HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of July 21, 1997 Committee of the Whole City Council Meeting � � � � � � � ROSEMOUNT�CITY�PROCEE�INGS_ � ����� � � � � COMMITTEE OF�THE WHOLE ��� �, � �� ����� '��' �� � �� � �� JULY 21;�1997 �i Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Monday, July 21, 1997, at 6:30 p.m., at the Community Center. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with all members of the Council present. Also present were City Administrator Burt, Assistant to Administrator Walsh, City Planner Pearson and Public Works Director Osmundson. The following items were discussed: CommerciaUBusiness park Uses - Chippendale/Countv Road 46: Discussion was held on whether the property located between Chippendale Avenue and Highway 3 at 160th Street should be rezoned for commercial or retail use. E. B. McMemony requested that the council reconsider the , recent action taken by the city council to deny McMenomy's request to have the property rezoned for a convenience store. Following additional discussion of Mr. McMenomy's request, the majority of the council indicated they were not in favor of rezoning the property for a convenience store at this time. � Hampton Development-Gergen Farm Develo.�ment Issues: Developer Jim Allen and staff Ii reviewed a concept plan exclusively for single family detached lots. Staff reviewed potential ! variances. Staffwill take the revised plan to the Planning Commission for their review and ,, consideration. . I Krech Update: Staff updated Council on the Krech Landscaping issue advising that staff and the ', , city attorney will be meeting with the Krechs and their attorney in the near future. The city attorney has res onded to the Krechs' attorne 's letter. P Y Pre-Zone Land: Discussion was held on a re uest from staff to consider re-zonin land rather q P � than waiting until approval of a final plat. The advanta es and disadvantages were discussed. g Council agreed there were some advantages to changing the rezoning process but would like more information on this concept. It was agreed that building and zoning standaxds should also ' be updated and in place with the pre-zoning land concept. Water Treatment Plant: Staff suggested that the city may want to acquire land now for a future ' water treatment plant. Council agreed and directed staffto begin contacting owners of property that would be suitable for the city's first treatment plant. Fire Department Update: Staff provided an update to the Council on their most recent meeting with the members of the Fire Department with regards to the new personnel policy. Staff recommended that two sections regarding compensation be changed. Formal recommendation by staffwill be given at the August 5, 1997 Council meeting. ROSElVIOUNT CITY PRQ�EEDTNGS COMMITTEE OF THE'WHOLE JULY 21, 1997 Police Chief Recruitment Process: Discussian was.held on whether a consultant should be used to recruit a new police chief or whether recruiting should be done by city staff. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan Walsh, City Clerk The City Council agenda packet is Clerk's File 1997-24. 2 i