HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of October 20, 1997 Committee of the Whole ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMIVIITTEE OF THE WHOLE OCTOBER 20, 1997 I 1989 when the zoning ordinance was amended by the City Council. This issue will be discussed at the October 21, 1997 Regular Council Meeting in more detail when the city attorney is present. Livable Communities: Community Development Director Rogness reviewed a draft resolution for City Council consideration at their November 4, 1997 meeting with regards to committing.to participation in the 1998 Metropolitan Livable Communities program. Discussion was also held on the Housing Goals Agreement and where the City is at in meeting its approved goals for affordability, life-cycle and density. Bud e�pda.te and CIP Update: Discussion was held on the proposed 1998 operating budget and ten year CIP. Administrator Burt proposed that the City hire a part-time communication/information specialist. This position would develop a comprehensive communication plan to serve the City's internal and external communication needs. Administrator Burt also discussed limiting the option for employees to accumulate compensatory time and instead paying employees overtime pay for overtime hours worked. Following discussion,the City Council concurred with both of these recommendations. Public Works Director Osmundson briefly discussed the need for expansion of the public works facilities. Council agreed the funds should remain in the CIl', and that further information should be provided to them. Coates Buildin,g Ins�ector&Fire Contract: Administrator Burt infarmed the Council that the City of Coates did not renew the contract for the City to serve as their Building Official. He also informed the Council that the City of Coates requested a two year renewal of the fire protection contract at no increase in rates. The City Council directed the Administrator to renegotiate the fire protection agreement with an appropriate increase in rates. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 11:37 p.rn. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Walsh,City Clerk The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1997-33. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE j OCTOBER 20, 1997 i Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Committee of the Whole meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Monday, October 20, 1997,beginning at 6:30 p.m., at the Fire Station. Mayor Busho called the meering to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Carroll and Edwazds present. Also in attendance were the following staff inembers: City Administrator Burt, Fire Chief Aker, Community Development Director Rogness,Finance Director May, Police Chief Knutsen, Public Works Supervisor Cook,Public Works Director Osmundson, Assistant to Administrator Walsh. Discussion was held on the following items: Fire Station Fence: City Administrator Burt gave an update on the meeting staff had with residents of Limerick Way regarding putting a fence on the north side of the fire station property. Three residents attended, and they agreed there was a safety issue of the possibility of children - running out into the fire station parking lot. The owners of Limerick Way requested a solid vinyl fence. Council concurred that this type of fence was too expensive and that the green vinyl chain link fence was more appropriate because of lower cost, and it would be the same as other fencing in the area. Council directed staff to install 150 feet of the fence along the parking lot area, and to continually evaluate the feasibility of extending the fence to the existing fence to the east. Image-Wallace rou�: Roy and Sherie Wallace of The Wallace Group presented a proposal to the City Council to assist in creating a position or image for the City. The proposal suggested using citizens in focus groups and using information frorn the community survey. The Wallace Group would also work with city staff to promote the image through newspaper articles. Following discussion, the Council agreed that the proposal was a good idea;but they could not justify spending approximately$9,000 for these services at this time. Snowplow Policv: Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed recommended changes to the City's Snowplowing Policy. Council concurred with the proposed changes. Staff also proposed that Council consider amending the City Code with regards to parking after snowfall. It was recommended that snow emergency parking be similar to surrounding communities' parking ordinances. Following discussion, Council agreed that staff should dra$an ordinance with the concept of prohibiting on-street parking during the winter months or on a year-round basis. It was agreed that it was too late to change the ordinance for this year,but should be considered next spring; and if the City Code is amended,there would be plenty of time to communicate the changes to citizens. Police Chief Hiring Process: Assistant to Administrator Walsh gave an update regarding the number of applicants for the position and the process to date. Krech Landscape: Community Development Director Rogness reviewed a summary of the Krech Landscaping situation by delineating the involvement of the Planning Cornmission, City Council and staff from 1986 to present with the Krech Landscaping business. Rogness advised that it needs to be decided as to whether or not the Krechs expanded their business significantly from