HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. Recieive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing, Wilner Sanitary Sewer Improvements, City Project #281 • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 18, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Order Public AGENDA SECTION: Hearing, Willner Sanitary Sewer Improvements, City Project Consent #281 PREPARED BY: Doug Litterer, Civil Engineer AGENDA N . ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Feasibility Report APPROVED BY: At the February 18, 1997 meeting the City Council authorized Staff to prepare the Feasibility Report for the Willner Sanitary Sewer Improvements, City Project #281 . The project is relatively simple in that it consist of an extension of sanitary sewer from the existing point northeast of Mr. Willner's home to the south, which would provide sewer service to both Mr. Willner's property and the property immediately to the south which is the car dealership and apartment building. h T e total cost of the project is approximately S26,000 of which Staff has recommended that 514,800 be assessed against the two benefiting properties. The Sanitary Sewer Core Fund would pick up the remaining cost. The Utility Commission at their March 10, 1997 meeting recommended that the project be constructed as described in the Feasibility Report. Staff also recommends that the project be constructed as described in the report. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT/ORDER PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE WILLNER SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #281 . COUNCIL ACTION: 5 ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1997 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT/SET PUBLIC HEARING WILLNER SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #281 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to-wit: City Project #281, Willner Sanitary Sewer Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that said utility and street improvements, City Project #281 is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, � and the City Engineer's report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and ' filed with the City Clerk on March 18, 1997; and ' WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #281 and places it on file. NOW THEREFORE IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #281 , Willner Sanitary Sewer Improvements to be held on Tuesday, April 1, 1997 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City HaIL ADOPTED this 18th day of March, 1997. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: � ' � . i , FEASIBILITY REPORT WILLNER SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 281 MARCH 1997 PREPARED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CERTiFICATION SHEET i hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that i am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the taws ' of the State of Minnesota Henry . smundson, P.E. Date: March 18, 1997 Reg. No. 19156 Douglas J. Litterer Date: March 18, 1997 EIT No. 11078 City Project No.281 Page i 1 EXECUTiVE SUMMARY The Wiliner Sanitary Sewer Improvement, City Project No. 281 consists of extending sanitary sewer service to from 13898 South Robert Trail (east of the Community Genter) to 13930 and 13940 South Robert Trail. This Feasibility Report proposes the construction of approximately 410 Lineal Feet of 8" PVC sanitary sewer. The total estimated cost of the project is approxirnately $26,100. Funding for the project will come from assessments to the benefited properties and the Sanitary Sewer Core Fund. The project construction could be completed in the summer of 1997 with the assessment hearing in the fall of 1997. The proposed improvement is feasible, necessary and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint, and is best made as proposed and not in connection with some other improvement. 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Authorization - On February 18, 1997 the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for the Willner Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project. This project has been designated as City Project No. 281. 2.2 Scope -The project provides for the installation of sanitary sewer from the existing manhole near the northeasterly corner of the property at 13898 South Robert Trail (east of the Community Center and TH 3) southerly along the easterly property lines of 13898, 13930, and 13940 South Robert Trail for about 410'. 2.3 Data Available - Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: • City of Rosemount Record Plans • Dakota County '/2 Section Maps • SEH Letter, Armory Sanitary Sewer; August 28, 1992 • Field Observations of the Area 3 GENERAL BACKGROUND 3.1 Project Location - The project is located along the easterly property Iines of 13898, 13930, and 13940 South Robert Trail which is across the road from the I , Communit Center. 7he entire ro�ect is within the south h of Section 20. A ro'ect Y P J P 1 location map is in the Appendix of this report. City Project No. 281 Page 1 3.2 Project Zoning -The lot at 13930 South Robert Traii is zoned agriculture (AG) and the lot at 13940 South Robe�t Trail is zoned Community Commercial (C-2). 3.3 Project History - On February 4, 1997 Stephen Willner at 13930 petitioned for City sanitary sewer service. He has a failing septic system on a lot occupying about 30,000 s.f. (0.69 acres). 3.4 Existing Conditions - In 1993 sanitary sewer was brought within about 150' of the property at 13930 South Robert Trail as part of the public improvements for the Community Center/National Guard Facility. A map in the appendix shows the existing conditions. 4 PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS 4.1 Sanitary Sewer - An 8" sanitary sewer is proposed to run southerly from the existing manhole near the northeasterly property corner of 13898 South Robert Trail for about 410' to a proposed manhole centered on the easterly property line of 13940 South Robert Trail. Sewer service stubs will be installed to serve the properties at 13930 and 13940 South Robert Trail. A map in the appendix shows the proposed improvement. 4.2 Private Utilities - Private utility companies will be contacted before digging in the vicinity. No conflicts with private utilities are expected. 4.3 Right-of-way and Easements -The sanitary sewer is proposed to be constructed on property owned by the CP Limited Partnership (trailer park owners). A permanent and temporary easement will have to be obtained from the CP Limited Partnership. 4.4 Permits/Approvals - Permits wilf be needed from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services Division. 5 FINANCING 5.1 Cost Estimate - Detailed Cost Estimates can be found in the Appendix of this report. The estimates are based on 1995 and 1996 construction costs and include a 10% contingency factor, all related administrative costs, and estimated easement costs. The administrative costs are estimated at 15% and include legal, engineering, interest and other administrative items. The estimated cost of the sanitary sewer improvement is $26,100. City Project No.281 Page 2 5.2 Funding -The funding for the project wiil come from assessments and the Sanitary Sewer Core Fund. It is proposed to assess both 13930 and 13940 South Robert TraiL The Sanitary Sewer Core fund should be responsible for $11,300 with the remaining balance assessed to benefitting property. The remaining balance of $14,800 would be split between 13930 and 13940 South Robert Trail which equates too $7,400 per lot. The assessment roll is included in the appendix. 6 PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule for this improvement is as follows: Order Feasibility Report February 18, 1997 Receive Feasibility Report March 18, 1997 Public Hearing /Order Plans & Spec.'s April 1, 1997 , Receive Plans & Spec.'slOrder Ad for Bid April 15, 1997 'i Receive Bids May 9, 1997 , Award Contract May 20, 1997 Begin Gonstruction June 15, 1997 Complete Construction June 30, 1997 Assessment Hearing September 1997 City Project No.281 Page 3 COST ESTIMATE Mar. 6, 1997 Wiilner Sanitary Sewer Improvement City Project Na 281 SCHEDULE A - SANITARY SEWER Item Estimated Estimated Estimated No. Descn tion Quantit Unit Unit Cost Total 1 Granular Foundation Material 25 iTON $10.00� $250 2 4"PVC Sanitary Sewer,SDR 26 20 j L.F. $10.00' $200 � 3 8"PVC Sanitary Sewer, SDR 35 410�L.F. $20.00 $8,200 4 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 i EACH � $500.00; $500 5 8"x 4"PVC Wye 2 I EACH � $50.00 $100 ' 6 48"Dia.Manhole (0- 10') 1 I EACH j $1,400.00 $1,400 I', 7 Excess Depth Manhole 4.0 I�.F. ' $90.00 $360 8 Silt Fence 5001 L.F. $3.00' $1,500 9 Seeding 0.6�ACRE i $1,000.00 $600 Easements j Permanent Easement 12,300 S.F. $0.50� $6,150 Temporary Easement 9,200 S.F. $0.15� $1,380 Subtotal $20,600 +10% Contingencies $2,100 Subtotal $22,700 +15% Administration & Engineering $3,400 Total Estimated Project Cost $26,100 281ce1.wk4 COST ESTIMATE Mar. 6, 1997 r vement r wer Im o Willne Sanitary Se p City Project No. 281 PID Number Owner Pro�ertx Address 34-02010-010-80 Stephen Wiliner 13930 S. Robert Traii 34-02010-060-80 Todd Franz 13940 S. Robert Trail Item Estimated Estimated Estimated No. Descri tion Quantit . Unit Unit Cost Total 2 4" PVC Sanitary Sewer, SDR 26 20�L.F. $10.00 i $200 3 8"PVC Sanitary Sewer, SDR 35 250�L.F. � $20.00 I $5,�00 � 5 8"x 4" PVC Wye � 2;EACH �; $50.00; $100 � 6 48" Dia.Manhole (0-10') 1 i EACH i $1,400.00�� $1,400 Easements � Permanent Easement 8,100�S.F. $O.SO li $4,050 Temporary Easement 6,4001S.F. $0.15� $960 Subtotal $11,700 +10% Contingencies $1,200 Subtotal $12,900 +15% Administration & Engineering $1,900 Total Estimated Cost for 13930 & 13940 S. Robert Trail $14,800 Total Estimated Cost 13930 S. Robert Trail $7,400 Total Estimated Cost 13940 S. Robert Trail $7,400 281 cel.wk4 - � . � COST ESTIMATE Mar. 6, 1997 }� i WiAner Sanitary Sewer Improvement r City Project No. 281 � Sanitary Sewer Core Fund Item Estimated Estimated Estimated No. Descri tion Quantit Unit Unit Cost Total 1 Granular Foundation Material 25�TON $10.00 i $250 3 8"PVC Sanitary Sewer, SDR 35 160 L.F. $20.00 i $3,200 4 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer � 1 �EACH � $500.00; $500 � 7 Excess Depth Manhole � 4.0 L.F. I $90.00� $360 8 Silt Fence i 500 L.F. � $3.00�I $1,500 9 Seeding 0.6 ACRE ' $1,000.00' $600 ; Easements i i Permanent Easement 4,200IS.F. $0.50; $2,100 Temporary Easement 2,800 S.F. $0.15� $420 , Subtotal $8,900 ! +10% Contingencies $900 Subtotal $9,800 +15% Administration & Engineering $1,500 Total Estimated Cost for Sanitary Sewer Core Fund $11,300 281ce1.wk4 PENDING ASSESSMENT ROLL Wiliner Sanita Sewer Im rovement rY P City Project No. 281 March 1997 PROPOSED PARCEL N0. OWNER NAME MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ASSESSMENT 34-02010-010-80 Stephen I.Willner 13930 S. Robert Trail Rosemount,MN 55068 3437 $7,400 _ _ __-------- --- -------------------- ------- --- ------- _ _--_-- ---._ - __-- - - 34-02010-060-80 Todd Henry Franz 13940 S. Robert Trait Rosemount,MN 55068-3437 $7,400 281pa1.wk4 , ' , , � . , `i ,) . .. ,... � ..� . �y , ,. . ,4 1 ,� I � ,� u � .� � �, , � ,� `� ' �� � : :� � x,,. , ,�- � , �. � �•, �,',;�, � . l �t � ,., '' a' � , f "tp ) `t �} ti � � ' �7 � ' � .� yy. �� • .� �r! �i A�� ��r 'I'...t'�y � � �i,• , . . ''1 � � � y�4 4� �+'��r ��J " � �....� 1� '��' � �,' , . � � � , '' , °, •; y v �...:,.u,.., '' - , ' I;� , ', � �� , � ,, � ... ,� ,, , 1. , ''�k `°, � �� +, �'4 ' � , `�'� � �� .. , . .�����. •'�" '!{{ � �4. �tit �� � ..�� . � . . .� , .�` �«'�, ,� � '� , . , �� . � � � � �1 „ ... �� �. .. ,.... � . � '� rf � . � � � � ''�... i '� u. . .• ;� ij . .. . . • • ' ... . . _. . 1.1 ',i. . . .. ._. � � i • �i . , � � .... _ .. ,�i �. 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