HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Commercial Enhancement Plan Update , � City of Ros�mount Executive Summary f�r Action SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 29, 1997 Agenda Item: Commercial Enhancement Plan Agend���� � � � Prepared By: Dan Rogness Community Development Director Attachments: Outlines of Funding, Staging, Process � , I will review information concerning the Commercial Enhancement Plan process. Staff has identified � the need for the City Council to discuss the following main issues: I 1. Funding sources--- although tax increments are identified as the main source, other sources I may need to be considered as well (e.g., assessments, electric franchise fee, etc.). 2. Planning steps or tasks --- a list of tasks to be completed by the end of this year with RLK as a project consultant have been listed for discussion. 3. Staged improvernents --- staff is proposing a 5-year staged improvement plan(see attached). Recommended Action: , � PROPOSED_FUNDING & STAGING PLAN FOR COMMERCIAL ENHANCEMENTS , Rosemount, Minnesota ��, Ob'ectives: II� 1. Utilize availabie tax increments from the Downtown Redevelopment District to the greatest extent possible. ' 2. Identify staged improvements over a 5-year period starting in 1998. 3. Address comprehensive needs, including streetscape, civic areas, design standards, redevelopment opportunities, and traffic/pedestrian safety. 4. Obtain support from the business community and property owners for the proposed improvements and funding plan. 5. Evaluate other available funding resources (state, regionai, federal). Proposed Funding Sources 1. Amend the city's TIF Plan for the Downtown Redevelopment District in order to identify a "budget" for expenditures for commercial enhancements and property acquisition. 2. Target $50,000 of tax increments in each of the years 1997, 1998 and 1999 with a final amount estimated at $200,000 in the year 2000. 3. Review additional tax levy funding as part of the city's capital improvement program each of those years (in competition with other needs). 4. Secure funds from MnDOT and Dakota County for corresponding improvements to CSAH 42 and TH 3. 5. Target a fund raising campaign in conjunction with the Chamber for donations and gifts toward streetscape items. Proposed Staaing: 1. 1997: Initiate landscaping/signage south of Kwik Trip, or lighting replacement along 145th Street, pending further information from NSP, MnDOT and CP Rail ' (complete in 1998, if necessary). Initiate property acquisition on Burma for future redevelopment. Complete Erickson Park shelter building. Complete HRA Senior Housing project. 2. 1998: Initiate a wafkway project that will extend from the Community Center to 143rd Street. Initiate decorative lighting enhancements along 145th Street to Biscayne Avenue in conjunction with the street project. Initiate walkway improvements and lighting around the EricksonPark shelter area, 3. 1999: Initiate a major project along TH 3 from 145th to Lower 147th Street that will include electric line buriaf, new curb/gutter, access control, new sidewalks, decorative lighting, landscaping banners, etc. Coordinate commerciat streetscape enhancements with Dakota County as they complete urban section improvements along CSAH 42 4. 2000: Initiate a second major project along TH 3 from 147th Street to CSAH 42. 5. 2001: Initiate streetscape enhancements north of 145th Street to the Community Center, including a signalized intersection at the high school entrance. PROPOSED TASKS --- THE COMMERCIAL ENHANCEMENT PLAN ' Rosemount, Minnesota July 1997: • Review the planning process and funding alternatives with the City Council at a work session. • Submit a letter of intent to MnDOT for funding from the "Municipal Agreement Program" related to T.H. 3 improvements (143rd to Lower 147th Street). Submit a similar application to MnDOT for federal enhancement funds, if deemed feasible. • Review NSP lighting information for the replacement of existing lighting along 145th Street east of Cameo to Burma Avenue. August 1997: • Submit NSP lighting results to the City Council for review and approval with the possibility of replacing lights by the end of 1997. • Schedule an Open House in early September for property owners, businesses and residents to view plans (by RLK) for the commercial area. • Initiate landscaping (and entrance sign) plans for the strip of property south of Kwik Trip to Highway 42 (owned by MnDOT and CP Rail); submit plans to both owners for approval, including a grant application to MnDOT for matching funds. • Initiate plans for a walkway along the west side of Highway 3 from the , Community Center south to 143rd Street. ' September 1997: I • I Hold an O en House at Cit Hall durin the late afternoon and earl p Y 9 Y evening hours. • Schedule a Focus Committee meeting in early October to review results of the Open House with representatives of RLK. Identify changes that need to be made for the next draft plan (streetscape and urban design). • Develop a phasing and funding plan to correspond with the proposed commercial enhancement and redevelopment priorities. ,� Commercial Enhancement Plan Page 2 October 1997: , • Hoid a Focus Committee meeting in early October. I�I, • Develop a final draft plan for review by the Planning Commission, I Park/Recreation Committee, Utility Commission, Chamber of Commerce, and other key organizations. • Schedule a final Focus Committee meeting in late November ta review board and commission comments and make final plan recommendations. November 1997: • Submit an application to MnDOT for the Municipal Agreement Program. • Hold a final Focus Committee meeting and send recommendation on to the City Council for review and approvaL December 1997: • Review the recommended Commercial Enhancement Plan by the City Council with approval or request for changes. • Approve funding sources as part of the 1998 Budget and 10-year CIP process. • Initiate a fund raising campaign, if necessary, in order to obtain support from local matching funds and/or in-kind volunteer hours of service. • Celebrate accomplishments of 1997, including such projects as Erickson Square shelter, flower garden improvements, senior housing complex, and streeUutility reconstruction. 7/23/97 . G . _. ' . �ve: fal�:� -develo new focus on mal.n.�s�eet _ �..Y .�._ . ��_ . p ,. .r�,� _ r. �Y��� �sW� E,��� nesses and attractions on its own. But the City ; VOICES Council recently designated a two-mile stretch ;-, �;���� �~�`��8 dl"@SS tIQ t�OW11tOW11 of it as a "main streeY' or community focus : �� �, where citizens can eapect to bump iato • - =DON AHERN STAFF WRITER acquaintances as they shop or dine, and a ' �°�O°��tO place that defines the community. ' ' ��°�g j-'nver Grove Heights' Cahill Avenue was abuzz Eventually, Cahill will be linked between � ��u�°1° :.:�with activi over the weekend as hundreds of Upper 55th Street and 80th Street by a two- � ��� �the town's a'tizens poured their sweat equity �e-long lineup of bushes, red ossier dogwood, : ��� i�o developing a new "main street." tall trees, flags, marketplace markers and : ���� .���A mere �ve miles from downtown St Paul, �anuments. It will be a green tunnel in sum- : ��We � �yif,lie suburb developed mostly as a bedroom mer. And when the leaves drop, the dogwood : ���� �community' with little commerce or industry. branches will turn red providing a splash of : �������� But as it grew and developed a sense of com- cnlor against the wlute snow to continue the : ��.,, T TAKUSMI/PIONEER PRESS munitq, city leaders felt that it was missing a "main street" identity even in winter. central focus point that townsfolk could think But Saturday s first-phase work was limited : RON MARMO tumed out SatuNay op��. «��{��,» to a sis-block area between 65th and 71st : ��N��T ust�s,trees and Cahill Avenue has been there for a long ; MMITTEE� Inve�Orove Helghts. �e, and it has supported a variety of bvsi- CAHILL CONrtrvuED p►v 2D s ; ,+ � .��jF �� � . � , i L L est price tag: about $375,000. C�� gusinesses along and near Calull are being assessed about $200,000. The city is kicking in $100,000 •CONTINUED FROM SD from a fund supported by landfill and refinery fees. And about streets. The street was closed off g50,000 or $60,000 has been to traffic as hundreds of volun pledged by companies and indi- teers working in assigned teams bs and �1@ planted about 4,000 shru Despite #he cast, small trees. Professional contrac- . tors will tater plant targer t� ���in street" pro- ', and build the flag standards, markers, monuments and other ���pp,arS t0 �C '� amenities that will complete the ' c�niu °�m�n �t" ��t,�. well accepted by res- The facelift has already lured some new attractions to Cahill, id� and mer- including a grocery store and post of�ice that will locate in Village ��, Square at 65th Street by the end of the summer, said Ron Marmo, viduals. The donated labor by Sat- chairman of the Main Street urday's volunteers is counted as . Improvement Committee that about 515,000 to $25,000 in coordinated Saturday's work. "sweat equity." "A number of businesses that Despite the cost, the "main were tooking to locate along Street" project appears to be well Cahill were impressed by the accepted by residents and mer- plans," Marmo said. "Part of �hants. their decision (to look there) was °'When we had the assessment simply because we were doing hearing for the businesses that something to revitalize the area." will pay for half of it, there Decking out the entire two- wasn't a single negative com- mile stretch with trees, bushes, ment," recalted Jody Hencier, flags and markers will probably president of the South St. Paul cost about S2 million. But this and Inver Grove Heights Cfiam- beginning phase has a more mod- ber of Commerce. - ----,