HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Heritage Development - Concept Residential Planned Unit Development and Rezoning �� �� �- � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT R.e v +se d DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR HERTTAGE DEVELOPMENT CO. WHEREAS,the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Heritage Development Co. for approval of a concept residential planned unit development on property located east of Chippendale Avenue, between Wachter's Lake and 15872 Chippendale Avenue; and WHEREAS, on June 10, 1997, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Residential Planned Unit Development af Heritage Development Co. and adopted a motion to recommend approval to the City Council. WHEREAS, on July 1, 1997, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Residential Planned Unit Development for Heritage Development Co. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the concept for the Heritage Development Co. Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to the following conditions: 1. Adequate private recreational space/facilities shall be provided within the development I area to serve its residents. 2. A market analysis sha11 be provided prior to the Fina1 Plan in order to substantiate the I proposed housing unit type. ' ADOPTED this 1 st day of July, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. �, Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Wa1sh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against; Member absent: � _ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA , RESOLUTION 1997- 6 3 ', A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT CO. WHEREAS,the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from , Heritage Development Co. for approval of a concept residential planned unit development on property located east of Chippendale Avenue,between Wachter's Lake and 15872 Chippendale Avenue; and WHEREAS, on June 10, 1997, the Planning Commission ofthe City ofRosemount reviewed the Concept Residential Planned Unit Development of Heritage Development Co. and adopted a motion to recommend approval to the City Council. WHEREAS, on July l, 1997, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Residential Planned Unit Development for Heritage Development Co. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the concept for the Heritage Development Co. Residential Planned Unit Develapment, subject to the following conditions: 1. Adequate private recreational space/facilities shall be provided within the development ' area to serve its residents. 2. A market analysis shall be provided prior to the Final Plan in order to substantiate the j proposed housing unit type. ' ADOPTED this 1 st day of July, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ' Cathy Busho, yor ATTEST: S san M. W sh, City Clerk Motion by: A n d e r s o n Seconded by: W� P P e r m a n n Voted infavor: Edwards, Anderson, W i ppermann, Carro I I . Voted against: N o n e . Member absent:ni�„P Voted Present : Busho , �.�em �'i'. � . City of Rosemaunt Ordinance No. B- �� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE TI� CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, I4�INNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section�l. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled"City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, " is hereby amended to rezone from Agriculture to BP-4, Business Park, the following described properry located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, to-wit: The north 516.22 feet of that part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying westerly of the westerly right of way line of the Soo Line Railroad, as now traveled. Containing 258,116 square feet, which equals 5.926 acres. Subject to all restrictions, reservations, and easements of record, if any. AND The North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying westerly of the westerly right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company railroad;EXCEPT that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 32 shown as Parce1248B on Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat Number 19-7'7. Subject to all easements of record. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled"Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount" shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and a11 of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 1 st day of 7uly, 1997. I, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I� Cathy Busho, M or ATTEST: Sus M. W , City Clerk i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FUIt ACTION �i Council Meetin Date: Jul 1, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Heritage Development - Concept Residentiai AGENDA SECTION: Planned Unit Development and Rezoning New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Dir. AGENDA NO. � ATTACHMENTS: Concept Plan, Draft Resolution and Ordinance, APPROVED BY: PC minutes 6-10-97 Findin s i Applicant: Tom Bisch of Heritage Development of Minnesota, Inc. Location: Between Chippendale Ave., Wachter's Lake and 15872 Chippendale Ave. Property Owner(s): Marlyn Englert and E.B. McMenomy Total Acres/LTnits/Density: 32.8 acres with 193 with 5.88 dwelling units per acre Comp. Plan Land Use Desig.: Business Park Current Zoning: Agriculture Requested Zoning: BP-4, Business Park Planning Commission Action: Recommendation of Concept Approval and rezoning to BP-4, Business Park, (both 3-2) SUMMARY Mr. Tom Bisch of Heritage Development is requesting approval of a rezoning and PUD for 193 townhouse units for the Englert property combined with the northern half of the McMenomy property, all east of Chippendale Avenue and south of Wachter's Lake. The property is guided for Business Park and can be developed for multiple family residential use if zoned BP-4 and developed as a planned unit development. The townhouses have been organized in a traditional style with buildings generally arranged in clusters around garage courts. Common green space separates the building clusters with opportunities for trail connections to amenities and the City trail network. This is made possible because the units are single loaded with units being attached side by side but not backing up to other units or double loaded like the Wensmann Deckhomes or Rottlund Villas. The access to the development would occur across from 156th Street West and the new street access to Geronime Pond. The interior street system would be privately owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. The Fire Marshall is reasonably satisfied that the street design will accommodate firefighting appaxatus with a few minor modifications. On June 10, 1997, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required by ordinance. A resident appeared to express his concerns about the proposals impact on Winds Park, property values, potential crime resulting from the(attached housing) units and the negative impact of the rail road"spine line". Further, the possibility of the Minnesota Intermodal Railroad Terminal Study(MIlZTS)becoming reality with a resulting drastic increase of rail traffic would have a severely detrimental effect on the quality of housing for this property. Generally, the Planning Commission discussed the appropriateness of business park land use on this property and the need for the particular type of townhouse proposed. The three Commissioners in support of the concept felt that onsite recreational amenities should be required as well as a marketing study to support the housing demand. The negative impact of the railroad and the need for business/commercial land uses east of Chippendale Avenue resulted in the two dissenting votes. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the concept residential planned unit development for Rosemount Commons; - and - Motion to ado t an ordinance to rezone the ro ert to BP-4, Business Park. * , --- ` --- i •��m r=o�4a — - . _,\ � -- - ` �•t"z2-ta �` � -- . \ , - � � — .'• � = - . -_ -- - \ � � , � � �z ��' � � _ � � ��� � � � , '� , J, �. r� �.��7µ��j - ,� � I� V V I�11�� � �'�. {� �` � \�% �}„�2 _�� � l j'l i �-� �1� � 1''`'� r-- �G � � � � i2 � �` V_ 1 :,..1 � /" ' ��� l �; ; �"� � .� !� CJ � - ;� , � �� .. �� / �'� / ' i } � O � i c� - � , --1 �. - ' a--�\� /., �2 ; �L \� r-�. � .� � ���I.,., �_� � ,., � � , � � � �� �� , � _ ,\ ,2 i j � �a.i�nao . /� i� � ' ��� � , O � / ; � � \ i2 . / � _ J � , - / �) � � �.� � �� (� �� n �� � ��',�. � �L � � / � �Y � �i_ , . . . .,�,�.�'�,. 5 !� � �S � r ' ; � , �-1ow��1 i C� ". , , �_� � i � i� � ��� 12 `r I�I � ` I O � �-.,��- �^>��� �I ; � , � s t�Z�ur�ii-1/���Y G'o�IG�-(- �La►J ': I ' . t?��-�tour--�'(, 1�i�J►J�oTb� (�`� I�-�l l�l�`(I� �y-►-�11 L"'f �o \�l ' f�13 U tT`� ; � �x-fo�R�'��F-�va.C)I 13��'L•S aCi� 5 88, ��r _••^•.�-•� Owl1F�/Vti�/p3 Vo1�1i 2- � Go � -{�-�G���('�la� S�/�Lt�f''4"�'�.T1-1 t ��CJ. � �j'j. (�AUI..� F-�11F.����.p'j'`. �_' '-- �w6.�l--�Fr� � ���� ������ , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT CO. WHEREAS,the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Heritage Development Co. for approval of a concept residential planned unit development on property located east of Chippendale Avenue, between Wachter's Lake and 15872 Chippendale Avenue; and WHEREAS, on June 10, 1997, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Residential Planned Unit Development of Heritage Development Co. and adopted a motion to recommend a roval to the Cit Council. PP Y WHEREAS, on July 1, 1997, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Residential Planned Unit Development for Heritage Development Co. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the concept for the Heritage Development Co. Residential Planned Unit Development. ADOPTED this 1 st day of July, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE TI-� CITY COUNCII, OF TI-� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, I��NNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled"City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, "is hereby amended to rezone from Agriculture to BP-4, Business Park, the following described property located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, to-wit: The north 516.22 feet of that part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying westerly of the westerly right of way line of the Soo Line Railroad, as now traveled. Containing 258,116 square feet, which equals 5.926 acres. Subject to all restrictions, reservations, and easements of record, if any. AND The North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying westerly of the westerly right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company railroad; EXCEPT that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 32 shown as Parcel 248B on Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat Number 19-77. Subject to a11 easements of record. Section 2. The Zoning A�Iap of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount" shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk sha11 appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 1 st day of July, 1997. '', CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk g Commission ' lar 14eeting 11�iinutes ne 10, 1997 Page 5 � evelopment will reduce property values in the area. The lower density will have a positive effect on safe . ditional landscaping will be done in the twin homes area. The City will n control over the developme . ommissioner Tentinger could see no negative impact e surrounding neighborhoods by the sed plan. MOTION by Droste to recommend t e Ci uncil approve the revised concept for the Hampton Development Residential Pl ' Development subject to: 1) Conformance with applicable engineerin�, subdivis� d zoning requi nts for PUD final development plan review and platting; 2) Sufficie reening provided atong 160th West/County Road 46 to mitigate the effects of tr generated by a minor arterial hi�hway; 3) Con o ce with Countv require or right-of-way and access spacing. Seconded by Weisensel. s: Droste, Shoe- gan, Weisensel, DeBettignies and Tentinger. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Public Hearin�• Heritage Development Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing for the Heritage Development Concept Residential Planned Unit Development. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailing and Posting of a Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. I Mr. Pearson presented the application by Herita�e Development of�vlinnesota, Inc. for approval of a � PUD for 193 townhouse units upon the Engiert and McMenomy property located east of ; Chippendale Avenue. The townhouse units would be arranged in clusters around garage courts, including common green space between the units. Heritage is also requesting the property be rezoned to BP-4, Business Park. This development will have access from 156th Street West and from the Geronime Pond area. Density is appropriate at 5.88 du/ac. Mr. Pearson presented handouts from the architectural firm providing examples and other information concerning the proposed development. Chairperson Droste opened the floor to the applicant. Tom Bisch appeared on behalf of Heritage I Development. Mr. Bisch presented literature and sample drawings from the architect. Mr. Bisch , indicated that changes to the design would be made to meet area needs, including the change to two- ' i estimated at �100,000. It is anticipated that childless couples , a for each unit s car�ara�es. The price , . v 1 er t lan the de e o he conce P and retirees will be targeted for these townhouses. Upon approval of t p p > intends to have a marketing study performed. ' Commissioner Droste inquired about the railroad tocated on the east side of the property. Mr. Bisch ' indicated that berming would be done on that side. The fronts of the units will not face the track. Additionally, the structures will be moved further west than what is shown on the maps. Chairperson Droste opened the floor to the public. E:B. McMenomY, i 5872 Chippendale Avenue, is owner of a portion of the property and was also , appearing on behalf of the Englerts who own the remaining property. Iv1r. McMenomy believes this , ---_,_ 1 ! • �n` g Commission 'lar Meeting VIinutes e I0, 199'l . ge 6 development will be a good fit with Geronime Pond and would provide a mixture in tr.e styte of homes. Dan McNultv. 15670 Cicerone Path, compared values of the proposed townhouses with the values of townhomes and single family homes located in Geronime Pond. He pointed out problems with multi-family units on 145th Street. Mr. McNulty believes the train will present a problem. It presently travels through town approximately 8-10 times per day. This amount may increase if the sale of the railroad goes through. Also, Mr. McNulty feels the pazk services are inadequate to support this additional housing. It was pointed out to�Ir. McNulty that the multi-family units on 145th Street are rental units, not privately owned. MOTION by Droste to ciose the public hearing. Seconded by Weisensel. Ayes: Shoe-Corrigan, Weisensel, DeBettignies, Tentin�er and Droste. Nays: 0. Motion carried. There were further discussions concerning the park, the railroad and emer�ency vehicle access. Mr. Pearson explained that through the PUD the developer may be required to provide recreational areas. n the are but the sale o f the As to increased trips by the train, the train definitely has an impact o a, icate d the is lands ma railroad is uncertain. The Fire Marshal has reviewed the site plan and ind Y chan e and there may be sprinkler systems required in some units. � i n and s ecificall what o ther uses would be C o m m i s s i o n e r s r e v i e w e d t h e z o n i n g r e g u l a t o s , p y, P ermitted in this area. Commissioner Tentinger was not convinced this is the ri�ht rype of development for this property. The railroad is a big issue. Commissioners further discussed the railraad issue and their concern about the sale of the units located so near a railroad. They indicated that a market study should be performed. Commissioner DeBettignies expressed that he likes the development plan and that it provided privacy to the residents. If the development can be moved further west, something workable to reduce noise from the train, and a recreational area developed, he would approve of this plan. Commissioner Shoe-Corrigan stated she is concerned about the noise level of the trains and safety issues it may pose to small children. While the development plan is desirable, she would prefer to see � it on another location, possibly closer to the downtown area. There were further discussions concerning a market study and holdin�off on the rezoning until n r commended focusin on the a ro riateness of the rther information is obtained. Mr. Pearso e S PP P fi., . itions which would su ort a residential development. If tt is land use and attach recommended cond PP determined the railroad issue is unsurmountable, it would be reason not to approve the residential development. �g Commission ' ular Meeting Minutes une 10, 1997 Page 7 j ,, Commissioners Tentinger and Shoe-Corrigan restated their objections to a residential development in this area. Tom Heiberg spoke on behalf of the Carlsons who own property south of the theater. Mr. Heiberg stated he would like to market the area. If housing is permitted south of Wachter, he could bring forward proposals to the remaining property. Mr. McMenomy stated that if multi-residential use is not approved for this area, it could be decades before it is used for commercial. With residential across Chippendale, residential in this area would be more compatible. Mr. McMenomy acknowledged the railroad is an issue and that the developer will mitigate the issue. The property is guided BP-4 and it's location is not suitable to market for commercial. Commissioner DeBettignies noted the area is not accessible for business purposes. The business corridor is established on CSAH 42. This area would not be marketable for business. Commissioner Shoe-Corrigan preferred to see commercial which would bring more tax dollars into the city. Mr. Bisch acknowledged the concern about the railroad. The building units would meet all FHA requirements,there would be upgraded windows, air conditioning, walls facing the railroad and open space. The units can be tailored to the specific needs. Mr. Bisch indicated he was told previously the City wanted to keep commerciaUbusiness downtown. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that the Staff prepare findings in support of the concept residential planned unit development proposed by Heritage Development and forward findings to the City Council with the attachments of land use appropriateness and on-site recreational areas. Seconded by Droste. Ayes: Weisensel, DeBettignies and Droste. Nays: Tentinger and Shoe- Corrigan. Motion carried. MOTION by DeBettignies to recommend that the City Council rezone the property to BP-4, Business Park. Seconded by Droste. Ayes: DeBettignies, Droste and Weisensel. Nays: Tentinger and Shoe-Corrigan. Motion carried. Chairperson Droste recessed the meeting at 10:05 p.m. for 10 minutes : E&K Enter rises/Secure Mini Chairperson Droste �aed e public hearing for the rises, Secure Mini Storage Conce t ercial Planned Unit Development. The recording secreta laced the Affidavit u lication and Affidavit of Mailing and Posting of a Public Hearing Notice on file ' e City. , � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION Pianning Commission Meeting Date: June 10, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Heritage Development - Concept AGENDA SECTION: Residential Planned Unit Development Public Hearing and Rezoning PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGENDA NO. 7.B. ATTACHMENTS: Conce t Plan Findin s APPROVED BY: Applicant: Heritage Development of Minnesota, Inc. Location: East side of Chippendale Avenue, befinreen Wachter's Lake and 15872 Chippendale Avenue. Property Owner(s): Marlyn Englert and E.B. McMenomy Area in Acres: 32.8 acres Number of Units: 193 Overall Density: 5.88 dwelling units per acre Comp. Plan Land Use Desig.: Business Park Current Zoning: Agriculture Requested Zoning: BP-4, Business Park SUMMARY Mr. Tom Bisch of Heritage Development is requesting approval of a rezoning and PUD for 193 townhouse units for the Englert property combined with the northern half of the McMenomy property, all east of Chippendale Avenue and south of Wachter's Lake. The property is guided for Business Park and can be developed for multiple family residential use if zoned BP-4 and developed as a planned unit development. The townhouses have been organized in a traditional style with buildings generally arranged in clusters around garage courts. Common green space separates the building clusters with opportunities for trail connections to amenities and the City trail network. This is made possible because the units are single loaded with units being attached side by side but not backing up to other units or double loaded like the Wensmann Deckhomes or Rottlund Villas. The access to the development would occur across from 156th Street West and the new street access to Geronime Pond. The interior street system would be privately owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. The Fire Marshall is reasonably satisfied that the street design will accommodate firefighting apparatus with a few minor modifications. If the Planning Commission supports the proposed land use, then Staff will forward the recommendation to the City Council with findings as directed. Assuming the Council approves of the concept, then the Planning Commission will eventually review the preliminary plat and PUD final development plan including building elevations and landscaping. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend that the Staff prepare findings in support of the concept residential planned unit development proposed by Heritage Development and forward the findings to the City Council. - and - Motion to recommend that the Cit Council rezone the ro ert to BP-4, Business Park. � , DATE: 6-6-97 PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REVIEW FOR: PROJECT NAME: Englert Propertx(156th St. W.IChippendale Ave.1CITY PROJECT NO. Proposed By: Heritage Development Phone No. 481-0017 450 East County Rd. D Fax No. 481-1518 St. Paui. MN 55117 Type of Request: Concept PUD Review The Following Conditions Must Be Met for ApprovaL 1. �ncorporation of recommendations relative to grading, public streets, public utilities and public easements/right- of-ways as identified by the Public Works Department. 2. Developer must make payment to the City at final plat for, a. 1997 Storm Water Trunk Area Charges of$2,530 per acre which is esfimated at this time as 33 acres x$2,530=$83,490; b. Preliminary payment for street improvements to Chippendale Avenue using 1997 rates for a 38'wide multiple family street which is estimated at this time as$53.20 per foot x 1,750'_ $93,100; c. Escrow for 8' bituminous trail on Chippendale (which will be constructed with b above) using a 1997 rate which is estimated at this time as$10 per foot x 1,750'_$17,500; d. 1997 GIS fees of$50 per lot/unit which is esfimated at this time as 193 units/lot x$50 per lot/unit= $9,65Q The following is a review by the Public Works/Engineering Department of a Concept PUD site plan received on June 2,1997. More detailed reviews will be made in the future if this moves into a preliminary platting stage when preliminary grading plans and general utility plans are submitted. 'i It is assumed that all streeis within the proposed development will be private. The sanitary sewer,watermain,and trunk II storm drain facilities are required to be installed as a public improvement project under City policy. These same facilities ' will be maintained by the City. Gradina/Drainaqe FacilitiesNVater Resources The City's wetiand inventory has noted a wetland along the south side of Wachter Lake. The develope�is required to have this wetland delineated for City review. The February 24, 1997 second draft of the SWMP uses a HWL elevabon of 927.0'and a NWL elevation of 906.0'on Wachter Lake. This is also a DNR protected water body, so the OHWL elevation will need to be confirmed with the DNR. The second draft of the SWMP uses a HWL elevation of 929.8' and a NWL elevation of 926.0' on the pond along Chippendale Avenue. A 36"trunk sto�m sewer connection is being provided to this property at 158th Street West with Phase I improvements in the Geronime Pond addition. 1 of 2 Sanitary Sewer Ciiy sewer service to this property will depend on Phase 1 cons#tuction improvements in the Geronime Pond addition. The connection will be at 158th Street West and is estimated to be in place by September 1997. A 12" trunk sanitary sewer may run through tfiis property to serve properties to the east. Its iocation has not been finalized. Watertnain An existing 12"watermain runs in the easterly half of the Chippendale Avenue right-of-way. Streets It is assumed all streeis on this site will be private. Private street connections to Chippendale Avenue need to align with 156th Street West and 158th Street West. Chippendale Avenue improvements are tentatively scheduled for 1999. Walks�Trails Trail improvements are proposed along the east and west sides of Chippendale Avenue. Easements�Riaht-of-Wavs The City will review a future preliminary plat submittal fo�needed easements and right-of-ways. Private Utilities Construction The City has adopted a policy for the public construction of all future publicly owned facilities. The Developer has the choice of Ciiy financing or private financing of these improvements per the adopted policy. A petition can be obtained from the Public Works Department. Fees 8�Assessments Developer must make payment to the City at final plat for; a. 1997 Storm Water Trunk Area Charges of$2,530 per acre which is estimated at this time as 33 acres x$2,530=$83,490; b. Preliminary payment for street improvements to Chippendale Avenue using 1997 rates for a 38'wide multiple family street which is estimated at this time as$53.20 per foot x 1,750'_ $93,100; c. Escrow for 8' bituminous trail on Chippendale (which will be constructed with b above) using a 1997 rate which is estimated at this time as$10 per foot x 1,750'_$17,500; d. 1997 GIS fees of$50 per lotfunit which is estimated at this time as 193 units/lot x$50 per IoUunit= $9,650. g:leng�projectlengle�t�englerrl.wpd ', 2Ot2 '' I �--- --- � __- . � .�Jrc r.n�tJ . %. . _,\ ' , � �`l --' ` '�•t'�2'j0 i, �� � ` - -- ' ,\ � ` � � ( � � � � �,1, _ , � `,� �� � � �� 5 _ ;� r `Cl\/ '�` 1 � t ' `� � `� Cl�� ..-11��- `�'�� i� ' �� � �� /G � �--_ � � � / � 12 1 ^ . 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Y�" t ;t��•Y t' � i'- Project Information Project Name: Rosemount Commons Location: Rosemount,NIlV Project Size: 32.8 acres Number of Units Planned: 193 Project Density: 5.88 units/acre Number of Units � Released to Date: 0 I Grand Opening: Spring, 1998 I, Project Completion Date: 1999 I Average Lot Size: NJA Unit Prices: $100,000.00 Target Market: Empty nesters,young professionals , Features: 2 ponds, clustered dneighborhoods,connected open space I Architect: Kephart Architects Design: Paramount Engineering � ►' � � . � di 3 .� v � ?— �.� ,." � � � >�: u- � � ` ,�-;��' � ;��h v � .� � � �^ �F a �:��,,> b �,., t � ; � d ��R a _�^ �; 4 : ...,.�\ � t _ �' � � 3 j,'� :�. . ,1' 1 '3�.—_`�� � � ��, � �Z, 1—'l r� � �, �, , F t � 1 '�-� ��;: `� ` �, +�,,� :;M1� . �`�.i.,` ` �-� � �� � �e� .���s � � `�'.� �� ,, �'� � T �'1 ��q�� -J �j � � �., '� a . �5 � �, �•: �. y L � 1� r i: /J �~�, �i,� � } �I+t;: M'``, ,\ �' ?� �6 ?��� 0 ,��1' � ��-�' ti f y 1 'r �� � F' �1 T~ i�, '�\.� r� j ' /� . . � . rr'ar"�.:.,�`��, � d��� �s, f���n w.,� \� �'°`;�`�. �� '?�,� �� /j "' rK.�; 1 ''�..: - � '��,ay f>� 9 -� r ��. t. tir,y �` \ � V' ,�' z . ° \ 2 �` ' ,� � . .A' 7 �t ;{i . c:( fC, . � • il:� .i ` . 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[- � '�" . . - 1 . t + '`\ i1 �' �� ., y , r, �,� � �� i �_. � - �; -- _ _ ` �7 �ji � ' p• N ■ ^ - .� . . . � `I� u �w L'91! ��!�,�• �.r � . .--..i .� � � ;��..^-� u � � � � ii,��; i � . s _� #� � : _ ; �� � P(�LO ES .�ATES . � - .. : . - . _- - ,+� �:� .,� �.. , , , • . 5 I'LEX [iUlL.t�ING , • ^ II FINDINGS For The Heritage Development Concept Residentia!PUD � In approving the Concept Plan, the Planning Commission must find as follows and forward its ' findings to the City Council. ', 1. The Plan provides sufficient open space and evidences a substantial preservation of natural '� features to warrent the granting of variances through Planned Unit Development. ' The single loaded tawnhouses clustered around garage courts provides opportunities for ' linked open spaces between the building clusters ,, 2. The Plan complies with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. II'� BP-=t Business Park zoning is corrsistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan and allows I multiple family housing development as a PIID. ' 3. The proposed development will not be detrimental to surrounding properties. ' The nearest residential units are the quad homes of Yalley Oak Addition. I�!, 4. The Plan is more creative and will provide a better living, working or shopping ', environment than is possible under strict ordinance requirements. ' The PUD process is required for this development proposal if the zoning and concept are aPProved il ,� Monday, June 30, '189i VALUE NUMBE �'IRST LAST STREET# STREET LAND SLDG TC?l'Al t3AN MEADOWS 15602 CORNELL TRAIL $10,500.00 $69,400.04 $79,900.OQ 1CHELLE NOVAK 156U4 CORNEIL TRA1L $10,000.00 $72,500.� �82,5fl4.00 OBERT MEYER 15606 CORNELL TRAIL $10,50p.00 $70,300.00 $80,8�.t)0 PATRICfC SAMMON 45608 CORNELL TRAIL $10,500.00 $68,7�,00 $79,200.00 ROBERT HARALDSON 15610 C4RNEL!TRAIL $10,500.OQ $60,500.fl0 $71,OOQ.£� TODD SLAYC�N 15612 C4RNEL!TRA{L $10,Q00.00 $74,000.00 $$4,Q00.00 GERlNE ' PONGRATZ 15614 CaRN�tL TRA(L $10,500.00 $73,600.00 $&t,100.f?0 DUAlVE ' OPFLAUM 15616 CORNELL TRAiL $14,500.00I $70,800.00 $81,30Q.00 JOSEPH GIRGEN t5731 CICERONE PATH $29,2t30.0+0 $159,3�.00 $159,30Q,00 Lf.EN JOHNSON 15721 CICERONE PATH $30,300.Qt? $106,300.00 $106,300,l30 KENNETH HORMANN i5709 CI�ERONE PATH $29,20Q.OQ $115,700.00 $115,704.40 IKKt PRtGGE 15699 CICERONE PATH �29,200.00 �93,9�.f� $93,900.� HRtST4pHER MORKEN 156$1 CICERONE PAl'H $29,200.t?d $110,80U.00 $110,$OQ.00 � KURT HERRQN 15677 CiCERONE PATH $29,20Q.00 $102,9�.OQ $102,900.OQ -� �ONALO BAKLUND 15622 CORNEL�TRAIL $29,200.00 $106,900.04 $106,900.00 '� LARRY DRESSELHAUS 15624 CORNELL TRA{L $30,0OO,OQ $107,700.00 �147`,700.00 -- , c� JOSEPH SCHMIDT 15626 CORNEIL TRAtL �29,200.OQ $110,000,00 $11Q,OOO.t�f RH4NDA ZELLMER 15628 CORNELL TRAIL $29,200.00 $10C�,�00.04 $100,200.Q0 BRIAN PAULSEN 15630 CORNELL TRAIL $29,200.00 $118,800.OQ $119,800.00 � DEBRAH BAUNANN 15632 CORNELL jRAIL $29,200.00 3+112,0t?0.00 $112,000.40 (�b DENNIS BR�WN 15634 CORNEl�L TRAlL $29,200.Q0 $105,i0(7.00 $105,1Q0.00 � NDY WERNER 15636 CQRNELl.TRAlL $29,200.00 $111,OOO.QO $1'!1,0�.00 HiLLiP STERNER 15666 CICERONE PATH $29,2f�.OQ $94,�0.00 $124,400.OQ � HERESA MARlE CARLSOfd 95G7� CICERONE PATH $32,tfl0.Q0 $9Q,100.01J $122,200.Q0 ` � �'i'HEW KUSCHE� 15674 CICERONE PATH. $30,300.00 $87,4�.Q0 $117,7�.00 . „�. DANiEL HOWELL '{5676 GICEROidE PATH $29,2a0.Q0 $83,7�.Q0 $142,90Q.00 R48ERT MONSON 15678 CICERUNE PA7H $29,20C1.Q0 $90,100.00 $119,300.00 RANCIS BENFANTE 15680 GtCERONE PATH �.30,2�.00 $76,500.00 $108,700.00 �BiN ANDERSQN 15686 ClCERONE PATH $30,200.OQ $85,20Q.00 $1 i 5,40Q.OQ UILIiE VWALLERT 15720 CICERONE PATH $29,200.OD $84,800.OQ $114,Of)0.� l � � � � \ � . � � Y/ V/ V! V) Vl V1� ^ V► �^+ V! 1'� !� � � : � � � � �Ll 0 � f"' 0 1^"' '� �"� � � a cL a. a. a. a cn cL cn o aa c.> 0 0 0 0 0 0 �-. o �-- cr � cr ac � cr x c� x cr � . � a. a. ci a. a. w n. w a w �.n �'�.�.�-G---i cooe /o „" v `�`���� 3 22 �o� � 9 �o�s53 � I T5 <CC6tI ! OS6t f0063 t 062�1 ��59) t0US8) i0055) tQpgy tOt6el � � 4 (4G89� t0072� 88) ( 4) �, C82 t8 t t� 500� ^it � c0� , S � 0 6 3 2 ap � � t a�� c 3� 0 � �I� � � 38 2s coa� �o , c r r � � ,, c 2� �o� • s� t 5 I coo7sa 30 C ?.t 3 ' 33 34 ; 3 6 c 86� tODrSy2 �� � ! . t . :�. 3 � . 11��� (4 5i �' � � O <�C� t�. !00 ��, � 1"'_'_1 . � . . . . 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W. 616 1 147,250 05�06�94 12 1116 3 1 3LV/SPL 70 1025271 4072 156TH ST W 616 1 148,900 07�01�94 225 1296 3 2 4LV/SPL 71 1229226 3896 156TH STREET 616 1 150,000 02�11�97 96 1350 4 3 4LV�SPL 72 1070727 4037 156TH STREET 616 1 155,000 02/22/95 213 1266 3 2 4LVfSPL 73 1043424 4144 156TH ST W 616 1 163,500 01/18�95 304 1032 3 3 2STORY 74 1033777 4054 156TH STREET 616 1 165, 000 02�15�95 368 1314 3 2 2STORY 75 1099706 4054 156TH STREET 616 2 165,000 02�15/95 95 1332 3 2 2STORY* 76 1063794 4036 156TH ST W. 616 1 171,950 06�09�95 366 1629 4 2 4LV�SPL 77 1010737 4018 156TH ST W 616 1 178,000 03�23�94 204 1381 3 3 3LV�SPL 78 1249933 4054 156TH STREET 616 1 178,700 04/11�97 36 1302 4 3 2STORY* 79 1250883 4055 156TH ST W 616 1 186,900 04�10�97 46 1079 4 3 2STORY 80 TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY LISTINGS: 80 AVRG LIST PRICE: 123,402 AVRG SOLD PRICE: 122,263 AVRG MARKET TIME: 85 Criteria: ST�SOLD,COMS AR=616 TYP=1 SP=0-200000 MAP PAGE=136 MAP COORD=4A,5A STREET 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Project Information Project Name: Rosemount Commons Location: Rosemount,MN Project Size: 32.8 acres Number of Units Planned: 193 Project Density: 5.88 uniis/acre Number of Units Released to Date: 0 Grand Opening: Spring, 1998 Project Completion �Date: 1999 Average Lot Size: N/A Unit Prices: $]00,000.00 Target Market: Empty nesters, young professionals Featwes: 2 ponds, clustered dneighborhoods, coru�ected open space Architect: Kephart Architects Design: Paramount Engineering I .�... � � i } ,;--- . . ..x 4� ___. _ . . ....._ , , . _ �, � � ; � r ,�i�� ,� . ' a ..+a r � � �� i ....^x .,.."�qi .�° . � I t q t�lr �� , , . '� � ��. a � � �,, ypAk�''�a��n�� E t ��' � r _ ..,,¢. � ' r ��:5 � � ,�� � , � '� � r � r r , t. ��.., '`�+�� v �..� �. � ,, ' 4 �'�' '� , ���'r� �'; L�� .�' � ,�!�' � +i�. 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Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff 3. Public Comment * 4. , Response to Public Comment ** S. D�P RTMFNT AI�S R .PORT�iRTT�TIVFS� a. Updates on County Highway System Projects b. 6. CON .NT A ENDA Pu��ed � ��utes of 7une 17, 1997 Regular City Council Meetin 'R�- b . Minutes of June 16, 1997 Committee of the Whole c. Approval of Bills Listing d. Promotion of Firefighters —(oo e. Budget Amendments f. Kennel`License Renewal g Temporary Liquor Licenses for American Legion and VFW Club, Post 9433 h. Approval of County Road 46 Engineering Agreement —!o/ I. MPRS Cooperative Affumative Action Program .,�Zj. Receive Petition/Order Feasibility Report Brockway Trunk Sewer Fxtension k. 8:00 P.M. : 7. PUBLIC HE�RiN -Appeal of Variance Denial - Rosemount Woods Cabinet Shop a. Open b. Conduct c. CYose d. Action ' 8• �_L�1 BLTCI.�IV�.� a. b. c. 9. NEW BUSI ' --6` 3_a. Heritage Development PUD Concept - Englert Property D�D. $, b Biking Ordinance for Carroll's Woods � 1'�dc� c• C.cmnm, of�e. \►�l ho1� da�-e �,hu.r��� d. 10. �[NOUNCEMENTS *opportunity to bring issues to City Council attention 11 . AD70URNMENT **update on prior public comment MEMORANDUM DATE: July l, 1997 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator SUBJECT: Additional Information for Tonight's Meeting 1. Item 6.a. Minutes of June 17, 1997 Clarification. Pg 3 MOTION by Anderson, second is corrected to "by Carroll" rather than"by Edwards". 2. Item 9.b. Letter received today against ba.nning bicycles from Carroll's Woods. � � � � � �� FOSEI�IOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGUL�R MEETING JUNE 17, 1997 Community Development Director Rogness presented an overview of the c�ncept pian for the Shannon Pond South-Hampton Development. The concept plan is for 26.73 acres at the northwest corner of Shannon Parkway and 160`� Street West and is currently zoned Agriculture. The proposal includes 17 single family dwelling and 10 twinhomes for a total of 37 new units. Mayor Busho opened the floor for public comments. Bruce Anthony, 4195 West 158`� Street, is opposed to the proposal. He expressed concern with the twin homes. Carl Osterhaus, 4165 158`� Street, is opposed to the twin homes and feels that the property values of the neighborhood would decline. He is also concerned with safety issues. Dana Werner, 4215 157`� Street, is concerned with the final grade of the lots and the safety of the children. Ms. Werner request that if concept plan is approved to condition it by not allowing 157`� Street to be used to haul materials. Jim Burhardt, 4160 158�' Street, is concerned with the ownership of the twin homes. He would like to see a denial of the concept plan. Paul Brown, 4201 157`'` Street, felt that the City of Rosemount has enough multi-family dwelling units and would like a denial of the concept plan. Amy Bell, 158`� Street, was informed when they purchased their home that the area was to remain with single family dwellings. This proposed twin home area would not be consistent with other homes in the area. Mr. Jim Allen from Hampton Development stated that the property values would be subjective; that twin homes usually produce less tra�c than single family homes because the residents are typically young professionals or retired; the topography of the site is rather severe to grade for building needs and that the developer needs a higher density to make the project cost ef�ective. Council Member Carroll concluded there would be less tra.ffic due to the twin homes; the area I would not produce any additional safety concerns above and beyond normal;there could be a � possibility of an increase in density if not approved and that the consistency of surrounding li, properties would be maintained. � �CcrcQ. ' � MOTION by Anderson to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REVISED , � CONCEPT RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR SHANNON POND �'�'� � SOUTH. Second by Canoll. Ayes: Anderson, Carroll. Nays: Wippermann, Busho, Edwards. �d�a.rd.s Motion fails. -{� ,�s,�,o��. Mayor Busho recessed the Regular City Council meeting for a five minute recess at 9:55 p.m. The agenda was amended at the request of the developer for E& K Enterprises to move to the end of New Business. 3 June 30, 1997 To the Rosemount City Council; This letter is a follow-up to our recent conversations with a couple of the city council members. It is in regards to the proposal that is coming before the council to ban bicycles from Carroil's woods. It would be a very sad day for us and our children if this ordinance were to pass. It is our understanding that the reason for this ordinance is because bicycles are being ridden off the paths and destroying plant life. We frequently walk and ride our bicycles through the woods and have never witnessed children, or anyone, destroying the plants and wildlife on their bicycles. If an ordinance such as this were to pass, and plant life is still being destroyed, what would be the next step? Ban people from walking or cross country skiing through the woods as they are wandering off the paths and destroying plants and wildlife? Carroll's woods was set aside as a park to be experienced and enjoyed, not a shrine set aside as sacred ground never to be explored or walked through. If this ordinance were to be passed, who would it be enforced by and how? Would there be bicycle racks placed at the entrances of the park so those who came on bicycle and want to walk through the woods can lock up their bicycles? Please take our concerns into considerations when and if this proposal comes up for a vote. Sincerely, � � '�'`� i�r�� V Q� �a�--- Pat & Bob Tabery