HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. D.A.R.E. and Police Liaison Services Agreement � . CITY OF ROSEMOIINT BBECIITIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 1, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: D.A.R.E. & POLICE LIAISON SERVICES AGREEMENT CONSENT PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. � ELLIEL KNUTSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE ITEM # b � ATTACHMENTB: APPROVED BY: I.S.D. 196 AND CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGREEMENT „c� The State Legislature passed a bill in 1991 authorizing school districts to levy property taxes in the amount of $1.00 per capita for the purposes of assisting funding of the D.A.R.E. and Palice Liaison programs. Again this year, I.S.D. 196 has entered this program and has authorized $4,883.00 to the City of Rosemount for part of the City's cost of the D.A.R.E. program and an additional $25,336.00 to provide approximately 40 hours of police liaison service split between the two secondary schools during the school year 1996-1997. This agreement, offered by School District No. 196, is effective for the 1996-1997 school year and will terminate automatieally upon the expiration of the 1996-1997 school year. Officers Robideau and Thorstad are providing D.A.R.E. training at our elementary schools. Officer O'Donnell has been assigned to Rosemount High and Middle Schools. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE D.A.R.E. & POLICE LIAISON SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 196. COtTNCIL ACTION: D.A.RE. & POLICE LIAISON SERVICES AGREEMENT: SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 196 AND CITY OF ROSEMOUNT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into the day and year set forth below by and between SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 196, a Minnesota municipal corporation, (hereinafter"School District") and CITY OF ROSElk10IJNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation, (hereinafter"City"). RECITALS WHEREAS, for purposes of this Agreement, the School District's participating elementary schools within the City consist of the following schools: Rosemount Elementary and Shannon Park; and WHEREAS, for purposes of this Agreement, the School District's participating secondary schools within the City consist of the following schools: Rosemounf Middle School and Rosemount High School; and WHEREAS, the parties enter into this Agreement pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes No.124.912, Subd. 6. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1, The City agrees to provide a police officer who is a state certified peace officer and certified D.A.R.E. instructor to instruct a 17-week per semester curriculum of drug abuse resistant education ("D.A.R.E.") in the School District's elementary schools. 2. The School District agrees to pay the amount of$4,883.00 to the City as and for the City's costs incurred in teaching the D.A.R.E. program for the School District. 3. The City agrees to provide a state certified police oi�'icer to perform approximately 20 hours per week police liaison services at each of the School District's secondary schools for the purpose of assisting in the establishment and trained coordination of a cooperative community approach among the School District's schools, students, parents, police and other community resources to address the needs of the students and community members. The City's police liaison services shall include, but not be limited to: a. Prevention of delinquency; b. Protection of life and property; and c. Law enforcement. 4. The School District shall pay the City the amount of$25,33b.00, as and for the City's police liaison services to the School District. 5. The parties agree and acknowledge that the police officers who are assigned to provide D.A.R.E. instruction and police liaison services in the schools are, and will continue to be, D.A.R.E. & POLICE Liaison Service Agreement School District No. 196 and City of Rosemount Page 2 members and ernployees of the City and its police department. The officers shall operate under the direct administration and supervision of the police department but will work in cooperation with school administrators to further mutually agreed goals involving the police department, schools and students. The officers shall not have disciplinary authority within the schools. 6. The amount to be paid by the School District as specified in Items 2. and 4. herein shall be payable for the 1996-1997 school year upon approval of this agreement by both parties. 7. This Agreement is effective for the 1996 - 1997 school year; upon the expiration of the 1996 - 1997 school year, this Agreement shall automatically terminate. This Agreement dated this day of , 1997. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 196: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT: By: Kevin Sampers By: Cathy Busho Its: Chairperson Its: Mayor By: Mary Hamann-Roland By: Susan M. Walsh Its: Clerk Its: City Clerk C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T 2875 C'45tHS�t eet West P.O.Box 510 '� Ever thin s Comin U ROSemOUlltl� Rosemount,MN Y g� g P 55068-0510 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTED HEARING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and sa.ys: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On March 18, 1997, acting on behalf of the City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing relating to the proposed establishment of Redevelopment Project No. 2 and the proposed establishment of the Endres Tax Increment Financing District located within Redevelopment Project No. 2, and the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan and Ta�c Increment Financing Plan related thereta Sus M. Walsh City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � �f Subscribed and sworn to before me this (�day of t���; 1997. � �.�_ �-�-w�( Notary Public •.sa.+��f�,'!;,Ls�.r tic`��.t\AAtt/�/L/i/zfc`� . �� i'� +�s�,e <J.QIILR1ZC31 . �� ;_,�:�'-;:� �N; a •-�a�#�c-Minnesota - ��; �a�cota County , ^'_5 /t � , ed ..c-1 d P,i�Nr , b ,�.m� ,.an�cpires 1/312000, o, ,,�,� ', ;,., n--.- ti.•.s.r-•-., -�. „ ',�� �<�me,�,��r,;ai, _ _._,.�....�..� . C 1 TY O F RO S E M O U N T z875 C145th S^treet West P.O.Box 5 TO Ever rhin s Comin U ROSE'tT10Ul1i�! Rosemount,MN Y g� 9 P 55068-0510 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:6 t 2-�i2 3-5203 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CTTY OF ROSEMOUNT COUNTY OF DAKOTA STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, County of Dakota, State of 11�1'innesota,will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April l, 1997, at approximately 8:00 p.m. at the Rosemount City Council Chambers in the Rosemount City Ha11, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, relating to the proposed establishment of Redevelopment Project No. 2 and the proposed establishment of the Endres Tax Increment Financing District(an economic development district), located within Redevelopment Project No. 2, and the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan relating thereto (collectively, the"Plans"), pursuant to M'innesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047 and Sections 469.174 to 469.179, all inclusive, as amended. Copies of the Plans are on file and available for public inspection at the office of the Community Development Director at City Hall. The property proposed to be included in the Endres Tax Increment Financing District encompasses a11 property and adjacent and interior roads and rights-of-way as indicated by the parcel identification numbers listed below, and is generally described as 50+acres located 1.5 miles east of T.H. #52 along the north side of T.H. #55: Parcel Number 34-02000-010-25 34-02000-010-13 A map of Redevelopment Project No. 2, and the Endres Tax Increment Financing District, within Redevelopment Project No. 2, is set forth below. Subject to certain limitations, tax increment from the Endres Tax Increment Financing District may be spent on eligible uses within the boundaries of Redevelopment Project No. 2. [Insert copy of attached map here] All interested persons may appear at the hearing and present their views orally or prior to the meeting in writing. BY ORDER OF TI�CITY COUNCIL OF T`HE CITY OF ROSE T, N�INNESOTA Su an M. W sh Rosemount City Clerk . . � VrmledanrrtKledlwpn � . <onra�mnR 3Rx� twsr.ronwmer mulen�is. � , , b Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION N�TICE flF Kristin Hovey,being duly sworn, on oath says that she is an authorized PUBLIC HEARING agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT Rosemount Town Pages, and has full l�owledge of the facts wluch are COUNTY OF DAKOTA stated below: ,STATE OF MINNESOTA (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements consfltuting N�,��Y�����ty�o� qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues �e Ciry of Rwemouu�,co�o�y of.Dakou,s��or t�o�,�n n�a a�bn�n��os m Tu�r.�i i. 331A.02,331A.07 and thet appli le s„as nded. ��n.��,R�,k�r a:oo p.�.„,�R��o�aty r Couocil Qmmben iu 1he Roaemoum City Ha11,2875 145th B)The p�� \`� � - Street West.Roumount.Minuesoca.nlatiag to t6e i Pmpoxd eatablia6mera of Redevetopnea Project Na 2 '�, and We proposed establiaLmeot of the Endrea Tax ' � Iocrement Financing Diatria(au ewnome Dewlopment �'��. di�ict).located wiWin RedevebPmenr Pmjecx No.2.aod ''.. u�e adoptiou orthe Reaevewpment plao ana'I�c Inaemeot �... which is attached, was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was ��08,,,���08 u�ma��u�;�,,.,,�,�.ry, printed and published once each week for i successive r�•n���m sm��,,s«��,,�s.00,,��y, weeks; it was fi�st published on Frida , the da Of 4�•�7a°dS�u°n°469,174 W469,179,�u;a,�m�,,, }� y .amen�kd Copiea uf the Plaos a�e w fik and availabb fa " ' , 19��_and was thereafter printed and p lished on p�bu�;o.,���+oo a<<b�office oP the co�o�;,,. � �da of �°���n;�w��cu�.�u. ��ery Friday, to and ipcluding Friday, the c� y ^ 19�_; and rinted below is a co of the ''b°���������D��.� s�-�. , P PY ro«�e��«ng n�m«��.su�,�„r�a lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby �;��a;n��r�,�,;�.,f,,,,,,,,;��,,,d by We paroet idwufication uombers listed be�pv�;and is acl�owledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition ��,,,y a�,a,.,�d�,S�.�,,�,�,s�,�,�of and publication of the notice: T�wS2��8��b�de ofT.H.s55: � , . Patcel Nu� � � 34•02000-010.25 abcdefgirijklmnopcganvwxyz 34-02000�010-13 A map of Redevelopm¢nt Project Na 2 and H�e Endroa By' �` � Tu hcieme�Fioanang Diavic4 within Radevelopment �l�f::��58 Ptoject No.2,is xt forW below. Sabjeet W certaio �timitation.iax inaement hom We Endies 7�c tuaemem �. Rosucing Diatud may be spent on efigibk asot wilLio t6e Subscri ed an�worn to before me on this S�day ��«�fx�a��a,�v��r,�;�Na.�. of . 19 , ' n � `,�� � � U i = i � tary Public � � _ � _ _ AFFIDAVIT � -- – – � � – � �' �� � — _}. � � � , V.........•.�.,......a > ... ��_. -�—� , ` � � � F.ndrec TtF � � . jj ��", � - � ElBERT — � U1st.let '� { � ,���`fi ,�� � ."..�G_MINNESOTA . � ... .- � .. � , � � (f� � �_ .,. �.. �. ::r� � �YPIRG$ t-31-00 i ��e.,K Rederelepment ST *,..-e..�.....�.,,....,..+..�.,r.g-r.P.s_� 1'rnject No.2 { i ss � � �. - � � � ..,.,, ....�-, � — . _. � ' ....All interes�ad.penom msy appear at tbe bearing md � pdent their views ocaliy a prior a the meeuug ia wridng. BY ORDER OF 7HE C!1'Y COUNCII.OF Tt1E CRY OF ROSFA20UNT.MINNESOTA /✓Swm M.WaLh � � Sw�M.WaW� . � . Ro�emo�ot C'ary Qetk 3lL1 Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Nc�TICE flF Kriscin Hovey,being duly sworn,on oath says that she is an authorized P�LIC HF,ARING agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT Rosemount Town Pages, and has full knowledge of the facts which aze COUNTY OF DAKOTA stated below: .STATE OF MINNESOTA (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements consdtuting NOT[CE IS F�REBy C,Iyp,P(��6ry,���. qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues �e c��r arRoxmo�o�,Connty of.Datcou,State ot 1uGurcaota.wid-6old a public heaziug m 7Le�day,APai�1. 331A.d2,331A.07 and ther appli le s,,,as nded. ,�,.�,�,��,«w s:��,�,e,�n,��„a�,,, (B)The printed `�. � C°°°°1 Qm'°ber"a�he Roa�moum Ciry Hnll,2875 145t6 � Street Weat,Rosemount,Minuesota,rclatiog to tbe . . Ixopoxd eatablishment of Redevelopmeot Projxt Na 2 . and t6e proposed eatablisLmeot of t6e Endrea Tax � Inciement F'inancng Disvia(au won�io Devebpment dis�ria).loca�ed wit�n RedevebPment Ptojaa No.2.a� which is attached, was cut from the columns of said new er, and was t6e�tl°°°fm`��b���a',�,�,���, SpaP Fin.ociug t�lan iela�ius t6e,eto(couecavely,we•Plm.^>. . printed and published once each week for \ successive P�����s���,,s�;,d 4�,.00,w���, weeks• it was fi t�ublished on Frida the da of 4�•°"°�'�"'ooa4��"a`°°�."�,,u;�„��,,, �[�r��� �,s�� y> y amended Copies.of the Plana ue on fik aud availabk Fa ,^_��_thT\_� 19� \ and was thereafter printed and p lished on public ioapection at the of$ce of the Commanity Development Direetar at Ciry Hall, ��ery Friday, to and ipcluding Friday, the � �day of �^.. 19 ; and nnted below is a co of the '���e���a i���.r� �� , �_ P � PY r�o���8 nm���.su lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby adjacent and intui�roeds and cig6ts.o[_a,ay ffi��� bY 16e patxl identification numyers listed be�x..�ia aclrnowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition ���,Y�,�;��,5�,�,�,s�,��of and publication of the notice: T�kS2�°08��ade ofTH.a55: , Patcel Num6er � �rs�i�m+v��n 3a-o2000�oiazs sa-o2000�oia�s . � � �� A map�of Redevelopmeot Projact Na�2,and tLs Fndras BY• , � ` , � Ta�c f�remew Fioaudng Distrta+,wit6io Redeveb�em Title:Ty�SB ikoject No.2,is aet forth bclow. Subject to certaiu . � timimuoa�.Wc inammsnt from u�e Eudies Tmc ina�ement I Kmocing 1'k+tdct m�y 6e epent w etigibk uea wirLio t6e i Subscri ed an s�vorn to before me on this�day ��«oex�a�.���e�;�r,o.z. of - — � � u � ��� 19 U i ; _ � , tary Public '�•� AFFIDAVIT � - -- -- - � -- � `�-., � _ ..�.. �� t., � . � � ,-�........,-,........... � . . � ;�t;�� ~_� F.ndres TIF � ELBERT —' / � I k�� �.CF, ��K {{{ Ui.Sertei � ��� .` -..'.—MINNESOTA � � � �� � h � . ��;d . ,.. ,Gn ;=`!PIRES �-31-OQ � Rederetnpmeni `r T •-�+r.w.�...�.:�z.�.�..«.,..,..,,....�.,..,,,,,,,w.�.,.,�.g, . � . . ,..9.,,, � PrnJect No.2 � S 3 I � - � � � ���� � E . . � .. '..All intetested persoon may appoaz at the 4earing�and praeM tLeir viewa orally a pria.a the meeting io writiog. BY ORDER OF'R R?CIl'Y CAUNCII.OF THE CRY OF ROSEMOUM:MINNESOTA � . . . !d Su�ao M.Wals6 . � � . Sowo M.Watsb � � . Rwemouut aty Clerk � 3121 � f T.I.F. PLAN FOR ENDRES DISTRICT f Rosemount, Minnesota Section 1-10 "Use of Funds": ORIGINAL: Categories Budget ------------------------------------------ ------------- Land Acquisition $ 80,000 Site Improvements $ 95,000 Public Improvements -- Rail Spur $175,000 Public Utilities -- Well/Septic $150,000 Costs of Local Contribution $ 40,000 Administrative Costs (up to 10%} $ 40,000 TOTAL $580,000 REVISED: Categories Budget ------------------------------------------ ------------- Land Acquisition $ 70,000 Site Improvements $300,000 Private Utilities -- Well/Septic $ 50,000 Costs of Local Contribution $ 40,000 * Administrative Costs (up to 10%) $ 40,000 * ,(l _____________ P, r�-j , TOTAL $500,000 �py II � * present value ',