HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.c. Zoning Text Amendment for Essential Services Ordinance ' II CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I, ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 1, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Zoning Text Amendment for AGENDA SECTION: I�, Essential Services Ordinance New Business � PREPARED BY: Troy Bonkowske, Intern AGENDAl�$ �A ('� II 1 1�tYl � �„ t� � ', ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance Draft APPROVED BY: �i This zoning text amendment was initiated by Staff in anticipation of an application for approval of an electrical ', substation in the General Industrial District. It is also intended to provide specific standards for the peculiarities ', of natural gas related sites, meter and pumping stations, transit facilities and City pubic infrastructure facilities. ' SUMMARY , The initial effort focused on the anticipated electrical substation in the General Industrial District. Eventually, the � scope expanded to include all transformers, overhead transmission.lines and even police call boxes. This latest I, draft is an attempt to prioritize the regulation of utilities that involve a secured fenced area andJor structure as I defined by the uniform building code. Fenced compounds usually are barren of landscaping, and are enclosed by ' a chain-link fence. One example is located on the north west corner of the intersection of Biscayne Avenue and 'i, 145th Street West, which is near a residential area. �!, Given that the enclosed axea must remain secured with minimal access or opportunity for landscaping or I maintenance, then the fenced area should be treated as a building with yard setbacks for landscaping. Laxge transformers may not be enclosed in a building, but the standards would create screening expectations. II Concern was raised whether electrical substations should be pernutted uses in a11 zoning districts. NSP had � requested the Planning Commission to include language to allow electrical substations be permitted in Residential (R) and Public/Institutional (P)Districts provided the essential service company demostrates to the satisfaction of the Council that there is no reasonable alternative location. Charlie LaFevere, City Attorney, suggested the NSP language be omitted, because it is vague and unnecessary. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to Adopt An Ordinance Amending the City Zoning Code Ordinance B, Regarding the Regulations for Esserttial Services. COUNCIL ACTION: 1 Recommendations from City Attorney after Planning Commission meeting 3/25 City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Regulations for Essential Services TI� CITY COUNCIL OF 'TI�E CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, l�ZINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 3.2 of Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance adopted September 19, 1989, is hereby amended to include: Essential Services - , , , , � , , , , , , , , . Above ground facilities including_pumping station�,substations, well houses, valves and generatin�and switching stations, and structures accessory to such facilities or to house such facilities�which are used by a �ublic or private utility to furnish to the�ublic electrici�y natural gas or�etroleum products. water or sewer. ection 2. Section 4 of Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance adopted September 19, 1989 is hereby amended to include: 4.17 ESSENTIAL SERVICES: Essential services are permitted uses in all zoning districts, except electrical substations are prohibited in all Residential(R) and Public/Institutional !, (P)Districts, ', . Essential services shall be subject to all of the applicable district development standards as well as any overlay district standards with the following additional standards: A. All fenced enclosures are subject to the principal building setback or yard criteria of the district in which it is enclosed. B. Electrical substations located on any lot which is adjacent to a lot in a Residential (R), Commercial (C), and or Public/Institutional(P)District, must provide mechanical or vegetative screening in the yard adjacent to such lo t�te�-� er-�'-B'rstriet- Screening consisting of earthen berm,landscaping, and/or wall having ninety percent (90%) opacity to a height of not less than six(6) feet in height shall be provided within the side yard adjacent to such adjacent lots. the-1� , . E