HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. State Noise Standards t► CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 18, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: State Noise Standards AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGEND�� City Engineer/Public Works Director � � A ATTACHMENTS: Letter and Resolution APPROVED BY: Attached for your consideration is a resolution which supports the exemption of all County and City street projects from State Noise Standards. The resolution is based on a sample ordinance discussed by Dakota County City Administrators and Managers. The reason this issue is coming forward now is that Dakota County along with the cities of Lakeville, farmington and Apple Valley have been working on plans for the reconstruction of Pilot Knob Road from Diamond Path to Farmington for the last two to three years. As part of the EAW that was necessary for the project the noise standards were identified and as stated in the attached letter it can cost up to $1,000,000 extra ' per mile in construction costs for noise mitigation barriers. If Council chooses to adopt the resolution it would be sent to appropriate State and '�,, County government personnel. Staff feels that it is in the best interest of the City to ��� request that the State exempt City and County roadways from State Noise Standards. ' RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING EXEMPTFONS OF COUNTY AND CITY ROADWAYS FROM STATE NOISE STANDARDS. COUNCIL ACTION: 9 . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997 - A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING EXEMPTIONS OF COUNTY AIVD CITY ROADWAYS FROM STATE NOISE STANDARDS WHEREAS, new and reconstructed county and city roadways provide communities with essential transportation corridors to facilitate economic development, meet expanding volumes of traffic generated by increased residential and commercial growth and help to reduce the traffic burdens on major state and interstate highways, freeways and expressways; and WHEREAS, the majority of county highways and high volume city roads in urbanized areas of the metropolitan region already exceed State noise standards, and do so only during specific times of the day; and WHEREAS, it is sometimes not feasible to construct noise mitigation barriers on county and city roadways due to a variety of planning, land use and zoning considerations; WHEREAS, the cost of constructing noise mitigation barriers has been estimated by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, where it is feasible to do so, at approximately S 1 million per mile for each side of the affected roadway; and WHEREAS, the cost of constructing noise mitigation barriers on county and city roads may render a transportation improvement project infeasible due to high construction costs, and planning, land use and zoning considerations; and WHEREAS, the Dakota County League of Governments has formally adopted the position of supporting the exemption of all county and city roadways from state noise standards; and WHEREAS, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners supports the exemption of county roads from noise mitigation standards due to the extremely high cost of constructing such barriers and the diminishing noise benefits these barriers would provide; and WHEREAS, Dakota County cities bear the total cost of constructing noise mitigation barriers within their specific jurisdiction which if required would prevent the construction or reconstruction of roadways within their respective communities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rosemount City Council hereby supports the exemption of all County and City transportation improvement projects from State noise standards due to the excessive cost of constructing noise mitigation barriers and the l • Resolution 1997 - diminished vaiue these barriers would provide to City residents, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of Rosemount hereby authorizes the appropriate Staff to work with Dakota County Staff to bring about the necessary legislative relief from these onerous statutory provisions. ADOPTED this 18th day of March, 1997. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 2 . FEB-?S-1S97 1��97 FP.OM CITY OF FAP.MINGTON TO 94?35?03 P.O�!05 ���FAAM/N��, ��'� oy TO: Dakota County City Nfansgers City Administraton Ciry Clerks � �.� City Coordinators .� -i—� p - Q I'ILOM: 7ohn F. Erar,City Administrator A ��G� o� S'[JBJECT: Adopdon of Resoiution Supporting pqsr•A PRat'r'��'�� Exemption of Caunt}�/City Roads , firom State Noise Standards , AATE: February 24, 1947 Ilv�I'RdDUCTTON It was recentlY discusse�by th� Dakota Couniy/City Manag�zs/Fldministrators Group th�t cities � Dakota County should take a more active role in. farm�l.ly supportirig Dakota �ount�'s eftort to expand the exemption for county anci city roaciways firom state noise standards. DISCUSSION As many cities are aware, the cost of constructing noise barriers within our respective jurisdictions would be borue entirely by the municipality. MNU4T has suggested that the costs vf cuizstructimg thcsc b�zrrierr:, svould be apgroximately $1 million �r mile for eaeh side of the roadway. dstensibly, these costs should compel ail cities ta actively support a ch��ge in the la�� granti.ng county and city roads in municipalitics a noise standa�rd exemptioz�. Consequently. it is the city's best interest ta be very dcmonstrati�e in supportina an amcndment to current law whicY� would expana noise standard exemptions to county and city road ways. �ssentially, meeting the cosk ehallenges assacia#ed with noise bazrier constructivn on caunty and city roads should be viewed by cities as ano�ther unfundcd state mandate. It is anticipated that if the current law remains unchangcd, ci�es ean expect ta see serious and c�gcnsi��c Iegul Chsllenge5 t0 the co23Struetion An.rl/�r recnnStSUCt1vII Of i�ipox'tarit eXiStin� and future regional transpartation corrid.ars. Secondly, the cost of constructing noise barriezs couid potentially prevent a city from proceeding with a planned transportation imp�rovement. Thirdly, noise wa11 canstraction in righ#s-o�=w-ay on existing ioad. ways c4uld po�e s�riuu� ei�ginccring, �asemcnt dnd planning challenges, while eonstruction af barriers on rights-of-way in undeveloped ar�as could create a variety of other planning and developer-driven cancerns. Finally, thc aesthetic consideration of hati-ing twenty (24) foot wails erected along a residential and/or co�aercial strip ti�ould be an"fun.enity" most communitics would rathez' not see along a highl5 visible transportation gatcway. C�t� o f Farmington 32S Oak Street • Farminqton, �NN SS024 � (612) 463•71 l 1 • �ax f6121 lt63-2591 FEB-25-1997 10�08 FROM CITY �F FARMINGTON TO 94235203 P.03i6S • RECOI��NDED ACTION On behalf of thc Dakota Caunty/City Mat�agers Cri'oup, I urge you to bri.ng the attached samplc ardin�nce to y-c�ux respccti�e gaverniag bodies for immediate adoption. In addition, please contact your legislative representatives and urBe them ta suggart the noise exemption for county and ciry roads. Fusally. I would appr�ciate your sending me copies of rhe resolutions as adogted by your City Covncil. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me 463-1801 �your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ��?�� ohn F. Erar City ,A,dtzaitustrator cc: B�andt Richardson,Dakota County A.dministrator Dave Everds,County Engineer