HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. Assessment Appeals , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 4, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Assessment Appeals AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA',NT,O�. City Engineer/Public Works Director � � ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Appraisal Information APPROVED BY: ��� At the last Council meeting the City received four written notices of objection to the assessments ievied on Project #266, the 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Project. ', The assessments included a flat fee of $2,250 to single family homes and a varied ', amount for commercial property. The Council adopted the assessment roll as presented ' without any modifications. ' During the past week two of the property owners who appealed have approached me regarding their concerns about their assessments. Mr. John Oxborough was assessed for two units of residential property due to having a corner lot per the City's policy. The City's appraiser had determined that the benefit to the property for the improvements was $2,600. Mr. Oxborough is requesting a modification of his assessment to this amount. Jerry Clark owns the car wash on Burma Avenue which is located on two parcels. The northerly parcel is approximately 30' wide and the southerly parcel is approximately 100' wide. The car wash building is actually constructed upon both parcels. The appraiser determined that the benefit from the project to be approximately 55,000 for the entire building and property. Mr. Clark is requesting that the assessments to his two parcels be changed to a 55,000 total from it's original 510,000. If Council agrees with these changes the attached resolution should be adopted. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING REASSESSMENT OF ASSESSMENTS FOR CITY PROJECT #266, THE 1996 STREET & UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS, P.I.D.#'S 34-03800-190-14; AND, 34-64800-040-04, -050-04. COUNCIL ACTION: 9 __ _ _. _ __ � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING REASSESSMENT OF ASSESSMENTS FOR CITY PROJECT #266, THE 1996 STREET & UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS P.I.D. #'S 34-03800-190-14; AND, 34-64800-040-04, -050-04 ', WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed '� assessment for the 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project #266 and has ' amended such proposed assessments as it deems just on October 21, 1997; and � WHEREAS, the City has received notices of objections to special assessments from the owners of �i three separate parcels; and I WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that said assessments should be reassessed pursuant II, to MN Statutes Section 429.071; and WHEREAS, owners of said parcels have agreed to the reassessment hereinafter set forth, have waived a hearing thereon, and have agreed not to pursue an appeal. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount as follows: 1. The assessments for P.I.D. #34-03800-190-14 (Oxborough) is amended from $4,500 to 52,600. 2. The assessments for P.I.D. #34-64800-050-04 and 040-04 (Clark? is amended from 55,000 each to 52,500 each. 3. The interest rate is the same as the special assessments which were levied by Resolution 1997-104. ADOPTED this 4th day of November, 1997. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted againsfi �_.:,a�.� ------ --------- _------ -- �—._------------------------.___.___--._____. � 01i12i96 15:21 a 612 686 9883 RACINE APPRAISAL P.02 ' � � M�lN Cll l ICE ' � , . 3909 S�Idc,y Mc�r�uriul 1 lif,�tm�ty, Sulte 3 _ , Er3pan, Mau�esc�ta 55122 ((�����R6 8266 � RACIN A PAA1sAls 6 A660C. (/�x(G12J�r�r,��6R3 Commor'cial•Rc�ckMld•6,ca�w � January 12, 199G � City of Roscmount Mr.Hud Osmundson� P,L. P.O.Aox 310 Roscmounl, MN 5�068-0510 Dcar Mr.Osmpndson: Following you will�nd a list of the saniple propenies you requestetl us to analysis in coris�dcring thc benefiis ss ihcy rclatc to thc pcnding asscssmcnt rotl th�l was pro�3ded to us dated Deccmbcr y 4, 1995. As you wi�!noticc,thc oommtrciei properties with the exception of ihe Fleugel L�ievator,appear to Ue ., ju�cir,ca. Plcasc noto thc commcnis for cach oPthc four parccls ofFlucgcl Eicvator. ,� ln regxrds to lho residcnUal properiies,the overalt assessmenr ro11 appears to be towards the upper rAnge. � ll is my�nitial opinton ii�at several restdentiat properties are justlfied at the 52,500 assessment. �lowe�•er thcir are scvcral lowcr prlccd homcs within thc nciglrbort�ood tl�at arc qucstlottiablc i�t rcgards 1� 1 benet'idng by the S2,500 assessment. It is my recommendation if a"blankcf'asscssment is io be placed o�tt+e ptoperiics rxther than each properly bcing individually assessod,thai ihe conscnsus of the dat� shows a modian of S2.300 for the proposed assessmeni using the samplc properiics. lf you have any further questions�pleasc fceS frcc to coniaci me. SinCcrcly. 1���.: •' , �s�:GC4 , J-��;�rt � i� . `. ��� • � � (I J.R.j Attachmcnta Mombor Gt: AF�HqA15At INSTITUTE(Lee fiacuie) Minna9ota G�vernmeni.ol Appt�[�Ig�y�g HAS11NG5 ARE/1 p(FICE Minnonpolie CiUHrd of IiEAI?OR� 11931 Lpft.Otl Avenue$Wth Dukt�Lr�1 COtMILy B08f'd G(RU�L�DIiS I IGEtingB, Minnesots��033 "1 IUU"and"VA"Cer6ltied Appreiser (612J 43%-6GU(l __ _. _ � 81i12i96 15:24 a 612 686 9883 RACINE APPRAISAL p,02 � > .� Plb 0►a»cr Proposod Cainmc{its Asscssm�nt 34-U2910-0IO-73 Fleugel Bitvator 52�500 Appcars cxccs�ive!�r a pacel wiQ��io frontagc;suggest con�bining wi�b adjaccnt parce1010-G3 for a total assessment of 526,000 for both parccls �c commeiu � r s�am. 34�02910 a Fiu� �i�c�a�o s2o ooa �O1 -63 , 8 34-G4800-020-04 Fluegel Elevator 52,500 Appears exccssivc for a smslt parcel with doubltui cep�city to dovetop indepcndcnily;6uggest combining with adjacont pareel 030-04 for a totai esscssme:u of�5.000 for both parals 34-6488U-03U-04 FlCugel Ekvator 55,000 5cc abovo Comcuent 34-03�00-130-14 Ryan Llving 7Yust SS,000 Aasessmcnl appcars jusiIficd ' 34-02910-010-03 Kuri Walter Hanscn SS,000 Assessment appcars justificd I' 34-029I0-040-44 Seephen Grogo �5,000 Assessmcnc appcars justified 34-03700-014-39 EhScn La►nitod P�vs SS,OOA Assos+sment appears justified �4-47400-040-00 Harland Vanduyn S2.S08 Assessrnent appcars slightly high,suggest roducing!o 52,300 34-b4700-610-03 Stcvcn&Lx Perrov 52,500 Assess»>cnt appcars justi!"ied 34-03800-030-13 Rttndttlt Wood 52,500 Assessmant appcars justlilied 34-03800-07J-73 Chas Siauffer S2,SOo Asscss�acnt appears justificd 34-64700-580-03 �crnard 5zczesniak 52.500 Assessmcnt appears justiiS'ied 34-b4700-350-0I Uonal Tousignant S2,SOQ Assessment appcats clig}�tiy liigl�,su�gest roducing to S2,30U 34-647(�-0I0-01 Rec�oe Stevenson 52.500 Asseasmcnt appotirs B1igLily high�su�est Toducing to 52,400 34-03?00-020-61 Jamcs 7.cmpcl $2�5�0 Asscssmcnt appears slightly higti,sugg�st r�ducing to$l�900 ^� 34-U3800-194-14 7ohn Oxborough 52,500 Asscssment appears slighqy low�su�est increasing tp S2�GOU � -------- � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � :<:,<:< ;:>,;::>�::::� ..',�i..��•r:; .�::<:::;r:::n:: ..:. ... ................ .. �.::;.:.�:.:::::::: �::.i:::::::L::::::..::::::L:::.. �:n::..:::::::.: :..:.:::::::.:::::{::.�1::n::::. :N:.:::::::::::::W.;y::::rc:.}• :.....:........... n�::...............v........ ::::::::::::::.:::.::.:::..:{::.: ................. ......................v.... .w:::::::n:v:::.;v:.:�:::.;:::: :.: :v.:..:•::::� ::n::::n�::::::::::::::::.::::. ::.:�::::::n�:n:ny:.�:::.::::: ...:........... .:::::::..•.�::::::..:..�::;._:.;...s :::::::::.;;:.�:::::;.,:..s:•.s::.::: .::::.�::......:.. ..::.::..:•:::::..::.�<:::::::..:•.. <:%y:::�:5: ':::;:::�:;::^•.;`�>�' .... ..... :.::..::::......:........... ......:..:..:.:..::.:.::::..::.,::::::: ........::.:::.::.................................::::::.�.:::::::..::..�:.::...::................:%�;rii:::;;::t:>:'t:::::;::;o-::?;:::::;:.4...........................,....................................:5;::::::::::k:�ii•`::;::`i::iiiii•`:i:::::....y::.�''�::::y:i;.i33;i>'?;:;`:i:i??iii:;:ii::::;ii;:;::'i'?'iviii::i:i:;::ii<S`:::iii<i'iiii'iiiiif:<ii:•`:`i'i:�iiii. ?:::::i:::;::;:>::::;:::::::::::::;::::;.':::::;:::::::;::i:::>::ii '.;:. `:`;i �>:: : . . . . . .'' : .;>. •. : . :::::::� ::::::>::>:::<:::<:::>::::;::>:::::«:::::>::>�::«<:::::>::::::::>:::>:�ST� `: . 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Description 14700 S. Robert Tra�7 Burma Ave/ Burma Ave/ 14690 S. Robert Trail Small lndustrial Car Wash Reconc�ed $250,000 to $350,000 $45,000 to $65,000 $62,000 to $82,000 $55,000 to $75,000 Range Prior to Project ! Reconc�ed $270,000 to $380,000 $50,000 to $70, $67,�0 to $87,000 $60,000 to $80,000 Range After the Project Fstimate of After $325,000 After $ 0,000 After S 77,000 r S 70,000 Bene�ts Before 300 000 Before 5 000 Before 72 000 Be ore 65 000 based on Midpoints Beaefit $ 25,000 Bene�t $ 5,000 Benefit $ 5,000 B e�t $ 5,000 Analysis of After $205,200 After $ 3,400 After $ 27,500 er $ 36,300 Land Before 178 00 Before 6 700 Before 22 200 efore 29 700 Values Bene�t $ 26,700 Benefit $ ,700 Benefit S 5,300 neSt $ 6,600 � Page 42 ' �