HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. 1998 Participation in Livable Communities . � City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action CITY COLTNCIL MEETING DATE: November 4, 1997 Agenda Item: 1998 Participation in Livable Communities Agenda Section: Consent Prepared By: Dan Rogness, Communitiy Development Agen�a�ep� � � , Director 1 C 3'�f 1 r � Attachments: Material from the Met Council and Dakota Approved By: County HRA;Resolution;Housing Goals Agreement; miscellaneous housing ��?��� mformation � The City is being asked to commit to participation in the 1998 Metropolitan Livable Communities program as indicated in the attached memorandum from the Met Council, dated August 12, 1997. The memo identifies the City's commitment to contribute$12,900 toward the Affordable and Life- cycle Housing Opportunities Amount(ALHOA). Since Rosemount is part of the Da.kota County cluster of cities,this annual contribution is already shown in the form of annual support of the various senior housing projects in each community. Therefore,it is not a budgeted expenditure of the City. In addition,the City of Rosemount approved a Housing Goals Agreement on December 5, 1995 (see attached). The three categories ... affordability,life-cycle and density ...relate to residential projects approved between 1996 and 2010. Recommended Action: Motion to adopt a Resolution Electing to Continue Participatating in the ! Local Housing Incentives Account Program Under the Metropolitan ' Livable Communities Act for Calendar Year 1998. ' Authority Action: ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- RESOLUTION ELECTING TO CONTINUE PARTICIPATING IN THE LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRAM UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT CALENDAR YEAR 1998 II WHEREAS,the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act(Minnesota Statutes Section 473.25 to II 473.254) establishes a Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund which is intended to address ' housing and other development issues facing the metropolitan area defined by Minnesota ' Statutes Section 473.121; and ' WHEREAS,the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund,comprising the Tax Base Revitalization Account,the Livable Communities Demonstration Account and the Local Housing Incentive Account,is intended to provide certain funding and other assistance to metropolitan area municipalities; and WHEREAS, a metropolitan area municipality is not eligible to receive grants or loans under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund or eligible to receive certain polluted sites cleanup funding from the Minnesota Departrnent of Trade and Economic Development unless the municipality is participating in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program under the Minnesota Statutes Section 473.254; and WHEREAS,the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act requires the Metropolitan Council to negotiate with each municipality to establish affordable and life-cycle housing goals for that municipality that are consistent with and promote the policies of the Metropolitan Council as provided in the adopted Metropolitan Development Guide; and WHEREAS, each municipality must identify to the Metropolitan Council the actions the municipality plans to take to meet the established housing goals through preparation of the Housing Action Plan; and WHEREAS,the Metropolitan Council adopted,by resolution after a public hearing,negotiated affordable and life-cycle housing goals for each participating municipality; and WHEREAS, a metropolitan area municipality which elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program must do so by November 15 of each year; and WHEREAS, for calendar year 1998, a metropolitan area municipality that participated in the Local Housing Incentive Account Program during the calendar year 1997, can continue to participate under Minnesota Statutes Section 473.254 if: (a)the municipality elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program by November 15, 1997; and(b)the Metropolitan Council and the municipality have successfully negotiated affordable and life-cycle housing goals for the municipality. ResoluNon 1997- NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Rosemount hereby elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Program under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act during the calendar year 1998. ADOPTED this 4th day of November, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho,Mayar ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Metropolitan Council Working for the Region, Ptanning for the Future DATE: August 12, 1977 TO: City Managers and Administrators FROM: Thomas C.McElveen,Deputy Director,Community Development Division� SUBJECT: Certification of 1998 ALHOA Thank you for your participation in the 1997 Metropolitan Livable Communities Act(LCA)program. Your community's commitment and involvement has contributed to the region's overall economic competitiveness and made tangible progress in providing affordable and life-cycle housing for metro area residents. Looking ahead to 1998,the Metropolitan Council seeks your community's renewed participation and continued cooperation in Livable Communities efforts. As part of the LCA legislation,the Council provides to each community on an annual basis an "Affordable and Life-cycle Housing Opporiunities Amount(ALHOA)". The ALHOA is derived from the formula prescribed in law including market value, tax capacity and tax rates by the county assessor. It is an amount of local expenditure to support or assist the development of affordable and life-cycle housing or maintain and preserve such housing. Communities have flexibility in determining the use of their ALHOA contribution. Examples include local dollars for housin assistance, development or rehabilitation programs,local housing inspection g and code enforcement,tax levy to support local or county HRA. Incentives for your community's renewed participation include access to$11 million for housing development,clean-up of polluted sites for business and housing development, and mixed use development. Also,your community's ALHOA expenditure will be reported in the Council's Annual Housing Report Card required by the LCA. Your community's intent to participate in the 1998 Metropolitan Livable Communities program is needed by Nov. 15. To help you in the preparation, a model resolution is enclosed. Planning assistance for staff or information presentations for elected officials are available by contacting your seetor representative(see below). Questions about the ALHOA can be refened to Guy Peterson at 602-1418. ��v�i00iC iOiW_ic'�iG COIIiiT2i11I:LJ OL'?'I'?�^:C.^.2� ��T.IY::+.^.1�P,t 1Q 2�:�02"���J:p 2^3 life-c�JC�e ho»�ing. Thank you for your consideration. Sector Representatives: Anoka,Washington, and Ramsey Counties Guy Peterson 602-1418 Dakota, Carver and Scott Counties Carl Schenk 602-1410 Hennepin County Tom Caswell 602-1319 Minneapolis and St. Paul John Kari 602-1548 :\•ru cr\ ct \ II u 1. �e p crson npart97b.doc 2:S(1 East Pil� i S�n�c•i St. f':iul. Vlinn�•�id:i 551(11 IFi:;i Ifi12)'l5il Fi:i:�'i F:ix l91 fi55!) l'I)f)/'I'IY 2')I O')04 Vl�•�r��Inli�Lini•Z'l'.):i7k0 , . An Pip�nl Upp�iriunui�P:mpiuyrr . � l; . METROPOLITAN COUNCIL AFFORDABLE L(FE-CYCLE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES AMOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1998 AFFORDABLE& Pay 1995 Pay 1997 4°/oofTotal LIFE CYCLE Payable 1996 Payable 1997 Numberof o OUSING Number of Number of Homateads Payable 1996 Payablo 1997 Homestcad Homestead 4/o of Total Homatead Pay 1997 H Market Value Mar};et Vatue Net Tax Capaciry Net Tax Capacity Growth in Excess Homestead Tax Capaciry City Tax OPPORTUNITIES Homesteads Homesteads Percentage City/fownship Base Amount Base Amount Excess Excess Excess x Local Rate Tax Capaciry x Local Rate Ratc AMOUNT in Excess in Excess Changc Rosemount 208.95d 223,873 81.430 117.892 36,462 12.990 222,798 79,376 35.627% 12.990 77 67 (12.99%) . r Housing Goals Agreement " Metropotitan Livable Communities Act PRINC�LES The City of Rosemount suppoRs: 1. A balanced housing supply, with housing available for peopte at all income levels. 2. The accommodation of all racial and ethnic groups in the purchase, sale, rental, and location of housing within the community. 3. A variety of housing types for people in all stages of the life-cycle. 4. A community of well-maintained housing and neighborhoods, including ownership and rental housing. 5. Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs. 6. The availability of a full range of services and facilities for its residents and the improvement of access to and linkage between housing and employment. GoaLs To carry out the above housing principles, the City of Rosemount agrees to use benchmark indicators for communities of similar location and stage of development as affordable and life-cycle housing goals for the period of 1996 to 2010, and to make its best efforts, given market conditions and resource availability, to remain within or make progress toward these benchmarks. CTTY INDEX BENCHMARK GOAL AFFORDABILITY Ownership 73% 69-70% 69% ', Rental 54% 35-40% 35% ' LIFE-CYCLE I Type(Non-single family detached) 22% 35-38% 3�%0 Otivner/Renter Mi�c 79/21% 72-75 / 2�-28)% 75/2�% DENSITY Single-Family Detached 1.6/acre 1.9-2.1/acre 1.9/acre Multi-Familv 11/acre lOJacre 10/acre To achieve the above goals, the City of Rosemount elects to participate in the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act Local Housing Incentives Program and will prepare and submit a plan to the Metropolitan Council by June 30, 199b indicating the action s it will take to carry out the above goals. DAKOTA COUNTY CLUSTERING PLAN The City of Rosemount is adopting affordable life cycle housing goals in accordance with the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act. The resources by which these goals are to be achieved will be defined in a county-wide Action Plan to be developed by the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority(HRA) with input from Dakota County cities. The City of Rosemount agrees to participate in the Dakota County eluster and will cooperate with the Dakota County HRA in implementing the Action Plan goals. CERTIFICATION �z -s- y s" E.B. McMenomy, Mayor Date . Metropolitan Counci! Provisionai Population Estimate April 1, 1996 ROSEMOUNT Housing Units ;�89Q Cer�sus ' 1996 Estimated < 1996 Estimafect occupied Housing By�ype Housing Un�ts:. Compteted'Housin Units Households ' . ... : _ ___ _ : _ _ _ 2,118 3,167 �7(,'� 3,072 Single-family Multifamily (incl. town homes) 551 720 ,�,(0 699 Mobile Home 197 197 �.� 192 Total 2,866' 4,084 '��� 3,963 Househo[d Es�imate ,;. <., > ,, ; _. _ ; ::. 2,779 1990 Census Households 3,963 1996 Household Estimate , ,. . . , : Population Estimate _. _> . _ _ _ _ .. . 8,622 1990 Census Totai Population 9 1990 Group Quarters Population 8,613 1990 Population in Househoids 12,272 1996 Population Estimate 9 1996 Group Quarters Population 12,263 1996 Population in Households - Persons per Household '> 1990 Census Persons per Househoid 3.10 3.09 1996 Persons per Household All numbers are as of April 1 of each year. 'This total includes 14 unit(s) listed in "othe�' housing in the 1990 Census data. The Census defines these units as those not fitting the deflned housing categories, such as houseboats, railroad cars, campers and vans. Since no information on "othe�' units is available between censuses, for purposes of 1996 population and household estimation, these units have been allocated to the single and multiple family categories. This was done based on persons per"othe�' household and the ratio of single-family to multifamily housing in the jurisdiction.