HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Receive Bids/Award Contract - Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project #277 - � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 18, 1997 AGEIVDA ITEM: Receive Bids/Award Contract, 1997 Street AGENDA SECTION: & Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project #277 Consent PREPARED BY: Doug Litterer, Civil Engineer AGEND � � ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation, Resoiution APPROVED BY: �� � On Friday, March 14, 1997, bids for the referenced project were received and read aloud '� publicly. Eight (8) bids were received and are listed for your review on the attached bid � tabulation. i The apparent low bid received is from Kober Excavating, Inc., in the amount of ' 5764,211 .50. The Engineer's Estimate was 5896,000 based on 1996 construction ' costs. WSB & Associates will verify the apparent low bid and Council will be provided a ', verified bid tab on Tuesday, along with any change in the low bidder. The firm of WSB & Associates, engineer for the project, and Staff recommend the award of Project No. 277 to Kober Excavating, Incorporated in the amount of 5764,211.50. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE 1997 STREET & UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #277. COUNCIL ACTION: 1 Y_. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOWTION 1997 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVINC BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 1997 STREET & UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #277 ` . BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows 1. All bids on construction of 1997 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements are hereby received and tabulated. 2. The bid of Kober Excavating, Incorporated in the amount of 5764,211 .50 for the construction of said improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications and advertisement for bids is the lowest responsible bid and shall be and hereby is accepted. 3. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of all successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED this 18th day of March, 1997. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: ' Voted in favor: I Voted against: ��- % ' Q -N�� ��% B/D TAB G�E G!�!1 1997Street and Utiliry Recons�ruction Prnject City Project No.l77 City of Rosemount,,NN Bids Opened: 10:00 a.rrr. WSB&,fssociutes,Inc. ;lfarch 14, 1997 Project:Vo. 1050.00 Conlructor Bid Security Toiul Bic! ARCON CONSTRUCTION,INC. ✓ � �3 I �Q'Z,�'g' BARBAROSSA&SONS,INC. ,� � g� �4U.�v BROWN&CRIS,INC. ✓ S g�Z 3¢Z,Lq ENEBAK CONSTRUCTION CO � G.L.CONTR?.CTING,INC. � S.M.HENTGES � B.H.HESELTON CO. ✓ S �7 �T, S��X`�, g� RICHARD KNUTSON,INC. ✓ � 8�� E�,�7 7..— MINGER CONSTRL'CTION � '�I RTHDALE CONSTRUCTION � � Q' ZD 10 883 / Q. RYAN CONTRACTING,II`'C. ,� � �j zPj (}37,S-S 3 SCHURCON,INC. � VI-CON,INC. � S.R.WEIDEMA,INC. � ��B�Q �,�G.4v,4-irN�- � �e� Z/l, so I ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 5896,000 I 1 hereby certrfy that this is a true and carrect ' tabulation of the bids as received on March 1�, ' � 1997 L City Engineer Bret A.Weiss,P.E. *Deerotes correcteJ figure � p'�.11'/•M'l�.�IIiS���N/lti/'f.(':H/UTAtl . . �.� _ � �--� ��/� � Y �i V r - D..�.�lictclsteadt,P.E. 350 UVestwood Lake Office B�e�:�.W�;�,r.E. II���� 8441 Wa}/ZatS BOUI@VBfCI Prcer R.Wiitenbring,P.E. MN 55426 Donald W.S�erna,P.E. Minneapolis, Ronald B.Brav,P.E. -_ 612-541-4800 �flssociactes,Inc. FAX 541-1700 March 17, 1997 Mr. Bud Osmundson, P.E. City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Re: 1997 Street& Utility Reconstruction Project City of Rosemount Project No. 277 WSB Project No. 1050.00 Dear Mr. Osmundson: Bids were received for the referenced project at 10:00 a.m., March 14, 1997, and were opened and read aloud. A total of eight responsive bids were received. Kober Excavating, Inc. of Elk River, MN submitted the lowest bid in the amount of $764,211.50. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The Engineer's estimate was $896,000. Enclosed, please find the original proposals from all eight contractors for the above-referenced project. We are holding the bid bonds for the three low bidders until the contract is entered into with Kober EYcavating. Upon e:cecution of the contract,we will return those bid bonds to the appropriate contractors. All other bid bonds will be returned, along with an extension of bids, to the other bidders following council award of the project. The reference check of Kober Excavating, Inc. revealed a firm with a solid reputation involved with municipal street and utility projects in the $100,000 to $300,000 construction cost range. City Project No. 277 is larger than Kober Excavating's typical project and as a result, may require additional coordination by the City. No one contacted felt that Kober Excavating was unresponsive and it appears that their staff experience is substantial. Therefore,we recommend the award of the contract to Kober Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $764,211.50. The bid tabulation and bid extension are enclosed. Sincerely, WSB 8c Associ es,Inc. ��,�-� � Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Project Manager EncL ruri fYifrcistn�cture Er:gis:eers Plcinners � W,-W,..,-,",�,�,��„-•,-,«„ EOl'At.c)PI't iR"C�'\I'i'Y[�iPLOYER ; � BID TABfILATiON 1991 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Projed Na 277 ' City of Ras�nount,MN . ssociates Inc Bids Opened. 10:00 am. WSB&A , March 14, 1997 Projed No. 1050.00 Contrador Bul Security Total Bid KOBER EXCAVATING, INC. X $76�,211.�0 RICHARD KNUTSON,ING X $806,458.07 RYAN CONTRACTING,INC. X *$829,1892� ARCON CONSTRUCTION,INC. X $831,782.44 BARBAROSSA&SONS,INC. X $848,400.�0 BROWN&CRIS. INC. X $872,342.29 B. H. HESELTON CO. X $879,894.45 NORTHDALE CONSTRUCTION X *$883,19�.75 ENGINEER'S OPINION OF COST $89b,000.00 1 hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on March 1=�, 1997 C� �- � �r--=-� H .Osmundson,P.E.,City Engineer Bret A.Weiss,P.E. *Denotes corrected fzgure � P."1Il A7.W/4Splq:tlLCB/DTAB�