HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Budget Amendments ? � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Budget Amendments AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff Ma Finance Director AGENDA '" y' �`�C`� �r` � �, ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: Council Memo, Resolution, Donation Worksheets This item is on the agenda for Council to formally amend the 1997 General Fund budget by resolution for donation items that Council has previously authorized, covering expenditures made during the second quarter of 1997. Rather than bringing a resolution before the Council each time there is a need to spend money from donations previously received, we have developed procedures that allow us to have you authorize the expenditure and amend the budgets at the time the expenditure is made and then periodically bring to you a resolution that formally amends the budgets for a number of these donation expenditures. The attached memo and donation worksheets support the figures given in the resolution. Also, there is one additional budget amendment for the General Fund. This pertains to the 1997 Street & Utility Reconstruction Project (Project#277). We utilized $25,000 from the Street Maintenance budget that was budgeted for overlays to be used towards the overlay portion of this project. The money was transferred from the General Fund to the project fund so we are simply reducing the Street Maintenance budget by that $25,000 because it won't be spent there and increasing the General Fund's transfer budget by $25,000 to recognize the transfer made. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1997 BUDGET ITEMS for the General Fund as outlined in the attached memo. COUNCIL ACTION: s.-I�,�r�n (o. c�... CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997 - 60 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1997 BUDGET ITEMS WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need to amend certain items from the 1997 General Fund Operating Budget, the totals which are as follows (1) General operating revenues, the total which reflects an increase of$12,802.46; (2) General operating expenditures, the total which reflects an increase of $12,802.46; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the amendment of the above listed budget items for the 1997 General Fund Operating Budget. - � ADOPTED this 1st day of July, 1997. Cathy Bush Mayor ATTEST: Su an M. alsh, City Clerk Motion by: c a r r o � � Seconded by: E d w a r d s VotedirlfavOr: W� PPermann, Busho, Carroll , Edwards, Anderson . �' Voted Against: N o n e. MEMORANDUIVI DATE: June 24, 1997 TO: Mayor Busho Council Members Anderson, Carroll, Edwards &Wippermann FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: Budget Amendments This is a request to amend both the revenue and expenditure budgets for the General Fund and to formally approve the expenditures of donations previously received. This memo is to show the line by line detail of the actual changes to be made to the budgets, of which the totals are summarized in the Resolution before you. GENERAL FUND DETAIL Detail for Revenues: 101-36230-00-000 (Donations) $12,802.46 Total Revenues $12,802.46 Detail for Expenditures: 101-41320-01-439 (Other Miscellaneous Charges) $ 600.40 101-42110-01-208 (Miscellaneous Supplies) 6,516.53 101-43121-01-403 (Contracted Repair & Maint) (25,000.00) 101-49300-01-710 (Transfers) 25,000.00 101-45100-01-439 (Other Miscellaneous Charges) 5,685.93 Total Expenditures $12,802.46 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1997 BUDGET ITEMS WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need to amend certain items from the 1997 General Fund Operating Budget, the totals which are as follows (1) General operating revenues, the total which reflects an increase of$12,802.46; (2) General operating expenditures, the total which reflects an increase of $12,802.46; ', NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount I, hereby approves the amendment of the above listed budget items for the 1997 General I, Fund Operating Budget. 'I ADOPTED this 1st day of July, 1997. �' Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted Against: DONA2'SON R3P?�7V8 7�tORRSHSET � R3C3SPT GF DOI�ATION Dvuaticn Rec��•red on: � � � � 7 Amouat Rec�ived: $� o0 Rec�i�t # for poaation: �-7 8 20 Purose of Donation: �arr,�oc.�. �,�a��� Acc�t:�n.t � for poaa.t;oa: Io t — �� 2 25 (Must be Lia:nility # assic�e� �or each indiv�.cua? Dewa�:ne_^_t) � �T�.^7DI�Ry OF DONATIqN Amaur_t to be S�ent : $ ��O.' To be Spent f rom Acct ,'�: (D i - y-13�a - o t - �-3� (Must be Ex�enditure � c��'esperiding to i.ac�v�Gua? Department) Pu rose of Expenditure: � o� . A�`iDl�.'�7�' OF BUDGETS Amen.d Donation Revenue Acct #I01-36230-o0-000 : $ 1000� Amend Exnenditure Acct �101-L}.i3�o-ul-�'��j' $ �'�a '� (The two doll.ar amounts s::culd be the same? Gsa�r�Rnr. JaURNAL ENTR" TO ADJUST DONATION LIABII�IfiY # , ���� � Debit : �Ol- .���� _(Donation Liability �) $ ���� Credit: 101-36230-00-00a $ �a�•� Journal entry to reduce deferred donatior_ revenue ar_d increase donation revenue to actual per council action on �-� -q'l o c 2 � ��� � -__ , - _ ___ ._ �ONa�,TIQN R...�'....'iLz WaR.�SHEET ��, RECyI�T OF DaNATION �I Dor_ation Received cr_: I �cnoun.t Rece?ve�: $ Recsipt # for ponatior.: p�rpose of Donatioa: POLICE EQIIT_PMENT EtJND Account � for ponatioa: Io?-?2�22 (�ust be Liability � assic^-ed for each indiv:,3ua1 DepartmeTt) E��y�ITffR� OF DaNATION Amcur_t to be Spent: $ /D�� `�� To be SpeTt irom Acct �: IQi-a2= 10-OL-208 (�?ust be Exvenditur` � cor_esper_c==g to i..�cividual Depart;�ceat) -� —�. �-. S hr�'� �= P��ose o= Ex�e�di�u_=_: �A�.ne�I 7"a ��u� � - C�a�.e. � 9 3 oO 3836 .�7D�'�TT OF HIIDG�TS Amend Dvnat�on Revenue Acc� n:0�-36230-00-000 : $,�Qd • `t � Ainend Ex�enditure Acct � IOI-�2? l�-OI-208 $ ���• �� (The two doll.ar atncurits s:oulc be the same? G�RAT, JO�i.*tAI, F�iTR`_' TO AD�'UST DONATION LIABILITY # �'.��� Debit : 101-22222 (Dcr.aLior_ Liability x) $ lD�•�� Cre�it: 101-3 623 0-0 0-DOa $ �O�- � Jou�al entry to reduce �efe=red don.atioa revenue ar:d increase donation revenue to actual per cour_cil action on S'�� -g� • D ,(�'��r=�� �, , : �= � �-�� _5 :� � � ��� ; < DONATION P� WORRSHEET REC�IPT OF DON�ITION • Donation Received oa: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for ponation: pu_�ose of Donation: D .3.R.E. PROGRAM Account # for Dvnation: 101-22221 (Must be Liai�ility � ass�aaed for eacz individual Depa��ment? ��.�'�TDITURS OF DONATION ��aunt to be spe�.t: $ /� y� 3 3 Ta be Spent from Acct �: IOI-?2I10-01-208 (Must be �enditure � corres�c�d�zc to ir_dividual De�a..��nent? Pu_�ose o= �e�ditu.�:e: � �s� • c�A��r=" S a n,�L�eS p,�'�iDM�N'1' OF HUDGETS Przend Donat�.on Revenue Acct n101-3o230-oo-oQo : $ �ay 33 A.-zen.d Ex�enditure Acct � I01-a2II0-OI-208 $ ��`�- 33 I (The two doll.ar amounts should be t�e same) II GF.NF'RAT JpQgr7�,L E.`i'rRY TO ADJtTST DONAT zax Lr�zz=� # I� � Debit : I01-2222I (Dvnaticn Liabil.ity #) $ ia y- 3 3 ' �IY'' ' /� - .3� Credit: 10I-36230-Oa-000 � Journal entry to reduce deferre� donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on S "� " 5 7 u S-`i-Cr 3� � DONATION REVENUE WORRSSEET RECyIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for ponatioa: purpose of Donation: D.A.R.E. PROGRAM Account # for ponation: I01-22221 (Must be Liability � ass=gned for each individual Depa�tment) EXPE,.'�TDITIIRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ �S�• c�� To be Spent from Acct #: 101-42I10-OI-208 (Must be Expenditure n corr�saoncinc to individual Depa�-tment) Purpose af Exlaenditure: .fl�R-L S ��1 p r�e s _ P�NDI�IT OF BIIDGETS Amend Donat�on Revenue Acct #10I-36230-00-OQO : $ �.Sa • �� Amend Expenditure Acct # 10I-42I10-OI-2d8 $ o�-S�� - �� tThe two dollar amounts should be the same) � GENER.AI� JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LI�,BILITY # ���� Debit : 101-22221 (Donation Liability �) $c�s�• �S'� Credit: 101-36230-00-OOa $ o2S0- �cY Journal entry to rAduce deferred donation reve�ue and increase �I donation revenue to actual per council action on lj -/7�S7 II ���c-�r-�-_—, (, .�� ti�- �� -----_-- -- DO1�,TION R..�'V"��tL'� WaR.�S�?T RrCyT_�T O? D�N�TZON Dcr_atior_ R�ce��re� or_: �-:�c�*�t Receivec: $ iZ�c�=pt � Lcr Dcaat_o�: pt:�ose of Doaatioa: ?OL_C� EQII=?MENT FUND �.ccount � sc= Donat�.ca: I01-22222 (�ust be i�ia'ai1=tY � ass_cz-:ec sor eac�. iwdiv�dua? Depa_�:�e^t) ��3,�ID2�.'4�: OF DaN�,TION �1:zou.�.�t t� be S�ert: $ y�7• -�C ^c be S�e=t =rcm Acc� ;� : ?p z_G??IO-OI-208 (�?us� be E:c�e�c��ur� ;� cc��s_cr_c�_c to i=c.iv:.�ua_ De:c_�:�eat} :��.�ase c_ �':c�e�a��•.�_. �a.CC��si�c cf�s' -�=�- 3S"��.. I �'��DM�7T C� BUDC�TS Z �1-;�e:d Dcr_at;or_ Reverue �.cc� z��--30'230-0o-o00 : $ �/E 7- S � ^� j 1p:_c�i ?d-QL-2d8 $ �L 7• � ��,�enG Ex:eTd�t:� Ac.. ,� (Th� t-�rc co1?a= arac�_ts s�_culc be the same? � � _j TO .ADJVST DON�„TION LI.�H ILI..� # ',r;:T"r,R.�,L JO U'tZ.*i�.I.� E.�'`7��'� \ G �.Jy -, � � r ; �; �it- �) $ �l07• .SZ� � _�._ �� c._ r� . �cr_a�z � � 01-222_.. ( De�_t . I Cr=�it : 201-3o'23a-aa-a00 $ yC7- �� Jou_^._a? entr� to r��uce de*'er_ec donatioa reveaue aa� iacrease ccaat=or.. revenue tc actua? pe= co�^_cil actior_ or_ (� - / 7"9? � o � ���,',� � ' ' b-JJ -`� ~ � DONITION R..� Wa�LttSBEET R�C�IPT aF DON�TION Donation Received on: �a�,t Received: $ Receipt � for ponation: purpose of Donation: D .A.R.E . PROGA?��i Accoun.t � for ponation: 10i-2222Z (�Iust be Liability � assi�-ec =or eac'r_ inciviaual Depar�:aent) EXp,,N'DITUr�� OF DONATION Amount to be Sperlt : $ '�8-3 °l � � � 10I-42I10-01-208 To be Speat =rom Acc� �: (Must be �e�.d�ture T cor_esper_d�.�c to ir_dividual Depa�:ne�.t) a 3 g� m�SC . 0/�2� S�,n� r puroose of Ex�eaditur�: ,P Q.�' 3 i07t 7� -----T, . , � Q-� 35y�C — �-o� � D�� �a-cc .�a, c��*o��w ��'�— p�D�i,.,�IT OF BUDGETS ��3. �:p p.r.tend Donation Revenue Acct �i0_-3623o-00-oQO : $ _ P.��ead Ex�enditure Acct n I O I-42110-0 I-208 $ ��3 ' -�� (The two doll.ar amounts should be t�e same� G�,,7Eg,.as, JODR�N� E�7TRY TO ADJQST DONAT=ON LI.ABILIT`_' � Debit: ].OI-22221 (Dor.a�ior_ Liabi?ity �) $ �83. �� �ay� $��— Credit : 101-36230-00-a00 Journa? entry to reduce deferreci �onatior. reve�.ue and increase donation revenue to actual per cour_ci1 action on � � 3 � �7 o r''��r� � �, -4- ti � DONATION REVENt7E WORRSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for ponation: Purpose of Donation: D.A.R.E . PROGRaM Account # for ponation: 101-22221 (Must be Liability # assigned for each individual Department) EXPENDITURE OF DONATI�N Amount to be Spent : $_��r; �, �� To be Spent from Acct # : 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure : ,[�A �� ( - s�( 2-� AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000 : $ ��o �_ 7 3 Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 $ �� �_ '7 3 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit : 101-22221 (Donation Liability #) $�G�. 73 �'�� credit : ioi-36a3o-oo-000 $ �'6�{- ?3 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on �- / � � ? ���r� � ^` �' r-- -1 v-�i �,J `;r . . � �� DONITION R.��'VENUE WOR�tSH�ET RECEIPT OF DON�,TIaN Donation Receivec on: Amount Received: $ Receipt # for ponation: purpose of Donation: POLICE EQUIPMENT FUND Account # for ponation: IOI-22222 (ylust be Liability � ass�gneG for each individual Department) E$p��'DITIIRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent : $ 3{ �j.7�c �� � To be Spent from Acct n : 10I-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure m corresponding to individual Depa�t�ent) Pu�ose of Expenditure: ��.,�vcl�-s� ��- �ASc� S (��_ S�oP� � p�MENDMEN'r OF HUDG�TS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �101.-36230-0-0-o00 : $ 3 °I'7�• �� � Amend Expeaditure Acct � 101-421I0-01-208 $ 3� 9�� • � � (The two dollar amounts should be the same) G��Eg,p,1, �'ptTFiNAL EPiTR`� TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # -� �,�-l� Debit : 10I-22222 (Donatior_ Liability #) $3,5?6"'�1- Credit: 101-36230-0a-00� $��6•� Journal entry to reduce deferre3 doaation revenue and ir_c�ease donation revenue to actual per council action on�'c�.�.c,, � , 1`}°1? • ,.^,��� � � , r� - -5 -� -�� � DOiYATION REVEYUE WORKSFIEET , RECEIPT OF DOiY�iTIOtY I��, Donation Received on: Amounc Received: � Receipc� for ponation: Purpose of Donation: Accounc� for ponarion: (Must be Liabiliry # assigned for each individual Department.) EYPENDITURE OF DON�TION Amount co be Spent: ��8�•�g To be SQen� from �ccc�: 101-45100-01-439 (11�Iust be Expendicure ,� corresponding to individual Departmenc.) Purpose of Expenditure: Portable phones for the Communicy Center and �rena r�,l�tE�iDi�IE�i'T OF BUDGETS Amend Donacion Revenue Accc�101-36230-00-000: 5383.38 Amend Expendicure Acct�101-a.�100-01-439 �383.38 (The two dollar amounu should be che same.) GENER�L JOLZt.*i�,L, E�ITRY TO ADNST DONATION LI�.BILITY# , �—\ �`�"� Debir.LQ I-22223 (Donation Liabiliry�) �383.38 Credic: 101-36230-00-000 ��g���g Credir. 101-29300 � Journal encry ro reduce defened donadon revenue and inerease donacion revenue to actuat per council action on June 3_ 1997 D � ��,,-� , i:�ro��do�«,,.•.�� �_�_. DON�TION REVENUE WORKSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Re�eived: � Receipt� for ponation: Purpose of Donadon: Account� for ponation: (Must be Liabiliry � assigned for each individual Departmenc.) E�E�iDITURE OF DONr�,TION Amount to be SQent: 51036.33 To be Spent from Acct�: 101-45100-01-�39 (Must be EYpenditure � correspondin; co individual Depamnent.) Purpose of Expenditure: 1�iaincenance shed ac Erickson Feilds A:tiIE�IDME�t'T OF BUDGETS Amend Donacion Revenue Acct�101-36230-00-000: �1036.23 Amend Espendicure Acct�101-45100-01-439 �1036.23 (The two dollar amouncs should be che same.) GENER�,L JOURN�I. Er"TRY TO AD�TUST DONATIOY LIt1.BILITY# �\ ��-� Debit:101-����3.12 (Donation Liabiliry t�) �1036.23 _ Credic: 101-36230-OQ-000 S 103623 Credit: 101-29300 � Journal entry to reduce deferced donation revenue and increase donation revenue to acrual per council action on June 3. t 997 o c ���' � I:lforms\domrev.wks �� f DOIYATION REVE��fUE WORKSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATIOIY Donation Received on: March 10, 1997 Amount Re�eived: S 2,000.00 Receipc� for ponation: #47809 Purpose of Donadon: Rsmt Jaycee Ega Hunt Co-Sponsor- Parks and Recrea�ion Deparanent Account� for ponacion: 101.22233.4 (btust be Liabiliry# assigned for each individual Department.) E�'E�IDITU'RE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: � 2,Q00.00 To be Spent from Acct �: 101-45100-01-439 (vlust be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Deparunent.) Purpose of Expenditure: Jaycee Ega Hunc 1997 r�l�tEND1��NT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct,�101-36230-00-000: � ?,000.00 Amend Espendicure �cct�101-45100-Oi-�39 S 2,000.00 (The two dollar amouncs should be the same.) GENER�iL JOURNAI. E�I'TRY TO �iDNST DONATION LIr�BILITY i# �J-1Y Debir. 101-22223.4 (Donation Liabiliry /#) � 2,000.00 Credic: 101-36230-00-000 S 2.000•00 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue ro acrual per council action on � ''� -S� W'C�I1LLtIC�9TlIOf1dRY.Ggg p o � � -S . - DONr�TION REVENUE WORKSI3EET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: ', Amount Received: _-- I�I Receipt� for ponarion: Purpose of Donation: Account# for ponation: 101 22223 (Must be Liabiliry # assigned for each individual Department.) E�'E�TDITURE OF DON?,TION Amount to be Spenr. �2,266.32 To be SQent from Acct �: 101-45100-01-439 (Must be Expenditure # conespondin� tQ individual Department.) Purpose of Espenditure: Lockers A�l�iEi�(Db�i�i'T OF BUDGETS Amend Donaaon Revenue Acct �101�6230-00-000: �2,266.32 Amend Expenditure Acct#101-45I00-01-439 �2,266.32 (The two dollar amounts should be the same.) GENERAL JOURNAL E�t'TRY TO ADNST DONATION LIABILITY# Debit: 101-45100-01-439 (Donation Liabiliry #} �2,266.32 �i�� Credit: 101-36230-00-000 �2,266.32 Journal entry to reduce defened donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 4/1/97 i �y.=, ,Ji-��,�� � TRAN3F8R FORM TRANS FER FROM: ���T' General Fund (39201) 101 - 49300 - ol - 710 $ aS,J��.�J Port Authority Funds (39207) 201 - 46300 - O1 - 710 $ Street CIP Fund (39208) 203 - 49003 - O1 - 710 $ Water IItility Funds (39202) 601 - 49400 - O1 - 710 $ Sewer Utility Funds (39202) 602 - 49450 - O1 - 710 $ Storm Water IItility Funds t39202) 603 - 49500 - O1 - 710 $ Water Core Funds (39204) 605 - 49501 - ol - 710 $ Sewer Co=e Funds (39205) 606 - 49502 - 01 - 710 $ Storm Core Funds (39206) 607 - 49503 - 01 - 710 $ (39203) - - O1 - 710 $ (39203) - - O1 - 720 $ TR.ANS FER TO: ���T� /c157 S'r�Pc2T ��cZ�;.•�sT�'�•C1�-Pe.�.i'�J.77 �3 - 39201 - 00 - 000 $ o1S, v�J JJ - 39202 - 00 - 000 $ - 39203 - 00 - 000 $ - 39204 - OQ - 000 $ - 39205 - 00 - 0a0 $ - 39206 - 00 - 000 $ - 39207 - QO - 000 $ - 39208 - 00 - 000 $ � ADTHORIZED BY: 1 DEPARTMENT: Pu��-`C �"�� 5 DATE AUTHORIZED: 5 - � ' S� REASON FOR TRANSFER: Ctt� �i..'a-� �� CS`t�t�� �..�EYT�, S �L:' C� JS'S 7 S�e�T ,�:zw,S�.,e.,��-,�,.. P�2�,�-�ti GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY: �_� - loloo a �,���..�J __ - 104 - 104 �/�_ - 3920 1 - 00 - 000 �` � '�'�' � � - - 00 - 000 - - 00 - 000 r�� - � 53�� - oi - �io aS,�:,�.,;J - - oi - �ao - - o i - i� � - ioioo �� ' v�J �J - 104 - 104 GJE ENTERED BY: ��' DATE ENTERED: r - / - �� JOURNAL ENTRY #: � �� � '��,,,.---::'_�---, � '`- ,-_'� i , - r--� s-s-s, : D; - - NDING SUMMARY I 1991 CITY PROJECT FU (as of 5-1-971 StRFFT STORM ST011M SANiTARY SANITARY 1 Y M�UJEC1 f1SSESSMENIS 199� MRINtFN/1NCE COO� U�603Y CORE N606 U71L TY CORE �A�1Y TOTALS C 1 C�p FUNU N43121 �6 qG0 N602 +�605 -- S25.000 S89,996 589.996 -0- S2A7,793 516.180 5282,160 51.092.825 �2�� g292,700 SA9,OU0 ,P,htet 6 Utility ►lecon -O- -0. 516,492 .p. 51,135.045 A275 11,103,855 -0' -p- S 14.698 -0- 1lawkir�s Po��d $18.600 •O. 8901.800 .p_ 880,300 -0- 8102.000 -O- +t 280 !�00.900 -O- (3ero�ime Pvnd 52,700 -0- 5495,000 ,�_ .p. -0- "�' '� _ �282 A492.300 -O- __ _ McNemare /ldditlon 101n1S 52,589,755 849,�U0 57.5,000 S184,99A $B9,996 5102,000 S2A7,793 S53,972 S262,1G0 3,G24.G7 �UNO BAIANCE NA NA NA S3G6,234 96�16,832 81,352,979 5744,167 S732,664 S808,823 /1S OF 3•31•91 1. Other pr�2 3�W 0�b PumphousetNo i9 (�Nater Corel d �. Other pro�ects wldch may begin cvnstruction in 199grockw�y trunk Sanitary Sewer • Biscayne North to Connemara Trail . CMC East � Connema�a 7rAil -Nwy 3 to Biscayne Biscsryn�Polnt • 7runk WAtermein East ot 145th Street � groback Indushial Perk • McNamt+rn Multiple Family • l)ntversity Addition � Wiiner Sanitary Sewer improvement . Keily Pro�ect • Sharnron Pond South ' BhAer Pond • Nrlyn Cope . 8lscayne South vf 42 • Shannon Pond Eest- lst Addition , I