HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Mississippi National River and Recreation Area Grant � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 20, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Mississippi National River& Recreation Area AGENDA SECTION: Grant Dept. Heads Report PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community Development Director AGENDA NO: � � ATTACHMENTS: Funding Agreement APPROVED B . The City Council previously authorized staffto apply for a grant from the Metropolitan Council related to planning issues along the Mississippi River. The city is receiving$8,500 which will be matched by in-kind I services. Staff intends to hire a consultant to assist with the planning effort. I RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to execute the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area(IVINRRA)Loca1 Funding Assistance Funding Agreement. ' COUNCIL ACTION:'' , , � . < ' SG97-81 MISSISSIPPI NATIONAL RIVER AND RECREATION AREA(MNRRA) LOCAL FUNDING ASSISTANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT THIS FUNDING AGREEMENT is made and entered into by the Metropolitan Council ("Council") and the City of Rosemount("Recipient"). WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes section 116G.15(a) designates the Mississippi River Corridor within the Saint Paul-Minneapolis seven-county metropolitan area as a critical area under Minnesota's Critical Areas Act of 1973, as amended; and WHEREAS, Public Law 100-696, title 16 United States Code section 460zz, established the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area ("1��TRRA") consisting of the Mississippi River corridor within the Saint Paul-Minneapolis seven-county metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, the federal law creating the l��]VRRA was intended to encourage coordination of governmental programs affecting land and water resources and provide a management framework to help assure orderly public and private development within the Mississippi River corridor; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Management Plan for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area ("MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan") serves as the general management plan for land and water use, resource management, visitor use and interpretation, general development needs,park operations, and plan implementation strategies for the MNRRA; and WHEREAS, implementation of the MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan depends on local units of government which voluntarily update their local comprehensive plans and their critical areas and shoreland protection ordinances to incorporate the additional resource protection policies of the MNRRA Corrcprehensive Management Plan, as tailored to local needs; and WHEREAS, the National Park Service entered into a cooperative agreement with the Council to provide financial and technical assistance to local units of governments to implement the MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan and help local units of governments review their local plans, ordinances and regulations for conformity with the MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan; and WHEREAS,the Recipient is a county, city or other local unit of government with authority for land use planning and regulation for areas within the MNRRA and the Mississippi River Critical Area. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained in this agreement,the Recipient and the Council agree as follows: I. DEFINITIONS I 1.01 Definition of Terms. For the purposes of this agreement, the terms defined in this paragraph � have the meanings given them in this paragraph unless otherwise provided or indicated by the ' context. ' - 1 - � s- _ J (a) "Comprehensive Development Guide" means the comprehensive development guide for the seven-county metropolitan area adopted by the Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 473.145, and the policy plans and other components of the development guide adopted by the Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 473, including the Recreation Open Space Development Guide/Policy Plan adopted by the Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes i section 473.147. ' (b) "Metropolitan Land Planning Act o,f'1976" means the land use planning provisions of I Minnesota Statutes Chapter 473, including Minnesota Statutes sections 473.175 and sections 473.851 through 473.871. (c} "MNRRA Corridor" means the Mississippi River Critical Area created by Minnesota Statutes section 116G.15(a) consisting of the federal Mississippi National River and Recreation Area established pursuant to title 16 United States Code section 460zz-1(a) and which is subject to Minnesota's Critical Areas Act of 1973,Minnesota Statutes sections 116G.01 to 116G.14. (d) "MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan" means the Comprehensive Management Plan for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area approved by the Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior, on May 22, 1995 which sets forth a vision, management concepts and policies, and participant roles in the context of regional plans and trends for conservation, land use, recreation, transportation, economic development and other identified issues for areas within the MNRRA Corridor. (e) "MNItRA Funding Assistance Guidelines" means the l�2NRRA funding assistance guidelines approved by the Council and dated November 14, 1996, and as subsequently revised. (fl "Tier 7" means achieving the first level of MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan compliance by having required critical area plans in place and continuing to manage lands and waters within the 1��]�T1ZRA Corridor in compliance with the Critical Areas Act, Minnesota Governor Executive Order No. 79-19 and its successor authorities, the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, shoreland and floodplain management statutes and rules, and related laws. (g) "Tier II" means achieving the second level of MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan conformance by voluntarily adopting and implementing local comprehensive plan and ordinance provisions that exceed existing state and regional land use management requirements and substantially conform to the land use, resource protections and open space concepts and policies in the MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan. II. FUNDS 2.01 Total Funded Amount. The Council will provide to the Recipient the sum of $8,500.00 which the Recipient shall use for authorized purposes and activities. Any reduction or termination of the dollar-for-dollar match amount required under paragraph 2.02 may result in a like reduction in the total funded amount. 2A2 Match Requirement. The funding provided to the Recipient under this agreement may be used to pay up to fifty (50) percent of the total cost of the activities described in the work plan and budget as approved by the Council. The Recipient shall match the total funded amount received - 2 - � -- - -__ _ . from the Council on at least a dollar-for-dollar basis. The matching funds may include in-kind work or cash and shall be identified in the work plan budget and in the progress reports. 2.03 Authorized Use of Funds. The funds provided to the Recipient under this agreement shall be used only for the purposes and activities described in the Recipient's work plan and budget as approved by the Council and the National Park Service. A copy of the Recipient's approved work plan and budget is attached to and incorporated into this agreement as Attachment A. Eligible activities are outlined in the MNRRA Funding Assistance Guidelines and include activities associated with plan and ordinance review and updates that are related to the l��]vRRA Corridor, the purposes of the MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan and the purposes of Minnesota's Critical Areas Act of 1973, as amended. The funds may not be used to purchase or acquire equipment or other tangible, nonexpendable personal property or for activities inconsistent with the Council's Comprehensive Development Guide, the Metropolitan Land Planning Act of 1976, as amended, Minnesota's Critical Areas Act of 1973, as amended, or other applicable state laws. Acceptance of these funds does not obligate the Recipient to achieve l�2NRRA Tier II conformance. 2.04 Disbursement Schedule. Within thirty(30)days after final execution of this agreement, the Council will disburse to the Recipient ninety (90) percent of the total funded amount specified in paragraph 2.01. The ten (10) percent amount withheld will be disbursed to the Recipient upon receipt of the final progress report described in paragraph 3.01(b). 2.05 Interest Earnings. If the Recipient earns any interest or other income from the funds received from the Council under this agreement, the Recipient will use the interest earnings or income only for the purposes of implementing the work plan activities described in Attachment A. III. ACCOUNTING,AUDIT AND REPORT REQUIREMENTS 3.01 Progress Reports. The Recipient will provide to the Council's authorized agent a written midpoint progress report and a written final progress report describing the status of the project activities identified in the work plan. These reports ensure funds made available under this agreement are appropriately expended as described in the work plans and ensure the expenditures are consistent with federal requirements. The reports shall be subject to the following content and I, schedule requirements. ' (a) Midpoint Progress Report. Seven (7) months after the date this funding agreement is fully executed, the Recipient must submit to the Council a written midpoint progress report which includes: a summary of the work plan activities undertaken and completed to date; a summary of work plan activities to be accomplished during the remaining months of the work plan; and a summary of unanticipated issues and opportunities that affect the project work plan, time schedule for project completion, or budget. The midpoint progress report also must include a summary of project costs and sources of funds for those expenditures, and a list of itemized expenditures of funds received from the Council and matching funds by category in the budget. (b) Final Progress Report. Upon completion of the work plan activities described in Attachment A, the Recipient must submit to the Council a written final progress report which includes a summary of the work plan activities undertaken and completed since the submission of the midpoint progress report and a summary of unanticipated issues and opportunities that affected the project work plan, time schedule for completion or budget. The final progress report also must include a summary of project outcomes, costs and sources of - 3 - � funds for those expenditures, and a list of itemized expenditures of funds received from the Council and matching funds by category in the budget. 3.02 Accounting and Records. The Recipient agrees to establish and maintain accurate and complete accounts, financial records and supporting documents relating to the receipt and expenditure of all funds received from the Council. Notwithstanding the expiration and termination provisions of paragraphs 4.02 and 4.03, such accounts and records shall be kept and maintained by the Recipient for a period of three (3) years following the completion of the work plan activities described in Attachment A. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the three-year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved or until the end of the regular three-yeaz period, whichever is later. The Recipient will keep proper financial records and other appropriate documents sufficient to evidence the nature and expenditure of the dollar-for-dollar match funds required under paragraph 2.02. 3.03 Audits. The above accounts and records of the Recipient shall be audited in the same manner ', as all other accounts and records of the Recipient and accounting shall be in accordance with generally accepted govemment auditing standards covering financial and compliance audits. The accounts and records may be audited or inspected on the Recipient's premises, or otherwise, at any time by individuals or organizations designated and authorized by the Council or by appropriate state or federal agencies, including an independent auditor pursuant to title 43 Code of Federal Regulations part 12, following reasonable notification to the Recipient, for a period of three (3) years following the completion of the work plan activities described in Attachment A. The funds and activities under this agreement are subject to the applicable auditing and accounting policies and cost principles in the following Office of Management and Budget circulars: OMB Circular A-73 ("Audit for Federal Programs"); OMB Circular A-87 ("Cost Principles for State and Local Government"); OMB Circular A-97 ("Rules and Regulations Permitting Federal Agencies to Provide Specialized or Technical Services to State and Local Units of Government Under Title III of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968"); OMB Circular A-102 ("Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants-in-Aid to State Governments"); and OMB Circular A-128 ("Audit Requirements for State and Local Governments"). 3.04 Authorized Agen� The Council's authorized agent for purposes of administering this funding agreement is Victoria Boers, or another designated Council employee. The written reports submitted to the Council should be directed to the attention of the authorized agent at the following address: Metropolitan Council Mears Park Centre 230 East Fifth Street Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-1634 IV. AGREEMENT TERM 4.01 Term. This agreement is effective upon execution of the agreement by the Council. Unless extended by written agreement pursuant to paragraph 4.02 or terminated pursuant to paragraph 4.03, this agreement will expire fifteen(15)months following execution of the funding agreement. 4.02 Amendment and Extension. The Council and the Recipient may amend this agreement by mutual consent. Amendments, changes or modifications to the objectives and goals identified in the -4- � Recipient's approved work plan and budget shall be effective only on the execution of written amendments signed by authorized representatives of the Council and the Recipient with concurrence by the National Park Service. This agreement term may be extended up to six (6) additional months beyond the fifteen-month term stated in paragraph 4.01 by written request of the Recipient. The request must state the purpose for the extension, identify a new completion date and describe in reasonable detail any proposed changes to the work plan and budget. An extension shall be effective only upon receipt of a written confirmation from the Council's authorized agent. The Recipient must submit a final progress report upon completion of the work plan activities pursuant to paragraph 3.01(b). 4.03 Termination. This agreement may be terminated by the Council for cause at any time upon fourteen (14) calendar days' written notice to the Recipient. Cause shall mean a material breach of this agreement and any amendments of this agreement. Termination of this agreement does not alter the Council's authority to recover funds on the basis of a later audit or other review, and does not alter the Recipient's obligation to return any funds due to the Council as a result of later audits or corrections. If the Council determines the Recipient has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Council may take any action to protect its interests, may refuse to disburse additional funds and may require the Recipient to return all or part of the funds. V. GENERAL PROVISIONS 5.01 Equal Opportunity. The Recipient agrees it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant far employment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, I status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local civil rights commission, ', disability, sexual orientation or age and take affiimative action to insure�applicants and employees � are treated equally with respect to all aspects of employment, rates of pay and other forms of ' cornpensation and selection for training. 5.02 Conflict of Interes� The members, officers and employees of the Recipient shall comply with all applicable federal and state statutory and regulatory conflict of interest laws and provisions. 5.03 Liability. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Recipient shall defend, indemnify and hold hannless the Council and its members, employees and agents from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from the conduct or implementation of the funded work plan activities. This obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge or otherwise reduce any other right or obligation of indemnity which otherwise would exist between the Council and the Recipient. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of this agreernent. This indemnification shall not be construed as a waiver on the part of either the Recipient or the Council of any immunities or limits on liability provided by Minnesota Statutes chapter 466, or other applicable state or federal law. 5.04 Compliance with Law. The Recipient agrees to conduct the work plan activities in compliance with all applicable provisions of federal, state and local laws. The applicable provisions of the following are incorporated by reference into this agreement: Drug-Free Workplace, title 43 Code of Federal Regulations sections 12.600 to 12.630; Government Debarment and Suspension, title 43 Code of Federal Regulations sections 12.100 to 12.510; Limitations on Payxnents to Influence Certain Federal Transactions, Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.203-12; Civil Rights Assurance, Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, title 42 United States Code section 2000d-1; and Restrictions on Lobbying Disclosure, title 43 Code of Federal Regulations part 18. - 5 - � r ♦ 5.05 Acknowledgmen� The Recipient shall appropriately acknowledge the funding assistance provided by the National Park Service and the Council in promotional materials, reports, publications and norices relating to the project activiries funded under this agreement. 5.06 Copyrights. The Narional Pazk Service reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce,publish or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use for federal government purposes, the copyright in any work developed under this agreement, and any rights of copyright to which the Recipient purchases ownership with the funding made available under this agreement. 5.07 Warranty of Legal Capacity. The individual signing this agreement on behalf of the Recipient represents and warrants that the individual is duly authorized to execute this agreement ' and that this agreement constitutes the Recipient's valid,binding and enforceable agreements. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Recipient and the Council have caused this agreement to be I',, executed by their duly authorized representatives. This agreement is effective on the date of final execution by the Council. Approved as to form: METROPOLITAN COUNCIL By Associate General Counsel James J. Solem,Regional Administrator Date CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By Cathy Busho,Mayor Date By Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator Date -6 - QS� �I a , � . ATTACHMENT A Recipient's Work Plan and Budget This Attachment A comprises this page and pages A-1 through A-4, and consists of the Recipient's work plan and budget as approved by the Council and the National Park Service. - 7 - � APPENDIX A 1996-1997 APPLICATION FOR N�vRRA LOCAL FU1�tDING ASSISTANCE 1. Applicant C1rY flf Rosemount 2. Name of Local Contact Person D.xn ��a�e s s � 2875 145th St�eet West Address Rnsemount , MN 5506�5 Telephone 612—�22-2020 3. Dates Iocal Critical Area Planiordinances were adopted 10/01 /91 Amendment dates 4. Proposed Project Purpose and Outcomes Rosemount wili use this process to begin amendmendments for the upcoming 1998 Comprehensive �uide Plan deadline . The primary loct� /regionai issues relafie to the futcrre uses of existing/new industrial development ( e . g. , Koch and CF Industries ) adjacent to an existing county park systm . How can they coexist better within fihe policies of the R.R A?' 5. C�urrent status of critical area plans and related ordinances. Rosemount ' s critical area ordinance has not been used very much, although the city is currently eval �ating a proposed industrial use� on a 50 acre site . 6. Goals and issues to be addressed as related to 11� and Mississippi River . Critical Area Governor's Executive Order. Approach or strategy to addressing issues. ( a ) Review/assess current ordinances of city/county ; ( b ) Evaluate current industrial user functions and plans ; ( c ) Identify a "model " of appropriate industrial site development ( d ) Amend Comprehensive Guide Plan . A - 1 ,� � � EXHIBIT A I' MNRRA �VORK PLAN I ROSEIVIOUti'T, NIN OBJECTIVE RESPO(YSIBILITY TIME TABLE BUDGET I' Review/assess local ordinances Consultant-primary 4/Ol/97- Consultant=$2,000 , and plans with MNRf1A City Staff-secondary 5/31/97 Citti Staff=$500 � E�•aluate current industrial Consultant-primary 5/O1/97- Consultant=�2,000 I user functions and plans City Staff-secondary 6/30/97 City Staff-1.000 I Determine Citv's preference City Staff-primary 6/O1/97- Consultant=$�00 I for river land uses Consultant-secondary 6/30/97 City Staff=$�00 !, Identify a"model" of quality Consultant-Primarv 6/Ol/97- Consultant=$3,000 industrial site development City Staff-secondary 7/31/97 City Staff=$1,000 Identif�� possible river accesses and Consultant-primary 7/O1!97- Consultant=�1,000 ennancements City Staff-secondary 7/31/97 City Staff=$�00 Propose amendments to city-'s comp. City Staff-primary 8/O1/97- Consultant=$0 Quide plan Consultant-secondary 9/31/97 City Staff=$�,000 TOTAL 4/O1/97- Consultant=$8,�00 9/31/97 Citv Staff=$8.�00 1�'otes: (1) �Iost objectives may include GIS work. (2) City staff budget is in-kind services. A -2 �' CITY OF ROSE�'�IOL�1T DAkOTA COLi�;TY, tiI7ti:V'ESOTA RESOLUT'ION 1996- 1 13 A RESOLLTION AUTHORIZNG APPLICATION TO TAE V�'1'ROPOLIT��1 COLiYCIL FOR ld.N.R.R.A. PLAN F'U�TDING ASSISTAi�10E WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount includes areas within the Nlississippi National River and R�creation Area (1�INRRA), established by Public Law 100-69b, and the state Niississippi River Critical Area, established in 1976 by Executive Order pursuant to the Nlinnesota Critical Area Act of 1973; and WHEREAS, the Critical Area Act requires that local �overnments within the critical area develop and maintain updated plans and ordinances that meet standards and requirements as certified by the l�linnesota Department of Natural Resources; and ti��3ER.E.�S, the l�f�'RR.-� Comprehensive �Ianagement Plan (the Plan), effective l�Iay �2, 1995, incorporates the existin� state law and standards for the l�iississippi River Critical .4rea as well as other existin� state, local and re�ional land use authorities in order to implement the Plan: and tiV�3EREAS, full implementation of the I�INRRr'� Comprehensive Niana�ement Plan also depends on local aovernments upda.tin� their plans and ordinances to voluntarily incorporate the additional resource protection �oals in the MNRRA Plan; as tailored to local ne�ds; and W�iEREAS, the National Park Service has entered into a cooperative agreement with the Nletropolitan Council to provide financial and technical assistance to local govemments for implementation of the MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan and has authorized the Nietropolitan Council to provide funding assistance to local �overnments for the review and assessment of Critical Area and all other relevant local plans, ordinances and enforcement systems to determine if they conform to the I��RR.A Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the City Administrator is hereby authorized to submit an application for MNRRA Plan Fundin� Assistance to the Metropolitan Council in the amount of$8,500. BE IT FURT'HER RESOLVED by the City Council that the City of Rosemount provide at least fifty (50) percent match for the project costs and will use the NINRRA funding assistance to review and assess existing plans and ordinances in order to determine how to update such lans and ordinances for com liance w' w p p ith state la and/or voluntary conformance with NINRRr�. Comprehensive Management Plan. A - 3 � Resolution 1996 - 1 13 ADOP'I'ED this 17th day of December, 1996. Cathy Busho, ayor ATTEST: Su an NI. R% sh, City Clerk � Anderson Edwards Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: W � PPermann, B�a-sho, Carro I 1 , Edwards, Anderson . Voted against: N o n e . 2 A -4 , -�` ' � -- �