HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Shannon Pond East Addition Correction to Plat� } ..,s .. . ._.. .. � � � � . . . . . ... . .. . . ' City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action CITY COITNCIL MEETING DATE: September 16, 1997 Agenda Item: Shannon Pond East Addition Correction to Agenda Section: , Plat Consent � Prepared By: Rick Pearson, City Planner Agenda�CR p � � C1�11 � Attachments: Land Surveyor's Certificate of Correction to Approved By�_... Plat It is necessary that a Correction to Plat be recarded to correct an error in the legal description to the plat for Shannon Pond East Addition. The corrected Iegal description reflects a minor adjustment to a boundary line of the parcel that was required by the county. Staff is seeking council approval of the attached Land Surveyor's Certificate of Correction to Plat, signed by the Land Surveyor. The new Subdivision Ordinance allows for this type of a correction to occur without a public hearing because the correction is essentially a minor adjustment to one boundary line and is really a housekeeping matter. Recommended Action: Motion to direct the City Clerk to execute the Land Surveyor's Certificate of Correction to Plat. .4.ction: � 09i09i97 15�0�1 ALLEN HOMES CORP -� 1 612 423 520� N0. 532 D�2 �I ' � , I II I,A1YD SUR 6rEYOR'S CERT'IFICA7'E OF CORRE�'�'1�11i TO PLA T � , � � i Name nf'Ptat:SHANN0IV POND EAST ADDIT�OIV j i Pursuartt to the prnvisiorrs of Chapter a��.17�,Laws oflt�linnesota, 1�57, Ronald A. Swanson, th�undersigned a Licen.s�d T.and Surveyor in and for!he state ofMinne.snta, declares as follvws: That�pr�laared the plet o,f SHANNDN PON�E�ST ADDI?70N, dated July 26th, 1�9G, and filE�d�n August 14th, I 5�96 r»the o�ce of'the Cnvniy h.ecorder, l?a 1cx Caunty,Minnes�ta, in Book 30�f Pla�+r,page 53. Tt2at said plut con�uins errors, omissions, or defects irt the follrrwing�articulars, rn-wit: Th� u�esrerly line of Lot 1 t3lock 3, said line alsv a ptat boundary line, wu�reeorded having a bearing ofNorah U de�rees U6 minutes ZS seconc�s Wes� Thal said plat is hereby corrected in 1he fnllawingpartic�lr�ts tn-wit: "1'he westerly li»e of Lot 1 Biock 3, sair.�tine also a plat bounddry line. .shall now beQr Nvrth 0 egrees 136 mirrutes 113 seconds Eas� 1lated: -- - �. � . _� icerrsed I.and Surv�yor j,icense Number 10183 Stale Of MJTtYle54tt] The above C:ertificate of Correction tv the plat o,f.S'HANNQN PC)Nl�►EAS'T ADD.TTI�N, has becn approved by rhe City nfRusem4unt at a regular meeting of the�;'iiv Counci!of the City vf Rosemoun� Mtnnesnta, h��ld or�the ._day nf_. . _. , �9s_ 1�y: ._... ._ --. ._..._ Clerk 1'his C:ertificate of G~urrection har been revtewed and a�pmvecl this _ �y a,f , _ . ... ._, 199_ 13y: - -- .. . .. .. Gary K. Steve,rson Dakr�ta Cnrmry Surveynr I