HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Public Works Week . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTiVE SUMMARY FOR ACT10N CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 20, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Public Works Week Proclamation AGENDA SECTION: Department Head Reports PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO City Engineer/Public Works Director �T�'� � � C ATTACHMENTS: Proclamation APPROVED BY: ,��f / This years "National Public Works Week" is May 18 thru May 24. This is an opportunity to honor those that work in the professions that provide and maintain public facilities and services. President John F. Kennedy first proclaimed "National Public Works Week" as an annual reminder of the many ways public works contributes to the quality of our lives. It is also a week to increase public awareness and appreciation for the public works profession. The City Council in Rosemount has been very supportive of the public works field. In the past four years the City Council has authorized and supported the total reconstruction of over 2 'h miles of City streets and utilities. In the next three years, with the Council's support, there will be another 4 miles of streets and utilities reconstructed including 160th Street, Chippendale and 145th Street east of City Hall. The Council has been very supportive in replacing the City's fleet of equipment used by Public Works to construct and maintain the City's infrastructure. We thank you for that support and ability to make the tough decisions. The City's Public Works Department is an excellent group of individuals who work together very well as a team. This group of inen and women work very hard in providing the City's residents with first rate maintenance and construction of the City's infrastructure. , As the City continues to grow our goal is to continue to provide an excellent public ' works system at the most economical cost. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MAYOR TO PROCLAIM MAY 18 THRU MAY 24, "NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK." COUNCIL ACTION: 3 . � . � � � / � C I T Y O F r���m o� ��n� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR P R4C LAMAT I O N HEREAS,public works services provided in our community are an integral _ part of our citizens'everyday lives;and WHEREAS,the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operarion of public works systems and programs such as water,sewers,streets and highways, � _ public buildings,and solid waste collection;and , WHEREAS,the health,safety,and comfort of this community greatly depends on these faciliries and services;and ' - WHEREAS,the quality and effectiveness of these facilities,as well as their planning,design, - and construction is vitally dependent upon the efforts and sldll of public works of�icials;and WHEREAS,the eff'iciency of the qualified and dedicated personnel who stai�public works departments is materially influenced by the people's attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform, _ NOW,TI�REFORE,I, �U U�t5�10 __, Mayor of the city _ of �QSQYIn�Ut�'t. . do hereby proclaim the week of May 18 through May 24, 1997 as _ "NATIONAL PUBUC WORKS WEEK" in The City of �VYlDlilllt , and I call upon all citizens and civic oroanizations to acquaint themselves with the issues nrvolved in providing our public works and to recognize the contributions which public works officials make every day to our .. _ health,safety,comfort,and quality of life. _ Given under my hand and Seal of the City of �I(Y10L��'f. this��_day of �, l 997. Mayor ♦ AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASS4CIATION • II, i