HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. 1998 Proposed Budget � w CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: October 20, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: 1998 Proposed Budget AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGENDA NO. _ � � . ATTACHMENTS: Budget APPROVED BY:._--•-r� �"_" The proposed budget is before you this evening to continue discussion on any items that need to be addressed prior to the public hearing in December.No significant changes have been made from the last time the budget was discussed. Please bring the August 18th blue copy of the budget to the meeting. Attached are the pages that have changed from our last meeting. Possibie considerations for the proposed budget that need to be discussed are: (1) Budgeting for imaging(Wallace Group)proposal--approximately$9,000. (2) Creating a position of Information/Communication Specialist. There is a growing need to improve upon the communications coming from the City to its residents. This person would be responsible for developing a comprehensive communications plan to serve the city's external and internal communication needs. Some of responsibilities of this position would be: (a) Produce city newsletter; write feature articles reinforcing the city's direction. (b) Issue all press releases and identify appropriate local government news to keep positive information before the press that continues to reinforce the city's direction. (c) Maintain the city's home page. (d) Produce cable television programs; i.e. public safety, development activity , (e) Implement customer serviee program to ensure citizen inquiries and concerns are addressed on a timely basis. � (fl Assist city departments with developing, researching,writing and designing � informational brochures that help citizens understand city policies,programs and ' services. (g) Develop citizen resident packet , w , If the City Council is interested in creating this position I would propose that we start with a part time person or contract or create a one year internship. This would allow time to evaluate permanently funding the position in the future. (3) Begin to budget to eliminate comp time. , The current practice is when an employee works overtime they decide to be paid at time ' and one half or take comp time at time and one half. Because of city's continuing growth '� and the continued demand for services the City Council should consider budgeting I additional funds for paying employees overtime versus comp time. A common question I is-- doesn't this impact the budget more than comp time; and the answer is yes. But if we ' pay the employee for hours warked we reduce the amount of time employees are away from the job and postpone the need to add more employees. It is clearly less money to pay more in overtime than it is adding employees. For 1998 we have recently been informed there will be no increase in health insurance premiums. I recommend that those funds be put into the public works overtime fund so we can begin to reduce the amount of comp time. Initially employees may be upset that they are not able to earn as much time off; however,this is a responsible way to manage long term costs to the city. If there are any other areas of the budget that council would like to discuss, department heads will be in attendance to answer any questions. � � FtiNDI�G REQUIRE�IENTS-USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVI� Septembcr Z,1997 199; 1998 Adopted Proposed +�- Departments Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget S'1,100 57Q900 (5200) -0.25°'0 Administration Budeet 232.100 267,900 3�,300 1�.-i3°b Etections Budget �.300 10,300 5.000 36.?1°a Finance Budget t_Z.S00 1�30,-t00 7,600 �."°� General Government Budget 201,600 206.300 4,600 2.ZS45 CommunityDevelopmentBudget 33=.'00 38�.90� 4,200 lA9°o Police Bud;et 1,136._00 1,245,200 �3,900 49-'b Fire Budget Ib9.300 190,000 20,S00 12.29°� Public�Vorks Operating Bud;ets: GovernmentBuildinssBud�et 280.?00 289300 9,000 3?1°� Fleet�taintenance Bud�et 272.200 289,�00 17,.i00 6.36"b Street�iaintenance Bud�et 6=16,300 633,000 36,700 5.63°5 Parks�Iainrenance Bud�et 30�,700 309,000 3,300 1.034 0 Park&Rec Budget-General Operating 51 I,10� 534,'_00 23,100 4•j2°'o Park 3c Rec Bud;et-Speciai Pro;rams 74,300 8Q200 5.�300 J.2?9'a Other Financing lises-Transfers 10�.�300 0 (10�,�00) -100.0040 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Operatin;Budgets-Ceneral Fund S1,578,300 54,70-1,d00 S12fi,100 2.7�% Building CIP Reyuirements 37,000 64,Q00 27,000 72.9?°% Street CIP Reyuirements 199,000 319.190 120,[90 60.409'0 EquipmentClPRequirements 48-i,300 436900 2,(00 0.439'o I Insurance Budget Requirements 130.000 13�,000 7.000 3.8940 , Bondcd fndebtcdness 439.12G 6:1.-�00 !-t2,'_i3 29.09"b I Bonded Indebredness-Fire 5tation Cevy 1�3>340 1:6.L� 2J9� 1.32",� , Armory Anticipatory Levy(Valuc�/1/97) Id0,314 l-t-i.300 3.9SG 2.3-1"� ' "'S9�.00Q-(5617.737:�2-1.r.00,98%�•• ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tut�l Funding Reqairements 5�i,261,8A0 56,693,32� 5�31,�3�3� 6.39% NOTE: Spcci�l Lr�'ics includc(I)Bondcd (nucbtcdncss,(2)Firc Sta�ion Lcvy an�l(3):\rmory:�nticipatory Lcvics. i � FUNDIrG REQUIRE3IEYTS-SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STA710N LEVY) SePtember?,1997 1997 1998 Adopted Proposed +/- Types Budget Budget Ditference Pcrcent�ge Local Govemment�1id(LGA) 5332.61 I 5330,-t38 (52.123) -0.>j°6 Homestead&A�ricultural Aid(HACA) 5�0.-73 5�0,773 0 0.00°b Local Performance Aid(LPA) l3,2t6 l6.ZGti 3.0�0 23.OS°'o Intemal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits 226.900 20a,900 (2?.000) -9.?0"'0 Inter�ovemmental 37d,100 3�1,1�0 (22,9�0) -6.I3°'o ' Charges for Services 302.?'_� 33'.7�� 3�,02� 1 1.��9'0 Fines 3c Forfeits 100,000 9�,OQ0 (10,000) -10.00°0 Recreational Fees 1i4,100 179.�00 �,�100 3.I04b I Miscelianeous Revenues 43,300 4=,300 (�,000) -(0.2�46 Transfen In 3.�00 3,�00 A 0.009% �I ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Intemal Revenues I,23Q12� 1,210,600 (19,52�) -1.�99�0 Lz�y Sources Special Levies 782,730 931,33� 1�9,0�� 19.O�F% Genera(Le�y 3,302,3i� 3.60.i363 300,9S3 9.11% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Totai Levy 54,08�,15� 5�,�3�,198 5450,Od3 11.02"/a ------------------------------------•------------------------------------ Total Recenue Sources S6,261,880 56,693,325 ��31,�=45 6.39% � NOTE: Special Levies include(1)Bonded Indebrednzss,(2)Fire Siation Lery and(3)Armory.4nticipatory Levies. � �1 RaL PROPERTY T:�Y LEVY P�YaBLE 1998 i E 1997 GE� GE�ER:IL LEV�C' GE�iERAL FL1iD 52,�-16,'_7� BUILDING CIP FL�D �6-�,OOU STREET CIP FL'�iD �319,190 EQLIPVIENT CIP FL�iD 5-�86,900 INSLRANCE FLJND �137,000 --------------------------- TOTaL GENER�L LE`�' �3,603,36� BO�DED I\DEBTEDrESS G.O. Iti1PROVE�IE�T BO\DS 1991_� (�uchorized-5�,30�) �>>S�-'-* G.O. CO�1viL�`ITY CE�iTER BO�DS 199�C(.authonzed-�101,2�'_) �101,?�'_ G.O. ItiIPROVE�IEtiT BO�DS 199'_D �.�uthorized-S�,�72) ��>> '- G.O. �1U\ICIPAL BliILDI�C BO\DS 199�E�ICE :�REN�.)(Authorized-S37�,62�) 5109,200 G.O. I:�IPROVE�fE\T REFLIDI�G BO\DS 1993B (Authorized-S?94,2'_3) SO G.O. ML�ICIPAL BLDG REFL�DI`G BO\DS 199�D (Authorized-�1=��,801) �148,801 G.O. BONDS 1993E (Port Authorit�•}(:�uthunzed-�67,18�) �67,13� G.O. BONDS 199�1A(Port Authonty)(�uthorized-�169,317) �169,31 i G.O. IMPROVEvIE�T BO�DS 149s:�(�.uthorized-�31,769) �21,769 TOT�L BO`DED I�DEBTEDrESS �631,400 M:�RI�ET V:�LL'E B:�SED REFERE\Dti1�I- 199�FIRE STaTION LEVY ' G.O. FIRE STATIO` BONDS, 1996a (Authorized-51�6,li�) 51�6,1>> ' TOT:�L FIRE STATIO` LE«c' $156,13� PRI\CIP�L a\D I\TEREST O� �R�IORY BO�DS ' AR�,10R�" A�Z'ICIPt\TORY LE�'IES (S9>>�00 1(S617,787,.i2-� x.00793°'0)) �1=1�1,�00 --------------------------- TO"I'�L PRI`CIP:�L A�D I�TEREST O�+ �.R:�IORY BO`DS �I44,300 GR:�tiD TO"T:�L 1998 PROPERTY T.-�ti LE�'Y �4,535,198 � � � � i � I ~ . SPREAD LE�'Y CO�tPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (I�CLUDING FIRE STATION LEVl7 (Proposed) 1995 1996 1997 1993 'i Total Funding Requirements 5,427,086 6,018,489 6,261,380 6,693,3'_5 I Less: Internal Revenues 1,256,305 1,250,110 1,230,125 1,:10,600 Less: �larket Value Based Levy-Fire Station(See Below) 0 155,000 I53,340 156,135 (�l) Equals: Revenues Veeded 4,170,181 4,613,379 4,878,d15 5,3?6,590 City Adjustments(All Subtractions): Local Government Aid(LGA) 384,888 385,706 382,611 330,-433 {3) Homestead&Agricultural Credit.�id(HaCa) 562,�394 53d,077 550,773 550,773 (2) Local Performance Aid(LPA) 0 0 13,216 16,'_66 (2) Lew Certified bv City to County Auditor 3,223,399 3,693,596 3,931,315 4,379,063 County Auditor Adjustments(All 5ubtractions): Fiscal Disparities Distributuion Lew(�(etro.area) 312,157 383,d30 420,303 420,303 (3) Spread Levy Used to Compute Locai Tax Rate 2,911,242 (1) 3,310,166 (1) 3,511,012 (1) 3,9�3,260 Increase from Previous Year in Spread Le�y 13.70°/a 6.07°'� 12.74% hlarket Value Based Referendum Lew-Fire Station N/A 155,000 153,3d0 156,135 (4) (1) Actual Spread Lery Based on Yumbers from Dakota County (2) 1998\umbers Provided by l�iinnesota Department of Revenue (3) 1998 Yumber Provided by Dakota County-"" (4) �tarket Value Based Lew for Fire Station-Based on 5156,135 Levy Spread to Taxable�tarket Value on 12/31/97 Last Update from Dakota County 7t2/97 Sho��s the Lew of S156,135/3617,787,324=$.25 per 51,000 as our Estimate Last Update-9/2/97