HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Proposed Changes to Business Park District Permitted Uses in Zoning Ordinance • CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 287545thStreet West P.O.Box 510 Rosemount.MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! R55068-0510 Phone:612423.4411 Fax:612.423-5203 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING - TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Rosemount in Dakota County, Minnesota will have a Special Joint Council Meeting with the Planning Commission and Port Authority, at City Hall, located at 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, on Tuesday, April 30, 1996, in the Council Chambers from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to hold a work session on the proposed changes to the Business Park District Permitted Uses in the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Dated this 25th day of April, 1996. `J '/;' S :an M. Wals ity Clerk City of Ro -mount Dakota County, Minnesota /1 vented on recycled p pe, •70'111 contuininy J0% -Or postKOfleWneelNMnaI1 • City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 M E M 0 R A N D U M To: City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission From: Andrew Mack, Senior Planner Date: April25, 1996 Subject: Joint-Work Session - Proposed Changes to BP District Permitted Uses As noted on the attached agenda, a joint-work session has been scheduled for Tuesday night to review the proposed changes to the BP District Permitted Uses. Enclosed for your review and use at the meeting is the most recent draft ordinance of the proposed changes and the item summ ary p rovided to the Planning Commission for the Ap ril 23, 1996 agenda. The format planned for the meeting will be to review the proposed draft section by section and to specifically look at what uses should and should not be permitted within each of the four overlay categories within the BP District. The desired outcome from this meeting will be to gain a broader sense of understanding for what the appropriate land uses will be for the Business Park District. From this discussion and the systematic review of the proposal, it is anticipated that we may arrive at a consensus on it's format prior to moving the proposal through the required formal adoption process. Attachments FROM THE DESK OF.. (9%2/0/e LeGQ/,Vne CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT,MN 55068 (612)322-2050 Fax.(612)423-5203 City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Planning Commission Meeting Date: April 23,.1996 Agenda Item: BP District Permitted Uses Agenda Section: New Business Prepared By: Andrew Mack Agenda No: 6 Senior Planner Attachments: Draft Ordinance Modifying BP District Approved By: Permitted Uses; Excerpt from Zoning Ordinance Defmition Section Attached for review by the Planning Commission is a draft ordinance which provides for changes in the permitted uses for the BP Business Park Zoning District. The initiative for this effort is the result of discussions with the Port Authority regarding the character for the Rosemount Business Park and future uses which will be accommodated in both the Port Authority's Business Park and other Business Park Zoning Districts created throughout the City. In particular, there is concern that some of the permitted uses listed in the district may not be consistent with the type of image desired for the Business Park category. For example, an intensive retail use next to a corporate office & manufacturing development may not be an appropriate mix of land use in preserving the quality and integrity of a cohesive development pattern. Although the Port Authority has discretion over who it chooses to sell land for development, it will not have this degree of control over land they do not own. It is also recognized that once land is sold for development, that control is also lost in relation to future uses or owners of the property. Therefore, it would appear that the zoning controls are the most effective measure for assuring an appropriate mix of land uses within both the Port Authority's development and the BP District in an overall sense. The draft ordinance was reviewed with the Port Authority at their last meeting. Several questions and many good comments were brought out during the discussion on this topic. From these discussions a few changes were made to the initial draft including eliminating small appliance repair and mini-storage from BP 1&2 and day care centers from BP 1. Port Authority Members felt that it would be beneficial to conduct further review of the proposed changes to the permitted uses with the Planning Commission before having it go through the formal review process. Therefore, the draft is being sent for your review and initial discussion next Tuesday, April 23, 1996. A joint worksession will be held with the Port Authority and City Council on April 30, 1996. Recommended Action: DISCUSSION ONLY - NO ACTION REQUIRED. Planning Commission Action: • • City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR REVISIONS TO THE PERMITTED USES WITHIN THE BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 6.14 BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT: A. Purpose and Intent of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended in part to read as follows: SECTION 6.14 BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT A. Purpose and Intent This district is intended to accommodate new, modern, high performance, limited industrial uses, business/office/warehouse and accessory retail and service uses which are planned as a unit and include an internal circulation system. This district is located within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and is intended to be served by the public utility systems. Overlay zones with locational criteria specifically enumerate permitted uses by zone which are complimented by enhanced building and site • . . . . •• • , • . • . . • , . , •• .. • . . ••• •_ performance standards that will assure high quality development and provide an effective transition to residential uses. Uses shall be conducted completely within structures excepted as provided for herein: BP-1 This zone permits provides for planned industrial, accessory commercial, and office uses. This zone is adjacent to General Industrial uses, railroad rights-of-way, or significantly separated from major or minor arterial streets. Outdoor storage is allowed in accordance with the standards as set forth in this Ordinance. BP-2 This zone permits provides for . • . •. , •' , . • • • • , business and professional office, limited manufacturing and or planned industrial uses; including all uses allowt,d in thk DP-1 Overlay Zo,ie. The zone is adjacent to General Commercial uses or has proximity to major or minor arterial streets. Outdoor storage may be permitted by Planned Unit Development in accordance with the standards as set forth in this ordinance. BP-3 This zone permits office and planned industrial uses. This zone is a transition area adjacent to residential uses, or separated from residential uses by a collector or local street. No outdoor storage is allowed. BP-4 This zone provides for a variety of less intensive business activities, such as offices, banks and health care uses as well as medium density residential uses. The zone is adjacent to residential uses, or contains natural amenities or features that may provide opportunities for multiple family or attached housing with high standards of architectural and site design. Noutdoor storage is allowed. 1 SECTION II. Section 6.14 BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT: B. Uses Permitted by Right of Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended in entirety to read as follows: SECTION 6.14 BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT B. Uses Permitted by Right BEA . BP-2 . . . BP-3 . . BEA 1. Business and Professional Offices. X X X X 2. Manufacturing, Custom. X X 3. E mited Manufacturing, Limited Wa.ehua.iug,Wholesalins, Diztiibutiun,I1oc ing, la.,l aging, Couipnuudiug and Accessory Uses,but excluding lumber yards and construction material sales as a principal use . X X Warehousing.Distribution&Storage X X 5, Wholesaling and accessory uses but, Excluding Livestock and Raw Farm Product Materials . . X X 4. Machine and Reyaii Shut,. X X 5¢. Television and R.paii Studio.Small Appliance Repair Shops including electronics, small engines. appliances, power products. etc.. but excluding outdoor display . . . X X X X 67. Testing and Research laboratories X X X X 7. Agii.,altural Ilut,l.uleut Sales/Ser'i..eA X X 8. Autuu obile Equipulent Sal I tya;1 Sh.,Ys X X . •1...'. ,.. • • -, 198. Business.Trade&Vocational Schools X . . X X X 149. Business Services and Repairs, including office supplies&equipment X X X X 120. Commercial Indoor Recreation, including: 1.1Lwliug alley, Foul hall.health&fitness clubs, racquetball and tennis courts, spas.pools,IN,lle. .inks and eymnasiums X X X X 13. C.,nsti actin n Matcriab Sale, i i.ludi„g ian,L r yai.la and building JUYNly btOres X X 14. Lnteitailunent Iacilities, iucludiugtheatelb and movie tla.,aters X IL Motion Picture&Recording Production Studios X X X 12. Transit Stations and Park&Ride Facilities X X X X 153. Financial Institutions and Banks X X X X 16. Ilum.,and Mnituaries X X X X 174. Health Care Facilities X X X X 18. IIealth Spas-mud Reducing,Sale X X 19. IIoteb and Mutcb X X 2911. Printing and Duplicating Shops X . . . . . . X X X 21. Restaarant, X X 221¢. Wholesale Businesses and Supply Centers, if accessory to warehousing or distribution uses X X 2311. Day Care Centers,Nursery and Montessori Schools- X X X 24. Gaauline Stativus, ac..essory ca. wa.li. and retail new X X 1& Mini-Storage Warehousing. including accessory caretake residences X J. Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations, but excluding towers and antennas X 7{ 2 General building and special trade contractor shops and offices s X 2L. Commercial bakeries, including accessory retail outlets X . . .�. . X X 2 SECTION M. Section 6.14 BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT: D. Accessory Uses Permitted by Right of Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 6.14 BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT Accessory Uses Permitted by Right: im -4 r $ :i - - • ' as. 1 Irn1y. 111.' o . I- - yll accessory to office/warehouseL manufacturing/wholesalelservice uses,subject to the following standards: 1. Location a) All sales are conducted in a clearly defined area inside the principal building reserved exclusively for thin purpose. The sales area must be physically segregated from other principal activities in the building. b) The sales_area must be located on the ground floor of the principal building. c) The sales_area shall comply with all other applicable zoning, building and fire codes for the City of Rosemount. 2. Sales Area. The accessory use sales activity shall not occupy more than fifteen (15%) percent of the gross floor area of the building. 3. Access. Parking and access for the buildingLsales area will be from a local or collector commercial street and shall not be accessed by a local street adjacent to or entering a residential neighborhood. 4. Hours. Hours of operation are limited to 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. SECTION IV. Section 6.14 BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT D. of Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended by renumbering it to read as follows: SECTION 6.14 BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT E. (Site Design& Building Standards for BP 1-4 Overlay Zones) SECTION V. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this day of , 1996. 3 3.2 3.2 survey; or a parcel of land not so platted, for which a deed has been recorded in the Dakota County Recorder's Office prior to October 19, 1972. LOT, THROUGH: A lot where opposite lot lines abut two (2) parallel streets and which is not a corner lot. LOT WIDTH: The width measured along the front yard setback line. MANUFACTURED A structure, transportable in one or more HOME: sections, which in the traveling mode, is eight (8) body feet or more in width or forty (40) body feet or more in length, or, when erected on site, is three hundred twenty (320) or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein; except that the term includes any structure which meets all the requirements and with respect to which the 0 manufacturer voluntarily files a certification required by the secretary and complies with the standards established under this Chapter. MANUFACTURED Any premises on which two (2) or more HOME PARK: occupied manufactured homes are located. MANUFACTURING, The production and sale on the premises of CUSTOM: hand manufactured products involving only the use of hand tools and domestic mechanical equipment. MANUFACTURING, All manufacture, compounding, processing, GENERAL: packaging, treatment or assembly of products and materials that may emit objectionable and offensive influences beyond the lot on which the use is located. Such uses include, but are not limited to: sawmills; refineries; commercial feedlots; acid; cement; explosives; flour, feed, and grain milling or storage; meat packing and slaughter houses; coal or tar asphalt distillation; b 0 394 City of Rosemount 3.2 3.2 . ,=y • rendering of fat, grease, lard or tallow; alcoholic beverages; poisons; exterminating agents; glue or size; lime; gypsum; plaster of Paris; tanneries; automobile parts; paper and paper products; glass; chemicals, crude oil and petroleum products including storage; electric power generation facilities; vinegar works; junkyard; auto reduction yard; foundry forge; casting of metal products; rock, stone, cement products; and all uses permitted in the IG General Industrial District. MANUFACTURING, All uses which include the compounding, LIMITED: processing, packaging, treatment or assembly of products and materials provided such use will not generate offensive odors, glare, smoke, dust, noise, vibrations, or other objectionable influences that extend beyond the lot on which the use is located. Generally, these are industries dependent upon raw materials refined elsewhere. Such uses include, but are not limited to: lumber yards; machine shops; products assembly; sheet metal shops; plastics; —1.113"; electronics; general nonalcoholic beverages; s; .� signs and displays; printing; p ublishin g; fabricated metal parts; appliances; clothing; textiles and used auto parts. MINERAL The extraction of sand, gravel, rock or other EXTRACTION: such material from the land. MONTESSORI A school for children where the fundamental aim SCHOOL: is self-education. MOTEL: A building or group of attached or detached buildings under common ownership containing eight (8) or more guest or sleeping rooms which is used or intended to be used primarily for the accommodation of transient automobile travelers. This term shall include buildings designated as auto courts, tourist courts, motor courts, motor hotels and similar names. 394 City of Rosemount • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT rel Val ___. _ -- MN -• --....,............ ' 111;1/111.111 111162 Z) NiAIWOrm . 1 .., 1 1=2,Q, DI I ... \ •-•'10 S • • ill. ,,, • INP7.41c . , 4A, RR i PIIMI ' •AI.= . a . .ill d m c,„ 4o •-• , - PWiiiiii4 . WIT46,7". fr.". RR i i I IIM • it ' / •11,4_, • 1 . v Alec- 1 ',. r `o: gmairtirt 1 7 • e •I 'M15111 -. ' • FM a - -.aide' t" IlUti■ . -1 , I ila sw. C . - il • ii FIMILAIF II-Laiii 6111.1191P 1111L-3,,, ilkim..4ilimAgtoribb.1 • MOS i 1 z.) III. , ill Wei Ilt IIII NI H ' - AG 1 MI I , _mile, sweiWallikleti v 1,..._,_i --cill IF. 1 . lialt■ -NI . .,, _?.... .v. 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N, , =num L.:Numusill ; ::r104.7.% .:!;21 14 ItA• • "simnel.: a. ..••••■ . vt.-_ , ,.4.1_.2 i it 1_ Ili In aaawty PiOS ........anima alaelialWa angel ralmaleanir * / orzamo• NO MST . ,Aii. LEGEND la 13P Are - s MIJSA PHASING 1 ea.. a••• W. I 11.. I • CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 2875-145thstreetWest P.O.Box 510 Rosemount,MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! R55068-0510 Phone:612-423-4411 • Fax:612-423-5203 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Rosemount in Dakota County, Minnesota will have a Special Joint Council Meeting with the Planning Commission and Port Authority, at City Hall, located at 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, on Tuesday, April 30, 1996, in the Council Chambers from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to hold a work session on the proposed changes to the Business Park District Permitted Uses in the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Dated this 25th day of April, 1996. S :an M. Wals ity Clerk City of Ro'-mount Dakota County, Minnesota . .1 Prrove anrecrckdwvr •0.11 COMAMMf 0% «► uor-cmwew almonds.