HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Skateboard Park CITY OF ROSEMO NT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: DECEMBER 15, 19 7 AGENDA ITEM: SKATEBOARD PARK AGENDA NO. ITEM # pREPARED BY: THOMAS D.BURT, CITY ADMII�TIST TOR ATTACHMENTS: SKATEBOARD PARK 1'ROPOSAL, LEGAL OPII�TION ,,.....�''" C� The surrounding cities received a proposal from the City of Bu sville to participate in a skit9eb B�svi�e er consideration in Burnsville. To date the cities of Eagan and Lak ville, and School Distnct have given money towards the park. If the City Council is inter sted in participating in such a facility the City Attorney's memo indicates how this can be done legally. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES: - 470 Pillsbury Center . � 1 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone � � (612) 337-9310 fau e-mail:acrysC�kennedy-graven.com CHARTERED CHARLES L. LEFEVERE Attomey at I.aw Direct Dial(612)337-9215 November 18, 1997 ✓ Mr. 'I'�m B�:r* � , . r �. City Administrator City of Rosemount PO Bax 510 Rosemount MN 55068-0510 RE: Skate Board Facility Coratr'ibution l� Dear Tom: The City has been requested to provide funds for a skate board facility in the City of Burnsville. In connection with the consideration of that request, you have requested an explanation of the rules on donation of City funds. The Ciry holds its property in trust for the public and generally is not authorized to give money or property of value away without reasonable compensation. There are exceptions to this rule. For example, state statutes authorize cities to give either real or personal property to other ciries or political subdivisions without receiving fair compensation,or any compensation. The Attorney General has ruled, however, that cash may not be given to another city or political subdivision, apparently on the theory that the authority to give away property is based on the assumption that such prnperty is nn it?no?_* PePdP� for ��b1ic i^,l3:'rnpcac 1�nt t�2C Z1: C3P nPV�T �P 5�1� t�':�L C?ch ic no longer needed for public purposes. Likewise, without specific statutory authorization, the City would not be authorized to give cash or valuable property to private persons, businesses, or even charitable organizations. For example, the City may not take money from taxpayers for City purposes and give it to the American Cancer Society. However, there are sometimes ways of accomplishing the same objective as a donation by other means. The City may not give unrestricted cash to a local non- profit youth baseball organization. However, youth baseball is a perfectly legitimate youth recreational activity which the City might finance from its park budge� Therefore, the City could enter into a contract for services with the non-profit organization under which the City would provide funds and the non-profit organization would provide a youth baseball program on terms and conditions specified in the agreement. rLL133?19 � � � � RS315-1 � Mr. Tom Burt November 18, 1997 Page 2 With respect to the request for the City to provide funds for the skate board facility, I do not believe that the City has the authority to donate cash, either to the City of Burnsville or to the non-pro�t organization which is operaring the facility. However, if the Council believes that this is a recreational facility which is a reasonable expenditure of Ciry funds for Rosemount youth recreation, I believe that it would be pernussible for Rosernount to enter into a joint powers agreernent with the City of Burnsville and other involved cities under whi ch B u rn s v i ll e w o u l d ' be the lead agency in developing a skate board faciliry which would be available to the youth of all of the participating communities. Please let me know if you have any further questions on this issue. Very truly yours, � � Charles L. LeFevere CLL:Ih CLL133819 RS215-1 City of BURNSV(LLE � (612)895-4400 100 Civic Center Parkway • Burnsville, Minnesota 55337-3817 October 10, 1997 The Honorable Cathy Busho Mayor City of Rosemount Rosemount,MN 55068-0510 Dear Cathy: In D ecember of 1994 a group of youth from Apple Valley,Burnsville,Eagan,Lakeville,Prior Lake, Rosemount,and Savage approached me about building a skatebwe ou d do something d fferent to meet thele for the City of Burnsville to build a skateboard park;ho�vever, diverse athletic and recreational needs of our youth. The Ci k.of�Bl o h ha ve been working diligently to raese Park complex and contributed$lOK toward building the par Y money so a skateboard park can be realized. Since 1995 I have talkLe�a eouth to wo k w th an adult membe°r a skateboard park to address this athletic demand of our youth. I d Y to help them through an implementation plan for the park. A non profit organization called Burnsville Skate Park was formed. The development of this park has occurred due to the identified need and actions taken by junior and senior E an,Lakeville,Prior Lake,Rosemount and Savage. high school students from Apple Valley,Burnsville, ag Through their efforts they have designed the ramps,developse of thisTko ecte Attached s the Pa k's bus ness private groups and raised over$13,000.00 toward the expen P plan outlining the direction,operational and financial considerations. Appendix A contains drawings of the numerous ramps and associated costs for their development. e re now in osition and ready to build the park but we need your help! W Rosemountthave guvenl their t me W P support to help defray the development costs. Since many of the youth from and energies to make this park a reality,I'm requesting that you consider making a donation of$2,000 to $5,000 to this effort. Thank you for your interest and willingness to review the youthskproposal. I will contact you in a week to answer any questions that you may have regarding the Skate Par n erely, th B. Kautz ayor E . 101097�.101197 . � � � � � , _ , . [, != . � .. � ;"" � �► � � � ; � ` _: - - _ = T �� - _ = - = = - _ ; �� _� � - PROPOS�►L_EQB:. B SVILLE S I�;ATE P CT TRMTTTF.D TO: THE PARKS & NATI;fRAL RESOURCE COMMITTEE CITY OF B�SVTLLE DECEMBER 5, 1995 � TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview...................................................1 Mission......................................................3 ' Burnsville Skate Park................................4 Risk Management......................................5 Operations .................................................6 Governance Revenue Operational Expenses Capital Improvements Financials - Table I....................................7 Summary ...................................................8 AppendixA ...............................................9 4 OVERVIEW ber 1994, a group of students requested a meeting with In late Decem , Dr. James Rickabaugh, Elizabeth Kautz, Mayor for the City of Burnsville, 1 and Dr• Richard N• Superintendent of Independent School Distnct 19 cuss the feasibility of Manley, President of Manley & Associates to dis ractice and develop developing a centralized facility in which they could p ,� At this and their skills in skateboarding, inline skatuig and bicyc g subsequent meetings, the following goals were established: * The facility would be designed and developed by individuals Panc�ipating in these sports. * The facili would be built by raising funds and soliciting donations with no � financial support requested from the City of Burnsville• * tudents would utilize the knowledge and resources provided by the City of S Burnsville, School District 191 and the pnvate sector in the development of the Skate Park. * A lan would be developed and presented to the City of Burnsville for usage P of city land for the Skate Park development. A crmm��lis�hm_etlts:_ * ith the assistance of an engineer, students designed the Skate Park to W skateboarders and bicychsts. include the requirements of inline skaters, These desi s are currently being reviewed by a certified arclutect at the � University of Minnesota. * The students held rock concerts that raised over $1,700.00. In each case, they accepted the responsibility for the total operations of the con�k�o site selection and event organization to promohon on the local station. * The students made presentations to local service organizati.ons discussing�s rational for the park and demonstrating their respechve slall levels. resulted in donations in excess of$2,200.00. Bnrnsville Skate Park Proposal Page 1 * The students requested representatives from the communities surroundi.n Busnsville to participate in the development of the Park. Accordingly, the students who participated are from Lakeville, Prior Lake, A,pple Valley, Rosemount and Eagan. * Individuals from the public and private sector offered their time and expertise in the development of the park, raising funds and promoting the concept. * Burnsville Skate Park, Inc., is registered as a Minnesota non corporahon. profit * Based upon the finai 1 p an, a private contractor has offered to consider grading and laying the black top necessary for the park. * Independent School District 191 will consider allowing the students volunteers to use the woodworking facilities to build the various structures�d In reviewing the above accomplishments, the students demo willingness to educate individuals and citizens on the use and nstrated their park, raise funds to support it, and request expertise and assistar�iCe se of the for which they have no knowledge or experience. This has resulted in the educational, public and private sectors pooling their knowledge to su ort the development of the Burnsville Skate Park. pp Bnrnsville Skate Pazk Proposal Page 2 11►�IISSION To rovide a facility in which p . skateboarders, inline skaters and blcycle enthusiasts ma ractice and develop their Yp skills in a safe and challenging environment. Burnsville Slcate Pazk Proposal Page 3 J BURNSVILLE SKATE PARK The design of the Burnsville Skate Park was developed cooperatively by individuals active in the sport of inline skating, skateboarding and bicycling. Appendix A, is an illustration of the proposed facility that will encompass over 10,000 square feet and be located South of the current inline hockey rink. It will consist of various types of treated wood ramps that will be challenging to the novice as well as the expert. Some of the key features of the Park include: * Many of the ramps are movable, providing the flexibility and adaptability to keep individual users interested and involved in their chosen sports. * All skill levels, from novice to expert, were considered in the development of the ramp designs. * The plans are being reviewed by a Professor of Architecture at the University of Minnesota for structural and safety. * Masonite is being used since it is strong, durable and easily replaceable. It is projected that all masonite materials will be replaced on an annual basis. * The Parks proposed location would make use of existing parking facilities and lighting capabilities while keeping the practitioners of the sports in one location. * The location provides excellent accessi�bility for Burnsville residents. * A design that is able to accommodate 40 -50 participants at any one time. * The following security and safety considerations are part of the design: 1. The proposed area will be enclosed with an eight foot security fence. 2. The design allows personnel to easily inspect and repair the Park. 3• All ramps will be designed to accepted standards of the sport. Burnsville Skate Park Proposal Page 4 1tISK MANAGEMENT Although numerous risks can be identified for the development of a Skate Board Park, they usually can be categorized mto two basic areas: 1. The exposure presented by youth using a skateboard ramp. 2. The uncontrolled nature of the participants. Accordingly, to reduce the risk exposure insurance undervvriters have offered the following guideiines: * The facility will be fenced, thereby controlling accessibility. * The Skate Park will be supervised by an adult. * Competitive activities will not be allowed. * Ramps will be struct�u ally sound and meet all applicable codes. * A formal documented mai.ntenance prog�ram wi11 be established and followed. * All entrants (or, if a minor, their parents) will be required to sign a waiver of liability/hold harmless agreement in favor of the Park and City of Burnsville. This will be prepared by legal counseL * All participants will be required to wear appropriate safety equipment such as helmets, hand, elbow and knee pads and appropriate footwear. * All equipment will be inspected prior to entrance into the�ark. * Sigas will be posted to address park rules and regulations. When followed, the above guidelines will greatly reduce the Skate Park's risk and corresponding exposure. Burnsville Skate Park Proposal Page 5 OPERATIONS C'overnan .e The Burnsville Skate Park, Inc. is registered in Minnesota as a nonprofit corporation. Its Piimary purpose is to act as a governing board made up of parents and youth who are active in skateboarding, inline skating and bicycling. This group will be responsi�le for establishing operational, safety and financial policies for the Skate Park with assistance and guidance provided by the City of Burnsville. �YgII]1� Table I, illustrates the multiple revenue streams that will be developed to support the activities of the Skate Park. Discussions with manufaciurers and rett�til operators have been very supportive. The largest share of the revenue will appropriately come from Park users. (�nerational x��g� The following points were considered in preparing the Skate Park's operational expenses (Table I): * The Park would be in operation from May- September at the following times: May .....................................2:00 P.M. -9:00 P.M. June-August........................9:00 AM. -9:00 P.M. September.............................2:00 P.M. -9:00 P.M. * Part time salaries will be paid to the adults supervising the park. It is also expected that volunteer assistance will also be provided. * Resurfacing of the ramps will occur during the school year and be provided by students in the high school woodworking class. * A cellular phone will be purchased and used at the park for emergency purposes only. * Concessions and rental equipment will be sold at competitive margins. * First aid training will be provided for all attendants. �.pital Imnrovem r� � Table I, also outlines the Skate Park construction estimates. There will be no labor costs. Burnsville Skate Pazk Proposal Page 6 TABLE I BURNSVILLE SKATE PA,RK, INC. Revenue User Fees $38,250.00 Donations �6,000.00 Concerts $4,000.00 Demonstrations $2,500.00 Advertising $6,004.00 Equipment Rental $7,650.04 _ Concessions �*�� Total Revenue $68,900.00 Operational Expenses Salaries $8,568.00 Utilities $1,800.40 Concessions $3,150.00 Rental Equipment $6,400.00 Telephone $1,200.00 Maintenance $10,600.00 Liability Insurance $10,000.00 First Aid Training $1,254.00 Storage $1,200.00 Portable Rest Rooms ��-� Total Operating Expenses ��� Income Before Capital Improvements $24,255.00 Capital Improvements Grading and Paving $5,417.00 Chain Link Fencing $10,000.04 Lumber and Masonite $2,634.00 Electrical $4,250.00 Cement Curbs $200.00 Other $254.00 Concessions&Equipment Stand �4.f�44 Tota1 Capital Improvements ��-QQ Income ARer Capital Improvements $�•� Burnsville Skate Park Proposal Page 7 t SUMMARY The Burnsville Skate Park, Inc., is willing to assume the costs for the building, operations and management. This can be accomplished through the partnerships that have been developed through the public, private and educational sectors. Our customers -- the students-- will assure its long- term viability. Burnsville Skate Park Proposal Page 8