HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Octoberfest Permit � . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: OCTOBERFEST PERMIT AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGENDA NO. ASSISTANT TO ADMIl�TISTRATOR ITEIVI � j' � ATTACHMENTS: LETTER APPROVED BY: Keith Wunder-Joyce has requested another appearance before the City Council. Mr. Wunder-Joyce would like to again ask the Council to allow the Octoberfest committee to only pay for half of the estimated police officer time unless there are enough net profits to pay the entire cost. He also offered to donate any remaining profits to the city for the amphitheatre after repaying the Jaycees a$1,000 start up loan. � Attached is a letter from Keith Wunder-Joyce who answers some of the questions asked at the last Council ' meeting. Mr. Wunder-Joyce also comments on the contributions and donations the Jaycees have given to the ' community for the past 35 years. ' RECOMMENDED ACTION: �JVunder - Joyce Service WJServices�aol . -c-om ( 612 ) 457 - 9647 TO: Ros�mount City Council tilotnbcrs I'ROI�i: I�eitli Wundzr-Jovca, Rosemount Octobzrfzst Chair RE: Park Peniiit Escro�v Fee Cotmcil Nlemberc, At this time I would lika to raquzst a�ain to bz herd on the inatter of thz Park Partnit Escrow. Our fundraising efforts, although many hava not yizlded much in tha fonn of rcvonucs. Taking a ch�uicc tliat thc 4vould turn a profit and tho city g�t it's fc�,'s at that tim:, would be of grzat benefit to th� pro{ect. I�Iost of the coinpanizs wz ��°ill ba contracting fur requirz pa_y�neut iu fiill bzfurz they SZt ll�t�lZll' Zijlllj)IIlZIlt. TI11S a1011Z 15 I1c11'c�f01' a �11'St �'Zill evant. To answer some of thz quzstions youu had raisad at your last meating: What vendors do you have alraady??? AS OF 8-8-97 Conf`irmcd Vondors: Susi�s Fast Track Caf.. Susy's Short Cakz For-esto's B & B Pizza Farniington 1lasons Jim'c IVlini Dotiirt� Unconfirmed Vandors:Schumackers European Hotel Wir Nuts 3 Craft Vcndors 1 Nov�lty Vzndor Church Cn-vup Selling Glow Necklaces Entertainment Bavarian Musil:miestzr-A 25 piace bavarian orchestra in fiill co�tume. Performance times Sat: 1:30, 3:30, K. �:30, Sun 2:00, � 4:0�. N'riday� Saturday�ve. �ntertaintnent has not been arranged as of_yzt due to finances. Can ���e cut 1 day out? Ycs tivc could, ho�vevcr booth spaccs ha��c, bo.;ti contracted out based on a 3 da_y event. A rzfiuid would have to be nzgotiatzd. 11�Iost rziital ZljUl�Illd21t f0d�5 1'ZIll�llll tllz saiiia. If Sui7day wei-z cut out, tlie contractzd entertairuiient would still havz to bz paid. �id the potential for profit is reduced. Why don't you use cliaritaUla gaining uionzy? C'haritabla ganiing inonzy cati i riot be used for the or�anizations o�vn pro�-ams. I � � Wunder - Joyce Service WJServicesl�aaol . com ( 6 '12 ) 457 - 9647 Respunse to c�uncil mzmbers conunent "If tlia Ja��cees were tu give a 2,880.00 donation to the city, I don't liave a problzin giving thzm frzz polic� san•ica.". In raspact to charitablz ga�niiig. Aftar your last mzating I did chack into this abo��a mantionad possibility. Currently all uf our charitabla aaI211I1�fitnds arz spokzn for���ith holiday pro�-ams & a t�ery 1<ir�z d�nation to tha Rosemount Fira Dapartmaut. Thzir would be no fi�ncis atiailablz to facilitate additi�nal d�nations until Janaary�r Fehniary 199X. �letliods to raisa rzvanuzs at thz avznt. Sausage and Pop�on�zssion sal�s Seer Sales .S11ZTlt :�L1Ct10I1 I am sure you will havz tnorz questions. if you likz you iiiay raach ma at 4�0-9690 in thz eaniings. In closing tha Rosemount Jaycea C�ctobarfest Committez is rzquasting that tha Roszrnount City Council wava a portion up to tha full amount of tha escro�;� for the use of Erie;kson Park. Wz ask that wh�n reviewing this recluesl you consider: Thz benzli� lhz Jaycees have Ueen to the conununity over thz last 3� years. The large donations and contributions to the conununity the Jaycees continue to makz. That thz first dollar of profit up to thz amount of City sarvicas will ba paid from tha profits, if any. �id finall_y that auy and all profits abova tha cost of City Servicz &tha Jaycaa Start up fiuids of$ 1,000.00 �vill go to the Amphitheatzr to ba build in Erikson Conununity Squara. T thank you f�r your time, Sincerely Iieith A.��'under-Juyce 1'