 69,144 65,313 b13 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 452 608 731 562 613 47000 01 710 Tnnsfers 0 0 0 0 ----------------------_—_— ----------- FL7ND TOTALS $135,715 Si47,933 5156,000 $157,000 ,'"� � y� � u , . __^_.___ _ _...------------.._._ _._.... ------ -. _ _ - ---------- -- _ -_ :.. . . _ - _-_ _ � Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERY FUND 301-G.O.COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS,I992C ' -REVENUES- December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Budget Comments 3013101000000 CurrentAdVatoremTaxes 5102,039 5105,452 5103,352 5101,252 301 36101 00 000 Principai-Special Assessmeats 0 0 0 0 301 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 0 0 0 0 301 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments 1,022 714 0 0 4 2 0 0 01 36215 00 0 terest Eacnin 6 8 3 00 In gs 301 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 301 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 301 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 301 39202 00 000 Contnbution Fmm Entecprises 0 0 0 0 301 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 301 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 30139?OS 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 301 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 301 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 30T 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FUNDTOTALS 5103,107^ 5106,248 $103,352 $101,252 EXPENDITURES II 1997 1998 ', 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed , Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Budget Comments 30t 47000 01 3 17 General Fund Admin Fees 51,125 $1,125 S1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 301 47000 01 319 Other Professionai Services 0 0 0 0 301 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 35,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 301 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 63,055 61,305 59,430 57,430 301 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 414 51'7 945 445 301 47000 01 710 Tmnsfers 0 0 0 0 FtJND TOTALS w 599,594Y� $97,947 $101,500 $99,000 _�� � . _. - - ,•------.. __._.__.._... .. . .... ......._ ...._. _..,.-------_..._..----- -----..... .._._ _ ..____.__.. __-__ .-----.... _._ I�� Page One ' 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS , DEBT SERV FUND 330-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1992D ' -REVENUES- • December 4,1997 ' 1997 1998 ', 1945 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description AcNal Actua( Budgei Budget Comments ! 330 31010 00 000 Cumnt Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO SO 57,572 ' 330 36101 00 000 Pcincipal-Special Assessments 46,676 120,287 0 0 330 36t02 00000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 1&5 3,434 0 0 I 330 36210 00 000 lnterest Eaznings-Iavestments 31,340 30,b46 0 0 ! 330 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings 83 116 0 0 � 330 36265 00 000 IIse of Reserve Funds 0 Q 165,700 151,328 I 330 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 ''i 330 37160 00 000 Penaldes-Sureharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 � 330 39202 00 000 Conuibution Fmm Enterprises 0 0 0 0 i 330 39203 00 000 Tiansfer From 0 0 0 A 330 39204 00 000 Tiansfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 330 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 29,300 29,300 29,300 29,300 330 39206 00 000 Tsansfer From Storm Core 10,800 1Q800 10,800 10,800 330 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authoriry � 0 0 0 330 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $118,384 5194,582V $205,800 $199,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Descripeon Acwal Aceial Budget Budget Comments 330 47000 01 3 17 Genetal Fund Admin Fees S1,125 $1,125 $1,I25 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 330 47000 01319 Other Professional Services 4 0 0 0 330 47000 O1 b01 Bond Principal 165,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 330 4�Q00 O1 611 Bond Interest 91,389 65,214 58,870 52,164 330 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 403 514 805 711 • 330 47000 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 FClNDTOTALS N 5237,921M 5211,853 ^5205,800 $199,000 ��� _. _ � Page One ' 1948 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ' � , DEBT SERV FUND 381-G.O.MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS,1992E �, -REVENU�S- December4,1997 1997 1998 , 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed �, Account# Descripdon Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ' 381 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 544,035 546,592 546,000 �554,300 C/C Improvements Portion of Issue II'� 381 36101 00 000 Pcincipal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 ' 38 t 36102 00 000 Penaities&Interest-S/A 0 0 0 0 i 381 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investrnents 547 896 0 0 �I 381 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings 40 132 0 0 I 381 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 j 381 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 I 381 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 , 381 39202 00 000 Contnbution From Enterprises 0 0 0 0 i� 381 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 135,000 From TIF-Redev&Knutson Dist. , 381 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core Q 0 0 0 381 39205 00 000 Tiansfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 381 39206 00 000 Transfer From SWrm Core 0 0 0 0 II 381 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 117,000 123,000 112,000 0 , 381 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 F[TNDTOTALS ~ $161,622 $17Q620 $158,000 $189,300 , _ i EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Budget Comments 381 47000 O1 317 Geaerai Fund Admin Fees 51,125 51,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yeazly Fee PerPolicy F-3 381 47000 01 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 381 47000 O t 601 Bond Principal 100,000 105,000 115,000 140,000 P&I for Relocation&Other Imp 381 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 50,098 45,991 41,U3 35,260 Portion of 1992E Issue Oniy 381 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 530 686 702 615 381 47000 Ol 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 FUNDTOTALS � $151,753 M 5152,802 5158,000 $177,000 ,;1� ;r��;,,, Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 322-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1993A -REVENUES- � December 4,1997 1997 1998 ' 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 322 31010 00 000 Current Ad Vatorem Taxes 54,132 SO SO SO 322 361�1 00000 Principal-Special Assessments 28,698 25,988 0 0 322 36102 00 000 Penaities&Interest-S/A 63 181 D 0 322 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investrnents 17,283 14,375 0 0 322 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings 48 114 0 0 322 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 76,000 74,000 322 37145 00 000 Surchazge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 322 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 322 39202 00 000 Contrtburion From Entecprises 0 0 0 0 322 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 322 39204 00 000 Ttansfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 322 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 322 39206 00 000 Tiansfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 322 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authoriry 0 0 0 0 322 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FL7ND TOTALS 550,224��$4Q658 Y $76,000 $74,000 EXPENDIT[JRES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 322 47000 01 3 17 General Fund Admin Fees 51,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yeazly Fee Per Policy F-3 322 49000 01 3 19 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 322 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 30,000 65,000 55,000 55,000 322 47000 O1 611 Bond Interest 22,503 2Q996 18,978 16,970 322 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 409 45Q 897 905 322 47000 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 554,037 N $87,572« $76,000 $74,000 �; � o �� ,` j Page One � 1998 BUDGET WORKSAEETS E a DEBT SERV FUND 323-G.O.IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS,1993B -REVENUES- Decembec 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 323 31010 00 000 Cumnt Ad Valorem Taxes S 184,993 SO MS0 Y�M�EO `�Y�Y I�i 323 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Asscssments 62,230 3b0,234 0 0 323 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 290 501 0 0 323 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Invesanents 52,493 152,851 0 0 , 323 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings 198 106 0 0 I 323 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 370,000 358,000 i� 323 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 I 323 37160 00 000 Penalties-Sureharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 ', 323 39202 00 000 Conh�►bution From Entetprises 0 0 0 0 !, 323 39203 00 000 Transfer From 260,387 471,337 0 0 I 323 39204 00 000 Trdnsfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 'i 323 39205 00 000 Trensfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 ! 323 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 , 323 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 ' 323 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 ' F'CTNDTOTALS � 5560,591 �5985,030 $370,000 $358,000 ', EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actua} Budget Budget Comments 323 47000 01 3 17 Genetal Fund Admin Fees 51,125 $1,125 $1,125 51,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 323 47000 0 t 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 323 470Q0 01601 Bond Principal 1,470,000 1,665,000 325,000 325,000 323 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 53,660 i0,979 42,610 30,829 323 47000 O1 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 577 110 1,265 1,046 323 47000 O1 710 Transfecs 0 0 0 0 FCTNDTOTALS 51,525,362 51,717,214 $370,000 $358,000 �{JJ�j 1 �± I �� Page One I, 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � � ' DEBT SERV FUND 610-G.O.WATER REVENUE REFUNDIlVG BONDS,1993C ' -REVENUES- s i December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Commenu 610 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 30 SO SO SO ', 610 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 0 285 0 0 ' 610 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 0 23 0 0 , 610 3b210 00000 Interest Earnings-Investrnnents 42,188 42,163 0 0 i 610 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings 0 0 0 0 ' 6 t 0 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 42,160 0' ', 610 37145 00 000 Surchazge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 80,000 '�, 610 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 I 610 39202 00 OQO Contnbution From Entetprises 0 0 0 0 , 610 39203 00 000 Ttansfer From 0 0 0 0 II 61 Q 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 62,000 � 610 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 �'i 610 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 610 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 � 610 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 � FUND TOTALS � 542,188 542,471 $42>160 $142,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1395 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 610 47000 01317 General Fund Admin Fees $0 SO SO $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 610 47000 01 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 610 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 0 0 0 100,000 610 47000 01 61 1 BondInterest 42,160 42,160 42,160 40,285 610 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 0 590 610 47000 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 FCJND TOTALS �M 542,160M ~~542,160 542,160~N $142,000 � � ��� � ,_�__�__.� �___....-----------------�-�----�----- _�_-------------•----- —_. . .__.__..---•---•---------._._� _.� �_ . Page One I 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS !; . DEBT SERV FUND 302-G.O.MUNICIPAL BLDG REFUNDING BONDS,1993D I�I • -REVENUES- December 4,1997 �' 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed ', Account# Description Actual Acuial Budget Budget Comments 302 3 1010 00 000 CumntAdValoremTaxes 5150,626 5146,872 5148,079 5148,80i 302 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 302 36102 00 000 Penal6es&Interest-S/A 0 0 0 0 302 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments 13,122 2,475 0 0 302 36215 00 000 Interest F.arnings 66 35 0 0 , 302 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 ' 302 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 302 37160 00 000 Penalries-Su�harge Revenues 0 0 0 0 302 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises 0 0 0 0 302 39203 00 000 Transfer From 30,031 0 0 0 302 39204 00 000 Trausfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 302 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 302 39206 00 000 Tmnsfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 302 39207 00 000 Transfer From PoR Authority 0 0 0 0 302 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FUNDTOTALS 5193,845 NS149,382 $14&,079 $148,801 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 302 47000 01 3 17 General Fund Admin Fees 51,125 E1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 302 47000 O1 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 302 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 810,000 110,000 110,000 1 I5,000 302 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 33,453 31,665 27,953 23,871 302 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 582 i 10 722 1,004 302 47000 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 FLJNDTOTALS N 5845,160 ~N$142,900 ~ $139,800 $141,000 �' , _.., ,. ? Sr`..:� ._._._.......--'------•-'--'-.• � •--^•-..__..-.,._....._......_...'-'--""-•--..... . �- . .�_.�-'-- -•----'---'---'--'----'-'---- - . . ..._._�_-- � . . _ ' . _ .__ . _--.' . . . Page One � 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 383-G.O.PORT AUTHORITY BONDS,1993E&1994A � � -REVENUES- ` December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Descripdon Actuat Actual Budget Budget Commenu 383 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 564,820 5238,020 523�,695 S237,002 383 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 , 383 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest•SiA 0 0 0 0 383 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investrnents 23,609 14,133 0 0 ' 383 36215 00 000 Interest Eaznings 369 236 0 0 ' 383 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 ' 383 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 , 383 3910100 000 Sale of General Fixed Assets(I.and) 0 88,000 0 0 �� 383 39202 00 000 Contnbution From Enterprises 0 0 0 0 i 383 39203 00 000 Ttansfer From 0 0 0 0 383 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 383 39205 00 000 Tnnsfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 383 39206 00 000 Transfer Fnom Storm Core 0 0 0 0 383 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 383 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $88,798 $340,389 $237,695 $237,002 EXPENDITURES , 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 383 47000 01 3 17 General Fund Admin Fees 51,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yeariy Fee Per Policy F-3 383 47000 01 3 19 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 383 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 0 30,000 105,000 110,000 383 47000 Ol 611 Bond Intemst 122,960 122,322 119,030 113,545 383 47000 O1 62 L Bond Paying Agent Fees 851 886 845 1,330 383 47000 Ol 710 Tmnsfers 0 0 0 0 .�______--------------------------- F[JND TOTALS $124,936 $154,333 $226,000 S226,000 � �`� *� Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS 'E , DEBT SERV FUND 324-G.O.IMPROVEMENT BONDS,1994A -REVENUES- December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Descripdon Actual Acival Budget Budget Comments 324 3 t010 00 000 Cuaent Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO SO SO 324 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 274,179 711,719 0 0 324 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 0 4,603 0 0 324 36210 00 000 Interest Eaznings-Invesm►ents 20,255 33,993 0 0 324 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings 81? 263 0 0 324 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 211,400 210,000 324 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 324 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 324 39202 00 000 Contr►bution From Enterprises 0 0 0 0 324 39203 00 000 Transfer From 91,526 78,465 0 0 324 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 324 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 324 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 324 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 324 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 F[JND TOTALS 5386,777 $829,044 5211,400 $210,000 EXPENDITURES 199� 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 324 47000 01 317 Generai Fund Admin Fees 51,125 51,125 S1,125 S1,125 Yeazly Fee Per Policy F-3 324 47000 01 3 19 Other Professional Services 0 1 0 0 324 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 0 0 130,000 135,000 324 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest 82,643 82,643 79,458 72,965 324 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 389 355 817 910 324 47000 Ol 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------_--_----- FUNDTOTALS 584,157 $84,123 S21t,400 $2t0,000 �- t' i,: � � Page One r 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 611-G.O.STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS,1994B � -REVENUES- ' , Decemba 4,1997 I� 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 611 31010 00 000 Cuaent Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO SO SO 61136101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 611 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 0 0 0 0 61 t 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments 7,300 2,394 0 0 611 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings 460 179 0 0 611 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 611 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 611 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 61 1 39202 00 U00 Con�bution From Enterprises 8,500 38,000 20,300 20,000 b I 1 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 134,406 0 0 61 1 39204 00 000 Ttansfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 611 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 611 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 8,500 38,000 20,300 20,000 61 t 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 611 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 F[JND TOTAIS 524,760 5212,980 540,600 $40,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 611 4700p 01317 Geneml Fund Admin Fees $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yeazly Fee Per Policy F-3 6t I 47000 01 3 19 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 -0 61 1 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 0 6Q000 25,000 25,000 611 4700Q 01611 Bond Interest 16,895 14,558 13,770 12,601 611 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 381 438 705 1,274 61 1 47000 01 710 Trdnsfers 0 0 0 0 FUNDTOTALS N~ $18,401v �$76,121N� $4Q600 $40,000 � � �k�� � . Page One � 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 331-G.O.STATE AID STREET BONDS,1994C � -REVENUES- December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Descripdon Actuai Actual Budget Budget Comments 331 33419 00 000 MSA for Streets-Construction S 104,052 S9q805 590,000 592,000 331 36101 00 000 Priacipal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 331 36102 00 000 Peaai6es&Interesc-S/A 0 0 0 0 331 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investments 20,544 13,248 0 0 331 36215 00 000 Interest Farnings 234 38 0 0 331 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 331 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 331 37160 00 000 Penaities-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 331 39202 00 000 Contribution From Enterprises 0 0 0 0 331 39203 00 000 Transfer From 287,420 0 0 0 331 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 331 39205 00 000 Tiansfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 331 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 331 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 331 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 5412,250~ 5104,090 $90,000 $92,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Descripdon Actual Actuai Budget Budget Comments 331 47000 01 317 General Fund Admin Fees $1,125 $1,125 51,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 331 47000 01 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 331 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 65,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 331 47000 Ol 611 Bond Interest 39,052 30,805 28,150 25,226 331 47000 O1 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 433 442 725 649 331 47000 O l 710 Transfeis 0 0 0 0 FLTND TOTALS � $105,610~ �592,372 ^ $90,000 $92,000 ���„`� Page One f , 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � ; DEBT SERV FUND 326-G.O.IMPROVEII�NT BONDS,1995A -REVENUES- . December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 326 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO SO SZ 1,769 326 33419 00 000 MSA for Streets-Construction 0 511,000 0 0 326 36t01 00000 Principal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 326 36102 00 000 Penalfies&Inierest-S!A 0 0 0 0 326 36210 00 000 Interesi Eamings-Investments 10,680 22,579 0 0 326 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings 357 475 0 0 326 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 230,700 403,231 326 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 326 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 326 39202 00 000 Contri�ution From Entetprises 0 0 0 0 326 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 326 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 326 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 326 39206 00 000 Transfer From Swan Core 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 326 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 326 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 5,068 0 0 0 FtJND TOTALS ~$16,105 $554,053 $250,700 $445,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Descripaon Actuai Actuai Budget Budget Comu►ents 326 47000 O1 317 General Fund Admin Fees SO $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Yeariy Fee Per Poticy F-3 326 47000 Ol 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 326 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 0 0 165,000 370,000 326 47000 O1 611 Bond Interest 0 86,885 83,668 '72,865 326 47000 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 175 907 1,010 326 47000 Ol�10 Transfers 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------- FLJND TOTALS $0 $88,185 $250,700 5445,OOQ y' p��. . . � . . 9 • -- --- . ___ . _ ._---...---.. . ... _ . . - --- --------- - ----� . _ .. _ --•--....--__._---.. � - ----•--.. . . ._.._. _ . ..... . . _. � , �, Page One '� 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � y DEBT SERV FUND 303-G.O.FIRE STATION BONDS,1996A -REVENUES- Decemba 4,1997 1997 1998 ' 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed ', Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments ' 3033101000000 CurreniAdValocemTaxes SO 5155,000 5153,340 5156,135 ', 303 36101 00 000 Priacipal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 ',i 303 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 0 0 0 0 303 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Inves�ents 0 0 0 0 ', 303 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings 0 34 0 0 �� 303 36265 00 000 Use ofReserve Funds 0 0 39,160 0 '� 303 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 303 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surchazge Revenues 0 0 0 0 303 39202 00 000 Contnburion From Enterprises 0 0 0 0 I 303 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 I 303 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 I 303 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 303 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 303 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 303 39310 QO 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FLIND TOTALS ~'� �$0~ $155,034 $192,500 $156,135 EXPENDITURES � 1997 1998 I 1995 1996 Adopted Pmposed I Accoun[# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments I -------------- ------ - 303 47000 01 3 17 General Fund Admin Fees SO $0 51,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Poticy F-3 I!I 303 47000 01 319 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 303 47000 Ol 601 Bond Principal 0 0 90,000 55,000 303 47Q00 Ol 6ll Bond Interest 0 0 100,776 89,869 ��, 303 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 599 1,006 303 47000 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS �� ^ $OY��NSO 5192,500 $147,000 � � � i PS$E OnG �r 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 614•G.O.STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS,1996B -REVENUES- ' ' Decemba 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account�l Dacription Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 614 31010 00 000 Cumnt Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO SO SO 614 36101 OO Q00 Prmcipai-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 614 36102 00 000 Pe�lties&Interest-S/A 0 0 0 0 614 36210 00 000 Inoerest Earnings-Investments 0 7,545 0 0 ' 614 36215 00 000 Inteerest Earnings 0 571 0 0 614 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 614 37145 00 OQO S�charge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 614 3�160 00 000 Penalties-Surchazge Revenues 0 0 0 0 614 39202 00 000 C�tnbution From Enterprises 0 0 30,000 52,000 614 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 614 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 614 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 614 39206 00 000 Transfez From Storm Core 0 0 30,000 52,000 614 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 614 393 10 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FtINDTOTALS $0 58,116 $60,000 $104,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Descripdon Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 614 47000 01 317 Generel Fund Admin Fees SO $Q $1,125 $1,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 614 47000 Ol 319 Other Professionai Services 0 0 0 0 614 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 0 0 0 50,000 614 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 0 26,755 57,972 52,450 614 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 903 425 614 47000 0 t 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 FEINDTOTALS � $0��~$26,755 560,000 $104,000 � , � �l � Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 615-G.O.WATER REVENUE BONDS,1996C � -REVENUES- December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 615 31010 00 000 Curnnt Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO S0 SO 615 36101 00 000 Principal-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 615 36102 00 000 Penal6es&Interest-SfA 0 0 0 0 615 36210 00 000 Intetest Eaznings-Investiments -0 7,929 0 0 615 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings 0 104 0 0 615 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 615 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 615 37160 00 000 Penaldes-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 615 39202 00 000 Con�bution From Entecprises 0 0 0 0 615 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 615 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 27,500 79,000 ' 615 39205 00 000 Ttansfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 615 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 615 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authoriry 0 0 0 0 615 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS w $0 ~^ $8,034 $27,500 $79,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Acmal Actuai Budget Budget Comments 615 47000 01 317 General Fund Admin Fees ao so ai,125 51,125 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 615 47000 01 3 19 Other Professional Semces 0 0 0 0 615 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 0 0 0 55,000 615 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 0 11,856 25,689 22,544 615 47000 O1 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 686 331 615 47000 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------- ----_________ FUNDTOTALS SO 511,856 $27,500 579,000 1 � �� t - - - ------�------ -- __._. ...___- --- - -------------------- ---. _. _......_ _..... . __.. .. _.. _.... .. . . . , Page One p ' 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � DEBT SERV FUND 32�-G.O.(MPROVEMENT BONDS,1997A i -REVENUES- " ', December 4,199? 199? 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actuat Actual Budget Budget Comments 327 310T0 00000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO SO S0 ' 327 36101 00 000 Principa!-Special Assessments 0 0 0 0 327 36102 00 000 Penalties&Interest-S/A 0 0 0 0 327 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings-Investinenu 0 0 0 0 327 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings 0 0 0 0 327 36265 DO 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 140,000 327 37145 00 000 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 327 37160 00 000 Penalties-Sunchazge Revenues 0 0 0 0 327 39202 00 000 Contnbution From Enterprises 0 0 0 0 327 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 327 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 � 327 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 0 0 0 327 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 327 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 327 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 FCJNDTOTt1LS �Y SO SO $0 $140,000 EXPENDIT[JRES 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Coaunenu 327 47000 01 317 General Fund Admin Fees SO SO $0 $1,125 Yeazly Fee Per Policy F-3 327 47000 01 3 19 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 327 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 0 0 0 0 327 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 0 0 0 138,255 327 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 0 620 327 47000 01 710 Trensfers 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS ~r^ SOY�N SO � SO $140,000 �i � I Page One � 4 � 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ` DEBT SERV FUND 325-G.O.IMPROVEII�NT BOiYDS,19978 Y -REVENUES- December 4,1997 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 325 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes SO SO 30 SO 325 36101 00 000 Principal-Speciai Assessments 0 0 0 0 325 36102 00 000 Penalries&Interest-S/A 0 0 0 0 325 36210 00 000 Interest Eamings-Investinenu 0 0 0 0 325 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings 0 0 0 0 , 325 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 84,500 ' 325 37145 00 040 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 ', 325 37160 00 000 Penalties-Surcharge Revenues 0 0 0 0 ', 325 39202 00 000 Contn'bution From Entetprises 0 0 0 0 ! 325 39203 00 000 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 , 325 39204 00 000 Transfer From Water Core 0 0 0 0 ' 325 39205 00 000 Transfer From Sewer Cose 0 A 0 0 ', 325 39206 00 000 Transfer From Storm Core 0 0 0 0 I, 325 39207 00 000 Transfer From Port Authority 0 0 0 0 , 325 39310 00 000 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 ' FCTND TOTALS SO $0^~Y $0 $84,500 EXPENDITURES � 1997 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuat Budget Budget Comments 325 4�000 01317 Generai Fund Admin Fees SO $0 $0 $1,125 Yeazly Fee Per Poticy F-3 325 47000 01319 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 325 47000 01 601 Bond Principal 0 0 0 0 325 47000 01 61 1 Bond Interest 0 0 0 82,742 325 47000 01 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 0 633 325 47000 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 0 _____— -------------------_-- FUND TOTALS SO $0 $0 $84,500 �' d �� � ' WATER OPERATING FUND • GENERAVADMINISTRATIVE • An Enterprise Fund consisting of revenues from water sales which provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's welis, towers and distribution system. it also includes the"CRP" or Capital Repair Program where obsolete water main and appurtenances are repiaced such as those in the street and utility reconstruction projects. In 1998, the CRP includes minor work on water system facilities on 145th Street between the railroad tracks and CSAH 42; minor work on system facilities on Chippendale Avenue between CSAH 42 and 160th Street; and minor work on system facilities on Canada Avenue, 151 st Street West and Carrousel Way in the South Rose Park area. These three projects total $120,000, which is down considerably from the $310,000 budgeted in 1997. ������ � � f � � PaYe One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER ZTI'1L1TY � -REVEIYiJES- _ - Au�ust 18,l997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted iktail Proposed Acco�mt# Deuripcion Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 601 34109 00 000 Other Gen7 Govt Chgs for Services SO S2,500 SO 52,500 601 36101 00000 Principal-Special Assessmrnts 22,909 15,909 20,000 20,OOQ 601 36102 00000 Penalda�Intcnst-S!A 425 293 0 0 60(36210 00 OQO Intercst Eamings-Invesanrnts 42,381 45,921 30,000 40,000 601 36215 00 000 Interest Eaznings 144 304 1,000 S00 601 36220 00 000 Rents&Royaltia 0 0 0 30,000 Mtenna Leases 601 36260 00000 Other Revenues 60 0 0 0 601 3�11000000 Residential WaterRevenues 316,465 353,290 320,�0 320,000 601 37120 00000 Apartrnent Water Revenues 41,368 44,988 50,000 45,000 601 37125 00000 Institudonal WaterRevenues 21,830 25,193 25,000 22,000 601 37130 00000 Commercial Watcr Revenues 36,255 31,650 36,000 36,000 60137140 00 000 Industrial Water Revenues 3,930 4,486 5,000 5,000 601 37160 00 000 Penalties-Water Revenues 5,000 8,347 9,000 9,000 601 37165 00 000 Meur Maint Water Revrnues 9,310 6,750 10,000 10,000 601 37170 00000 Other Water Revenues 0 0 0 � 601 3TI80 00000 Water Meter Sales Revenue 21,506 19,137 20,000 65,000 FUND TOTALS 521,583 558,766 526,000 605,000 � � � !, � J Page One t 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS " WATER V[7LITY -EXYENDITIlRES- • August l8,t997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 199b Adopted Detail Proposcd Account# ikscription Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments Ail Salary Costs Indusive of 601 49400 l0l Salazia&Benefits 5148,6�7 5161,237 5180,000 5172,300 Salary,Tazes,PERA 8t Benefits 601 49400 77 101 Administrative 39,200 60l 49400 78 l01 TahnicaUClerical 73,700 60l 49400 79101 Maintenance 59,400 601 49400 102 Full-Time Overtime 701 824 6,000 6,000 60149400 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits 12,048 14,3i2 t6,000 16,000 601 49400 99 103.l Utiliry Commission Wages(50%) 1,000 50%-601; 50%-b02 601 49400 99 103.2 Maintenance Cabor 15,000 100%-601 601 49400 01 203 Printed Forms&Paper 1,045 4,599 4,300 5,500 Inserts&Water Bill Statemenu 601 49400 O l 204 Envelopes&Letterhead 0 881 0 0 601 49400 01 209 Other Office Supplies 0 34 SUO 500 Disks,Ribbons,etc. 601 49400 01 212 Motor Fueis 0 868 1,500 1,500 For#'s 103,107 8t 114 601 49400 01 213 Lubricanu&Additives 80 107 500 500 Oil for Pumps 601 49400 01 216 Chemicals&Chemical Producu 19,062 20,048 19,500 21,000 Chlorine.Flouride,Polyphos 601 49400 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 833 2,384 1,500 I,500 Maintenance Supplies 601 49400 01 220 Water Meter Purchases 29,638 40,705 31,500 71,500 Meters,MN's&CLT Homs 601 49400 01 220.1 For Replacements 6,500 60l 49400 01220.2 For New Homes 65,000 601 49400 01 221 Equipment Parts 98 4d4 3,000 0 601 4940Q 01222 Tires 498 0 500 500 Repairs&Replacemenu 601 49400 Ol 224 Street Maintenance Materials 4,858 2,792 2,000 2,000 Patching for Breaks 601 49400 01 225 Landscaping Materials 392 65 600 600 Topsoii,Seed&Sod 601 49400 01 227 Urility System Maintenance Supplie 1,919 3,462 2,500 2,500 Raise 6 Hydranu Per Year b01 49400 01 228 Meter Repair Materials 305 0 300 300 Miscellaneous Meter Parts 601 49400 01 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 6,376 5,184 7,500 7,500 601 49400 01 229.1 Supplies for Hydrants 4,000 601 49400 01 229.2 Valve&Curb Boxu 1,300 GV Extensions 601 49400 01 2293 Vaive Replacemenu(2) 2,200 Sufficient for 2 Replacements 601 49400-01241 Smafl Tools 390 231 500 500 Wrenches,Shovels,etc. 601 49400 01 242 Minor Equipment 3,922 1,245 3,000 3,000 601 49400 01 242.1 Locaror,GV Wrench 1,500 601 49400 Ol 242.2 GV Extension Wrench 1,500 , 601 49400 01 303 Engineering Fees 13,119 34,752 25,000 10,000 ' 601 49400 01 303.1 Well#3 Upgtade 5,000 � 601 49400 01 303.2 GIS-Update of Asbuilu 3,000 601 49400 01 303.3 Miscellaneous Fees 2,000 601 49400 01 304 Legal Fees 0 783 500 1,000 601 49400 01 305 Medical&Dental Fees 287 217 0 0 6�1 49400 01 310 TestingServices 1b,795 1'7,I42 20,000 21,SQ0 601 49400 O l 310.1 Bacteria&Water Qualiry 2,000 Radon 60l 49400 0 1 3 10.2 V.O.C.,Pesticides,etc. 1,000 601 49400 Ol 310.3 CU-PB Testing 18,500 55.21/Connection per Qtr(M) 601 49400 0]312 Contract Inspection Fees 1,212 1,962 2,000 2,000 Gopher State One-Calt(I� 601 49400 O l 317 General Fund Admin Fees 5,625 5,625 0 0 Salaries Reallocated 60l 49400 0l 319 Other Professional Services 2,867 6,751 7,600 8,400 601 49400 O I 319.1 Thaw Pipes,Check Leaks,etc. 1,500 601 49400 O1 319.2 Supervisory Controls 3,000 601 49400 01 3 19.3 Hazardous Ghemical Permiu 500 MN Dtpartment of Public Safery 601 49400 01 319.4 Meter Reading Chazges 2,800 RMR Services 601 49400 01 319.5 Hazarcious Chemical Inventory 600 60l 49400 0 1 32 1 Tetephone Costs 302 4�6 1,300 1,300 Lines for Telemetry 60l 49400 01322 Postage Costs 1,524 1,660 1,700 2,000 Billings with Inserts 601 49400 01 323 Radio Units 1,501 0 2,000 2,000 Replace/Repair Radios&Phones 60I 49400 01331 Travel Expense 121 90 1,000 1,000 AWWA NationaFSeminaz 601 49400 O1 333 Freight&Express Expenses 0 0 100 100 Mail-in Repairs 601 49400 01 341 Employment Advertising 650 11 700 700 P/I'en&Penonnel Changes 60l 49400 0 t 349 Other Advertising 21 0 500 500 601 49400 0I 352 Grneral Notices&Public tnfo 8 0 500 500 Newsletters 60l 49400 01365 Workers Comp Insurance 3,674 4,070 4,000 4,500 Waters Share of Premiums 60!49400 01369 Other[nsurance t 1,398 13,505 12,000 14,000 Waters Share of Premiums 601 49400 01 391 P.C.Maintenance 300 300 300 300 Gopher State One-Call(M) 601'49400 O1 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies 181 43 200 200 6d 1 49400 01 393 P.C.Hudware Purchases 1,961 0 2,000 2,000 Replace SCADA PC 601 49400 01 394 P.G SoRware Purchua 378 7,430 2,000 2,000 Replace SCADA Software 64t 49400 Ol 395 P.C.Repairs 0 170 500 500 PAGE TOTALS 292,766 354,870 365.100 387,?00 ��� : : ... _ � i Page Two 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEE7'S WATER VTILITY ' � -EXPENDffi1RFS- August 18,l997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 AdoQted Detail Proposed Account st Dcscription Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 60l 49400 0l 403 Contracted R&M-Otha impr 3,503 664 3,500 3,500 601 49400 Ol 415 Other Equipmrnt Rental 29 0 1,000 1.000 601 49400 01 416 Machinery Rmtal 1,939 516 3,000 3,000 601 49400 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 688 360 600 600 AWWA for 2 Membeis 601 49400 01 435 Books&Pamphlets 200 36 300 300 Reference Materials 601 49400 01 437 Confermces 8t Seminars 2,315 568 1,500 1,500 601 49400 01 437.1 MN Health Deparunent Schooi 1>U00 (M� 601 49400 01 437.2 AWV✓A Confercnce 500 601 49400 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges 1,446 5,856 1,900 2,500 DNR Mnual Water Use(1� , 601 49400 01 521 Building&Structure Purchases 0 0 0 IO,Q00 Payment on P.W.Building(1 of 20 601 49400 01 530 Improvements Other Than Bidgs 30,342 68,079 325,�0 135,000 601 49400 01 530.1 145th Street Reconstruction 50,000 601 49400 01 530.2 Chippendale Ave Reconsiruction 50,000 601 49400 Ol 530.3 South rose Park Area Impr 15,000 601 49400 01 530.4 Misc Gate Valve Replaeements 20,OQ0 60l 49400 01560 Furniture&Fixture Pu�chazes 0 0 1,000 1,000 60t 49400 01570 Oftice Equipmrnt Purchases 1,061 0 1,000 1,000 File Cabinet,Chair 601494Q0 01586 Computer Equipmem Purchases 1,686 0 3,500 3,500 601j19400-01 TOTALS 335,975 430,948 707,400 550,600 601 49403 01 221 Equipment Parts 2,968 5 1,000 1,000 601 49403 01 223 Building Repair Suppiies b,068 172 500 500 601 49403 01 319 Other Professiona!Services 100 75 1,000 1,000 Independent Inspections 601 49403 01 381 Electric Utilities 6,984 8,676 7,500 7,500 Pumping&Lighring 601 49403 01 383 Gas Utilities 554 513 600 600 Heat&Engine Backup 601 49403 O l 409 Other Contracted Repain&Maint 0 14,881 300 6U,OOU 601 49403 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL-WELL il3 16,674 24,322 I 1,000 70,700 601 49406 01 221 Equipment Parts 0 6 1,000 0 Abandoned in 1997 601 49406 01 223 Building Repair Supplies 0 126 200 0 Abandoned in 1997 601 49406 01 319 Othe�Professional Services 100 75 100 0 Abandoned in 1997 b014940b 01321 Telephone Cosu �0 211 0 0 Abandoned in 1997 601 49406 Ol 381 Electric Utiliees 400 393 600 0 Abandoned in 1997 60t 49406 01383 Gas Utilities 382 426 400 0 Abandoned in 1997 601 49406 01 409 Other Contracted Repairs&Maint 47 0 300 0 Abandoned in 1991 I 601 49406 01 439 Other Miscdlaneous Charga 0 0 100 0 Abandoned in 1997 TOTAL-WELL#6 999 1,23'7 2,700 � 601 49407 01 221 Equipment Parts 2,249 255 500 5� ' 60l 49407 01223 Building Repair Supplies 3,625 2,548 300 30U 601 49407 Ol 319 Other Professional Servica 100 401 500 500 Independent Inspections 601 49407 01 321 Telephone Cosu 70 21 l 0 3� 601 49407 01 381 Electric Utilities 16,231 13,922 10,000 14,000 Pumping&Lighting 601 49407 01 383 Gas Utilities 0 0 400 400 Heat Only 60t 49407 0 1 409 Other Contracted Repairs&Maint 0 1,267 600 600 RTU's,Pump Motor,etc. 601 49407 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 100 100 Contingencies , 60l 49407 01530 Improvements Other'Ihan Bldgs 0 0 600 b00 TOTAL-WELL#7 ^ 22,275+ ~M18,604~ 13,000 17,300 601 49408 O l 221 Equipment Paru 3,950 504 1,000 1,� 601 49408 01 223 Building Repair Supplies 633 569 100 t00 601 49408 0 t 3 l9 Other Professional Services 100 75 0 � 60l 49408 O l 32l Telephone Cosu 70 211 0 300 60l 49408 0138! Electric Utilitia 14,106 12,085 t5,000 t5,000 Pumping&Lighting 601 49408 Ol 383 Gas Utilities 399 460 400 400 Heat Only TOTAL-WELL#8 19,258 �13,904 16,500 16,800 � �� _--- __ . _ _ _. _ - � . _. ... �- ---� - ....---_----_------____.-= --•----. _ ------- PaQe One . • 1998 BUDGET WORKSHE� SEWER UTILITY � -REVENUES- _ August 18,1997 �g97 1998 Object 1948 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Yroposed Account# DescriPtic° Acn�al Achral Budget Amount Budget Gommenu 25,533 24,517 20,000 20,000 602 3610100 OUO Principal-Special Assasments � 429 � � 602 36102 00 000 Penalaa�interest-S�A 25,713 30,814 20,000 30,500 602 36210 00 000 intaest Eamings-invesanmts 500 602 36215 00 000 Intetest Eamings 367 539 1,� � 602 36260 00 000 Ocher Revenua � � � 531,960 587,858 540,000 560,000 602 37210 00 000 Residential Sewcr Revenues 59,02I 64,114 60,000 60,000 602 3'7220 00 000 Apaztrnent Sewec'Reve"ues 26,739 30,302 33,000 30,000 602 37225 00 000 Institutional Sewer Revenues 40,822 32,813 40,000 35,000 602 37230 00 000 Commeccial Sewer Revenues 10,19� 7,996 10,000 $��� , 602 37240 00 000 Indusuial Sewer Revenues 8�32 13,503 10>000 12,000 602 37260 00000 Penalties-Sewer Revenues 729,104 792,886 734,000 756,000 FUND TOTAL.S . �-------------- �� c1�.. � _ . . ... .. ... . _ ___ ,� Page One 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEETS SEWER UfIL1TY . -EXPENDINRESr August l8.1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 t996 Adopced Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments Aq Salary Cosu Inclusive of 602 49450 101 Salazia&&nefits 563,714 S79,393 SI54,500 5172,300 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 602 49450 77 101 Administrative 39,200 602 49450 78 10 1 TeehnicaUClerical 73,700 , 602 49450 79 101 Maintenance 59,400 602 49450 t02 Fuli-Time Overtime 302 575 6,000 6,000 602 49450 103 Part-Time Salaria&Bmefiu 11,308 13,342 I5,000 t5,000 602 49450 99 103.1 Utiliry Commission Wages(50%) 1,000 50%-602; 50%-601 , 602 49450 99 103 Z Maintenaz�ce Labor 14,000 100%-602 602 49450 01 203 Printed Forms&Paper ?99 63? 1,400 5,500 Inserts�Water Bill Statements 602 49450 01 204 Envelopes&Letterhead 0 881 0 0 602 49450 01 209 Other Office Supplies 0 0 200 200 Disks,Ribbons,etc. 602 49450 01 212 Motor Fuels 0 0 1,500 1,500 For#'s 101,103,l07&114 602 49450 01213 Lubricants&Addieva 0 0 350 300 Oil for Lift Stations 602 49450 01216 Chemicals&Chemical Producu 0 0 500 S00 Root Killer,Degreaser 602 49450 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 1,094 1,122 S00 500 602 49450 01 221 Equipment Parts 2,Ob5 2,028 5,000 U 602 49450 01 222 Tires 852 0 1,000 1,000 For#114 602 49450 01 224 Street Maintenance Materials 3,102 66 2,500 2,500 Patching 602 49450 0 1 225 Landscaping Mazerials 245 58 400 400 Topsoil,Seed&Sod 602 49450 O l 227 Utility System Maintenance Supplie 494 1,540 I,000 1,000 Manhole Castings 602 49450 Ol 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 506 0 0 602 49450 01 241 Small Tools 529 390 500 500 Wrenches,Sfiovets,etc. 602 49450 0 1 242 Minor Equipment 1,'779 458 3,000 3,000 602 49450 01 303 Engineering Fees 1,094 6,888 3,000 3,000 GIS-Update of Asbuilts 602 49450 01 304 Legal Fees 1,374 0 500 500 602 49450 01 3 12 Contract Inspection Fces 2,279 663 2,500 2,500 Gophet State One-Cali(M) 602 49450 01 3 17 General Fund Admin Fees S,b25 S,b25 0 0 Salaries Reattocated 602 49450 01 3 19 Other Professional Services 6,042 2,331 10,000 10,800 602 49450 O l 319.1 Televising 3,000 602 49450 01 3 19.2 Root Conuol 2,000 602 49450 01 3 19.3 Supervisory Controts 3,000 SCADA System 602 49450 0 1 3 19.4 Meter Reading Charges Z.B�� RMR SeM�es 602 49450 0 1 32 1 Telephone Cosu 302 476 600 600 Lines For Telemetry 602 49450 Ot 322 Postage Cosu 1,524 1,660 2,000 2,000 Billings with Inserts 602 49450 01 323 Radio Units 1,086 0 1,000 1,000 ReplaceJRepair Radios&Phones 602 49450 Ol 331 'Cravet Expense 0 22 1,000 I,000 National Conference 602 49450 01 333 Freight&Express Ezpenses 0 0 100 100 Mail-in Repain 602 49450 O l 341 Employment Advertising 695 0 300 300 P/Cers&Personnel Changes 6U2 49450 O l 349 Other Advertising 80 0 500 500 602 49450 0 1 365 Workers Comp Insurance 1,599 2,t08 1,800 2,200 Sewe�s Share of Premiums 602 49450 01 369 Otfier Insurance 1,884 9,08! 12,000 12,000 Sewer's Share of Premiums 602 49450 01 391 P.C.Maintenance I50 l50 0 0 i 602 49450 01 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies 0 43 200 200 602 49450 01 393 P.C.Hardware Purchazes 0 0 2,000 2,000 Replace SCADA PC i 602 49450 01 394 P.C.Software Purchases 0 480 2,000 2,000 Replace SCADA Software , 602 49450 O l 395 P.C.Repairs 0 0 Sd0 500 ', 602 49450 O l 403 Contracted R&M-Other Impr 1,035 765 2,000 2,000 602 49450 O l 415 Other Equipment Rentat 0 38 200 200 602 49450 0 1 416 Machinery Rental 0 0 2,000 2,000 602 49450 0 1 433 Dues&Subscriptions 0 85 500 500 602 49450 01 435 Books&Pamphtets 42 49 300 300 Reference Materials 602 49450 01 437 Conferences&Seminars 1,567 1,112 600 600 MPCA School&Miscellaneous 602 49450 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 34 0 1Q0 100 Contingencies 602 49450 01 52 t Building&Structure Purchases 0 0 0 10,000 Payment on P.W.Building(1 of 20 602 49450 01 530 Improvements OtherThan Bldgs 0 0 200,000 80,000 602 49450 01 530.1 145th Street Reconstruction 30,000 602 49450 OI 530.2 Chippendale Ave.Reconstruction 50,000 602 49450 O l 560 Fumiture&Fixturc Purchases 0 0 S00 500 602 49450 01 570 Office Equipment Purchases 0 3I5 100 500 602 49450 0I 602 Sewer Service Charges 367,224 366,672 416,000 480,000 MWCC Charges-See Note Below 602-49450-0t TOTALS 479,919 499,556 855,650 828,100 .���� --- -.. _ _ _ � � � , Page Two !► 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � SEWER UTILITY , • -EXPENDITURESr � ' August 18,1997 1997 1998 Object 1498 1995 t996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amounc Budget Commrnts ' 602 49451 01 219 Other Operating Supplies � 1 l 100 100 602 49451 O l 221 Equipment Pazu 1,774 151 500 500 ' 602 49451 01 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 200 200 ' 602 49451 01 381 Electric Utilities 544 539 600 600 , 602 49451 0 t 403 Contracted R&M-Otha Impr 1,230 0 200 200 � 602 49451 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL-LIFI'STATION#I 3,548 701 1,700 1,700 ', 602 49452 01 219 Otha Operating Supplies 0 95 100 100 602 49452 01 221 Equipment Pazts 884 22 500 500 ' 602 49452 O!229 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 200 200 , 603 49452 O l 321 Telephone Costs 70 211 0 300 ' 602494520t381 ElectricUdlities 853 972 1,100 1,100 , 602 49452 01 403 Contracted R&M-Other Impr 3,416 254 200 2UU 602 49452 01 439 Other�tiscellaneous Chazges 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ! TOTAL-LIFT STATION#2 5,223 1,554 2,200 2,500 , 602 49453 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 100 100 �'I 602 49453 01 221 Equipment Parts 0 275 500 500 I 602 49453 Ol 229 Other Maintrnance Supplies 0 0 200 200 602 49453 0 t 321 Telephone Cosu 70 211 0 300 602 49453 01 381 Elech�ic Utilities 1,460 1,691 t,600 1,700 602 49453 01 403 Contracted R&M-Other Impr 0 0 200 200 602 49453 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL-LffT STATION#3 1,530 2,178 2,700 3,100 602 49454 O l 219 Other Operating Suppties 34 0 100 100 602 49454 0(221 Equipment Parts 3 0 500 500 602 49454 0 1 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 418 500 500 602 49454 01 321 Telephone Costs 70 211 0 300 602 49454 01 38 1 Elecfic Utilities 1,074 974 1,2Q0 1,200 602 49454 01 403 Contracted R&M-Other Impr 0 495 200 200 602 49454 O1439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 100 100 Conringencies TOTAL-LIFI'STATION#4 1,181 2,098 2,600 2,900 602 49455 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 100 100 602 49455 01 221 Equipment Parts 0 275 500 500 602 49455 01 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 265 200 200 602 49455 01 321 Telephone Cusu 0 211 0 300 602 49455 01 38 t Eiectric Utitities 1,204 1,345 1,100 1,400 602 49455 01 403 Contracted R&M-Other Impr 0 165 200 200 602 49455 01 439 Other Misceltaneous Chazges 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL-LIFC STATION#5 1,204 2,261. 2,200 2,800 GRAND 70TAL-ALL DEPTS. 492,605 508,348 867,050 841,l00 NOTE: 1998 Estimated MWCC Charges: 340 MG Q S 1400/MG=5480,000 � ;:��� . ' w ` STORM WATER OPERATING FUND GENERAL/ADMINISTRATIVE • An Enterprise Fund consisting of revenues ftom storm water utifity charges which provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's storm wa#er facilities. This fund pays for cleaning storm drain sumps in manholes and catch basins and for ditching in rural areas. It funds wetland investigations and the assimilation of a wetiand inventory for the City. In 1998, Rosemount will pay approximately$15,000 to the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization, one of the largest WMO's in the state. Most of the remaining operating budget is used to pay for large projects in which debt is issued. Repayment of this debt is accomplished through fund transfers to the appropriate debt service funds. . -^�t:�''` ' �::o�--� ' � � � ". Page One ,�+ 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS . ' STORM WATER U'ITLiTY -REVENtJES- . ' August 18,1497 1997 1998 Ob'ect 1998 1 l995 1996 Adopud Detaii ProPcsed Account# Description Acwal Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu 603 33425 00 OOQ Other State Grants&Aids SO S I5,000 SO SO 603 3610100000 Principal-Special Assasmenis 6,138 22,941 7,000 15,000 603 36102 00 000 Penaltia 8c lnterest-S/A 40 247 0 0 603 36210 00 000 Intemt Eamiags-Invesunents 26,247 24,973 20,000 30,500 603 36215 00000 Interest Eamings 214 253 1,000 S00 , 603 36260 00000 Other Revenues 3,012 0 0 0 603 37300 00000 Stortn Water Utility Revenues 289,578 345,274 350,000 400,000 II 603 37360 00000 Penalties-Stortn Wacer Utiliry 2,147 4,519 2,000 4,000 ', 603 39203 00000 Trdnsfer From 0 5,444 0 0 FUND TOTALS 327,376 418,651 380,000 450,000 ' s !�� �.� � Page One ` 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEEI'S S70EL'N WATER U'TILiTY s -EXPENDITfJRES- August f 8,1997 l997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopmd Detaii Proposed Account# Description Actuai Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu Ail Salary Cosu Inciusive of 603 49500 101 Satazies&Benefits 544,089 554,295 5118,000 5139,900 Salary,Ta�ces,PERA&Benefits 603 49500 77 101 Administrative 29,800 603 49500 78 I01 TechnicaVClaica{ 59,100 603 49500 79 101 Maintenance 51,000 603 49500 102 Full-Time Overtime 0 398 6,000 6,000 603 49500 01 203 Prinied Fortns&Paper 57 388 SQO 500 603 49500 01 204 Envelopes&Cetterhead 0 881 0 0 603 49500 01 205 Drafting Supplies 0 5 800 800 Paper,Pena&Reproduction 603 49500 01 208 Misctilaneous Supplies 0 97 1,000 1,000 Stakes,Ribbans,Level,etc. G03 49500 01 212 Motor Fuels 0 0 3,500 3,500 603 49500 01 213 Lubricanu&Additives 0 0 300 300 603 49500 0]215 Shop Materials 0 0 200 200 603 49500 0l 219 Other Operating Supplies 274 129 1,500 1,500 603 49500 01 22 t Equipment Parts 502 157 500 500 Filters,Hoses,Lighu,etc. 603 49500 01 222 Tires 452 0 500 500 603 49500 O I 224 Street Maintenance Materials 330 71 2,000 2,000 Blacktop&Gravel 603 49500 01 225 Landscaping Materials 2,251 2,188 4,000 4,000 603 49500 01 225.1 Rip-Rap,Matting,Rock,etc. 3,000 603 49500 01225.2 Black Dirt,Seet,Sod,etc. 1,000 603 49500 01 226 Sign Repair Materials 0 0 600 600 Advance Waming Sign Rental 603 49500 01 230 Equipment Repair Matcrial 1,740 143 1,000 1,000 Due to Breakdowns 603 49500 01 241 Small Taols 501 0 1,000 1,000 Shoveis,Rakes,Picks,etc. 603 49500 01 242 Minor Equipmrnt 57 55 3,500 0 603 49500 01 303 Engineering Fees 56,983 16,139 30,000 10,000 Problem Area Investigations 603 49500 01 304 Legal Fees 1,170 750 2,000 2,000 603 49500 Ol 310 Testing Services 0 0 1,000 1,000 Water Qualiry Tests(Iv� 603 49500 01 312 Conuact Inspection Fees 0 0 500 500 3rd Part lnspecrion Program(1� 603 49500 01 3 17 General Fund Admin Fees 5,625 5,625 0 0 Salazies Reallocated 603 49500 0 t 322 Postage Cosu 1,524 1,660 1,500 1,500 Billings&Info Mailings 603 49500 01 323 Radio Units 501 0 1,2Q0 1,200 Repiacemenu&Repain 603 49500 01331 TravelExpense I11 20 200 200 603 49500 O l 341 Employment Advertising 0 739 0 � 603 49500 Ol 352 General Notices&Public Info 0 0 1,000 1,000 Public Info Brochure 603 49500 O l 365 Worken Comp inswance 1,047 1,445 2,000 2,000 Storm Water's Share of Premiums 603 49500 0 t 369 Other Insurance 2,951 3,230 500 3,500 Stortn Waters Shaze of Premiums 603 49500 01 384 Refuse Disposa! 0 74 600 600 Roadside Debris 603 49500 01 389 Other Utility Services 136 0 1,000 1,000 Hazardous Materiats Disposal 603 49500 01 394 P.C.SoRware Purchases 0 27 t 0 0 603 49500 01 403 Contracted R&M-Other Impr 14,066 240 25,000 25,000 603 49500 01 403.1 Ditching 10,000 603 49500 O1 403.2 Miscellaneous Repairs 15,000 603 49500 Ol 404 Contracted Mach&Equip Repairs 818 1,079 1,000 1,000 Repain Sent Out 603 49500 01 416 Machinery Rental 0 154 10,000 10,000 Backhoe,Lowboy,Pumps,etc. 603 49500 OI 433 Dues&Subscriptions 5,725 6,001 6,000 15,000 Vermi]lion River WMO(M) 603 49500 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets 45 209 2,000 2,000 Utiliry Information 603 49500 01 437 Conferences&Seminars 2,602 1,144 2,000 2,000 603 49500 O l 437.1 Storm Water Management �+�� 603 49500 01 4371 Hydrocad Training 500 603 49500 0 t 437.3 Wetlands Training 5� 603 49500 O1 439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges 342 8,963 0 0 603 49500 O I 560 Fumiture&Fixture Purchases 0 208 500 500 603 49500 O1 580 Other Equipment Purchases 3,801 0 2,000 2,000 603 49500 O1 586 Compurer Equipment Purchases 3,162 101 500 500 603 49500 01 710 Transfers t51,500 ?8,000 127,000 150,500 603 49500 O I 710.I IR of 1998 P&I Paymenu(1992B) 78,500 603 49500 01 710.2 I/2 of 1998 P&1 Paymenu(1994B) 20,000 603 49500 01 7 t0.3 1!2 of 1998 P&t Payments(19968) 52,000 603-49500-01 TOTALS 302,362 184,861 362,400 396,300 I�.7 - ._ : _ . -----._ .--••--- .. r• Page Two ,�' 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEEI'S ^ ' STORM WATER VTIIITY •EJCPENDITURES- c August 18.1997 l997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account� Ikscription Acanl Actual BudQet Amount Budget Commenu 603 4951 l 01221 Equipmrnt Parts 0 0 1,000 I,000 603 49511 01321 Telephone Cosu 145 211 0 200 603 49511 01 381 Elecuic Urilitia 0 269 2,000 2,000 (Shannon Hills 6th) TOTAI.-LIFf STATION#1 145 480 3>000 3,200 603 49512 01221 Equipment Parts 0 0 l,000 1,000 603 49512 01 321 Tdephone Costs 70 21 I 0 200 603 49512 0 t 38 t Electric Udliries 0 0 2,000 2,000 (Schwarz Pond) TOTAL-LIFT STAl'ION#2 70 211 3,000 3,200 GRAND TOTAL.-AI.L DEPTS. 302,577 185,552 368,400 402,700 j) f�'6 3 �� . . . s . � . ''�.. . . '-'-__ _' _ . • , I 1 ; � - ICE ARENA I! ADMINISTRATION • The Ice Arena is administered by the Parks and Recreation Department. Scheduling and invoicing of ice are the main administrative duties of ice arena ope�ations. The scheduling of prime ' time ice is coordinated with Independent School District #196 and Rosemount Area Hockey Association for practices, games and tournament play. The Parks and Recreation Department provides overall planning, coordination, management of personnel and administration of ice arena activities. COMMllNITY USE • Provides recreational open skating for the residents of Rosemount as well as learning to skate and figure skating programs. MAINTENANCE • Provides ongoing and preventative maintenance of the ice arena building structure and its mechanical components. Ensures ice is maintained at optima( efficiency. �,�`M� r ,. ` .. PaQe One . � 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEEI'S " ' ARENA-REVEiViJES December4,t997 . 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Deseription Actual Acnia! Budget Amount Budget Comments 650 31010 00 OQO Curtent Ad Vabrem Taza SO SO SO S 109,200 Debt Levy for Arena Paymenu- 6503621000000 InterestEamings-Invatme� 203 ISO 200 200 650 36215 00 000 Interest Eamings 123 24I 200 200 650 38060 00 000 Prime Time Ia Fea 230,825 220,125 230,600 236,500 6i0 3806100000 Mon-Prime Time Iu Fca 386 0 0 0 650 38Q63 00800 Open Skating ke Fea 6,415 6,315 6,000 6,300 650 38065 00000 Otha Evenu-Areaa 900 0 0 Z,000 6503806600000 AdvertisingRevenue-Arena 9,2�5 11,953 13,1W 13,100 650 3806'7 00 000 Skate Sharpening Revenue-Arena 3,03( 2,579 2,600 2.700 650 38090 00000 Concessions 9,621 7,464 8,600 7,400 650 3809100000 Vending 8,219 9,346 7,200 9,300 650 38095 00000 Pro Shop Revenues 701 732 900 1,000 650 3920100000 Transfer Fmm Generai Fwid 95,500 105,900 105,400 0 Moved to Ad Valorem Taxes FUND TOTALS 365,699 364,803 374,800 387,900 ��� . , Page f?ne � ' • 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA-EXPENDtfURES � . [kcember 4,l997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commmts Ali Salary Cosu Inciusive oE 650 45130 !O1 Salaries&Benefits S37,904 548,393 557,600 562,900 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Brnefits 650 45130 77 10I Administrative 7,100 650 45130�8101 TechniwUClerical »�� 650 45 L30 79101 Maintenance 38,600 650 45130 102 FuU-Time Overtime 915 0 500 0 650 45130 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefiu 35,499 31,144 35,000 37,000 650 45 130 94 103 Skate Guazd Attrndants ��3a� 650 45130 99103 Building Attendanu 29��00 650 45130 0 202 Duplicating&Copying 125 97 500 0 650 45130 0 20'7 Training&Instructionai Supplies 0 0 200 200 650 45130 0 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 123 496 400 40U 650 45130 0 209 Other Office Supplies 25 0 100 � 650 45130 0 21 I Cleaning Supplies 3,815 3,861 3,000 3,000 650 45130 0 212 Motor Fueis 1,558 2,165 1,700 2,000 650 45130 0 216 Chemicals&Chemical Products 528 823 800 800 650 45 t30 0 219 Other Operating Supplies 863 1,035 800 800 650 45130 0 221 Equipment Parts 2,120 5,981 2,000 2,300 650 45130 0 223 Building Repair Supplies 1,916 1,551 2,000 2,� ' 650 45130 0 241 Small Tools 450 1 I 1 300 300 I 650 45130 0 242 Minor Equipment 179 418 200 200 650 45130 0 265 Other Items for Resale 477 1,088 400 4�� 650 45130 0 305 Medical&Dental Fees 243 186 S00 500 650 45130 0 317 General Fund Admin Fees 5,625 5,625 5,700 5,700 Yeazly Fee Per Policy F-3 650 45130 0 321 Telephone Cosu 943 1,000 1,Q00 1,000 650 45 t 30 0 322 Postage Cosu 0 300 300 300 650 45130 0 331 Travei Expense 0 0 200 100 650 45130 0 341 Employment Advertising 322 0 500 500 650 45130 0 349 Other Advertising 0 0 500 500 650 45130 0 359 Other Prindng&Binding Costs 0 0 500 500 650 45130 0 365 Workers Comp Insuiance 1,434 1,645 2,000 2,000 650 45130 0 369 Other Insurance 13,509 8,101 13,000 13,000 650 45130 0 381 Electric Utilities 34,824 34,003 48,000 45,000 ' 650 45130 0 383 Gas UNliries 14,589 13,805 16,000 15,000 , 650 45130 0 384 Refuse Disposal 1,352 3,213 2,300 3,500 '� 650 45130 0 401 Contracted Building Repaics 1,031 2,697 3,000 3,000 ', 650 45130 0 404 Contracted Mach&Equip Repairs 2,059 5,706 2,000 2,000 ' 650 45130 0 415 Other Equipment Rental 0 57 3Q0 300 ' 650 45130 0 433 Dues&Subscriptions 750 892 900 900 MIA�VIA Dues ' 650 45130 0 437 Conferences&Seminars 20 0 400 400 MIAMA Seminars ', 650 45130 0 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges '768 675 500 500 Contingencies , I 650 45130 0 601 Bond Principa! 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 1992E Bond Issue ! 650 45130 0 611 Bond Interest t48,953 148,44b 147,700 146,600 1992E Bond issue 650 45130 0 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 500 400 1992E Bond Issue , 650 45 t 30 0 710 Transfers 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 li FiJND TOTALS � 326,419 342,016 374,800 ~�38�,900 � 1�� . FUNDING REQUIREMENTS-USES pNCLUDIWG FlRE STATION LEVY) 1998 C ity o f Ro s em o u nt B u dget December 4,1997 CltyTua City Ta:a Ctty Ta:a 5118,000 5118,000 5118,000 1998 PcrcentaYe Rome Home Home Propoxd OtTotai Yarly Monthly Dafly Departmentt Budeet Fund�nt 5654.00 554.50 51.79 Property tax reform that had been predicted and promised by many legislators really became property tax shifting. There were major changes in the tax rates for many classes of property Counril Budget s�o,9o0 �.o�i, s�.9i so.ss so.oz including residential homestead property valued over $75,000; all residential nonhomestead AdministrationBua�� 5266,�0o s.9�� zzs.9a sz.t6 so.o� property; market-rate apartments; commercial/industrial property; public utility property; and all ElectionsBudget s�o,soo o.�e� si.os so.o9 so.00 seasonal recreational property,both residential and commercial.Also,additional funding for school FinanceBudget sia2,600 z.�s� SI3.90 s�.�e so.oa districts was given by legislative acts in the form of a tax credit. This tax credit is applied to the school district portion of the taxes up to a maximum of$225 per homesteaded property. The result �"""��°°""'"`"`B°�" szo�,zoo s.o�� szo.�o s�.ss so.oe of the"property tax shifting"is that most people's total property taxes will remain close to 1997's Communiry DevelopmrntBudga 5389,eoo s.aii 537.98 s3.i� so.�o taxes with inereases in the County, City and special taxing district share of taxes and decreases in PoliceBudget st,z3i,zoo 1835% s�zo.os s�o.00 50.33 the school district share of taxes because of the tax credit. People seeing an increase will be the FircBudget s�9o,o0o x.ss� s�asz stsa so.os people with residential homesteaded property valued at$75,000 or less because there were no tax Public Workc Operaung Budgeu: rate cuts for that classification of property. Also, in the "City of R�semount, anyone seeing an Governmrnt Buildings Budget $306,800 4.57% 529.91 $2.49 50.08 increase of more than 7%in their property value will probably see an increase in their total tax bill. I Fleet Maintrnance Budget S293,200 4.37% 528.58 52.38 $0.08 ' City officials want Rosemount taxpayers to understand that the possible increases in the City's StreetMaintenanceBudget 5689,zoo io.z�ra 567.19 ss.w so.is portion of taxes are because of the way the State has reallocated the tax rates. City of Rosemount Pazks Maintcnance Budget a3�s,soo a.�o� 530.76 szs6 so.oa growth has averaged between seven and twelve pereent the last several years and the City's tax rate Pazk&Rec Budgct-Grneral Operating aszs,3oo zsoi ssi.o2 aa.zs so.ia has actually decreased in the two years prior to 1998 as growth in value has exceeded our tax levies. P�k&x�sua�-s B pec�al Progrems aso,zoo i.zo�o s�.sz ao.6s ao.oz Because of this large growth in our community,budgets have been extremely strained to maintain a constant level of services for our citizens. Other Financing Uses-Transfers Total Operating Budgets-Grneral Fund 54,735,600 7019% S459J3' 538.31 51.26 ' Your Share of Yearly City Services Costs (prepared from a home valued at$118,000) Building CIP Requiremrnu $64,000 o.9si s6.za sosz ao.oz , Stred CIP Requiremrnts 5322,990 4.81% 531.49 52.62 50.09 �i $1�5.22 Ad2111II1StT'3t1Ve Sel"ViCeS �eleCt10I1S� �T13I1Ce, community development) EquipmentCIPRequircmenu 5486,900 7.26% yi7.47 53.96 50.13 $120.03 Police Protection (15 full time officers, criminal investigation, child protection, InsuranceBudgetRequircments s�s�,000 z.�9r sis.zs s�sz so.os crime prevention, animal control, emergency management, civil defense) , $ 18.52 Volunteer Fire Dept. (fire suppression,rescue squad,hazardous material response) BondedIndebtedness 5631,aoo 9.aii 561.56 ss.�s so.i� $156.44 Public Works Dept. (maintenance of roads, snow & ice control; maintenance of Bondedlndebtednas-FireStationLevy sis6,�3s 233% sis.2z a�.z� ao.oa parks, city facilities, city vehicle fleets and equipmen�; maintenance of city Atmory.4nticipatoryLevy(Value6/V97) 5144,soo z.isr s�a.o� s�.�� ao.oa •*$95,000+($617,787,324 x.00798%)" water and sewer systems) $176.05 Pays for all bonded indebtedness (for city facilities,streets, and equipment) TotalFundingRequiremenu s6,�os,��s ioo.00i 5654.00' 554.50'� 51.79 Monthly serviees cost is $54.50; daily it would be $1.79 NOTE: Special Levies include(1)Bonded Indebtednas,(2)Fire Station Levy and(3)Artnory Anricipatory Levics. City of Rosemoun[ collects 30% of your property taz dollar 19 9 8 ��� O� � �, ����� �,- ;� Rosemount ���, 307Yo City oi Rosema.� � � � aq .� r„�\. H��� � �� <,��y � � �r'� F j.� ��� = � B GET , ,:, a , � � ,�; 4.3%Special Districts � ��i l ° s r ��: /i . �ry£:,;, s�,,xr/„ 44.3% �so� ,96 Truth in Taxation Public Hearing Thursday, December 4, 1997 7:00 P.M. Rosemount City Hall Who pays property [azes [o the City of Rosemoun[? � �� I "".+7%Residential � �� � �y � �� � - Prepared by the City of Rosemount as part of an ongoing � ,91 ,� ��° r effort to inform residents and business owners on the 42.1%Commercial/lnduslrial services provided by the City of Rosemount. , � December, 1997