HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. County Transportation Plan � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION '�� . ' CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 29, 1�97 AGENDA ITEM: Dakota County Transportation Plan AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA�t�� � � � City Engineer/Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Letter to County Engineer and June 1, APPROVED BY: 1997 Executive Summar � ' The County Highway andlor Planning Department will have a representative here to discuss the Dakota County Transportation Plan. 1 have not received any further information from the County to provide you. I understand that the County is in the very early stages of the Plan and have not yet written many parts of it,but were waiting for City input. Anyhow, we can discuss the Plan on Tuesday night. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Only. COUNCIL ACTION: 1 i C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T z8�5-`�TM�h ueet West P.O.Box S 10 �"M � � £-- Ever thin s Comin U Rosemountll Rosemount,MN Y 9� 9 P 55068•0510 �:a � � � Phone:612•423-44T 1 � y Fax:612•423-5203 July 1 1 , 1997 Mr. Dave Everds, County Engineer Dakota County Highway Department Western Services Building 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 Re: Dakota County �ransportation Pian Dear Mr. Everds The City Council respectfuliy requests that Dakota County provide a Staff member at its July 29, 1997 Workshop meeting to discuss the Dakota County Transportation Plan. This workshop meeting will be at the Rosemount City Hall and will begin at il 6:30 p.m. City Staff recently met with Dakota County Planning and Highway �I Department Staff to review the County Transportation Plan including the Needs Maps , and other issues with the County Plan. There are major implications to the City of �, Rosemount, such as the request for principal arterial status on Trunk Highway 3 and '�, the future needs for the Highway system. The Council and Staff would like to review ' the long term implications of these plans and policies. We also request that the County provide an Executive Summary to the Transportation Plan which shows the major changes from past County policies and plans. This would be helpful for all of us to understand the implications of the new Plan. Thank you for your attention to this matter and please catl me at 322-2025 if you have an�_further questions. Sincerely, Bud Osmundson, P.E. City Engineer/Public Works Director cc: Tom Burt, City Administrator ����� � ��,�. �<�..� + C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTl1(E SUMlVIARY FOR ACTION � , . CiTY COUNCIL MEFTiNG DATE: July 1, 1997 AGEIVDA ITEM: County Highway Systems Project Updates AGENDA SECTtON: � ..Department Heads Report � PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson � AG�EIVDA N0. II City Engineer/Pubiic Works Director ��� � � , ' ,� ATTACNMENTS: APPROVED BY: Staff wouid liice to take this opportunity to update the City Cou�cii on three projects eing undertaken by the County which have a major impact on the City of Rosemount. Staff wiU provide more details verbaily at the meeting. ; The first project is the CSAH 42 Corridor Study. This project is well underway and the County is hosting an open house on July 24, 1997 at the Apple Vailey Western Service Center Atrium. The open house is an effort to obtain as much public input as possible for this study. Staff met this week with Fred Hoisington, who is a subco�tractor to BRW, the consuitant for the project, and reviewed Rosemount's development patterns and issues with CSAH 42. The second project to discuss is the CSAH 46 project. Last week many of you attended the open houses held in Apple Vatley and Coates. The open houses were well attended by Rosemount residents. The consultant had a drawing showing the entire length of the 8'l2 mile project which was ve�y informative. From the Apple Valley border to Biscayne Avenue the design team is proposing a 3 lane urban design. The City will have sorne watermain looping and storm sewer which will be part of the project and will be identified in the future design of the project. It appears that the City wiil be discussing with the County a turn bacic of a portion of CSAH 48 east of Coate�. The last project that I wouid like to discuss is the Dakota County Transportation Plan. Planning Staff and myself inet with Dakota County Staff this past week and reviewed their work to-date. As part of the plan, the County is proposing to share more heavily in the cost of storm sewer for projects. Other parts of the plan show that the County is requesting principal arterial status on Trunk Highway 3 north of CSAH 42. The Plan also shows that there are future 6 lane nesds on CSAH 42 west of Trunk Highway 3 and future 4 lane needs on County Road 38 (McAndrews Road� west of Shannon Parkway. The County has identified potential new County , Road alignments including Blaine Avenue south of CSAH 42, Emery Avenue in the eastern portion of Rosmeount which would connect CSAH 42 to County Road 48, and an extensian of Diamond Patti south of 160th Street to 170th Street. My recommendation is to have a work session meeting with a member of the Dakota County Staff to discuss these Transportation Ptan issues in the near future. No action is necessary on any of these items tonight, but please call me if you have any further questions. RECOMMENDED ACT10N: Discussion only. COUNClL ACT10N: � � ,� ' � p County Raad 42 Copridor Study : ' � • � ;� �- FAC�'SHEET , � ; � . � . � '�r� r . : � . � July 24, 1997 � / � � � . . . . S�ri.' �1 , _ n l_ER ,� .. . � s; � �CR 42 Corridor. ` � �' pAKOTA . . � .. ' ._ca'C.� ..��L `��i avEx ....� �eE K»..:� .�x . wSv� . . . . . p $MIf16lMi � �� . . .. VCO � 1 . � .. . � . 5Mn MA:F . � rw..r� . � . . . . . . . � :"w� i ' . .'i . i �.,^-7 ,,, �: rr� �../� ^ %�[�arE� :� i$ � �`_..�� � E I. ' �i._wC. , •a.:� ; �..A � � i r � i ` �° I � � .. ( �; . ! i � �?` � ' 4 �' i / / , � . � � .. � . � - . . a /� . ( /�:"',�-'v,•-v i:.a. � . . . � � � � � � . . � � . . +irn•:pp�c` .�. """1� . . . . . . . . . . A� �.��^ . �. � . � . . � � . . . . \ ' I � ') ' . � . . . . . � . What is the Purpose of the County Road 42 Corridor Study? The purpose of the Study is to evaluate the mobility,access and safety issues for the roadway. The recognized needs are to improve the operation of County Road(CR)42 as a regional highway while accommodating access for existing and planned developments. When did the Study begin?When will it be completed? Dakota and Scott Counties jointly initiated the CR 42 Corridor Study in June 1997. This is the first phase of an eight month Study to gather informarion,define issues and suggest possible improvement options. The Study is scheduled to be completed in January 1998. Who is participating? Participants in the Study besides Dakota and Scott Counties are the Cities of Apple Valley,Burnsville,Lakeville,Prior Lake, Rosemount,Savage and Shakopee;Minnesota Department of Transportation;the Metropolitan Council;Minnesota Valley Transit and the interested public. Two committees have been established to help guide the Study,an Advisory Committee and a Technical Committee. The Advisory Committee is comprised of business representatives and residents in the Study corridor. Representation on the Technical Committee is from the engineering and planning staff of each of the agencies and cities along the corridor. Why is the Study taking Place? Factors resulting in the decision to undertake the Study include: • the rapid growth in traffic volumes on CR 42 in both Dakota and Scott Counties, • a Dakota County Transportation Survey reporting that 60%of the residenu who responded use GR 42 frequently and have experienced congestion, • a travel time study,Sprin, 1997,documenting delay in travel times along CR 42 from CR 18 to Highway 52, • 14 of the 40 intersections with the highest accident rates on Dakota County roads are on CR 42, • Dakota County recently had three access requests that were denied because they didn't meet the County access spacing guidelines. How Can YOU be Involved in the CR 42 Study? Opportuniries for public input have been established through Advisory and Technical Committees meeting throughout the Study,three Public Information Open Houses scheduled to gather informarion from the public,newsletters will be sent to everyone on the mailing list to update the public on the progress of the Study,a Website(located on the Dakota County homepage)has been established for your use and a questionaire circulated at this Open House to gain information on how the roadway is used. We need to hear from you! Please contact us for more information or to�ive your comments on the CR 42 Study: Lezlie Vermillion,Project Manager, -or- contact a Technical Committee representative. Phone: 612/891-7t00 E-mail:laby9@wsc.co.dakota.mn.us � ,` CSAM 42 CORRIDOR STUDY - PROCESS DIAGRAM Advisory Com. Advisory Com. Advisory Com. Technical Com. 7echnicai Com. Technicai Com. Review& Review& Review& Comment Comment Comment echnical Technical echnica echnica Commitkee Committee � Committee Committee Review Review Review Review Inpul Evaluate Data Draft Presentation 8 Advisory Committee Data Technical Propose Conclusions Gorridor Finai Study to Each Technical Committee Gathering Memos Altematives Study Report Govemment Ten Agencies Presenled Report Agency lnput input Input Public Public Public Open Open Open House House House : Z m C � • m --� _ � �.. �, . v, E �' E E z' � � � � � � � m � � -�i Q � , O Z Q � u°�, 42COItItt1�.X1.S Puicuss blapium 8I8/97 11:12 AM . , � • Purpose of the CSAH 42 Corridor Study is to Evaluate: ►Functional Classification Issues ►Mobility and Safety Issues , ►Access Management • Recognized Needs.Are: ►Improve Operation of CSAH 42 as a Regional Highway ► Accomm . . odate Exi n sti g and Planned Developments . . �l � s � � � � � � � � f :�tpLLE Dp ly�R ��� �' - _ -�f ���L ' ��"F . . . � . � . ... � � . . _ " �: . . . . . . � . . � .. � . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . �. � � . . . � � . � . . � . . . . FUNDING It will be Dakota County's Policy to: FF.1 For cities with populations over S,OOQ participate in 55°Io of the construction and re- construction costs of the foliowing on cost-shared items on Counry projects: A. Roadway construction items. B. Mitigation required by state and federal permits. C. Eligible stomi sewer and other drainage facilities based on con#ributing flows meeting State Aid sharing factors. D. Replacement or restoration of fences, landscaping, and driveways when . affected by construction. E. Centerline drainage culverts_ F. Relaying or adjusting sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer systems, if required due to construction. G. Relaying or adjusting privately owned public utilities when not performed at the expense of the utility. H. Landscape plantings that do not interfere withsighY distance and safety. Dakota County wilL• 1. Plant shrubbery and trees no ta7ler than 5 feet. 2. Atlow no obstacles in clear zone or sight corners. L Eligible water poliution control best management practice items based on the County's share of contributing flows and meeting National Urban Runoff Protection (NURP) standards such as outlet structures, sedimentation basins and ponds, and temporary erosion controL FF.2 For cities with populations over 5,000, pa�ticipate in 55% of the cost of right-of-way for existing roads where right-of-way is required for. A. The construction of items described in FF.1, (A-G) and FF.3 (Traffice Signafs). B. The County's portion of storm sewer and other drainage facilities base on contributing flows meeting State Aid sha�ing factors. _� : � C. The County portion of water poUution control best management practice items based on the County's share of the contributing flows and meeting 4V�¢sc�r��l Urban Runoff Protection (NURP) standards. FF.3 For Cities with populations over 5,000, share other costs as follows: i� A. Engineering costs will be spiit based on the County and City share of � construction costs. B. Traffic signals (including constru�tion costs for attached street lights, interconnection, pre-emption, etc.)will be eligible for 50% County funds after subtracting federal and/o�Mn/DOT norma! share: C. Traffic controi signals on the State highway system at their interseetion with County highways wil! be eligible for 50% County funds, for the non-federal/non- Mn/DOT(trunk highway funds)normal share. FF.4 Determine the County cost share for right-of-way on new alignments on an individual project basis. The County cost share wi!! be from 0% to 55% as determined by the Dakota County engineer and approved by the Physical Development Director. If the city has obtained right-of-way through platting and prop�r p!annirg, th�n thE County 4vill part�c�pate in right-of-v�ay acquisit�o�. FF_5 Advance fund a project in the approved County Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) by agreement with the city or cities involved, with repayment according to the cost share schedule in policies when the County has determined that a road project is necessary and the city or cities involved are unable to cost share at the time designated in the County Capital Improvement Plan (C�P). FF.6 Allow a city or cities to advance fund a project in the approved County Capitaf Improvement Plan (CIP) by agreement with the County with repayment according to the cost share schedule in policies when the city has determined a County road project is necessary prior to the time designated in the County Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). FF.7 Subtract from the'County eligible pcoject costs, funds received from intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act {ISTEA), Trunk Highway Fund, Trunk Highway Turnback Fund, or grants, with the balance of #he costs divided according to policies. FF.B Subtract from the County eligible project costs, the costs of road improvements or other road costs (e.g., traffic controls) which are in the determination of the County the result of a tax increment financing plan or an amendment to a TIF plan, with the balance of costs divided according:to policies. -2- FF.9 Pay costs for eligible construction and reconstruction items (FF.1, A-I) for existing ��� County projects for cities with populations less than 5,000 and townships. ' FF.10 Share the cost of NURP pond/basin maintenance based on the County's share of contributing filows, , FF.11 Seek funding assistance for County transportation projects from federal, state, and regional funding programs. FF.12 As �equested by the township and approved by the County Engineer, use the "township allotmenY'ta fund: A. 50 percent of township road or bridge constnaction projects. B. Intersection lighting of County roads, inciuding energy costs. (Energy costs will be submitted on an annual basis to the County.) C. Sign replacement funding. FF.13 Annually prepare and review the five-year transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP). FF.14 Construct off-roadbikeways in conjunction with alt County road projects, whenever appropriate. FF.15 Constructpaved �houlders on both sides of the roadways, where appropriate. FF.16 Share the costs (less any applicable grants) for overlay or reconstruction on County bikeways at 55% County/45% local, if the local unit of government is following the adopted maintenance agreement. If the local unit of govemment has failed to follow the maintenance agreement, the averlay or reconstruction costs become the sole responsibility of the city. FF.17 AnnuaHy prepare and review a five- year capital improvement program fior bikeways, to be included in the County Capital Improvement Program. FF.18 Fund the costs of engineering services for bikeways on the County system. FF.19 Submit grant applications for bikeway funding assistance to available Federal, State, and regional funding programs. -3- ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT lt will be Dakota County's policy ta EE.1 Evalua#e environmentai effects of projects and adhere to guidelines, Gcehses, and permits as required by County, State and Federal reguiations. EE.2 Appiy Nationai Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards, or their equivalent, for County roadway projects. Dakota Coun#y will share maintenance costs based on cantributing flows. (See also Funding policies.) EE.3 Avoid road and bikeway construction in wetlands, protected wildlife habitat, unique agricultural land, and other sensitive environmental areas,where feasible. When avoidance is not feasable, the County will minimize and mitigate impacts caused by County road projects. EE.4 Create wetland mitiqation areas to comply with local,state and federal permits. Dakota County wilL 1. Use the Dakota Count Soil and Water Conservation District Y (SWCD) for wetland delineation on County transportation projects. : 2. Create wetiand mitigation areas within the affected watershed first, and within Dakota County second. 3. Create a wetland bank for transportation projects. EE.S Employ traffic management techniques to reduce air pol}ution through more efficienf operation of the roadway system, including signal timing and use of shoulders for transit vehicles. EE.6 Manage solid waste in accordance with Dakota County Ordinance Na 910, Solid �, Waste Management, the Dakota Countv So1id Waste Master Plan; and applicable State and Federaf solid waste regulations. 1. However, the use of certain types of solid waste material as fill may be acceptable when the potential for environmentat, public health, and safety problems are minimal. -4- 2. Dakota County wii! purchase and use recyciable materials and products in conjunction with County transportation projects, where feasible and cost effective, as directed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 115A.48. EE.7 Manage hazardous wastes and hazardous maferials in accordance with Qakota County Orrlinance No. 111, Hazardous Waste Regulation, and applicable State and Federal hazardous waste and hazardous materials regulations. EE.8 Use environmentally sound and practical altematives to the use of roadside chemicals. EE.9 When appropriate, instail, maintain, or abandon all wells impacted or used in conjunction with any Dakota County transportation project, in accordance with Dakota County Ordinance No. ?14, Well and Wafer Supply Management. EE.10 When appropriate, properly install, maintain, or abandon all sewage systems impacted or used in conjunction with any Dakota County transportation project, in acco�da�ce witn Dakofa C�unty�rd�nanca PJo. 113, On-�ite Sewa�e Tieatrnent. ractices for the revention of II lo tem ara and ermanent best managment p p EE.11 Emp y p ry p , erosivn and containment of sediments on County highwav right-of-way. This will II include: I 1. Use and maintenance of native prairie plantings along I' roadsides to reduce encroachment of undesirabte plant ', species and to fielp re-establish native prai�ie diversity. : 2. The completion of plantings and maintenance in accordance ' with Operations and Maintenance policies. - e �', onformanc 'on ro'ects in c , ru cti EE.12 Prepare an Erosion Control Plan for h�ghway const � p � with MPCA permit. Dakota County wilL , 1. Work with Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) to I, develop soil erosion plar�s and practices for County ', transportation projects. EE.13 Maintain sedimentation effectiveness of storm sewer systems. This will include: ' 1. Cleaning drainage ditches, gutters, and storm sewer inlet ', grates: ' -5- ' 2. During the winter maintenance season, adjusting the ratio of salt to sand to limit the amount of sand washing into catch basins. 3. Prioritization of maintenance activities to limit sand washing into catch basins. , EE.14 Monitor noise impacts for transporta#ion projects along County roads, as necessary. DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION !t wi!l be Dakota County's policy to: DC.1 Use MnDOT, AASHTO, State Aid Standards, and ADA requirements as appropriate in the design of County roads. DC.2 Coo�-dinate design detaiis befinreen ihe County and otherjurisdictions. DC.3 Conform to State Aid and Federal Aid Construction Standards during pro3ect ' management as appropriate. I DC.4 Design traffic control devices according to the Highway Traffic Regulation Act and the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. DC.S Follow appropriate fiighway design standards for the placement of utilities, bikeways, bus pullouts, and other structures within County road right-of-way. 1. ' Although Dakota County discaurages utilities frorn placing their facilities under the driving surface, the utilities will be allowed, by permit, to bury their facilities and to cross under the driving surface. 2. Manholes should not be placed in the road surface. ' -6- RIGHT-OF-WAY PRESERVATION and ACQUISITION It wii!be Dakofa County's policy to: RW.1 Require right-of-way dedication for plats adjoining Caunty roads according to the Contiguous Plat Ordinance and the approved right-of-way dedication guidelines. Dakota County wilL 1. Follow right-of-way dedication guidelines in making these determinations and consider features such as topography, obstacles, inclusion of trails, major intersection geometric, site distance, roadside safety dear zones, snow removal storage, and other design characteristics that could influence with width of right-of-way. 2. Initiate coordination with affected cities to determine how right-of-way may be most effectively obtained. RW.2 When appropriate, assure that right-of-way acquisition for roadway construction projects is consistent with plaf dedication requirements. RW:3 Cooperate with others to develop multiple use agreements for County roads or jointly-owned rights-of-way with private and pubfic interests. RW.4 Follow standards for placement of utilities, trails, and other structures within County road right-of-way. RW.5 Develop a County-wide map based upon long-term system needs to identify right- of-way needs. Dakota County will consider the following factors: • 20-year traffic projections • Function of road • Corridor preservation � • Consistency with policy objectives • Environmental considerations • Intermodal potential RW.6 Encourage cities to consider appropriate future County right-of-way needs when authorizing land use changes, whether platting changes are occurring or not. RW.7 Consider the adoption of an official mapping ordinance (OMO) fior County roads. -7- I, FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION If wilJ be Dakota County's policy to: FC.1 Periodicaily review and update the County's functionai classification system. . FC.2 Work with other agencies to fielp deve(op the regional functiona! classification system for planning and funding purposes. FC.3 Consider functional classification in the development of access controls on County o the ount road s stem. , roads to rotect the mobilit function f C y P Y Y FC.4 Consider functional classification when establishin ri ht-of-way needs on County • 9 9 roads to deal with future growth. FC.5 Plan and construct a minor atteriat system in the developing areas of the County that conside;s existing and planned land uses. FC.6 Evaluate the internal roadway network for new plats adjacent to County Roads to insure that the local road system is adequate to support the transportation needs-of the development; and that access to the County Roads are at locations meeting the County's access spacing guidelines_ 1. Require forecasts of generated traffic from development. 2. Examine 20-ysar needs of the road nefinrork. �, 3. Adoption of a County-wide map {See Poiicy RW.S). FC.7 Encourage cities to construct a road network to relieve traffic on County roads and to help accommodate the traffic generated from land use�development within the city. FC.8 Work with the cities to use trafific controls, design practices, (and use policies, and local street systems to maintain the function of the County roads, as designated in the func#ional classification map contained in this plan. FC.9 Consider functional classification in the design of County road projects. -8- ACCESS and MOBILITY It will be Dakota County's policy to: AM.1 Develop a system of highways that provides a high level of mobility, augments fhe , regional highway sys#em, and provides continuous traffic movements within the ,I County, as weii as to and from the County. AM.2 Maintain appropriate spacing of intersecting local streets and driveways in accordance with the access spacing guidelines. (See Appendix 6.) Dakota County wilL : 1. Identify county highways of rnetropoti#an significance and plans fior access controL 2. Reduce access ta the County roads as appropriate. P,M.3 Connect County roads with State roads and with the county roads flf other counties, as appropriate. AM:4 Determine authorized uses of a road based on pavement structure and geometric design factors. This will include: 1. Posting of load restrictions. 2. Designation of twin trailer routes. 3. Designation of 10-ton routes. : 4. Designation of the A-minor arterials by function (i.e., reliever, expander, augmenter, or connector). JURISD{CTIO�JAL CLASSIFICATIO�i (The jurisdictional classification system relates to both functional dassification and funding sources. in general, roadways which solely serve loca!franspo�tation needs are owned and maintained by the �ocal government. Roadways, such as freeways, which serve regional, intercounty or state-wide transportation needs are owned and maintained by the state. The County owns and maintains the roads that provide connections to major acfivify/ocations wifhin the county and roads that provide access to land uses that facilifate development.) -9- !t will be Dakota Counfy's policy fo: JC.1 PeriodicaHy review the County road sys#em to identify potential jurisdictiona( changes that consider system continuity, regional access, and mobiiity. Dakota - County wilL ; 1. Cooperate with affected units ofi government to periodically review the jurisdictional c4assification of roads andidentify potential tumbacks (See Appendix 5). 2. Develop a map of potential turnbacks. 3. When approached by MnDOT, notify the appropriate city, township, counry, regional, and State authorities. JC.2 Continue to evaluate roadways identified for potential jurisdictional changes, including roadways not on the County system, based on the following criteria: • Traffic volumes • Functional classification � Connections to major activity centers • Ca�nectivity to the metrcpolitan tran��ort�tion system • Goods movement function • Economic impact • Mobility versus land access • Spacing between County roads • Route continuity - JC.3 Cooperate with other agencies to ensure that appropriate roads are in the County State Aid System, giving consideration to functiona! classification, travel demand, connectivity, and appropriate spacing between roads. Dakota County wi1L- , 1. Request that the city reassign mileage when the Screening I, Board has approved a roadway for CSAH status. JC.4 Designate the new corridors identified in the County's Transportation Pfan as County roads only when they have been individually adopted by County Board resolution. ' -10- INTERMODAL It will be Dakota County's po/icy to: IM.1 Build appropriate partnerships to develop an intennoda! transportation system , which provides for the efificient, effective, and safe movement af goods ahd people. IM.2 Evaluate all types ofi transportation services for integration when constructing or reconstructing the County road system. RAILS, TRUCKS, COMMERCiAL NAVIGATION lt wi!/be Dakota County's policy to: RT.1 Evaluate abandoned raiiroad corridors for potential preservation for future transporta#ion purpases-i.e., bikeways, �rails, fighc rail, busways, or otiier transportation purposes. RT.2 Worfc with MnDOT, cities, townships, and the railroad companies to identify rail � crossing and safety issues within the County road system. ', RT.3 Properly accommodate goods rnovement to, from, and within Dakota County through developing and designing specific Gounty road corridors to accommodate truck terminal areas, heavy loads, and twin trailers. Dakota Caunty wi1L 1. Work with cities and MnDOT to coordinate the identification ' and designation of comdors. RT.4 Support commerciaf navigation on the river corridors in order to effectively move goods and promote economic development. TRANSiT It will be Dakofa Counfy's policy to: TR.1 Work with other agencies to p�omote the region's transit priorities. -11- TR.2 Encourage, where feasible, the operation of transit system components, including regular-route, ridesharing, paratransit services and facilities, in a compatible and coordinated fashion. Dakota County wifL Strategies: 1. Encourage the provision of reverse commute service to the major suburban employers within Dakota County. 2. Work with other agencies to promote conformance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as they pertain to transit and transportation system. 3. Support services which meet the mobility needs of disabled and disadvantaged persons requiring specialized transportation. 4. Encourage the continued development of a coordinated and integrated Rideshare matching system. 5. Evaula#s park& ride facilities with highway projects. TR.3 Work with other agencies to promote a better match between transit service and the travel needs a,' Dafcota County casi�en}s. Dakota C�ur.t��Ni!l: ' 1. Work with ioca! communities and the regional transit �, agencies to promote a restructuring of the t[ansit system to adequately serve the travel needs and desires of Dakota County residents. TR.4 Consider acquiring adequate right-of-way for multipie transportation modes on all - reconstructian and new construction p�ojects on County roads_ TR.5 Work with cities and employers to develop travel demand management {TDM) strategies. Dakota County will: 1. Support TDM efforts at congested highway corridors and employment concentrations. f : TR.6 Work with other agencies to develop technoiogy which will improve the delivery and promotion of transit services; ndesharing, and roadway operations. Dakota County wi1L 1. Support the use of technology to increase transit use, ridesharing, and TDM to preserve the environment (e.g., SMART DARTS). -12- 2. Encourage and support additional highway and parking facilities dedicated to high occupancy vehicle {HOV) use. 3. Support empioyer programs that encourage transit use by their employe�s. 4. Encourage an intermodal transportation system liqking HOV, bicycles, and pedestrians to transi#fiacilities. 5. Evaluate the special needs of transit. BlKEWAYS and PEDESTR(ANS lt will be Dakota County's policy to: BP.1 Create a County Bikeway System and a regional trail system which witl fotm a access to ma'or Coun facilities framework to serve Coun� ide needs e. ., ) ty , YW t 9 activity centers, employment centers, and post-secondary schools) and which provides connections be!ween municipalities and to adiacent co��nties. Dakota County wilL 1. Coordinate the development of the County Bikeway System with the existing and planned facilities of other units of government. _ 2. Encourage the construction of needed State and local bikeways within the County. 3. Provide paved shoulders on both sides of the roadway alang the County Bikeway System. 4. Restrict the separated paths on the County Bikeway System to bicycle and pedestrian traffic. 5. Provide bicycle parking faciiities at aU County-owned facilities. � 6. Work with the appropriate agencies to locate bike racks and lockers at transit hubs and park-and-ride facilities. BP.2 Prepare a five-year bikeway Capital lmprovement Program that is coordinated with the five-year road construction and reconstruction programs of the County, State and local units of govemment. -13- BP.3 Consider the foliowing factors when designing bikeways: MnDOT and AASHTO standards, timing for road construction, safety standards, availability of right-�f�w��s cost, and daily traffic volume. Dakota County vviiL 9. Include bikeway design for County and Municipa! Bikeways afong County roads in the initial design phase of County road construction projects, consistent with the County p�licies, and with approved requests from local units of government. 2. Provide design criteria to other units of government with regard to local bikeway development in County road right-o#- way. 3. Require County approval regarding the location and design of local bikeways within County road rigf�t-of-way. 4. Encourage local communities to provide design and engineering for bikeways on the County system within local road rights-of way. BP.4 �nsure that traffic controls and signage on County bikeways will be in accordance with the Minnesata Manual on Uniform TraTfic Control Devices. � II BP.S Use the Minnesota Department of Transportation s (MnDOT) or AASHTO s Standard Specifications for Construction, whenever possible. BP.6 Require the local governments to provide routine maintenance, through agreements for off-road paths on the County Bikeway system. BP.7 Submit grant applications for bikeway funding assistance for available Federal, State, and regional funding programs. BP.8 Periodically inspect shoulders for needed maintenance on Gounty roads designated as bike routes. PLANNING and COOPER/�TIO� It wiJl be Dakota Countys policy to: PC.1 Periodically review and update theTransportation Poficy Plan. _14- PC.2 Involve affected units of govemment and transit providers in the annual development of the Capital Improvement Program. PC.3 Soiicit input from and invo(ve all interested parties in the planning and design of construction projects on the County roadway system. , PC.4 Maintain a Travel Demand Forecas#ing model which is coordinated with the cities and the Metropolitan Council to ensure regional and local compatibility. PC.S Provide input to the Metropolitan Council and MNDOT regarding County transportation issues via the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB). PC.6 Participate on state, ragional, and local committees regarding County transportation issues. PC.7 Cooperate, participate, and initiate communication with relevant regional agencies and affected parties,whenever speciat studies are needed. PC.8 Meet with other units of government and other affected parties to better coordinate and integrate transportation modes (e.g. roads, rail, waterways,airports, transit, bicycleways, trails, and pedestrian ways) PC.9 Coordinate efforts with the Metropolitan Council Office of Transit Operations (MCTO), the Minnesota Val(ey Transit (MVTA), Dakota Area Transportation Services (DARTS}, and other transit providers to develop strategies for transit in the County. PC.1 Q Participate �n the development of and be consistent with the Metropolitan Gouncil's Regional Blueprint, Transportation Policy Plan, and other applicable documents and studies. PC.11 Work with the cities to integrate land use and transportation planning in order to optimize the use and minimize the need for investments in the County and city fransportation systerns. -15- - LAND USE lt wilf be Dakota County's policy to: LU.1 Monitor land use development and transportation facitities to enhance the relationship beiween land use and transportation pianning. Dakota County wiiL• • 1. Maintain a land use inventory for the entire County in conjunction with cities and townships. 2. Review and comment on the comprehensive plans and comprehensive plan amendments of the cities and townships within Dakota Coun#y as well as of adjoining jurisdictions for consistency with Dakota County's Comprehensive Plan. LU.2 Require, as part of the,Contiguous Plat Ordinance, that the land use impacts of development on County roads be documented prior to approval of a plat. Dakota County wilL 1. Require traffic projections for proposed developments. 2. Require internal roadway diagrams. 3. Require the official County road name/number on maps. 4. Require demonstration of noise mitigation measures when warranted. _ LU.3 Encourage the cities to plan development of land which is compatible with adjacent existing and planned transportation facilities. LU.4 Cooperate with local municipalities and property owners to hslp mitigate the impacts - which occur when the function of a transportation facility and adjacent land uses have become incompatible. r LU.S Be sensitive to the preservation and enhancement of the region's cultural and natural resources when providing for the County's transportation needs. LU.6 Invoive cities, townships, and transit providers in the County Capital Improvement Program development process. -16- , PUBLlC PARTICIPATION It wiJl be Dakota County's policy to: PP.1 Solicit public input at the beginning and in conjunction with the development of transportation projec#s and plans. Dakota County wilL- • 1. Involve the public in the preliminary discussion, information gathering, design, construction, and feedback of projecfs. 2. Hold preliminary open houses on highway projects. 3. Conduct public information meetings on an"as needed" basis to seek public input to assist in defining the scope of a proposed project. 4. Set up community workshops to obtain ea�1y input for County decisions b invitin County constituencies and the pu6lic to � Y 9 leam abou#a�d discuss County issues in a va�ety of settings and forums. 5. Hold ublic meeiings. P 6. Produce a variety of regular publications that increase the public's knowledge and understanding of County issues, and inform them of County activities and decisions. 7. Facilitate meeting information about County issues to#he public thraugh the news media. Selective use of cable N and local ublications wili be made, including involving P County Comrnissioners through iocal media in their districts. 8. Make comment cards abvailable to the public. 9. Respond to calls from the public regarding roads and intersections in a reasonable timeframe. 10. Jnvolve the public in the Capital lmprovement Plan process, including receiving comments on projects_ The public will be notified of upcoming projects through the opportunity to review the five year CIP, 11. Provide the opportunity for ongoing citizens involvement in ou h adviso bodies that develop County policymaking th� g ry recommendations and advise the County on major poficy issues. -17- 12. Increase interaction and dialogue wrth (ocal govemments on day-to-day County probiems, and obtain their views early in the process of developing County policies. PP.2 Adhere to State and Federal requirements in soliciting comments regarding construction of the County transpartation netwark. PP.3 Make available to the public all policies, guidelines, and plans conceming County roads consistent with the Minnesota Data Practices Act. OPERATIONS and MAINTENANCE lt will be Dakota County's policy to: OM. 1 Authorize the County Engineer to impose weight restrictions on County roads to prevent significant structural detenor�tion. OM.2 Maintain and p�eserve the existing urban and rural transportation systems in a safe and usable state. The County will give high priority to preservation and rehabilitation projects�which increase effective multimodal and intermodal ' accessibility, and serve to enhance historic, scenic, recreational, andJar cultural resources. TRAFFIC SIGNALS If wil!be Dakota County's policy to: OM.3 P}ace and operate traffic controi devices according to standards as stated in the Highway Traffic Regulation Act (MS Gh. 169) and Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. OM.4 Clsan, paint, and relarnp traffic signals excluding the attached street iights at all intersections with County highways. OM.S Maintain signal controller, hardware, emergency vehicle pre-emption systems at all signalized intersections with County highways, except those with trunk highways. -18- OM.6 Work with transit providers and cities to evaluate the use of pre-emptiQn systems for transit vehicies. OM.7 Provide maintenance assistance for traffic control signals under the jurisdiction of cities within the County as foNows _ , • Maintenance activities shall occur after the County and the affected City have entered into a cost sharing agreement. The County shail be reimbursed by the City for any costs encountered. The agreements shaA include, but no#be limited, to the following: 1. The County will respond to requests for assistance subject to the limitation imposed by availability of manpower, equipment, and replacemen#parts and the condition o€the County road system. 2. The Coun#y may discontinue maintenance*of City#raffic signals if the County determines that it is no longer feasible. Such termination of maintenance shalt be effective one year after the date of written notice to the City. 3. All costs incurred by the County in conjunction with the maintenance ' �Ervices pro;rided shal! be reimbursed by#;�e Ci�y and shal� taka irto account direct labor, fringe benefits, overhead, equipment costs, and materials. 4. Any maintenance activity which requires v�atside contracting shall be coordinated and ordered by the City. The County may assist in inspection of such activity. 5. Arrangemen#s with the Cities shall provide for any and all liability issues in such a way that the Caunty is compensated for inereased liability to the County and or Counry employees. OM.8 Provide maintenance assistance fo�traffic contro! signals under the jurisdiction ofi the State within the County as follows; • Maintenance ac±ivities shal(occur after the County and the State have entered a cost sharing agreement. The County shall be reimbursed by the State for any costs encountered. Ths agreements shall include, but not be limited to, the following: '1. The County will respond to requests far assistance subject to the limitation imposed by availability of manpower,equipment, and replacement parts and the condition of the County road system. -19- 2. The Count may discontinue maintenance of State traffic signals if the I Y County determines that it is no longer feasible. ��ach i�rmi�t��iQ� �f ' maintenance shai! be effective one yea�after the date of written notice ' to the State. 3. Afl costs incurred by the County in conjunc#ion wifih the maintenanee services provided sha11 be reimbursed by the State and sha11 t�ke into , account direct labor, fringe benefits, ovefiead, equipment costs, and materials. 4. Any maintenance activity which requires outside contracting shalt be I! coordinated and ordered by the State. The County may assist in inspection of such activity. 5. Arrangemen#s witli the State shall provide for any and all liability issues in such a way that the County is compensated for increased liability to the County and or County employees. OM.9 Participate in the "Gopher State One Call (GSOC)" system for#r�ffic signal locations. ROADWAY LIGHTING /t will be Dakota Countys policy to: OM.10 Participate in the installation costs of street lights only where thea� are attached to traffic signals on County highways. The lights will be financed on the sarne basis as the installation of traffic signals. The County will not participate in the vperations and maintenance of street lighting. OM.11 By permit, allow continuous street lighting and lighting at intersections of County Roads af the local agency's expense. PERMITS It will be Dakota County's policy fo: OM.12 Require a permit to participate in the "Adopt-A-Highway" program. OM.13 Require fees where applicable, prior to issuing permits OM.14 Require a permit for any work within tt�e County right-of-way. -20- , OM.15 Require a permit before constructing an approach or access connection, such as a driveway, street, or fieid entrance, to the County highway system. OM.16 Requi�e a permit before installation of any utilities within County road right-of.way. . OM.17 Require approval by the Counry Engineer for special activities impacting County roadways. Requests must be made in writing to the County Engi�eer. OM.48 As part of the permit approval process, coordinate with cities prior to issuing permits to avoid possible city conflicts. The County will forward copies of permits to: affected cities when they are issued. OM.19 Require permit applicants to provide an insurance certificate that names Dakota County as additional insured for projects that involve work to the roadway o�work in the right-of-way. Requests for permits for residential property will be approved when the owner shows evidence of fiome insurance. QM_2C� P,equir� a permit for all �verv�reight and oversized laads m��ring over Cour,ty highways. SIGNS , lf will be Dakota ount s olic to� C . Y P Y OM.21 Authorize the County Engineer to place parking restrictions in accordance with city no parking resolutions. OM.22 Authorize the County Engineer to establish, maintain, and remove temporary traffic controls including stop signs, work zone speed limits, road closings and detour routes, and traffic signals, as necessary #o allowprogress of authorized highway projects or emergency situations. r OM.23 Remove private signs placed in Dakota County road right-of-way within thirty feet ofi the edge of the traveled lanes, beyond thi�ty feet when requested by the adjacent landowner, or when the signs obstruct sight, distance or interfere with traffic signs and signals. Signs that are removed will bs stored at the highway shop for a reasonable period and retumed to owners requesting the signs for a handling fee The County Auditor is to give copies of this sign restciction poficy to all persons filing to run for office in Dakota County or for State offices and also to mail copies of this policy to City Clerks or Administrators and School District Superintendents -21- � • � requesting that they provide copies of tfiis policy to persons filing for.offices at those locations. OM.24 instaU traffic signs (e.g., regula#ory, warning, guide) that conform to the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Contr�l Devices. . JOINT PURCHASE OF SERVICES, MATERIAL.S, AND EQUlPMENT It wil!be Dakota County's policy to: OM.25 Participate in shared purchase and use of equipment, services, and materials with . other govemmental agencies whenever beneficiaL SPEED LIMtTS lt will be Dakota County's policy fa OM.26 Post speed limits on County roads as established by the Commissioner ofthe Minnesota Depactment of Transportation (Mn/DOT). OM:27 Authorize the County Engineer to request that MnIDOT perform traffic studies to determine the reasonable and safe speed limits on roadways where it is determined by the County Engineer that conditions have sufficiently changed to warrant a study or when City Council action has requested a speed study. At the time a speed study is requested, the County Engineer shall notify the Commissioner(s) in whose district(s) the study is being conducted and shall further notify the Commissioner(s) of the results of the Mn/DDT speed study. � TRAFFIC DATA lt will be Dakota County's policy to: OM.28 Develop the following systems for the continuous monito�ing of County im rovement needs: ide tif roadwa and intersection p trans ortation facilities to n y P Y • A traffic counting system that is compatible with the MNDOT system • An acciden#data and analysis system that is compatible with Mn/DOT data. • A safety improvement rating system that can assist in needs prioritization. OM.29 Make available traffic and accident data on a cooperative basis.to all levels of government for all roadways. -22- , ROADSIDE LANDSCAPiNG It will be Dakota Counfy's policy to: OM.30 Plant and maintain vegetation on the County Highway right-of-way for the purposes of erosion controt and containment of sediments. . 'n s on C oun Hi hwa ri ht-of- _ e lant� Y 9 f w maintenance fandsca tY 9 e it allow o 9 OM.31 B rm p P YP , way. Permittees wiD be responsibie for maintenance. OM.32 During the growing season (May-October), mow medians and boulevards once a . : month, if needed, and rural ditches not more than four times per year for safety, following the Department of Natu�al Resources recommended wildlife and environmental regulations. ROADWAY SURFACE If will be Dakota County's policy to` . OM.33 Sweep County roads each year startir�g in spring. Dakota County wilL 1. Striveto remove sand before it goes into the storm sewer. �' 2. Rotate the order of sweeping among the cities. '�, 3. Work with cities to determine priority areas to clean �rsf (e.g., prevent sand from going into catch basins where there may be a problem). 4. If additional assistance is needed, consider contracting with (ocal municipalities. OM.34 Conduct roadway surface maintenance. Damage caused by utility work or other permitted operations will be the responsibility of the permittee. STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE tt will be Dakota County's policy to: OM.35 Clean drainage ditches, gutters, and storm sewer inlet grates; and repair orreplace castings damaged by County maintenance activities. -23- MAILBOX DAMAGE CAUSED BY SNOW REMOVAL It wi1/be Dakota County's policy to: OM.36 Replace mailboxes with a standard size mailbox only when the box w�s installed at the proper height and focation and when actually hit by snowplflwing equipment. The Dakota County Highway Oepartment aiso will replace mailboxes darrjaged by snow coming off the plow when the mailbox has been instailed on a swing or pivot support according to drawings available from the Dakota County Highway Department. AS BUII.T RECORDS It will be Dakota County's policy to: OM.37 Implement a plan to include as-buiit records in the Dakota County Geogcaphical Information System (GIS). OM.38 Record, through GIS, aU plans of County roads and utilities within the County right- of-way. OM.39 Require that permittees submit as-built drawings as part of the permit process: BIKEWAYS It will be Dakota Counfy's policy to: OM.40 Ensure that maintenance agreements governing bikeways are complied with between the County and local communities. BRIDGES !t wiN be Dakota County's policy to: OM.41 Perform inspec#ion and maintenance of bridges in compliance with Mn/DOT and , Federal requirements. � OM.42 Caoperate with Dako#a County townships to replace or reconstruct deficient structures with special Minnesota State Transportation Funds, Federal Funds or Township Bridge Account Funds. -24- APPEND(X 1 ROADWAY CONSTRIJCTI�(V A. clearing and grubbing items , B. removal items C. grading items D. surfacing items ' E. base items F. curb and gutter G. medians 'H. shouldering items I. retaining walls J. tur,' establishments K. pavement markings � L. signing M mobilization N. field office and faboratory O. sidewalks : P. bikeways Q. traffic control -25- APPENDIX 2 � COUNTY CAPITAi. IMPROVEME[VT P�A6� fCiP) PROCESS 1. Distdbute approved CIP to cities, townships, and transit providers March and reques changes and/or comments. 2. Draft CIP created based upon comments received from cities, townships, transit providers, County. 3. Draft CIP taken to County Board at AFP meeting. July 4. Draft C1P mailed to cities, townships, and transit providers for comment. 5 Final draft CIP created based upon comments received. 6. Final draft CIP presented to County Board Nov. 7. Final draft CIP revised based upon County Board comments. 8. Final draft CIP adopted by County Board. Dec. Q. Adopted CIP mailed to cities, townships, transit previders, and the appropriate metropolitan and state agencies. -26- APENDIX 3 (Th�s page is mtent�onaHy:left blank.) , . . -27_ APPE1dDIX 4 � R1GHT-OF-WAY DEDlCATION GUID�L���� Riqh#-of-Wav Dedication Guidelines Future Design Total Riqht-of-Way 2-lane urban 100 feet 2-lane rura( 910 feet 41ane undivided 120 feet 4-lane divided 150 feet 61and divided 200 feet These guidelines assume compatible land use adjacent to County roads. Noncompatib/e/and uses may require additiona!right-of-way for mitigation. -28- �I - � APPENDIX 5 TURNBACK AGREEMENT REQUIREiVI�I�`�S The folio�+ving are the requirements for#umback agreements: A. Township Agfeement � � 1. County and Township agree on compensation or work necessary, before ' tumback. i 2. County will provide description of property. 3. County agrees to maintain for two years after official tumback resoiution by tfie County Board, thereafter all maintenance and other responsibilities. 4. Township agrees to hold County harmless and understands that the Cvunty has meet all obligations for this road. B. City Agreement 1. County & City agree on compensation or work necessary before turnback. 2. County will provide description af property. 3. City will be totally responsible for the roadway following the turnback resolutic�n by the Couniy Bcard. �. City agrees to holc+ County harmless and understands that the County has met all obligations far this road. -29- APPENDIX 6 DAKOTA COUNTY ACCESS S�'ACING GUIDELINES TYPE OF ACCESS BEING i; ';; TYP:E UF:ClJUNTY HiGHWAY AFFECTED BY ACCESS (2): ; ; ; REQUESTED ,, , , :, _ . .. _ _ ,_ .... . . , PRINCIPAL DIVIDED UNDIVIDED 2 or 4 LANE ARTERIAL 4 or 6 LANE > 15,000 ADT 1 < 15,000 ADT 1 < 3,000 ADT 1 A. Private Resideniiaf or Not Permitted Not Permitted Not Permiited 1/8 Mile Spacing Determination based indivi�ival Commercial (full on other criteria. access) B. Multiple Commercial (full Not Permitted 1/4 Mile Spacing 1/4 Mile Spacing 1/8 Mile Spacing Determination based access). on other criteria. C. Public Street- 1/4 Mile Spacing 1/4 Mile Spacing Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Muliiple Commercial (3), (4) (3), (4) Right Turns &Left Turns Only. D. Public Street- 1/8 Mile Spacing 1/8 Mile Spacing Not Permitted Not applicable Not Applicable Multiple Commercial (3) {3) Right Turns Only E. Public Streets 1/2 Mile Spacing 1/4 Mile Spacing 1/4 Mile Spacing 1/8 Mile Spacing 1/8 Mile Spacing , �3) t3) F. Principle Arterial/Expressway Grade Separated 1 Mile Spacing 1 Mile Spacing 1 Mile Spacing 1 Mile Spacing lnterchange NOTES: . (1) All traffic volumes refer to 20 year forecasts - � (2) Roadway types refer to anticipated cross�section. (3) Requires installation of turn lanes. (4} Requires wide median and additional right-of-way. , -30-