HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Receive Petition/Order Feasibility Report for Sanitary Sewer Extension CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CI TY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 18, 1997 ort- AGENDA SECTION: ENDA ITEM: Receive PetitioniOrder Feasibility ReP CONSENT AG Sanitary Sewer Extension � AGENDA�P�.� �6 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson IG C�ty Engineer/Public Works Director pppROVED BY: pTTACHMENTS: Petition, Map, Resolution for a sanitary sewer extension to etitioning im ossible to replace on Steve W���ner, 13930 South Robert Tra�stem that maY be nearly p He has a failin9 septic sy �� �ine about 170' from the his property. sanitary sewer is an 8 his 1 acre lot. The nearest existing northeasterly corner of his prope�• sewer ith the petition, but they s that is south of Mr. W���ner is al W not on the sarntary The car dealership busmes Mr_ �Viiiner was approached by tic system is �n poor system. The car deatership that their sep did not want to sign• Staff is of the understanding condition. �n (Sunrise Lumber site) �s siness south of the car dealership, A�iiance Landscap 9 The bu stem. also on a septic sy ted by the City Councii. etition be accep the sewer to the The Utility Commission recommendedo�and w i investigate extending Staff wiil comp�ete the Feasibility Rep qiiiance Landscap�n9 PrOpertY' AD ATTE RESOLUTION RECEIV�NG THE PETiT10N Su_ S� ECpNINIENDED ACTION: MOTIO POR FOR A SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION. R Motion AND ORDERING A FEASIBILiTY t Voted in �; COUNCIL ACTION: Voted agai 2 --------_.., __ -_�._ , _ __ }� � _, _. ,_.._ --�� __ _ _ v . � / . W