HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of May 6, 1997 Regular City Council Meeting � ITEi� � � �'i ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 6, 1997 ' Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, May 6, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Carroll, and Edwards present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Assistant to Administrator Wa1sh, Public Works Director Osmundson, Community Development Director Rogness, Parks&Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer and Police Chief Knutsen. Mayor Busho led the group with the Pledge of Allegiance. An additional item was added to New Business on the Agenda, Item 8.b. Change May 20, 1997 City Council Meeting Start Time to 8 P.M. Information was distributed to City Council for a change on the minutes of the Committee of the Whole for April 15, 1997; a list of Police Incidents at McDivot's Location; and Councilmembers received the Goa1 Setting Workshop Packet. Public Comment was opened by Mayor Busho. Roger Neitzki, 3999 144th Street West, noted that he has had repeated problems with litter and dust coming from development areas in Shannon Hills and Shannon Meadows. Debris and hay from grass seeding have literally covered his yard as well as a neighbor's yaxd. Neitzki reasoned that developers should be responsible for their actions. Councilmember Carroll had viewed Neitzki's yard and agreed it was a mess because of the construction going on in the area. Carroll suggested that storm fencing would help contain debris. City Administrator Burt said he would review the pernutting process for developers to determine how restrictions apply. Mayor Busho thanked Mr. Neitzki for his comments. Response to Public Comment was given by City Administrator Burt regarding the parking issue by the Rosemount High School athletic fields. Public Works, Police, and Parks&Recreation departments had met to deternune a reasonable solution. Letters were mailed to the Rosemount High School administration and coaches. The coaches said they would mail letters to parents of participants also. The yellow no parking line on the curb was extended further near the corners of Chili Avenue and 143rd Street. The Police Department will continue to monitor parking and ticket violators. Beth Giliuson commented that she appreciated the action taken and noted that it is much improved. Giliuson noted that the lower parking lot is used for drivers education and so further problems may evolve. Mayor Busho noted further communication may be needed with the high school if that lower parking lot is closed to public use. Councilmember Edwards appreciated the pro-active approach taken by residents. Edwards had talked to Steve Toombs who also lives on 143rd Street and Toombs plans to distribute a flyer with information on parking. Edwaxds had concerns about the extra traffic at 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. due to students at the high school and he would like consideration of diverting traffic back to Highway 3 rather than continuing to use Chili Avenue. This will be discussed further at the Goal Setting Workshop. Community Development Director Rogness presented the"public notice sign" to be used to post on the property affected by a zoning change or an upcoming public hearing. Residents within 350 feet of the affected land receive written notice by mail and a notice is published in the Rosemount ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 6, 1997 Town Pages. The first site this sign will be used on is the Kindercare lot south of County Road 42 on Shannon Parkway. This summer will be a trial period for usage of the sign. After feed back, : any wordage or color changes could be incorporated into a future signs. Mayor Busho suggested a phone number be placed on the sign to a message option line rather than to the department secretary. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Consent Agenda with the addition to the minutes of the Committee of the Whole from April 15, 1997. Second by Edwards Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. Parks&Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer presented the bid results for Erickson Community Square Shelter. The bid was originally done a year ago with resulting costs over the expected amount. The design and size of the shelter were reduced and staff recommends approval of the bid to Min-Kota Building Systems, Inc. Of the total cost of$212,555.00 donations were received from various businesses and organizations in the amount of$178,000.00 This leaves $33,970 to be used from the Park Improvement Funds. The building will be air conditioned, have restrooms accessible both from the outside and inside, have eight windows, will be bricked half way up on the sides, have cedar siding on the upper wall, and a plaque inside honoring those who helped build the shelter. An agreement has been reached with the National Guard Engineering Corp to remove excavated material, which will reduce the building costs by $8,000. Also John Loch has sold bricks to raise funds which will be engraved with the donors name for a brick walkway. MOTION by Carroll to accept the bids for Erickson Community Squaxe Shelter and to award the contract to Min-Kota Building Systems, Inc. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Busho, Carroll, Edwards, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. Motion carried. Assistant to the Administrator Walsh presented a review of the April 15, 1997, City Council meeting discussion of the request for an amendment to McDivot's Liquor Licenses to serve alcoholic beverages outside on a patio adjacent to the north and east sides of the building. Staff has received several letters in opposition due to the possibility of disturbing the peace of the residents in the apartments directly to the east. The City Council's decision originally was postponed to allow time to notice the nearby residents and obtain feedback. The owner, Bill Schneider, met with neighboring residents to answer questions and explain his business expansion. Ms. Kathy Schneider, McDivot's owner along with her husband William Schneider, spoke in behalf of the amendment. Schneiders have improved their restaurant and bar business by changing the cliental and plan several indoor improvements. If the amendment is approved it will allow additional income by appealing to business and family groups and by emphasizing the menu. Because of Minnesota's weather, there will probably only be 30 to 40 days which will be nice enough to serve outside. Schneider requested the patio closing times to be 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 12:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. This would a11ow people who play sports and others who enjoy the cooler evenings to take advantage of the outdoor eating and drinking. The patio would always be monitored by staff. 2 } ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETIl�tG MAY 6, 1997 Peggy LeRoy, 2900 Rosemount Plaza Senior Citizens Apartments, wished the Schneiders luck, however, living next door to the noise and music late at night was discomforting. LeRoy recommended that 11:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday would be better. Trudy Meyer, 14575 Burma Avenue, requested City Council not to grant this amendment. This will only add to the already annoying late night noise. Bill Schneider answered some questions from Council. He noted that there would not be any music out on the patio. The later closing time would really be required to break even financially. The height of the wrought iron fence would be four feet, the reason being expense and anyone determined to get in would climb a five or six foot fence just as easy. The fence would extent from the east wall of the building next to the door and follow around to the north side just before the entry door there. Councilmember Wippermann commented that he would like the main focus to be food, similar to Doolittle's outdoor patio in the City of Eagan and not become like a beer tent. Councilmember Edwards would like to see the fence height raised. Steve Kopel, 13757 Danbury Path, owner of McDonald's, noted that in Minnesota it is hard for ' business to get ahead. Kopel commented in favor of McDivot's requested amendment. He noted , how the reputation has changed, the cliental is not rowdy; and this would be a good addition to downtown Rosemount. It would offer something in Rosemount which may draw people to shop , here too. '� Joyce Dornquast, 15576 Cornell Trail, also spoke in support of McDivot's request. , Lib McDonough, 14575 Burma Avenue, stated that if this amendment is approved it should I! provide some restrictions and be on a trial basis. '' Mayor Busho noted that she has gotten ca11s of support from other business owners and Chamber �I' of Commerce members. The seniors apartment building is between the two bars and restaurants ', establishment which is unfortunate but a fact. Busho stated that the patio amendment would be ',, an improvement to the downtown but it should be on a trial basis. �I City Attorney LeFevere noted that upon the January 1 renewal of McDivot's liquor licenses the �, patio could be reviewed but revocation would have to be justified. Schneider noted that he would �I not want his standing liquor license to be jeopardized by this amendment. LeFevere suggested I continuing this to the next meeting so staff could finalize an agreement with conditions and i Schneider would have time also to consult with legal counseL �'�, Councilmember Carroll noted his concern about brash noises. However, Carroll felt this would , be an improvement for McDivot's and that Mr. Schneider has been a good business owner in ' Rosemount. Carroll is in favor of a trial period. Councilmember Wippermann favored an �, operating time up to 10:30 p.m. during weekdays. Councilmember Edwards would support this ', 3 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 6, 1997 amendment with the right conditions in the agreement. Edwards questioned if motorcycle parking could be restricted. Councilmember Anderson would agree to a trial period. MOTION by Edwards to direct staff to draft an agreement with conditions for the Amendment to McDivot's Liquor Licenses in the ne�two weeks and have obtained an executed document from McDiviot's. Second by Busho. Ayes: Carroll, Edwards, Anderson, Wippermann, Busho. Nays: None. Motion carried. Public Works Director Osmundson commented on Dakota County's Capital Irnprovement Program 1997-2001. Some highlights were: additional land purchase for Spring Lake Park; Fahey Avenue may need to be blacktopped in the future due to the expanded park; the Highway Shop on Biscayne has an addition planned; County Road 46 from Diamond Path and eastward will have street improvements with a bikeway; CSAH 42 turn lanes and urban section from Dodd Boulevard to Highway 3. Although not listed, Council again requested funding for a Rosemount library. MOTION by Edwards authorizing staff to send a letter to Dakota County stating the City's position on the Dakota County CIP 1997 -2001 with mention of funding for a library. Second by II Wippermann. Ayes: Edwards, Anderson, Wippermann,Busho, Carroll. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. I, Councilmember Anderson removed herself from the diocese for the proceeding item due to II conflict of interest. �'I Community Development Director Rogness presented the AAA Auto Salvage Planned Unit I Development Final Development Site Plan. This would include construction of a new 34,000 I square foot building on the ten acre expansion area. The older building will be available for rental space or lease. Additional landscaping in place of a deficiency in green space will be required I along the northern border. I MOTION by Edwards to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GENERAL ', INDUSTRIAL PUD FOR AAA AUTO SALVAGE with conditions as added and amended. �! Second by CarrolL Ayes: Wippermann, Busho, Canoll, Edwards. Nays: None. Self removed: �i Anderson. Motion carried. ' MOTION by Edwards to change the start time of the May 20, 1997 City Council meeting to 8:00 I'I p.m. due to the local School Board election. Second by Busho. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. I Motion carried. I, Two Councilmembers are unable to attend the May 19, 199� Committee of the Whole meeting. Consensus was to cancel the meeting. ', Mayor Busho noted that Arbor Day left some very positive images of our City. Busho was Ii unhappy that the final draft of the Community Survey will not be available until after the Goal ', 4 ,' 1 t , ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 6, 1997 Setting Workshop. Councilmembers mentioned some items they wanted discussed at the Goal Setting Workshop. Up coming events: Utilities Commissioners Tour, May 12; Goal Setting Workshop, May 16; and City-Wide Garage Sale, May 16-17; Mayor Busho adjourned the meeting at 10:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's file 1997-16. 5 — --- __ _ � ___ ----