HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Proposed Questions for Phone SurveyP0,11-ir brarw '77-71- Pa� Tr�an S iftal WMO 7672 of Pages By's ate From rn,�ny 6�pany Charge 9x i�ho'ne "0 c phone 0 Original '": ... K t 103 Re rn r Cal IlOr plckup At 4. F( iA . I.A 'Tok io 07 . . . . ...... 71� 4a 14 ..... ..... LJL, "a% , -k- L da T 1. J"t WA 4?14 ........... -7F 'I k--lme46 InT ZLIV �7 46, ol I A A:. DECISION RESOURCES, L!VD. ROSEMOUNT FUTURES STUDY 3128 Dean Court December, 1988 MinnedpGliS, Minnesota 55414 Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a nationwide polling firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Rosemount to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because the City is interested in your opinions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUSE) 1. Approximately how many years have you lived in Rosemount? LESS THAN ONE YEAR ..... 71 ONE OR TWO YEARS ...... 19% THREE TO FIVE YEARS ... 22% SIX TO TEN YEARS ...... 15% ELEVEN - TWENTY YEARS.18% OVER TWENTY YEARS ..... 18% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.....Ol 2. In what city and/or state was your immediately prior residence located? ALWAYS ROSEMOUNT: 6% RURAL MINNESOTA: 16% OUT OF STATE: 15% BURNSVILLE: 4% EAGAN: 9% APPLE VALLEY: 7% MINNEAPOLIS: 7% REST OF HENNEPIN: 7% SAINT PAUL: 11% REST OF DAKOTA: 11% REST OF RAMSEY: 2% REST OF METRO: 4% SCATTERED: 1% 3. As things now stand, how long in the future do you expect to live in Rosemount? LESS THAN ONE YEAR ..... 7% ONE TO TWO YEARS ....... 7% THREE TO FIVE YEARS .... 9% SIX TO TEN YEARS ....... 8% OVER TEN YEARS ........ 55% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 13% 4. Thinking back to when You moved to Rosemount, what factors were most important to you in selecting the city? DON'T KNOW: 4% LOCATION: 8% RURAL -SMALL TOWN: 21% JOB: 14% FAMILY HERE: 11% LAND -HOUSING: 14% SCHOOLS: 17% CHURCH: 1% LIFELONG RESIDENT: 5% SCATTERED: 5% 5. How would you rate Rosemount an that today -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 6. flow would you rate the quality of life in Rosemount -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 1 EXCELLENT ............. 32% GOOD................. *461 ONLYFAIR .............. 9% POOR................... 2% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED....11% EXCELLENT............. 32% GOOD.................. 57t ONLYFAIR .............. 8t POOR................... 2% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... it When residents are asked what comes to mind when they think of their community, many things can occur to them. Minneapolis residents think of their lake system, Chaska residents think of their town square, and Saint Paul residents think of the State CapLtol. 7. What image comes to mind when you think about Rosemount? DON1,r KNOW: 4% NONE: 6% RURAL -COUNTRY: 25% SCHOOLS: 9* SMALL TOWN CLOSE TO METRO: 22% FRIENDLY PEOPLE: 9% BEAUTY: 3% IRISH: 4% LOCATION: 1* DOWNTOWN: 2% HOME TOWN: 3% SUBURB: 2% NEGATIVE: 9% SCATTERED: 1% S. What do you like MOST about living in Rosemount? DON'T KNOW: 4% RURAL BUT CLOSE: 7% LOCATION: 11% 4ML4.. TgWy; 33% i_E_0P_L______PEACEFUL-QUIET: 16% E: 14% SCHOOLS: 7% BEAUTY: 3% SUBURBAN: 2% SCATTERED: 2% 9. What do you like LEAST about it? 23% RAPID GROWTH: 15% TAXES: 4% DON'T KNOW: 7% NOTHING: NO SHOPS: 17% KOCH: 5% NO DEVEOPMENT: 7%_LJOCATION: 7% CITY GOVERNMENT: 4% ROADS: 2% SERVICES: 4% CLIQUES: 2% 10. When you think about Rosemount, SMALL TOWN ............ 68% do you see it as a small town SUBURB ...... 0 ... or a suburb? **000.27% BOTH (VOL) ............. 6% NEITHER (VOL.) ...... *..0% D.K./REF... ......... 0% IF ANSWER GIVEN, VS 111,2,3,10 OR ASK: 11. Why do you feel that way? NO REASON: 4% GROWTH: 151 SENSE OF IDENTITY: 15% SIZE: 18% LOCATION: 17% DOWNTOWN: 9% PEOPLE: 6% "MY PERCEPTION": 16% SCATTERED: 1% Let*s talk about the entire community for a moment.... If you were asked to describe the ONE thing that best makes up the quality of your community TO YOU, which of the following statements would you choose? (ROTATE CHOICES A -C) 12. A. Tile friendships I have with CHOICE A ............ 0.19% tile People who live there. CHOICE -B ........... o..35% B. The quality of things such as CHOICE C- ... o ....... 27% schools, churches, parks, or CHOICE D (A+B+C) ...... 10% other services. DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.,,,.9% C. The feeling that I'm living among people like myself whether I know them or not. D. Somet1iing else (IF SO, ASK:) What would that be? 2 13. Now, which of these two statements CHOICE A ......... 0 ... *59% comes closer to your feelings? CHOICE A. I have real roots in this BOTH (VOL.) community. ............ 3% NEITHER (VOL.) ...... oo.qt Bo Rosemount is just a place to DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 0% live. I'd be just a; happy elsewhere. . IF CHOICE A OR B IS SELECTED, ASK: 14. Why do you feel that way? No REASON: 18% ROOTS: 22% TIME SPENT HERE: 23% COULD LEAVE: 14% "MY OPINION,,: e% WANT TO MOVE: 5% PEOPLE: 2% "LIKE IT HERE111 8% 15. How about the following two state- STATEMENT A ........... 47% ments about the future? STATEMENT B .......... :40% A. Rosemount should preserve its BOTH (VOL.) ........... 10% rural character even if it NEITHER (VOL.) ......... 2% means slower economic develop- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 2% ment and growth. B. Rosemount should aggressively pursue economic development, even if it becomes more sub- urban in the process. 16. Would you say the city of Rose- FOR THE BETTER ........ 51% mount has changed for the better FOR THE WORSE .......... 8% in recent years, changed for the NOT CHANGED VERY MUCH.28% worse, or has it not changed DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. very much? ... 13% IF ANSWER GIVEN IN QUESTION #16, ASK: 17. Why do you feel that way? NO REASON: 4% GROWTH: 17% "MY PERCEPTION": 16% MAYOR: 3% GENERAL IMPROVEMENT: 9% STAYED SMALL: 5% NEW DEVELOPMENT: 22% NO DEVELOPMENT: 8% 18. Would you favor or oppose an FAVOR .... a.*.* ... 60..4. 51% increase ill city property taxes OPPOSE ................ 39% if it were needed to maintain DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... Jo% City services at their current level? 19. Do you consider property taxes EXCESSIVELY HIGH ....... 71 in Rosemount to be excessively RELATIVELY HIGH ....... 13% high, relatively high, about ABOUT AVERAGE .......... 55t average, or comparatively low,? COMPARATIVELY LOW ..... 11% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 14% As you may know, property taxes are divided between the City of 110semount, Dakota County, and your local school district. 3 20. For each dollar or property taxes UNDER TEN PERCENT ...... 6% You pay, about what percentage do jo% - 20% ............. 20% You think goes to city govern- 21% - 30% ............. 16% Melit? (READ CHOICES, IF NEEDED) 31% - 40% .......... ****4% 41% - 50%-***--***e*oo*2% OVER FIFTY PERCENT.....1% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 52% I would like to read you a list of a few city services. For each one, please tell me whether YOU Would rate the quality Of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXC GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. 210 Police protection? 24-% 58% 10% 2% 6% 22. Fire protection? 27% 52% 5% 1% 16% 23. City street repair and maintenance? 7% 59% 19% 10% 5% 24. Water quality? 8% 32% 22% 25% 14-1 25. Snow plowing? 18% 56% 161% 7% 3% 26. Animal control? 10% 50% 19% 7% 27. Building and housing inspection? 6% 38% 10% 6% 41% 28. Park maintenance? 27% 53% 7% 1% 13% IF "ONLY FAIR" OR 11POORII IN QUESTIONS 21-28, ASK FOR EACH: 29. Why did you rate as (only fair/poor)? WATER QUALITY: 22% NO STANDARDS: 7% POOR UPKEEP: 7% LOOSE ANIMALS: 8% WATER + ANIMALS: 2% SLOW: 8% WATER + STREETS: 4% THREE OR MORE: 11% 30o 31. How would you rate the general appearance of your neighborhood -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? Other than voting, do you feel that If you wanted to, You could have a say about the way the City of Rosemount runs things? EXCELLENT ........... o.32% GOOD ..... ONLY POORo .... DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 0% YES ........ NO ........ DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 12t 32. HOW m"ch do you feel you know about the work of the Mayor and City Council -- a great deal, a fair ainount, or very little? A GREAT DEAL ........... 5% A FAIR AMOUNT ......... 37% VERY LITTLE .... ....... 52% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 6% 4 33. From what you know, do you approve STRONGLY APPROVE.. 13% or disapprove of the job the Mayor SOMEWHAT APPROVE..*,,**,*,54% and city Council are doing? (WAIT SOMEWHAT DISAPPROVE .... 7% FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel STRONGLY DISAPPROVE .... 2% strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 24% IF ANSWER ul" TO.'14", GIVEN IN QUESTION 133, ASK: 34. Why do you feel that way? NO REASON: 13% GOOD JOB: 24% MAYOR: 10% HEARSAY: 9% ISSUES: 7% COULD IMPROVE: 8% COMMUNICATE: 2% NO PROBLEMS: 4% 35. How much first-hand contact have QUITE A LOT ........... 12% you had with the Rosemount City SOME... staff .... -- quite a lot, some, very VERY LITTLE ........... 39% little, or none? NONE ....... DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 6% 36. From what you have seen or heard, EXCELLENT ............. 121 how would you rate the Job per- GOOD .................. 45% formance of the Rosemount city ONLY FAIR., .... 0000* -.13% staff -- excellent, good, only POOR ............. oeo.o.4% fair, or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 25% IF ANSWER 11111 TO 11411, GIVEN IN QUESTION #36, ASK: 37. Why did you rate the City staff as ? NO REASON: 8% HEARSAY: 7% HELPFUL: 18% POLITE: 3% GOOD JOB: 20% COULD IMPROVE: 13% RUDE: 2% NO PROBLEM: 4% 38. Do you feel that crimes against INCREASED ............. 22t property in Rosemount have DECREASED .............. 4% Increased, decreased, or remained ABOUT THE SAME ........ 47% about the same during the past DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 28% five years? 39. How about crimes against people, INCREASED ....... 000.*010% have they increased, decreased, DECREASED .............. 5% or remained about the same ABOUT THE SAME ........ 50 during the past five years? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 31% 40. Overall, how would you rate the EXCELLENT ........... quality of education In Indepen - -.60% GOOD dent School District #196 -- ....... **--*****.*27% ONLY FAIR excellent, good, only fair, or .............. POOR 3% poor? ................. 0.1% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 10% As you may know, the University of Minnesota holds 3000 acres of land within the City of Rosemount. 5 41. In general, do you feel that the HAS BEEN RESPONSIBLE..36% University of Minnesota has been HAS NOT BEEN .......... 40% responsible in the administration DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 25% and use of that land, or not? 42. What type of use.would you most favor for that land? DON'T KNOW: 28% HOUSING: 91 AG. RESEARCH: 6% RETAIL: 1% LIGHT INDUSTRY: 9% JOB CREATING: 3% LEAVE ALONE: 10% FARMS: 12% NATURE CENTER: 10% VO -TECH: 4% TAX BASE: 4% SCATTERED: 4% 43. Are there any uses which You would definitely oppose? DON'T KNOW: 9% NONE: 13% AIRPORT: 52%: WASTE DUMP: 14% INDUSTRY: 4% CHEMICAL STORAGE: 2% HOUSING: 61 OTHER: 2% The University of Minnesota land is currently subject to only state and federal laws. The City of Rosemount can exert no control over the use of that land. 44. Would you favor or oppose the STRONGLY FAVOR ........ 45% City spending funds to lobby SOMEWHAT FAVOR ........ 24% the legislature for the ability SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ........ 8% to place some controls on the use STRONGLY OPPOSE ........ 7% of the University's land? (WAIT DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 15% FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel strongly that way? IF "STRONGLY" OR "SOMEWHAT FAVOR" IN QUESTION #44, ASK: 45. Would you still favor the FAVOR ...... 0 ....... lobbying efforts if a modest OPPOSE ........ a .... property tax increase were DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 5% required to cover the costs? The Koch (COKE) Refinery is also located in the eastern portion of the City of Rosemount, commonly called "Pine Bend." 46. Were you aware of the fact that AWARE ............ the refinery is within the city NOT AWARE ............. 22% limits? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 0% 47. In general, how would you rate EXCELLENT .............. 6% that company as a corporate GOOD ...... *---*-***e**35% citizen of the City -- excellent, ONLY FAIR .......... **928% good, only fair, or poor? POOR .................. 19% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 13% 6 48. If you cutild advise the management of the Koch Refinery to make one change or improvement that would help the City of Rosemount, what would it be? DON'T KNOW: 27% MOVE: 2% CONTROL POLLUTION: 43% CONTROL ODOR: 15% COMMUNICATE: 7% JOBS FOR LOCALS: 3% HELP ROSEMOUNT: 2% SCATTERED: 1% Let's talk about economic development for a few minutes.... 49. If the City of Rosemount were to attract more development, what kind would you prefer it to be? DON'T KNOW: 43% HIGH TECH: 4% BALANCED MIX: 81 OFFICE: 14% RETAIL: 20% INDUSTRIAL: 28% JOB CREATING: 2% HOMES: 131 RECREATIONAL: 2% NONE: 4% SCATTERED: 2% 50. Would you support or Oppose an STRONGLY FAVOR ... * .... 38% aggressive effort by the City SOMEWHAT FAVOR ........ 42% of Rosemount to attract new com- SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ........ 8% mercial and light industrial STRONGLY OPPOSE ........ 8% development? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) DON'T KNOWIREFUSED ..... 4% Do you feel strongly that way? 51. Would you favor or oppose provi- STRONGLY FAVOR ........ 21% ding development incentives, such SOMEWHAT FAVOR ........ 40% as tax breaks, to attract new com- SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ....... 15% mercial and light industrial dev- STRONGLY OPPOSE ....... 15% elOPment? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 9% do you feel strongly that way? 52. Do you favor or oppose Rosemount FAVOR ....... * .... 0 .... 40% pursuing additional heavy indus- OPPOSE/STILL OPPOSE ... 35% trial development in the Pine Bend opposE/NOT OPPOSE ...... 8% area? (IF "OPPOSE," ASK:) Would OPPOSE/DON'T KNOW ...... 8% You still oppose it if the expan- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 9% ded tax base would result in keep- ing residential property taxes lower? Solid waste disposal is currently a major concern throughout the Metropolitan Area. As you may know, Dakota County plans to build a waste -to -energy garbage incinerator in Rosemount. In addition, two sites within the city have also been designated for %levelopment as sanitary landfills. 53. Assuming that the best technology STRONGLY INCINERATOR..32% would be used in the construction SOMEWHAT INCINERATOR..30% of either the incinerator or a SOMEWHAT LANDFILL ..... 10% sanitary landfill, which project STRONGLY LANDFILL ...... 3% would you most support? (WAIT FOR DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 26% RESPONSE) And do you feel strongly that way? IF OPINION IS GIVEN IN QUESTION 53, ASK: 7 54. Why do you feel that way? PREFERENCE: 23% LESSER OF EVILS: 3% MORE EFFICIENT: 6% OPPOSED TO OTHER: 301 SAFER: 9% SCATTERED: 1% Th ' ere has been some discussion about the placement of a new Twin Cities airport in or near Rosemount. 55. Do you favor or oppose the cons- STRONGLY FAVOR ......... 7% truction of a new international SOMEWHAT FAVOR.........5% airport in this area? (WAIT FOR SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ........ 9% RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly STRONGLY OPPOSE ....... 71% that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 8% IF ANSWERS 11111 TO 11411 GIVEN IN QUESTION 55, ASK: 56. Could you tell me one or two reasons why you feel that way? NO ROOM: 9% WHY HERE?: 5% LOCATION:' 3% NOISE: 50% KILL ROSEMOUNT: 3% TRAFFIC: 51 DO NOT WANT: 7% INCREASE VALUES: 4% POLLUTION: 2% 57. If you had to choose one develop- ANSWER A/EXPAND BASE..16% ment priority from the list below, ANSWER B/JOBS ......... 34% what would it be: ANSWER C/PRESERVE ..... 37% A. Expand the tax base to keep ALL EQUALLY (VOL.).....9% property taxes down; NONE (VOL.) ............ 0% B. Attract more head -of -household DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.....4% type jobs to the city; C. Preserve open spaces to keep a satall town atmosphere. Changing focus.... On a scale of one to ten, where ten is "excellent" and one is "poor," how would you rate Rosemount as a place.... ALL RESPONSES ARE PERCENTAGES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 DR 58. To find housing which fits the budgets and lifestyles Of most people. 59. To find full-time employ- ment opportunities for the head of a household. 60. To start a business. 61. To find a wide variety of entertainment and dining opportunities for people and faiailies of all ages. 8 1 2 2 3 11 8 22 32 8 10 1 15 24 24 19 10 3 0 2 1 0 3 4 6 10 10 18 9 14 10 2 3 13 13 22 21 15 12 7 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DX 62. To raise children. 1 1 1 1 4 2 11 27 24 28 1 63. To spend one's retirement years. 7 4 3 3 8 7 12 18 14 22 1 Let's talk about the Downtown area.... 64. What do you consider to be the area in "Downtown Rosemount",> DON'T KNOW: 2% HWY. #3 AND 145TH: 59* HWY. #3: 10* #3 AND #42: 8% NEAR MALL: 4% NEAR SCHOOL 3% SO. ROBERT: 5% NEAR 145TH: 5% NEAR #42: 2% SCATTERED: 3* 65. Should the "Downtown Area" even- EXPAND ALONG HWY. 3 ... 64% tually expand along Highway 3 to TREAT AS SEPARATE ..... 22% include County Road 42, or should BOTH (VOL.) ............ 3% that area be treated as a separate NEITHER (VOL.) ......... 2% development zone? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 9% 66. What do you like most about downtown Rosemount? DON'T KNOW: 18* PERSONALITY: 9% CONVENIENCE: 3 -% CLEAN: 2% SMALL TOWN FEEL: 19% NEW GROWTH: 8 -%--'MALL: 7.%_,!� 67. And, what do you like least about it? DON'T KNOW: 10% NOTHING: 241 WHITE BUILDINGS: 10* NO SELECTION: 36% PARKING: 4% MALL: 4% RUN DOWN: 4% SCATTERED: 6% 68. Which of the following two retail PRIORITY A ....... 65% development priorities do you feel PRIORITY B ............ 21% should be given more attention by BOTH (VOL.) ............ 8% city decision -makers: NEITHER (VOL.) ......... 4% A. Attracting new retail facili- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 2% ties in the downtown area to complement existing ones; B. Developing small malls further out of the downtown area. Some people have expressed a concern about maintaining an aesthetically pleasing downtown area. They believe that new building should blend into the existing downtown, even if it increases the cost to developers and might lead potential estab- Lishments to build elsewhere. 9 69. Should the City of Rosemount YES/STILL ADOPT ....... 54% implement specific design and YES/DON'T ADOPT ....... 10% aesthetic standards for businesses YES/UNSURE ............. 8% in the community, to promote some NO .................... 24% type of common character in down- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 5% town buildings? (IF 11YES," ASK:) Should such design standards be adopted and maintained even if some businesses would not move to Rosemount because of the higher costs to conform to these requirements? 70. Should similar standards be set YES ................... 36% for businesses outside the NO .................... 53% downtown area? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.,..12% As you may know, Rosemount's park and recreation system is cumposed of tot lots, neighborhood parks, larger community and regional parks, facilities for passive recreation like Carroll's Woods, and active recreational facilities such as Erickson Field. During the past year, please tell me if you or members of this household have used each facility. For those you have used, could you tell me whether the use was frequent or only occasional. For seasonal activities, please consider only the appropriate season. USE/ USE/ D.K./ DON'T USE FREQ. OCCA. REF. 71. Tot lots. 71% 14% 13% 3% 72. Neighborhood parks. 40% 30% 33% 1% 73. Larger community and regional parks. 42%% 19% 36% 3% 74. Passive recreational facili- ties such as Carroll's Woods. 53% 18% 27% 2% 75. Active recreational facili- ties such as Erickson Field. 52% 22% 23% 3% 76. Overall, would you rate the park EXCELLENT ............. 27% and recreational facilities in GOOD Rosemount as excellent, good, ............... e..56% ONLY FAIR .... ........ only fair, or poor? o8% POOR ......... ...... 0.01% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ... o.8% 77. Are there any facilities not currently in the parks that you or members of your family would use, if they were there? (IF "YES." ASK:) What are they? DON'T KNOW: 29% NONE: 42% POOL: 7% TENNIS: 3% TRAILS: 2% PICNIC AREAS: 5% PLAYGROUNDS: 4% ICE: 3% SCATTERED: 4% 78. Are there any recreational activities you or members of this household undertake, which you' -would prefer to do in Rosemount if the facilities were better? (IF "YES$" ASK:) What are they? 10 DON'T KNOW: 29% NONE: 48% ICE: 4% POOL: 4% C.C. SKI: 2% EXERCISE: 1% TENNIS: 1% GOLF: 1% ROLLER SKATE-* 2% SCA!rrERED: 7% 79. Would you support or oppose the SUPPORT/STILL SUPPORT.63% city developing a nature preserve SUPPORT/No ............. 7% for the protection of wildlife SUPPORT/UNSURE ......... 7% and nest sites? (IF "YES," ASK:) OPPOSE... 9o, .... 9400..18% Would you still support it if a DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 6% tax increase were required to finance its construction? 80. Would you favor or oppose a corri- SUPPORT/STILL SUPPORT.77% dor system of bicycle and walking SUPPORT/NO ............. 4% trails that would connect the var SUPPORT/UNSURE ......... 6% ious parts of the city? (IF "YES," OPPOSE .............. 0.11% ASK:) Would you still support it DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 3% if a tax increase were required to finance their construction? 81. Currently, Rosemount's Compre- FAVOR ................. 67% hensive Guide Plan, the long-range OPPOSE ................ 20% guidelines for development of the DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 13% community, allows for up to one- half of the city's land to be set aside for agricultural purposes. Do you favor or oppose this large an allocation for permanent farm -related activities? Moving along... o Many residents have commented in the past on the "small town" atmosphere of Rosemount. 82. What does that "small town" atmosphere mean to you? DON'T KNOW: 3% NOTHING: 4% FRIENPLY PEOPLE:_39% PEACEFUL: 9% SENSE OF IDENTITY: 7%­SRiLL: 9% PLACE FOR FAMILIES: 4% HAS DOWNTOWN: 4% SAFE: 7% "SOMETHING I VALUE": 10% A NEGATIVE: 5% $3. Are there things that could be done in terms Of future development and growth to preserve that "Small town" atmosphere? (IF "YES," ASK:) What are they? DON'T KNOW: 25% NOG: 22% PROTECT LOCAL BUSINESS: 4% GOOD PLANNING: 16% DEPRESS DEVELOPMENT: 10% COMMUNITY PROJECTS: 10% PROTECT DOWNTOWN: 10% As you may know, Rosemount is 35 square miles and contains 7,800 residents. For comparative purposes, Eagan has 40,000 people and is 36 square miles, Burnsville's area of 27 square miles contains 43,000, Apple Valley houses 30,000 in its 18 city limits, Lakeville has a population of 20,000 in its 38 square miles, while Inver Grove Heights is also 20,000 people across 30 square 11 miles. 8-1. If you could place a ceiling on the future residential Population of Rosemount, what would it be? DON'T KNOW: 12% PREFER NONE: 8% UNDER 1000o: 18% 10-15000: 20% 15-20000: 22* 20-25000: 7% 25-30000: 6% 30-35000: 1% 35-:40000: 3% 40000+: 3% To attract more retail shopping opportunities, commercial development, or light and heavy industrial plants, Rosemount would have to change from its current status. To attract these kinds of opportunities, Rosemount might have to expand its population size, accept more traffic in the area, or some combination of the two. I would now like to ask you about the trade-offs you would be willing to make in order to attract new economic development. Would you be willing to accept a trade-off, in allowing the Population of Rosemount to grow rapidly in order to attract... How about accepting a trade-off in more traffic on area streets and highways for... YES NO D.K./REF. 88. More retail shopping opportunities? 60% 37% 4% 89. More commercial office developments? 54% 39% 7% 90. Light and/or heavy industrial plants? 52% 43% 6% Let's talk about past development for a moment.... 91. In general, from what you have YES NO D.K./REF. 85. More retail shopping 14% disapprove of the zoning and land DON'T KNOW/REFUSED opportunities? 54% 41% 5% 86. More commercial office ADEQUATE .............. 471 dents have an adequate opportunity developments? 51% 44% 6% 87. Light and/or heavy industrial use decision-making process? .... plants? 55% 38% 7% How about accepting a trade-off in more traffic on area streets and highways for... YES NO D.K./REF. 88. More retail shopping opportunities? 60% 37% 4% 89. More commercial office developments? 54% 39% 7% 90. Light and/or heavy industrial plants? 52% 43% 6% Let's talk about past development for a moment.... 91. In general, from what you have APPROVE... * ........... 50% heard or seen, do you approve or DISAPPROVE ............ 14% disapprove of the zoning and land DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 36% use decision made by the City? .... 92. Do you feel that Rosemount resi- ADEQUATE .............. 471 dents have an adequate opportunity INADEQUATE ....... *.***22% for input into the zoning and land DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 32% use decision-making process? .... 93. Do you think that the pace of TOO RAPID.... ......... 13% development in the city has been ABOUT RIGHT too rapid, about right, or not ........... NOT FAST ENOUGH ....... 64% 20% fast enouyh? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 4% 12 94. Does the development across the WELL-PLANNED .......... 53t City seem well-planned for the NOT WELL PLANNED ...... 21% future of Rosemount? DONT KNOW/REFUSED .... 27% 95. Do you think"that Rosemount cur- rently has a wide range of housing YES ....... No .................... 18% choices to offer its residents? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 5% (IF 11NO111 IN QUESTION 95, ASK:) 96. What types of housing do you feel the city should allow or encourage to expand the current range? MULTI -FAMILY: 7% LOW COST: 5% MIDDLE -UPPER: 2t MORE OF WHAT IS HERE: 5% 97. Would you favor or Oppose provi- STRONGLY FAVOR ......... 9% ding development incentives, such SOMEWHAT FAVOR ........ 16t as tax breaks, to attract more SOMEWHAT OPPOSE .... 31% multi -family housing units, such STRONGLY OPPOSE ....... 40% as apartments and condominiums to DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 4t Rosemount? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel strongly that way? Some people have told us they would welcome Multi -family develop- ments in Rosemount if they could be aesthetically blended into the community. Others do not feel that multi -family units are consistent with the "small town" ambience of the community and should be discouraged. 98. flow about you -- do you f eel that YES, CONSTRUCT ........ 41% multi -family developments which NOj OPPOSE ............ 52% blend into the community should DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 7% be constructed or do you oppose any multi -family development? 99. Would you favor or oppose provi- ding development incentives, such as tax breaks, to attract higher quality and more aesthetically pleasing multi -family units? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel strongly that way? STRONGLY FAVOR ......... 9% SOMEWHAT FAVOR ........ 18t SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ....... 271 STRONGLY OPPOSE ....... 40% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 7% The National GUard intends to build an armory in Rosemount. The armory will provide the community with meeting rooms, classrooms, banquet facilities, and activities rooms. Other communities have used the opportunity to add on to this structure to provide additional recreational and community facilities. 13 1()0- Would you favor or oppose the con- STRONGLY FAVOR ........ 411 struction of additional recrea- SOMEWHAT FAVOR ........ 32% tional facilities as an extension SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ........ 8* to the armory, (WAIT FOR STRONGLY OPPOSE ........ 6% RESPONSE) And do you feel DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 13% strongly that way? 29% .... spa? IF ANSWERS "1, " "2, " @13, " OR "4, '1 GIVEN IN # 100, ASK: 101. Why do you feel that way? NO REASON: 8% NEEDED: 41% FUN TO HAVE: lit GOOD FOR CITY: 10% DEPENDS ON WHAT IS IN IT: 6% COST: 2% I would like to read you a list of facilities that could be included in an expansion to the armory. For each one, please tell me if you would strongly favor its inclusion, somewhat favor it, somewhat oppose it, or strongly oppose it. STR. FAV. 102. Community theatre? 17% 103. Band shell? 16% 104. An indoor swimming pool? 27% 105. A gymnasium? 31% 106. An exercise and fitness 11% 4% room? 27% 107. A whirlpool bath and 29% 23% spa? 16% 108. An indoor ice arena? 25% 109. An outdoor wading Pool? 24% 110. Indoor tennis courts? 12% 111. Racquet ball courts? 13% 112. Day care and latchkey 11% 6% facilities? 11* SMT. SMT. STR. D -K./ FAV. OPP. OPP. REF. 53% 15% 11% 4% 48% 20% 11% 4% 27% 27% 16% 3% 29% 23% 12% 5% 37% 21% 11% 5% 27% 30% 22% 5% 35% 20% 16% 5% 37% 22% 11% 6% 28% 35% 19% 6% 32% 32% 17% 6% 40% 14% 8% 8% 113. Are there any other facilities You Would like to see in a Community Center? (IF "YES,11 ASK:) What are they? DON'T KNOW: 4% NONE: 83% SENIOR CENTER: 2% ADULT ED: 1% OUTDOOR POOL: 2% LIBRARY: 1% SCATTERED: 7% I would like to briefly re -read that list Of Potential facilities for an expansion to the armory. 114. Please tell me which one You would most strongly favor for inclusion? TURN PAGE TO CIRCLE ANSWER. L15. flow about your second preference? L16. Is there any facility that You would oppose including in an armory expansion? 14 MOST SECOND OPPOSE Community theatre? 10% 10% 5% Band shell? 5% 8% 5% An indoor switaming pool? 12% 9% 6% A gymnasium? 9% 12% 2% An exercise and fitness room? 7% 11% it A whirlpool bath and spa? 2% 2% 14% An indoor ice arena? 16% 8% 12% An outdoor wading pool? 6% 7% 5% Indoor tennis courts? 3% 2% a% Racquet ball courts? 0% 3% 4% Day care and latchkey facilities? 16% 8% 4% All of them equally. 4% 4% 8% None of them. 6% 8% 20% Don't know/refused. 5% 6% 8% The building of an armory extension bond might require passage of a referendum. Taxpayers could be asked to pay for the construction of the facility and to share in the cost of underwriting the additional facilities. User fees would also underwrite its operation to some extent. 117. How much would you be willing to pay in additional property taxes to support the construction and partial operation of a Rosemount 'Community Center? (START WITH A RANDOMLY SELECTED CHOICE) Let's say, would you be willing to pay $ - - per year? (MOVE TO NEXT CHOICE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON ANSWER. REPEAT.) On a different topic.... NOTHING ............... 22% $25 ................... 22% $so ................... 23% $75 .................... 7% $100 ................... 8% $125 ................... 2% $150 ................... 1% $175 ................... 1% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 14% Dakota County will soon require all cities to separate recyclables from their trash. The City of Rosemount is currently reviewing alternatives to comply with the county recycling requirement. 118. Do you currently separate YES ................... 43% recyclables from the rest of No .................... your garbage? 57% IF "YES" IN QUESTION #118, ASK: Which of the following materials do you recycle? YES NO D. K. 119. GLass? 22% 22% 2% 120. Newspapers and cardboard? 34% 8% 121. Metal and aluminum? 36% 7% 15 122. flow and where do you recycle them? RECYCLING CENTER: 11% KNUTSON PICK UP: 12% WORK: 1% GIVE AWAY: 71 PAPER DRIVE: 8% STILL SAVING: 2% One way to meet the county requirement is for the City to asLablish a curbside pick-up of separated recyclable materials. Households would be asked to separate recyclables from the rest of their trash and haulers would carry them away. 123. If the City instituted a pick-up VERY LIKELY ........... 67% system, how likely would you be SOMEWHAT LIKELY ....... 20% to use it -- very likely, some- NOT AT ALL LIKELY ..... 11% what likely, or not at all likely? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 2% 124. If your present garbage bill WOULD IF 10% INCREASE.39% would be increased by ten percent WOULD IF NOTHING MORE.23% by participating in the program, WOULD IF SAVE 10% ..... 16% Would YOU do so? (IF "NO"' ASK:) WOULD NOT AT ALT ....... 10% How about if it cost You nothing DON'T KNOW/REFUSED, .... 12% additional? (IF "NO#" ASK:) If it would save you ten percent Oil your hauling bill? floving on.... L25, If more frequent and expanded pub- VERY LIKELY ........... 14% lic transportation were available SOMEWHAT LIKELY ....... 23% connecting Rosemount with Downtown NOT AT ALI, LIKELY ..... 61% Minneapolis, Bloomington, and DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 2% Downtown Saint Paul, how likely is it that You would frequently use the system -- very likely, somewhat likely, or not at -III likely? 1.26. If more frequent and expanded public transportation available were I are there any times, such as for shopping, Lransit to work, school, entertainment, or visits professionals to health , when you would be very likely to use it? (IF 11YES,11 ASK:) When would that be? WOULD NOT USE AT ALL: 53% USE TO SHOP: 11% WORK-SC11OOL: 17% ENTERTAINMENT: 6% ERRANDS: 4% SCATTERED: 2% 127. What is your principal source of information about City government and its activities? NONE: 2% "COUNTRYSIDE": 15% WORD OF MOUTH: 13% LOCAL PAPER: 54% "THIS WEEK": 9% MEETINGS: 1% TV: 2% STAR -TRIBUNE: 1% DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE: 1% MAYORIS LETTER: 1% 1;OsemOunt is served by three regional or local papers. For each t,ne, please tell me whether You receive it. For each you leceive, please tell me if You generally read it. 16 133. Are you aware of the Bi -Annual YES ................... 60% Town Meetings held by the Mayor NO .................... 38% and City Council, to receive DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 2% citizen input? 134. Currently, the minimum lot size in LARGER THAN 100oO. I .... 27% Rosemount is 10,000 square feet, SMALLER THAN 10000 ..... 3% or about 80 feet by 125 feet. In KEPT AT PRESENT LEVEL.60% general, do you feel that this DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 11% minimum lot size should be larger than 10,000 square feet, smaller than 10,000 square feet, or kept at its present level? 135. Do yotl support or oppose further SUPPORT ............... 58% rural residential development OPPOSE ................ 22% R at least five acres in Rose- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 20% mount that allows no tie-in to city sewer and water; that is allows wells and septic tanks'? 136. Do you feel that daycare and YES ................... 32% latchkey needs are being ade- NO .................... 25% quately met by current providers DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 42% in the city? Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes.... Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in Your household. Let's start oldest to youngest.... 137. First, persons 65 or over? 0: 91% 1: 4% 2: 5% 138. Adults under 65? (including 0: 6% 1: 12% 2: 68% yourself)_ 3: 9% 4: 3% 5: 2% 17 DON " T REC. REC. / D. K. 128. GET "This Week News"? 11% READ DON'T 85% REF. 129. "Countrys ide"? 12% 3% 8 4% 4% 1% 130. "Dakuta county Tribune,'? 89% 10% 1% 0% 1% 131. Would you favor or oppose the FAVOR City publishing a quarterly news- ................. OPPOSE 71% letter to residents, covering ................ DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.....7% 22% government activities, special notices, and park and recreational information? (IF "FAVOR" IN QUESTION 131, ASK:) 132. Would you still favor it even YES though funds would have to be ................... NO 57% reallocated for the project ..................... DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 9% in the current city budget? ..... 51 133. Are you aware of the Bi -Annual YES ................... 60% Town Meetings held by the Mayor NO .................... 38% and City Council, to receive DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 2% citizen input? 134. Currently, the minimum lot size in LARGER THAN 100oO. I .... 27% Rosemount is 10,000 square feet, SMALLER THAN 10000 ..... 3% or about 80 feet by 125 feet. In KEPT AT PRESENT LEVEL.60% general, do you feel that this DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 11% minimum lot size should be larger than 10,000 square feet, smaller than 10,000 square feet, or kept at its present level? 135. Do yotl support or oppose further SUPPORT ............... 58% rural residential development OPPOSE ................ 22% R at least five acres in Rose- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 20% mount that allows no tie-in to city sewer and water; that is allows wells and septic tanks'? 136. Do you feel that daycare and YES ................... 32% latchkey needs are being ade- NO .................... 25% quately met by current providers DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 42% in the city? Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes.... Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in Your household. Let's start oldest to youngest.... 137. First, persons 65 or over? 0: 91% 1: 4% 2: 5% 138. Adults under 65? (including 0: 6% 1: 12% 2: 68% yourself)_ 3: 9% 4: 3% 5: 2% 17 139. High school aged? (Grades 10 - 12) 140. Junior high aged? (Grades 7 - 9) 141. Elementary school children? (Grades K-6) 142. Pre-schoolers? 143. Do you own or rent your present residence? 144. Which of the following best describes your residence? (READ CHOICES) OTHER: 145. What is your age, please? (READ CATEGORIES, IF NEEDED) 0: 83% 1: 13% 2: 4% 0: 90% 1: 10% 2: 1% 0: 72% 1: 19% 2: 9% 3: 1% 0: 76% 1: 18% 2: 6% OWN......... * ......... 78% RENT.................. 22% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 0% SINGLE FAMILY DWELL. -.71% APT/CONDO ........... 010% TOWNHOUSE.............. 8% FAI?M ..... 0 ..... 4% MOBILE/MANUFACTURED .... 7% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 0% 18-24 .................. 7% 25-34 ......... o ....... 37% 35-44 ... o_ .......... 20 45-54 ......... o ....... 13% 55-64.o ............... 10% 65 AND OVER ............ 8% REFUSED................ 0% 146. What is the occupation of the head of this household? PROFESSIONAL -TECHNICAL: 19% OWNER -MANAGER: 20% CLERICAL -SALES: 13% BLUE COLLAR: 32% RETIRED: 12% SCATTERED: 2% 147. Could you tell me the city where the job of the head of this household is located? ROSEMOUNT; 15% RETIRED: 13% MINNEAPOLIS: 8% RURAL: 5% EAGAN-BURNSVILLE-APPLE VALLEY: 19% REST OF DAKOTA: 6% BLOOMINGTON: 9% ST. PAUL: 9% REST OF METRO: 5% SOUTH HENNEPIN: 6% ALL OVER: 6% 148. How about the city of the full-time jobs held by any other members of this household? ROSEMOUNT: 16% RETIRED—DO NOT WORK: 42% MINNEAPOLIS: 4% RURAL: 2% EAGAN—BURNSVILLE—APPLE VALLEY: 17% REST OF DAKOTA: 3% BLOOMINGTON: 5% ST. PAUL: 2% REST OF METRO: 3% SOUTH HENNEPIN: 3% ALL OVER: 1% 18 149. What is the last grade of school LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL..4% you completed? HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE..31% VO -TECH SCHOOL ........ 13% SOME COLLEGE .......... 27% COLLEGE GRADUATE ...... 18% POST -GRADUATE ...... ***.7% REFUSED..... ........... 0% 150. Could you tell me your approximate UNDER 112,500 .... 3% pre-tax yearly household income. $120500-$25,000*** .... 18% Does the income lie.... $25,00l -$37j500. -*****30% $37,501-$s0*000 ....... 27% $50,001-$62,500 ........ 8% OVER$62,500 ........... 8% DONIT KNOW...... ....... 1% REFUSED ................ 5% 151. Sex (BY OBSERVATION: DO NOT ASK) MALE .................. 48% FEMALE/AT HOME ........ 21% IF "FEMALE," ASK: Do You work FEMALE/WORKS OUTSIDE..32% outside the home? 152. Residential Zones WARD ONE: 24% WARD TWO: 24% WARD THREE: 19% WARD FOUR: 33% 19 ROSEMOUNT 1996 PHONE SURVEY Questions - 1. Approximately how many years have you lived in Rosemount? 2. In what city and/or state were you located irnmediately prior to your residence here? 3. As things now stand, how long in the future do you expect to five in Rosemount? 4. Thinking back to when you moved to Rosemount, what factors were most important to you in selecting the city? 5. How would you rate Rosemount on that today -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 6. How would you rate the quality of life in Rosemount --- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 7. What image comes to mind when you think about Rosemount? 8. What do you like MOST about living in Rosemount? 9. What do you like LEAST about it? 10. When you think about Rosemount do you see it as a small town or a suburb? 11. Why do you feel that way? 12. - What do you think is the most serious issue facing the City of Rosemount today.? 13. Now, which of the following statements comes closest to your feelings? a.) I feel a real tie to the entire Rosemount community. b.) I have strong ties to my neighborhood, but weak ties to the rest of Rosemount. c.) I have neither strong ties to my neighborhood nor the community as a whole. 14. How would you rate the general sense of community among Rosemount residents -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? a.) Why do you feel that way? b.) What things could be done to improve the sense of community in Rosemount? 15. How important is the Irish theme to Rosemount? Rosemount 1996 Survey P22e I 16. How about the following two statements about the future? a.) Rosemount should preserve its rural character even if it means slower development and growth. b.) Rosemount should aggressively pursue development, even if it becomes more suburban in the process. 17. Would you say the city of Rosemount has changed for the better in recent years, changed for the worse, or has it not changed very much? a.) If answer given in question 917, ask: Why do you feel that way? 18. Would you favor or oppose an increase in city property taxes if it were needed to maintain city services at their current level? 19. Do you consider property taxes in Rosemount to be excessively high, relatively high, about average, or comparatively low? The City of Rosemount continuously reviews the cost effectiveness of the services it provides to residents. Your opinions on this portion of the survey are particularly important to decision - makers. For the next few minutes, I am going to read you a fist of some of the current services either directly provided by the city or partially subsidized by it. For each g=, please tell me if you feel it is excellent, good, fair, poor, or don't know. 20. Youth athletic programs? 21. Adult athletic programs? 22. City -sponsored senior programs? 23. Quality of drinking water? 24. Quality of water in city streams and lakes? 25. Maintenance of street fights? 26. Maintenance and repair of city streets? 27. Snow and ice removal on city streets? 28. Mowing of grass in city parks? 29. Removal of fitter from city streets, parks, and trails? 30. Condition of picnic facilities and play equipment in city parks? 31. Playing condition of athletic fields in city parks? 32. Maintenance of city trails? 33. Code enforcement on long grass or trash in your neighborhood? 34. Code enforcement on housing maintenance? Rosemount 1996 Survey - PnV03 35. Building inspection and obtaining permits? 36. Police response time to calls? 37. Patrolling of my neighborhood by police? 38. Enforcement of ft-dfflc laws by police department? 39. Fire department response time to calls? 40. 911 emergency response time to calls? 41. Conununity programs for residents in economic need? 42. City newsletter to residents? 43. Animal control programs? 44. Community festivals, such as Leprechaun Days, Share the Spirit, Halloween Party? 45. Hockey and ice skating programs and facilities at the Community Center? 46. Outdoor skating rinks? 47. How would you rate the general appearance of your neighborhood -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 48. Other than voting, do you feel that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way the City of Rosemount runs things? 49. How much do you feel you know about the work of the Mayor and City Council -- a great deal, a fair amount, or very little? 50. From what you know, do you approve or disapprove of the job the Mayor and City Council are doing? _ And do you feel strongly that way? a.) Why do you feel that way? 51. How much first-hand contact have you had with the Rosemount City staff -- quite a lot, some, very little, or none? 52. During the past year, have you visited the Rosemount Community Center or City Hall? 53. From what you've experienced, how would you rate the customer service of the Rosemount City staff -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? a.) Why did you rate the city staff as you did? 54. On your last visit to the City Hall or the Conununity Center, which department did you visit --- Police , Finance, Planning, Building Inspection, Public Works/Engineering, Parks & Recreation, general information desk, or Administration/City Council? Rosemount 1996 Survey P200 A Now, thinking about the specific department you visited ..... rate: excellent, good, fair, poor, don't know 55. a.) waiting time for service? b.) courtesy of the staff? C. efficiency of the staff? 56. During the past year, have you had the occasion to telohone the Rosemount City Hall or Community Center? If yes... a.) On your last telephone call to the City Hall, which department did you contact? rate: Excellent, good, fair, poor, don't know b.) waiting time for the information desk operator to answer your call? c.) courtesy of the information desk operator? d.) ease of reaching a department gaff member who could help you? e.) efficiency of the department staff .7 E) was your request handled by leaving a voice mail message? _ Did you receive a timely response? 57. Do you feel that crimes against property in Rosemount have increased, decreased, or remained about the same during the past five years? 58. Do you feel police service is adequate? If not, why? As you may know, the University of Minnesota holds 3000 acres of land within the City of Rosemount which they are currently considering options for development. 59. What type of use would you most favor for that land? 60. Are there any uses which you would definitely oppose? The U.S.P.C.I. Industrial Waste Containment Facility is located in the eastern portion of the City of Rosemount, commonly called "Pine Bend." 61. Were you aware of the fact that U. S.P.C.I. is, within the city lirnits? 62. Do you know what activity takes place at U. S.P. C.I.? Rosemount 1996 Survey P20PA5 63. In general, how would you rate that company as a corporate citizen of the City --- excellent, good, only fair, poor, don't know? 64. Are you aware of the U.S.P.0 I Trust Fund and what it does in the community? Let's talk about economic development for a few minutes.... 65. If the City of Rosemount were to attract more development, what kind would you prefer it to be? 66. Would you support or oppose an aggressive effort by the City of Rosemount to attract new commercial and fight industrial development? 67. Would you favor or oppose providing development incentives, such as tax breaks, to attract new commercial and light industrial development? And do you feel strongly that way? 68. Do you favor or oppose Rosemount pursuing additional heavy industrial development in the Pine Bend area? If oppose .... ask: a.) Would you still oppose it if the expanded tax base would result in keeping residential property taxes lower? 69. If you had to choose one development priority, what would it be? a.) expand the tax base to keep property taxes down b.) attract more head -of -household type jobs to the city c.) preserve open spaces to keep a small town atmosphere Changing focus .... On a scale of one to ten, where ten is "excellene' and one is "poor," how would you rate Rosemount as a place to... 70. To find housing which fits the budgets and lifestyles of most people. 71. To find full-time employment opportunities for the head of a household. 72. To start a business. 73. To raise children. 74. To spend one's retirement years. Rosemount 1996 Survey __ P294, 6 Let's talk about the commercial area... 75. What do you like most about commercial areas in Rosemount? 76. And, what do you like least about the commercial areas in Rosemount? 77. Do you shop frequently, occasionally or infrequently in Rosemount? 78. What type of commercial businesses do you feel are needed in Rosemount to meet your current needs? 79. Should city funds be used to assist in the redevelopment and preservation of the historic downtown area? The Rosemount Park System is composed of smaller neighborhood parks designed to serve residents within a one-half mile radius, larger community parks containing athletic amenities, open space parks such as Carroll's Woods which accommodates passive recreation, and a trail system. The City of Rosemount also features a Community Center and Ice Arena. For each of the following park types, please indicate whether members of your household use it frequently, occasionally, rarely, or not at all. 80. Smaller neighborhood parks? 81. Larger community parks? 82. Open space parks? 83. Trails? 84. Community Center? 85. Ice Arena? Freq Occa Rare Notl 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 From what you have seen or heard, how would you rate the quality of each component in the park system? Would you rate them as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. Smaller neighborhood parks? Larger community parks? Open space parks? Trails? Community Center? Ice Arena? Exc Good Fair Poor 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 92. Overall, would you rate the park and recreational facilities in Rosemount as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? Rosemount 1996 Survey P247P 7 93. Which of the following prospective park projects, if any, would you give top priority? Improve and continue to construct neighborhood parks? improve and continue to construct larger community parks? Improve and continue to construct open space parks? Expanded trail system? Athletic Complex? A second sheet of ice? Wading pool? None? Multiple choices? 94. Which of the following development projects, if any, would you give second priority? Improve and continue to construct neighborhood parks? Improve and continue to construct larger community parks? Improve and continue to construct open space parks? Expanded trail system? Athletic Complex? A second sheet of ice? Wading pool? None? Multiple choices? 95. Are there any recreational activities you or members of your household participate in which you would prefer to do in Rosemount if facilities were better? Yes No If yes, what activities? 96. Are there any recreational facilities you would like to have added that currently do not exist or need to be expanded in Rosemount? Yes No If yes, what facilities? 97. Would you favor a bond referendum which would provide Rosemount with new or expanded park facilities (and trails) and /or improvements to existing park facilities? Favor strongly Favor Oppose Oppose Strongly Don't Know 98. Do you feel City funds should be used to subsidize community events such as Leprechaun Days, Halloween Festival, and Share in the Spirit? Yes No Rosemount 1996 Survey P!M= A Many residents have commented in the past on the "small town7 character of Rosemount. 99. What does that "small town" character mean to you? Let's talk about past development for a moment... - 100. in general, do you approve or disapprove of the zoning and land use decision made by the city? 101. Do you feel that Rosemount residents have an adequate opportunity for input into the zoning and land use decision-making process? 102. Do you think that the pace of development in the city has been too rapid, about right, or not fast enough? 103. Does the development through out the city seem well-planned for the future of Rosemount? 104. Do you think that Rosemount currently has a wide range of housing choices to offer its residents? If no, ask... a.) What types of housing do you feel the city should allow or encourage to expand the current range? 105. The City Council is encouraging larger lot residential development This is in contrast to the Metropolitan Council's encouragement to higher density and smaller lot development. Which do you feel is appropriate for Rosemount? 106. Do you support or oppose further rural residential development of at least 5 acres lots in Rosemount that allows no tie-in to city sewer and water; that is, allows wells and septic tanks? 107. What city do you work in? a.) In what city is your spouse's/partner's job located? b.) Have you shared a ride to work in the past year? Rosemount 1996 Survey pnge-2 I would like to read you a short list of area highways. For each one, please tell me whether you generally use it as your main route when driving to your job location, or whether your spouse or partner would use it as the main route to his or her job location, or if both of you would use it as the main route to your jobs? if it isn't used as the main route for either of you just say so. responses: isn't, sel� part, both, don't know or rare 108. I -35W 109. Cedar AvenueHghway 77 110. ffighway 52 III. Pilot Knob Road 112. Highway 3 113. County Road 42 I will read you a short fist of transit facilities or systems. For each one, please tell me if you have used it during the past year. 114. Rosemount park and ride lot? 115. Apple Valley park and ride lots? 116. Metro Transit express bus from Eagan? 117. MVTA - Minnesota Valley Transit Authority - transit services? 118. Do you use MVTA bus service? Would you use it if a route was available that suited your eewmimp* pattern? eft.—UAZ --S 119. What is your principal source of information about city government and its activities? Rosemount is served by three regional or local papers. For each one, please tell me whether you receive it. For each you receive, please tell me if you generally read it. a.) Rosemount Town Pages b.) Rosemount ThisWeek c.) Countryside 120. The city publishes a quarterly newsletter to residents, covering government activities, special notices, and park and recreational information. How important is this to you? 121. What is your primary source of information about City government and its activities? Rosemount 1996 Survey P!Mof-. I a The City publishes a monthly newsletter, "City News" sent to each home. 122. Do you receive the newsletter? 123. How much of the newsletter do you usually read — all of it, most of it, some of it, not too much of it, or none of it? 124. How would you evaluate its format --- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 125. How would you evaluate its content -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 126. Do you have suggestions for any additional topics you would like to see covered in the City News". 127. Does your household currently subscribe to cable television? The City is considering broadcasting City Council meetings and special events; 128. If available, would you watch the local government access channel: Freq Occa Rare Not at all 129. If available, would you watch City Council and/or Planning Commission telecasts: Freq Occa Rare Not at all 130. Would you like to see local programming and other community information on cable? If yes, ask.... 13 1. What programming would you like to see? 132. Should city funds be used to brodcast meetings? Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes... Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups five in your household. Let's start oldest to youngest... Rosemount 1996 Survey PAR& 11 132. First, persons 65 or over? 133. Adults under 65 years? 134. ffigh school aged, 10 - 12th grades? 135. Junior high aged, 7-9 grades? 136. Elementary school children, K-6 grades? 137. Pre-schoolers? 138. Do you own or rent your present residence? 139. Which of the following best describes your residence? single family / apt., condo / townhouse / farm / mobile, manufactured / don't know, refused 140. What is your age, please? 141. What is the occupation of the head of this household? 142. Could you tell me the city where the job of the head of this household is located? 143. What are the cities where any other full-time jobs are held by members of this household? 144. What is the last grade of school you completed? 145. Could you tell me your approximate pre-tax yearly household income or range? 146. Sex (by observation: do not ask) 4 0 P,W. The City has undertaken a fairly aggressive street and utility reconstruction program during the last 5 years. Please answer the following questions regarding this program: A. Should the City continue at a slower, same, or faster pace in reconstructing the streets and utilities which require rehabilitation? B. Should the City raise taxes to increase the pace of the reconstruction program? 2. Presently the water, sanitary sewer and storm drain re -construction projects are paid for by residents water, sanitary sewer and storm water utility fees: A. Were you aware that a portion of your bills were used in this manner? B. Should we continue with this method or raise taxes to pay for reconstruction projects? 3. The Storm Water Utility Fees are based on the quantity of run-off from each property's land use, resulting in higher fees for properties which have more storm water run-off. Do you feel this is an equitable method of collecting funding for Storm Water Management? AM L �j Ivi ki I I I ur 1� A U nil I V 17 4: L j i (� u 1) I UUU/ uu I I U- D-9 b I 1 1 t A UH.N .1U 1�4��OLIU'11 111JU �/Uu F-Agau Raidents Survey 1996 Syste'n Generated Questionnitire PHONE !if thi6 Phone exchange has been shut off,, tegWAZate. 07 'HOKE: CONTACT., 1 N tXT CALL IS A CALLEACK 3cH=uLzD roR !CA=BtX COMMTS. od [=o=ing/afternoon/*venjftgj, this is 4n calling an behalf f the City of Eagan from Compxss jnteznatioA&j H&rkot Reawarch. iv'arti y C4wpleted Surveys - a I : i :. Y I xpeak to [Contact]? 1Xl ot or$ - IF THE RESPONDENT SOUNDS LIKE A CHILD, MaY X $Peak to an adult In the household? CONTINUE FROM BEGIWNI�cl. Kissed � aro * e6nductLft9 an Lndopendent murvey of p�F,�vote resIdents on ;half of the City of Eaganp and we would like to inclu your ,inions Y Cawpiet*d Surveys - r records indicate that we contacted you previously, but we rtn't able to finish the Suzvey. Do you have time now to answc Low more questions? ents- called previously and it was suggested that you might be ailable to take our survey at thI3 time. Do you have tllne answer a few questions? nol ppointments- were unable to reach you at our scheduled appointment time. You h*VO tix* now to answer a few questiona? ;Conti UC t3 .......... * ......... # ........... 1 AppoitMent.... 4 ............... 4 .............. 2 ipricr� ty Appointment ......... 4 ............... 3 iNot A allable ................................. 4 1 :.Answe ing Machine ............................. ............................. :Busy. .11 ................. I ................... 5 6 7 :Refus&d ...... 4* ................ IC*2=Q 11 cations* 0 .......... # ........... I ........ 9 �;AZZer ';Disconnected lausin !Fax/M AUgust Ist .............................. ........ *0 ........................ ss Location ............ ............... dem/pagaz .............. ....... 10 11 12 13 loutsi Te=late a Eagan City ............................ (Specify) ........................... 14 99 .SCRI> 5 5 122 1 55123.; None of First, may I have your zip code t6 Verity 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... # .................................... the above ............................. your location? 3. 2 3 4 epared by Plasman COMPASS 07123/98 1:44 PM Page i lu-1 (_�o I 0AId XUM � I I � up lu jq�_1�3�/Uj r U U i / U U I Eagan Residmts Survey 1996 Systein Genemted Questiounaire I f side Eagan �------------------------- -------------------- — - ---------- ,Youz Zip code Indicates that you live outside the Eagan city liMit3, 80 1 WOntt take up any more of your time... YOU . ons... ----------------------------------------------- Now we'll move on to the survey. First,, a few ----------------------------------------- In general, how do you feel about Eagan as a placcL to live? 02> *hat do you like most about living in Eagan? LAMFY MR A SINGLE RESPONSE �<Q3> *hot do you liXe least about living in Eagan? LhRIFY: FOR A SINGLE ]RESPONSE by Plasman COMPASS 07/23/96 1-44 PM Page 2 -------- -- ----- i; '<SCRZ� YOur ZiR code indicates that you are -in Eagan, but-we-would[e Aike o identify your location a little m0rc PCOCiSely to make suzo i Are ev*ry area al the City. Can you tell Ue what two -str ,:,rv*ying 'ntczs*ct at the intersection closest to your home Is ccurticc Circle YOUX h0me is located? or an which IF U LE TO IDENTIFY THE LOCATION_ I �.Qur Itreet address or a park, school, church or qove=Lment builditIgi Withit three blocks would be adequate. VERI" SPELLING -- BE CERTAIN TO RECORD COMPLETE NAME tANSWAR LIST ONLY AVAILABLE To CODZR __ COORDINATES ASSIGNED ACCO",ING TO THE CITY OF EAGAN M2 PRODUCED BY THE LION'S CLUB) ............... * ............. ........................ 3 2, ... ....... .............................. 3, ............................ 4, I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L......................................... ........................................... a ... ............................... . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 0 ...................... 12, ................................... 13, ........................................1. 14, ..................... D. is, .,.� ......... ............................... E. :L5, . . ........................................ 17, ....................... 0 ................. is, ......................................... is, ................... — ... I ................ 2o, ............. 4 ..... 4 .................... 21, ............. * ........................... 22, ............. 0 ........................... 23, 24, 25, YOU . ons... ----------------------------------------------- Now we'll move on to the survey. First,, a few ----------------------------------------- In general, how do you feel about Eagan as a placcL to live? 02> *hat do you like most about living in Eagan? LAMFY MR A SINGLE RESPONSE �<Q3> *hot do you liXe least about living in Eagan? LhRIFY: FOR A SINGLE ]RESPONSE by Plasman COMPASS 07/23/96 1-44 PM Page 2 U 1 0 0 rm r ';M I I I up r�AUAII lu �4LIDJ"'Uj FUU4/UU4 i X-agan Residents Survey 1 6 System Generated Question aire <Q4> Aside trOm the school xYstaa, which of �h describes how you jcel about the ServiCes you e following best Eagan? receive In the city of P= LIST Very Good ............... 6 ........... 4 Fair. 0 0... " a .. 0 * - - 0 3 Poor.4's ... 4 ....... # ........ 0-00 ........... L 2 Very Poor ....................... * ...... bcn'�L Rnow/Retused (Donet --------------------- — --- — - ft ----------------- ---------------------- NO"s A FXK QUESTIONS ABOUT CRIME AND yOUR sA-riTy... — --------- — --------- — ------ 1 1 7 -------------- ------- .CQ5> Do you feel safe in your home? Yes ............................... No ............... * ..................... 21 Don't Know/Refused ...... *---* ....... 3 <06> Do P-1 i 0� W " your noignmotho*d? yes .............. No Don't Knowilketused .......... ............ 1 407> Are there any areas in Eagat where you WoLld be concertod about your safety? I Yes No Don't Xnow/Refused ....................... yes... <07A> Where, in Eagan, would you feel con safety? ierned about yo4r <Qe> Have YOU contacted the police in the last:yeaz? Yes ...... a ! so................. ............... Don't rn*w/Refused. ............... 3 <09> Ir-r'Om what YOU know cz have heazd, how woulol you rate the police department's responsiveness? READ LIST Excellent ................... Very Good ................... ................ coad .... ........ 4 rair .... 0 ...... 0 ................ 3 poor ............... 2 Very Poor .................... 0 ........... 1 DOA't XhOw/Refused (Don't Read) .............. . 7 If Poor or very Poor - <09A> What Aspect Of the Police response ga . ve it a I [Poor/vexy poor] zatitg? PrePared by Plasman COMPASS 07/22196 j.-44 pM Page 3 7: I U- P-9 1'(AIA �XUNI �Ily UP -�A�JAN iu �4��O�Uj r1jul/UU1 ExPn Residents Survey 1996 --------------------------------------------------------------- SYstam Generated Questionnaire From what You know or have heard, how would you zate the f:Lrlk 1depar ntts rexponsivezess? READ IST ............ 60 ......... Fd.*#**** 4 Ve"04644 ....... Y 3 Sao .... ....... .......... ra444 4 verlypoor ...... ............................. DonjIt Know/Refused (Don't Read) 3 polbz. .. . - 2 v*iy poor ............ ........ 00 't Know/1kefused (Don't Read) .............. that give thern a U P9jr oz Very Poor... :1 4Q10A> What aspect of the fire departMent's response gave it :1 (Poor/Very Poor) rating? ---------------- ----------------------------------------------- The: following questions relate to the areas Of trAnsPOftstion and I cit� utilities. --------------------------------------------------------------- + �011> How would you rate the quallty of city street surfacbz? Ex ellent ... .............................. Very Good ................................... ......................................... 4 Fair ......................................... 3 Poor ......................................... 2 verlypoor ...... ............................. DonjIt Know/Refused (Don't Read) I .............. 7 if P013 or Very poor < 13A> WhAt is It about city street suzfaaas that give thern a car/very Poor] xating? ';<Q12> Does Eagan have a problem with txaffic congestion? Yes.: ....................................... No;; 2 Do W/ u a ;If YC3.�.. !I: < 12A> What Street -s Or 1OCations do you feel are particularly cingested? t Prepredby Plasman COMPASS 07)21M 1-44 PM Pag� 4 I U- I f -JO U I I 3D:J1 i I I V I, ,I :% U �t 14 IV JqLJJLUj f UUj/ UU4 I I FA92n P-aidents Survey i SYStem Geumted Questionlitim <913> Now would you rate the job the city does in getting the streets cleared aztez a 5" -- READ LIST Ucollent ......... VUZ7 "ad ... ........ 0 ... ............... 4 rair ................ 2 VCZY ............ I Don't KnOw/Refused (Don*t Read) ....... 7 If Poor or Very Poor �cQ13A> Vh&t &bOut the show plowing gave it a (Poor/Very Poor] rating? 4cQl4> Is it irportant that the City clear th:1 Snow and ice off trails and sidewalks running alongside city St tets? yes............. NO Don't KnOW/Refused ...... 3 <0.15> With the understanding that this is additional city tax dollars coming irom pr a P40POsod now servIce and opert� taxes are neces3ary to provide this sesvice, would you want the Cit to clear the ;�rajls and sidewalks? �i Yes .............. ............... Don't MOW/Refused ..................... 2 <016> HOW would you sate the job the CIZy I streets cleaned of sand in the spring? does! in getting the READ LIST Excellent .................................... Very Good .............................. Good ................. 5 Fair 4 Poor 3 2 Very Poor .............................. Don't xnaw/aeguscd (Don -t Read) ........ 11 poor Or vezy Poor... <Q26A> W6t 12 it about the street cleanimg that gives it a i 1PQOr/VdXY Poor] rating? Pmpared bY Plasman COMPAS.S 07M/% 1:44 pM Page 5 I�U-1'�—Yb Ul �11A Up tA�jAi� lu �4�J041U-j rUUL1/UU4 Eagan Residents Survey 1996 SYstem Gtn=ted Question4ire <017> In Your opinion# how good a 3ob im tho'city of Eagan doing in roadway planning and construc:tioh? "AD LIST EXCellent, ................................. very Good .............. * ....... Fair ­:. 4 .................................... ..Vj. Poor 3 ........ *..# ............ ........... !. Very Poor ... 2 4 ........ 0 ...................... Don't Know/Refused ID*nit Read) ........ 7 If Poor or Very Poor I <017.A> What is it about roadway plannin g and conStruction that I gives it a tPooz/Very Poor] rating? <018> Do you or any mcabers of your householdilzide the MVTA' a transit? publi yes ............... No ....................................... Don't Xnow/Refused ................. 2 3 <019> rrom what you know or have heard, how would you rate the bus service? READ LIST Excellent .............................. Very Good .................................. G'aod ....................... go Fair 4 .................................... Poor 3 .............. 6...* 2 Very Poor .............................. * Don't Know/Refused (Don't Read) I ......... ...... 7 If Poor or Vezy Pooz... <019)k> What is it about the bus service t-�at gives Lt a 1pooz/vezy roorj rating? <Q20> Should the city take an active role -n P!F0m6tin1J Yes ......... * ........... No 1 ........ 2 Don't 3 <021> Are additional Park & Ride locations needed in Eagan? yes ......... ................ Don't Know/Refused 2 ..... 3 It Yes... I <Q2LA> WhcrO, specifically, should these be located? I CLMUry FOR A SPECIFIC SITE ,<Qzz> Axe you aware Of the City of Eagants PDXMAntnt odd/even! sprinkling ban regulations? Yes No ............................................ 2 Don't Know/Refused ............................ 3 prepared by Plasman COMPA33 07/23/98 1:44 pM Page 6 V4d ": � MEMO SSYdn03 UL'Wseid Aq Pwadaid -------------- ----------------------- ------ — ----------------- :ION Rucaux T put Try i U0 n04 ol UM2T 'ue'x*dm' A"A guv*w Ot 0204ft 0TV29 IuTod000r I 3 UTT4"* ;C *0Uv4a*dmT VR3 0401 99VOT4 VAT; ;Xwu aq I Qxrnbow ffal 26PTVUOD al 2 -TO PTTnq az uvbvz ;a A-472 ------------------- TVZOA02 ;0 4VTT 9 n0A PvQX oa *NTT 7 - ------------------------------------- PThOft ---------- qvu '20i VUQsv&x UTTM xn0A aaaq aAwR '"ON ;r ......................... povn;md/plaux ;,uoq ................................... ....... .................................. . ON NSA 4sed pazTuvbzo vW4 ;0 AUv UT Z::Vd pT0q4VnCq 2nax go aA LbUT4vz 1200a AZ*A1Z*CJ] 4"Rv 4T ST 4wqM 2004 AZZA 90 X004 LUM44 VITZ n0A g%'"4 K2TQ aql 10 AU9 ------------- I ------------- t n n / T n n I letlo(j) Pusnpp-d/moux 4iuoc ........... AZDA ......... :::o ...... 0 ... ....................... I ......... ......... Poc!D A.TaA .......... q%1arTqzXj IS 17 avTV ............ ..................... ............ LgPTUTZ 5x8qmvw 20 ftax cc "ORW TUOT490f%b aMCf 14014 -------------------"------ ............. # ...... ..... PGsn;&V/A*%QA Zjucd i ..... I ...... ................... .......... ZvTqVt?OVVOZ v*JL ST %'VR OR4 Tva; n04K CC <EZ5>,_, psleauvo wamcs S3A.SnS Ragpl" UjCft:j cn7CC71�A nT 9wrW9 in IT 19 Tmnya w;cc:Tn QR -i T -n . T a8ej Vld L 961EVLO SSVdY4OO Ugwsetd �lq P;Djud TT........ *0 ....... ..... t..................... :tug-zzO lmz rTy. T; z .... .............. ................ ... E ...................... .................. ......................... .................................. 9 ...................... ...... I ........ ....................... ........................... I. ........... ................. a ............ Ot......................... v'4u'R%zcdWj 01 AVY99302H al a m av�i LT004 15urAWTAV .200PUT Um UTPUPO ...2.412Z nox pTnOm MCH TT ....................... pasniv lif ............ 4wezzodutI TTY t ...................................... ....................... ................. ..& ................ ........................... *.,. ......................... ..q .................................... .............................. 9-4 ...... ........................ as OT.......................... To .XVVSs2:)2'N all jl�" *47 %:'T FRUT14U'Fem aCt 0:4 PUTr PadaTa,&opun 6 TZT n" PTncft A011 TZ...... a .................... pagn.M/Acum T ............... Wwltodtaj TTV 4y .................. T ............. ............. ........... .......... 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 09 .............. OT OT it �S;-1 am, 49PTOT; OTISMY PUT TXX*d TVUOT4TPPV 203: PuWT Ilzcm burTnbair —04vz nc4 MOM MOR !<YLM-1 G.qvuuot no polueneg tua;SAS 9661 SaAjnS quvp!" iinn/inni rn7 r r 7 -Ti C n 7 RTv n wT J n I T T TAT n V J wvOT T T 0 6 aced i tnn/7nn� Tt 9 01 TI: 9 OT Tt 9 01 Ad W � WCU40 SSYdVyo:) UUWSIO[d �q Pend; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOT TTV W '4CH ................ 0 ............... ...... ............ ........ ............................... ................ ....................... ......... ....................... ......... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... UT xvYSS302M Vu Zxv"Oo "T4"Zmaz Own DT4T41nm W �UTPT#q nQA pTnCM MOR 4fj ................. I .................... auv4zoda.T Tnr Av 2ok - ........................ ....... ............... .... .... .............. . .............. # .............. ....................... ....................... ............ 4uTqz0 0 T XVYSG2 =2K ��l 5 TPTThOl "'04*2 n*A PTROM MOR . . . . . . . . . . . . 4tiv'4x0dWl TTY qv lon - T ........... ............. 4 ...... ......................... ............ *1 .......... 9 ................. .......... ............... ....... .............. 4. ..-AUW-A.To&U A20A OT &Toed SUTMU;mg 200pir TPT.;nll 11184vx ptnom MOB vilvauggano pwWauas j66jA0AJnS "Wp!"U UV2Wj �UU7tR nT NWV7 Jn �Tll WnY I U_ D -Y I x LIM � i I I U P JIIAW�ili lu dq4j04Uj ZAgan Residents Survey 1996 SYstem Generated Questionnaire 1 -027G>� Now would you cat*... I I iuild _�Jg a band sbell? M L ST ir Nzczssmy 10 r very lWortant .................... ............ . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . ............................................ 2.., ........... 3. ...... Don't KnOW/RefUzed.... cQ27H>: Now would you rate... �h:kvinq�liqhted tentiz courts? IRW L�ST Ir NECESSARy 1 10 Very Important .......................... ....................... . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... ......... ......................................... 5# ....... 0 ...................... * .......... 4, ........... * ................. , ........... .......... I .............. I ............... 2 ... ........................... ............. I- ot At All important ..................... Don'� Know/Ae!Fusod ........................... How would you rate..'. c4catin garden plots? RrAD Ll T IF NEczssAlzy 10 -,Very Important ........... ........... ............. # ........ ....... .......... # ................... ............ 7...! ................................ .6... ................................ ........................... ............. :4 .... .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !2 .................... 4 ........ r ; - �*t At A4.1 Important ..................... :Don't Know/Refused ........................... b Plasman COMPASS 07123196 1:44 PM 20 9 a 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 11 20 9 4 3 2 rUUJ/UU4 Page 10 i U- I (-�D I I 10 AJI r r� U 91 �� I I I U f ZA U A iu �4Ljj�u� �UU4/UU4 Eafskn Residents Survey 1_*.96 System Generated Questionnaire kQ27J4 HOW Would YOU rate— insta ling sand courts for volleyball? ?JAD ST IF NECISSmy 10 very Important ..................... 9- oil. * .................... 10 to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 1-0-0 .................... to.** ............ 7 ................... ................. 0.0 ............... 4. .�* ............. * .................. 4 ........... ........ to ............ 2..f ..................................... 3 1 1 -INOt At jal Important 2 ................. Donit Know/Refused ............. I<P127X>j NOW would you rate ... ih�ving an art pack or soulpturc garden? 11RkAD UST IF NECESSARy �j 20 - Very IMPortant .......................... 9-1 10 .......................... 9 ......................................... so. 7 ......................................... .......... * ................. 6 0..# .... #..* 4 ... 5 ........................................ 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ................................ 4 ...... t At All Important 2 ..................... 1 Don' .............. 4 ............ fQ;27L> Now would you rate... 40,velop nq a paxk area f0r CoMMunitY gatherings and A.FAD celebrations? LliT IF NEcESSARy 20 -Ivcry ImPortant .......................... ........................................ 10 to ....................................... 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. :3. 4 ........... # ...................... 3 :2. AlImportant .................... 2 1 ;Don't Know/Refugled... *#...* ............ 21 of!Ea9az!to �x* there any other iterz you feel are important for build or acquire? the city ........................... .............. n 2 ......... 3 I Yes,: ",028A> What other itemot do ou fee, Ea 9&0 should bulld or paMd by� P123MOn COMPASS 07/23/ft 1:4,4 pM Page 11 0 iu j 4 nivi �/.Vl i I I �j 11 L A U ii I V Z; i i J L U Ea-lpn Residents Survey 1996 System Generated Questionnadre il It any items rated 13 or lUghez... UU4/ U I i < 29�- 34ore than two rated 8 or higher - :1. With the understanding that additional city tax dcll&zs c*ming from your property taxes are necessary to provide tke3e items, which two of the following items would you want the city to build or acquire? Would you want the city to... LIST r ted 8 or higher - e W11 th the understanding that additional city tax dollars C ng from your property taxes are necessary to provide these am F i ems, Which Of the following items would you want the city to I- Wild or acquire? would you want the city to... LIST ;I ne r4ted 8 or higher - 1 11 1; With the underatancting that additional city tax dollars V ng from youz property taxes are necezzAry to build or acquire item, would you want the city to... it IU AD ITEM prepared by Plasman COMPASS 07123/96 1:44 PM Page'12 0 ITEMS KhXIMUM ITEHS FROH Q2GAv (List] I �XsW74 LIST INCLUDES ONLY THOSE ITEKS P-XTrLD 9 OR HIGHER lacquire land for additional park$ ........ 1, !acquire undeveloped land to be maintained jiUn its natural state ..................... 2, !build an indoor swinrdng pool ............ 3, build an outdoor xwi=ning pool ........... 4, ibuild 4 gy=asi= ........................ 51 1build a multiple use recreation center ... 61 build a band shell ....................... -7, A! I have lighted tennis courts ............... 5, :11 Icreate garden plot$ ...................... -A, linstall sand courts for volleyball ....... 10, !have an art park or sculpture garden ..... 11, !develop a park area for community Igatherings a celebrations ................ 12, 1(itomm from Q28A - specify) .............. 96, �Xo/None of the Above (Don't Read) ........ t 97, :Don't Know/Refused (Don't Read) .......... 98, prepared by Plasman COMPASS 07123/96 1:44 PM Page'12 i , i U� f U U i / U U 0 Eagan Residents Survcy 199, System Generated Questionnaire -------------------- W ------------------------ 'I �The f6llowino questions are.about land development in the city. 1, ----------- m ------------------------------------------- 41 <,030> From what you know or what you have heard, how good a Job does the City of Eagan do in informing residents about potential commezcial� bt residential developments in Eagan? hSAD 141: T IExce ................ 6 Very Good ........ .................. 6. 5 Go*dl ......................................... 4 .......... ................ 3 ............ 4 ..................... 2 I VeZY7 Poor . . . . . . ............... 1 Don't Xnow/Refused (Don't Read) .............. Poor or Very Poor 1:1 <Q�OA> What is it about the policy for inforzing residents that gi , ves it a [Poor/Vary Poor] rating? k�31> in the past f1va years, what aspects of development in Eagan �ive you found pleasing? �Q:32> In the past five years, what aspects of development in Eagan j�ave Yom sliked? KiQ33> From a development perspective, do you think Eagan is on the tr4ght course? ;Yes..! ......................................... :No. ..i ............ I ......................... 2 ;Don'tlKnow/Refusod ......................... 3 iLooking forward to the next five years, with 20% of the land ,.d34> 6till av�ajlable for development, which forms of development should be LI;5T ilsingi6 Family Homes ........................... 1, :Townh6use/muiti-fazally Dwellings .............. 2, :, Apart6ents .................................... 3, ixetail shops .................................. 4, -officle buildings ........ 4 ..................... 51 ::Indus�rial Parks .................. *4--** ...... 6, :Parksland Open Spaces .............. 4 .......... 7, :None 'of the Above (Don't Read) ................ 6, i Donit�Know/Refused (Don't Read)**.* ........... 9, ---------------------------------------------------------------- I The City of Eagan has a priority to preserve trees, water quality 11 iqatlands associatad with every commercial and residential I Land development, 1: -------------------------------------------------------------------- I hy P12sman COMPASS 07/22/96 1-" PM Page i3 i i I U-1 f-�o I I U V n!�, 111 �j I i i U r r A U A J 1U d4��J�Uj ruu�luuo FAgan Residents Survey 1996 venerated Questionnaire System C :.cQ35;o How would you rate Eagan's work regarding the premervation ST llent .................................. "od .......................... * ...... Ve ... 5 Golo ......................................... 4 Fair ................................... 400-.4 3 Poo 2 ............. Don�t Xnow/Reftsad (Don't Read) .......... 6.0. 7 1 Poo*� or Very Poor I <635A> What is it about Its preservation of trees that causes y#u to give it a [Poor/Very Poor] rating? i�036> How important is it that the city preserve trees? AZZAAD L ST IVer Important ............................... 3 soymn1what Important ........................... 2 xotllmport&nt... ##,*.* ....... # ............... 1 1 Don,t Mow/Refused (Don't Read) .............. 4 !<�37> How would you rate its work regarding the preservation ol... W . *t1an L ;T txc llent .................................... .............................. S ......................................... Fair ......................................... 4 3 Poor--------------- -------- ---------------- 2 Vcr ......................... Road) I 7 1 Donft Know/Refused (Don't .............. Poor or very Poor 111 -437A�- wuaz Jz it about Its preservation of wetlands that ciuses you to give it a tpoor/vezy Poor] zating? .,Q38> How Important is It that the cIty preserve wetlands' D I,. ST ortant ....... # ....... 4 Ver 4 4 ....... 3 3 m IIWortant ..... 2 t I rtant ............... 44-00..# ......... Don!t Know/Refused (Don't ........ 4 prepared by Plasman COMPASS 07123/96 1:44 PM Page 14 1U-1 i L U AW W �j i U :114 1 kJ "i It 1- 1) 1 �. U I UUIJ/ UUU Eagan Residents Survey 1996 System Generated Questionnaire iewg> maw would you rate its work regarding the PrOtectiOn Of --- r ality t ST E1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . 6 x 11ent.-40 .... 0 V& Good ................................. 4 coo ....................... *,,-* ...... 0 ....... r,ai 3 .......... 0 .................. 2 P Ver Poor ....................... 4040 ......... D*Vt Know/Refused (Don't Read) ..... * ........ If Pooi or Very Poor I �: I that I <Q39A> Vhat is it about its protection ot water quality .1 "Uses you to give it a (Poor/very Pooz] rating? i<,�40> Now irportant is it that the city protect water quality? 3 ............................... Somewhat Important ........................... NotImportant ....................... Dcrj�t Know/Refused (Don't Read) .............. 4 '4941> FCC= what you know or have haaxd, how would you rAte the :Sirvict provided by the city,3 building inspections department? AZ,A D L S T Ex llenr ............. 4 ...................... ver Good .................... .......... 5 ......................... ............... 4 rai............. 6 .......................... IF 2 Poo Donit Know/Itcruziod (Don't Acad) .............. it Poo' or Very Poor... t what was it about the service that gave it a f <Q43A> (toot/very Poor3 rating? city� I<Q42> From what you'know or have heard, how would you rate the iQf zaq�n,s recycling program? IMAD L;ST Ex4llent ..................................... very Good .................................... 5 "ad ...................... 46 ................. 4 rai6 ......................................... 3 2 .................... ...... vler� Poor .................................... Don!'t Know/Refusod (Don't 'Read) .............. 17 If Poor or Very Poor... I <q42A> What is it about the recycling program that gives it a I 10oax/very poorl rating? prepared by Plazman COMPASS 07/23196 1:44 PM Pace 15. IU -17-9b ii Z U� 'A i i Y U� LH�THi� IU �4�JO�UJ rUU4/UUO Eagan Residents Survey 1996 System Genented Quationnalre 043> ;when considering your area, how would you classIf Y Your hidichboihood AOise level? by Plasman COMPASS 07123/06 1:44 PM Page , 16 6 Exca lent ............................. I ...... Vexyl G000d .................................... Good 4 4 4 0 ........ *& ............... 4 r ........................................ 3 2 .......... 7 Donl.� mow/Refused (Don't Read) .............. xf pogrox Very Poor... <443A> What is the SOUrCe Of that uOisc? --- — ----------------------------- ---------------------------- ,I:just tow moze general questions ... I! ------------------------------- W ------------------------ k�44> From which of the following do you get info=%ation about Xagan� -hi-ws, ictivitios, events and city policies? Lit 1� ............................ II ...... ;:week, �e wspapers ............................. 2, ,Cabl TV -0400-44 ............................ 3, licity 0GwsIetteX*#*----4 ....................... 4, city�4ailin93 ................................. 5, .......................... 61 Deilv, NewspiLpers .............................. 7, :Xntex 8, at ...................................... :None pf the Above (Don't R*ad) ................ 9, DonljKnow/Refuzed (Don't Read) ............... 10, !4Q4 5;,- Do you got information about Eagan from any &ouxc;;ca d-idn't .............. 4 ........... ;Donit! Know/Refused ......................... .. 3 <045A> From what other sources do you got information ab out Eagan? by Plasman COMPASS 07123/06 1:44 PM Page , 16 1 L U.�ij�j r Aufil U 1 1 Ur LAUAll lu 14Ljj�uj f U U J/ U U U FAS&n Residents Survey 1996 System Genented Questionnaire -;Q4 6> �How would you prefer to get info=ation about Eagan news, ctivit as, events, and city policies? 'Radio 2, Weekl Newspapers ............ ........ Cable TV ...................................... 3, . city awsletter .... 60 ...... 6.4#4.4 ........ 00000 40, Icity............ 04... 51 Co-wo kers/neighbors .......... ....... 006 61 DailylNewspapars .............. ........ 7, . I nt *'r- #;i;— ........ is, cit-;,;a a# .............. ...... 7 9, bther-(Specify Source) ............ *.*.*** ...... 96, 41one ireforred ................................ 97, 1 Zon I t I Want Infoz=tion .......... 0 4 ............ 95, Dan'tlKnow/Rafused ............................ 99, 146-7> :,In your opinion, do you believe the residents of Began feel *-h*y haye a sonse Of **Wmnity? :yes.. .......... 2 !Donot!Kriow�R,e,fused ....... .................... 3 <Q47A> What are some things that contribute to thi3 sense of coinmunity? Xo..: r 4CQ�7B> what are xotuo things that hinder Eagan'* zenso of 404 > things considered, 4o you think tagan is on the rig ht ........................................ t .................................... .2 Don It! Know/lRefused ............................ 3 yes. <0�9A> why do you think Eagan is on the right course? I' 4CQ�q a B�p Why do you feel that Eagan is not on the right course? ---------- — — ------ �--w ---------- �-"!w ------------------------ YT havb a few more questions for classification purposes. ------------------------------------------------------- 9> !About how manY Years have you lived in Eagan? ER A -1 FOR ANY DON'T KNOW/RZrUSED RESPONSE pared,by Ptasman COMPASS 07/23/N 1'44 PM Page 17 n �um � , g i lu� rUU01UU0 i i I up �-UAIN iu �4� �OL Elagan Residents Survey 1996 System Generated Questionnaire .--�tso> Do you own or cent your hoM67 own. . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . Ikent J; ................................... 2 Itefus, od . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1<931> i Whet beat describes youz housing type? P�t", ST sing a rAMJ1y..#4.*#** ............ 1 To Ouse ................................. 2 ............................ 3 Mobi a Home ............................... 4 IRtar u ad (DON'T READ)... .............. Which of the following groups includes your age? Pleas* sto� lie wha* I reach the correct range. READ LfST 18 - 24##--o-* ..... #.o ....................... 25 -�34* ....... ...................... 2 35 -.i44 ............................. I ........ 3 45 -154 ......................... * ............. 4 55 -164 ....................................... 5 65 or' older ................................... 6 7 Refu�ed ( DON'T PXAD) ......................... <�Q53:�- Axe there any children In the household? yes.; ......................................... 1 No --i ........................................ 2 ............................. 3 4.Q54> Do you, or any raember of your family, work for the city of the police or fire departments, or serve on any city j&agan,!includiDq 1�ozzjjsjjons or comattees, excluding local school districts? yes. i ... 0 ....................... I ............. No. . . . . . . . . 2 11;f theirespondent. works for the city... <654A> For which department, commission, or coomittee do you 4 rk? NOT PY= aeneral Administration Department ........ I �Finance Department ....................... 2, 1planning Department ...................... 3, Public Works Department .................. 4, :Protective Inspections Department ........ 51 'Farks and Recreation Department .......... 6, �Police Department ........................ 7, !Fire Department ................. -------- 6, !city council ......... 4 . . . * . . . . . . . . . 4 . 9, �Advisory Planning Commission ............. 10, Advisory Park Corwdsmian ................. 11, :Other (Specify) ... *0 ..................... 96, e,055:b. Finally, are theze any additional eoftnents you would like to make? if this intoxvi*w qualif;Les increment the quota prepare(.1 by PlaSman COMPASS 07/23196 1:44 PM Page is I U -I (—�o lu 3 4 AM r LUIVI �j I I I UIr LAUtW lu J46jjLUj rull/uil FA&au Raidents Survey 1996 SYstem Generated Questionnaire <VM>j Thank you for your time. :You h ve been VeZy helpful. If you are interested, the results iof thi Survey will be available at the front desk at the Eagan munic I P&l Center aftec Sept 15th- YOU Inight, also see something An t�s survey in the newspaper. 1<06>' RECORD OMER (Do NOT ASK!) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pared by Plasman COMPASS 07/23/96 1:44 PM page 19 0000�I , S.., -,7 -�-j �, DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. CITY OF LAKEVIL 3128 Dean Court 1995 Issues Stu'' Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 April, 1§994 Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a nationwide% polling firg -located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by th,6� City of Lakeville to speak with a random sample of residents Xv- about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because, - the City is interested in your opinions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held Strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUSE) 1. Approximately how many years LESS THAN ONE YEAR ...... 1 have you lived in Lakeville? ONE OR TWO YEARS ........ 21: THREE TO FIVE YEARS ..... 3 SIX TO TEN YEARS ........ 4 ELEVEN - TWENTY YRS ..... 5 OVER TWENTY YEARS ....... 6 REFUSED ................. 7 2. In what city and/or state did you live before moving to Lakeville? 3. As things now stand, how long LESS THAN ONE YEAR ...... 1 in the future do you expect to ONE TO TWO YEARS ........ 2 live in Lakeville? THREE TO FIVE YEARS ..... 3 SIX TO TEN YEARS ........ 4 OVER TEN YEARS .......... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 4. Thinking back to when you moved to Lakeville, what factors were most important to you in selecting this location? "AIE , RESPONSE ralyga IN QUESTION- #4, AaK: now=" 5. How would you rate Lakeville EXCELLENT ............... I on that today -- excellent, GOOD .................... 2 good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 L DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 6. How would you rate the quality of EXCELLENT ............... 1 life in Lakeville -- excellent, GOOD .................... 2 good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 ,-1 '' - - I � 7. What do you like MOST about living in Lakeville? S. What do you like LEAST about it? 9. Which of these two statements STATEMENT A ............. 1 comes closer to your feelings: STATEMENT B ............. 2 (A) I call Lakeville "home." BOTH (VOL) .............. 3 (B) Lakeville is just a place to NEITHER (VOL) ........... 4 live; I'd be just as happy else- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 where. 10. During your time in Lakeville, from what you have seen or heard, do you feel that there has been an increase, a decrease, or no change in the strength of commu- nity identity and the sense of neighborliness? Changing focus .... INCREASE ................ 1 DECREASE ................ 2 NO CHANGE ............... 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 As you may know, property taxes are divided between the City of Lakeville, Dakota County, and your local school district. 11. For each dollar of property taxes you pay, about what percentage do you think goes to city govern- ment? (READ CHOICES, IF NEEDED) UNDER TEN PERCENT ....... 1 10t TO 20t .............. 2 21!k TO 30t .............. 3 311; TO 40t .............. 4 411s TO 50t .............. 5 51t TO 60t .............. 6 OVER SIXTY PERCENT ...... 7 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 8 12. Do you consider the City's share EXCESSIVELY HIGH ........ 1 of property taxes for city ser- ABOUT AVERAGE ........... 2 vices in Lakeville to be exces- COMPARATIVELY LOW ....... 3 sively high, about average, or DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 comparatively low? 13. During the next few years, do you INCREASE ................ 1 expect property taxes to in- DECREASE ................ 2 crease, decrease, or remain about REMAIN ABOUT SAME ....... 3 the same? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 I would like to read you a list of a few city services.' For each one, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 2 F�'#FAIRII OR "POOR11 IN QUESTION #21 OR #22, ASK: 23. Do you live on an asphalt or ASPHALT ................. 1 gravel street? GRAVEL .................. 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ... -3 24. City snow plowing of trails? EXC GOOD FAIR)( POORX D. K 1 2 3 4 5 hIF "POOR" EXC GOOD FAIR)4 POOR)( D.K. 14. Police protection? 1 2 3 4 Why 1S. Fire Protection? 1 2 3 4 S 16. Drinking water quality? 1 2 3 4 S 17. Storm drainage and S flood control? 1 2 3 4 S 18. Park maintenance? 1 2 3 4 19. City -sponsored S recreation programs? 1 2 3 4 S 20. Building inspection? 1 2 3 4 S Now, for the next two city services, please consider only their job on city -maintained streets and roads. That means excluding state and county roads that are taken care of by other levels of government. Hence, Highway SO, Cedar Avenue, Dodd Boulevard, County Road 46, County Road 70, and County Road S should not be considered. How would you rate.... EXC GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. 21. City street repair and maintenance? 1 2 3A 44K 5 22. City snow plowing of streets? 1 2 321'- 4)( 5 F�'#FAIRII OR "POOR11 IN QUESTION #21 OR #22, ASK: 23. Do you live on an asphalt or ASPHALT ................. 1 gravel street? GRAVEL .................. 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ... -3 24. City snow plowing of trails? EXC GOOD FAIR)( POORX D. K 1 2 3 4 5 hIF "POOR" IN QUESTIONS #14-#22 OR #24, ASK FOR EACH: 25. Why did you rate as poor? 26. How would you rate Lakeville city EXCELLENT ............... 1 services in comparison with GOOD .................... 2 neighboring communities -- excel- ONLY FAIR ....... 3 lent, good, only fair, or poor? POOR ............ .... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 3 27. When you consider the property EXCELLENT taxes you pay and the quality GOOD I Of city services you receive, ONLY FAIR 2 would you rate the general value ............... POOR 3 Of City services as excellent, good, only fair, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 4 5 or poor? ...... Moving on.... 28. Does the Lakeville Police Depart- YES ment give appropriate attention to ............ ...... No 1 such activities as residential ................ DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 2.< patrolling, business patrolling, ...... 3 public service, crime prevention and traffic enforcement? L_ �IF "No, to ASK: 29. What aspect Of Police service needs more attentio, I n? 30. And, what aspect of their job do you think needs less attention? L 31. Do you feel safe in your immedi- . YES ............. ate neighborhood? NO .............. *­ .... 2K DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 "NO - to A K: 32. Why don't you feel safe? 33. Are there other areas in Lake- YES .......... . .......... 3K ville where you do not feel safe? NO 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 )tip "�Y�ESII IN QUESTION #33, ASK: to ��I U S P ff34.� Plea�setell me the areas in which you do not feel safe. 35. Prior to this survey, were you AWARE ........... aware of the City and School UNAWARE .......... 2 Districts' DARE program for drug DON'T KNOW`/REFUSE*D­­­ education in the schools? ..... 3 "IF "YES," 4 36. Do you know a student who has YES ..................... 1 participated in the DARE NO ...................... 2 program? I DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 37. In general, do you think that STRONGLY YES.. drug education programs such as YES ............ the DARE program for fifth graders No ............ * 3 will contribute to the long-term STRONGLY NO ... * ......... 4 reduction of drug use among DON'T KNOW/REF6�ED ....... 9 people? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? Changing topics .... 38. Do you own either a dog, a cat, DOG ..................... 1 or both? CAT ..................... 2 BOTH.................... 3 NEITHER ................. 4 REFUSED ................. 5 39. Have you had any contact with the YES ..................... X Lakeville Animal Control Program NO ...................... 2 during the past year? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 F "YES," ASK: 40 Were you satisfied with the YES ..................... 1 response from the Animal NO ....................... 2 Control Officer? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Currently, the City of Lakeville does not have an ordinance regarding the restraining of cats. 41. Would you favor or oppose an or- FAVOR .................... 1)( dinance regarding cats? OPPOSE .................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ... if ... 3 11PAIMV it ACV. 42. Would you also support a YES ..................... 1 minimal property tax increase NO ...................... 2 to help pay for the enforce- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 ment of an ordinance regard- ing -cats? I Would like to read you a list of public safety problems. 5 43. Please tell me which one you consider to be the greatest Demonstrations? problem in Lakeville? If you feel that none of these 4 problems are serious in Lakeville, just say so. (READ LIST) Handout materials? 1 2 CHOICE 4 Personal safety from violent crime ............ 1 Convenience of the Burglary ...................................... 2 Traffic and pedestrian safety day of the week? ................. Drugs......................................... 3 4 Juvenile crimes and vandalism ................. 4 5 Convenience of the Other......................................... 6 time of day? None are serious .............................. Don't Know/Refused 7 4 ............................ 8 44. Prior to this survey, were you YES ..................... 1 aware that the Lakeville Fire NO ...................... 2 Department is an ALL volunteer DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 department? 45. In the past two years, have you YES ..................... 1)( used the Fire Department service NO ...................... 2 for a fire or for a rescue/emer- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 gency situation? �If USED THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, ASK: 46. How would you rate the ser- EXCELLENT ............... 1 vice provided by the Lake- GOOD .................... 2 ville Fire Department -- ONLY FAIR ............... 3 excellent, good, only fair, POOR .................... 4 or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 Each year, the Fire Department holds an open house during Fire Prevention Week. 47. Have you or a member of your YES ..................... jX household attended an open house NO ...................... 2 in the past? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 t T V 11 VL1 Q to 7k Q V . Please rate each of the following features of the open house as excellent, good, only fair, or poor.... EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR DK/R 48. Demonstrations? 1 2 3 4 5 49. Handout materials? 1 2 3 4 5 50. Convenience of the day of the week? 1 2 3 4 5 51. Convenience of the time of day? 1 2 3 4 5 6 52. Do you have an operating smoke NO detector in your home? (IF "YES," .............. * ....... ONE/BATTERY 1 ASK:) How many and what type -- ..... ONE/ELECTRIC 2 battery -powered or on your elec- .... TWO OR MORE/BATTERY 3 tric system? ..... .4 TWO OR MORE/ELECTRIC .... TWO OR MORE/BOTH ........ 5 6 ONE OR MORE/UNSURE ...... 7 DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 8 53. Do you have an operating carbon monoxide detector in your home? (IF 11YES111 ASK:) What type -- battery-powered or on your elec- tric system? Changing focus .... NO I YES/BATTERY ............. 2 YES/ELECTRIC ............ 3 YES/BOTH ................ 4 YES/UNSURE .............. 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 54. How would you rate the general EXCELLENT ............... 1 appearance of your neighborhood GOOD .................... 2 -- excellent, good, only fair, ONLY FAIR. or poor? .............. 3 POOR.................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 55. Do you feel the City is too tough, TOO TOUGH ............... D( about right, or not tough enough ABOUT RIGHT ............. 2 in enforcing the City Code on NOT TOUGH ENOUGH ........ 39 such nuisances as junk cars, messy DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 yards, weeds or tall grass, and outside storage? -17 "TOO TOUGH" OR "NOT TOUGH ENO - it __UGH IN -!2UESTION #55 11 ASK: 56. Why do you feel that way? 57. Would you favor or oppose the City STRONGLY FAVOR ........... developing a housing maintenance FAVOR 2 code to preserve and enhance those OPPOSE .................. 3 areas where houses are aged or may STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 need additional upkeep or repair? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 (WAIT FOR,RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? Currently, overhead high voltage wires follow several major roadways in Lakeville. 58. Would you support or oppose a SUPPORT ................. 1 franchise fee of two percent added OPPOSE .................. 2 to your electric bill to fund the DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 burying of these overhead lines? On another topic.... 7 59. Other than voting, do you feel YES ..................... 1 that if you wanted to, you could NO ...................... 2 have a say about the way the City DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 of Lakeville runs things? 60. How much do you feel you know GREAT DEAL .... ......... 1 about the work of the Mayor and FAIR AMOUNT.. ........ 2 City Council -- a great deal, a VERY LITTLE.. ........ 3 fair amount, or very little? DON'T KNOW/REF-U-S-ED ...... 4 61. From what you know, do you ap- STRONGLY APPROVE ........ 1 prove or disapprove of the job SOMEWHAT APPROVE ........ 2 the Mayor and City Council are SOMEWHAT DISAPPROVE ..... 3 doing? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) STRONGLY DISAPPROVE ..... 4 And do you feel strongly that DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 way? 62. How much first-hand contact have QUITE A LOT ............. 1 you had with the Lakeville City SOME .................... 2 staff -- quite a lot, some, or VERY LITTLE ............. 3 very little, or none? NONE .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 63. From what you have seen or heard, EXCELLENT ............... 1 how would you rate the job per- GOOD .................... 2 formance of the Lakeville City ONLY FAIR ............... 3X staff -- excellent, good, only POOR .................... 4)C fair, or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... s Y4IF "ONLY FAIR" OR "POOR" IN QUESTION #63, -ASK: 64. Could you tell me one or two reasons why you feel that way? 9 Moving on.... 65. During the past year, have you YES ..................... 1 noticed an increase in the number No ...................... 2 of deer you see in the immediate DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 area of your home? 66. During the past year, have you had YES ..................... 1 any property damage to landscaping NO ...................... 2 or foliage as a result of deer DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 browsing? 67. Do you see the number of deer in PROBLEM ................. 1 the Lakeville Area as a problem, ENHANCEMENT ............. 2 an enhancement to the natural sur- NEITHER ................. 3 roundings, or as neither? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 As you may know, the City of Lakeville has a Hunting Advisory Committee. Following the recommendation of this committee, 8 hunting is currently limited to certain geographical areas within the community. 68. Have you contacted the City of YES ..................... 1A Lakeville in the last year with a NO ...................... 2 hunting -related complaint? DONIT KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 L_!EIF "YES, I- ASK: 69. Were you satisfied or dis- SATISFIED ............... 1 satisfied with the response DISSATISFIED ............ 2 you received from the City? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 1 70. Do you or a member of your house- YES ................... I)c hold participate in any hunting NO ..................... * ..2 activities anywhere? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 1 4XV -,Vra ., nov. 71. Do you or any household mem- YES ..................... I bers hunt in Lakeville? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 The City of Lakeville provides a full-service Motor Vehicle Licensing Office in Downtown Lakeville. This office handles all title transfers and driver's license renewals, licensing for vehicles, hunting, fishing, snowmobile, cross-country skiing, boats, and animals, accepts utility bill payments, offers notary public services, and provides recycling containers. 72. Were you aware there is a full- YES ..................... 1X service Motor Vehicle Department NO ...................... 2 in Downtown Lakeville, prior to DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 this survey? F "YES." ASK! 73. Have you ever used this YES ..................... 1 service? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 The Lakeville park system is composed of trails, larger community parks, such as Antlers, Ritter Farm, Aronson, North, and Valley Lake, and smaller neighborhood parks. Of these three types of facilities, which do members of your household use? USE NONUSE DK/REF 74. Trails? 2 3 75. Larger community parks? 2 3 76. Smaller neighborhood parks? 2 3 Now, from what you have seen or heard, how would you rate the quality of each component in the park system. Would you rate them as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? �oj 80. In general, do you feel the exist- YES ..................... 3. ing recreational activities offer- NO ...................... 2X ed by the City of Lakeville meet DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 the needs of you and members of your household? %ETV "Mn " norp. 81. What additional park facilities and/or recreational opportunities would you like to see the City of Lake- ville offer its residents? The Lakeville Parks and Recreation Department publicizes activi- ties and facility information through a variety of means. 82. Where, if anywhere, do you recall reading about these offer- ings? (PROBE FOR SEASONAL BROCHURES, LOCAL NEWSPAPER, CABLE TELEVISION, SCHOOL FLYERS, OR FLYERS POSTED AT LOCAL BUSI- NESSES) 83. If you are currently or have INEXPENSIVE ............. 1)< recently enrolled in a Parks and AFFORDABLE .............. 2X Recreation Program, how would you EXPENSIVE ............... 3X rate the registration fees -- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 inexpensive, affordable, or expen- NOT APPLICABLE .......... 5 sive? - *IF ANSWERED QUESTION #83, ASK: I 84. If you could register by YES ..................... 1 telephone using a credit NO ...................... 2 card, would you do so? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 1 Snowmobiling is currently permitted on designated trails in Lakeville.... 85. Do you or anyone in your household YES ..................... 1 own a snowmobile? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 10 ONLY DK/ EXC GOOD FAIR POOR REF 77. Trails? 1 2 3 4 5 78. Larger community parks? 1 2 3 4 5 79. Smaller neighborhood parks? 1 2 3 4 5 80. In general, do you feel the exist- YES ..................... 3. ing recreational activities offer- NO ...................... 2X ed by the City of Lakeville meet DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 the needs of you and members of your household? %ETV "Mn " norp. 81. What additional park facilities and/or recreational opportunities would you like to see the City of Lake- ville offer its residents? The Lakeville Parks and Recreation Department publicizes activi- ties and facility information through a variety of means. 82. Where, if anywhere, do you recall reading about these offer- ings? (PROBE FOR SEASONAL BROCHURES, LOCAL NEWSPAPER, CABLE TELEVISION, SCHOOL FLYERS, OR FLYERS POSTED AT LOCAL BUSI- NESSES) 83. If you are currently or have INEXPENSIVE ............. 1)< recently enrolled in a Parks and AFFORDABLE .............. 2X Recreation Program, how would you EXPENSIVE ............... 3X rate the registration fees -- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 inexpensive, affordable, or expen- NOT APPLICABLE .......... 5 sive? - *IF ANSWERED QUESTION #83, ASK: I 84. If you could register by YES ..................... 1 telephone using a credit NO ...................... 2 card, would you do so? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 1 Snowmobiling is currently permitted on designated trails in Lakeville.... 85. Do you or anyone in your household YES ..................... 1 own a snowmobile? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 10 86. During the past few years, have YES you had a bad experience with a NO .... snowmobile or witnessed illegal DON'T W/REFUSED ...... 3 operation of a snowmobile in the City? 87. Would you support or oppose ban- SUPPORT ning snowmobiles in residential ................. 1 OPPOSE areas, so that snowmobilers would .................. 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED be required to trailer their snow- ...... 3 mobile to designated trails? 88. Would you support or oppose a SUPPORT total ban of snowmobiling in the ................. 1 OPPOSE City of Lakeville? .2 DON'T The Anyone City of Lakeville offers a curbside -recycling who program. moves to Lakeville receives a free blue recycling container and is asked to and place recyclable items in the container leave it at the curb for collection. 89. Do you participate in the curb- YES side recycling program by separ- ..................... 1 NO ating recyclable items from the ...................... 2 DON'T KNOWREFUSED rest of your garbage? ...... 3 IF ---YES" IN OUESTTON #89. 90. How often do you put recy- WEEKLY .................. 1 clables out for collection TWICE MONTHLY ........... 2 weekly, twice monthly, MONTHLY monthly, quarterly, or less ................. 3 QUARTERLY often? ... ............ 4 LESS OFTEN .............. 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 Which of the following materials do you recycle through curbside collection, drop-off, or both? If you do not recycle any of these materials, just say so. CRB DRP BTH NOT DKR 91. Aluminum beverage cans? 1 2 3 4 5 92. Corrugated cardboard? 1 2 3 4 5 93. Glass containers? 1 2 3 4 5 94. Newspapers? 1 2 3 4 5 95. Bi -metal food cans? 1 2 3 4 5 96. Plastic containers with necks? 1 2 3 4 5 97. Magazines? 1 2 3 4 5 98. Mixed office and/or household paper? 1 2 3 4 5 99. Phone books? 1 2 3 4 5 100. Catalogs? 1 2 3 4 5 101. Household batteries and fluorescent bulbs? 1 2 3 4 5 11 CRB DRP BTH NOT DKR Dakota County has a contract with Aptus Environmental Services in Lakeville to allow residents to drop off household hazardous wastes, such as paints, solvents, and herbicides on one Saturday of each month. 106. Have you participated in this YES ..................... 1 program? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Every other year, the City of Lakeville offers a community drop- off day when residents have the opportunity to dispose of materi- als, such as tires, appliances, automobile batteries, used oil, and scrap metal, free of charge. 107. Have you participated in Lake- YES ..................... :jX ville's community drop-off day NO ...................... 2 program? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 "YES," ASK: 108. Would you continue to parti- YES ..................... 1 cipate if you were charged a NO ...................... 2 nominal fee for the disposal DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 of tires and appliances, to cover part of the disposal costs of these items? The City provides information about recycling and waste reduction in brochures and the weekly newsletter, "Messages." On each of the following topics, tell me if you think you are receiving too much, about the right amount, or not enough information.... MCH RGH NOT DKR 109. 102. Automobile batteries? 1 2 3 4 5 4 103. Used oil? 1 2 3 4 5 3 104. Plastic foam food and Drop-off sites for recyclable beverage containers? 1 2 3 4 5 1 105. Additional plastics? 1 2 3 4 5 Dakota County has a contract with Aptus Environmental Services in Lakeville to allow residents to drop off household hazardous wastes, such as paints, solvents, and herbicides on one Saturday of each month. 106. Have you participated in this YES ..................... 1 program? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Every other year, the City of Lakeville offers a community drop- off day when residents have the opportunity to dispose of materi- als, such as tires, appliances, automobile batteries, used oil, and scrap metal, free of charge. 107. Have you participated in Lake- YES ..................... :jX ville's community drop-off day NO ...................... 2 program? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 "YES," ASK: 108. Would you continue to parti- YES ..................... 1 cipate if you were charged a NO ...................... 2 nominal fee for the disposal DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 of tires and appliances, to cover part of the disposal costs of these items? The City provides information about recycling and waste reduction in brochures and the weekly newsletter, "Messages." On each of the following topics, tell me if you think you are receiving too much, about the right amount, or not enough information.... MCH RGH NOT DKR 109. Curbside recycling program? 1 2 3 4 110. Community drop-off days? 1 2 3 4 111. Drop-off sites for recyclable materials, including yard waste? 1 2 3 4 112. Household hazardous waste disposal? 1 2 3 4 113. Waste reduction information? 1 2 3 4 As you may know, laws prevent Dakota County residents from mixing yard waste with other garbage. It is also unlawful for haulers to collect your refuse if it is mixed with yard waste. 12 114. Which of the following options do you use to dispose of yard waste: A. Bag yard waste and take the material to the yard waste fac- ility on Pilot Knob Road; B. Leave grass clippings and mulched leaves on the lawn; C. Place yard waste in a back- yard compost pile; D. Contract with a garbage hauler for separate yard waste collec- tion. As you may know, several refuse haulers arrangement has resulted in an increase streets, but has permitted citizens to 115. Of the following three proposals, which do you most favor: A. The City designates one hauler to serve the entire city. B. The City designates a group of haulers, each hauler serving one area of Lakeville exclusively. C. The present system. OPTION A ................ 1 OPTION B ................ 2 OPTION C ................ 3 OPTION D ................ 4 NONE OF ABOVE ........... 5 INAPPLICABLE ..... * 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 serve Lakeville. This in traffic on city choose their own haulers. PROPOSAL A .............. 1 PROPOSAL B .............. 2 PROPOSAL C .............. 3 DON'T CARE (VOL) ........ 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 In some areas, residents have saved money on their monthly haul- ing bills when their city has contracted on behalf of all city residents for service. 116. How much of a monthly savings on your hauling bill would it take for you to agree to allowing the city to select your refuse hauler? Would you agree if you could save $ monthly (WAIT FOR RE- SPONSE; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON ANSWER) How about if You could save $ monthly? (REPEAT PRO- CESS) Moving on to a new topic.... CHANGE FOR NOTHING ...... 1 $2.00 ................... 2 $4.00 ................... 3 $6.00 ................... 4 $8.00 ................... 5 $10.00 .................. 6 $12.00 .................. 7 NO AMOUNT/NOT CHANGE .... 8 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 9 117. Do you or any member of your YES ..................... 3X household use any of Lakeville's three major lakes NO ...................... 2 -- Lake Marion, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Orchard Lake, or Crystal Lake for recreation? It V'W a if Which of the following activities do you enjoy on these lakes? 13 122. How would you rate the water EXCELLENT ........... 1 quality of the major lakes -- Lake GOOD ................ -*2 Marion, Orchard Lake, and Crystal ONLY FAIR ........... *-3 Lake -- excellent, good, only POOR ................ *-4 fair, or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ... 123. Do you use a commercial service YES ........... 1 for fertilization and weed control No .... ­­**­ W/REj� of your yard? J� ........ 2 DON'T ii,6­­ ED ...... 3 124. If you fertilize the grass yourself, how many times a year do you fertilize? 125. Do you know the phosphorous con- YES 1 tent of the fertilizer you use in No your yard? 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 126. Do you use any weed control YES NO DKR 118. Fishing? 1 NO 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 119. Water skiing? 1 2 3 120. Swimming? 1 2 3 121. Other? 1 2 3 3 128. In general, do you think the City 2 122. How would you rate the water EXCELLENT ........... 1 quality of the major lakes -- Lake GOOD ................ -*2 Marion, Orchard Lake, and Crystal ONLY FAIR ........... *-3 Lake -- excellent, good, only POOR ................ *-4 fair, or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ... 123. Do you use a commercial service YES ........... 1 for fertilization and weed control No .... ­­**­ W/REj� of your yard? J� ........ 2 DON'T ii,6­­ ED ...... 3 124. If you fertilize the grass yourself, how many times a year do you fertilize? 125. Do you know the phosphorous con- YES 1 tent of the fertilizer you use in No your yard? 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 126. Do you use any weed control YES chemicals? 1 NO 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 127. Do you know into which water body YES the storm sewer catch basins in ..................... NO 1 your street are discharged? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 2 ...... 3 128. In general, do you think the City TOO HIGH of Lakeville's emphasis on ................ ABOUT RIGHT 1 environmental concerns is too ............. TOO LOW 2 high, about right, or too low? ......... DON'T KNOW`/REFUSE*D**,*­*' 3 .4 On another topic.... 129. Do you feel that Lakeville resi- ADEQUATE.... dents have an adequate opportunity INADEQUATE..--- ­ 21C for input into the zoning and land DON'T KNOW/R ........ EFUSED 3 decision-making process? ...... L AIF " NADEQUATE,11 ASK: -1 130. What change Or improvement would you like to see made? 14 131. Does the development across the YES ..................... 1 city seem well-planned for the NO ...................... 2 future of Lakeville? SOMETIMES (VOL.) ........ 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 Now, I'd like to ask you some questions about your shopping habits .... 132. In general, where do you make most LAKEVILLE ............... I of your purchases for yourself and APPLE VALLEY ............ 2 your household -- in Lakeville, BURNSVILLE .............. 3 Apple Valley, Burnsville, Farming- FARMINGTON .............. 4 ton, or someplace else? SOMEPLACE ELSE .......... 5 ALL OVER (VOL.) ......... 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 133. on average, how often do you make DAILY ................... 11C any purchases of goods or services WEEKLY .................. 2X for yourself or your household TWO OR THREE/MONTHLY .... 3,< from business establishments in MONTHLY ................. 4y Lakeville -- daily, weekly, two or RARELY .................. 5-Z three times per month, monthly, NEVER ................... 6 rarely, or never? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 I -IF SHOPPING IN LAKEVILLE, ASK: 134. Most often, where do you make SOUTHFORK ................ I your Lakeville purchases -- 160TH & CEDAR ... 2 the Southfork Areas at 1-35 1-35 & CO RD 70. ­'.**.'.*3 and County Road 50, 160th DOWNTOWN LAKEVILLE ...... 4 Street and Cedar, 1-35 and SOMEPLACE ELSE .......... 5 County Road 70, Downtown DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 Lakeville, or someplace else in the citv? 135. What types of retail or service businesses would you like to see available in Lakeville? 136. Are there any leisure -time activities that are not currently available in the city that you would like to see in Lake- ville? One of Lakeville's largest retail areas is located downtown at 207th Street and Holyoke, in the southeastern part of the commun- ity. In that area are a major banking facility, post office, grocery store, drug store, health care services, insurance and legal services. The City is considering augmenting these servic- es with some larger retail and service opportunities, including major retailers, discount stores, department stores, and possibly a library, to be located between City Hall and the new Lakeville High School. is 137. If these opportunities were avail- STATEMENT A able, which of the following .... **, STATEMENT B I statements best describes your ............. STATEMENT C 2 reaction: ............. NONE OF ABOVE (VOL.) 34 4 A. I would most definitely use .... DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 5 them; ...... B. I would look to see what was there and might start to shop there; C. I would most likely not use them. f -IF "STATEMENT C, 11 ASK: 138. Why wouldn't you be likely to shop there? Changing topics .... 139. What is your primary source of information about City government and its activities? 140. During the past year, do you re- YES ..................... jX call seeing the City newsletter, "Messages," which is printed week NO ...................... 2 ly on the back page of the "Life - DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 and Times" newspaper? TIF "YES, " ASK: 141. Do you or any members of YES ..................... jX your household regularly NO ...................... 2 read it? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 'YES" IN QUESTION #141, ASK: 142. Do you sometimes clip the en- SOMETIMES KEEP .......... 1 tire page or a specific ALWAYS THROW ............ 2 article for future reference, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 or do you throw it away after you -have read it? 143. Have you moved to Lakeville within YES ..................... 1x the past two years? NO 2 f -IF "YES," ASK: NIT KNOW/REFUSED.....--.3 144. Do you recall receiving a YES .... ....... 1 welcome packet from the City NO ..... ....... 2(. of -Lakeville, including the DON'T i�,�R*E*F'U*S*E*D ...... 3 "Resident Guidebook?" 16 F "YES" IN QUESTION #144, ASK: 145. How helpful was the Guidebook VERY HELPFUL ............ in informing you about ...... 2 3 L..... 4 5 City SOMEWHAT HELPFUL ........ 2 F government and its services NOT TOO HELPFUL ......... 3 J iU -- very helpful, somewhat NOT AT ALL HELPFUL ...... 4 helpful, not too helpful, or DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 not at all helpful? 146. Does your household currently YES... receive cable television? NO.... .................. 2 DON'T KNOw/REFUSED ...... 3 %TV 11VVC11 -r?,T ^rT7_,eom��­ it— I would like to read you a short list of local cable channels. For each one, please watch it, occasionally watch it, tell me if you frequently DKR or do not watch it. FRQ OCC DNT DKR 147. The Lakeville Government meetings, events, and in- Channel, Channel 16? 2.< 3 4 148. The Marcus Cable Public formation? Access Channel, Channel 12? 2 2 3 4 149. The District #194 School 152. Live City Council Meetings? Channel, Channel 22? 2 2 3 150. The District #196 School 153. 4 Channel, Channel 10? 1 2 3 4 AIF ANSWERS #1 OR #2 IN QUESTION #147, ASK QUESTIONS 151-157. I would like to read you a list of programs shown on the Lakeville Government Channel, Channel please tell me whether you watch that 16 For each one pr�gram frequently, occasionally, or never. 17 FRQ OCC DNT DKR 151. Bulletin board listing of meetings, events, and in- formation? 1 2 3 4 152. Live City Council Meetings? 1 2 3 4 153. Taped re -broadcasts of City Council Meetings? 1 2 3 4 154. Lakeville City Council Wrap -Up? 1 2 3 4 155. "Lakeville Messages?" 1 2 3 4 156. Lakeville Police Update? 1 2 3 4 157. "Lakeville City Limits,,, the program about growth L and development? 1 2 3 4 JAAIF YES IN QUESTION #146, ASK:j 17 I would now like to read a short list of local programs which could be presented on Local Government Channel 16. For each type of program, please tell me if YOU would be very likely to watch that program, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely to watch that program? 158. Live advisory board meetings, such as Planning, Parks and Recreation, and Environmental Affairs Commissions? 159. Programs explaining Lakeville City government and services? 160. Programs covering Political, school, and other debates? ASK Evr&RYON�E. 161. Are you aware that You or house- hold members can be trained on video equipment to produce pro- gramming at the Marcus Cable Public Access Studio for no charge? VRY SMW NTO NAA DKR 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 AWARE ................... 1 UNAWARE ................. 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Changing topics again.... 162. Are you currently employed outside YES ..................... 19 yourhome? NO ...................... 2 REFUSED ................. 3 AIF "YES," ASK: 163. In what city is your job located? 164. What is the zipcode of your workplace? 1 165. What time do you usually start work? 166. And, what time do you usually end work? 167. If applicable, is your spouse or YES ..................... IX partner employed outside of the home? NO ...................... 2 NOT APPLICABLE .......... 3 REFUSED ................. 4 18 F "YES," ASK: 168. In what city is your spouse's/partner's job located? 169. What is the zipcode of his/her workplace? 170. Have you shared a ride to YES 1 work with your spouse or NO 2 partner at any time in the DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 ______past two years? I would like to read you a short list of area highways. For each one, please tell me whether you generally use it as your main route when driving to your job location, or whether your spouse or partner would use it as the main route to his or her job location, or if both of you would use it as the main route to your jobs? If it isn't used as the main route for either of you, just say so. 177. Do you intend to use the new YES 1 Bloomington Ferry Bridge after NO 2 it opens? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 I will read you a short list of transit facilities or systems. For each one, please tell me if you have used it during the past year. YES NO ISNT SELF PART BOTH DK/R 171. I -35W? 1 2 3 Apple Valley? 1 2 172. Cedar Avenue/Highway 77? 1 2 Authority -- transit service? 1 2 3 173. Highway So? 1 2 3 4 5 174. Pilot Knob Road? 1 2 3 4 5 175. Highway 3? 1 2 3 4 176. County Road 5? 1 2 3 3 4 5 4 5 177. Do you intend to use the new YES 1 Bloomington Ferry Bridge after NO 2 it opens? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 I will read you a short list of transit facilities or systems. For each one, please tell me if you have used it during the past year. 19 YES NO DKR 178. Lakeville park and ride lot? 1 2 179. Apple Valley park and ride lots? 1 2 3 180. Metro Transit express bus from 3 Apple Valley? 1 2 181. MVTA -- Minnesota Valley Transit 3 Authority -- transit service? 1 2 3 182. I -35W Hov lane -- the high occu- pancy vehicle lane? 1 2 3 If public transportation were available would be in Lakeville, how likely you to use each of the following options -- very somewhat likely, not too likely, or not likely, at all likely? 19 VRY SMW NTO NAL DKR 183. Dial -A -Ride for Dakota County locations? 1 184. Express buses to and from . downtown Saint Paul? 1 2 3 185. Express buses to and from the Bloomington 1-494 area? 1 2 3 4 186. Express buses to and from downtown Minneapolis? 1 2 3 4 187. Special trip buses to such locations as the Target Center or the Metrodome? 1 2 3 188. Vanpools or carpools to your work location? 1 2 3 189. Buses to shopping destinations, such as the Mall of America? 1 2 3 4 5 190. If public transportation were BEFORE 8/AFTER 4:30 ..... 1 available, what time of day would BETWEEN 9 AND 4 ......... 2 you be most likely to use it BOTH EQUALLY ............ 3 before 8AM and after 4:30PM, NEITHER 4 during daytime hours between 9AM DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 and 4PM, both equally, or neither? I am going to read you a list of reasons why people might choose NOT to use public transportation for their ir�vel needs. Which, if any of these reasons, apply to you? YES NO DKR 191. Prefer to drive my own vehicle. 1 2 192. Inconvenient. 3 193. Safety concerns. 1 2 3 194. Doesn't go where I need to go. 1 2 3 1 2 3 Currently, Lakeville residents pay minimal taxes to Support the metropolitan area transit system, because the Community does not receive any services. 195. If Lakeville received limited STRONGLY SUPPORT ........ 1 morning and afternoon bus service SUPPORT 2 to both Minneapolis and Saint OPPOSE 3 Paul, would you support or Oppose STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 an additional average yearly resi- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 dential property tax levy of approximately $35.00 per house- hold? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? Lakeville's industrial park has difficulty in finding workers to fill available jobs. 20 196. Would you support or oppose a STRONGLY SUPPORT ........ 1 property tax levy of approximately SUPPORT $9.00 per year to help fund a ................. OPPOSE 2 reverse commute bus route that .................. STRONGLY OPPOSE 3 would bring workers from the Twin ......... DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 4 Cities and southern suburbs to ...... 5 work in Lakeville? (WAIT FOR RE- SPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? 197. During the past year, have you or YES ..................... JX members of this household visited No any Dakota County Library? .... .......... DON'T ];�46��R*E*F*USED 2 ...... 3 [_AF "YES," ASK: 198. Which one(s)? (PROBE FOR GALAXIE IN APPLE VALLEY, FARMINGTON, BURNHAVEN IN BURNSVILLE, WESCOTT IN EAGAN] 199. If Dakota County constructed and maintained a new library in Lake- ville, how likely would you and members of your household be to use it -- very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? VERY LIKELY ............. 1 SOMEWHAT LIKELY ......... 2 NOT TOO LIKELY .......... 3 NOT AT ALL LIKELY ....... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes.... Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household. Let's start oldest to youngest, and be sure to include yourself.... 200. First, persons 65 or over? 201. Adults under 65? 202. High school aged? (Grades 10 - 12) 21 NONE.................... 1 ONE ..................... 2 TWO..................... 3 THREE OR MORE ........... 4 REFUSED ................. 5 NONE.................... 1 ONE..................... 2 TWO..................... 3 THREE ................... 4 FOUR OR MORE ............ 5 REFUSED ................. 6 NONE .................... 1 ONE ..................... 2 TWO OR MORE ............. 3 REFUSED ................. 4 203. Junior high aged? (Grades 7 - 9) 204. Elementary school children? (Grades K-6) 205. Pre-schoolers? 206. Do you own or rent your present residence? 207. What is your age, please? (READ CATEGORIES, IF NEEDED) NONE.................... 1 ONE..................... 2 TWO OR MORE ............. 3 REFUSED ................. 4 NONE.. 1 ONE ... 2 TWO ... 3 THREE OR RE ........... 4 REFUSED ................. 5 ZERO.................... 1 ONE..................... 2 TWO OR MORE ............. 3 REFUSED ................. 4 OWN 1 RENT .... 2 REFUSED ................. 3 18-24 ................... 1 25-34 ................... 2 35-44 ................... 3 45-54 ................... 4 55-64 ................... 5 65 AND OVER ............. 6 REFUSED ................. 7 208. What is your occupation and, if applicable, the occupation of your spouse or partner? 10 F: 209. Is a full-time or part-time home- YES/SELF ................ 1 based business operated out of YES/SPOUSE ONLY ......... 2 your residence? (IF "YES," ASK:) YES/BOTH ................ 3 BY just yourself, by just your NO spouse or partner, or by both of 4 you? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 210. Could you tell me your approximate UNDER $12,500 .......... 01 pre-tax yearly household income in $12,500-$25,000 ........ 02 1994? Does the income lie.... $25,001-$37,500 ........ 03 (READ CATEGORIES) $37,501-$50,000 ........ 04 $50,001-$62,500 ........ 05 $62,501-$75,000 ........ 06 $75,001-$87,500 ........ 07 $87,501-$100,000 ....... 08 OVER $100,000 .......... 09 DON'T KNOW ............. 10 REFUSED ................ 11 211. Gender. (BY OBSERVATION: DO MALE 1 NOT ASK) FEMALE .................. 2 22 Ala 212. New City Precinct. (FROM LIST) PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT .............. 1 2 PRECINCT .............. 2 3 PRECINCT .............. 3 4 PRECINCT .............. 4 5 PRECINCT .............. 5 6 PRECINCT .............. 6 7 PRECINCT .............. 7 8 PRECINCT .............. 8 9 .............. 9 213. Old City Precinct. (FROM LIST) PRECINCT 1 .............. 1 PRECINCT 2 .............. 2 PRECINCT 3A ............. 3 PRECINCT 3B ............. 4 PRECINCT 4 .............. 5 PRECINCT 5 6 .............. 214. School District. (FROM LIST) ISD 194 SOUTH/WESTT.4&1t.L1 ISD 194 NORTH CENTRAL ... 2 ISD 192 ................. 3 ISD 196 ................. 4 Thank you very much for your time. Good-bye. LIST TELEPHONE NUMBER INTERVIEWER DATE 23 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. 3128 Dean Court Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 315 P03 AUG 28 '96 14:33 LINO LAKES RESIDENTIAL QUALITY OF LIFE STUDY AUGUST, 1996 Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a nationwide polling firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Lino Lakes to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. This survey is being taken because the City is interested in your opinions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be report- ed. (DO NOT PAUSE) 1. Approximately how many years have LESS THAN TWO YEARS.....1 you lived in Lino Lakes? THREE TO FIVE YEARS ..... 2 SIX TO TEN YEARS ........ 3 ELEVEN - TWENTY YEARS...4 OVER TWENTY YEARS.....,..5 DON'T KNOWREFUSED ...... 6 2. How would you rate the quality of EXCELLENT ............... 1 life in Lino Lakes -- excellent, GOOD ........ ........... 2 good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR.................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 3. Thinking back to when you moved to Lino Lakes, what factors were most important to you in selecting this community? 4. What do you like most about living in Lino Lakes? 5. what do you like least about it? 6. In general, what do you think is the most serious issue facing the community today? I W 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 315 PO4 AUG 28 '96 14:33 7. All in all, do you think things in RIGHT DIRECTION ......... 1 Lino Lakes are generally headed in WRONG TRACK ............. 2 the right direction, or do you DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 feel things are off on the wrong track? IF "WRONG TRACK," ASK: 8. Please tell me why you feel things have gotten off on the wrong track. 9. How would you rate the general EXCELLENT ............... 1 appearance of your neighborhood GOOD .................... 2 -- excellent, good, only fair, or ONLY FAIR ............... 3 poor? of Lino Lakes runs things? POOR .................... 4 11. How would you rate the sense of DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 10. Other than voting, do you feel YES ..................... 1 I that if you wanted to, you could NO ...................... 2 GOOD .................... have a say about the way the City DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 good, only of Lino Lakes runs things? 3 11. How would you rate the sense of VERY STRONG ............. 1 4 community identity among residents SOMEWHAT STRONG ......... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... in Lino Lakes -- would you say it NOT TOO STRONG .......... 3 the upkeep is very strong, somewhat strong, NOT AT ALL STRONG ....... 4 and maintenance of not too strong, or not at all DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 2 strong? say excellent, 12. Thinking about your ties to the CITY .................... I poor? local area, do you feel most SCHOOL DISTRICT ......... 2 closely connected to the City of SOMETHING ELSE .......... 3 5 Lino Lakes, your school district, NOTHING (VOL) ........... 4 or something else? (IF "SOMETHING DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 ELSE,-' ASK:) What is that? Let's discuss recreational opportunities in the community .... 13. How would you rate the park and EXCELLENT ............... I recreational facilities in Lino GOOD .................... 2 Lakes -- excellent, good, only ONLY FAIR ............... 3 fair or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 14. Now would you rate the upkeep EXCELLENT ............... 1 and maintenance of Lino Lakes City GOOD .................... 2 Parks -- would you say excellent, ONLY FAIR ............... 3 good, only fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 F, 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 315 P05 AUG 28 '96 14:33 15. Do you or members of your household regularly leave the City of Lino Lakes to use leisure -time recreational facilities or programs in other cities? (IF "YES," ASK:) What types of facilities or programs are you using elsewhere? The City of Lino Lakes is considering major improvements in three components of its park and recreation offerings. The improve- ments under consideration include an outdoor recreation facility, trail improvements, and neighborhood park improvements. But, to proceed with any of these three proposals would require a bond referendum and subsequent property tax increase to provide con- struction funds. I would like to discuss each proposal with you and have you comment on each one. Let's talk about the outdoor athletic complex... The City of Lino Lakes is considering building an outdoor athle- tic complex, which would include soccer fields, baseball fields, and other multi -seasonal athletic facilities. 16. Would you favor or oppose the de- FAVOR/STRONGLY .......... 1 velopment of an outdoor athletic FAVOP ................... 2 complex in Lino Lakes? (WAIT FOR OPPOSE .................. 3 RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly OPPOSE/STRONGLY ......... 4 that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 As you may know, the City of Lino Lakes has been actively con- structing a comprehensive trail system for its residents. So far, approximately nine miles of trails have been constructed. To complete and expand the trail system would require the passage of a bond referendum. if successful, residents of the City would see a property tax increase to provide funds for this purpose. 17. Do you favor or oppose the con- FAVOR/STRONGLY .......... 1 tinued development and expansion FAVOR ................... 2 of the trail system within Lino OPPOSE .................. 3 Lakes? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you OPPOSE/STRONGLY ......... 4 feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 As you may know, the City of Lino Lakes currently operates neigh- borhood parks throughout the community. Many of these neighbor- hood parks are in different stages of development, offering varying levels of playground equipment and facilities. 18. would you favor or oppose the City of Lino Lakes placing a higher priority on the completion of its neighborhood park system? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strong- ly that way? 3 FAVOR STRONGLY .......... 1 SOMEWHAT FAVOR .......... 2 SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ......... 3 STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 315 P06 AUG 28 196 14:34 We have discussed several park and recreational development projects. To review, (ROTATE ORDER) an outdoor athletics com- plex, neighborhood parks completion, as well as the expansion and completion of the trail system. 19. Which of these development projects, if any, would you give top priority? (READ LIST) 20. Which of these development projects, if any, would you give second priority? (READ LIST, DELETING FIRST CHOICE) TOP SEC ATHLETICS COMPLEX .............. 1 .......... I NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS ............. 2 .......... 2 TRAIL SYSTEM ................... 3 .......... 3 NONE (VOL.) .................... 4 .......... 4 MULTIPLE (VOL.) ................ 5 .......... 5 DON'T KNOW ................ I ... 16 .......... 6 REFUSED ........................ 7 .......... 7 21. How much would you be willing to NOTHING ................. 1 see your yearly property taxes in- $20.00 .................. 2 crease to fund the development of $40.00 .................. 3 the park and recreation facilities �60-00 .................. 4 you most favor? (START AT A $80.00 .................. 5 RANDOM TAX LEVEL) Let's say, $100.00 ................. 6 would you be willing to pay $ $120.00 ................. 7 per year? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE; DON'T KNOW .............. 8 MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON REFUSED ................. 9 ANSWER) How about $_ per year? Moving on.... Which of the following activities, if any, do you and/or members of your household currently engage in on the trails in Lino Lakes? Changing topics .... 29. Would you favar,or-oppose the City FAVOR/STRONGLY .......... I of Lino Lakes developing a city FAVOR ................... 2 golf course? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) OPPOSE .................. 3 Do you feel strongly that way? OPPOSE/STRONGLY ......... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 4 YES NO DKR 22. Walking, running or jogging? 1 2 3 23. Biking? 1 2 3 24. Rollerblading or rollerskating? 1 2 3 25. Horse riding? 1 2 3 26. Nature and/or bird watching? 1 2 3 27. Snowmobile riding? 1 2 3 28. Cross -Country skiing? 1 2 3 Changing topics .... 29. Would you favar,or-oppose the City FAVOR/STRONGLY .......... I of Lino Lakes developing a city FAVOR ................... 2 golf course? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) OPPOSE .................. 3 Do you feel strongly that way? OPPOSE/STRONGLY ......... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 4 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 315 P07 AUG 28 '96 14:34 30. If the city were to develop a golf VERY LIKELY ............. 1 course, how likely would you or SOMEWHAT LIKELY ......... 2 members of your household be to NOT TOO LIKELY .......... 3 use it -- very likely, somewhat NOT AT ALL LIKELY ....... 4 likely, not too likely, or not DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 at all likely? Turning to other issues.... 31. Do you or members of your house- YES ..................... 1 hold use the city's rinks and NO ...................... 2 shelters for informal skating or DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 hockey during the winter? Continuing.... 32. In the past year, have you or any YES ..................... 1 members of this household partici- NO ...................... 2 pated in any city -sponsored park DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 and recreation programs? IF "YES," ASK: 33. What program(s) have you or members of your households participated in? 34. How would you rate those EXCELLENT ............... 1 programs -- excellent, good, GOOD .................... 2 only fair or poor? ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DOWT KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 IF "POOR," A.SK: 35. Why do you feel that way? 36. Are there any other city -sponsored recreational offerings or programs that you or members of your household would like to see established? (IF "YES," ASK:) What would they be? 51 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 315 Poe AUG 2e '96 14:35 37. During the past year, have you or NO ...................... 1 members of your household had to YES/FREQUENTLY .......... 2 curtail participation in city- YES/OCCASSIONALLY ....... 3 sponsored recreational programs YES/ONLY RARELY ......... 4 because of child care needs? (IF DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 11YES,11 ASK:) Has this happened frequently, occasionally, or only rarely? IF "YES," ASK: 38. Would you be much more likely YES ..................... 1 to participate if child care NO ...................... 2 were provided? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 The City is considering hiring a Teen Recreation Program Direc- tor. This individual would be responsible for the development and operation of expanded teen -oriented programming. The cost to taxpayers for the hiring of this individual would be about $2.50 per year. 39. Would you favor or oppose the FAVOR/STRONGLY .......... I City's hiring of a Teen Recreation FAVOR ................... 2 Program Director? (WAIT FOR RE- OPPOSE .................. 3 SPONSE) Do you feel strongly that OPPOSE/STRONGLY ......... 4 way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 There are two different programming approaches a Park and Recrea- tion Department can follow. The first is programmed offerings, such as league softball games, which the City operates and super- vises. The other is unprogrammed activity, such as hiking down a trail, in which the City simply provides the facility, without further city involvement. 40. Of the two recreational approach- es, which do you most prefer -- programmed activity or unpro- grammed activity? (WAIT FOR RE- SPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? on another topic.... PROGRAMMED/STRONGLY ..... 1 PROGRAMMED .............. 2 UNPROGRAMED ............ 3 UNPROGRAMMED/STRONGLY...4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 At present the City of Lino Lakes only removes snow from trails that are walking paths to schools. Keeping in mind that expanded service would cost more.;.. 41. Would you favor or oppose snow STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 removal from all walking trails FAVOR ................... 2 during winter months? (WAIT FOR OPPOSE .................. 3 RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 Anoka County currently operates a regional park in Lino Lakes, the Rice Creek Chanin of Lakes Regional Park. L: 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 315 P09 AUG 28 '96 14:35 42. How often do you or members of FREQUENTLY .............. 1 your household use the Anoka OCCASIONALLY ............ 2 County Regional park -- frequent- RARELY .................. 3 ly, occasionally, rarely, or NEVER ................... 4 never? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 43. Prior to this survey, were you YES ..................... 1 aware that the Regional Park NO ...................... 2 contains a golf course, the Wargo DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Nature Center, a swimming beach, fishing, and a hiking trail? 44. Would you favor or oppose the City FAVOR/STRONGLY .......... 1 of Lino Lake coordinating efforts FAVOR ................... 2 and funds with Anoka County in the OPPOSE .................. 3 further development of additional OPPOSE/STRONGLY ......... 4 trails? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 you feel strongly that way? Changing topics.... I would like to read you a list of city forestry programs. For each one, please rate its effectiveness as excellent, good, only fair, or poor. If you are unsure about a program, just say so.... EXC GOO FAI POO DKR 45. Planting of trees along city boulevards? 1 2 3 4 5 46. Tree preservation? 1 2 3 4 5 47. Oak Wilt program for disease control? 1 2 3 4 5 Changing topics.... I would like to read you a list of a few city services. For each one, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor.... EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR DK/R. 48. Snow plowing? 1 2 3 4 5 49. Police services? 1 2 3 4 5 50. Fire protection? 1 2 3 4 5 51. City street repair and maintenance? 1 2 3 4 5 52. Sewers and water? 1 2 3 4 5 53. Drainage and flood control? 1 2 3 4 5 54. Animal control? 1 2 3 4 5 FOR EACH "ONLY FAIR" OR "POOR" RESPONSE, ASK: 7 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 315 P10 AUG 28 196 14:35 55. Why did you rate as (only fair/poor)? S6. How much first-hand contact have QUITE A LOT ........... 1.1 you had with Lino Lakes City em- SOME .................... 2 ployees -- quite a lot, some, VERY LITTLE ............. 3 very little, or none? NONE .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... s 57. From what you have seen or heard, EXCELLENT ............... 1 how would you rate the job per- GOOD .................... 2 formance of the Lino Lakes City ONLY FAIR ............... 3 employees -- excellent, good, only POOR .................... 4 fair, or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 58. How much do you feel you know GREAT DEAL .............. 1 about the work of the Mayor and FAIR AMOUNT ............. 2 City Council -- a great deal, a VERY LITTLE ............. 3 fair amount, very little, or NOTHING ................. 4 nothing? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 59. From what you know, do you approve STRONGLY APPROVE ........ 1 or disapprove of the job the Mayor APPROVE ................. 2 and City Council are doing? (WAIT DISAPPROVE .............. 3 FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel STRONGLY DISAPPROVE.....4 strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 60. Do you feel that the City is too TOO TOUGH ............... 1 tough, about right, or not tough ABOUT RIGHT ............. 2 enough in enforcing the City Code NOT TOUGH ENOUGH ........ 3 on such nuisances as animal con- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 trol, garbage disposal, junk cars, messy yards, and noise? 61. How would you rate the response EXCELLENT ............... I time of City snow plowing efforts GOOD .................... 2 after a snow storm -- excellent, ONLY FAIR ............... 3 good, only fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T -KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 62. And, how would you rate the EXCELLENT ............... 1 quality of City snow plowing on GOOD .................... 2 aspects such as clear street ONLY FAIR ............... 3 intersections and width of plowed POOR .................... 4 areas -- excellent, good, only DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 fair or poor? Some communities have cat ordinances that require cats be li- censed and under the control of their owner at all times. En- forcement of this ordinance will require the expenditure of tax payer dollars. 8 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 327 P02 SEP 03 '96 10:47 63. Would you support or oppose the STRONGLY SUPPORT ........ 1 City of Lino Lakes adopting such SOMEWHAT SUPPORT ........ 2 a cat ordinance? (WAIT FOR RE- SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ......... 3 SPONSE) Do you feel strongly that STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 Turning to the issue of public safety in the community.... 64. Axe there any areas in Lino Lakes YES ..................... 1 where you would be afraid to walk NO ...................... 2 alone at night? DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES," ASK: 65. What area particularly concerns you? 66. How about at night in your home -- YES ..................... I do you feel safe and secure, or NO ...................... 2 not? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 67. Have you invested in a means of self-protection during the past two years? IF "YES," ASK: 68. What have you invested in? YES ..................... 1 NO...................... 2 DONIT KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 I would like to read you a short list of public safety concerns. 69. Please tell me which one you consider to be the greatest concern in Lino Lakes? If you feel that none of these prob- lems are serious in Lino Lakes, just say so. (READ LIST) 70. Which do you consider to be the second major concern in the city? Again, if you feel that none of the remaining prob- lems are serious in the city, just say so. (DELETE FIRST CHOICE AND RE -READ LIST) 9 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 316 P01/11 AUG 28 '96 14:3? FIRST SECOND violent crime ............................. 1 .......... 1 Traffic congestion ........................ 2 .......... 2 Drugs..................................... 3 .......... 3 Youthgangs ............................... 4 .......... 4 Business crimes, such as shop- lifting and check fraud .............. 5 .......... s Residential crimes, such as burglary, theft, and vandal- ism.................................. 6 .......... 6 ALL EQUALLY ............................... 7 .......... 7 NONE OF THE ABOVE ......................... 8 .......... a DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ........................ 9 .......... 9 71. Do you feel that crimes against INCREASED ............... I property in Lino Lakes have in- DECREASED ............... 2 creased, decreased, or remained REMAINED THE SAME ....... 3 about the same during the past DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 five years? 72. How about crimes against people, INCREASED ............... 1 have they increased, decreased, or DECREASED ............... 2 remained about the same during the REMAINED THE SAME ....... 3 past five years? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 73. How would you rate the amount of TOO MUCH ................ 1 patrolling the police department A13OUT RIGHT AMOUNT ...... 2 does in your neighborhood -- would NOT ENOUGH .............. 3 you say they do too much, about DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 the right amount, or not enough? 74. Are you aware of a neighborhood crime watch program in your neighborhood? IF 11 YES, 11 ASK -. 75. Do you participate in the program? IF "NO," ASK: YES ..................... I NO...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 YES ..................... 1 NO...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 76. Would you participate in or- YES ..................... 1 ganizing a neighborhood crime NO ...................... 2 watch program in your area DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 under the guidance of the Police Department? As you may know, property taxes are divided between the City of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, and the local school districts.... 10 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 316 P02/11 AUG 26 196 14:37 77. For each dollar of property tax LESS THAN 10t ........... 1 you pay, about what percentage do 10-20 PERCENT ........... 2 you think goes to city government? 21-30 PERCENT ........... 3 31-40 PERCENT ........... 4 OVER FORTY PERCENT ...... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 78. How do you feel about Lino Lakes EXCELLENT ............... 1 city property taxes in comparison GOOD .................... 2 with the services you receive from ONLY FAIR ............... 3 the City -- would you say it is an POOR .................... 4 excellent value, good value, only DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 fair value, or a poor value? 1 2 79. How do you feel about Lino Lakes VERY HIGH ............... 1 city property taxes in comparison SOMEWHAT HIGH ........... 2 with those of other suburban ABOUT AVERAGE ........... 3 communities -- do you feel they SOMEWHAT LOW ............ 4 are very high, somewhat high, VERY LOW ................ 5 about average, somewhat low, or DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 very low? 1 2 Changing topics... 4 5 80. If the City of Lino Lakes were to attract more development, 1 what kind would you prefer it to be? 3 As you may know, the City of Lino Lakes has been considering the development of a Town Center. it would contain a community center, anchored by public use buildings such as a city hall or police department. I would like to read you a 1i4t of establishments that could be attracted to a Town Center. For each one, please tell me if you would strongly support its placement in the Town Center, somewhat support it, somewhat oppose it, or strongly oppose it being placed in a Town Center. If you have no opinion, just say so.... 11 STS SMS SMO STO DKR 81. A grocery store? 1 2 3 4 5 82. A quality restaurant? 1 2 3 4 5 83. A family -style restaurant? 1 2 3 4 5 84. A fast-food restaurant? 1 2 3 4 5 85. Day care facilities? 1 2 3 4 5 86. An indoor recreation center? 1 2 3 4 5 87. Walking trails? 1 2 3 4 5 88. A public plaza for socializing? 1 2 3 4 S 89. Retail stores? 1 2 3 4 5 90. A medical and dental clinic? 1 2 3 4 5 11 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 91. Professional services, such as attorneys and CPAs? 92. Middle-income housing? 93. Low-income housing? 94. Townhomes? 95. Senior housing? 316 P03/11 AUG 26 196 14:37 STS SMS SMO STO DKR 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 type swimming pool? 2 3 4 5 5 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 96. Are their any other types of establishments which you would like to see included in a Town Center? As I said, the City of Lino Lakes is also considering the con- struction of a Community Center. I would like to read you a list of facilities that could be included in a community center. For each one, please tell me if you would strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose its inclusion. If you have no opinion, just say SO. (ROTATE) 110. In general, do you favor or oppose STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 the construction of a Community FAVOR ................... 2 Center in the City of Lino Lakes? OPPOSE .................. 3 (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 If a new community center building were constructed, the issuance of construction bonds could require an increase in residential and commercial property taxes to cover their cost and interest. A 12 STF SMF SMO STO DKR 98. An indoor family fun leisure - type swimming pool? 1 2 3 4 5 99. Large banquet rooms? 1 2 3 4 5 100. Smaller meeting rooms? 1 2 3 4 5 101. A gymnasium? 1 2 3 4 5 102. An exercise and fitness center? 1 2 3 4 5 103. Racquetball courts? 1 2 3 4 5 104. A senior citizens' center? 1 2 3 4 5 105. A teen center? 1 2 3 4 5 106. Walking/Running track? 1 2 3 4 5 107. Trail head area for walking and cross country skiing? 1 2 3 4 5 108. Day care center? 1 2 3 4 5 109. Are there any other facilities you would like to see in a Community Center? 110. In general, do you favor or oppose STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 the construction of a Community FAVOR ................... 2 Center in the City of Lino Lakes? OPPOSE .................. 3 (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 If a new community center building were constructed, the issuance of construction bonds could require an increase in residential and commercial property taxes to cover their cost and interest. A 12 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 316 PO4/11 AUG 2e '96 14:3e ill. Knowing this, would you favor or STRONGLY FAVOR .......... I oppose the building of a commu- SOMEWHAT FAVOR .......... 2 nity center? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ......... 3 Do you feel strongly that way? STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 113. DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 Some of the proposed facilities in a Community Center, such as a swimming pool or fitness center, could be operated by a private company. Such an arrangement could mean higher user fees, but less of an increase in property taxes. 112. Would you favor or oppose having a private company involved in the operation of the Community Center? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? Moving on.... STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 sonwxAT FAVOR .......... 2 SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ......... 3 STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... S I would now like to read you a list of characteristics of a community. For each one, please tell me if you think Lino Lakes currently has too many or too much, too few or too little, or about the right amount. 13 MANY FEW/ ABT DK/ /MCH LITT RGHT REFD 113. the number of people residing in the community? 1 2 3 4 114. rental units? 1 2 3 4 115. higher cost housing oppor- tunities? 1 2 3 4 116. condominiums and townhouses? 1 2 3 4 117. racial diversity? 1 2 3 4 Ila. income diversity? 1 2 3 4 119. parks and open spaces? 1 2 3 4 120. low income housing opportunities? 1 2 3 4 121. senior housing opportunities? 1 2 3 4 122. light manufacturing industry? 1 2 3 4 123. heavy manufacturing industry? 1 2 3 4 124. service and retail establish- ments? 1 2 3 4 125. entertainment and dining establishments? 1 2 3 4 126. fulltime job opportunities? 1 2 3 4 12?. open space? 1 2 3 4 I would like to read you a list of traffic issues. For each one, please tell me if you think it is a major problem, minor problem, or not a problem at all on your residential street. If you have no opinion, just say so.... 13 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 128. Traffic speeds? 129. Traffic volume? 130. Children playing? 131. Physical condition of the street? 132. Pedestrians walking in the roadway? 133. Bicyclists in the roadway? MAJOR 316 P05/11 AUG 28 196 14:38 MINOR NOTPR DKREF 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 I would like to read you a list of streets, highways, or inter- sections. For each one, please tell me if you think it is a major traffic safety concern in Lino Lakes, a minor traffic safety concern, or not a concern at all? 134. Highway 49 and Birch Street? 135. Lake Drive and Main Street? 136. Lake Drive and 35W? 137. 35E and County Road J? 138. Highway 49 and County Road J? 139. Centerville Road? MAJOR MINOR NOTSR DKREF 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 140. Do you feel there is a significant YES ..................... 1 need for more public transporta- No ...................... 2 tion near your neighborhood? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 141. Would you support or oppose spend- SUPPORT/STILL FAVOR ..... 1 ing increased city funds on more SUPPORT/NO .............. 2 traffic enforcement? (IF "SUP- SUPPORT/DON'T KNOW ...... 3 PORT,,, ASK:) Would you still favor OPPOSE .................. 4 it if a property tax increase were DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 required to fund it? 142. How would you rate the overall EXCELLENT ............... I condition of city streets in Lino GOOD .................... 2 Lakes -- excellent, good, only ONLY FAIR ............... 3 fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 The Lino Lakes City Charter limits the street reconstruction practices of the City. Under the Charter, the City may only use tax dollars for street reconstruction if one of two conditions are met: first, a citizen petitions the City for a specific road improvement AND a majority of the affected property owners sup- port the petition AND a referendum on the improvement is approved in a citywide election; or second, the City Council initiates the project AND the project is approved by a majority of the affected property owners AND a referendum is approved in a citywide elec- tion. The city is, however, allowed to perform limited main- tenance of streets, such as filling pot holes and seal coating. 14 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 143. Prior to this survey, were you aware of these Charter provi- sions? 316 P06/11 AUG 2e '96 14:39 AWARE ................... I UNAWARE ................. 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 The initial step in road reconstruction is the development of a comprehensive plan that would prioritize roads for improvement. In order to implement this plan, a funding source would have to be established. 144. would you favor or oppose a City STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 Charter change that would allow SOMEWHAT FAVOR .......... 2 the city to establish such a fund? SOMEWHAT OPPOSE ......... 3 (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 145. Do you leave the City of Lino YES ..................... I Lakes on a regular or daily basis? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES, " ASK: 146. Where to? (OBTAIN CITY) 147. What form of transportation do you generally use? (IF 11AUTOMOBILE,11 ASK:) Is that a carpool? 148. Is your reason for leaving the city to go to the site of your job? YES ..................... 1 NO...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 149. Excluding groceries, what do you consider your principle retail shopping location to be? 150. Where does your household regularly purchase groceries? 151. If the City were to attract retail VERY LIKELY ............ I shopping and/or recreational op- SOMEWHAT LIKELY ........ 2 portunities to the T -35W Lake NOT TOO LIKELY ......... 3 Drive interchange area, how likely NOT AT ALL LIKELY ...... 4 would you be to use it -- very DON -T KNOW/REFUSED.....5 likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? "Neighborhood commercial centers" are small outdoor malls usually containing a limited number of shops, professional offices, and/ or service establishments. Limited parking near the stores is is 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES usually available. 316 P0?/11 RUG 2e 96 14:39 152. Would you favor or oppose the City STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 of Lino Lake attracting neighbor- FAVOR ................... 2 hood commercial centers to the OPPOSE .................. 3 city? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 153. Which of the following three lo- SITE A .................. 1 cations would you prioritize most SITE S .................. 2 highly for a neighborhood commer- SITE C .................. 3 cial center: (ROTATE LIST) ALL EQUALLY (VOL) ....... 4 (A) 35E and Main Street; NONE OF ABOVE (VOL) ..... 5 (B) Lake Drive and Main Street; DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 (C) Birch Street and Centerville Road? 154. Do you work at home in a business YES ..................... 1 or teleconference or telecommute No ...................... 2 to work? DON I T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 155. Have you or any adult member of YES ..................... 1 your household sought full-time No ...................... 2 employment in the City of Lino DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Lakes? Moving on.... Currently, city residents select their own refuse haulers. The only rules the City of Lino Lakes sets are the company must be licensed and must offer a volume -based rate. City officials and staff are considering changing to an organized collection system. This is a system of refuse collection in which the City contracts with a group of haulers, sets rates, establishes a level of service for all residents, and assigns haulers to each neighbor- hood. The advantages to this system are expanded services and less truck traffic on neighborhhod roads. The disadvantage is the hauler assigned to your neighborhood may not be your current hauler. 156. would you support or oppose the STRONGLY SUPPORT ........ I City of Lino Lakes adopting an SUPPORT ................. 2 organized collection system? (WAIT OPPOSE .................. 3 FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 157. How often, if at all, does your household recycle? (READ OPTIONS) 16 EVERY WEEK .............. I EVERY OTHER WEEK ........ 2 MONTHLY ................. 3 QUARTERLY ............... 4 ONCE - TWICE PER YR.....5 NEVER ................... 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 316 P08/11 AUG 28 '96 14:39 158. Are there any changes or improvements in the curbside recy- clables pick-up program you would like to see? (IF "YES," ASK:) What are they? 159. Last year, did you participate in YES ..................... 1 the City of Lino Lakes, Fall and No ...................... 2 Spring Recycling Days? DON'T WOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Moving on.... 160. Do you recall receiving the City YES ..................... I newsletter, titled 0 NO ...................... 2 .11 during the past year? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES," ASK: 161. Do you or any members of your YES ..................... 1 household regularly read it? NO ......... I ............ 2 DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 162. Do you tend to keep it around KEEP AROUND ............. I for later reference or toss TOSS IT ................. 2 it after you have read ABOUT EQUAL (VOL.) ...... 3 through it? DON'T KROW/R8FUSED ...... 4 163. How effective is the city VERY EFFECTIVE .......... I newsletter in keeping you in- SOMEWHAT EFFECTIVE ...... 2 formed about activities in NOT TOO EFFECTIVE ....... 3 the city -- very effective, NOT AT ALL EFFECTIVE .... 4 somewhat effective, not too DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 effective, or not at all ef- fective? 164. How effective is the city VERY EFFECTIVE .......... 1 newsletter in keeping you in- SOMEWHAT EFFECTIVE ...... 2 formed about city -sponsored NOT TOO EFFECTIVE ....... 3 recreation programs -- very NOT AT ALL EFFECTIVE....4 effective, somewhat effec- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 tive, not too effective, or not at all effective? 165. Would you prefer having the newsletter and recreation guide separate or together? 166. Do you have a home comput6r or ­ access to one at work? (IF "YES" ASK) Does that computer have a modem? IF "YES/YES," ASK: 17 SEPARATE ................ 1 TOGETHER ................ 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 YS8/YES ................. 1 YES/NO .................. 2 YES/UNSURE ............... 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 316 P09/11 RUG 28 '96 14:40 167. If the City of Lino Lakes VERY LIKELY ............. 1 were to make general inform- SOMEWHAT LIKELY ......... 2 ation available on the Inter- NOT TOO LIKELY .......... 3 net, how likely would you be NOT AT ALL LIKELY ....... 4 to access it -- very likely, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? 168. Does your household currently YES ..................... 1 subscribe to cable television? No ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES," ASK: 169. Would you say you watch the FREQUENTLY .............. I local government access chan- OCCASIONALLY ............ 2 nel frequently, occasion- RARELY .................. 3 — ally, rarely, or not at all? NOT AT ALL .............. 4 1 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 170. Would you say you watch City FREQUENTLY .............. 1 Council and/or Planning Com- OCCASIONALLY ............ 2 mission telecasts frequently, RARELY .................. 3 occasionally, rarely, or not NOT AT ALL .............. 4 at all? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 171. Would you like to see more YES ..................... 1 local programming and other NO ...................... 2 community information on DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Channel _? IF "YES," ASK: 172. Anything in particular? Which of the following newspapers do you regularly read? YES NO DKR 173. The Star -Tribune 1 2 3 174. The Pioneer Press? 1 2 3 175. The Forest Lake Times? 1 2 3 176. The Quad Press? 1 2 3 177. Which of those newspapers is your primary source of informa- tion on city government and activities? 18 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 316 P10/11 AUG 28 '96 14:40 178. In general, how would you rate EXCELLENT ............... 1 your level of information about GOOD .................... 2 city government and community ONLY FAIR ............... 3 activities -- excellent, good, POOR .................... 4 only fair, or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 Changing topics.... Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes .... 179. What is your age, please? 18-24 ................... 1 25-34 ................... 2 35-44 ......... ......... 3 45-54 ................... 4 55-64 ................... 5 65 AND OVER ............. 6 REFUSED ................. 7 Could you tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household. Let's start oldest to youngest... 180. First, persons over 65? 181. Other adults, includinq yourself? 182. School -aged children? 183. Pre-schoolers? 184. Do you rent or own your present RENT .................... 1 residence? OWN ..................... 2 REFUSED ................. 3 185. Are you single, married, widowed, SINGLE .................. 1 or divorced? MARRIED ................. 2 WIDOWED ................. 3 DIVORCED ................ 4 REFUSED ................. 5 186. Are you or is any member of your YES ..................... 1 household a member of a private No ...................... 2 health club? UNSURE .................. 3 187. What is your occupation and the occupation of your spouse or partner, if appropriate? [CODED AS READ OF HOUSEHOLD] M: F: 188. Could you tell me your approximate UNDER $25,000 ........... 1 pre-tax yearly household income? $25,000-$49,999 ......... 2 Does the income lie... (READ $50,000-$74,999 ......... 3 CATEGORIES) $75,000-$99,999 ......... 4 $1oo,000 & OVER ......... 5 DON'T KNOW .............. 6 REFUSED ................. 7 19 DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. Eden Prairie Residential study 3128 Dean Court REVISED VERSION 2.6 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 FINAL FORMAT Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a polling firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Eden Prairie to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because your city representatives and staff are interested in your opinions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUSE) 1 . 2. Approximately how many years have you lived in Eden Prairie? LESS THAN ONE YEAR ...... 1 ONE OR TWO YEARS ........ 2 THREE TO FIVE YEARS.....3 SIX TO TEN YEARS ........ 4 ELEVEN TO TWENTY YEARS..5 OVER TWENTY YEARS ....... 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 In what city and state was your most recent prior residence located? 3. As things now stand, how long in LESS THAN ONE YEAR ...... 1 �he future do you expect to live ONE TO TWO YEARS ........ 2 in Eden Prairie? THREE TO FIVE YEARS ..... 3 SIX TO TEN YEARS ........ 4 OVER TEN YEARS .......... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 4. If you are not already retired, how likely is it that you will continue to live in Eden Prairie after you retire -- very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? 5. And, how likely is it that any member of your family, such as a parent or other relative, will move into Eden Prairie after they retire -- very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? VERY LIKELY ............. 1 SOMEWHAT LIKELY ......... 2 NOT TOO LIKELY .......... 3 NOT AT ALL LIKELY ....... 4 ALREADY RETIRED ......... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 VERY LIKELY ............. 1 SOMEWHAT LIKELY ......... 2 NOT TOO LIKELY .......... 3 NOT AT ALL LIKELY ....... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 6. Thinking back to when you moved to Eden Prairie, what fac- tors were most important to you in selecting the city? 7. How would you rate the quality of EXCELLENT--, ........ 1 life in Eden Prairie -- excellent, GOOD .................... 2 good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR.................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 8. What do you like MOST about living in Eden Prairie? 9. What do you like LEAST about it? 10. What do you think is the most serious issue facing the city of Eden Prairie today? (PROBE) 11. How would you rate the general EXCELLENT ............... 1 sense of community among Eden GOOD .................... 2 Prairie residents -- excellent, ONLY FAIR ............... 3 good, only fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 12. What things could be done to improve the sense of community in Eden Prairie? 13. To which of the following do you CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE .... I feel the closest ties -- the City SCHOOL DISTRICT ......... 2 of Eden Prairie, the school dis- NEIGHBORHOOD ............ 3 trict, your neighborhood, your CHURCH/SYNAGOGUE ........ 4 church or synagogue, or something SOMETHING ELSE .......... 5 else? (IF "SOMETHING ELSE," ASK:) DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 What is that? 2 14. Now, which of the following state- ments comes closest to your feelings? A. I feel a real tie to the en- tire Eden Prairie community. B. I have strong ties to my neighborhood, but weak ties to the rest of Eden Prairie. C. I have neither strong ties to my neighborhood nor the community as a whole. STATEMENT A ............. 1 STATEMENT B ............. 2 STATEMENT C ............. 3 NONE (VOL) .............. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 So far, we have discussed quality of life issues impacting the entire community. Now, for a different type of question.... 15. What do you want most in your life? Changing focus.... 16. Of all the taxes you pay, which FEDERAL INCOME TAX ...... 1 ONE do you MOST dislike paying -- STATE INCOME TAX ........ 2 federal income tax, state income STATE SALES TAX ......... 3 tax, state sales tax, or city CITY PROPERTY TAX ....... 4 property tax? OTHER TYPE OF TAX ....... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 17. And, from which tax do you believe FEDERAL INCOME TAX ...... 1 you receive the greatest value for STATE INCOME TAX ........ 2 the services provided -- federal STATE SALES TAX ......... 3 income tax, state income tax, CITY PROPERTY TAX ....... 4 state sales tax, or city property OTHER TYPE OF TAX ....... 5 tax? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 As you know, property taxes are divided between the City of Eden Prairie, Hennepin County, and your local school district. 18. For each dollar of property taxes you pay, about what percentage do you think goes to city government? 10t OR LESS ............. 1 11%- - 20!k ............... 2 21%; - 3016 ....... ******** 3 31!k - 401k ............... 4 41!k - 50t ............... 5 OVER 50!k ................ 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 The actual percentage of your property taxes going to the City of Eden Prairie is about EIGHTEEN percent. 19. How would you rate Eden Prairie EXCELLENT ............... 1 city services in comparison with GOOD .................... 2 neighboring communities -- ex- ONLY FAIR ............... 3 cellent, good, only fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 3 20. When you consider the property taxes you pay and the quality of the city services you receive, would you rate the general value of city services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXCELLENT ............... 1 GOOD.................... 2 ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR.................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 21. Would you favor or oppose an in- FAVOR ................... 1 crease in YOUR city property tax OPPOSE .................. �X if it were needed to maintain city DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 services at their current level? F "OPPOSE," ASK: 22. What services would you be willing to see reduced to keep property taxes at their current level? 23. Would you favor or oppose a reduc- FAVOR ................... 3*X tion in city services if your city OPPOSE .................. 2 property taxes could be reduced? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 "FAVOR," ASK: 24. What services would you be willing to see reduced to decrease your property taxes? Now, let me get your reaction to a specific proposal. Because economic development and population growth will be slowing in the community, there will be a growing shortfall between city reve- nues and expenditures. Property tax increases have usually reflected the rate of inflation, or the increase in the general cost of living. Suppose the City of Eden Prairie proposed a supplementary property tax increase above the rate of inflation to maintain city services at their current level.... 25. How much would you be willing to NOTHING ................. 1 see your annual property taxes in- $5.00 ................... 2 creased above the cost of living $10.00 .................. 3 to maintain city services at their $15-00 .................. 4 current level? Let's say, would $20.00 .................. 5 you be willing to pay a supple- $25.00 ................... 6 mentary $ _ per year in addition $30.00 .................. 7 to the cost of living increase on UNSURE .................. 8 your annual property taxes? REFUSED ................. 9 (CHOOSE RANDOM STARTING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON AN- SWER) How about $ annually in — addition to the cost of living increase? (REPEAT PROCESS) 4* The City of Eden Prairie is currently reviewing the cost- effectiveness of the services it provides to residents. Your opinions on this portion of the survey are particularly important to decision -makers. For the next few minutes, I am going to read you a list of some of the current services either directly pro- vided by the city or partially subsidized by it. For each one, please tell me if you are very satisfied with it, satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissat- isfied with it. ("DON'T KNOW" CODED AS "NEITHER SATISFIED NOR DISSATISFIED") (ROTATE LIST] VST SAT NEI DIS VDS 26. Youth athletic programs? 1 2 3 4 5 27. Adult athletic programs? 1 2 3 4 5 28. City -sponsored senior programs? 1 2 3 4 5 29. Quality of drinking water? 1 2 3 4 5 30. Quality of water in city streams and lakes? 1 2 3 4 5 31. Maintenance of street lights? 1 2 3 4 5 32. Maintenance and repair of city streets? 1 2 3 4 5 33. Maintenance of medians and boulevards on city streets? 1 2 3 4 5 34. Snow and ice removal on city streets? 1 2 3 4 5 35. Mowing of grass in city parks? 1 2 3 4 5 36. Removal of litter from city streets, parks, and trails? 1 2 3 4 5 37. Condition of picnic facil- ities and play equipment in city parks? 1 2 3 4 5 38. Playing condition of ath- letic fields in city parks? 1 2 3 4 5 39. Maintenance of city trails? 1 2 3 4 5 40. Code enforcement on high weeds or trash in your nei- ghborhood? 1 2 3 4 5 41. Code enforcement on multi- family housing maintenance? 1 2 3 4 5 42. Building inspection and obtaining permits? 1 2 3 4 5 43. Police response time to calls? 1 2 3 4 5 44. Patrolling of my neighbor- hood by police? 1 2 3 4 5 45. Enforcement of traffic laws by police department? 1 2 3 4 5 46. Fire department response time to calls? 1 2 3 4 5 47. 911 emergency response time to calls? 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 VST SAT NEI DIS VDS 48. Community programs for resi- dents in economic need? 1 2 3 4 5 49. City newsletter to resi- dents? 1 2 3 4 5 SO. Animal control programs? 1 2 3 4 5 51. Concerts at Staring Lake Amphitheater? 1 2 3 4 5 52. Community festivals, such as Fourth of July, Sunbonnet Day, and The Winter Festival? 1 2 3 4 5 53. Historical programs and building preservation? 1 2 3 4 5 54. Swimming, as well as aquatics programs and facilities at the Community Center? 1 2 3 4 5 55. Hockey and ice skating pro- grams and facilities at the Community Center? 1 2 3 4 5 56. Outdoor skating rinks? 1 2 3 4 5 Now, I'd like you to reconsider the list of services we have been discussing. For each service, as I repeat it, please tell me if you think it is very important, important, neither important nor unimportant, unimportant, or very unimportant. ("DON'T 1KNOW" CODED AS "NEITHER IMPORTANT NOR UNIMPORTANT',) (ROTATE LIST] VIM IMP NEI UNI VUN 57. Youth athletic programs? 1 2 3 4 5 58. Adult athletic programs? 1 2 3 4 5 59. City -sponsored senior programs? 1 2 3 4 5 60. Quality of drinking water? 1 2 3 4 5 61. Quality of water in city streams and lakes? 1 2 3 4 5 62. Maintenance of street lights? 1 2 3 4 5 63. Maintenance and repair of city streets? 1 2 3 4 5 64. Maintenance of medians and boulevards on city streets? 1 2 3 4 5 65. Snow and ice removal on city streets? 1 2 3 4 5 66. Mowing of grass in city parks? 1 2 3 4 5 67. Removal of litter from city streets, parks, and trails? 1 2 3 4 5 68. Condition of picnic facil- ities and play equipment in city parks? 1 2 3 4 5 69. Playing condition of ath- letic fields in city parks? 1 2 3 4 5 70. Maintenance of city trails? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 vim IMP NEI UNI VUN 71. Code enforcement on high weeds or trash in your nei- ghborhood? 1 2 3 4 5 72. Code enforcement on multi- family housing maintenance? 1 2 3 4 5 73. Building inspection and obtaining permits? 1 2 3 4 5 74. Police response time to calls? 1 2 3 4 5 75. Patrolling of my neighbor- hood by police? 1 2 3 4 5 76. Enforcement of traffic laws by police department? 1 2 3 4 5 77. Fire department response time to calls? 1 2 3 4 5 78. 911 emergency response time ,to calls? 1 2 3 4 5 79. Community programs for resi- dents in economic need? 1 2 3 4 5 80. City newsletter to resi- dents? 1 2 3 4 5 81. Animal control programs? 1 2 3 4 5 82. Concerts at Staring Lake Amphitheater? 1 2 3 4 5 83. Community festivals, such as Fourth of July, Sunbonnet Day, and The Winter Festival? 1 2 3 4 5 84. Historical programs and building preservation? 1 2 3 4 5 85. Swimming, as well as aquatics programs and facilities at the Community Center? 1 2 3 4 5 86. Hockey and ice skating pro- grams and facilities at the Community Center? 1 2 3 4 5 87. Outdoor skating rinks? 1 2 3 4 5 Now, I'd like to repeat a question asked earlier.... 88. From which tax do you believe you FEDERAL INCOME TAX ...... I receive the greatest value for the STATE INCOME TAX ........ 2 services provided -- federal in- STATE SALES TAX ......... 3 come tax, state income tax, state LOCAL PROPERTY TAX ...... 4 sales tax, or city property tax? OTHER TYPE OF TAX ....... 5 tax? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 Let's talk for a few moments about traffic congestion in the City of Eden Prairie .... I would like to read you a list of streets, highways, and areas in the community, as well as times of day. When we talk about "rush hours," we mean the usual commuting times of 7:00 to 9:00 AM and 4:00 to 6:00 PM on Monday through Friday. For each one, please tell me if you consider traffic congestion at that place 7 and time to be a very serious problem, somewhat serious, not too serious, or not a serious problem at all. (ROTATE) VSR SSR NTS NAS nKR 89. Your neighborhood's resident- ial streets during rush hours? 1 2 3 4 5 90. Your neighborhood's resident- ial streets during non -rush hours? 1 2 3 4 5 91. Ramps on and off state high- ways or Interstate 494 during rush hour in Eden Prairie? 1 2 3 4 5 92. Ramps on and off state high- ways or Interstate 494 during non -rush hours in Eden Prairie? 1 2 3 4 5 93. Major streets and highways during rush hour in Eden Prairie? 1 2 3 4 5 94. Major streets and highways during non -rush hours in Eden Prairie? 1 2 3 4 5 95. Streets around Eden Prairie Shopping Center during rush hours? 1 2 3 4 5 96. Streets around Eden Prairie Shopping Center during non - rush hours? 1 2 3 4 5 In the areas of acute traffic congestion, the City of Eden Prair- ie could request the State or County to make improvements. However, it might require an increase in property taxes to accel- erate.them after State or County approval. 97. How much would you be willing to NOTHING ................. 1 see your property taxes increase $10.00 .................. 2 to fund road reconstruction in $20.00 .................. 3 highly congested areas? Would you $30.00 .................. 4 be willing to see your property $40.00 .................. 5 taxes increased by $ _ annually? $50.00 .................. 6 (CHOOSE RANDOM STARTING POINT; $60.00 .................. 7 MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON AN- UNSURE .................. 8 SWER) How about $ ? (REPEAT REFUSED ................. 9 PROCESS) In undertaking improvements to better distribute traffic across - the community.... 98. In general, should the City adopt YESISTRONGLY ............ 1 a policy to connect roads or make YES ..................... 2 similar re -design improvements to NO ...................... 3 distribute traffic? (WAIT FOR RE- NO/STRONGLY ............. 4 SPONSE) Do you feel strongly that DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 way? 8 Thinking about residential areas .... 99. Where it would aid traffic flow, should a city priority be placed on connecting current d;ad-end roads and cul-de-sacs with major through streets? (WAIT FOR RE- SPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? Moving on.... YES/STRONGLY ............ 1 YES..................... 2 NO...................... 3 NO/STRONGLY ............. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 100. Other than voting, do you feel YES ..................... 1 that if you wanted to, you could NO ...................... 2 have a say about the way the City DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 of Eden Prairie runs things? 101. How much do you feel you know A GREAT DEAL ............ 1 about the work of the Mayor and A FAIR AMOUNT ........... 2 City Council -- a great deal, a VERY LITTLE ............. 3 fair amount, or very little? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 102. From what you know, do you approve APPROVE/STRONGLY ........ JX or disapprove of the job perform- APPROVE ................. 2Y ance of the Mayor and City Coun- DISAPPROVE .............. :3tx cil? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And do DISAPPROVE/STRONGLY ..... Qc you feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 *F OPINION STATED, ASK: 103. Why do you feel that way? I I 104. How much first-hand contact have QUITE A LOT ............. 1 you had with the Eden Prairie City SOME .................... 2 Staff during the past two years -- VERY LITTLE ............. 3 quite a lot, some, very little, or NONE AT ALL ............. 4 none at all? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 105. From what you know, how would you EXCELLENT ............... 11C rate the job performance of the GOOD .................... 2)c Eden Prairie City Staff -- ex- ONLY FAIR ............... 3X cellent, good, only fair, or poor? POOR ............. I* I*** *'V DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 I 1AIF RATING IS GIVEN, ASK: I 106. Why did you rate city staff as ? 107. During the past year, have you YES ..................... visited Eden Prairie City Center? NO ...................... DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 JUF "YES," ASK: 108. On your last visit to the POLICE DEPARTMENT ....... 1 City Center, which Department FINANCE ..... ­ ......... 2 did you visit -- the Police ASSESSOR'S OFFICE ..... _3 Department, Finance, Assess- PLANNING/INSPECTIONS .... 4 or's Office, Planning and ENGINEERING ............. 5 Inspections, Engineering, PARKS AND REC ........... 6 Parks and Recreation Depart- GENERAL INFORM DESK ..... 7 ment, General Information ADMINISTRATION/COUNCIL..8 Desk, or Administration/City DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 9 Council? Thinking about your last visit to the City Center, for each of the following characteristics, please rate the Eden Prairie City Center facility or staff as excellent, good, only fair, or poor.... EXC GOOD FAIRI. POORV DKR 109. Convenience of city Center hours? 1 2 3 4 5 AIF "ONLY FAIR" OR "POOR" IN QUESTION #109, ASK THE TWO Vr)T.T.r%WTWTt-_t nTTL1C2rrTr)KTC2. I 10 110. What hours would be more convenient for you? ill. What types of services would you want to access at these times? Again thinking about your last visit to City Center, how would you rate.... EXC GOOD FAIR POOR DKR 112. Ease of finding your way around the building? 1 2 3 4 5 Now, thinking about the specific department you visited.... EXC GOOD FAIR POOR DKR 113. Waiting time for service? 1 2 3 4 5 114. Courtesy of the staff? 1 2 3 4 5 115. Efficiency of the staff? 1 2 3 4 5 10 116. During the past year, have you had YES ..................... the occasion to telephone the Eden No ................ Ix ...... 2 Prairie City Center? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 iIF "YES.- ASK: 117. On your last telephone call POLICE DEPARTMENT ....... 1 to the City Center, which FINANCE ................. 2 Department did you contact -- ASSESSOR'S OFFICE ....... 3 the Police Department, PLANNING/INSPECTIONS .... 4 Finance, Assessor's Office, ENGINEERING ............. 5 Planning and Inspections, PARKS AND REC ........... 6 Engineering, Parks and Recre- GENERAL INFORM DESK ..... 7 ation Department, General ADMINISTRATION/COUNCIL..8 Information Desk, or Admin- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 9 istration/City Council? Thinking about your last telephone call to the City Center, for each of the following characteristics, please rate the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor.... EXC GOOD FAIR POOR DKR 118. Waiting time for the In- formation Desk operator to answer your call? 1 2 3 4 5 119. Courtesy of the Informa- tion Desk operator? 1 2 3 4 5 120. Ease of reaching a De- partment staff member who could help you? 1 2 3 4 5 121. Courtesy of the Depart- ment staff? 1 2 3 4 5 122. Efficiency of the Depart- ment staff? 1 2 3 4 5 123. Was your request handled by NO ...................... 1 leaving a voice mail message? YES/YES ................. 2 (IF "YES," ASK:) Did you re- YES/NO .................. 3 ceive a timely response? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 124. Prior to this survey, were you AWARE ................... 1 aware that City Hall was open un- UNAWARE ................. 2 til 6:00 PM on weeknights for DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 limited service and general information? 125. Are you aware of the City's 1124- YES ..................... 1 Hour Comment Line,, where resi- NO ...................... 2 dents can call in with any DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 questions or comments? Changing topics .... Lately, there has been a lot of discussion about the relationship between the Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul and the suburban communities which surround them. Two issues which have arisen are housing and tax base disparities. As you may know, many manufacturing companies and retail outlets have built in or moved to suburban locations. As a result, in many areas, low income families cannot find affordable housing near these jobs sites. And, without better public transporta- tion, they are unable to travel to these new jobs. The State Legislature has been discussing ways in which suburban communi- ties can help Minneapolis and Saint Paul residents access job and housing opportunities there. 126. To help meet these needs, would you favor or oppose the develop- ment of a fair share of low cost or subsidized housing in Eden Prairie? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? 127. To help meet these needs, would you favor or oppose subsidizing additional public transportation from the city to suburban job sites? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? FAVOR/STRONGLY .......... I FAVOR ................... 2 OPPOSE .................. 3 OPPOSE/STRONGLY ......... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 FAVOR/STRONGLY .......... 1 FAVOR ................... 2 OPPOSE .................. 3 OPPOSE/STRONGLY ......... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 128. Should the City of Eden Prairie YES ..................... 1 take an active role in housing and NO ...................... 2 transportation efforts to link UNSURE .................. 3 city residents with jobs located in the community? To undertake these types of programs, additional revenues will be required. A portion of the needed funds may be available from the State of Minnesota, but local funds will also be required. 129. How much would you be willing to see your property taxes increase to fund subsidized or low cost housing and/or public transporta- tion efforts? Would you be will- ing to see your property taxes in- creased by $ _ annually? (CHOOSE RANDOM STARTING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON ANSWER) How about $ ? (REPEAT PROCESS) Moving on.... NOTHING ................. 1 $10-00 .................. 2 $20.00 .................. 3 $30.00 .................. 4 $40.00 .................. 5 $50.00 .................. 6 $60.00 .................. 7 UNSURE .................. 8 REFUSED ................. 9 130. Does the development across the WELL-PLANNED ............ 1 city seem to have been well-plann- NOT WELL-PLANNED ........ 2X ed for the future of Eden Prairie? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 JIF "NOT WELL PLANNED," ASK: 12 131. Could you tell me why you feel that way? 132. Do you have any recommendations for future development or land use? (IF "YES," ASK:) What are they? 133. Do you think that Eden Prairie ADEQUATE ................ 1 residents have an adequate oppor- INADEQUATE .............. 2K tunity for participation in the DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 zoning and land use decision- making process? I Y -IF "INADEQUATE," ASK: I 134. Why do you feel that way? 135. How much of a priority do you MOST IMPORTANT.. think local efforts to protect HIGH .................... 2 the area environment should be -- MODERATE ................ 3 the most important above every- LOW ..................... 4 thing, a high priority, a moderate NO PRIORITY ............. 5 priority, a low priority, or no DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 priority at all? developments. 136. In general, do you think the City TOO MUCH ................ 1 is doing too much, too little, or TOO LITTLE .............. 2 about the right amount in protect- ABOUT RIGHT AMOUNT ...... 3 ing the environment? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 Let's talk about future land use in Eden Prairie. I would like to read you a short list of types of developments. For each one, please tell me if you feel the city has enough, too many, or too little.... ENO MNY LTL DKR 137. Quality dining restaurants? 1 2 3 4 138. Whole family entertainment offerings? 1 2 3 4 139. Retail shopping? 1 2 3 4 140. Low and moderate income housing? 1 2 3 4 141. Upper income housing? 1 2 3 4 142. Senior citizen housing? 1 2 3 4 13 ENO MNY LTL DKR 143. Parks and open space? 1 2 3 4 144. Businesses offering youth activities and services? 2 3 4 The City is considering support for the development of a Center for the Arts by a non-profit group, including the Possibility of allowing it to operate in a city -owned property. The facility could house an art gallery, offer classes, host cultural events, and possibly contain an art gift shop. 145. How likely would you or members Of VERY LIKELY ............. 1Z your household be to use the ser- SOMEWHAT LIKELY ......... 2X vices offered by a Center for the NOT TOO LIKELY .......... 3 Arts -- very likely, somewhat NOT AT ALL LIKELY ....... 4 likely, not too likely, or not at DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 all likely? I �.IF "VERY LIKELY" OR "SOMEWHAT LIKELY," ASK: I I would like to read you a short list of services that may be available in the Center for the Arts. For each one, please tell me if you or members of your household would be likely to use it. The City Council supports the concept for a Center for the Arts. However, it has not yet determined if it is appropriate to pro- vide any subsidy. As a stated policy.... 150. Should the Center for the Arts be PRIVATE OPERATION ....... 1 considered a private operation, or COMMUNITY SERVICE ....... 2 a community service which could be DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 subsidized by the City? Turning to parks and recreational opportunities.... 151. In general, how well informed are you about the Eden Prairie park system and facilities. Would you say you are very well informed, somewhat informed, not too well informed, or not at all informed? 14 VERY WELL INFORMED ...... 1 SOMEWHAT INFORMED ....... 2 NOT TOO WELL INFORMED ... 3 NOT AT ALL INFORMED ..... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 YES NO DKR 146. Art Gift Shop? 1 2 3 147. Studio Art Classes, in such areas as painting, sculpture, or photography? 1 2 3 148. Art Gallery, to view art displays and exhibits? 1 2 3 149. Events, such as recitals and poetry readings? 1 2 3 The City Council supports the concept for a Center for the Arts. However, it has not yet determined if it is appropriate to pro- vide any subsidy. As a stated policy.... 150. Should the Center for the Arts be PRIVATE OPERATION ....... 1 considered a private operation, or COMMUNITY SERVICE ....... 2 a community service which could be DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 subsidized by the City? Turning to parks and recreational opportunities.... 151. In general, how well informed are you about the Eden Prairie park system and facilities. Would you say you are very well informed, somewhat informed, not too well informed, or not at all informed? 14 VERY WELL INFORMED ...... 1 SOMEWHAT INFORMED ....... 2 NOT TOO WELL INFORMED ... 3 NOT AT ALL INFORMED ..... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 152. How would you rate park and re- EXCELLENT ............... creational facilities in Eden GOOD .................... 2% Prairie -- excellent, good, only ONLY FAIR ............... 31c fair, or poor? POOR .................... id DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 -f.IF RATING IS GIVEN, ASK: 153. Why do you feel that way? The Eden Prairie Park System is composed of smaller neighborhood parks designed to serve residents within a one-half mile radius, and larger community parks containing ballfields, picnic areas, beaches, and other offerings. other community facilities include the Outdoor Center, the Community Center with an ice arena and swimming pool, and Flying Cloud ballfields, swimming beaches, and trails. of these facilities, which do members of your household use? 15 USE NOUSE DKR Smaller neighborhood parks? 1 2 3 155. Larger community parks, such as Round Lake Park and Staring Lake Park? 1 2 3 156. The Outdoor Center? 1 2 3 157. The Community Center? 1 2 3 158. Flying Cloud ballfields? 1 2 3 159. The Senior Center? 1 2 3 160. Staring Lake Amphitheater? (11STAR11-ING) 1 2 3 161. Trails? 1 2 3 162. Swimming beaches at Round Lake or Riley Lake? 1 2 3 The City of Eden Prairie has an indoor swimming pool located at the Community Center and will share operation of the pool at Oak Point School. The City also has two swimming beaches, at Round Lake and Riley Lake, but has no public outdoor swimming pool. Various residents have expressed an interest in an outdoor swim- ming pool or water park. This facility would provide water slides and a zero depth entry similar to a beach. To build a water park, the -average $150,000 home in the city would see a property tax increase of $6.00 per year. 163. Would you favor or oppose the FAVOR/STRONGLY .......... 1 construction of an outdoor water FAVOR ................... 2 park in Eden Prairie? (WAIT FOR OPPOSE .................. 3 RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly OPPOSE/STRONGLY ......... 4 that way? DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 15 As you may know, the Eden Prairie Community Center has two ice sheets, an indoor swimming pool, three racquetball courts, a fitness center, and meeting rooms. I would like your reaction to a number of proposed expansions to the current facility. Each of these proposals would require either a property tax increase or user fee increases to fund its construction. For each one, please tell me if you strongly favor a tax or fee increase for it, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose a tax or fee increase for its construction. F "YES," ASK: 169. Which ones? As you may know, the City of Eden Prairie receives more requests than it can accommodate for renting park shelters at the larger City parks. 170. Would you support or oppose up- grading warming houses in some of the neighborhood parks, so they can be used for rental purposes by people who live or work in Eden Prairie? (IF 11SUPPORT,u ASK:) Would you still support the up- grading if it required a moderate property tax increase? Moving on.... 171. Are there areas in Eden Prairie where you do not feel safe? F -AIF "YES," ASK: N. 16 SUPPORT/YES ............. 1 SUPPORT/NO .............. 2 SUPPORT/UNSURE .......... 3 OPPOSE .................. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 YES ..................... ix NO .... ............. 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 STF SMF SMO STO DKR 164. Expanded locker room facilities to accommodate families? 1 2 3 4 5 165. A full-sized gymnasium? 1 2 3 4 5 166. An indoor running -walking track? 1 2 3 4 5 167. A multi-purpose game room for middle school or junior high school aged children? 1 2 3 4 5 168. In the past year, have you or any YES ..................... 1K members of this household parti- NO ...................... 2 cipated in city -sponsored DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 recreational programs? F "YES," ASK: 169. Which ones? As you may know, the City of Eden Prairie receives more requests than it can accommodate for renting park shelters at the larger City parks. 170. Would you support or oppose up- grading warming houses in some of the neighborhood parks, so they can be used for rental purposes by people who live or work in Eden Prairie? (IF 11SUPPORT,u ASK:) Would you still support the up- grading if it required a moderate property tax increase? Moving on.... 171. Are there areas in Eden Prairie where you do not feel safe? F -AIF "YES," ASK: N. 16 SUPPORT/YES ............. 1 SUPPORT/NO .............. 2 SUPPORT/UNSURE .......... 3 OPPOSE .................. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 YES ..................... ix NO .... ............. 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 172. In which areas do you not feel safe? I would like to read you a list ot public safety problems. 173. Please tell me which one you consider to be the greatest problem in Eden Prairie? If you feel that none of these problems are serious in Eden Prairie, just say so. (READ LIST) Personal safety from violent crime? 1 Burglary? 2 Traffic and pedestrian safety? 3 Drugs? 4 Juvenile crimes and vandalism? 5 other? (Volunteered) 6 None are serious? (Volunteered) 7 Don't Know/Refused? 8 Let's talk about the Eden Prairie Municipal Liquor Stores.... 174. How often do you make purchases at WEEKLY OR MORE OFTEN .... VC an Eden Prairie Municipal Liquor SEVERAL TIMES A MONTH ... 2;c Store -- weekly or more often, MONTHLY ................. 3X several times per month, monthly, QUARTERLY ............... 4ok,* quarterly, once or twice each year,ONCE/TWICE A YEAR ....... or never? NEVER ................... _c7c 6it DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 m$Y,IF ANSWERS 1,2,3,4,5 TO #174, ASK: 175. If you could make one change or improvement in the Eden Prairie Municipal Liquor Stores to better serve your needs, what would it be? (PROBE) IF ANSWERS 4,5,6 IN QUESTION #174, ASK: 176. Could you tell me why you don't patronize the Eden Prairie Municipal Liquor Stores more often? Changing topics again.... For each of the following, please tell me whether it is a major source of information for news about City government news, serv- ices, and its activities, a minor source, or not a source at all ..... 17 PF "YES," ASK: 184. Do you typically read all of ALL OF IT ............... 1 the newsletter, most of it, MOST OF IT .............. 2 about half of it, some of it, ABOUT HALF OF IT ........ 3 or only a little? SOME OF IT .............. 4 ONLY A LITTLE ........... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 185. Do you sometimes clip an en- SOMETIMES KEEP .......... 1 tire page or a specific ALWAYS THROW ............ 2 article for future reference, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 or do you throw it away after you have read it? 186. Does your household currently YES ..................... 3A receive cable television? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 YIF "YES" IN QUESTION #186, ASK: MAJ MIN NOT DKR 177. The Eden Prairie News? 1 2 3 4 178. The Eden Prairie Sun -Current? 1 2 3 4 179. The Star -Tribune? 1 2 3 4 180. "Community News," the City's formation? 1 2 bi-monthly newsletter? 1 2 3 4 181. City Cable Channel 34 programs? 1 2 3 4 182. Quarterly recreation program 4 brochure? 1 2 3 4 183. During the past year, have you re- YES ..................... ix ceived and read the city's NO ...................... 2 bi-monthly newsletter, the DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 "Community News?" PF "YES," ASK: 184. Do you typically read all of ALL OF IT ............... 1 the newsletter, most of it, MOST OF IT .............. 2 about half of it, some of it, ABOUT HALF OF IT ........ 3 or only a little? SOME OF IT .............. 4 ONLY A LITTLE ........... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 185. Do you sometimes clip an en- SOMETIMES KEEP .......... 1 tire page or a specific ALWAYS THROW ............ 2 article for future reference, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 or do you throw it away after you have read it? 186. Does your household currently YES ..................... 3A receive cable television? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 YIF "YES" IN QUESTION #186, ASK: I would like to read you a list of programs shown on the City Government Channel 34. For each one, please tell me whether you watch that program frequently, occasionally, or never. FRQ OCC DNT DKR 187. Bulletin board listing of meetings, events, and in- formation? 1 2 3 4 188. Live City Council Meetings? 1 2 3 4 189. Taped re -broadcasts of City Council Meetings? 1 2 3 4 18 190. If the twice monthly Planning VERY LIKELY ............. 1 Commission Meetings were SOMEWHAT LIKELY ......... 2 televised, how likely would NOT TOO LIKELY .......... 3 you be to occasionally watch NOT AT ALL LIKELY ....... 4 them -- very likely, some- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 what likely, not too likely, or not at all -likely? ASK ONLY IN EDEN PRAIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT: The Eden Prairie Public Schools has proposed a 33 million dollar bond referendum for space needs at its secondary schools. In addition, classrooms and media centers would be upgraded, and additional technology would be provided at these schools. If approved, home owners would see their property taxes increased by about $6.60 per month or $79.00 per year, on a home valued at $150,000, for the next twenty years. 191. Would you favor or oppose this STRONGLY FAVOR .......... I#K bond referendum proposal? (WAIT FAVOR ................... 2X FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly OPPOSE .................. 3K that way? STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4)c DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 [ YJF AN OPINION IS STATED, ASK: I 192. Could you tell me one or two reasons for your decision? Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes.... Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household. Let's start with the oldest. Be sure to include yourself. 193. First, persons 65 or over? 194. Adults under 65? 195. School -aged or pre-school children? 196. Is this a single adult -headed YES ..................... 1 household? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 197. How many adult members of this ONE ..................... 1 household hold full-time jobs out- TWO ..................... 2 side of the home? THREE ................... 3 FOUR OR MORE ............ 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 19 198. What is your occupation and, if applicable, the occupation of your spouse or partner? M: F: 199. Is'a full-time or part-time home- YES/SELF ........ — ...... 1 based business operated out of YES/SPOUSE ONLY ......... 2 your residence? (IF "YES," ASK:) YES/BOTH ................ 3 By just yourself, by just your NO ...................... 4 spouse or partner, or by both of DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 you? If you work outside of the home, please answer the next questions about your own job; if you do not work outside of the home, please answer the next questions in terms of the job of your spouse or partner, if applicable. 200. What is your averag4 commute time to your job location? 201. In what city is your job located? 202. What is your age, please? (READ CATEGORIES, IF NEEDED) 203. What is the last grade of school you completed? 18-24 ................... 1 25-34 ................... 2 35-44 ................... 3 45-54 ................... 4 55-64 ................... 5 65 AND OVER ............. 6 REFUSED ................. 7 LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL ... 1 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE .... 2 VO -TECH SCHOOL .......... 3 SOME COLLEGE ............ 4 COLLEGE GRADUATE ........ 5 POST -GRADUATE ........... 6 REFUSED ................. 7 204. Do you or any member of your YES ..................... 1 household have a disability, such NO ...................... 2 as a physical, mental, or emo- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 tional disability? 205. Do you own or rent your present OWN ..................... 11C. residence? RENT .................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 :hI F "OWN," ASK: And now, for one final question, keeping in mind that your answers are held strictly confidential .... 20 206. Which of the following cate- UNDER $100,000 .......... 1 gories would contain the $100,000-$150,000 ....... 2 approximate value of your $150,000-$250,000 ....... 3 residential property -- under OVER $250,000 ........... 4 $100,000, $100,000-$150,000, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 $150,00-$250,000 or over $250,000? 207. Gender (DO NOT ASK) Thank you very much for your time. 208. REGION OF CITY (FROM LIST) TELEPHONE NUMBER LIST INTERVIEWER DATE MALE .................... 1 FEMALE .................. 2 PRECINCT 1 .............. I PRECINCT 2 .............. 2 PRECINCT 3 .............. 3 PRECINCT 4 .............. 4 PRECINCT 5 .............. 5 PRECINCT 6 .............. 6 PRECINCT 7 .............. 7 PRECINCT 8 .............. 8 PRECINCT 9 .............. 9 PRECINCT 10 ............ 10 PRECINCT 11 ............ 11 PRECINCT 12 ............ 12 PRECINCT 13 ............ 13 PRECINCT 14 ............ 14 PRECINCT 15 ............ 15 PRECINCT 16 ............ 16 PRECINCT 17 ............ 17 21 DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. WOODBURY RESIDENTIAL 3128 Dean Court QUESTIONNAIRE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 April, 1995 Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a polling firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Woodbury to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because your city representatives and staff are interested in your opinions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUSE) 1. Approximately how many years have you lived in Woodbury? LESS THAN ONE YEAR ...... 1 ONE OR TWO YEARS ........ 2 THREE TO FIVE YEARS ..... 3 SIX TO TEN YEARS ........ 4 ELEVEN - TWENTY YEARS ... 5 OVER TWENTY YEARS ....... 6 DON'T KNOWREFUSED ...... 7 2. In what city and state was your most recent prior residence located? 3. As things now stand, how long LESS THAN ONE YEAR ...... 1 in the future do you expect to ONE TO TWO YEARS ........ 2 live in Woodbury? THREE TO FIVE YEARS ..... 3 SIX TO TEN YEARS ........ 4 OVER TEN YEARS .......... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 4. Thinking back to when you moved to Woodbury, what factors were most important to you in selecting the city? S. How would you rate the quality of EXCELLENT ............... I life in Woodbury -- excellent, GOOD .................... 2 good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 6. What do you like MOST about living in Woodbury? 1 7. What do you like LEAST about it? 8. What do you think is the most serious issue facing the City of Woodbury today? .9. Now, which of the following state- STATF24ENT A ............. 1 ments comes closest to your feel- STATEMENT B ............. 2 ings? STATEMENT C ............. 3 A. , I feel a real tie to the en- NONE (VOL) .............. 4 tire Woodbury community. DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... s B. I have strong ties to my neighborhood, but weak ties to the rest of Woodbury. C. I have neither strong ties to my neighborhood nor the community as a whole. 10. How would you rate the general EXCELLENT ............... I( sense of community among Woodbury GOOD .................... 2g residents -- excellent, good, only ONLy FAIR ............... 3)cjf fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4JC%t DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... s )kIF A RATTVr, TR r-TNTPM A(27. 11. Why do you feel that way? VIF QUESTION #10 IS ANSWERED "ONLY FAIR" OR "POOR," ASK: 12. What things could be done to improve the sense of community in Woodbury? I So far, we have discussed quality of life issues impacting the entire community. I would now like to shift gears somewhat and ask you a question about your personal quality of life. 13. What do you want most in your life? Changing topics .... 2 14. Would you favor or oppose an in- FAVOR ................... crease in YOUR city property tax OPPOSE .................. 2X if it were needed to maintain city DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 services at their current level? i -IF -IOPPOSE,.�.AS.K--'-'-'--*--"'..,--"""""'* 15. What services would you be willing to see cut to keep property taxes at their current level? 16. Would you favor or oppose a reduc- FAVOR.. tion in city services if Your city OPPOSE.-----*' ... 2 property taxes could be reduced? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 AIF "FAVOR," ASK: 17. What services would you be willing to see cut to reduce your property taxes? 18. In comparison with nearby suburban VERY HIGH ..... ....... 1 areas, do you consider property SOMEWHAT HIGH.** ........ 2 taxes in Woodbury to be very high, ABOUT AVERAGE.— ....... 3 somewhat high, about averagel SOMEWHAT LOW ............... 4 somewhat low, or very low? VERY LOW ................ 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 As you may know, the City share of the property tax is about twenty percent. 19. When you consider the property EXCELLENT ............... 1 taxes you pay and the quality GOOD .................... 2 of city services you receive, ONLY FAIR ............... 3 would you rate the general value POOR .................... 4 of city services as excellent, DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 good, only fair, or poor? I would like to read you a list of a few city services. For each one, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXC GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. 20. Police protection? 1 2 3 4 5 21. Fire protection? 1 2 3 4 5 22. Pavement repair and patching on city streets? 1 2 3 4 5 3 ItIF OPINION STATED IN gUESTION #35 K: AS 36. Why do you feel that way? 37. How much first-hand contact have you had with the Woodbury City Staff -- quite a lot, somel very little, or none at all? 4 QUITE A LOT ............. 1 SOME .................... 2 VERY LITTLE ............. 3 NONE AT ALL ............. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 EXC GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. 23. Availability and quality of city water? 1 2 3 4 5 24. Sanitary sewer service? 1 2 3 4 S 25. Accommodation and con- trol of storm water run-off? 2 3 4 S 26. Snow plowing? 2 3 4 S 27. Animal control? 2 3 4 S 28. Park maintenance? 2 3 4 S 29. Trail maintenance? 2 3 4 5 30. Recreational programs? 2 3 4 5 31. Street lighting? 2 3 4 5 32. Building inspection? 1 2 3 4 5 Moving on.... 33. Other than voting, do you feel YES ..................... 1 that if you wanted to, you could NO ...................... 2 have a say about the way the City DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 of Woodbury runs things? 34. How much do you feel you know GREAT DEAL .............. 1 about the work of the Mayor and FAIR AMOUNT ............. 2 City Council -- a great deal, a VERY LITTLE ............. 3 fair amount, or very little? DON.IT KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 35. From what you know, do you approve STRONGLY APPROVE ........ 19 or disapprove of the job perform- APPROVE ................. 21. ance of the Mayor and City Coun- DISAPPROVE .............. 3* cil? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And do STRONGLY DISAPPROVE ..... 4A you feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 ItIF OPINION STATED IN gUESTION #35 K: AS 36. Why do you feel that way? 37. How much first-hand contact have you had with the Woodbury City Staff -- quite a lot, somel very little, or none at all? 4 QUITE A LOT ............. 1 SOME .................... 2 VERY LITTLE ............. 3 NONE AT ALL ............. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 38. From what you know, how would you EXCELLENT ............... 11( rate the job performance of the GOOD .................... 2A Woodbury City Staff -- excellent, ONLY FAIR ............... 31C good, only fair, or poor? POOR .................... 41C DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 -IF RATING IS GIVEN IN QUESTION #38, ASK: 39. Why did you rate city staff as ? 40. Other than the police or fire de- partment, during the past twelve months, have you contacted anyone working for the City of Woodbury, whether to obtain information, to get service, or make a complaint of any kind? 44. 11%rVa it YES..................... 3X NO...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 41. What was the nature of your most recent inquiry; that is, what information or service did you need? 42. In general, were you satis- SATISFIED ............... 1 fied or dissatisfied with the DISSATISFIED ............ 2)( way your inquiry was handled? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 JZF "DISSATISFIED, ASK: 43. Why were you dissatisfied? How would you rate relations EXCELLENT ..... ** ........ 1 and coordination between the City GOOD... ........ 2 of Woodbury and your local school ONLY FAIR ............... 33C district -- excellent, good, only POOR .................... 4f. fair, or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 I -IF "ONLY FAIR" OR "POOR," ASK: 45. Could you tell me one or two reasons why you feel that way? Moving on.... 46. Does the development across the city seem to have been well- planned for the future of Wood- bury? F 11 PLANNED." ASK: WELL-PLANNED ............ 1 NOT WELL PLANNED ........ 2X DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 1 47. Could you tell me why you feel that way? 48. Do you have any recommendations for future development or land use? (IF "YES," ASK:) What are they? 49. Do you feel that Woodbury resi- ADEQUATE ................ dents have an adequate opportun- INADEQUATE .............. A ity for participation in the DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 zoning and land use decision- making process? PIF -IINADEOUATZ,-, ASK: SO. Why do you f eel that way? 51. In future development, do you feel TOP PRIORITY ............ 1 that blending with the natural MAJOR PRIORITY .......... 2 amenities of the community, such MINOR PRIORITY .......... 3 as hills, trees, creeks, and IRRELEVANT .............. 4 marshlands, should be the top DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 priority, a major priority, a minor priority, or irrelevant? Woodbury is investigating ways to ensure natural areas are re- tained for preservation and scenic purposes. One method for preservation of open space is to have the city Purchase the land. Funding for this might require a moderate property tax increase. 52. How much would you be willing to see your annual property taxes increase to purchase the land. Let's say, would you be willing to pay $ .00? (CHOOSE RANDOM STARTING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON ANSWER) How about $ .00 (REPEAT PROCESS) 11 NOTHING ................. 1 $20.00 .................. 2 $40.00 .................. 3 $60.00 .................. 4 $80.00 .................. 5 $100-00 ................. 6 $120.00 ................. 7 DON'T KNOW .............. 8 REFUSED ................. 9 53. In general, do you think the City TOO MUCH ................ 1 is doing too much, too little, or TOO LITTLE .............. 2 about the right amount in protect- ABOUT RIGHT ............. 3 ing the environment? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 Let's talk about future land use in Woodbury.. I would like to read you a short list of types of land use. For each one, please tell me if you feel the city has enough, too many, or too little.... 62. What codes or ordinances do you feel are not being en- forced at about the right level? Lately, there has been a lot of discussion about the relationship between the Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul and the suburban communities which surround them. Two issues which have arisen are housing and tax base disparities. As you may know, many manufacturing companies and retail outlets have built in or moved to suburban locations. As a result, in many areas, low income families cannot find affordable housing near these jobs sites. And, without better public transporta- tion, they are unable to travel to these new jobs. The State Legislature has been discussing ways in which suburban communi- ties can help Minneapolis and Saint Paul residents access job opportunities there. 63. To meet these needs, would you favor or oppose the City of Wood- bury developing low cost and subsidized housing in your area? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? 7 STRONG FAVOR ............ 1 FAVOR ................... 2 OPPOSE .................. 3 STRONG OPPOSE ........... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 ENOU MANY LITT D.K. 54. Quality dining restaurants? 1 2 3 4 55. Retail shopping? 1 2 3 4 56. Industrial and office space? 1 2 3 4 57. Low and moderate income housing? 1 2 3 4 58. Upper income housing? 1 2 3 4 59. Senior citizen housing? 1 2 3 4 60. Parks and open space? 1 2 3 4 61. In general, do you feel that the RIGHT LEVEL ............. 1 City is enforcing city codes and TOO EXACTING ............ 21( ordinances at about the right NOT RIGOROUS ............ 3A level, is too exacting, or is not VARIES (VOL) ............ 4 rigorous enough? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 J)tIF "TOO EXACTING," "NOT RIGOROUS ENOUGH," OR "VARIES," ASK: 62. What codes or ordinances do you feel are not being en- forced at about the right level? Lately, there has been a lot of discussion about the relationship between the Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul and the suburban communities which surround them. Two issues which have arisen are housing and tax base disparities. As you may know, many manufacturing companies and retail outlets have built in or moved to suburban locations. As a result, in many areas, low income families cannot find affordable housing near these jobs sites. And, without better public transporta- tion, they are unable to travel to these new jobs. The State Legislature has been discussing ways in which suburban communi- ties can help Minneapolis and Saint Paul residents access job opportunities there. 63. To meet these needs, would you favor or oppose the City of Wood- bury developing low cost and subsidized housing in your area? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? 7 STRONG FAVOR ............ 1 FAVOR ................... 2 OPPOSE .................. 3 STRONG OPPOSE ........... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 64. To meet these needs, would you STRONG FAVOR ............ 1 favor or oppose a moderate prop- FAVOR ................... 2 erty tax increase to subsidize OPPOSE .................. 3 public transportation from the STRONG OPPOSE ........... 4 city to suburban job sites? (WAIT DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? Another possibility would be the offering of financial incentives to businesses for the development of more job opportunities in the Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. 65. To assist in core city job devel- STRONG FAVOR ............ 1 opment efforts, would you favor or FAVOR ......... ........ 2 oppose a moderate property tax in- OPPOSE ........ *** 3 crease to aid in the development STRONG OPPOSE.- ....... 4 of more jobs in Minneapolis and DON'T KNOW/REF��E*D ...... 5 Saint Paul? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? A related issue is that core city tax bases are declining as companies more often locate in the suburbs. As a result, there is less revenue in the two cities and services cuts have been made. The current regional arrangement attempts to share addi- tional revenue from new development throughout the region. But, some people feel that arrangement has not greatly impacted the losses the core cities are experiencing. 66. Do you feel it is the respon- YES ..................... 1 sibility of the suburbs to help NO ...................... 2 the core cities remain viable, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 or not? 67. Would you favor or oppose changing STRONG FAVOR ............ 1 the current regional arrangement FAVOR ................... 2 to provide a greater share of the OPPOSE .................. 3 suburban tax base to the core STRONG OPPOSE ........... 4 cities? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 you feel strongly that way? As you may know, the City of Woodbury will soon have a shortfall between its revenues earmarked for street construction and needed road improvements. The City has determined that it cannot legal- ly raise more funds from impact fees levied against new develop- ment. As a result, any additional revenue will need to be gener- ated through increases in residential property taxes. 68. Would you favor or oppose a prop- STRONG FAVOR ............ 1 erty tax increase to fund road FAVOR ................... 2 projects to prevent increased OPPOSE .................. 3 traffic congestion? (WAIT FOR STRONG OPPOSE ........... 4 RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 that way? On another transportation issue ... 8 There has been some discussion about offering Woodbury residents a Dial -A -Ride Circulator Service, a van or small bus that would circulate through Woodbury and also connect to scheduled bus lines. Current public transportation funding could be allocated so the service would not require any new property tax increase for its operation. 69. Would you favor or oppose a Dial- STRONG FAVOR ............ 1 A -Ride Circulator System? (WAIT FAVOR ................... 2 FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly OPPOSE .................. 3 that way? STRONG OPPOSE ........... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 The cost of a trip between your residence and a South Washington County destination would be about $1.so. 70. If the service were offered, how NONE .................... 1 many trips per week do you think LESS THAN ONCE A WEEK ... 2 members of your household would ONCE A WEEK ............. 3 make on the Dial -A -Ride TWICE A WEEK ............ 4 Circulator? 3 OR MORE TIMES A WEEK..5 DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 71. How much would the fare need to be reduced below $1.50, in order for your family to increase its use of the Dial -A - Ride Circulator? 72. Are there any destinations that the Dial -A -Ride Circulator could serve in Woodbury or other parts of South Washington County which would be of special interest to you or members of your household? (IF "YES," ASK:) What are they? Changing topics.... 73. Are you currently involved in any volunteer service? (IF "YES," ASK:) What kind? K J -IF "YES, -I ASK: 74. About how many hours per week UNDER TWO HOURS ......... 1 do you spend in this volun- 2-4 HOURS ............... 2 teer service? (READ #1-#4) 5-10 HOURS .............. 3 OVER TEN HOURS .......... 4 VARIES (VOL.) ........... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 9 75. Is there any type Of Volunteer service you find particularly appealing which you are currently not doing? (IF "YES,,# ASK:) What kind? 'AIF "YES," ASK: 76. About how many hours per week UNDER TWO HOURS ......... 1 would you be likely to spend 2-4 HOURS ............... 2 in this volunteer service? 5-10 HOURS .............. 3 (READ #1-#4) OVER TEN HOURS .......... 4 VARIES (VOL.) ........... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 Moving on.... 77. During the past year, have you YES ..................... 1)( visited the Woodbury City Hall? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 11vVC " For each of the following characteristics, please rate the Woodbury City Hall facility or staff as excellent, good, only fair, or poor.... EXC GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. 78. Convenience of City Hall hours? 1 2 3 4)( 79. Waiting time for service? 1 2 3 4 80. Ease of finding your way around the building? 1 2 3 4 81. Courtesy of the staff? lit 2 3 4 5 82. Efficiency of the staff? l* 2 3 4-j 5 -�IF "POOR" IN QUESTION #78, ASK THE TWO FOLLOWING QUES- rPTMT0. 1 83. What hours would be more convenient for you? 10 84. What types of services would you want to access at these times? _AIF "EXCELLENT" OR "POOR" IN QUESTIONS #81 OR #82, ASK: 85. Do you recall which Department you were visiting? On another topic.... 86. How would you rate park and rec- reational facilities in Woodbury -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? JZF RATING IS GIVEN, ASK: 87. Why do you feel that way? EXCELLENT ............... 11C GOOD .................... 21( ONLY FAIR ............... 3V_ POOR .................... 41C DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 The Woodbury Park System is composed of smaller neighborhood parks designed to serve residents within a one-half mile radius, larger community parks containing ballfields, picnic areas, beaches, and other offerings, and trails. For each of the fol- lowing facilities, please tell me whether members of your house- hold use it frequently, occasionally, rarely, or not at all. FREQ OCCA RARE NOTL DK/R 88. Smaller neighborhood parks? 1 2 3 4 5 89. Larger community parks? 1 2 3 4 5 90. Trails? 1 2 3 4 5 Now, from what you have seen or heard, how would you rate the quality of each component in the park system -- would you rate them as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXC GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. 91. Smaller neighborhood parks? 1 2 3 4 5 92. Larger community parks? 1 2 3 4 5 93. City trails? 1 2 3 4 5 94. In the past year, have you or any YES ..................... 14 members of this household partici- NO ...................... 2 pated in city -sponsored recrea- DOWT KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 tional programs? F "YES" IN QUESTION #94, ASK: 95. Which ones? 96. Were you generally satis- fied or dissatisfied with the program (s) ? 97. Given the limited funds for the development of recreation facili- ties, what do you feel the city should focus its spending on: preserve open space with minimal development, develop neighborhood parks, develop a trail system, or develop major community parks? SATISFIED ............... 1 DISSATISFIED ............ 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 PRESERVE OPEN SPACE ..... 1 DEV NEIGHBOR PARKS ...... 2 DEV TRAILS .............. 3 DEV COMMUNITY PARKS ..... 4 ALL EQUALLY (VOL) ....... 5 NONE OF ABOVE (VOL) ..... 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 Moving on.... The City is discussing the possibility of developing a golf course which would not be as challenging as many of the champion- ship courses in the area. In this way, it would have greater appeal to families and non -advanced golfers. No tax increases would be required for the construction or the operation of the facility. 98. Would you consider an additional YES ..................... 1 golf course in Woodbury' a positive NO ...................... 2 amenity to the community? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 99. Prior to this survey, were you AWARE ................... 1X aware of this project? UNAWARE ................. 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 I �-IF "AWARE," ASK: 7 100. Do you recall how you heard about the municipal golf course proposal? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) How? 101. Would you favor or oppose the STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 City developing a municipal FAVOR ................... 2 golf course? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) OPPOSE .................. 3 And do you feel strongly.that way? STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 Let's turn to another subje ct.... The City of Woodbury is also discussing the need for a Community Gathering Place. This would be an indoor facility, which could attract people as a place to come together, meet friends, and enjoy a variety of activities. Such a facility could be a con - 12 nector between the coming YMCA and neighboring commercial devel- opment. It could include uses such as a small indoor park, play areas, meeting rooms, a senior center, and/or an auditorium. However, it would not contain an active recreational facility. 102. Would you support or oppose the STRONG SUPPORT .......... 1 construction of a Community SUPPORT ................. 2 Gathering Place? (WAIT FOR RE- OPPOSE .................. 3 SPONSE) Do you feel strongly that STRONG OPPOSE ........... 4 way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 103. Should the City actively pursue ACTIVELY PURSUE ......... 11C the construction of this facility LONG RANGE .............. 2X at the present time, consider it DON'T PURSUE ............ 3 to be a desirable long range DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 goal, or not pursue it at all? F -4,F "ACTIVELY PURSUE" OR "LONG RANGE", ASK: 104. What types of uses or spaces should be included in such a facility? To fund the construction and operation of a Community Gathering Place, a property tax increase might be necessary. Residents could be asked to increase their property taxes for twenty years to cover the cost of bonds. 105. How much would you be willing to NOTHING ................. 1 see your yearly property taxes $5.00 ................... 2 increase to fund the construction $10-00 .................. 3 of a Community Gathering Place? $15.00 .................. 4 Let's say, would you be willing to $20.00 .................. 5 see your yearly property taxes $25.00 .................. 6 increased by $_? (CHOOSE RANDOM $30.00 .................. 7 STARTING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DON'T KNOW .............. 8 DEPENDING ON ANSWER) How about REFUSED ................. 9 $_ per year? Due to an increasing interest in the arts and demand for addi- tional space, a group of area arts organizations has proposed the construction of a Municipal Auditorium and Performing Arts Cen- ter. The facility would house the city's theater group, chorus, orchestra, and local dance groups, as well as, provide space on a rental basis to other organizations. 106. Would you support or oppose the STRONG SUPPORT .......... 1 construction of a Municipal Audit- SUPPORT ................. 2 orium and Performing Arts Center? OPPOSE .................. 3 (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel STRONG OPPOSE ........... 4 strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 13 107. Should the City actively pursue ACTIVELY PURSUE ......... 1 the construction of this facility LONG RANGE .............. 2 at the present time, consider it NOT PURSUE .............. 3 to be a desirable long range goal, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 or not pursue it at all? To fund the construction and operation of a Municipal Auditorium and Performing Arts Center, a property tax increase might be necessary. Residents could be asked to increase their property taxes for twenty years to cover the cost of bonds. 108. How much would you be willing to NOTHING ................. 1 see your yearly property taxes in- $5-00 ................... 2 crease to fund the construction of $10-00 .................. 3 a Municipal Auditorium and Per- $15.00 .................. 4 forming Arts Center? Let's say, $20.00 .................. 5 would you be willing to see your $25.00 .................. 6 yearly property taxes increased by $30.00 .................. 7 $ ? (CHOOSE RANDOM STARTING DON'T KNOW .............. 8 POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING REFUSED ................. 9 ON ANSWER) How about $ per year? Moving on.... 109. Would you favor or oppose the City STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 of Woodbury developing a city- FAVOR ................... 2 owned and operated cemetery in the OPPOSE .................. 3 community? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 you feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 On a different topic.... 110. What is your primary source of information about community events going on in Woodbury? 111. What is your primary source of information about City government and its activities? 112. What is your primary source of information about Woodbury recreation programs and facilities? The City publishes a monthly newsletter, "The Woodbury Report," sent to each home. 113. Do you receive the newsletter? YES ..................... 1)( NO...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 14 AZF "YES," ASK: 114. How much of the newsletter do ALL OF IT you usually read -- all of MOST OF ...... * ........ IT 1 it, Most Of it, some of it, SOME OF .... ........ IT....'* * 2 3 not too much of it, or none NOT TOO MUCH.. ....... 4 - of it? NONE OF IT.... DON'T KNOW/REF��E*D ...... 5 6 115. How would you evaluate its format -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 116. How would you evaluate its content -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXCELLENT ............... 1 GOOD.................... 2 ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR.................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 EXCELLENT ............... 1 GOOD .................... 2 ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR.................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 117. Do you have suggestions for any additional topics you would like to see covered in "The Woodbury Report?" 118. Does your household receive cable television? F "YES," ASK: YES..................... 1)C NO...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 119. How often do you watch Wood- FREQUENTLY .............. 1 bury City Council Meetings on OCCASIONALLY ............ 2 the access channel -- fre- RARELY .................. 3 quently, occasionally, NOT AT ALL .............. 4 rarely, or not at all? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 120. 121. How often do you watch Wood- bury Planning Commission Meetings on the access chan- nel -- frequently, occasion- ally, rarely, or not at all? How often do you watch Wood- bury Parks Commission Meet- ings on the access channel -- frequently, occasionally, rarely, or not at all? FREQUENTLY .............. 1 OCCASIONALLY ............ 2 RARELY .................. 3 NOT AT ALL ---------- A DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 FREQUENTLY .............. 1 OCCASIONALLY ............ 2 RARELY .................. 3 NOT AT ALL ............... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 "Inside City Hall" is a locally produced news program cover- ing all South Washington County cities. is 122. How often do you watch "In- FREQUENTLY .... ........ 1 side City Hall" on the ac- OCCASIONALLY—— ........ 2 cess channel -- frequently, RARELY ........ ** 3 occasionally, rarely, or not NOT AT ALL .... ** ........ 4 at all? DON'T KNOW/REi�J�ED ...... 5 "Woodbury Council Reports" is a locally produced news pro- gram providing background information on all Woodbury City Council Meetings. 123. How often do you watch "Wood- FREQUENTLY .............. 1 bury Council Reports" on the OCCASIONALLY ............ 2 access channel -- frequently, RARELY .................. 3 occasionally, rarely, or not NOT AT ALL .............. 4 at all? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 During the past year, the City of Woodbury has provided all households with a copy of the "Woodbury Resident Guide." The guide contains information about city government and city servic- es. 124. Do you recall receiving a copy of YES ..................... 1)( the "Woodbury Resident Guide?" NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 L AiF "YES" IN QUESTION #124, ASK: 125. How helpful was the "Guide" VERY HELPFUL ............ 1 in informing you about City SOMEWHAT HELPFUL ........ 2 government and its services NOT TOO HELPFUL ......... 3 very helpful, somewhat NOT AT ALL HELPFUL ...... 4 helpful, not too helpful, or DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 not at all helpful? 126. Do you keep the "Guide" as YES ............. as a reference material? NO ...................... 2 UNSURE .................. 3 127. How would you rate the City's EXCELLENT ............... 1 overall performance in communicat- GOOD .................... 2 ing key local issues to residents ONLY FAIR ............... 3 in its publications and on cable POOR .................... 4 television -- excellent, good, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 only fair, or poor? 128. Do you subscribe to either the STAR -TRIBUNE ............ 1 daily Star -Tribune or the Saint SAINT PAUL PRESS ........ 2 Paul Pioneer Press/Dispatch, or BOTH .................... 3 do you take both? NEITHER ................. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 1 would like to read you a short list of local newspapers. For each one, please tell me if you or any members of your household regularly read it. 16 YES NO DK 129. "The Washington County Bulletin" or "The Woodbury Bulletin?" 1 2 3 130. "The Woodbury News?" 1 2 3 131. "The Woodbury -South Maplewood Review?" 1 2 3 Moving on.... 132. Prior to this survey, were you YES ..................... 1 aware that "The Woodbury Bulletin" No ......... ** ........... 2 is the City's legal newspaper of DON -T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 record? "The Woodbury Bulletin" is distributed free to city residents, if they request that it be delivered. 133. Prior to this survey, were you YES ..................... 1 aware that "The Woodbury Bulletin" NO ...................... 2 was distributed for free but had DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 to be requested by a household? 134. In the past, have you or any YES ..................... 1 member of this household attended NO a city -sponsored meeting in your ...................... 2)( DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 neighborhood about a local issue? "NO, " ASK: 135. Could you tell me one or two reasons why you have not attended past meetings in your neighborhood? A 136. If you could choose the best way for you to receive informa- tion about City government and the issues facing the commu- nity, what would it be? 137. Is there one change or improvement that the City of Woodbury could make to facilitate your communications with City Council or Staff, if the need arose? ASK ONLY IN "SOUTH WASHINGTON COUNTY" SCHOOL DISTRICT: cj4e-e.1-( Li$7' Under current law, the State of Minnesota will match one-half of the cost of a three million dollar operating levy for Independent School District 833 if voters approve the other half. In other words, for every dollar approved by voters the state will also 17 contribute one dollar. If the operating levy were approved, owners of a $100,000 house would see their yearly property taxes increase by $70.00. 138. If the School District were to STRONG FAVOR ............ 1 propose this operating levy, would FAVOR ................... 2 you favor or oppose it? (WAIT FOR OPPOSE .................. 3 RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly STRONG OPPOSE ........... 4 that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 I -AA JUZ%L. a 4w more questions for demographic purposes .... Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household. Let's start with the oldest. Be sure to include yourself. 139. First, persons 65 or over? 140. Adults under 65? 141. School -aged or pre-school children? 142. Is this a single adult -headed household? YES...................... 1 NO...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 143. How many adult members of this household hold full-time jobs outside of the home? 144. What is your occupation and, if applicable, the occupation of your spouse or partner? M: F: If you work outside of the home, please answer the next questions about your own job; if you do not work outside of the home, please answer the next questions in terms of the job of your spouse or partner, if applicable. 145. What is your average commute time to your job location? 146. In what city is your job located? 147. How many members of this house- NONE .................... 1 hold, if any, work for the 3M ONE ..................... 2 Company? TWO ..................... 3 THREE OR MORE ........... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 18 19 148. Do you own or rent your present OWN ..................... 1 residence? RENT .................... REFUSED ................. 2 3 149. What is your age, please? 18-24 (READ CATEGORIES, IF NEEDED) ................... 25-34 I ................... 2 35-44 ................... 3 45-54 ................... 4 55-64 ................... 5 65 AND OVER ............. 6 REFUSED ................. 7 150. What is the last grade of school LESS THAN HIGH SCHO0L...1 you completed? HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE .... 2 VO -TECH SCHOOL .......... 3 SOME COLLEGE ............ 4 COLLEGE GRADUATE ........ 5 POST -GRADUATE ........... 6 REFUSED ................. 7 And now, for one final question, keeping in mind that your answers are held strictly confidential.... 151. Could you tell me your approximate UNDER $12,500 .......... 01 pre-tax yearly household income. $12,500-$25,000 ........ 02 Does the income lie.... $25,001-$37,500 ........ 03 $37,501-$50,000 ........ 04 $50,001-$62,500 ........ 05 $62,501-$75,000 ........ 06 $75,001-$87,500 ........ 07 $87,501-$100,000 ....... 08 OVER $100,000 .......... 09 DON'T KNOW ............. 10 REFUSED ................ 11 152. Gender (DO NOT ASK) MALE .................... 1 FEMALE .................. 2 Thank you very much for your time. 153. REGION OF CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER INTERVIEWER DATE 19