HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Geronime Pond PUD Amendment Findings for Denial _ ' � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 4, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Geronime Pond PUD Amendment-Findings AGENDA SECTION: for Denial Old Business PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Dir. AGEND��4��J� � � � ;O�� � � ATTACHMENTS: Draft Findings APPROVED BY: � Applicant: Tom Bisch of Heritage Development of Minnesota Inc. Location: North west corner of Chippendale Avenue and 160th Street West Property Owners: Louis Geronime Trust Number of Lots: 56 twin home lots (28 twin home buildings) as currently approved. Overall Density: 2.77 Dwelling Units per acre (including 49 R-1 single family lots). Requested Zoning: R-2, Single Family Attached Residential Comp. Guide Plan: Urban Residential � SUMMARY On October 7, 1997,the City Council did not approve a requested amendment to the Geronime Pond PUD to convert twin homes to "carriage homes" and directed staff to prepare findings for denial. Draft findings are attached,based upon the previously stated objections to the PUD amendment. The findings should accurately describe the reasons for why the amendrnent is unacceptable. RECONIlVIENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution for Denial of an Amendment to the I Geronime Pond Residential Planned Unit Development requested by , Heritage Development of Minnesata,Inc.,Based Upon Findings of I Fact. COUNCIL ACTION: �* - , • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- A RESOLUTION FOR DENIAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE GERONIME POND RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REQUESTED BY HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT OF MINNESOTA,INC. BASED UPON FINDINGS OF FACT WHEREAS,the Planning Department received an application for an amendment to the planned unit development intended to substitute detached townhouse housing types for attached twin homes from Heritage Development of Minnesota,Inc. on August 27, 1997 to be located within Outlot C, of Geronime Pond; and, WHEREAS,the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required by the zoning ordinance on September 23, 1997; and, WHEREAS,the Pla.nning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council deny the amendment because of inadequate separation between the detached housing units along with a stated preference for the PUD as approved; and, WHEREAS,the City Council reviewed the proposed PUD arnendment on October 7, 1997 and adopted a motion to direct staff to prepare findings far denial of the amendment to the residential planned unit development. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT R.ESOLVED,the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby denies the amendment for a change in housing types within the approved Geronime Pond residential pianned unit development based upon findings of fact: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property has been included in an approved residential planned unit development and preliminary plat involving twin home and single family detached development. 2. The approved planned unit development and preliminary plat including twin homes was acceptable because of the relative lazge size of the twin home atta.ched dwellings and the anticipated minimum separation between buildings of twenty feet. 3. The proposed housing is inconsistent with the planned unit development and preliminary plat. The proposed amendment for detached townhomes would have building segarations of as little as thirteen feet. The Developer offered to revise the plan to allow for fifteen feet of sepazation between individual units,but also stated an unwillingness to eliminate � ;. any dwelling units or lower density. Modifications to the preliminary plat and additional variances will be needed to achieve the proposed density of development with the fifteen feet of separation between each dwelling unit. ADOPTED this 4th da.y of November, 1997 by the City Council of-the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho,Mayar ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: _._ . ,