HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of April, 1997 Regular City Council Meeting and Committee of the Whole ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APitIL 15, 1997 Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Carroll, Edwards, Wippermann present. Also present were City Administrator Burt, Public Works/City Engineer Osmundson, Community Development Director Rogness, City Planner Pearson, Park& Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer, and Intern Bonkowske A. CMC Heartland Partners Concept Ptan, Staff presented the most recent version of the proposed concept plan for the 226-acre site east of Biscayne A�e. Staff identified issues that needed City Council direction. North-South Collector: The placement of the street connection on County Road 42 should be shifted to provide better access to future roads to the south. It was also stated that the cost of the road would be at the developer's expense. East-West Collector: The number of homes having direct access will be reviewed and efforts should be made to limit them as much as possible. Any home having direct access to this road will be required to have a turn-around on the lot so future residents will not have to back out onto this street. Park: The size and location of the park were acceptable; however, a trail should connect to the northern portion of the large pond as part of the plan. The City will not accept the narrow park over the pipe line or along County Road 42. All trails and sidewalks will be required to be within a right-of-way or easement. Housing TXpes: Four types of housing were proposed, including single family, townhomes, twin homes and cottage homes. Concern was expressed on the percentage of multiple dwelling units. The City Council emphasized they would like to see more amenities and detail of housing types and designs. Postin� a Security: City Council suggested that CMC be required to post securities to assure improvements they are proposing are completed. The security will cover all roads, paxks, / amenities and common space improvements. � B. New Subdivision Ordinance. Staff presented a new draft subdivision ordinance which had been prepared over the course of several months. The draft excerpted or modified language from other cities including Apple Valley, Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Lakeville and Coon Rapids. Among other things, the new draft includes a"sunset provision" which creates an expiration process for approved but unused preliminary plats and "premature subdivision" criteria. The Council directed Staffto enhance the lapse and e�ension provision to guarantee clarity. The City Attorney will be asked to participate with the final draft. Staff also presented a"two out of three" idea with the intent of eliminating minor technical variances for non-PUD subdivisions. The general consensus was to continue to use the PUD process consistent with past practice. A May public hearing for the new subdivision ordinance is anticipated. Respectfully submitted, Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 15, 1997 Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk The City Council Committee of the Whole Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1997-14. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 15, 1997 Mayor Busho called the meetin�to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Carroll, Edwards, Wippermann present. Also present were City Administrator Burt, Public Works/City Engineer Osmundson, Community Development Director Rogness, City Planner Pearson, Park& Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer, and Intern Bonkowske A. CMC Heartland Partners Concept Plan. Staff presented the most recent version of the proposed concept plan for the 226-acre site east of Biscayne Ave. Staff identified issues that needed City Council direction. North-South Collector: The placement of the street connection on County Road 42 should be shifted to provide better access to future roads to the south. It was also stated that the cost of the road would be at the developer's expense. �ast-West Collector: The number of homes having direct access will be reviewed and efforts should be made to limit them as much as possible. Any home having direct access to this road will be required to have a turn-around on the lot so future residents will not have to back out onto this street. Park: The size and location of the park were acceptable; however, a trail should connect to the northern portion of the large pond as part of the plan. The City will not accept the narrow park over the pipe line or along County Road 42. All trails and sidewalks will be required to be within a right-of-way or easement. Housing Ty�es: Four types of housing were proposed, including single family, townhomes, twin homes and cottage homes. Concern was expressed on the percentage of multiple dwelling units. ;� The City Council emphasized they would like to see more amenities and detail of housing types and designs. B. New Subdivision Ordinance. Staff presented a new draft subdivision ordinance which had been prepared over the course of several months. The draft excerpted or modified language from other cities including Apple Valley, Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Lakeville and Coon R.a.pids. Among other things, the new draft includes a"sunset provision" which creates an expiration process for approved but unused preliminary plats and "premature subdivision" criteria. The Council directed Staff to enhance the lapse and e�ension provision to guarantee clarity. The City Attorney will be asked to participate with the final draft. Sta.ff also presented a"two out of three" idea with the intent of eliminating minor technical variances for non-PUD subdivisions. The general consensus was to continue to use the PUD process consistent with past practice. A May public hearing for the new subdivision ordinance is anticipated. i Respectfully submitted, '' Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk The City Council Committee of the Whole Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 199'7-14. . �: ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 15, 1997 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, April 15, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Wippermann, Carroll, Edwards, and Anderson present. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Assistant to Administrator Wa1sh, Public Works Director Osmundson, Community Development Director Rogness, Administration Intern Bonkowske, and Recreation Director Topitzhofer. Councilmember Edwards led the group with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Agenda was changed by pulling Item 6.i. Receive Feasibility Report for the McNamara Addition, City Project 282; additional information was submitted for Item 6.h. Receive Bids/Award Contract for Hawkins Pond Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 275; an item was added to the Consent Agenda, Item 6.j. Minnesota Valley Transit Authority Joint Powers Agreement; and an item was added to Old Business, Item 7.c. Broback Findings of Fact. Public Comments was opened by Mayor Busho. Beth Giliuson, 3625 143rd Street West, advised the City Council of a paxking issue near the Rosemount High School. During sporting events parking by students, parents, and spectators is occurring even where prohibited. This is putting pedestrians and drivers at risk. Often both sides of the street have parked cars not allowing a normal flow of traffic. The streets most affected are Chili Avenue with parking on the hill and 143rd Street just south of the ballfield. The school parking lot usually has parking room available but it is farther to walk. Giliuson has talked with many neighbors and they would like to have the yellow no-parking line e�rtended near the street corners, put up signs with a similar phrase to "no parking for ballfield events", and have school coaches tell teams and spectators to use the school parking lot. Mayor Busho thanked Ms. Giliuson and directed staff to research this parking issue. Public Works Director Osmundson discussed a corridor study for CSAH 42 and forming an advisory committee. Metropolitan agencies would like resident and business input. Council I submitted three names of residents and suggested one planning commissioner and one �' representative from Cannon Equipment. The Committee should meet for the first time next ' month. ' Public Works Director Osmundson reported on the Wetland Challenge Grant authorized by City Council June 18, 1996. Part of this process is public input to establish a set of community based priorities or a value system for individual or groups of wetlands to serve as a basis for focusing water resource enhancement projects and guiding development activity. MOTION by Anderson to authorize the creation and function of a Wetland Planning Task Force. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Busho, Carroll, Edwards, Anderson. Nays: None. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRII, 15, 1997 Assistant to the Administrator Wa1sh introduced Bill Morris of Decisions Resources, Inc. Morris reviewed the results from the community survey of 401 residents conducted between February 8 and March 3, 1997. The results indicated that Rosemount citizens were very pleased with their community. Now, more residents see Rosemount as a"suburb" rather than a"small town." The household median yearly household income is $58,500 which is double what it was in a 1989 survey. Over 80% of residents approved of the maintenance of street lights, removal of litter from city streets, parks, trails, condition of picnic facilities and play equipment in city paxks, police response time to calls, enforcement of trai�ic laws by police departments, and outdoor skating rinks. A solid majority felt that code enforcement with respect to animal control, garbage disposal,junk cars, messy yards and noise was"about right." However, 32 % of the respondents rated the enforcement of the junk car ordinance as"not tough enough" and 24% felt similarly about the enforcement of"messy" yards. Community spirit, friendly people and knowing your neighbor were important to the majority. Overall, residents are happy to live in Rosemount. MOTION by Edwards to approve the Consent Agenda with the removal of Item 6.i. and additional information for Item 6.h. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. Community Development Director Rogness reviewed what the Port Authority had approved for the Endres Development Contract. Endres produces poultry feed and proposes to build a plant in the General Industrial area east of Highway 52 and north of Highway 55, near Koch Refining. A public hearing was held April 1 for Tax Increment Financing approval for the project. MOTION by Carroll to approve A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT BETWEEN ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY AND ENDRES PROPERTIES, LLC. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Carroll, Edwards, Anderson, Wippermann, Busho. Nays: None. Motion carried. Administrative Intern Bonkowske presented an ordinance that would regulate temporary sidewalk signs. These signs would be allowed to be displayed six times a year for a maximum of ten days. The placement of these signs would be limited to businesses adjacent to the right-of-way. Special event signs such as steak fry, craft sale, etc. would be allowed assurrung they contmue not to be frequent and are picked up promptly. Mayor Busho noted that city staff would need to insure enforcement. MOTION by Carroll to adopt AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY ZONING CODE ORDINANCE B, REGARDING THE REGULATIONS FOR SIDEWALK SIGNS. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Edwards, Anderson, Wippermann, Bushq Carroll. Nays: None. Motion carried. Community Development Director Rogness presented the resolution showing findings of fact for denial of the replat of the Broback Industrial Park. Council requested that the reason of excessive lot depth be removed from the drafted resolution. 2 . ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEI�lINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 15;�'1997 MOTION by Busho to approve A RESOLUTION FOR DENTAL OF THE REPLAT OF THE BROBACK INDUSTRIAL PARK WITH LOT WIDTH VARIANCES BASED UPON FINDINGS OF FACT as amended. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, Busho, Carroll, Edwards. Nays: None. Motion carried. Assistant to the Administrator Walsh presented a request from McDivot's Sports Pub and Eatery to amend the On-Sale Liquor Licenses to allow alcoholic beverages to be served on an existing patio located to the north of the building. Ornamental black iron railing would be installed around the patio area. Wa1sh explained that stai�felt that alcohole should not be served past 10:00 p.m. rather than be allowed to remain open until 1:00 a.m. This time restriction would help to curtail noise that might disrupt people in the senior high rise and condominium adjacent to this property. Rob Moen, manager of McDivot's, spoke in behalf of the request. Moen noted that in past years motorcyclists had caused late night noise problems, but now the cliental has changed and that should no longer be troubling. McDivot's believes that an outdoor patio will appeal to local business people, area baseball teams and others who enjoy the cooler evening air. They do serve dinners until 11:00 p.m. and would like the hours for the patio to remain open until then. Council requested that the adjacent residents of the senior high rise and condominiums be notified of this potential change so that their opinions can be noted. MOTION by Edwards to table the decision on a request from McDivot's Sports Pub and Eatery to amend the On-Sa1e Liquor Licenses until May 6, 1997. Second b�Busha `; Councilmember Anderson requested discussion. Edwards withdrew'iiis motion and Busho.her second. Councilmember Anderson noted that a past owner had served alcohol on the patio at that location and perhaps some history of that could be obtained. MOTION by Edwards to table the decision on a request from McDivot's Sports Pub and Eatery to amend the On-Sale Liquor Licenses until May 6, 1997. Second by Busho. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. Public Works Director Osmundson presented two streets to add to the Municipal State Aid Streets which makes that street eligible for receiving Municipal State Aid funds for construction and maintenance. The streets being added are Clark Road and Conley Avenue. MOTION by Anderson to adopt A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL STATE- AID STREETS: CLARK ROAD FROM 140TH STREET EAST TO CSAH 42 AND CONLEY AVENUE FROM 140TH STREET EAST TO CSAH 42. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Busho, Carroll, Edwards, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. Motion carried. 'I 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS � REGULAR MEETING APRIL 15, 1997 City Administrator Burt requested City Council to consider another date for the Goal Setting Workshop. It had been set for Apri125th but not everyone on City Council was able to attend and staff recommends that it be changed. Burt noted that the 10 year CIP budget draft will be available in two weeks which would be good to discuss at this meeting. Council discussed '' various dates and decided upon May 16, 1997. MOTION by Busho to change the special goal setting meeting to Friday, May 16, 1997, at 9:00 a.m. Second by Carroll. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. Upcoming events are: April 21, HRA Senior Housing Ground Breaking, 3:30 p.m.; April 23, Koch Neighborhood Meeting, 7:00 p.m.; Apri125, Employee Recognition Lunch, 11:30 p.m.; and Apri126, Community Center, Inter-Generational Dialogue, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mayor Busho adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk � The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's file 1997-15. 4