HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Interviews for Vacant City Council Seat MEMORANDUM DATE: January 24, 1996 TO: Mayor Busho Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Carroll FROM: Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant SUBJ: Interview of City Council Candidates Attached are some suggested questions for the candidates. Also attached are the application tt pp � q forms. Since the applications contain confidential information(applicant's home address and phone number), the applications are considered confidential and cannot be available to the public. Brad Cook has withdrawn his name as an applicant. Since the carpeting will be installed on Saturday, the council meeting will be held in the upstairs conference room. Hopefully, you will be able to meet in the Council Chambers for the January 30 special meeting. SUGGESTED QUESTIONS FOR CITY COUNCIL INTERVIEWS: Briefly describe your qualifications that relate to this appointment. Are there any particular issues that you see facing the city? How should the city proceed with respect to commercial and industrial growth? What changes would you like to see in the redevelopment of the downtown area? Why should we consider you the number 1 candidate for this appointment? Would you seek re-election if appointed to this position? Do you have any questions you would like to ask of us? MEMORANDUM DATE: January 24, 1996 TO: Mayor Busho Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Carroll FROM: Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant SUB J: Interview of City Council Candidates Attached are some suggested questions for the candidates. Also attached are the application forms. Since the applications contain confidential information(applicant's home address and phone number), the applications are considered confidential and cannot be available to the public. Brad Cook has withdrawn his name as an applicant. Since the carpeting will be installed on Saturday, the council meeting will be held in the upstairs conference room. Hopefully, you will be able to meet in the Council Chambers for the January 30 special meeting. SUGGESTED QUESTIONS FOR CITY COUNCIL INTERVIEWS: Briefly describe your qualifications that relate to this appointment. Are there any particular issues that you see facing the city? How should the city proceed with respect to commercial and industrial growth? What changes would you like to see in the redevelopment of the downtown area? Why should we consider you the number 1 candidate for this appointment? Would you seek re-election if appointed to this position? Do you have any questions you would like to ask of us? CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL Name: z3 h, ctr c Address: 14q15 ccu et t (l',t e 1 e Home Phone: (012- N 23-U 1210 Work Phone: (O(2-935-.3'/ Education: Did you graduate from high school or receive a GED? Yes ✓ No School attended: `,1 s - (-Er CLI S e6a1 List names of colleges or technical schools you attended; course of study;type of degree received: al e mrriu_a', 0611/1 e Current Employer: —1,11p c r e owls en Position/Occupation: keA-a:t 1 des M artkap,-- J List volunteer organizations/civic groups you are a member of or have been a member of: Re, coins Current or Past Member? Pas-I- RnSPjna uh4 tea, c Pt° Current or Past Member? ('uyee„4- Rc se rrmunnt- rive Rer_. &Pal pe Current or Past Member? eu rre,r(- Cricks„v,_ �nrnmu✓�i c ��vPer@ (s j-t-eF Current or Past Member? 4- I perceive the council as the guiding force of maintenance, development, growth, and services for our community. I have family, friends, and neighbors that are impacted by the decisions the council makes. The choices the council has to make are often not easy ones, as there are diverse views as to what our community needs to provide, for the proper opportunities for all of our families, friends, and neighbors. As a council member my job would be to represent and vote upon issues that involve our community. I believe a council member should have an eye towards balance, weighing the cost of growth against the cost of stability. We have a community already at growth, with even more growth opportunities on the horizon. We need to offer growth for the children of this community, and we need to offer stability for the long established members of this community. The decisions made should always be made with the best interest of the community in mind, and not just for individual citizens or businesses. These are exciting times we have the opportunity for growth via development of properties such as the business park. If developed properly the business park should positively impact the tax base of our community. With that development comes the responsibility of increase services. With that development come more people with more diverse views and needs. My goal is to bring the growth and development to our community, while maintaining some of the ambiance and sense of community that we presently have. Aimaizeir CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL Name: KILN Sam po Address: 351C1 15ar4 SF-Lo Home Phone: y •3-550y Work Phone: Education: Did you graduate from high school or receive a GED? Yes Ni No School attended: 11-C. S( - via List names of colleges or technical schools you attended; course of study;type of degree received: L&0c - Lac rose -. beAe.c-aQ �l m - -Vw - S OciA081 - Ma& 1.11 o ins L Current Employer: koatliNCLA-f\Q_I'-_-_ Position/Occupation: Or-CCASL9 List volunteer organizations/civic groups you are a member of or have been a member of O0\Lx.Aktu co r Txditi U3CtINI1 ,r∎t.M. Current or Past Member? f" Current or Past Member? Current or Past Member? Current or Past Member? Please write a statement as to why you wish to serve on the City CounciL Also state what vision you have or goal you would like to accomplish while serving on the City CounciL w 1v ,nsnnre.. 6b.�L Cow,c .kaco-u-a .,t kle.tQ * "( &. r uc o kb b1 Q cinc . &v.11-k. tea , C.ow.0-J ioJ w dlstiC J•S�crw - \- - me t., Z batel -C \CLI ire v YO 19,02`'J TL41_ can o 11u. C,�,,_r,c�X- u & i CeNAW9 rr sui_ ka s r J wo`,,v y 0.0tA c o Op&;r, y t rt b nC9- Co-tcy ■.o }�-a.k)i no Hsu.'Che�r� r� concILApr. tybf Our a (1k361.1- Q c mrr �. I ' Co01,ca h n,._Scs. . r b&L w ow` &IICP2CitdiONNJ .;tor 01. ins. eoSQ „ Please return this form to Susan Walsh, City Clerk,Rosemount City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West,Rosemount,MN 55068,by Wednesday, January 24, 1996. Thank you. 2 1<e, S A S - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL Name: John F. Edwards, II Address:3558 - 143rd. Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068 Home Phone: 612/423-5426 Work Phone: 612/296-6642 Education: Did you graduate from high school or receive a GED? Yes X No School attended: Mumford H.S. , Detroit, Michigan List names of colleges or technical schools you attended; course of study; type of degree received: Wayne State University, B.S. Degree - Communications/Criminal Justice Michigan State Police; Detroit Police; and MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Academies Federal Avaition Administration - Air Traffic Control Academy Current Employer: State of Minnesota - Dept. of Public Safety/ Bureau of Criminal Apprehen Position/Occupation: Special Agent - Law Enforcement List volunteer organizations/civic groups you are a member of or have been a member of: Rosemount Planning Commission Current or Past Member? Past Rosemount Port Authority Current or Past Member? Current Lawyers Board of Professional Respons i bi l i t,Current or Past Member? Current ISD #196 Curriculum Advisory Committee Current or Past Member? Current Please write a statement as to why you wish to serve on the City Council Also state what vision you have or goal you would like to accomplish while serving on the City Council I believe the opportunity to serve the citizens of Rosemount is an honor to which most civic minded citizens aspire. I too aspire to this honor. In anticipation of this opportunity; while not expecting it to present itself at this time, I have served on city commissions and volunteered my time and energy to other civic and community organizations. 'I-believe those and other experiences (see attached) have prepared me with the political acumen necessary to serve tempered by a beliefiin good governance. Ordinarily, membership on the City Council is reserved for those elected by the cities citizens. The current vacancy however will be filled through the appointment process. I believe this process places a unique respomibility upon the person appointed.. Unlike the elected representative, who following the election should have a mandate from the elector The appointed representative must be a coalition and consensus builder among fellow counc members. I believe that would be my primary objective. However, I do have a vision for Rosemount, rooted in my deep concern for public safety and how we respond to and treat persons of difference; whether thosedifferencesbe racial , ethnic, young or old. I envision a vibrant city which understands and supports its differencies through the creation of living wage jobs, affordable housing opportunities and city services which benifit all of our citizens. Thank you for your consideration. I appreciate your support. Please return this form to Susan Walsh, City Clerk,Rosemount City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068, by Wednesday, January 24, 1996. Thank you. 2 • 1 • John F. E.G wards, II S cial A ent Minnesota 6' '.Criminal Apprehension -;r4.' F;r .fir •ry .,•• vr .y {jD% i o -'• ....;�,'.�.:�;::,f:;:::✓:;.�;. :;.�::;�; •.;�;;}�:;y.,, rox John Edwards is an organizational`de a ophi t specialist with a major interest in organization management and group roc ss, lynamics. He has conducted seminars and courses for clients in business, industry, government and education. John has worked as an Air Traffic Controller at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, as a Police Officer for the Michigan State Police and Detroit Police Departments, and as a consultant for the International Institute for Inter-racial Interaction at Augsburg College. John's BCA career has included assignments in the Organized Crime Section, the Training and Development Section and several tours with federal law enforcement agency tasks forces. John is a Special Agent of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, currently assigned as the Special Projects Manager, Office of the Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Public Safety. He is also active in the community and serves on several boards and commissions including the City of Rosemount Port Authority and the Minnesota Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board. John has designed state-wide standards in police officer field training and evaluation, as well as community projects, such as; The Crime Reduction and Community Empowerment Initiative. A community education project which was administered by the Minnesota Council on Black Minnesotans. John is married and has three children and two grandchildren.