HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Budget Review � a � 1 CITY OF `ROSEMOUNT - ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION SPECIAL CITY COIJNCIL MEETING DATE: July 29, 1997 AGENDA ITEM : Budget Review AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGEN�� � 2 V ATTACHMENTS: 1998 Proposed Budget, Levy Limit Estimates, APPROVED BY: Ta.x Ca aci Estimated Pa able in 1998 All Department Heads will be present for the first review of the proposed 1998 budget. RECOMMENDED ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: , f . '.. r . . . � MEMORAND V lrl DATE: July 29, 1997 TO: Mayor& City Council FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator SUBJECT: 1998 Proposed Budget For your review is the first draft of the 1998 budget. Staff has again been very conservative in their line item budgets with minimal increases. The following reflects changes by department budget: EXPENDITURES COUNCIL: -$200 No major changes occuired in this budget. Changes that did occur were a result of comparing the expenditure history. ADMINISTRATION: +$35,800 The only changes to this budget are wages and salaries. In addition, we have shifted the salary of a part time clerical position from the Port Authority to the general fund budget. ELECTIONS: +$5,000 This budget has increased due to the gubernatorial election and a maintenance contract on election equipment. FINANCE: + $7,600 A stand in place budget with salary increases. GENERAL GOVERNMENT: +$4,600 Increased for audit costs and transportation expenses increased to reflect history. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: +$4,200 Changes were made to this budget to closer reflect history of expenditures and increases were made for salary increases. POLICE: +$76,100 The dispatch contract with the City of Eagan had a minor increase and the remainder of the budget increases are due to wage increases and severance pay to the Police Chief due to retirement. FIRE: +$20,800 � Increases have occurred in this budget as a result of adding fire fighters in 1997 which also impacts supplies, clothing, training, etc. In addition, increases were made in the training budget. GOVERNMENT BUII,DINGS: $9,000 Increases in this budget are attributed to utility cost increases and contracted cleaning cost of the new fire station and the public works building. FLEET MAINTENANCE: +$17,300 We have experienced increased cost of contracted repairs and have made adjusted the budget. The remaining increase is in wages. STREET MAINTENANCE: +$36,700 Salary and contracted maintenance are the two primary increases to the budget. PARKS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE: +$3,300 Salary increases and minor adjustments to line items to closer reflex history. PARKS &RECREATION: +$23,100 Salary increases and minor adjustments to line items to closer reflex history. One full time building attendant was added to this budget by reducing the dollar amount for part time building attendants. We are having increasing difficulty hiring and retaining part time employees with limited hours. Parks and Recreation special programs increased by $5,400 and have corresponding revenues to cover the cost of recreation programs. OTI�R USES (Transfers): The transfer amount has historically been the amount the general fund has subsidized the ice arena debt service. Because of State imposed levy limits, we have reviewed this line item and moved it to the debt service budget. State imposed levy limits do not include debt service so moving these funds provides the City with an increased amount of levy available. The subsidy will continue to be accounted for as a separate expenditure; however, it will not appear on the debt service section of the budget The amount of the subsidy in 1998 is proposed to be $109,200. The operating budget for 1998 reflects a $143,300, or a 3.13% increase. This is a very conservative budget with minor increases to salaries and minimal increases to expenditures. The city sta.ff takes great pride in detivering excellent services and have been very conservative in their requests for I expenditure increases. Rosemount continues to grow in population, road miles and parks yet we have not added employees to cover the increase in maintenance. As a result we are indirectly making minor ,I reductions in service. By not adding maintenance employees we are increasing the time it takes to maintain roads, parks and government buildings. In the next Few years we will need to add employees ', and equipment to maintain services to residents. ' The overall operating expenses including debt service and CIP is proposed to increase �299,355 or 4.78%. < �- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM The total budget amount for CIP is the same dollar amount as in 1997. The CIP is divided into three areas; building, equipment and streets. The overall amount of the three budgets stayed the same but the emphasis in spending was directed to where the needs are in 1998. , REVENUES The 1998 proposed revenue budget is as conservative as the proposed expenses. In 1998 we anticipate an increased need for tax levied dollars as a result of reductions in State aid and we anticipate a reduction of internal revenues in the amount of $19,525. The decrease in internal revenue is due to an anticipated slow down of commercial and industrial projects in 1998. To further complicate the 1998 budget process the State, in the name of tax reform, tinkered with tax classification rates for 1998. It is too early to determine the overall effect of the changes, but preliminary information from Dakota County shows a 8.5% market rate increase, however, after classification rate changes we could see a 2% market rate decrease. Thismeans the City's portion of the budget could impact residents even with no change in tlie budget. It has been the goal to reduce the City's overall tax capacity rate and if the State would have not changed the classification ra.tes we would be on track to again see a reduct'ron. We will not know the overall effect of"tax reform"until we see the effect the additional State aid to schools has had on the total tax bill to residents. The 19971egislative session changed tax rates, increased aid to schools, and resurrected levy limits on cities which will ultimately have a negative impact cities. In the past when the state imposed levy limits, ciries always levied to the maximum blaming the legislature for the limits and felt obligated to levy the full amount or lose property tax. For 1998 we have estimated we are able to levy an additional$312,947 under levy limits, however, we have determined our general fund levy needs to be only$175,276. If the City Council would like to levy the maximum, the remaining$137,671 could be used for CII'reserves to offset the additional dollars needed for the construction of County Road 46 and Diamond Path in 1999. The State will supply us with the exact amount of our levy limit by August 1, 1997.We will not have accurate information from the County to deternune impacts on our levy, and the effect it will have on tax payers, until aRer the proposeci levy has been certified in September. It will be an interesting budget process this year. ` � a M�MD TO: MAYOR BUSHO COUNCIL MEMBERS: ANDERSON CARROtL � EDWARDS WIPPERMANN TOM BURT, CITY ADMINISTRATO,R FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 25, 1997 RE: PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE BUILDING ADDITION AND ITS AFFECT ON THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGETS A. ,�.�VTRODUCTION Currently the City budgEt's S 12,OOG�'in the Operating Budget Government Buildings account (41940) for rental of 8,000 square feet of space at the University of Minnesota. In that space the City stores a variety of material and equipment utilized by Public Works, but also by Parks and the Fire Department. The year round material and equipment stored includes signage, light poles, bulbs, lenses, field marking paint, I, construction fencing and trench box, plus an inventory of recycling bins. We also '� store a multitude of seasonal equipment some used in the summer and some used in ' the winter, such as the street sweeper, paving machine, tac trailer, mowers, sprayers, ' fertilizer spreaders, other trailers, snowplows and sanders, the tree spade, tractors, stripers and snow blowers. We store the Parks Department Puppet Trailer, archery targets, soccer and hockey goals, plus the Fire Department`s Training House. This space is unheated, but is dry, which does provide a benefit. , For the reasons listed below, Staff feels that the City should invest in an addition to th� Fire Station #2/Public Works Building to consolidate all our operations in one place. i'+ 1. As stated, we spend S 12,000 a year out of the operations budget for the space rental at the University. This price is relatively cheap at this time ($1.50/sf), but at the end of the year we've spent 512,000 and do not have anything for it. As Mr. Burt has also stated, the University wants to raise that price due to demand for storage space. 2. A ma}or benefit to the Public Works operation would be to consolidate all operafions in one location rather than having materials and equipment spread PUBUC WORKS MAINTENANCE BUILDfNG � out between two locations, It is hard to put a dollar amount on the vatue of consolidation, but much time is wasted driving ou� to the University and back for a piece of equipment and/or materials. ` 3. Our goal is to get all City vehicles parked inside. Currently we have room for all of our Public Works vehicles parked inside at our present locations and the University. Currently there are three ,(3) Staff pool cars, two (2) Buitding Inspector vehicles and three (3) squad cars parked outside. If all these vehicles were parked inside we can accomplish a number of items. First of all there is much time and material wasted in warming up these vehicles in cold weather and in scraping windshields and in moving vehicles for snow removal operations. By storing them inside we can improve the resale value due to lessened weather damage to the exterior and in the replacement of parts due to the extremes of the Minnesota environment. In addition, as an example, the July 16, 1997 hait storm damaged sixteen (16) vehicles. Insurance covers the cost of the damage, but all of the Staff time involved in getting the vehicles repaired is not included in the insurance coverage. � —_.V..�, B. PROPOSED EXPANSION The proposed expansion would be as shown on the attached drawing. The initial addition would be approximately 9,000 square feet, would be designed for drive thru operation, and could be easily expanded in the future as required. If the pole barn were eliminated with this addition (or in the future) it would add an additional 2,000 square feet to the addition to replace that space. C. ESTIMATEQ COST OF AN ADDITIQN .The estimated cost for a Public Works Building addition would be approximately S35 - � S50 per square foot. The area that we have in mind initially would be approximately 9,400 square feet. Using the high end cost of S50 per square foot, at 6% interest over a 20 year mortgage, the annual payment would be 541,000. If you add an ,, addifionaJ�2,000 square feet (which would eliminate the pole shed) the cost would go ', up to 549,700 in annual cost at 6% interest over 20 years. This does not include any initial buy down with C.I.P. reserves or SKB funding. Again this is at the high end or most conservative Iook at the cost. The pole barn, if eliminated, could be sold to someone and has some resale value. 2 / PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE BUILDING ' D. FUNDING Our proposal is that we wouid utilize $10,000 each from the Water Operating Budget (601) and the Sanitary Sewer Operating Budget (602). In addition, we woultl utilize 520,000 which would came from the C.I.P. which really is from Ad Valorem or general fund taxes. This would only be an additional 58,000 than we currently are spending from the general fund area. The reason we would utilize the Water and Sewer funds is that they are much healthier funds than the Storm Water Utility Fund. Perhaps in the future as the City grows and that fund becomes more healthy, that fund could also be used to offset this cost. Again, this does not include any initial buy down of cost utilizing other funding sources. E. CONCLUSION As the City continues to grow we will need additional space for City vehicles and equipment and the best run operations are consolidated in one area. In addition, to have all the vehicles that currently sit outside in the winter is not in the City's best interest. Lastly, we curre:�tly spen:�2,000 per year oufi ofi the General Fund Taxes and at the end of the year we don't have anything to show for it. It makes more sense to put that money into a building that will last decades, rather than giving the money to the University of Minnesota. Staff believes that it would be in the City's best interest to construct this addition in 1998. ��� 3 ' � : , �, ,___ _:.,� �__, � . , • � ' - - --- � � �S� ����1 1: � � �/ ' i r '4J7 � . . ._ ._ '- �_ ' ' ,'��. , ''_k+. ���Y ��;,•���o�� �� �, � . - --- - I• 1� -' � `� qJ3- -� � ,- -. 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Pr0 osed � l 99S Bud et g Draft 7/29/97 � Y FUNDING REQUIREMENTS-USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATFON LEVI� July 29,1997 1997 1998 Adopted Proposed +/- Departments Bndget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget $71,100 $70,900 ($200) -0.28% ', Adminisuation Budget 232,100 267,900 35,800 15.42% ' Elecrions Budget 5,800 10,800 5,000 86.21%0 Finance Budget t32,800 140,400 7,600 5:72% General Government Budget 201,640 206,200 4,600 2.28% Community Development Budget 383,700 387,900 4,200 1.09%0 Police Budget t,186,300 1,262,400 76,100 6.41% Fire Budget 169,200 190,000 20,800 12.29% Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 280,200 289,200 9,000 3.21% Fleet Maintenance Budget 272,200 289,500 17,300 6.36% Street Maintenance Budget 646,300 683,000 36,700 5.68% Parks Maintenance Budget 305,700 309,000 3,300 1.08% Park&Rec Budget-General Operating 51 I,T00 534,200 23,100 4.52% ' Park&Rec Budget-Special Programs 74,800 80,200 5,400 7.22% Other Financing Uses-Transfers T05,400 0 (105,400) -100.00% ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Operating Budgets-General Fund $4,578,300 $4,721,600 $143,300 3.13%0 Building CIP Requirements 37,d00 64,000 27,000 72.97% Street CIP Requirements 199,000 169,900 (29,100) -14.62% Equipment CIP Requirements 484,800 486,900 2,100 0.43% Insurance Budget Requirements 180,000 t87,000 7,000 3,89%0 Bonded Indebtedness 489,126 631,400 142,274 29.09% Bonded Indebtedness-Fire Station Levy 153,340 156,135 2,795 1.82% Armory Anticipatory Levy(Value 6/1/97) 140,314 144,300 3,986 2.84% **$95,000+($617,787,324 x.00798%)'* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Funding Requirements $6,261,880 $6,561,235 $299,355 4.78% NOT'E: Special Levies include{1)Bonded Indebtedness,and(2)Fire Station Levy only. (Armory Levy included with General Lery because of Levy Limits) • FUNDING REQUIItEMENTS-SOURCES (INCLUOING FlRE STATION LEVY) July 29,1997 t997 t998 Adopted Proposed +/- Types Bndget Budget Ditference Percentage Loca1 Government Aid(LGA) 5382,611 $379,500 ($3,111) -0.81% Homestead&Agricuitural Aid(HAGA) 550,773 550,773 0 0.00°/a Local Performance Aid(LPA) 13,216 14,862 1,646 12.45% Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permiu 226,900 204,900 (22,000) -9.70°/a Intergovernmental 374,100 351,150 (22,950) -6.13% Charges for Services 302,725 337;750 35,025 t t.57% Fines&Forfeits 100,000 90,000 (10,000) -10.00% Recrearionai Fees 174,100 179,�00 5,400 3.10% Miscellaneous Revenues 48,800 43,800 (5,000) -iQ.25% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0.00% ----------------------_______________�----- ----- TotalInternalRevenues 1,230,125 1,210,600 (t9,525) -1.59% Lery Sources: I Special Levies 642,466 787,535 t45,069 22.58% General Levy 3,442,6&9 3,61�,965 175>276 5.09% ______------------------------------------------------------ Total Lery �4,0$5,155 $4,405,500 $320,345 7.84% ------;----------------;------------__.__-------------o-- Total Revenue Sources $6 261,880 $6 561,235 $294,355 4.'18/o NOTE: Special Levies inctude{I)Bonded Indebtedness,and(2)Fire Station Levy only. (Armory Levy inctuded with General Levy because of Levy Limits) � _— - -- 199? GENER�L PROPERTY T��Y LEVY PAYABLE 1998 GENERt1L LEVY GENERAL FLTND $2,�6�,365 BUII.DING CIP FUND $64,000 STREET CIl'FUND $169,900 EQUIl'MENT CII'FUNll $486,900 INSUR.ANCE FTJND $187,000 ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES {$95,000+(�617,787,324 x.00798%)) $144,300 TOT�1L GENERAL LEVY $3,61'7,965 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1991A(Authorized-�5,804) $5,304 G.O. COI��IlVI[JNITY CEN'TER BONDS 1992C (Authorized-$101,252) $101,252 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D (Authorized-$7,572) $7,572 G.O. MUI�IICIPAL BUII.,DING BQNDS 1992E(ICE ARENA)(Authorized-$375,625) $109,200 G.O. IlVIPROVEMENT REFL7NDING BONDS 1993B (Authorized-$294,222) $0 G.O. MLTrTICIPAL BLDG REFtJNDING BONDS 1993D(Authorized-$148,801) $148,301 G.O. BONDS 1993E(Port Authority) (Authorized-$67,185) $67,185 G.O. BONDS 1994A(Port Authority) (Authorized-$169,817) $169,8 t 7 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1995A(Authorized-$21,769) $21,769 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $631,400 ' MARKET VALUE'BASED REFERENDUM- 1995 FIRE ATI N L ST O EVY G.O. FIRE STATION BONDS, 1996A(Authorized-$156,135) $156,135 TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY $156,135 GRAND TOTAL 1997 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $4,405,500 SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WQRKSHEET (INCLUDiNG FIRE STATION LEYl� (Proposed) t995 1996 1997 t998 Total Funding Requirements 5,427,086 6,018,489 6,261,380 6,561,235 Less: Internal Revenues 1,256,305 1,250,110 1,230,125 1,210,600 Less: rtarket Value Based Levy-Fire Station(See Below) 0 155,000 153,340 156,135 (4) Equals: Revenues Needed 4,170,7$1 4,613,379 4,878,d15 5,194,500 City Adjustmenu{Ail Subtractions): Local Government Aid(LGA) 384,888 385,706 382,6ll 379,500 (2) Iiomestead&Agricuitura!Credit Aid(HACa) 562,494 534,077 550,773 550,773 (2) Local Performance Aid(LPA) 0 0 13,216 14,862 (2) Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 3,223,399 3,693,596 3,931,815 4,249,365 County Auditor Adjustments(Ail Subtractions): Fiscal Disparities Distributuion Levy(Yletro Area) 312,157 383,430 420,803 420,803 (3) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate 2,911,Z42 (1) 3,310,166 (i) 3,511,012 (1) 3,828,562 Increase from Previous Year in Spread Lew 13.70°10 6.07% 9.04% �iarket Value Based Referendum Levy-Fire Station N/A 155,000 153,340 156,135 (4) (1) Actuai Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 1998 Estimates Provided by League of Minnesota Cities(Actual Numbers to Come from State) (3) 1998 Number Provided by Dakota County-??? (4) :�Iarket Value Based Levy for Fire Station-Based on 5156,135 Levy Spread to Taxable Market Value on 12131/97 Last Update from Dakota County 7/2/97 Shows the Lery of$156,135!$617,787,324=$.25 perS1,000 as our Estimate Last Update-7/18/97 Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GErERAt.FUND REVENUES July?9, 1997 ' 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detaii Proposed Account� Descnption Actuai Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 31010 00000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes S1,i74,473 �1,943,631 51,980,772 S2.I45,062 From Counry !01 31040 00Q00 Fiscal Disparities 312.157 383,430 420.803 420,303 From County Total Taxes(Tax) 2,086,630 2,327,06t 2,�t0l,575 2,565,865 101 33401 00000 Local Govemment Aid(LGA) 384,888 385,706 382,611 379,500 From State Total LGA(Lga) 384,888 385,76b 382,61 l 379,500 l01 33402 00000 Hstd&Ag Credit Aid(HACA) 562,494 534,077 550,773 550,773 From State Total HACA(Haca) 562,494 534,077 550,773 � 550,773 (O1 33424 00000 Local Performance Aid(LPA) 0 0 13,216 t4,862 From State Total LPA(Lpa) M 0� 0 � 13,216 � N 14,8b2 101 32110 00000 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses(L) 9,263 13,285 IQ000 12,000 101 32160 00000 Licenses to do Business(L) 14,250 1 I,550 500 1,000 Garbage Haulers,Peddlers Lic,etc 101 32161 00000 Licenses to do Bus-Kennels(L) 0 38 0 0 l01 32162 00000 Licenses to do Business- (L) 0 0 100 0 tOl 32180 00000 Cigazette Licenses(L) Z48 224 200 Z00 l01 32210 00000 Building Permit Revenue(L) t79,199 161,683 (65,000 150,000 101 32211 00 000 Coates Bldg Official Reimb(L) 59 16 0 0 101 32212 00000 Mineral Extraction Pertnit(L) 450 1,100 0 500 101 32220 00 000 Electrical Permit Revenue(L) 10,295 4,777 8,940 5,000 101 32230 00000 Plumbing Permit Revenue(L) 15,994 IS,llO 13,500 10,000 l01 32240 00000 Mimal Licenses(L) 2,414 3,745 2,500 2,500 101 32250 00000 Sewer Permit Revenue(L) 10,367 1Q259 8,500 7,500 101 32255 00000 County Recording Fee-City's(L) 120 220 300 200 !O1 32260 00000 HVAC Permit Revenue(L) 18,888 16,347 17,Q00 15,000 101 32290 00000 Other Non-Bus Lic&Permits(L) 1,400 775 400 1,000 Alarm Permits Totai Licenses&Permits{L) ��~262,947Y� 239,129 226,900 � 204,900 101 31010 00 000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes(I) 89,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Included in Debt Levy Figure 101 31010 00 000.1 MSABC Armory Payments 90,000 101 31020 00000 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes(I) 86,597 9,785 20,000 iQOQO From County 101 31030 00000 Mobile Home Taxes(I) 9,058 10,370 t,000 IQ000 From County 101 31710 00000 Gravel Taxes(I) 4,626 4,082 4,000 4,000 From County !O!3I810 00000 Franchise Taxes(I) 29,441 35,379 40,000 40,000 From Gable Company 101 33100 00000 Federal Granu&Aids(I) 20,000 30,Q00 50,000 26,250 Grants for 2 Officers (01 33403 00000 Mobile Home HACA(I) 22,091 22,091 22,000 22,000 FTom State 101 334t6 00000 Police 1'raining Reimbursement(I) 73,530 90,224 75,000 90,000 From Stare 101 334t6 00000.1 Post Board Training Reimb 4,500 101 33416 00000.2 State Aid(Tied ro PERA) 85,500 101 33418 00 000 MSA for Streets-Maintenance(I) 22,305 27,400 27,900 27,900 From State 101 33423 00000 Ag Preserves Credit(I) 3,t98 775 0 0 From State 101 33425 00 000 Other State Grants&Aids 0 14,766 13,000 0 Safe&Sober(No Grant for 1998) 101 33620 00 000 Other Counry Grants&Aids(I) 0 5,000 0 0 f01 33630 00000 Potice Services Levy-ISD#196(I) 8,954 8,954 31,200 29,000 101 33630 OOOOO.I D.A.R.E./Liaison Funding 29,000 From ISD#t96 101 36101 00000 Principal-Special Assessments(I) 12,998 14;t04 0 2,000 From County(Street Overlays) 101 36102 00000 Penalties 3c Interest-S!A(() 0 9 0 0 From County i -------------------------------___._______--------------------------------- Total Intetgovemmental(I) 381,798 363,437 374,100 351,150 , ---____-------------------------- ----------------------- I PAGETOTALS 3,678,757 3,849,409 3,949,175 4,067,050 Page Pwo 1998 SUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUNB REVENUES July 29. 1997 ` 1997 t998 Object 1948 1995 1996 Adopred Detaii Proposed Account# Descnption Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments (01 34103 00000 Zoning&Subdivision Fees(C) 13,201 18,155 7,000 10,000 (O1 34104�0000 Plan Checking Fees(G) 100.713 92,544 100.000 90,000 654'0 of Building Permit Fees 101 34I05�0000 Sales of Maps&Publications(C) 275 864 700 700 l01 34106 00 000 Depury Registrar Fees(C} 24,047 25,654 25,000 26,000 101 34107 00000 Assessment Searches(C) 554 219 500 200 10l 34108 00000 Admin Fees-Other Funds(C) 130,082 90,639 120,625 151,750 l01 34108 00000.1 All Funds Except Construction 51,750 t01 34108 00000.2 Construction Funds 100,000 101 34109 00 000 Other Charges for Service(C) 3,430 3,575 Z,000 3.000 10 T 341 10 00 000 Service Chg on Returned Chks(C) l62 100 200 100 101 341 1 1 00000 Service Lookup Check(Bldg){C) (5 640 500 0 101 34t 12 00000 Utiliry Permit Applicarion Fee(C) 200 250 200 200 101 34150 00000 User Fees-USPCI(C) 37,079 0 0 0 �toved to CIP 101 34151 00000 User Fees-Koch Bauxite(C) 6,753 0 0 0 Moved to CIP 101 34160 00000 National Guazd Mainf Fees(C) 0 32,000 16,000 16,000 Payments from the National Guard t01 3420f 00000 Speciai Police Services(C) 5,347 13,194 (2,b00 I5,000 Contractual 0/T fo�Officers t01 34202 00000 Fire Services-Buming Permits(C} 1,090 1,560 500 2,Q00 101 34203 00000 Accident Reports(C) 741 548 600 500 101 34204 00000 Day Care Inspection Fees(C) 380 240 200 200 101 34206 00000 Other Police Services(C) 911 0 0 0 101 34207 00 000 Other Fire Protection Services(C) 23,620 20,333 12,000 20,000 101 34207 00000.1 U of M Fire Convact 4,600 101 34207 00000.2 Coates Fire Contract 3,000 101 34207 00000.3 Other Billed Fire Calls 12,400 101 34303 00000 Mow Weeds(C) !93 346 300 300 101 34306 00000 Other Highway&Street Rev(C) 150 11,334 2,000 0 101 34407 00000 City Share of Metro SAC Chgs(C) 2,270 1,854 1,800 1,800 Total Chacges for Services(C) �y 401,213� 314,049 302,725 � 337,750 101 35101 00000 Court Fines(F� 139,680 l l 1,929 100,000 90,000 From Counry Totai Fir.es&Forfeits(F) Y ]39,680 111,929 t00,OQ0 ^� 90,000 1013472000000 ParkReservations(R) 0 850 1,1Q0 1,100 ]Ol 34721 00000 Softball Revenues(Rj 38,053 39,876 37,500 37,500 I 101 34722 00000 Volleyball Revenues(R) 8,214 7,999 9,500 9,500 � 101 34724 00000 Tennis Revenues(R) 1,140 1,400 1,300 1,300 101 34725 00000 Tiny Tot Revenues(R) 9,944 9,979 10,900 11,900 101 34�26 00000 Pom Pom Revenues(R) 1,648 2,257 2,400 2,400 101 34727 00 000 Field Trip Revenues(R) 2,300 2,789 2,200 2,200 101 34728 00000 Broomball Revenues(R) 1,384 0 3,40U 3,400 101 34729 00000 Skating Lesson Revenues(R) 892 761 800 800 101 34730 00000 Fun Runs,Walks&Bike Rides(R) 1,62I 1,533 t,000 t,000 101 34732 00000 Adul[Basketball(R) 750 750 800 800 l01 34733 00000 Other t'rograms Revenues(R) 2,266 3,025 2.800 2,800 101 34790 00000 Other Recreation Revenues(R) 639 116 i,000 1,000 (01 38080 00000 Banquet Room Fees(R) 42,388 41,581 47,000 47,000 (Ol 38081 00000 Audirorium Fees(R) 13,297 9,537' 12,000 I2,000 101 38082 00000 Gymnasium Fees(R) 15,390 22,049 16,000 16,OOQ tOt 38086 00000 Classroom Fees(R) 25,683 24,778 (8,000 18,000 10l 38087 00000 Fimess Room Fees(R) 1,043 0 0 0 101 38096 00000 Liquor Provider Fees(R) 2,200 1,600 2,000 2,000 101 38U97 00000 AiY Rental Fees(R) I,010 577 600 600 101 38150 00000 Open Gym Fees(R) 740 1,531 2,400 2,400 t01 38151 00000 Fitness Program Fees fR) 235 0 0 0 101 38152 00000 Jazzercise Fees(R) 1,3G8 807 1,400 1,400 101 38 t 54 00000 Teen Night Revenues(Rj 4,870 0 Q 4,400 ------------------------------_____-_.____-----_�____._------ Total Recreation Fees(R) 177,075 173.794 (74J00 179.500 PAGE TOTALS � 717,968 ��599,773�� 576.825 � ��b07,250 Page l'h�te 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS _ GENERAL FUND REVENUES July 29, (997 ' 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments f 01 36210 00000 Interest Eamings-Investments(M) 42,366 33.019 35,000 35,000 'I f01 36215 00000 lnterest Eamings(M) 664 424 400 400 From Checking Account ', 10l 36220 00000 Renu&Royalties(M) 3,380 3,380 3,400 3,400 US West Antenna Rent ' l01 36230 00000 Contribution/Donarions(M) 45,529 92,498 0 0 �� I01 35260 00000 Other Revenue(M) 3,660 7,795 t0,000 5,000 I 101 39101 00000 Sales of General Fixed Assets(M) 964 0 0 0 I Total Misc Revenues(M) 96,563 137,116 48,800 43,800 I l01 39203 00000 Transfer from ('I) 100,200 3,500 3,500 3,500 Arena-Bidg &Grounds Maint I Total Transfers[n('I) 100,200 3,500 3,500 3,500 PAGETOTALS 5196,763 5140,616 552,300 �� ~ 547,300 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 54,593,488 $4,589,799 54,578,300 54,721,600 INTERNALREVENUES 51,559,476 $1,342,955 $1,230,125 �1,210,600 GrandTotalLesx Ad Valorem,LGA,HACA, LPA&Fiscal Disparities � Page Four 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEE'�'S GEPiERAi.FUND REVENUES July 29. t997 1997 1948 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Descrip[ion Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments I0t 34108 00000 Genersi Fund Admin Fees 560,750 S0 350,625 551,750 tOl 34108 OOOOO.I Fund 201 5,625 101 3A108 00000.2 Fund 202 Z,Z50 l0l 34108 00000.3 Fund 203 2ZSQ 10l 34108 00000.4 Fund 205 2,250 101 34108 00000.5 Fund 206 2,250 101 34108 00000.6 Fund 207 2,250 101 34I08 00000.7 Fund 230 (,125 IOl 34108 00000.8 Fund 231 i,i?5 101 34108 00000.9 Fund 301 1,125 (O1 34108 00000.10 Fund 302 I,125 , lAt 34108 00000.11 Fund 303 1,125 101 34108 00000.12 Fund 321 1,�2g 101 34108 00 000.13 Fund 322 1,125 101 34108 00 000,14 Fund 323 1,125 101 34108 00000.15 Fund 324 1,125 101 34108 00000.16 Fund 326 (,]25 101 34108 00000.17 Fund 327 1,125 101 34108 00000.18 Fund 328 1,125 101 34108 00000.19 Fund 329 1,125 1013410800000.20 Fund330 1,125 1013410800000Z1 Fund331 1,125 101 34108 00000.22 Fund 381 1,125 ` 101 34108 00000.23 Fund 382 1,125 101 34108 00000.24 Fund 383 1,125 101 34108 00000.25 Fund 605 1,125 l01 34108 00000.26 Fund 606 1,125 101 34108 00000.27 Fund 607 1,125 101 34108 00 000.28 Fund 610 1,125 101 34108 00000.29 Fund 611 I,125 1013410800000.30 Fund613 1,125 ' t01 34108 00000.31 Fund 614 1,125 1013410800000.32 Fundb(5 1,125 101 34108 00 00033 Fund 650 5,625 I Admin Fees Breakdown Totals � 560,750 $0 $50,625 $51,750, $51,750 ' Page One 1998 BUDGET WURKSHEETS COLiIYGIL July 29, t997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Decail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Acnount Budget Comments All Satary Costs Inclusive of IOI 41 l 10 103 Salaries&Benefiu 522,389 319,806 527,000 526,500 Salary,Taxes,PERA 8c Beneftts l01 41110 01 307 Management Fxs 8,327 492 18,506 t8,500 [O l 41 1 10 01 307.( Newsletter 3,000 101 41 1 10 01 307.2 Spring Cteanup 5,000 101 41 I 10 01307.3 Recycling Expenses 10,000 t01 41110 Ol 307.4 Chamber of Commerce Directory 500 0 101 41110 01 319 Other Ptofessioaai Services 4,663 1,788 4,000 3,700 Education Reimbursement 101 41110 01 331 Tnvel Expense 239 48 300 300 101 411 10 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 5,810 9,520 9,400 10,000 I01 41 110 01 433.1 LMC Dues 6,100 101 41110 Ol 433.2 AMM Dues 3,400 101 41110 Ol 433.3 NDGC Dues 500 101 41 1 10 01 435 Books&Pamphiets 0 0 100 100 101 41110 01 437 Conferences&Seminars 915 2,364 2,300 2,300 101 41110 01 437.1 Registration&Hote1-L'viC Conf 1,800 101 41110 Ol 437.2 Miscellaneous LMC Events 500 101 41 1 10 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges 0 5,000 0 0 t01 41110 01 598 Council Designazed 7,170 7,709 9,500 9,500 Contingencies 101 41110 Oi 601 Principal on Loans I7,500 0 Q 0 PAGE TOTALS �67,013 �46,727 � $71.t00 $70,900 DEPARTMENTTQTALS �67,013 �4b,727 �71,100 �7Q900 Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRAI'ION July 29, 1997 ` 1997 1998 Object 1998 l995 1996 Adopred Detail Proposed Account� Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments- All Salary Costs Inc(usive of 101 d 1320 101 Salaries&Beneliu 5201,442 5220,221 5217,900 5253,9Q0 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benetits 101�11320 t02 Full-TimeOvertime 661 I,734 2,000 2,000 L01 41320 Ol 207 Training&Instructional Suppiies 1,328 395 1,900 1,900 l01 4I320 O l 207.l Safety Committee 200 101 41320 01 20'71 Right to Know t,200 101 41320 Ol 207.3 Employee Training 500 101 41320 01 209 Other Office Supplies 46 I2Q 300 300 Miscellaneous Purchases 101 41320 01 307 Management Fees 21.452 3,963 4,000 4,000 Labor Consultant 101 41320 01 319 Other Professional Services 0 1,000 0 0 10 T 41320 0 t 331 1'ravel Expense 4l4 521 600 600 l01 41320 Ol 331.1 State Conference-LMC 50 l01 41320 01 331.2 State Conference-MCYIA 50 IOl 41320 01331.3 Personnei Workshops 100 101 41320 01 331.4 ICVIA Conference 400 ' 101 41320 O1339 Other Transportarion Expenses 65 0 0 0 ', (Ol�11320 01341 Employment Advertising 471 362 0 0 10t 41320-01353 Ordinance Publication 1,902 0 1,500 1,500 Codification of Code 101 41320 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 696 1,070 900 t,000 ' 10l 41320 01433.1 ;�tCMA Dues 50 ' 101 41320 01 433.2 ��tAMA Dues 50 101 41320 01 433.3 MCFOA Dues 100 tO1 41320 Ol 433.4 IIMC Dues 50 l01 41320 01 4335 IPMA Dues 50 101 41320 01 433.6 ICMA Dues 700 101 41320 01 435 Books&Pamphleu 325 1,078 t00 l00 101 41320 01 437 Conferences&Seminars 2,915 2,192 2,900 2,600 101 41320 01 437.1 Registration&Hatel-LMC 300 101 4I 320 A 1437.2 Registration 3c Hotel-MCiVIA 200 10 t 41320 01437.3 Personnel Conferences 400 101413200t437.4 Staff(1)Each 200 101 41320 01 4375 Misceilaneous Seminazs 100 101 41320 01 437.6 Registration&Hotel-ICMA 1,000 101 4f320 01�37.7 Clerk's(nstitute 400 10i 41320 01439 Other Misceilaneous Chazges 0 13,750 0 0 PAGE TOTALS 5231,717 5246,404 $232,100�+�~� $267,900 DEPARTMENTTOTALS $231,7U 5246,404 $232,100 $267,900 Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEE7'S ELECTIONS July 29. t997 ' 1997 t948 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adapted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commrnts 101 41410 103 Part-Time Salaries 52.197 56,396 S2,SQ0 $6.500 Election Judges 101 41410 01 203 Printed Forms&Paper 2,036 2,100 700 Bailots�Progcamming IO l 41410 01208 Miscellaneous Suppiies 548 336- 200 200 Election Purchases ' 101 41410 Ol 219 Other Operating Supplies 112 (935) 100 100 Rolls for Siection ludges 101 4t410 01242 Minor Equipment 0 266 100 I00 Bailot Machine Equipment ' 101 41410 01 319 Other Professiona(Services 0 200 d 101 41410 Ol 321 Telephone Costs 19 323 300 100 Cosu fo�Precinct Phones 10 t 41410 01351 Legal Notices Publishing 46 15 100 100 Election Pubiications , 101 41410 01 409 Other Conuacted Repair&Maint 53 2,640 0 2,800 II 101 41410 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 64 200 200 Janitonal Services '; 101 414(0 01580 Other Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 II PAGE TOTALS 55,111 S9,l06 S5,8Q0 $I0,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 35,l 11 �9,i O6 55,800 S 10,300 Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FiN��CE Jufy 29. 1997 1997 t998 Object 1998 1995 I996 Adopted Decaii Proposed Account# Descnption Actual Actuat Budget Amount Budget Commenu All Salary Costs Inclusive of t01 41520 10l Salaries&Benefits 591,360 �91.302 592,000 5100,800 Salary,Taxes.PERr13c Denetits I01 d1520 102 Full-TimeOvertime 169 l62 2,000 I,000 t01 41520 01 319 Other Professional Services 3,400 1,885 2,900 2,900 FixedAsset Reporting Services 101 4i520 01331 Travei Expense ll8 554 t,000 800 101 41520 01 331.1 Finance Director 600 National Convention&.�tisc 101 41520 01 33 1.2 Statif 200 I014i52001341 EmploymentAdvertising 285 1,t25 0 0 101 41520 01 391 P.C.�faintenance 16,803 15,438 26,800 26,800 l01 41520 01 391.1 Micro System Maintenance 4,800 t01 41520 01 391.2 Micro Software License 3,200 101 41520 01 391.3 General Network Support 16,000 200 Hours of Support Z'ime (O1 41520 Q139L4 Motor Vehicle S/W Maint 800 101 41520 01 391.5 Fixed Asset Maint Contract I,000 101 41520 01 391.fi Miscellaneous P.C.Repairs 1,000 101 41520 Ol 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies 1,396 5,222 2,000 2,000 City System Supplies 101 41520 01 393 P.C.Hardware Purchases 607 719 1,000 1,000 101 41520 01 394 P.C.Software Purchases 1,416 2,144 1,500 1,500 I01 41520 01 409 Other Contracted R&M 265 276 300 300 Cash Register Maint Contract 101 41520 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 95 578 600 600 101 41520 01 433.1 MDRA Annual Fees 200 101 41520 01 433.2 MGFOA-Finance Director 50 101 41520 01 4333 MGFOA-Staff 50 101 41520 01 433.4 GFOA-Finance Director t50 101 41520 01 4335 Magazine Subscriptions I50 101 41520 01 435 Books&Pamphleu 0 0 200 200 101 41520 01 435.1 Accounting Related Books 100 101 41520 01 435.2 Finance Related Books 100 101 41520 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars 969 1,713 2,000 2,Q00 101 41520 01 437.1 MDRA Conference(For 2) 200 10 i 41520 01437.2 MGFOA,annual Conf(F/D) 300 101 41520 01 437.3 GFOA National Conf(F/D) t,000 101 41520 01 437.4 Miscellaneous Seminars 500 101 41520 01 439 Other Misceilaneous Charges 301 2l3 500 500 Contigencies t0l 41520 O1 570 Office Equipment Purchases 950 0 0 0 PAGETOTALS � Sll8,634 $121,335 $132,800 5140,400 DEPART4tENTTOTALS $lI8,b34 $121,335 $132,800 $140,400 �I i . Pa¢e One 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEETS GENERAl.GOVERNMEIVT July 29, i997 ' 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detaii Proposed Account# Description r�ctuaf Actual Budger Amount Budget Comments (01 41810 01 202 Duplicating 3c Copying 39,942 39,093 511,000 SI(,000 l01 41810 01 202.1 Microfitming 2,000 (Ol 41810 01202.2 Copying Costs 9,000 tOl 418 10 01 203 Printed Fortns&Paper 7,458 8,139 8,200 8,200 I01 41810 01 203.f Copy Paper 2,100 101 41810 01 203.2 General Receipt Books 750 !O1 418t0 Ol 203.3 Purchase Orders 350 l01 41810 01 203.4 Payroll Checks 1,lOd 101 41810 01 203.5 A/P Checks 2,200 I01 41810 01 203.6 Greenbar Computer(30 Boxes) 1,200 101 41810 0I 204 Envelopes&Letterheads 3,555 I,630 3,100 3,100 101 41810 01 204.1 Letterhead 1,000 101 41810 Ol 204.2 Plain Envelopes 600 101 41810 01 204.3 A/P&Payrotl Envelopes 400 , 101 41810 01 204.4 tO x 13 Envelopes 750 101 41$10 012045 10 x l5 Envelopes 350 l0l 4181Q 01208 Miscellaneous Supplies 15,054 13,926 0 0 �toved to Govemment Buiidings 101 41810 01 209 Other Office Supplies 16,897 14,300 15,000 15.000 General Office Supplies 101 41810 01 221 Equipment Parts 225 0 S00 500 City Halt Equipment Repairs IO I 41810 01242 Minor Equipment 0 403 1,200 1,200 101 41810 01 242.1 State Purchasing Program 350 Yearig Eees for Program 101 41810 01 242.2 Fax Machine Maint Agreement 250 Lease�Iachine Purchased in I995 101 4I810 01242.3 HP IIIsi Printer Maintenance 600 101 41810 01 301 Auditing&Accounting Services 19,752 31,074 22,900 25,800 101 41810 01 301.1 1997 Audit&General Consulring 22,900 101 41810 01 301.2 Dakota Counry Assessment Fees 2,000 101 41810 01 301.3 Printing of Budget Books 900 101 41810 01 304 Legal Fees 32;405 39,063 40,000 40,000 General City Legal Fees 101 41810 01 319 Other Professional Services 28,363 27,304 2$,100 28,100 101 41810 Ol 319.i Fire Relief Association 26,000 101 41810 01 319.2 Flex Admin Plan Fees 1,000 ]Ol 41810 01319.3 EGSU Dues 300 Insurance Plans 101 41810 01 319.4 Continuing Disclosure Fees 800 Fees Paid to Springsted 101 41810 01 321 Telephone Costs 41,010 30,778 38,000 38,000 Monthly Billings 101 41810 01 322 Postage Costs 14,793 (3,465 16,000 t6,000 101 41810 01 339 Other Transportarion Expenses 208 768 300 800 Generat Costs l01�118 t0 01351 Legal Notices Publishing 2,879 4,713 4,000 5,200 101 4I810 O1 351.1 Costs for Public Notices 3,200 All Departments 101 4I8 t0 0135 L2 Truth in Taxation Notices 800 Biiling from Dakota County 101 418 f 0 01351.3 Budget&Audit Publications 1,200 Siate Mandated Publicarions 101 41810 O l 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 957 209 0 0 101 41810 01 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 33,710 1,fi67 0 0 10l 41810 01580 Other Equipment Purchases i(,495 (2,989 13,300 13,300 Copy Machine Leases-All Bid;s PAGETOTALS w $238,703 $209,520~ �201,600� � $206,200 DEPARTMENTTO'fALS 5238,703 5209,520 �2Q1,600 5206,200 Page One 199R BUDGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT Julv 29, 1997 ' !997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs[nclusive of � (0 t 41910 101 Salaries&Benetits 5276�48 S272,467 5332.80Q 3310,200 Salary,"taxes,PERA 8c E3enetits 1014f910 102 Full-TimeOvercime 3,783 3,165 6,000 3,000 !0 t 41910 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefiu 18,166 19,919 24,500 53,700 10 t 41910 103.I [ntems 21.Z00 101 41910 103.2 Fire Marsha! 27,500 101 41910 103.3 Pianning Commission Members 5,000 101 41910 01 201 Oftice Accessortes 437 499 500 500 I01 41910 01 202 Duplicating 8e Copying 0 89 1,000 1,000 Annual Codification-Zoning Ord- 10l 41910 01203 Printed Forms&Paper 1,113 1,137 1,500 2,500 Forms,Stickers,Tags,etc. l0(41910 01205 Drafting Supplies 222 43 100 100 LO1 41910 O l 209 Other Office Supplies 344 492 300 400 101 41910 O l 219 Other Operadng Suppiies 284 1 I S 400 400 Fiim&Development 101 41910 01 241 Small Tools 390 0 300 500 101 41910 01 319 Other Professional Services 1,873 3,250 4,800 4,400 101 419t0 01319.1 3rd Party Testing 800 101 41910 01 319.2 Contracted Plan Review S00 l01 41910 01 319.3 Planning Consultant 2,000 t01 41910 01 319.4 Sepric�iaimenance Program 800 Dakota Counry Costs 101 41910 01 329 Other Communication Cosu 515 356 1,000 1,000 Cellular Phone&Pagers 101 419t0 01331 Travel Expense 925 429 600 600 101 41910 01 341 Employment Advemsing 2,646 700 0 0 101 41910 01 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies ' 0 0 0 1,000 101 41910 01 394 P.S.Software Purchases 215 373 2,000 0 IOl 41910 01433 Dues&Subscriptions t,069 1,448 1,400 1,400 101 41910 01 433.1 APA/AICP 500 101 41910 01 433.2 ICBO 200 101 41910 O l 433.3 NFPA 100 ]01 41910 01 433.4 North Staz 50 101 41910 01 433.5 Lake Country 50 101 41910 01 433.6 LAPMO-National&State 50 101 41910 01 433.7 Trade�tagazines 50 101 41910 01 433.8 Ptanner's Joumai 100 101 41910 01 433.9 Sensible Land Use Coalition 150 101 4Y910 01433.10 MN Ass'n Fire Marshals 50 101 41910 0 t 433.11 Secretaries Association 100 101 41910 Ol 435 Books&Pamphlets 1,195 2fi7 1,000 I,000 Manuals&References 101 4I910 01437 Conferences&Seminazs 2,657 3,230 4,700 5,200 101 41910 01 437.1 State Bldg Official School 400 l01�11910 0 1=137.2 Spring&Fall Code Updates 200 t01 41910 01 437.3 ICBO Seminars(2) 800 l0l 41910 01437.4 Computer Training 500 f 01 41910 01 437.5 Cle�ical Seminars 500 101 41910 Ol 437.6 Planning Seminars 500 101 41910 01 437J ISTS Training 400 101 41910 01 43'7.8 State Planning Conference(2) 600 101 41910 O l a37.9 Planning Commissioner Training 300 101 41910 01 437.10 Gen'I Seminars(Motivational) 500 10(4 t 910 01437.11 NFPA Training 500 (01 419I0 01439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges 0 181 200 500 Contingencies 1014t91001570 OfficeEquipment&Fumishings 0 208 600 500 PAGET07'ALS S3't2,08'7 A $308,02( � $383,700 -N----N�^--�--$387,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $312,087 $308,021 $383,706 $387,900 Page One t99S BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE July Z9. 1997 ' 1947 1998 Object 1998 I995 1996 Adopted detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs(nctusive ot l0 t 42110 l O l Salazies 3c Benetiu 5845,505 5902,G20 5962,G00 S 1,053.000 Salarv,Taxes,PER,a 3c Benetits (01 42110 !02 Fuli-Time Overtime 34,326 48,184 46,500 30,000 Regulaz Sc Contracted 101 d2110 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits 9,583 12,507 L7,500 17,500 2 P/i'CSO's Totat d0 Hrs/Wk 10t 421 t0 Oi 202 Duplicating&Copying 695 397 SOQ 500 Film Developing Cosu 101 42110 01 203 Printed Forms&Paper t 74 183 200 200 101 42ll0 01204 Envelopes&Letterheads 0 0 2Q0 Z00 Poiice Stationery 10t 42110 Ot 207 Training&Instrucuana(Supplies 1,886 I,709 I,500 (,500 Practice Ammunition 101 42110 01 208 Misceilaneous Suppiies 13,480 '7,807 0 0 101 421 t0 01209 Other Office Suppties 1,592 725 1,b00 1,600 101 42110 01 21 l Cleaning Suppiies 170 185 200 200 101 421 10 01 21 1.1 Btanket Cleaning 100 101 42110 01 21 1 Z Squad[nterior Cleaning 100 101 421 10 01 219 Other Operating Sugplies 400 392 500 500 Service Ammunition 101 421 10 01 221 Equipment Parts 2,295 1,705 2,500 2,SOd 10!421 10 01 241 Small Tools 118 0 100 100 101 421 10 01 304 Legal Fees 55.030 54,996 56,000 56,000 Prosecution 101 42110 O1 305 Medical&Dencal Fees 847 543 1,000 t,000 101 421 10 01 319 Other Professional Services 39,157 47,Q14 57,400 60,000 101 421 10 01 319.1 Dispatch Services 54,000 5°/a Increase 101 42110 01 319.2 :�tDTs 6,000 New Service in 1997 101 42110 O1 321 Teiephone Costs 4,139 4,648 3,800 3,800 Ceitulaz Phone Bills !01 42110 01 322 Postage Costs 655 0 0 0 101 42110 O1 323 Radio Uniu 3,304 3,104 3,000 3,000 Radio&Radar Repairs 101 42110 01331 Travel Expense 853 838 700 700 10 t 421 10 01 33 1.1 Conference Expenses 400 101 42110 Ol 331.2 Outstate Investigations 300 101 421 10 01 333 Freight&Express Facpenses 112 30 300 300 101 421 10 01 349 Other Advertising 0 565 700 0 101 421 10 01 396 Computer Maintenance 13,053 15,859 15,300 15,300 101 421 10 01 3961 ENFORS Maintenance I 1,000 101 42110 01 396.2 CJDN Hook-up Charges 2,500 101 421 t0 013963 MD"C Hook-up Chazges 1,800 New 5ervice in 1997 101 421 10 01 409 Other Contracted Repair&Maint 629 930 1,500 1,500 Outdoor Siren Repair&Maint 101 42l l0 01415 Other Equipment Rental 3.648 912 4,800, 4,800 ?.nimal Care,Shamrock,etc. ' 101 421 f 0 01433 Dues&Subscriptions 758 908 (,000 1,300 ]0]42l 10 01433.I Mutual Aid Assistance Group 800 101 A2I l0 01433.2 LACP Chiefs Dues 100 101 42110 01 433.3 MN Chiefs of Police Dues 150 101 421 l0 O l 433.4 Dakota Cry Chiefs of Police 50 101 42110 01 433.5 Wakota CAER Dues 20 101 42110 01 433.6 Metro Emergency Managers 25 Association Dues 101 421 t0 Ol 433.7 MN Sex Crimes Investigators 30 Association Dues 101 42ll4 01433.8 Tri-County 50 101 421(0 01433.9 Miscellaneous 75 (01 421 IO 01 435 Books&Pamphleu 235 0 300 300 IO I 42110 Ol 436 Towing Charges 419 67 200 200 101 42l 10 O l 437 Conferences&Seminars 5,819 5,939 6,400 6,400 101 42110 01 437.1 DCTC Contracted Training 4,500 15 Officers c�+ �300 Each 10(42110 Ol 437Z 2/97 Firearms 1'raining 325 101 421 t0 01 437.3 5/97 Firearms Training 325 101 421 10 01 437.4 9/97 Firearms Training 325 101 421 10 Ol 437.5 Chiefs Spring Training 490 101 42l 10 Ol 437.6 Chiefs Fall Confeeence I55 101 421 t0 Ol 437.7 Seminar-LMCIT 30 101 421 10 01 437.8 Speciat Seminars 50 101 421 10 01 437.9 Miscel}aneous 200 101 421 t0 Ol 560 Furniture&Fixture Purchases 391 0 0 0 ----------__-_----------------------________--------------------__ PAGE1'OTALS $1,039,273 �1,112,76� $I,1$6,3Q0 51,262,400 DEPART�tENTTOTALS 51,039,273 $1,112,767 $1,186,300 51.262,400 � ___ P��r o�� , l448 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE Julv 29. l997 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 t996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount f3udget Comments Ail Salary Costs Inclusive of IDl 422t0 103 Salanes&Benetits 5122,486 5138,676 5125,500 5135,'00 Salary,Taxes,PERA Sc Benetits !OI 42210 103.1 Fire Cails,Training,etc. 135.700 101 42210 01 202 Duplicating&Copying 540 267 100 100 101 d2210 01202.l Copy Toner 25 t01 42210 01 202Z Laser Printer 25 101 42210 01 202.3 Fax Machine 50 101 42210 0t204 Envelopes&Letterhead 55 98 t00 100 101 42210 0l 204.l Envelopes 25 lO l 42210 01204.2 [.etterhead 25 101 42210 01 204.3 Forms 50 I ' 101 42210 01 208 Miscellaneous Supplies 0 A 0 Z,000 Supplies for Fire iY[arshai � 101 42210 01 2081 Hazd Hat 100 ' 101 42210 01 208.2 Coveralls 250 ' 101 42210 01 208.3 Photo Fiash 200 101 42210 01 208.4 Close-up Photo Lens 200 101 422t0 012085 Portable Lights 50 101 42210 01 208.6 �Iiscellaneous Tools l50 101 422I0 01208.7 Film Developing 400 101 42210 Ol 208.8 Fire Schools 500 101 422d0 012089 IAAI Dues 150 101 42210 O l 211 Cleaning Supplies 188 211 200 20� 101 42210 01 211.1 Soap 35 10l 42210 O 1 Z 11.2 Chamois l00 101 42210 01 21 13 Spanges 25 101 42210 01 21 1.4 SCBA Cleaner 40 L01 42210 01 218 Fire Department Clothing 2,332 479 300 600 10 Uniforms c�i �60 Each 101 42210 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 541 795 800 800 ;yfedical Supplies 101 42210 01 219.1 Gloves 200 i01 42210 Ol 219.2 Bandages 80 101 42210 01 219.3 Equipment 100 101 42210 01 219.4 Tyvek Suiu 70 101 42210 01 219.5 Consummable Medicai 200 101�32210 01219.6 Oxygen 150 101 42210 01 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 15,725 t2,241 6,500 6,500 101 42210 Ol 229.I Aeria1-Pumpers-Tanker 5,500 101 42210 01 229.2 Pickup Trucks 400 101 42210�1229.3 Rescue&Other 300 101 42210 O t 229.4 Vehicle Modifications 300 101 42210 Ol 230 Equipment Repair Materials_ 601 407 1,100 I,100 101 42210 01 230.1 Light Bars 100 10]42210 Ol 230.2 Smoke Machines l50 101 42210 O]230.3 Lantems 50 101 42210 01 230.4 Small Repairs 200 10l 42210 01230.5 Opticom 300 (0142210O1230.6 Station 300 101 42210 01 241 Smail Tools 437 499 500 500 101 42210 01 241.1 Axes,Bars&Other 150 l01 42210 01 241.2 Grass Fire 250 101 422 t 0 01 241.3 �tiscellaneous 100 PAGETOTALS � 142,905 ~ 153,674 t35,100 �~147,600 Page Two 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FiRE Ju(y:9, 1997 1997 t9980bject 1998 I995 t996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account tf Descnption Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42210 01 305 Medicai&Dental Fees Z,010 2,602 2,500 2,900 Annual�ledical Tests(38(u�S75) 101 42210 0 t 306 Penonnel Testing&Recruitment 3,503 780 1,900 1,350 t01 42210 OI 306.! New Physicals(0) 0 t01 42210 O l 306.Z Hepatitis Shots(9) I,350 I O l 42210 Ol 306.3 Background Ghecks(0) p 101 42210 01 306.4 Drug Testing(0) p I01 42210 01 308 Instructors'Fees 6,675 3,717 5,000 11,900 10(42210 01308.1 Fire Fighter 1&2(9) 2,700 101 42210 01 308.2 Fire Fighter 1 Certificates(10) 350 101 42210 01 308.3 Fire Fighter 2 Certificates(6) 210 101 42210 01 308.4 Fire Fighter Re-CertiFicates(10) 50 101 42210 01 308.5 First Responder(9} 2,250 101 42210 01 308.6 First Responder Refresher(1/2) 1,400 101 42210 01 308.7 Ouuide Schools 1,925 101 42210 01 308.8 Haz-Mat Tnining(9) 2,250 101 42210 01 308.9 Pump Operator Certificates(6) 210 101 42210 01 308.10 State Fire School 555 101 42210 01 3 10 Testing Services 985 266 1,700 750 101 42210 Ol 310.1 Aerial(Next 1999) p l01 42210 01 3 10.2 I,adders(Next t999) p 101 42210 01 3 10.3 Pumpers(3)(Next 2000) 750 101 42210 01 310.4 SCBA Hydro Testing(Next 2000) 0 101 42210 01 3 13 Temporary Service Fees 747 992 800 800 101 42210 0 t 313.l SCBA Contract 350 i01 42210 O1 313.2 SCBA Maintenance 50 101 42210 01 3 13.3 Copier Contract 310 101 42210 01 313.4 Fax Contract 9p 101 42210 01 319 Other Professional Services 1,831 1,616 3,100 1,900 Fire Prevention Education 101 42210 01 319.1 Videos(3) 900 101 42210 01 319.2 NFPA Campaign Package 350 101 42210 01 319.3 Fire Prevention Week Props 60 101 42210 O1 319.4 Food at Open House 120 101 42210 01 3 19.5 Computer Clip Art 7$ i0l 42210 01319.6 Fire Safety Masters I 10 101 42210 0l 3l9J Badge Stickers gg 101 42210 01 319.8 Adult Extension Class 200 101 42210 Oi 321 Telephone Costs 408 665 500 500 101 42210 01 321.1 Chief 105 l01 42210 0l 321.2 Assistant Chief 105 101 42210 01 321.3 Rescue I05 l Ol 42210 01 321.4 Numeric Pagers l85 101 42210 01 322 Postage Cosu 12 93 100 (00 UPS Costs ' 101 42210 01 329 OtherCommunicatiodGosts 444 1,330 1,000 1,000 ' ]O1 42210 O l 329.I Base Repairs Zpp ' 101 42210 O 1 329.2 Pager Repain 200 t01 42210 O1 329.3 Hand Heid Repairs 300 I 101 42210 01 329.4 Mobile Repairs 300 '� lO l 42210 0 1 33 1 Travel Expense 1,305 2,044 3,200 3,900 �! 101 42210 01 331.1 Minnesota Chiefs Conference 750 �I 101 42210 Ol 331.2 State Fire Conference 1,200 I t01 42210 O1 33 L3 Outside Schools 1,950 PAGETOTALS �17,920 14,106 19,800 � 25.100 I Page Three 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE luly 29, 1997 t997 1998 Object i998 1995 (996 Adop[ed DMail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42210 Ol 433 Dues&Subscriptions 45$ 877 500 500 I01 42210 01 433.t Capital Ciry 35 10t 4221001433.2 VFBA(nsurance �(p 101 42210 QI 433.3 State Eire �ZQ 10l 42210 01433.4 State Chiefs l00 lO l 42210 01433.5 DCFC 30 101 42210 Ol 433.6 WAKOTA Mutual Aid zp 101 42210 01433J Purchasing Consortium 35 l01 32210 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars 555 784 700 700 101 42210 01 437.I State Fire Conference 490 IOY 42210 01437.2 State ChiePs Conference Z�p IOt4221001439 OtherMiscellaneousChazges t,096 1,108 1,100 (,100 101 42210 01 434.1 Food&Coffee 9p 101 42210 01 439.2 Extinguisher 400 101 42210 01 439.3 Piaques Zp 101 42210 01 439.4 Paint 50 101 42210 01 439.5 Station Needs 540 101 42210 01 580 Other Equipment Purchases 9,220 9,122 12,000 I5,000 101 42210 01 580.1 Bunker Geaz(10) 9,000 101 42210 01 580.2 Pagers(6) 3,000 101 42210 01 580.3 Hose Replacement 2,000 101 42210 01 580.4 Replace as Damaged Items I,000 PAGE TOTr�I.S ' $11,329 �$11,891 $14,300 �~~��~$17,300 DEPARTMENT TOTALS S 172,154 $179,672 $169,200 $190,000 Page One 1998 BQDGET WORKSHEETS GOVE:.NMENT BUILDIIVGS July 29, 199� - 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 199G Adopted Deta�i Proposed Account x Descnption Actual Actual $udget Amount Budget Cumments All Salary Costs Inclusive of I01 41940 lO l 3alaries&Benetits SO SO $49,000 $42,500 Salarv.Taxes.PEIL13�Benetits f0(41940 77101 Administrative $4,000 t01 41940 79 t01 Maintenance 538,500 (01 41940 102 Full-Time Overtime 0 0 6,000 10,000 !01 41940 OI 208 Misceilaneous Supplies 0 0 13,000 13,000 Moved finm Govemment Building 101 41940 01 219 dther Operating Supplies 363 573 300 500 ice Control Chemicals 101 41940 Ol 223 Buiiding Repair Suppiies 13,681 5,792 5,000 6,000 101 41940 Ol 225 Landscaping Materials 1.142 0 I,000 500 Trees�Shrubs 101 41940 01 241 Small Toots l64 208 100 200 101 41940 01 242 Minor Equipment 313 726 0 0 l01 41940 0 t 302 Architects'Fees 1,022 260 1,000 I,000 ADA Requirements/Estimates I01 41940 01 319 Other Professionat Services 7,565 7,069 8,300 t7,900 t0l 41940 Ol 319.1 Elevator Maintenance 1,000 10 t 41940 01 3 19.2 Heating/Colling Ytaint Contract 2,500 !Ol 41940 Ol 319.3 Mnual RPZ Inspection 1,500 101 41940 01 3 19.4 Pest Control 500 10l 41940 01 3 19.5 Fire Extinguishers 600 101 41940 0 t I 319.6 Fire Su ression Svstem Check l 000 PP 101�1940 Oi 319.7 Janitorial Service-New Fire Station 3 300 101 41940 01 319.8 Janitorial Service-P.W,Building 7,500 101 41940 Ol 329 Other Communication Costs 0 0 0 500 Pager Leasing l01 41940 OI 381 Electric Utilities 26,906 26,291 30,000 32,000 101 41940 O t 383 Gas Utilities 15,792 2Q267 Z0,000 22,000 101�i1940 01384 Refuse Disposai 16,854 17,958 IS,000 2Q000 General Buitdings&Parks 101 41940 01 389 Other Utiliry Services 1,421 1,745 1,300 I,500 Floor Mats-:vtonthly Charges 101 41940 0 t 401 Contracted Building Repairs 8,755 6,999 24,500 22,000 101 41940 01 401.1 Minor ADA Issues 5,000 101 41940 01 401 Z RepairlPaint Erickson Shelter 9,000 101 41940 01 401.3 Replace Doors-irrigation Sheds 1,000 101 41940 01 401.4 City Hall I-NAC 1,500 101 41940 01 401.5 Electrical Repairs I,500 !O1 41940 01 401.6 Reptace Carpet-laycee Shelter 3,000 t01 41940 Ol 433.7 Miscellaneous Repairs 1,000 101 41940 01 412 Building Rental 12,000 12,000 12,300 8,Ofl0 U of yt Storage(To CIP)(Parrial) 101 4(940 O I 4I5 Other Equipment Rental 165 456 1,000 1,000 Scaffolding 101 41940 O I 439 Other Misceltaneous Charges 113 3 500 500 Conpngencies 101 41940 O1 601 Bond Principal 0 0 21,800 24,300 MSABC Payment(2/I) 101 41940 01 61 l Bond tnterest 0 0 66,300 65,100 MSABC Payments(2/I&8!1} 10I 41940 Ol 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees Q 0 800 700 MSABC Paymenu(2!I&8/1) PAGE TOTALS �5106,256 �1OQ346 $280,200 M�YY�~�~5289,200 DEPARTMENTTOTAi.S $106,256 5100,346 $280,200 $289,200 eage one 199$BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELEET�IAINTEN.�NCE � Juty 29, 1997 . 199 i �998 Object 1998 t 995 t 996 Adopted Detai I Proposed Account# Description Acrual Actual Budget Amount Budger Comments � All Satary Costs[nciusive of 101 43100 101 Salazies&Benefits 5708,198 5772,840 5110,500 S1 f4,800 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benetits f01 43100 77 101 Administrative 21,200 l01 43100 79 10i Maintenance 93,600 101 43100 t02 Full-Time Overtime 21.521 29,413 2,000 2,000 101 43100 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits 55,283 54,200 4,000 4,000 t01 43100 01 211 Cleaning Suppiies 427 d66 500 S00 Shop&Vehicles 101 43100 01 212 Motor Fuels 39,146 49,390 40,000 42,000 101 43100 01 213 Lubricants&Additives 4,034 5,059 5,500 5,500 101 43100 01 215 Shop Materials 9,923 9,'779 10,500 !0,500 101 43 100 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 0 473 0 0 t01 43100 01 221 Equipment Parts 59,305 70,210 60,000 b0,000 l01 43100 01 222 Tires 7,618 9,543 10,000 I0,000 101 43100 01 241 Small Tools 3,852 2,827" 4,000 4,000 101 43100 01 242 Minor Equipment 0 1,461 3,000 4,000 Anti-Freeze Recycler 101 43100 01 323 Radio Units 1,052 604 2,000 2,000 Repair/Replace Uniu 101 43100 01 331 Travel Expense 0 0 500 500 Overnight Training 101 43 100 01 384 Refuse Disposal 0 784 2,000 2,000 Shop Hazardous Waste 10t 43 100 01 394 P.S.Software Purchases 0 0 500 500 General Sothvare Support 101 43100 01 404 Contracted 41ach&Equip Repairs 11,9b3 24,774 15,000 25,000 101 43100 01 416 Machinery Rental 0 0 I,000 1,000 101 43100 01 435 Books&Pamphlets 0 0 200 200 101 43100 01 437 Conferences&Seminars 0 0 1,000 1,000 PAGE TOTALS �922.322 41,029,822 $272,200�� �y�$289,500 DEPARTMENTTOTALS $922,322 51,029,822 $272,200 5289,500 , Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET:VIA[NTFNANCE July 29, 1997 1997 1998 Object 1998 (995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------- Al(Salary Costs[nclusive of l01 43121 101 Salanes&BeneFia SO 30 5282,700 5299,000 Saiary,Taxes,PERA&Benetits 1Q1-i3121 77101 Administrative 69.700 10t d312!78101 Technicai/Clericai 53,200 107 43121 79 101 Maintenance 176,100 101 43121 IO2 Full-Time Overtime 0 0 6,000 6,000 Maintenance 101 43121 99 l03 Part-Time Salaries&Benefiu 0 0 25,000 25,000 101 43121 01 201 Oftice Acceswries 413 100 700 �00 IQI 43121 01201.1 Assorted Department Supplies 101 43121 01 201.2 l00'Tape 101 43121 01 203 Printed Forms&Paper 34 377 700 700 , 10l 43121 01203.1 R/W Permit&Inspection Forms 500 lO1 43121 01 203.2 WorkOrdeis Z00 101 43121 01 205 Drafting Supplies 1.�09 1,523 I,400 1,400 101 43121 01 205.1 Paper for Plan Reproductions 600 101 43121 01 205.2 Off-Site Reproductions 350 ' 101 43121 01 205.3 Film&Developing 100- ', I01 43121 01 205.4 Miscellaneous Tools 350 i 10l 43121 01209 Other Office Suppiies 189 83 200 200 Door Knockers I 101 43121 01 216 Chemical&Chemical Pmducts 12,358 29,889 15,000 15,000 De-tcing Materials 101 43121 Ol 224 Street Maintenanee Materials ' l 15,153 80,000 85,800 85,800 ' 101 43121 01 224.i Bituminous Patching 15,000 lOT 43121 01224Z Crushed Rock 36.500 I ID 1 43121 01 224.3 Dust Control 17,500 101 43121 01 224.4 Paint 500 101 43121 01 224.5 Shouldering Gravel 3,30Q 101 43121 01 224.6 De-Icing Sand 6,000 101 43121 01 224.7 i�Iail Boxes 500 101 43121 01 224.8 Signs 5,000 !01 43121 01 2249 Light BulbslLenses 1,500 t01 43121 01 225 Landscaping Materials 779 1,462 6,300 6,300 101 43121 01 225.I Sod 3,000 101 43121 01 225Z Seed 300 101 43121 01 225.3 Black Dirt 2.000 101 43121 01 225.4 Trees I,000 101 43121 01 226 Sign Repair Materials 6,454 15,327 0 0 101 43121 01 227 Utiliry System Maintenance Suppiie 106 0 0 0 101 43121 01 230 Equipment Repair Materia(s 1,605 0 0 0 101 43121 01 241 Small Tools 0 0 1,000 1,000 l01 43121 01 242 Minor Equipment 2,540 0 2,700 2,700 I01 43 l2 t 01303 Engineering Fees 3,890 6,959 10,500 10,500 101 43121 O1 303.1 Generai Non-Project Related 8,500 Traffic Analysis lO l 43 l21 01303.2 Transportarion Ptan Update 2,000 101 43121 01 304 Lega1 Fees 2,538 0 2,000 2,000 Appeais of Closed Projects 101 43121 O1 305 Medical&Dental Fees 0 755 600 600 Emptoyment Physicals f01 43121 01 310 TestingServices �32 860 1,200 1,200 101 43121 0l 319 Other Professional Services 27,016 86,568 700 700 Random Drug Testing ', l01 43121 Ol 32l Tetephone Costs 512 575 1,000 I,200 Ceilulaz Phones&Pagers ' I0l 43121 01 324 Messenger Services 0 0 100 100 ' 101 43121 Ol 33( Travel Expense 242 75� 8Q0 1,000 APWA&�liscellaneous 101 43121 01 339 OtherTransportationExpenses 64 0 0 0 ' (01 43121 01 341 EmploymentRdvertising 817 1,168 1,000 1,000 ' 1014312(01381 ElectricUtilities- 67,261 75,851 74,OOQ 74,000 I 101 43121 01 381.1 Street Lights 70.000 ' 101 43 121 01 381.2 Signal Lights&Sirens 4,OU0 101 43121 01 384 Refusebisposai 853 0 4,600 4,600 lO l 43121 01384.I Hazardous Waste Disposal 2,000 IOf43l21Ot384.2 RoadsideGazbage 2,000 I01 4312I 01 384.3 Tree Disposal 600 !Ot 4312!Ol 391 P.C.Maintenance 0 1,311 2,000 2,000 101 43121 Ol 391.1 Gopher State One-Call I,Q00 !01 43 121 01 391.2 State Aid 1.000 101 43 121 01 392 P.C.Accessories 8t Supplies 0 434 300 300 101 43121 01 394 P.S.Softwam Purchases 270 75 600 600 General Software Support ___�____.______Mw�._-------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS 245,33! 304,072 526,900 543,600 Page Two _ 1948 SUDGET WORKSHE:ETS STREET�:AiNTENANCE luly 29, t 997 . 199J 19980bject l998 1995 1996 Adoptcd Detail Proposed Account= Descnption Actual Actual Budget Amoun[ Budget Commenu 101 43121 U 1403 Contracted Repair&Maintenance 0 496 99,000 I 10,000 (01 43121 01 403.1 Seal Coating 30,000 101 43121 01�t03.2 Striping/Trail Markings 76.000 101 43121 01 403.3 Street Sweeping 6,000 l01 43121 01 403.4 Bituminous Overiays 25,000 l0t 43121 Ol 403.5 Crack Sealing 10,000 101 43121 01 403.6 Sueet Lights l 1,000 (O1�312!Ol 403.7 Signal Lights 500 101 4312t 01403.8 Light Replacements 500 101 43121 01 403A Tree Trimming 5,000 101 43 121 01 403.l0 Snow Removal-Community Center 6,000 I Ol 43121 O 1�109 Other Contracted Repair&�taint 4,823 3,805 0 0 10l 43121 Ol 415 Other Equipment Rental 5,017 14,464 0 0 101 43121 01 416 Machinery Rental 0 462 12,400 19,000 101 43 121 01 416.1 Grader/Dozer 2,000 101 43 121 01 416.2 Loader for Plowing Cu(-de-Sacs 13,000 10l 43121 01416.3 Srsow Plow 2,000 t01 43121 01 416.�t Truck 2,000 101 43121 01 417 Uniforms Rental 195 142 0 0 101 43121 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 1,054 327 640 600 101 43121 01 433.1 riPWA 225 101 43121 01 433.2 RMAA 10 101 43 121 01 433.3 City Engineers'Association 150 101 43 121 01 433.4 Professionai Secretaries 90 101 43 121 01 433.5 ASCE 125 I01 43121 01 435 Books�Pamphlets 622 410 800 800 I01 43121 01 435.] MUTCD 200 101 43121 01 435.1 MN Dot Updates 600 t01 43121 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars 3,700 4,211 4,000 4,000 101 43121 01 437.1 APWA 1,050 101 43 I21 O I 437.2 Camputer Training 500 101 43121 01 437.3 Clerical 150 101 43 121 01 437.4 Gravel Road Maintenance 150 101 43121 01 437.5 City Management Training 500 101 43121 01 437.6 CEAM 500 101 43121 01 437J yiN Pavement Management 400 Signage&Traffic Conttol Also 101 43121 01 437.8 MN Dot 300 101 43121 01 437.9 Miscellaneous Training 450 101 43121 O l 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 653 2,QOQ 2,000 Conrigencies 101 43121 Ol 570 O�ce Equipment&Furnishings 0 228 1,000 3,000 PAGE'COTALS � $15,411 $25,195 $it9,400 ��~~ 5139,400 DEPART'MENT TOTALS �260,742 $329,268 $646,30(} $683,000 Page One t998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARICS 3c GROUNDS�7rUNTENANCE July 29. 1997 ' - 1947 1998 Object t998 1995 t996 Adopred Detail Proposed Account it Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments �111 Salary Custs[nclus�ve oC� (O1 45202 101 Salaries&Benefits SO SO 5196,100 3204,200 Salarv,Taxes,PERr��Eienetits ' l01 d5202 77101 Administrative (7.300 • ' f01 45202 79 101 Maintenance 18b,900 � t01 45202 IO2 Full-Time Overtime 0 0 6,000 6,000 I l0l 45202 99103 Part-Time Salazies Bc Benefits 0 0 34,000 34,000 ' 101 45202 01 205 Drafting Supplies 51 89 200 100 � (O1 45202 01 208 Miscellaneous Suppiies 60 0 0 0 �I 101 45202 01 216 Chemical&Chemical Producu 9,624 7,028 12,000 11,000 � 101 45202 01 216.1 Herbicides(General Park Use) I,500 101 45202 01 216.2 Fertilizer 9,500 I 101 45202 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 6,653 8,708 8,000 7,000 ' l01 45Z02 01219.1 Seed,Sod,etc. 2,000 I01 45202 Ot 219.2 Red Rock,Sand.Gravel,etc. 5,000 10l 45202 01221 Equipment Parts 2,901 3,117 7,500 3,500 101 45202 01 221.1 Playground Equipment Repair 1,000 101 45202 01 221 Z Irrigation Repair(Non-Contract) 1,OOQ 101 45202 Ol 221.3 Miscellaneous(Split Rail,etc.) 1,500 101 45202 01 223 Building Repair Supplies 4,242 2,516 4,500 3,500 101 45202 01 223.1 Paint,Stain,etc. 1,000 101 45202 01 223.2 Shingles,Boards,etc. 1,500 101 45202 OI 223.3 Miscellaneous 1,000 101 45202 01 225 Landscaping Materials 3,631 2,'700 3,600 3,600 101 45202 01 225:1 1'rees,Shrubs.Sod,etc. 1,600 101 45202 01 225.2 Timbers,Fence,etc. 2,000 101 45202 01 226 Sign Repair vtaterials 5$3 9S 500 500 101 45202 01 229 Other Maintenance Supplies 2,428 3,663 3,000 3,000 Paint,Chalk,Bases,Field Dry,etc. 101 45202 01 241 Smali Tools 2,071 t,480 2,000 2,000 101 45202 O1 321 Telephone Costs 0 206 500 500 Cellular Phone Bills 101 45202 Ol 323 Radio Units 273 0 500 500 Waikie-Talkies 101 45202 Ol 331 Travei Expense 0 0 I00 100 Seminars&Workshops 10 t 45202 O1 341 Employment Advertising 63 0 0 0 L01 45202 01 381 Electric Utilities l0,781 12,259 12,000 12,000 101 45202 01 381.1 Skating Rinks 4,000 (O1 45202 Ol 381Z Softball Fields 5,000 101 45202 01 381.3 Irrigation 3,000 IO1 45202 01 383 GasUtilities J,180 1,160 0 0 10l 45202 01403 Contracted Repair&Maintenance 0 0 0 3,500 t01 45202 01 403.1 [rrigation Repairs 1,500 101 45202 01 403.2 Electrical Repairs 1,500 101 45202 01 403.3 Misceilaneous Repairs 500 10l 45202 O l 409 Other Contracted Repair&Maint 4,336 2,402 4,200 0 101 45202 O I 415 Other Equipment Rental 2,912 135 2,500 0 101 45202 01 4(6 MachineryRental 0 0 7,500 13,000 101 45202 01 416.1 Mower Leases I 1,000 101 45202 01 416.2 Water Wagon-Rink Flooding 2,000 101 45202 01 433 Dues&Subscriptions 100 iZ0 200 200 101 452Q2 01433.I Memberships-MRPA 100 101 45202 01 433.2 �tiscellaneous Dues 100 l01 45202 01 435 Books 3c Pamphlets 0 234 100 ]00 101 45202 Ol 437 Conferences&Seminan 1,105 829 500 500 l01 45202 01 437.t Seminars&Workshops 300 10 t 45202 01437.2 School&Tuition Zpp 10 t 45202 01439 Other�tiscellaneous Chazges 152 0 200 200 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS N� 553,152 347,343 � 5305,700 � �N M �^5309,000 DEPARTMENTTOTALS 553,152 S47,343 5305,700 �309,000 Page One (998 BUDGET WORKSAEETS PARKS&RECREATIOIV July'_9. 1997 ' 1997 1498 Object 1998 1995 1496 Adopted Detail Proposed Account� Descnption Actual Actual BudgM Amount Budget Comments Al1 Salary Costs[nclusive of l0i 45100 101 Salaries&Benetits 5250,60b S239,814 329Q,100 5314,500 Safary,Ta.res.PER�&Benetits l01 45100 102 Full-Time Overtime 2,284 4,307 4,700 4,700 101 45100 l03 Part-Time Salanes&Benefits 85,984 94,340 95,400 93.300 !O1 45100 08 103 P!I'Secretary 23.500 101 45100 10 103 P/T Receptionist 19,800 (Ol 45100 12 I03 Building Attendanu 25,000 101 45100 83 l03 Playground Recreation Leaders 14,000 f 01 45100 94 103 Warming House Attendanu 8,500 101 45100 99 103 Pazk&Rec Cammittee 2,500 l01 45100 01 205 Drafting Supplies 0 423 1,000 1,000 Film,Devetoping3c Laminating 101 45100 01 207 Training&Instructional Supplies 0 l5 Z00 200 101 d5100 01208 Miscellaneous Supplies 2,930 655 500 500 10(45 100 01 209 Other Office Supplies 1,281 992 1.000 1,000 101 45100 01 21 I Cleaning Supplies 4,769 6,625 4,500 4,500 , 101 45100 Ol 216 Chemicals&Chemical Producu 1,211 834 1,200 1,200 t01 45100 01 219 Other Operating Supplies 2,336 2,820 2,800 2,300 101 45100 Ol 22l Equipment Parts f,CKlS 3,505 1,800 3,000 101 45100 01 223 BuiidingRepairSuppiies 6,322 2,17L 2,800 3,200 101 45100 Ol 229 Other�faintenance Supplies 1,291 1,712 2,000 2,000 Recreation 101 45100 Ol 305 Medical&Dental Fees l,O51 387 800 800 Empioyment Physicals I01 45100 01 3 15 Special Programs 8,644 3,906 6,100 6.100 10t45t00013I5.i SundaySpecials t,700 10t 45(00 O1315.2 Leprechaun Days 100 101 45100 01 315.3 Halloween 500 ]01 45100 01 315.4 Ground Pounders(Running) 400 101 45100 O T 315.5 Nature Prog�ams(Arbor Day,etc.) 300 101 45100 013 15.6 Puppet Programs 100 10 t 45100 01 3 15.7 Special Events(X-Mas,etc.) 700 101 45 i 00 013 t 5.8 Adopt-A-Park!'rogram 1,400 [O1 45100 01 315.9 Miscellaneous Programs 500 101 4S 100 013 I 5.t 0 ADA Programs 400 101 45100 01 319 Other Professiona(Services 0 431 500 500 ADA Services 101 45 t 00 01321 Telephone Costs D 601 700 700 Pagers&Cellulaz Phones 101 45100 O1 331 TravelExpense 23 ill 200 200 101 45100 01 341 Employment Advertising 2,302 1,967 1,600 1,600 General EmploymentAds 10l 45 100 01 349 Other Advertising 10,100 9,232 10,800 11,800 101 45100 01 349.l Brochures 8,000 (01 45100 01 349.2 Flyers 1,000 101 45100 01 349.3 Yellow Pages 2,300 101 45 100 01 349.4 Special Vtarketing 500 l04 45 t00 01381 Electric Utilities 16,396 14,434 24,000 22,000 10145(0001383 GasUtilities 14,743 11,I90 t7,000 15,000 101 45 100 61 384 Refuse Disposal 990 3,778 4,000 4,000 , 101 451D0 Ol 394 P.C.Sottware Pu�chases 2,000 0 0 0 101 45100 0 t 401 Contracted Building Repairs 6,588 2,444 3,000 4,000 l0l 45 100 01 404 Contracted�tach&Equip Repairs 1,431 3,189 2,200 3,000 ' 101 45100 OI 412 Building Rentai 16,935 15,500 17,000 17,000 �tonthiy Rent Payments to Guard l01 45(00 OI�IIS Other Equipment Rental 11,096 10,765 32,300 12,300 Portable Toilets&Other Rentals 101 45100 O l 433 Dues&Subscriptions 771 900 (.200 1,200 101 45100 01 433.1 MRPA Dues 800 Minn Recreation&Parks Ass'n 101 45100 O l 433.2 ASCAP Dues 300 American Society of Composers l0t 45100O1433.3 Misceilaneous 100 101 45100 01 435 Books&Pamphleu 12 0 l00 100 10l 45100 Ol 437 Conferences 3c Seminars 487 897 1,600 2,000 101 45100 01 437.1 MRPA State Conference t,500 10l 45100-0I 337.2 Workshops,Schools,&Tuition 500 I01 45100 Q I�339 Other Misceilaneaus Charges 4,274 45,565 0 0 10 t 45100 Ol G01 Bond Principal 37,251 2I.800 0 0 Moved ro Govemment Buildings 101 45100 01 G I t Bond Interest 72,588 67,267 0 0 Moved ro Government Buildings I01 45100 Ol b2l Bond Paying Agent Fees 399 133 0 0 Moved to Government Buildings PAGETOTALS $SG8,74Q� $572,710�M $511,100 �^ $534,200 GencralO�crating DEPARTViGNTTOTALS $568,740 5572,710 5511,(00 $53d,200 II . Pa�e ru�a II 1998 BUDCET WORKSHEETS P,�►RKS&RECREATION II luly 29. 1997 1497 1998 Object t998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description kctual Actual Budget AmounC Budget Comments 380,200 w 10(�35100 81 Softball 326,134 53b.634 537,500 S37.SQ0 101 45100 82 Volleyball 6.354 5,785 9,400 9,400 l01 45100 R4 Tennis 1,103 95d I,300 1,300 101 45100 85 Tiny Tou 12,:.28 11,724 10,900 ' I 1,900 10t 45100 86 Pom Poms 2,233 2,587 2,400 2,400 101 45 T00 87 Field Trips I,S51 2,230 2,200 2,200 101 45100 88 Broomball 1,-t99 0 3,400 3,4Q0 10t 45100 89 Skating Lessons 643 461 800 800 101 45100 90 Fun Runs,Waiks&Bike Kides 1,888 1,t 65 1,000 1,000 l01 45100 92 Adult Basketball -K6 50 700 700 101 45100 93 Other Programs 5,025 2,244 2,800 Z,800 101 45100 95 Fimess Program 0 164 0 0 101 45100 96 Teen Night 0 0 0 4,400 101 45100 97 Open Gym 0 1,iO3 2,400 2,400 59,530� 65,661 74,800 80,200 � �w0 101 45100 81 103 Part-Time Saiaries 2,318 3,�23 11,125 24,125 101 45100 81 219 Operating Supplies 7,t93 14,189 l t,000 11,000 101 45100 81 311 Officiating Fees 14,-3d2 15,719 t3,000 0 101 45100 81 319 Other Professionai Services 2,331 3,304 2,200 2,200 101 45100 81 322 Postage Cosu 0 0 25 25 101 45100 81 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs 0 0 I50 150 ' 101 45100 82 103 Fan-Time Salaries 53 579 800 800 ' 101 45100 82 219 Operating Supplies 1,�379 105 1,500 1,500 ' 101 45100 82 311 Officiaring Fees 4,080 4,213 6,000 6,000 ' 101 45 t 00 82 319 Other Professional Services 742 889 900 900 l01 45100 82322 Postage Cosu 0 0 50 50 101 45100 82 359 Other Printing&Binding Cosu 0 0 100 100 ' f 01 45100 82 415 Other Equipment Rental 0 0 50 50 ' 101 45100 84 103 Part-T'ime Salaries 1,075 782 1,150 1,150 ' 101 45100 84219 Operating Supplies 28 173 I50 I50 101 45100 85(03 Part-"fime Salaries 10,302 10,755 9,900 1Q900 ' l01 45100 85 Z 19 Operating Supplies 776 969 700 700 101 45 t 00 85 339 Other Transportation Chazges l25 0 200 200 t01 45100 85412 Building Rental 525 0 l00 !00 ' 101 45100 86 l03 Part-Time Salaries 1,731 1,952 1,850 1,850 ' 101 451�0 86219 Operating Supplies �53 635 S00 SOQ 101 45100 86 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs 0 0 50 50 ' 101 45100 87 339 Other Transportation Chazges t,857 2,230 2,200 2,200 101 45100 88 219 Operating Supplies 42 0 400 400 101�35100 88 3l l O�ciating Fees 731 0 1,400 1,400 ' 101 45100 88 3 l9 Other Professional Services 726 0 1,500 T,500 101 45100 88 322 Postage Costs 0 -0 50 50 , I01 45 t00 38 359 Other Printing&Binding Cosu 0 0 50 50 l01 45100 89 l03 Part-Time Saiaries 643 46l 740 740 f01 45100 89 219 OperatingSuppiies 0 0 30 30 I l01 4510�89 354 Other Printing&Binding Costs 0 0 30 30 ' 10145t0090219 OperatingSupplies 1,888 I,165 1,000 1,000 �I (Ol 45100 92?I9 Operating Supplies 466 50 600 600' I 101 45 t 00 92 322 Postage Costs 0 0 50 ', 50 ' 101 45100 92359 Other Printing&Binding Costs 0 0 50 50 � 101 45100 93 219 Operating Supplies 3,961 2,204 2,750 2,750 '' IOl 45(00 93 319 Other Professional Services 1,�64 0 0 0 101 45100 93 359 Other Printing&Binding Costs 0 0 50 50 101 45100 96 219 Operating Supplies 0 164 0 4,40Q l01 45100 96 319 OthecProfessionalServices 0 0 2,400 0 ', 101 45100 97 I03 Part-Time Salaries 0 1,555 0 2,400 I 101 45100 97?19 Operating Supplies 0 t47 0 0 ' SPECIAL PROGRAM TOTALS ~�59,531 � 65,66t 74,800 �,80,200 i GRAND TOTAL-PARK&REC 5628,271 $638,372 5585,900 S6I4,400 I Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS OTHER USES(TRANSFERS} July 29,1997 l447 1998 06ject t998 (995 1996 Adapted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 49300 0 t 710 Transfers 395,500 S i 17.950 5105,400 SO For Subsidy of ice Arcna Debt l U l 49300 O l 710.1 To Arena Fund and Operations *Moved to Debt Levy for(998• PAGETOTALS $95,500 5117,950 5105,400 $0 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 595,500 S t 17,950 S 105,400 $0 Page One _ 1998 BUDGET w0ltKSHEETS BUILD(NG CIP-REYEiVUES July 29,1997 1997 t998 Object 1998 I995 1996 Adopted Deca�l Proposed Account# Description Actual Acrual Budget Amount Budget Commenu 202 3 1010 00000 Curtent Ad Valorem Taxes 3127,000 S 10,000 S37,000 564.000 202 36101 00000 Principal-Special Assessments 0 27,382 0 0 202 36102 00000 Penalties&[nterest-S/A 0 530 0 0 202 36210 00000 Interut Eamings-Investrnents 18,588 (1,579 3,000 4,000 202 36215 00000 Interest Eamings 195 253 100 100 202 36260 00 000 Other Revenue 593,941 42,785 0 0 ' FUND TOTALS �739,724 $93,030 $40,100 568,lOQ EYPENDITURES 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Acrual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 202 49002 01 3 17 Genenl Fund Adminisaative Fees 52,250 $2,250 $2,250 52,250 Yeaziy Fee Per Policy F-3 202 49002 O 1521 Building&Structure Purchases 0 13,266 7,000 24,000 Yeaz i of 20 PW Buiiding r�dd'n 202 49002 01 522 Building&Structure Purchases 0 153,412 30,000 10,000 Connect PW Bldg to PC Network 202 49002 01 523 Building&Structure Purchases 0 0 0 30,000 ADA Upgrades to Ciry Hall 202 49002 01 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 605,221 10,488 0 0 202 49002 01 598 Council Designated t 0,316 0 0 0 202 49002 01 710 Transfers 253,000 100,106 0 Q F[JND TOT�II.S � $8'10,787 $279,521 $39,250 $66,250 NOT'E: 1998's Proposed Budget Inctudes 52,250 forGeneml Fund Admin Fees Not Included in Levy Amount (Covered by Interest Eamings) 1998's Proposed Budget has a Total of�64,000 for the Lery Amount Page One 1998 BUDGET V1+ORKSHEETS STREET CfP-REVENUES July 29, 1997 1947 1998 Object T998 1995 1496 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Acwal Budget Amount Budget Comments 203 3 1010 00000 Current Ad Vaiorem Taxes S0 5304,000 5199,Q00 S 169,900 203 33419 00000 MSA For 5treets-Construction 0 309,089 0 0 203 34150 00000 Laidlaw User Fces 0 32,586 35,000 32,500 203 36101 00000 Principal-Spcciai Assessmenu 0 27,882 0 17,500 203 36102 00000 Penalries&Interest-S/A 0 530 0 0 203 36210 00000 [nterest Eamings-Investments 1,640 9,445 5,500 IOA00 203 36215 00000 Interest Eamings 75 306 500 100 203 36265 00 000 Use of Resern Funds 0 0 0 0 203 39203 00000 Transfer From 259,196 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 5260,911 S683,839 3240,000 �230,000 EXPENDITURES f997 1998 Objecr 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detait Proposed Account# Description Actual Actuai Budget Amount Budget Comments 203 49003 01 317 General FundAdministrative Fees �1,125 $1,125 52,250 $2,250 Yeazly Fee Per Policy F-3 203 49003 Ol 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 21,315 35,000 50,000 203 49003 01 530.1 Structural Overtays on Streets 50,000 Not Levy-Laidiaw Funds&S!A 203 49003 01 531 [mprovements Qther Than Bidgs 0 0 29,000 40,000 203 49003 01 53 1.1 Commerciai Streeucape-Phase I 40,000 Levy Portion of Project 203 49003 01 532 Improvements Other Than Bidgs 0 0 20,000 100,000 203 49003 01 532.1 145th St.Recort-CSAH 42 to Brazii 100,000 Levy Portion of Project 203 49003 Ol 598 Council Desigaated 0 0 150,000 29,900 243 49003 01 710 Transfers 0 390,000 0 0 FLtNDTOTAI.S w^S1,t25 5412,440 $236,250 � � $222,150 NOTE: 1998's ProposedBudget Includes�2,250 for Generai Fund Admin FeesNot Included in Lery Amount (Covered by tneerest Eamings) 1998's Proposed Budget has a Total of S 169,900 for the Levy Amount , ` • ., I Rage One . 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS EQUIPMEN£CIP-[tEVENUES ' July 29. 1997 1947 1998 Object 199$ (995 1996 Adopted' Detai( Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commencs 207 3 1010 00000 CwTent Ad Valorem Taxes S0 5156,100 5484,800 5486.900 207 34150 00000 Laidlaw User Fees 0 33,806 6.004 0 207 34151 00000 Koch Bauxite User Fees 0 243 0 0 207 36101 00000 Principal-Speciat Assessments 0 27,882 0 0 2U7 36102 OOOW Penalries&Interest-S/A 0 530 0 0 207 36210 00000 Interest Earnings-Investments 0 11,928 3,000 4,000 20'7 36215 00000 Interest Eamings 8 185 200 f 00 207 362b0 00000 Other Revenue 4,725 476,828 0 0 207 36265 00 000 Use of Reserve Funds ; 0 0 80,000 0 207 39101 00 000 Sale of General Fixed Assets 0 25,046 18,000 0 207 39203 00000 Transfer From (00,000 0 0 0 FCJNDTOTALS $104,733 5732,549 5592,000 ^ $491,000 EXPENDITURES 199? 1998 Object t998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 207 49007 01 3 17 General Fund Administrative Fees $0 �0 $2,250 $2,250 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 207 49007 O l 534 Improvemenu Other Than Bldgs 0 3,315 80,000 0 207 49007 01 540 Heavy�iachinery Purchases 0 0 63,OQ0 35,000 Skid Steer Loader(Repiace#418) 207 49007 01 541 Heavy Machinery Purchases 0 0 85,000 0 207 49007 01 550 Motor Vehicle Purchases 0 41,688 60,000 45,000 2 Squads&1 4x4(Selt Back 3) 209 49007 O1 551 Motor Vehicle Purchases 0 476,445 28,000 25,000 Motor Pool Van(Repiace#317) 207 49007 Ol 552 Motor Vehicle Purchases 0 0 20,000 0 207 49007 01 580 Other Equipment Purchases 0 568 9,000 2,000 I Radar for Unit R50 207 49007 01 581 Other Equipment Purchases 0 50 3,000 7,500 Power Washer(Replace#107} 207 49007 01 582 Other Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 IQ000 Air Compressor(Repiace#34)(U2) 207 49007 01 586 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 15,000 t2,000 PC Printer Rep}acemenu(19$9-91) 207 49007 01 587 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 S,Q00 IZ,000 PC File Server Replacement 207 49007 01 588 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 27,000 New Building Permit Software 207 49007 O l 601 Principal on Lease Payments 0 52,260 t55,500 252,100 207 49007 O l 60 I.1 1994 Community Center Lease 20,900 2/i&8/1 Semi-Annua!Payments 207 49007 01 601.2 1995 3-Year Equipment Lease 50,500 2/I&8/1 Semi-Annual Payments 207 4900"7 Ol 60 L3 1995 5-Yeaz Equipment Lease 25,300 2/I&8Jt Semi-r�nnual Payments 207 49007 01 601.4 1995 10-Year Equipment Lease 31,100 2/i&S/1 Semi-Annual Payments 207 49007 O l 601.5 1996 10-Year Aerial Truck Lease 38,500 6/1 Annuai Payments 207 49007 01 601.6 1997 1-YearStreet Sweeper Lease 85,800 3/27 One-Time Payment 207 49007 01 61 1 Interest on Lease Paymenu 0 39,071 65,300 59,300 207 49007 Ol 611.1 4994 Communiry Genter Lease 1,500 2/1&8/1 Semi-Annuat Payments 207 49007 O t 6l 1.2 t995 3-Year Equipment Lease 2,300 2/1&8/1 Semi-Annual Payrrtents 207 49007 O1 6l 1.3 1995 5-Year Equipment Lease 4,600 2/1&8/t Semi-Annual Payments 207�39007 01 6 1 Ld 1995 l0-Year Equipment Lease I9,700 2Jl&8/1 Semi-Annual Payments 207 49007 01 6 1 1.5 i996 l0-Year Aerial Truck Lease 26,400 6/1 Annual Paymenu 207 49007 01 61 1.6 1997 I-Year Street Sweeper Lease 4,800 3/27 One-Time Paymem FtINDTOTALS �~��w$0 $611,396��5591,050 �� �� $489,150 NOTE: 1998's Proposed Budget Includes 52,250 for General Fund Admin Fees Not Included in Lery Amount (Covered by lnteresr Eamings) I998's Proposed Budget has a Totai of 5486,900 for the Levy Amount � � ��.� 1��� C i�R�►��' . othe� Buiiding 8treet Equipment Funding Total Year Item Department CtP levy CIP Levy CiP levy Sources Cast 1998 New Buildinq Permit Software Comm Oevlp 2T,00� 27,000 1998 8usiness Park Phase 2 Improvements Comm Oevip 2.i50.000 2.150A00 1998 Commerctaf Sireetscape-Phase 1 Comm Oevfp 40,00o SO,Q00 iZ0,OQ0 1998 1994�ease-Purchase(S-Years)(Comm Center Equip) Council 22.400 22..ip0 1998 1995 Lease-Purchase(3-Years)(City Equipment) Counai 52,800 52.800 • 1998 1995�ease-Purchase(5-Years){City Equipment) Counat 29.900 29.900 1998 1995�ease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Councii 50,800 50.800 1998 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)tAeriai Fi�s Tnidc) Counat 64.900 64.9U0 1995 1997 Lease-Purchase(1-Year)(Strest Sweeper) Counal 90,600 90.600 1998 Council Designated(Encumber for Streets) Caunal 29,900 29,900 1998 PC Pnnter Replacements{From 1989-91) Fnance 12,000 12,�00 � 1998 PC Fiie Server Replacement Fnance 12,000 12,000 1998 Winds Park Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 25,000 25,000 1998 Winds Park Improvements(Parking Lot&Trail) Park$Rec 50,000 50,000 1998 Eridcson Community Square Improvements Padc&Rec 45,000 45,000 1998 1 Radar(For Unit 50) Police 2.OQ0 2.0�0 1998 2 Squads&1 4x4(Sell Back 3) Police 45,000 45,000 1998 Public Works Bldg Add'n(Year 1 of 20�ease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20.000 44,000 1998 Wiring to Public Works Building to Connect to Network Public Works 10,000 10,Q00 1998 ADA Upgrades to Ciry Hail Public'Narics 30,000 30,000 1998 Structural Overtays on Older Streets Public Works 50,000 50,000 1998 12"&16"Watermain for CMC East Parcel Pubiic Works 130.000 130,000 1998 Sections 31 &32 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Pubtic Works 170,000 170.000 1998 12"Watermain on Highway 3-CSAH 42 to 160th Public Works 180,oQ0 180,�00 1998 South Rose Park Area Improvements Public`Alorks 380,000 380,000 1998 Street Reconstruction-Chippendale-CSAH a2 to 160th Public`JVorks 484,900 484,900 1998 Street Reconstruction-145th Street-CSAH 42 to Brazil Public Works 100,000 800,000 900,000 1998 Power Washer(Replace#107) Public Works , 7,500 7,500 1998 Air Compressor(Replace#34) Public Works 10,000 10,000 20,00� 1998 Motor Pool Van(Repiace#317) Public Works 25,000 25,0�0 1998 Skid Steer Loader(Repiace#418) Public Works 35,000 35,000 1998 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 1 of 5) Public Works 300,000 300,000 Total-Year 1998 64,000 169,900 486,9Q0 4,874,900 5,595,700 Total Levy-Year 1998 720,800 C���,,�,:� I�,S� C��' ���/ ��J,�;,� ___._-------- './�s C.E'rv�c � � I � � I 4! , : � � � �� �� � � � � R��F�' � Other I Buitding Street Equipment Funding Totai I, Year Item Department CtP Levy C1P levy CIP levy Sources Cost , 1999 Commercial Streetscape-Phase 2 Comm Devip 25.000 90,000 115.fl00 ' 1999 1994�ease-Purchase(5-Years)(Comm Center Equip) Councri 11,200 11,200 1999 1995�ease-Purchase(5-Years)(City Equipment) Council 29,900 29,900 1999 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counal 50.800 50.8Q0 1999 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aenai Fre Trudc) Council 64.900 64,900 1999 Radio Replacements Fre 8,500 8.500 1999 Confined Space Equipment , Fre 10,000 10.000 1999 Refurbish Unit#35183(Pumper) Fre 30.000 30,000 1999 Banquet Room Floor Work Paiic&Rec 8,000 8,000 1999 Replace Arena Skate iite Park&Rec 19,000 19,000 1999 Bacfcstops(5 Parks) Park&Rec 8,000 S.Q00 1999 Camfield Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 2�,QOQ 20,000 1999 4 Hand-Held Radios Police 3,5�o 3,500 1999 5 Mobile Radios Police 10,000 t0,Q00 1999 5 Emergency Equipment Replacements Police 14,000 14,000 1999 3 Squads(Seil Back 2) Poiice 42.5fl0 42.SQ0 1999 Public Works 81dq Add'n(Year 2'of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 24.000 44,o00 1999 Structural Overiays on Older SVeets Public Works 50,000 50.000 1999 CSAH 42 improvements(TH 3 to Diamond Path) Pubiic Works 425,400 425.000 1999 Street ReconsWction-160th Street-AN to Biscayne Pubtic Works 370,Q00 1,000.�00 1,370.000 1999 Street Construction-Diamond Path-CSAH 42to 160th(New) Pubtic Works 285,000 425.000 710,000 1999 Street Construciion-Connemara Traii(New) Pu�lic Works 1,642,30Q t,642,300 1899 Paint Line Stnper(Replace#113) Public Works 7.000 7,OQ0 1999 Motor Pooi Vehicie'(Repiace#303) Public Works 20,000 20.000 fi999 Rotler(Replace#132} Public Works 21,300 21,300 1999 3/4 Ton Pickup(Replace#333-Bldg Inspectors) Public Works 23.000 23,000 1999 1 Ton Pickup(Replacs#331) Pubiic Works 33,000 33,000 1999 1 Ton Pickup(Replace#334) Public Works 33,000 33,000 1999 Tac Traiier(Replace#509) Public Works 36.000 36.000 1999 Municipal Tractor(Addition) Public Warks 70,000 70,000 1999 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 2 of 5) Public Works 300,000 300,000 Totai-Year 1999 51,000 680,000 508.600 3,990,300 5,229,900 Total Levy-Year 1999 1,239,600 ��2�c�Na.` �SSS c,P �C�./ ���,3�,� r�c.2r�rs,: 43� 3v� , � t ,��s�y�) DR�►�T _ aw� Buiiding Street Equipment Funding =a� Year item Oepartrnent CSP Levy GtP Levy GIP Lsvy Sources Cast Z000 6 Votinq Tabulators Administra6on 43,500 6,500 50.400 20o0 Commeraal SVeetscape-Phase 3 Comm Devip 25,000 400,OOd 425A00 2000 1995 Lease-Purchase(5-Years)(Gity Equipment) Gauncii 29.900 29,900 2000 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years){City Equipment) Caunci! 50.800 50,800 2000 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Trucic) Councii 64.900 64,gU0 2000 Grass Pump and Tank(Replacement) Fire 10,000 10,000 2000 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement(1989 Vehide) F�e 24,000 2a,000 2000 Suburban Repiacement(1989 Vehide} Fire 28.000 28,000 2000 Biscayne Park Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 20,000 20.000 Z000 4 Radars(New#110&3 Repiacements) Poiice 8,000 8.000 2000 6 MDT's(New#50&#110&4 Replacements) Pofice 30,000 30,000 2000 3 Squads&1 4x4(Seil Bacfc 3) Police 63,000 63.000 2000 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 3 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Wohcs 24,000 20,000 44,000 Z000 City Hall Carpet Repiacement Public Works 45,000 45,000 2000 Remodeling in First Fioor of City Hail Public Wortcs 50,000 5Q,000 Z000 Expansion of City Hall Public Works 125.000 125,000 2000 Structural Ovedays on Older Streets Public Works 50,0�0 50,000 2000 Street Reconstruciion-Cimarron Avenue-145th to Dodd Public Works 30A00 30,000 60,Q00 2000 Street Constructio�-Erickson Parkway(New) Public Worics 490,000 160.000 650.000 2000 Street Reconstructn-Dodd Blvd-Chip to Shannon Pkwy Public Works 200,000 761,000 961,000 2000 Street Construction-Connemara Trail(New) Public Works 1,470.OQ0 1,470,000 2000 3/4 Ton Pickup(Additional Unit#341) Public Works 23.000 23,000 2000 3/4 Ton Pickup(Replace�ki35-Bldg Inspecior's) Pubiic Worics 29,000 29,D00 2000 1 Ton Pickup(Replace#337) Pubiic Works 33.000 33.000 2000 TractoNloadedBackhoe{Repiace#407) Pubiic Works 40,000 40,OOQ 80,000 2000 Dump Truck(Replace�428) Public+Norics 100,000 100,000 2000 Dump Truck(Addition to Flest) Public Warks 100,000 100,Q00 2000 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 3 of 5) Public Works 300.000 300,000 Total Year-2000 244,000 745,000 677,100 3,257,500 4,923,600 Total Levy-Year 2000 1,666,100 L�� G,.�..��. av�3 C,? ��.v y �S`i,b�� ' jrJ c���'11c 8�}1e SU� � � � , ���1 . .. � � �� � ����� owe� $uiiding Street Equipment Furtding Total Year item Department G3P Levy CtP Levy CIP tevy Sources Cast 2001 Commerc�al Streetscape-Phase 4 Comm Devlp 150,000 275,000 425,Opp 2001 199 5 Lease-Purchase(10-Ye�s)(City Equipment� Council 50.800 50 8 , 00 2001 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aenat Fre Truck) Council 64,900 6q,gpp 2001 PC Printer Replacements(Fran 1993-94) Fnance 10.000 10.000 2001 PC Workstatlon Upgrades Fnance 30,000 30.000 2001 Refirbish Unit#3590(11 Years Old} Fre 20,OU0 20.000 200� 4x4 Grass Rig Repiacement(1991 Vehide) Fire 25.000 25.000 2001 1/2 Ton Pickup Replacement(1990 Vehide} Fire 28.000 �.pp0 2Ua1 ' Pumper Replaceme�t(1978 Hamerty) Fre 300,000 300.000 200i Ffoor Scrubber Park&Rec 6.000 6,000 2001 Dailara Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 20,000 20.000 2001 4 Squads(Seil Back 4} Poiice 6U,000 60,000 2001 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 4 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,OQ0 44.000 2001 ' Salt/Sand Building Public Works 50,000 50,�00 2001 Structural Overiays on Older Streeis Public Works 50.00Q SO,oQO 2001 Street Recon-8iscayne Ave-Connemara to RR Tracks Pubiic Worics 500,00� 500,000 2001 Street Recon-Dodd Bivd-Shannon Pkwy to De�ft Ave Pubiic Wo�ks 420,000 340,00� 76Q.000 2001 Snowblower for Skid Steer Loader(Repiace#219) Pubiic Works 4,200 4,200 2001 Van(Repiace#318-Utilities Van) Pubiic Works 25,000 25.000 2001 1 Ton Pickup(Replace#339) Public Works 33,000 33,000 2001 1 Ton Pickup/Dump Box(Reptace#336) Pubiic Worics 33,000 33,000 2001 Mower(Replace#73) Pubtic Worics 63,000 63,000 2001 ' Dump Tandem(Replace#429) Public Works 9o,000 90,000 2001 Jet Truck(Replace#435) Pubiic Worlcs 110,00� ' 11�,000 2401 ' Grader(Replace#413-1986 Grader) Public Works 180,000 180.000 2001 Section 28 Water Tower(Part 4 of 5) Pubiic Works 300,000 300,000 Total Year-2001 24,000 570,000 537,900 2,150,000 3,281,900 Total�evy-Year 2001 1;131,900 ' Propose a 10-year leasapurchase offset by a 5-year lease-purchase expiring in year 2000 C�,�� G,N;i,.` �.J J I C,P �.c�J'-/ 'nl d,�3J J � �,r�2�ts� �J9, ��J I� _ ` , �1�5 ���) p . _ RAFT oa,er 8uilding Street Equipment Funding Total Year ttem Departrnent CIP I.evy 'CiP Levy CiP Levy Sources Cost 2002 _quipment Set-Up for 2 New Prec;i�cts Administration 6,400 11,600 18.000 2002 1995�ease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counal 50.800 50,800 2002 1996 lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fire Trucic) Caunal 64,900 64.900 2002 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment} Counal 85,000 85.000 2002 land for 2nd Fire Station{Get Optlan) Fre 65,�00 65.00a 2002 Tanker Addition Fre t 85,000 f 85.000 2002 Replace Rest Room Fxtures Park&Rec 12,000 12.000 2002 Community Center Audio Visual Equipment Park&Rec 5.Q00 5,000 2002 Kidder Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Paric 8 Rec 20,000 20,000 2002 4 Radar Replacements Police 8.000 8.000 2002 Speaal Tactical EquipmeM Police 20.000 20.o00 2002 4 Squads(Seil Back 4) Poiice 44,000 44,000 2002 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 5 of 20 lease-Purch) Public Worics 24,000 20,000 44,000 2002 Replace A/C ane Heat Exchanger Units at City HaU Public Works 30,000 50,Q00 80,000 2002 Street Recon-Camero l.ane-Cambnan to S.Terminus Public Works 41,OD0 59,000 1Q0.000 2002 Street ftecon-Cambrian Avenue-lower 147th to Hwy 3 Public Works 46,000 86,000 132.000 2002 StreetReconstruction-CSAH 38-Highway 3 to 8acardi Pubtic Works 1,076,400 152,000 1,228.400 2002 Motor Pooi Vehicle(Replace#305-Grown Victona) Pubiic Works 20,000 20,000 2402 3/4 Ton Pickup(Replace#332) Public Works 22.000 22,000 2002 Van{Repiace#319-Parks Maintenance) Poblic Worics 27,000 27,�00 2402 1 Ton Pickup(Replace#340) Public Works 33,000 33.000 2002 Skid Steer Loader(Replace#420} Pubiic Worics 35,000 35,000 2002 Snowblower for�oader(Replace#220) Pubiic Works 60.000 60.00Q 2002 Mower(Repiace�68) Public Works 70,000 70,000 2002 Section 28 Water Tower{Part 5 of 5) Pubiic Works 300,000 300,000 Totai Year-2002 131,000 1,163,400 736,100 698,600 2,729,100 Total levy-Year 2002 2,030,500 U�2�t�,�.�. a.���. c.�� �:-,�y J,4 5�,�o.: � .vc�2�s� 33,�`'� � � }�.���,� D�AF __ T Other Build'mg Street Equipment Funding Tohai Yeac Item Oepartrnent CiP levy C!P Levy C1P Levy Sources Cost 2003 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Caunai 50,800 50,800 2003 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aenai Fire Trudc) Counal 64.900 64.900 2003 2001 l.ease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counul 85,000 85,000 2003 PC Printer Replacements(From 1998) Fnance ?5.000 15,OU0 2�03 PC File Server Replacement Fnance 15.000 15,000 2003 PC Waricstaban Upgrades Fnance 30,000 30,000 20a3 Replace City Sofriware Finance 300,000 300,000 2003 AED Unit(Defibulator) Fre 5,000 5,000 2003 New Technology Updates Fire 15A00 15,000 2003 Rescue Trudc Replacement(1970's Vehide) Fre 135,000 135,000 2003 Erickson Upgrades(ADA Upgrades) Park&Rec 20,0o0 20,000 2003 10 Hand-Held Radio Repiacements Police 10,OOQ 10,000 2003 Lab Equipment Pqlice 10,000 t0,000 2003 3 Squads(Sell Bacic 3) Poiice 34,500 34,500 2003 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 6 of 20 lease-Purch) Public Warks 24,000 20,000 44,000 2003 Snowblower for Skid Steer Loader{Replace#219) Public Warks 5,000 S,Q00 2003 Combo Piane(Replace#171) Public Works 5A00 5,000 � 2003 Power Box Rake(Replace#7� Public Worics 9.000 9,000 2003 Van(Repiace#320-Park&Rec) Public Works 27,000 27,000 2003 3/4 Ton Pickup(Repiace#330} Public Works 30,Q00 30,000 2o03 1 Ton Pickup(Replace#329) Public Wo�ics 33,000 33,000 Total-Year 2003 24,000 0 879,200 40.00� 943,200 Total Levy-Year 2003 903,200 l:�2 i Cn-�..3,ti. �vt.3 �.� t..c�!^� i,�17�'��J J Qct.;2-.tits.: � I ,J�S, UvJ� � -� �a�l� � ��.��� Other 8uilding Street Equipment Funding Tohat Year Item Department GIP�evy CIP levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 20o4 �aserfiche Equipment 8 Software Administra6on 25,OQ0 25.000 2004 1995�ease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipme�q Council 50,800 SQ.800 2004 1996�ease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aenal Rce Truck) Councii 64.900 64,400 2004 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Councii 85.000 85,000 2004 Hose Replacement Fre 6,OOQ 6,000 2004 Pumper(Replace 1963 Pumper) Fre 335,000 335,000 2004 Replace Community Center Mechanipl Equipment Park&Rec 5.000 5.000 ' 2004 Communiry Center Carpeting Paric&Rec 8,000 S.00U 2004 Replace Arena Ice Resurfacer Park&Rec 50,000 25,000 TS,OOQ 2004 7 Emergency Equip Repiacements Police 25.000 25.000 2004 4 Squads&3 Mid-Sizes(Self Back 4) Poiice 104,000 104,000 2004 Public Works Sldg Add'n(Year 7 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20.000 44,000 2004 Street Reconstruction-Akron Avenue-CSAH 42 to IGH Public Works 600,400 242,025 842.025 2004 Water Reel lrrigarion(Replace#93) Public Woi-ks 11,000 11,OQo Total-Year 2004 37,000 600,000 756,700 287,025 1,680,725 Total Levy-Year 2004 1,393,700 �1�,2i u��:�-L �vv� CtiJ�Lc�►`� l� ivJ�3J� 1�:c.�..=�s�- �53, i�i ocne� Building Street E4uipment Funding Total Year Item Department CIP Levy C1P Levy CIP Levy Sources Cost 2005 1995 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Council 54,840 50,800 20o5 1996 lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aerial Fre Truck) Council 64,900 64,900 2005 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Council 85,000 85,000 2005 PC Printer Replacements(From 2001) Finance 12,000 12,000 20�5 PC Workstation Upgrades Finance 30,000 30,000 2005 New Fire Station#2 Fire 2,500,000 2,500,000 20Q5 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement Fire 30,000 30,Q00 2oQ5 Computer Upgrade Police 25,000 25,000 2005 4 Squads(Sell Back 3) Police 68,000 68,000 2005 Public Works Bldg Add'n(Year 8 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public Works 24,000 20,000 44,000 2005 Aerator(Replace#158) Public Works 5,000 5,000 2Q05 Sprayer(Replace#41) Public Works 5,000 5,000 2005 Trailer(Replace#509) Public Works 6,000 6,000 2005 Shop Hoist(Replace#1) Public Works 9.OQ0 9,000 2005 Loader(Replace#a19) Public Works 230,000 230,000 Total-Year2005 24,000 0 620,700 2,520,000 3.164,700 Total Levy-Year 2005 644.700 . (0 31 ` L. '�'rl.--,�val �.LvS C�%� lz�'I ��`)" . � J.:c.2��s� 13,vLJ � �, ���.���,� ���� � . oa,e� Buiiding Street Equipment Funding Total Year item Qepartme� CtP levy CtR levy C1P�evy Sources Cost 2006 1996 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(Aenal Fire Truck) Counai 64,900 64,900 2006 2001 �ease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Caunal 85,000 85,000 Z006 Refurbish SCBA Compressar Rre 5,000 5,400 2006 SCSA Unit Replacements/Updates Fire �0,000 10,000 ' 2006 SCBA Unit ReplacementsJUpdates(Mandated) Rre 25,000 25,000 2006 Radio Repiacements Fre 85,000 85.Q�0 2006 Repiace Skate Sharpene� Paric&Rec 10,000 1O,n00 Z006 Replace 5 Mobile Radios Police 5.5Q0 5,500 2006 Offlce Fumiture Replacement Police 7,500 7,500 2006 10 MDT's(Ali Replacements) Police 44,000 44,000 2006 5 Squads(Seil Back 4-1 Addition) Police 94.000 94,000 , 2006 Public Warks Bidg Add'n(Year 9 of 20 Lease-Purch) Public W�ks 24,000 20,000 4a.000 2006 Street Reconstruction-0odd Bouievard-132nd to t20th Public Works 396,400 365,000 761.400 2006 Combo Plane(Replace#173) Public W�ics 6,000 6,000 2006 Front Mounted Snowbtower(Reptace#221) Pubiic Works 7,000 7,000 2006 Highway Shouider Machine(Repiace#'f 35) Public Worics 10,000 10,000 2006 Siit Seeder{Replace#154) Public Works 12.000 12,400 2006 70KW Standby Generator(Replace#54) Public Works 30,000 3�,Q0o 2406 Paver(Replace#128) Public Wcxfcs 30,000 30.000 2006 Mower(Replace#73) Public Works 80,000 80,000 Total-Year 2006 24,00� 396,400 610,900 385,000 1,416,3�0 I Total Levy-Year 2006 1,031,3oD ' L��c�,ti,'� a vs�; C.? i.:;.v�i ����'s',3�� ' �rcJ2�. � / 57,��J� ' other Buiiding Street Equipment Funding Total ', Year Item Department CiP Levy CiP Levy C1P Levy Sources Cost 2007 2001 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counai 85,000 85,000 I 2007 ? 2006 Lease-Purchase(10-Years)(City Equipment) Counal 85,000 85.000 ' 2007 Hurst Jay&Rams(Replace Original Equipment) Fire 12.000 12,000 ' 2007 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement(2001 Vehicle) Fire 30,000 30,000 i 2007 4x4 Grass Rig Repiacement(1997 Vehicte) Fire 35,000 35,000 , 2007 Replace 5 Mobile Radios Police 5,540 5,50Q ', 2007 10 Hand-Heid Radio Repiacements Pofice 8,000 8,000 ' 2007 8 Radar Replacements Police 12.000 12.000 ' 2007 4 Squads(Selt Back 4) Police 70,000 70.000 I 2Q07 Public Works Bidg Add'n(Year 10 of 2Q�ease-Purch) Public Works 24,00o 20,000 44,000 , 2007 Compactor(Repiace#103) Pubiic Works 9,000 9,000 ', 2007 Dump Truck(Replace#427) Public Works 1�0,000 t00,000 ', Total-Year 2007 24,000 0 451.500 20,000 495,500 Total Levy-Year 2�07 475,500 ', 0,2�u.N,k a�u� c�P ��y ���,y;,;, ' D�z.2�rts� (ay�,3�sj Grand Total-Ail Years - 647,000 4,324,700 6,265.600 18,223,325 29,460,625 ' Grand Total Levy-Aii Years 11.237,300 ' 112��.�.:�. IGS7 -1�v�c{P�i-a� �V��t�J,�'u1 , rNc.2��rs� �3i��y�r� I Page One 1998 BWGET wORKSiiEETS INSURANCE-REVENUES July 29, 1997 ' 1997 1998 Objecf 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detai( Proposed Account it Description �ctw11 Actual Budget Amount $udget Comments 206 3 1010 00000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 5190,000 $185,000 5180.000 S18'7.000 206 36210 00000 [nterest Famings-[nvestments b,801 6,482 5,000 6.000 206 36215 00000 Interest Eamings 203 242 200 200 206 36260 00000 Other Revenue t0,431 17,831 5,000 5,300 Insurance Refunds FUND TOTALS 207,435 209,555 190.200 199,000 INSURANCE-EXPENDITURES l997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996' Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description ,�ctuai Actuat Budget Amount Budget Comments 206-490Q6 0 221 Equipment Parts $1,115 $949 52,000 $2.000 Liability&Auto Deductible Pymu 206-49006 0 304 Legal Fees 0 1,375 0 0 206-49006 0 305 Medical&Dental Fees i,358 3,242 5,000 5,000 Work Comp Deductible Pymts 206-49006 0 317 General Fund Administrative Fees 0 I,125 1,125 2,250 Year(y Fee Per Policy F-3 206-49006 0 319 Other Professional Services 3,167 9,167 10,000 10,000 Risk Management Consultant 206-49006 0 365 Worker's Compensation Insurance 50,254 57,027 60,000 60,000 Annual Premium 206-49006 0 369 Other Insivance 6b,343 86,843 95,000 105,000 Annua4 Premium-General Liability 206-49006 0 409 Other Contracted Repair&Maint 3,925 2,603 8,000 5,000 Liabiliry&Auto Deductible Pymts FiJND TOTALS 132,162 962,331 181,125 � 189,250 NOTE: Levy of S 187,000 covers costs for deductible payments,consultant fees and insurance premiums. 'fhe General Fund Admin Fees covered through interest eamings. Page One 1998 BUDGET WOItKSH£ETS PORT AUTHORITY-itEVENUES ' July 14, 1997 ' 1997 I998 Objea 1998 1995 t996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account f� Descnption Actual Actual BudgM Amount Budget Comments 201 31050 00000 Tax[ncrements S3�i8,201 5325,800 5285,000 515,000 Administrative Eees Portion Only 201 36105 00000 Principal on Notes 18,064 25.499 46,268 60,422 201 36105 OOOOO.I Blake LIf Vote 32.289 201 36105 00000.2 Loch LII'Note 28,133 201 36210 00000 Interest Earnings-Invesunrnts 9,583 I0,504 5,000 5,000 tnterest Earned on CD's 201 3621 t 00000 Interest Eamings-Loch S I,Z90 50,586 49,t 98 7,867 Loch LT Lease[rrcerest 201 36212 00000 Interest Eamings-Blake 53,046 52,315 50,934 10,t49 Blake LtP Lease Intecest 20l 36215 00000 Interest Eamings 133 198 200 100 Checking[nterest&�tisceilaneous 2013623000000 Contriburions/Donations 0 13,624 0 0 201 36260 00000 Other Revenue 8,225 187 0 0 201 36265 00000 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 53,100 1,462 201 39101 00000 Safes of Generai Fixed Assets 0 12,000 0 0 FiIND TOTALS 5488,542 5490,713 5489,700 $100,000 EXPENDITURES (997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Desaii Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu Y � All Salary Costs Inciusive of ~ 201 46300 10( Salaries&Benefits 569,389 $48,695 $19,500 $0 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefiu 201 46300 102 Full-Time Overtime 352 211 700 0 201 46300 99 103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits 3,456 5,20 F 6,500 6,500 Port Authority Members 201 46300 01 303 Engineering Fees 20 8,8U 5,000 5,000 201 46300 01 304 Legal Fees 14,363 19,699 25,000 20,000 201 46300 01 3 1'7 General Fund Administrative Fees 5,625 5,625 5,700 6,000 Yeazly Fee Per Policy E-3 201 46300 01 3 l9 Other Professional Services I 1,143 85,546 82,500 37,500 201 46300 01 319.1 Consulting Fees 25,000 201 46300 01 319.2 Real Estate Taxes 10,000 201 46300 01 319.3 County 1'IF Chazges 2,500 201 46300 0133I Travel Expense I55 112 500 0 20l 46300 01349 Other Advertising 8,474 8,469 I5,000 10,000 201 46300 01 349.1 General City Promotions 5,000 201 46300 01 349.2 Business Park Promodons 5,000 201 46300 01 351 Legal Notices Publishing 0 139 500 500 201 46300 01 365 Workers Comp Insurance 1,425 1,628 Z,000 0 201 46300 01 369 Other Insurance 652 7,591 1,000 1,000 Propertg Insurance 201 46300 01389 Other Uqliry Services 122 143 1,000 1,000 201 463Q0 01433 Dues&Subscriptions 3,107 3,506 3,W0 4,000 Prof Organizations/Journals 20 t 46300 01435 Books&Pamphlets 0 309 300 0 20 t 46300 O l 437 Conferences&Seminars 44 1,066 2,000 2,000 Star City,Chamber&Misc 20!46300 Ol 439 Other Misceilaneous Charges 8 t4,I 11 500 500 Conangencies 201 46300 01 530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 99 230 3,000 6,000 Business Park Development 20l 46300 Ol 710 Transfers 271,000 315,000' 314,000 0 --------_-____ - __--------------------------- FLJND TOTALS 5389,434 5526,099 5489,700 S I00,000 Page One 1998 SUDGET WORKSIiEETS REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT(0005)-REVENUES Iuly I4, 1997 � 1997 t998 Object 1998 l995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 241 31050 00000 Tax Increments SO SO SO 5365,000 Redevelopment District Only 24t 36210 00000 Intemst Eamings-[nvestmenu 0 0 0 1,000 Interest Hacned on CD's FIJND TO'fALS SO SO $0 5366,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actuat Actual Budget Amourn' Budget Comments 241 49041 01 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges $0 $0 �0 $15,000 , 24(49041 01439.1 Payment to P1A-Administrative 15,000 , 241 49041 01 530 Improvemenu Other Than Bidgs 0 0 0 35,000 ' 241 49041 01 530.1 K Walter-Aanson-Pay as You Go 35,000 ' 241 49041 01 710 Transfers 0 0 0 291,000 241 49041 01 710.1 8/1/98 Pymt-1988A G.O.TIF 8,500 Interest Only 241 49041 Ol 710.2 2J1/99 Pymt-1988A G.O.TIF t69,500 Principal&Interest-Final Payment 241 44041 017103 8/1l98 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bldgs 4,000 Interest Only 24t 49041 01710.4 2/1/99 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bldgs 109,000 Principal&Interest-Final Payment FUND TOTALS ----- $U -----_$0 $0—'_____________�_ $341,000 Note: Redevelopment District paying all bond costs for 1988A issue and 1992E issue except for$25,000 paid by the Knutson District towards the 1992E issue. �r Page One 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS KIYUTSOIY DISTR[GT(0055�-REVENUES July 14,1997 1997 1498 Object 1998 t995 1996 Adopted Detaii Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 242 3 1050 00000 Yax Incremenu SO 30 S0 525.000 Knutson District Only Fi1ND TOTALS SO 50 SO $25,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 0bject 1998 1995 i996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 242 49042 O l 710 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $25,000 242 49042 0 1 710.I 2/1/99 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bidgs 25,000 Principat&Interest-Final Payment FUND TOTALS T� SO �0 40 ^ 525,000 Note: AU TIF proceeds going towards payment on the 1992E bond issue. Page Oirc 1998 BUDGET WORKSHEETS - BUSINESS PARK DISTRICf(0080)-REVE�f[JES July 14.d997 ' I997 t998 0bject 1998 1995 t996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Descriprion Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 243 3 t050 00000 Tax Incremenu SO SO SO $145.000 Business Park District Only FtJND TOTALS 50 SO 50 $145,000 EXPENDITURES 1997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenu 243 49043 01 710 Transfers $0 $0 SO $145,000 243 49043 01 710.1 8/1/98 Pymt-1994A Port Authority 41,000 [nterest Only 243 49043 0 t 710.2 2!1/99 Pymt-1994A Pott Authority 104,000 Principal&Interest FUND TOTALS �0 �0 ��0� $145,000 Note: Ali 1'IF proceeds going towazds payment on the 1993E and 1994Abond issues. Balance of payments coming from Port Authoriry tax levies. Page One 1998 BWGET WORKSHEETS ARENA-REVENLTES July 29.t997 � 1997 1998 Object I998 (995 1996 Adopted Detaii Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 650 3(0t0 00000 Current Ad Valorem Ta7ces SO SO 30 5109,200 Debt Levy for Arena Paymrnu 650 36210 00000 [nterest Eaznings-[nvestments 5203 S150 5200 5200 650 36215 00000 Interest Eamings 123 241 200 200 650 38060 00000 Prime Time Ice Fees 230,825 220,125 230,b00 23b,500 650 38061 00000 Non-Prime Time Ice Fees 386 0 0 Q 650 38063 00000 Open Skadng Ice Fees 6,9l5 6,315 6,000 6,300 650 38065 00000 Other Events-Arena 900 0 0 2,000 650 38066 00000 Advertising Revenue-Arena 9,275 l 1,953 13,100 13,l00 650 38067 00000 Skate Shazpening Revenue-Arena 3,031 2,579 2,600 2,700 650 38090 00000 Concessions 9,621 7,464 8,600 7,400 650 38091 00000 Vending 8,219 9,346 7,200 A,300 650 38095 OOOOQ Pro Shop Revenues 701 732 900 1,000 650 3920t 00000 Transfer From Genera!Fund 95,500 105,900 105,400 0 Moved to Ad Valorem Taaces Ft1ND TOTALS 36�,699 364,803 374,800 � 387,900 ' i Page Ox I 1998 BUDGET WORi{SHEET°S , ARErA-EXPENdiTURES ' J�ty 29, 1997 � t997 1998 Object 1998 1995 1996 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Descnption Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ' Ali Salary Costs Inclusive of i 65d 45130 101 Salaries&Benefits 537,904 548.393 557,600 $62.900 Saiary,Taxes.PERA 3c 8enefits 650 45 130 77 101 Administrative 7,(pp 650 45130 78 l0( TechnicaUClerical 17,200 650 45130 79 f 01 Maintenance 38,600 ' 65045130 102 Fuli-TimeOvertime 9i5 0 500 0 650 45130 103 Part-Time Salaries&Bernfits 35,499 31,l44 35,000 37,000 650 45 130 94 l03 Skate Guard Attendants 7,300 650 45 130 99 103 Building Attendants 29,700 650 45130 0 202 Duplicating&Copying 125 97 500 0 650 45 t30 0 207 Training&Instructional Suppties 0 0 200 200 650 45130 0 208 Misceilaneous Supplies 123 496 400 400 650 45 t30 0 209 Other Office Supplies 25 0 100 0 650 45130 0 2ll Cieaning Supplies 3,315 3,861 3,000 3A00 650 45130 0 212 Motor Fuels t,558 2,165 1,700 2,000 650 45130 0 216 Chemicais&Chemicat Producu 523 823 800 800 650 45130 0 219 Other Operating Supplies' 863 1,035 800 800 650 45130 0 221 Equipment Parts 2,l20 5,981 2,000 2,300 650 45130 0 223 Building Repair Supplies f,916 1,551 2,000 2,400 650 45130 0 241 Small Tools 450 l i l 300 300 650 45130 0 242 Minor Equipment 179 418 200 200 650 45130 0 265 Other Items for Resale 477 i,088 4Q0 400 b50 45130 0 305 Medical&Dental Fees 243 186 500 500 650 45130 0 317 General Fund Admin Fees 5,625 5,625 5,700 5,700 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 650 45130 0 321 Telephone Costs 943 1,000 1,000 1,000 650 45130 0 322 Postage Cosu 0 300 300 300 650 45130 0 331 Travel E�cpense 0 0 20Q 100 650 45130 0 341 Employment Advertising 322 0 500 500 b50 45130 4 349 Other Advertising 0 0 500 500 650 45130 0 359 Ather Printing&Binding Costs 0 0 500 500 650 45130 0 365 Workers Comp Insurance 1,434 I,645 2,000 2,000 650 45130 0 3b9 Otherinsurance 13,509 8,101 13,000 13,000 650 45130 0 381 Electric Utilities 34,824 34,003 48,000 45,000 b50 45130 0 383 Gas Utilities 14,589 13,805 16,000 15,000 650 45130 0 384 Refuse Disposai 1,352 3,213 2,300 3,500 650 45130 0 401 Contracted Building Repairs 1,031 2,697 3,000 3,000 650 45130 0 404 Contracted Mach&Equip Repairs 2,059 5,706 2,000 2,000 650 45130 0 415 Other Equipment Rentai 0 57 300 3Q0 650 45130 0 433 Dues&Subscriptions 750 892 900 900 MIAMA Dues 650 45130 0 437 Conferences&Seminars 20 0 400 400 MIAMA Seminars 650 45I30 0 439 Other Misceilaneous Ghazges 768 675 500 500 Conringencies b50 45130 0 601 Bond Principat t0,000 I5,000 20.000 30,000 1992E Bond Issue 650 45130 0 611 Bond Interest 148,953 148,44G 14'7,700 146,600 I992E Bond Issue 650 45130 0 621 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 500 400 1992E Bond Issue 650 45130 0 710 Transfers 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 ' E'IJND TOTALS 326,419���342,016��374,800 � m~M 387,900 ' Caiculation of Levy Limit Estimates 1997 Levy Certified to County $3,931,815 (Does not inciude Fire Station fe�ry) + 1997 LGA 382,611 ' + 1997 HACA 550,773 + 1997 LPA 13,216 1997 Levy Limit Base $4,878,415 - 1997 Special Levies-Bonded Jndebtedness 489,126 (Does not include any ARnory levies) = Levy Limit Base $4,389,289 x Estimated Implicit Price deflator Adjustment 1:0224 4,487,609 x Estimated Household Growth 1995 to 1996 1.Q475 = Estimated 1998 Levy Limit Base $4,70�,771 - 1998 Estimated LGA 379,500 - 1998 Estimated HACA 550,773 - 1998 Estimated LPA 14,862 = Estimated 1998 Levy Limit $3,755,636 1997 tevy $3,931,815 - 1997 Special Levies-Bonded Indebtedness 489,126 = 1997 General Levy $3,442,689 1998 Levy Limit $3,755,636 - 1997 General Levy 3,442,689 = Available Increase in Levy from 1997 to 1998 ? $312,947 Unresolved Issues: (1) Cops Fast Grant Calculation?? ' (2} Armory Levy Issues?? (3) Arena Subsidy?? (4) Special Levy Options?? � c, . 0?iO3i9? 10:`3 DKTf� LO ASScSSQR'S t7F�I i.E y 1 612 �c3 5�� � #�f3.'�31� D01 . DAKOTA COdJNTY ASSESSING SERVICES ��In�ris��orr c�x 1594 Highway SS, Hasungs, MN SS033 612-�43 8-�1217 �Q DArE: July 2, 1997 Tt�: TOM BURT, R4SEN14UNT CITY ADMINISTR�T4R I FROM: GLdRIA PINKE, IvIANAGER,ASSESSxNG SERVICES 'I It�: ESTIMATED TAX CAPACITY.PAYABLE 1998 As I mentioned last week, we ha.ve come up with some"ESTIMA'�'ES"�f reviseci ta,� capacities base�i on the 1998 legist�.tive rate compressia��s. We will he meeting w-ith thc Departmcnt af R.evenue durin�;t�ie next two weeks to g�t directions on impleineutulg the 1998 legislative ` chan�;es. Alier those meetings, we will work wit� Infarrnation T�chn�lugy stafftu ma1�� th� required changes to our c:omplicated assessment and tax svstems. I have given it our"best shot"at esticnating revised tax capacities. Sonle�umbexs we cannot easily e�timate, such a�s the base vatue an hamesteads increasing from$72,044 to �75,004.* As soon as the sys#ems axe re-programmed,we will be abie to provide more accur�t�estimates. l�•Iost�f the chaa�ges have been incorporated in the follow-ing estim�tes and should provic�e a rel�,tively accurate ba�is for budg�dl�vy projectians. Le!n�e kna�v if you have tuiy questions. i hope this is helpfuL NOTE: �'leang�s NOT irecludecl in the estimates�e: reszdenti�tbase value increased,f'rom�572,000 tn,�?�,tI00 C:il ha,re increased from �10�;000 ta$I S0,00�on ev�ry parcel ; impact.c t�fi.rcal clisparities & tax incr•eme�t catured value.s Pest-it'Fax Note 7671 Dace ^ a � 7�3•4 7 a.�$os► t� To ��yy'� r,,.�.+. From v�„!� - {"r�h���G /� ! CJ,tDBPt. f � �Co.�� �� n - � l_.3'�. Phqne tt Pha�e!i F�x r� �-�4�f " `�ZI� 3 ..,�`.'�� Fax a ' � -- ".t (�P . � � . �l . � . � , 0?�03�97 20:2ct DKTA CO RS5E55t�R'S t�"IC� � 1 612 423 5203 1V�.418 f,102 CITY t)F ROSEMOUNT PROJECTED, ESTIMATED VALUES CONiI'.4RISON OF FINAL VALUES,PAYABLE I997 I WITH ESTIMATES FOR PAYABLE 1998 FTNA,L VALUES FOR TA�Y�S PAYABLE�I�i 1997, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT; TAXABLE MARKET VALUE: � 568,608,100 `I'O'Tr�L NET TAX CAPACITY (befor�TIF&FD) $ 12,113,851 ESTIM�4�'FD VALUES FOR PAYr1IlLE 1998 BEFQRE�.EGISLATIVE CHr1NGE5; TA�ABLE MARKET VALLTE: $ 5l?,787,32� Fercent Iaicrease o�er `97: + 3:5% TUTAL NET TAX CAPACITY ' (Be�ore T'IF & FD} � 13,154,858 Percent Increase over'97: + 8.6% REVtSEA .ES'7�i�1ATED VALUES FOR PAYALBE I948,INCLCJI�ING`LECrISLATIVE CHAN�rES AS ESTINIATEI�: � TAXABLE MARKET VALITF: $ 51Z,7$7,324 Percent Inerease over `97: -� 3.5% TOTAL NET TAX CAPACITY (Before TIF &FD} � 11,9]5,539 Pe�rcent Increase/Decrease over`97: - 1.G% NOTE: A.LL V�LUESA�lE ESTIMATESAS OF 7/2�7 . �7, v��i97 10:24 DKTA �,II �SSESS�R'S OFFiCc -+ 1 h12 42� 5223 t�.:li� �C�3 � Roa�mount-Values Est. 1s97 Payabte fn 1998 A$ �f T-2•97 P�R�QY Class dew Net T Gan Nst Tax CapHCjqC � w �a4�Ratp �ass..eata co�vert�t��ag�Rf va�,.p A6: NousNGango/Acro 811nd hsld Q p 0.;596 0.45°,6 � _ To 72.000 35.481 35�81 i.00% t AO 3 348 100 . 72-�15K � -` __ 25.97: 28A78 1.86% 2.00% �"'� 1,403 900 over 115K . 10.477 11,328 . 1.8C% Z.00% 566.:SQ0 Remalning Ag _., _ Bllnd to 32K 0 0 6.45% O.a5% Q `Hsta•to 72K to 32o�acs. , 4 71.063' � 0.40% �0.46% 2.468.4a4 -to 72K•115K[0 320 dcs.� � 2.558 -.._2.g75 0:40% ' 0.46% •-- 638.889 •to •1 i 5K av�r 320 ace. � --- 0 Q.40°b � 0.46°5 -- p -over 115K ta 320 aCs. f0.888 11,376 0.90°� � 1.00°!o i:t87,o00 •Over 115K Ov81320 eCS. .._� 1.989 _ 2i110 1.40°!0 - _ 1.50°,�s " 140.t387 Ag: Non-homeataad_ 123.254 t32.058 1.d0°r5 1,50°� 8,803,887 ..�_ ...... _._ . Tfmbar 0 a 1.a0%o 1.56°� Q --_ .__ ---- _._._ s��ro�i.�e� 22p�{-.. 2a4•aa� � �a_�az.;a� Cabins: to 72K 0 0 1.7596 .. � 1.T6% p � .... _ __ aver 72K _p 0 2.50%_ 2.50% p . +�___.� • • � � _. _._Q 4 RAsfdentiaL " H6td-81/Para ta 32K _ 792 792 0,49% 0:4595 178,OOQ •Firsi i 2K - ••-"' ---�„_„ 2,452.43d 2 452 430 7.0096 1.00°� 2d6,.'43 004 s _?2K-l 15K 2.143.478 2.317,274 � 1 r86% 2.40°l6 115,883,704 ' _,-•• • _....... -over 115K� 1.293.Q41 1,397,882 1.85°� 2A0% 89,894,1d0 - _ Sub-Total Ros Nstde 5.8E$.74t ._.... �al�„�I$ 3�1,..�Z8.800 Non Hstd-1,2,3 Units a91,88A 68fi,84b Z.OD°6 w2.30�0 2A�593.043 Apartmants: • 4+Units 172,901 202.717 2.90% 3.4Q°h �5�962.Q38 Govt_Type Land �_ . _.� 12 1d2 1a,235 2.90% 3.a6a,6 Y 418,8�6 4 _�_ __. _..... Farm Hame Admin.Bldqs. 0 _�AO.� 1.90°k 2:00°h p TI, II MHFA,Sec 8 Bldps. 83 927 _. 73 401 2.00% o ".V"' .i._....._ 2.30 fo 3.191.3�48 Stud.Hsg,Camm,Svice Ors7. 538 616 2.00°b 2_304� �'. 26,�83 M.H.Park Land 71 136 71,136 2.00°h 2.00% � 3.358.800 �7 �-_.-.__... w M.. � ub.Totaf.Auta. 3�p� 362_Q99 ,1.,_ t3:t66.e96 ,, Commarcial: � I PrePd 1st 100K 18h 559 205.066 270°� 3.Q0% _y� ___6,835.�00 , next look on prePd parcet 117 895 200.618 2.70% 4.80% ;,33g,p$7 over 200K on prsfd pareel _ , 447,8$1�'�� b18.076 4A�9b 4.d0°� �-• '.._11,157,283 non prfd com'L �`� � �225,342 259,149 4.00°!o a:60°�� 5.633,543 �npusutac , - Prefd l9t 104K 85 85$ 73 173 2.70% 3.00°h 2 439 100 next IooK on preftl parcel 48 388 ��� 2,4 4 .7Q° q,79�3g1. over 20QK on prefd parcel '! 303 599� _�,1,489,138 4.00% 4,60% 32 589 979 : non prfd com9. , _ �1,6$$�482 -_-. 1�918.T31 4,OD% 4,60°� 41 711 5�t3 UtIi1fY� "_---- _ Prefd 1st 1QUK 929 1,03F 2.70°� 3.00°� 34 400 Lsnd&Bidq. 22.243 25x579 --- 4 00°�i 4.80% 88$,08b Machinery t$8�177 214,104 #AU°.6 4.8D°� 4,@6#,435 Raitroed: 0 ProPd Q Q 2.7�°� 3.00% a Railroad o�er 100K 22 99� � ��".29,448 4,00% 4,80% 574,913 _9ub-Totai.Gfl1U/RR d.118�^� 8,,�p,409 112.377.239 rf�Sd�9d��ti��7 -an• _„__._ i]+2i6.49� 12.361.39� $E Eat.TsYshi,�Mkt:W � �DO 0$�.$#4 Porsonal Preparty; : ltem•3F ocdowned bldg. 1.0096 1.00% 0 31 Toois S Mactt ���� -�����31,964 38,7b9 4.00% 4.80� 799.1�9 ,.........�.�..,�....�. 32 Laasmd SUut Rural 742 8S3 4,00% 4.90°�b t8,543 - ._.____-_�._._ .__...._.,._,w_.. __ _ 33 Lopsad Ag�and S,B�2 8,013 1.40% 4.60% 400 887 ai Leased Strut.Urban @2o 1,468 4.00%0 4.8046 23 OQO _ 42 Struct.on RR FilW 677 778 4.00% 4.809fi 16 913 _ A3 Oth9rledsetl 15,188 17.478 4.00% 4.80°i6 379,997 da Elec.�Utlutv �_ ....._...__, ,w 330,332 ' 378.862 4.00°h 4.8b°,6 8.258.304 _�. 4D Gas Utll{tY A� 1�`3 C0 3S0 844 4.00°0 4.80°�5 7,840,087 48 OUier Pers.Prop. 0 -..��.'-"""'�"' 0 4.00°� 4.80°� p Suq-TQW!Pere.Pro�, _ 88•049 03.488 , ......w-~ 1�.738.79� Tatal Reai 8 Pers. 11,916.639 13,164,Qd�. 817.787,324 LYAlueSlll.P.�k�}fS�jylS�41179.�L1i4I�: 6 �04 - T.Cdp .. T.Cap Taxabie MY.Raal&Peraonal 07�02197 VALUBEF.WK4 I . �L---- _- t�7r83�q? i@.25 �V' L1KTR CO ASSESSOR'S t�FF I r'E'-+ 1 612 4123 5203 t�?.d18 Q@d � ; �' i 1/07/97 • DAKOTA COtkiTY J08 Y�4423 REPORY XASOZ3lS-1 PA4E 2i �' GOtAiTY U8l►QE CL�1.482FZCATZON RBrORT • Dt�IfdTA CCUNT7 PfIOD �� REAL ESTA7E AND PERSONAL PROPiRTiE3 t,, __ . 34 ROSENOUNT ASl4T-YEAR t 1996 ° � P4Y-YEAR: 1997 ,' �,, ; h.: n TAXABLII M�T TAX , USABE SC11 MC? VAtUE CAPACiTY MUM t07'AL li� !!CT VAtUE TAX CPC , F; CD CIASS D25 LMV I.MV MSTD tRO� NE1i CONST NEM COHS7 � � A RESIDEHTIAI 196 4i3,922�000 �,939,223 3.38s 3�823 24,&Ob.49Q' SA0,03S E. 8 COMMERGSAL 19i 25,733,500 9E6�462 0 183 81T,900 35,999 ` C INDUSTRZAL 1!6 27�319,600 1r223,348 0 82 6�200 2a5 � A UTIL27Y 1% 807�400 3T�1s9 0 10 0 0 R 40Z D00 218,201 bZ 236 36�200 262 }2' ; 16 . i 19i . F AGRICUGTURAL r Q zX 0 Q � ' J APAR7MENTS 196 �.2,baAr6a0 346,757 � Q � 26 �46 0 3 � K RAILROABS 145 b7Ai900 , 19d 493.949,200 8,769:�64 3,437 4�308 t8s467�200 4�7,581 �R A 12ESEDEN?IAt 199 b94�6U0 ' 18,4T4 4 b g � ��`" 9 COMMEftC2AL 199 20,6Q0 712 4 2 � � � � p 36 1�129�I00 51�5�4 �r ' C INDU�7RIAL 199 Sb�266�208 2�303,993 � O 6 O 0 �� p UTILY7Y 199 4s437,b90 203�b8b F AGRICiiLTURAL 199 407,b44 5,335 1 7 d 4 �� 149 SS,it26y300 2��29,602 1 b7 1,12��200 51,524 � . . . . . . . �� � . . . � .. .d�. � . . . . . . � . . . �� . .. . �. � � . O �. �V •� A RESIDE117IAL 208 81�2�C 1,868 � 4 0 � P ADRICU6T[1RAL Z00 329�800 �5:1� 1 � o 298 592.000 7,05b 1 � : SSO>3b7�5Q8 11�306�222 3s4s9 4�3T0 2i,�G87�300 469,305 k � P PEitSONAL FRQP 196 14,+W4,SCA 633�008 y ST 0 � � � 19b 14�444,50C 633,008 7 Q7 � Q �a � P FERSOt1�Ai. PROP lg9 2�AOb�100 92�2s1 p q � 4 � 199 2,006,104 42�281 � '� Q � � � a � � Q � , P PERSONAL PROP 2d0 1�790�000 a2'�340 0 :�I•' 200 1r79A,000 8�',34Q 0 � !. 1d,240,840 807�6Z9 7 100 a � �, , II 1 b6Ar608�1D0 12i213r831 3�44b 4�4T0 26,S8T,3D0 4b9�105 " I �. � 4� . . . . � . . � . . . �. � . � . � � . � . . �. � . . . � . . � . . . � ,. y�� � . � � . . . . . gf�� , b i . ... � � . . . .. . . . E`� � � . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . � .. . . F . .. . . . � . � . . . � � F, ��� - . � . . � . . � � . . . , � �. .. . A f . . . . . . � . . e, .. ,� . � . . � . . �. . . . � . . ... . . . . . ... . ��.:�:� � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . ... . . �{:'.� . .. i . .. . � . � . . . . . .. . . . �k:. . �. � . . . �. � . . . . � �. . . � � . � .. . . . . .. . � ��� . . � . �: � . . .. .. . � � .. � � . : � . .. . A�.. ��.. � � ..�.. � .. . � � � � �. . � � . . � .. � . . . .