HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Snowplow Policy , ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 4, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Snowplowing Policy AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ��� � � F City Engineer/Public Works Director � ATTACHMENTS: Snowplowing Policy APPROVED BY: �%'',/�" Attached is the City of Rosemount Snowplowing Policy with modifications requested by Public Works. The purpose of having a written snowplow policy is to assure that the City Council, Staff and the Public are all aware of procedures utilized in the City`s snowplowing efforts. This policy identifies which streets will be plowed first, which sidewalks are plowed and addresses many of the most asked questions each year. Many of the modifications are the results of attending the League of Minnesota Cities Snowplow Policy Workshop where legal advise is provided to cities for their snowplowing policies. Many cities do not have a written policy but the LMC Insurance recommends that cities have one. Other changes include clarification of right-of-way use, including installation and obligations of the City and property owners in regards to mailboxes, boulevard sod, irrigation, lighting, trees and fences within the City right-of- II way. Copies of the policy are available for residents at the front desk. We are planning to mail I out a new brochure and copies of the policy again in 1998. We had previously sent , them out in 1996. '�� Staff recommends that the Council adopt a motion to amend the Snowplowing Policy as ' presented. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT THE SNOWPLOWING POLICY AS AMENDED. COUNCIL ACTION: 7 PUBUC WORKS POLICY NO. M-1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Adopted by City Council SNOWPLOWING POLICY on 10-15-96 1 . introduction/Purpose The purpose of this policy is to define and outline snow and ice control objectives and procedures as established by the City of Rosemount. The City of Rosemount believes that it is in the best interest of the �esidents for 'I the City to assume basic responsibility for control of snow and ice on City streets. ' Reasonable ice and snow control is necessary for routine travel and emergency services, The City will attempt to provide such control in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The City will use City employees, ��f��€����� ,�� , ; t� equipment and/or private contractors to provide this service. This policy supersedes any and all previously written or unwritten policies of the City regarding snow and ice removal. 2. When Will City Start Snow or Ice Control Operations? The Public Works Superintendent will decide when to begin snow or ice control operations. The criteria#or that decision are: A. Snow accumulation of 2 inches or more as measured in the City of Rosemount; B. Drifting of snow that causes problems for travel; C. Icy conditions which seriously affect travel; D. Time of snowfall in relationship to heavy use of streets. Snow and ice control operations are expensive and involve the use of limited personnel and equipment. Consequently snowplowing operations will not generally be conducted for snowfall of less than 2 inches. 3. How Snow Will be Plowed Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize any traffic obstructions. The center of the roadway will be plowed first. The snow shall then be pushed from left to right. The discharge shall go onto the boulevard area of the street. In times of extreme snowfall, the process of clearing the streets of snow may be delayed, and it SNOWPLOWING POUCY ' may not be reasonably possible to completely clear the streets of snow. � �°;� .����S���Tt�� # ���t��.��,��?���,��������� �� ., .,���� , ic�`� �, a ���, ;. ��- �����atet` �o r;��"���e;`�` t�i� ;. ; � , � x �a s�i��i��s� '�'ce ue t�i�s�. �r x: to� � ��� � �����.�. �..����.�.�.��b�� :���„����:��,� �� ��� ��: � ������������G�c� era`�tc� � � ��be �e�mina�ed f�er ��12��o�r��` Co�� '� �aa�wh:�.�s:�i���5a��w�ai.m�v.�..;�s�����������..H?��., ,.u....._s��. >..�z-..�.v�,vi�2:,.�;�/�i� ...�a��.a�>.a..�.w�w;ve.�i�aaa�.� • ��'' . 'I �.��� �t�s�,� ��� �������5�� ' �a�,� �Y� � I 4. Snow Removal I�i The Public Works Superintendent will determine when snow will be removed by I truck from #-I�e�i'. area. Such snow removal will occur in areas where there is no room on the boulevard for snow storage and in areas where accumulated piles of snow create a hazardous condition. Snow removal operations will not commence until other snowplowing operations have been completed. Snow removal operations may also be delayed depending on weather conditions, personnel and budget availability. The snow will be removed and hauled to a snow storage area. 5. Priorities and Schedule for Which Streets will be Plowed The City has classified City streets based on the street function, traffic volume, and importance to the welfare of the community. Those streets classified as "Snow Plow Routes" will be plowed first. These are high volume streets which connect major sections of the City and provide access for emergency fire, police and medical services. Exhibit "A" lists the "Snow Plow Routes". The second priority streets are those streets providing access to schools and commercial businesses. The third priority streets are low volume residential streets. The fourth priority areas are alleys and City parking lots. �,, c��€ ��t-€�`iart€! ffi�����ar��s�"l`b������fia �£�. ���- �.o� ,���. � tt� ��� �_ms.�s. �__�,��- �,,..�.n��r.. .. �_.�� � �' � :. �.� �� � m ..��`. �������oti�v�r�he,,������c�r�t�e�. �'�� �� " � ��� � . �-� ����,.,. .�.��� .��„� �,.x:�, � �;��� 6. Work Schedule for Snowplow Operators Snowplow operators will be expected to work eight hour shifts. In severe snow emergencies, operators sometimes have to work in excess of 8 hour shifts. Operators will take a fifteen minute break over 2 hours with a half hour meal break after four hours. After a twelve hour day, the operators will be replaced if additional quatified personnel are available. 2 SNOWPIOWING POUCY 7. Weather Conditions Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of City employees and equipment. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, ice and limited visibility. 8. Use of Sand. Salt and Other Chemicals The City will use sand, salt and other chemicals e�t when there hazardous ice or slippery conditions. The City is concerned about the cost and the effect of such chemicals on the environment and � r��y;limit its use for that reason. 9. Sidewalks/Trails The City will maintain some of the sidewalks/trails in the C>��� �� ���ed,��`�t� _ �,�,: As there is a limited number of personnel available, the City will only maintain these sidewalks after the streets have been plowed. C-�c"��'�"�;�-�t-I�e ', �`r�a�is �c� ��t� �ar�C�'�'��.���i����� b�`����ect:: , Under heavy snowfall conditions which interfere with sidewalk snowplowing, II� the Public Works Department �trFF m;ay`discontinue sidewalk snowplowing e�ee�t—i�r ', , fi�cc�'�cl�ng to C�t rc�in�r�`�e���Y�� t�r�� snavu ���rt��r�� .,�� �. ������ �z���� . ,�, ����'���rai.��;��.� ,,������the r�spi�t�sibCitty�fi�;tt�e a�a.;����.�,�'����`�����.�r.�..; If notice has been sent to owner/occupant and snow has not been removed, the City may remove the snow and ice and charge the cost of the removal����c3�1,gE����� ���r�� �"����1��� against the ��g ati�a��,,�t�property: The�flat fee rate to cover this cost � ���,���,.��.. is set per the Fee Resolution. The City reserves the right to charge extra costs in extraordinary situations. �.i�t����A�,�.� a'`�� '�he �r�t+�r� �ght af-way..�s �a p�'"o��d��c��..������:�nc����vr�ge,�pc��lt��,ctc� , �. �. ,.���,� � � :�'����t��1�ie����d���iks..;str�e� Ilghts, srgn�gey�nci athe��G�#�y u�s��Hawever ce°rtair% �� ��r :��tmpro���et�,�s �uch as ma�lboxes are req',urretl w�fh�n_th�s�acea C3th"er pr�uate ��.. „� ��....:��� ., _ t�i���vemen���wa�`e��ot�requi,ret�N ���.��a, �.' �Mailbox Maiibo�t�s,�ar�c�p,c��'st� should be;canstructed sturdily enaugh'to w'ithstand snr�v�, ,,,,.,� .�m.� ,,. 3 SNOWPLOWING POLICY �`�11i; "�`�i. �E a� �?.������� he City wiil bear the cost of the repair of a damaged mailbox only if it is a result of City equipment actually hitting the mailbox. . �ama�e��sult'►ri9'�f�� ,.a _.,�'� �""���" `�[�t��� a ���'���ro��� � �tr�ier ��si�i��i The City will make � �� e ����»�:. � �� � �. � - ,� temporary repairs to mailboxes for mail delivery if City plows actually hit a mailbox. When weather an�i,��[�i� permits, the Public Wo�ks Department will a��.��.:��;;�� complete the repairs. All replacement mailboxes and posts shall be a standard size non-decorative type. All costs over and above replacement of this standard type are the responsibility of the mailbox owner. Mailboxes must be installed in such a manner as to provide access by Post Office personnel or other parcel carriers �I and to allow for Public Works equipment to maintain the streets. A drawing ts �� ��,��showing the proper details for mailbox placement is attached as Exhibit ' „C„ , �����Boulevard Sod The City shall, when it receives a complaint, record the location of alleged damage to sod caused by contact with the City snowplow for review by the Public Works Department in the spring when the extent of the alleged damage can be verified. Frequently the damage looks more severe immediately after occurring than it does when the snow has melted in the spring. If the sod needs repair as determined by the Public Works Department, the Public Works Department shall either sod or seed the damaged area. New topsoil may be placed if deemed necessary. The cost of the repairs are borne by the City. �, �m'�:� � , . � .._:;�� _ t.'htft-�..... "�" ees.���� .� ,..�� �.'� � s��. ' �� ���e��,�es�%���b�`� � �, =� �.`"�����������r =��,� . � � � �� ��� 3 �,..�� ��,- � 6� ����b�" �� ����� .��.. 4_ �,��.� ��'� �������r�fit�c����s��r��� �.�`��������`��� �,�,�.��or �,���� �- ��,.y ��. ,�,�,� �. x��.��x �.� ��� .� ���`���a = �1 1I"�t�;�C'i ���(���?��r0� _ � �, ���� �� �4 .. �� ,.� ,�� �� �.��y��q ,��. ��". , �,,. 12. Snowbirds �-,�=�� City Code, Chapter $, Section 8-2-2. . . . �rat��C�i�����rkrn��lurin�aMsno�u �rr�ergertcy : R _, ..�,e ��. ,��� ��b . _. �� � ,@�' �C1C �S�id��Lai"G'CI �t�t"��� �FTCtG����r�iore snavufal� c�ccu�s and„co�tt�r�iues� ����. . � „� ��.a.r���.,�.;���,...,�� ..x.�.���.F_ .. . . ,�..,x_.�� ,..vd ,.,. .. _... ._«,� .. . n,: � k�at stree�ha����en�plow"ed ta,�h� curb �M,W,�.,.. t ,_��_.,�y ,��� �,,,��. �,�, � ._ .�_ 9,,,,..�,. 4 SNOWPLOWING POLICY EXHIBIT ,•A" SNOW PLOW ROUTES >;:::::�'{:<:::�T1����:':::>:::;>::>::>;;t:'=:<�<.�.:>.�>::::.:::`�:`<;:::'�::�::::::::::::::::>:;>::�::::`:::::;::<<>:..:::;::..::.`:.:>::>�;:��::�>`::::::>::::::::::;::::::>�:::::>::>:::::::::::>:<:::;::»::>:<:>:;::>::::;;�:::;�>�`'�:`<:��?':��::`::"<:`<:::::::::>::`::::::<:::>:::�<�;�<'`�`><`��������:<;:::>';::::: :;:::»»:>:::>::> :;:::>::::><:::>::> :::::::::::::::<:>:::>:::.::::::::::.:::.::::..:..'�' .............. ... ..................���15�[.....::::::::.:::.::::::::::::::::.::::.::::::::::,::..................'i'L?...................... :. ..::.::::: Connemara Trail Diamond Path Shannon Parkway Shannon Parkway McAndrews Road 160th Street Dodd Boulevard Delft Avenue Cfiippendale Avenue Delft Avenue Dodd Boulevard Upper 148th Street Upper 148th Street Diamond Path Delft Avenue ' 145th Street West Diamond Path CSAH 42 Chili Avenue 145th Street West School Property I Chippendale Avenue 145th Street West 160th Street West �I Cameo Avenue 145th Street West 143rd Stree# West 143rd Street West School Property TH 3 I 155th Street West Shannon Parkway Chippendale Avenue III Biscayne Avenue OMS Facility CSAH 42 151 st Street West Chippendale Avenue Canada Avenue ' Canada Avenue CSAH 42 TH 3 �, Carousel Way Chippendale Avenue 151 st Street West '' 5 SNOWPLOWING POLICY EXHIBIT '"B" SIDEWALK CORRIDOR ROUTES PLOWED BY THE CITY :::,`.::>::>;`:'�':�:::::><::::::;;:.;;;:::;:::��;:;:'�<><;:�:��:>�:;;>::>::;<:; ::>"`:::::>'::��:��::`<:{:�::.:.<.::�:::::;.:`.::�;<:<:;;`:<::<:::::::>::::>::::::>::::���>;:;::>::::::>::»::::>::.. ;:;::,;;;;;;;:;:;.;::;;:.;::<.;>;::,;;:.;::.;;;;::;::.;:.:::.:>;:.::.;;;:.;:.;;;>.;:<.::.;;;:.;;:>::::.;:.>: :<:>::::»»:<:::»::>::>::»»:::::.::::.:::::::::.:�::::::.:.;;;;;;;;;:�.:::<:;::::::<::>:>::;>:<::<::<:::: >::>:::>�:<:>::>::::>:::::<:::<::::�#;�t]'I'�::`:�<:>�>:::::::::::::::::>::::::::::>:::::::::<<::::>::;:::::::>;:::>::: ........................................................... Shannon Parkway 160th Street County Road 38 (McAndrews Road) Dodd Boulevard Shannon Parkway Chrome Avenue CSAH 42 Diamond Path TH 3 (South Robert Trail) 145th Street West Diamond Path Chianti Avenue Chippendale Avenue 156th Street 145th Street Chili Avenue 145th Street 143rd Street Canada Avenue 147th Street 145th Street Connemara Trail Diamond Path Copper Court 6 ' _ _ -- I _ _ , _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _. � • . EXHIBIT C HEIGHT-48 lNCHES A80VE STRFET LEUEL . HAVE 80X EXTEND AS'FaR IN FRONT Q�F SUPPORT POST aS POSSiBLE, tTH1S PREVENTS POSS!B�E SN01N PL01�V DaMAGE� _ ADORESS MUST BE �N S1DE 0� 80X FR�M WHiCH CARRIER APPROACHES iN LETTERS AB4UT ONE INCH HIGH. {OR ON � FRONT WNERE 80XES ARE GROUPED) � BOX MUST 8� LOCATED SO CARRIER CAN SERVE WtTHOUT LEAVING YEH ( CL.E. - 18'� NOTES: � D . MAI 80X SHOUL NOT EXTENO _ L � . BEYONO BACK OF CURH. � 163 E. COOK � AI.L OTHER POSTS MUST BE � A MINIMUM OF 18'� BcHINO THE BACK OF CURB. , _ ° ° a o o � . . . ( � � • � � � . ( •_ NOT : OiMENS�ONS AS P�R U.s. I t POSTA S'cr'"t1/lCE L � CU � � ti' , . 1 ' . . � � . � ��l 1 �j � r . . � � l ��� � E � � � � � � �� /��' �' � . . � � �� � � . . r � ' BIDS RECE VED [FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1997 � 10:00 AM] a� Client CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Client Project No. 285 Pro'ect BISCAYNE POINT PHASE I SEH File No. A-ROSEM9803.01 1 Bidder B�d Bond gid Amount 5/o ARCON CONSTRUCTION L� �� �v' �- 7�T � BARBAROSSA & SONS BCM CONSTRUCTION BROWN & CRIS INC ��� Z��" �� COWAN GRADING & EXCAVATING DLR EXCAVATING �� ENEBAK CONSTRUCTION �— �� � �7� " `�� ENGSTROM EXCAVATING G.L. CONTRACTING `�"�� � 7 f 97` g�O HUSTING & ENGSTROM . KOBER EXCAVATING � �— �Z S ��- a S � McNAMARA CONTRACTiNG � NODLAND CONSTRUCTION NORTHDALE CONSTRUCTION ��— � � � 2 �' �� , �� I RED STONE CONSTRUCTION I, RICHARD KNUTSON '-� . �� �Z • �� � RYAN CONTRACTtNG � Z ��S �' � ' SCHERFF INC �-/�s:�z�� . � ���� 79 � .� `z . , � � Bid Bo�d Bid Amount Bidder % S.J. LOUIS CONSTRUCTION l S.M. HENTGES 3 � � �p Z � , � S.R. WEIDEMA �d '� VALLEY PAVING � VOLK SEWER &WATER Z� I�� - � / � � ��1�! �'�� 9� �o. 00 � �4 w ♦ � �♦: . . . � . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOWTION 1997 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR BISCAYNE POINTE ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS u� CITY PROJECT #285 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: I, 1. All bids on construction of Biscayne Pointe Addition Street and Utility Ii Improvements are hereb received and tabulated. ', y � � ��!' ' ��_ .�..-.��..:,_ 2. The bid of Richard Knutson, Inc. in the amount ofi;�5353,602.82�or the ', construction of said improvements in accordance wrtfi�he�plans and ', specifications and advertisement for bids is the lowest responsible bid and shall ' be and hereby is accepted. , 3. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on ' behalf of the City of Rosemount. ' 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of aU successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. .: �.- ADOPTED this 4th day of November, 1997. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk .�- Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: .